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S06.E08: Point and Shoot

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The anticipation is not unlike the mania surrounding the "Who shot JR?" phenomenon over 40 years ago. At least to my recollection.

I did not watch that show. But one could not escape the tabloids at the supermarket checkouts and the few cheesy promos for programs similar to Entertainment Tonight.

Upon a rewatch of BCS S 1&2, I noticed the impact Marco's death had on Jimmy's resolution to drift toward a Saul-like path. I did not pick up on that before.

I have yet to find a similar jolt to Kim's deviation from the straight and narrow. I'm sure it is there, somewhere.

Anyhow, I hope we have a real good worth-the-wait experience this evening.

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Well, the Bothan spies were dead-on accurate about the episode plot.  Damn good episode to watch, even knowing what was going to happen.   

9 minutes ago, maystone said:

That was worth the wait. Not one iota of disappointment for me. Dear God, will someone please give Rhea her richly deserved Emmy?

So true.  I was mesmerized.  

1 minute ago, Sharper2002 said:

Kim, you’ve got some serious soul searching to do. Going from a well respected lawyer to driving to kill a drug lord on the orders of another. How the mighty have fallen.  

Not only driving there, but actually pulling out the gun when the door opened.  

10 minutes ago, dwmarch said:

So that's how that fucking fly got in there!

Except we don't know if the fly comes from Howard or from Lalo.  (Too soon?)

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Little surprised they wrapped up the Lalo story with five episodes still to go, but I think we all knew that of course he was going to end up buried in the superlab he was so hellbent on finding. I don't have to love Howard sharing his final resting place with his killer to appreciate the symmetry of it as the two halves of the Jimmy to Saul story laid to rest side by side. It's fascinating to contemplate this episode and what Jimmy's been told about Nacho and Lalo and still be naming them several years later as if he thinks they both might still be around somewhere when he makes his Breaking Bad entrance.

If this doesn't make Kim take a hard look at some of her life choices nothing will.

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I'm glad that at least Mike offered Howard some respectful regret, little as it was.

I don't like Lalo, but I like to watch him. So deliciously evil. I might almost miss him.

I can see how in BB, Saul might still think Lalo is alive. Despite Mike's firm "he's not coming back", it's still not absolute confirmation that Lalo is dead. After all, Jimmy's been lied to about Lalo's death before, and by someone who he really trusted (though it was by omission).

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Wow Gus Fring vs Lalo the final confrontation did not disappoint.  I mean with only 5 (it is 5 right?) episodes left the show really couldn't keep the rivalry going much longer so ending it now like they did with everyone coming together really worked.  I loved the scene where Gus really got his anger out and how he planned his revenge (I watched BB but I haven't rewatched in years - did he do what he set out to do and get his revenge the way he wanted to?  I remember how he dies....)  anyhoo great scene...

Also great is how he cares about Los Pollos Hermanos enough to provide an alibi for his absence.  I thought that entire exchange with his employee was kinda funny but it also fits with his character.  The restaurant has always been so much more then a front to him.

Poor Howard. His reputation ruined. Murdered by a psychopath. And not even a body for his friends and family to bury.

Rhea Seehorn acted her ass off throughout  the scenes with mike where he was questioning her and then later when he was telling her and Jimmy what to do was great and kinda sad.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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19 minutes ago, PeterPirate said:

Well, the Bothan spies were dead-on accurate about the episode plot. 

Are you referring to a spoiler? I don't know who/what the Bothan spies are.

4 minutes ago, nodorothyparker said:

Little surprised they wrapped up the Lalo story with five episodes still to go, but I think we all knew that of course he was going to end up buried in the superlab he was so hellbent on finding.

Yeah, at first I was surprised this ended right away, but like you said, it was actually no surprise since the earlier eps set it up clearly. So it's a good thing that's out of the way.


 It's fascinating to contemplate this episode and what Jimmy's been told about Nacho and Lalo and still be naming them several years later as if he thinks they both might still be around somewhere when makes his Breaking Bad entrance.

When Jimmy was frantically telling Lalo he didn't know anything about what Nacho did, was Jimmy saying just about the exact same words as he did to Walt and Jesse in BB?

Anyway..... *big sigh*. That was intense. And good. 

I have to admit I didn't doubt that Lalo wanted Jimmy (and then Kim) to kill Gus. But then as Kim walked toward the house, I thought, Well duh, there's no way Gus is going to open the door to a stranger, or even open the door at all, and Lalo of course knew that. So it took me longer than it should have to figure out Lalo's plan.

When Tyrus (I believe) removed the covering from the bodies, and we see Howard and Lalo laying side by side, I felt awful because we knew they would end up together in the same grave for all eternity. 

However, Lalo had a satisfying death. It was good to see him choking on his own blood.

Kim saying, "This never happened," reminded me of Mad Men and Don's speech to Peggy.

I'm curious how Jimmy and Kim will each handle the aftermath.

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13 minutes ago, nodorothyparker said:

Little surprised they wrapped up the Lalo story with five episodes still to go, but I think we all knew that of course he was going to end up buried in the superlab he was so hellbent on finding. I don't have to love Howard sharing his final resting place with his killer to appreciate the symmetry of it as the two halves of the Jimmy to Saul story laid to rest side by side. It's fascinating to contemplate this episode and what Jimmy's been told about Nacho and Lalo and still be naming them several years later as if he thinks they both might still be around somewhere when makes his Breaking Bad entrance.

If this doesn't make Kim take a hard look at some of her life choices nothing will.

I thought it was early for Lalo to leave us, too, until I saw Kim's face when Mike was talking to her and Jimmy. She does have a conscience and a soul, and this night is going to tear them both apart. Or she hardens inside til there's not much human left in there. I think the Jimmy & Kim show is heading toward a reckoning. I can see Jimmy trying to shake it all off and Kim probably not being able to move on in the same way he can.

I thought that, too, when Mike told them Lalo was not coming back. Lalo haunts him. He's Jimmy's night terror.

I hate to see this show end, but I also can't wait to see where it goes from tonight.

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1 hour ago, Constantinople said:

Jimmy makes a good point, but he's still the worst husband ever

I was thinking she would make a break for it, or that perhaps he thought she would, but of the two of them, I'd put her down as more of the cold-blooded killer.   This one kept me guessing, other than Chekov's gun in the lab.  It was kind of poetic (if unrealistic - they can't dissolve a body in acid in an industrial laundromat?) that Lalo and Howard ended up in the same grave.

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14 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

Wow Gus Fring vs Lalo the final confrontation did not disappoint.  I mean with only 5 (it is 5 right?) episodes left the really couldn't keep the rivalry going much longer so ending it now like they did with everyone coming together really worked.  I loved the scene where Gus really got his anger out and how he planned his revenge (I watched BB but I haven't rewatched in years - did he do what he set out to do and get his revenge the way he wanted to.  I remember how he dies....)  anyhoo great scene...

Well, he said he wanted to bury them all, then Hector last so Hector could see it all first. And Hector did go last but not exactly according to plan.

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48 minutes ago, nodorothyparker said:

Little surprised they wrapped up the Lalo story with five episodes still to go, but I think we all knew that of course he was going to end up buried in the superlab he was so hellbent on finding. I don't have to love Howard sharing his final resting place with his killer to appreciate the symmetry of it as the two halves of the Jimmy to Saul story laid to rest side by side. It's fascinating to contemplate this episode and what Jimmy's been told about Nacho and Lalo and still be naming them several years later as if he thinks they both might still be around somewhere when makes his Breaking Bad entrance.

I was surprised too--but it's exactly the type of surprise I expect in this universe. There's more interesting things to deal with in the last 5 eps than Lalo the physical threat. I do love him and Howard winding up together and sort of making cameo appearances in BB, even if we can't see them. 

I wasn't sure at first if Jimmy was throwing Kim under the bus and was happy when she confirmed that he was trying to save her, not hiding behind her. And I loved how that led to Gus's reaction to Lalo being talked out of something.

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28 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

Are you referring to a spoiler? I don't know who/what the Bothan spies are.

Yeah, at first I was surprised this ended right away, but like you said, it was actually no surprise since the earlier eps set it up clearly. So it's a good thing that's out of the way.

When Jimmy was frantically telling Lalo he didn't know anything about what Nacho did, was Jimmy saying just about the exact same words as he did to Walt and Jesse ?

I'm curious how Jimmy and Kim will each handle the aftermath.

I thought the same thing about what Saul said. It sounded very very similar.

We know how Jimmy ultimately handles the aftermath. Kim is the big question mark. 

Man, Howard. What an ignominious end. That was some serious Ying yang going on with the two of them in the grave. 

And can I just say the casting department needs an Emmy nod solely for casting Tony Dalton. The charm he was able to imbue into a psychopath was stellar. I found it rather apropos that he died with his signature smile on his face. 

Again, we called that Lalo would end up in the superlab, and we called that they would make Howard's death look like a suicide but did any of us guess they'd bury them together? That's the next level writing that earns the Gilligan/Gould team their well-deserved credit. So simple, so effective, so haunting, and something we wouldn't put together, but they do so seamlessly and it just makes sense. 

Can't wait to see what next week brings us!! 

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1 hour ago, PeterPirate said:

Well, the Bothan spies were dead-on accurate about the episode plot.  Damn good episode to watch, even knowing what was going to happen.  

I knew the spoilers were real when someone described the opening scene, with Howard's shoes ending up on some beach. It's something a hoaxster never would've thought to include, but it's a perfect callback to the imagery in the season 3 episode "Sunk Costs," in which Jimmy and Kim are symbolized by the pair of sneakers hanging over the Mexican highway after Mike has used them to frame the Salanmancas' smuggler. They're just hanging together indefinitely, emptied of purpose, just waiting to fall apart.

The suggestion in this episode's opener, I think, in which one shoe is bobbing in the waves and one is lying up on the sand, is that their fatal encounter with Lalo is what's going to convince them that the sunk costs aren't enough, and finally unravel their relationship.

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44 minutes ago, Starchild said:

Kim is so good at suppressing her guilt she will probably shock Jimmy with how easily getting on with life will seem to come to her.

I agree Kim will suppress her guilt.  I'm glad she understood Jimmy sent her out to protect her.  I think they're made for each other and I hope they stick together until the end of the show.  Maybe even past that.  "Gene and Giselle" has a nice ring to it.  

52 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

Are you referring to a spoiler? I don't know who/what the Bothan spies are.  

I was referring to videos that described plot as revealed at the Tribeca Festival a few weeks back.  "Bothan spies" is an obscure Star Wars reference.   

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I loved Gus checking in on the restaurant at the end. And we just know the place is in good hands with Lyle running the place in Gus' absence because Gus is actually a good boss (so long as you don't get on his bad side).

I'm not sure if it was brave or convenient that Gus ended up getting taken on a tour of the superlab. Lalo even acknowledges that he only has so many minutes before backup arrives. But he still does a little video tour of the place and even lets Gus talk some shit for a full minute. I'll allow that Gus is aware of Lalo's character flaws that would make this possible but it was risky.

Kim was fully prepared to shoot a dude in the face which is kinda wow when I think about it.

Having said that, I think that should have clued Gus in to the fact that Lalo was trying to get his guards to move around. Does Gus answer his own front door? Probably not. But Lalo sends someone over who (as far as we know) has never committed murder before expecting success? It's not a good enough plan to work as a diversion and they didn't need ten guys to rescue Jimmy since only one or two could go through his front door at a time anyhow.

I also liked Gus being impressed at Jimmy talking Lalo out of something. And when you are a friend of the cartel you get full service! Howard's car will be found with actual cocaine in it! Nice attention to detail there.

I'd be surprised if we come back to it but if Jimmy and Kim are supposed to report Howard's disappearance themselves, how do they explain his car spending the night? They let him sleep on the couch? He stormed off in a huff and came back for it later then did himself in? And curious timing with the new fridge that required ten military-aged males to move it too...

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Howard's "suicide" should cause Saul and Kim lots of problems, and his car being found several states away would likely bring in the Federal law enforcement. Saul and Kim ought to be under a microscope, along with Howard's activities over his last few days and weeks. I hope the writers just don't hand wave that away. I think we can rule out Kim going to jail for anything; she knows too much for Gus to risk her dropping a dime. 

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8 minutes ago, Bannon said:

Howard's "suicide" should cause Saul and Kim lots of problems, and his car being found several states away would likely bring in the Federal law enforcement. Saul and Kim ought to be under a microscope, along with Howard's activities over his last few days and weeks. I hope the writers just don't hand wave that away. I think we can rule out Kim going to jail for anything; she knows too much for Gus to risk her dropping a dime. 

I don't think it fits their jurisdiction, but could Hank and Gomez investigate Howard's death?

2 hours ago, Sharper2002 said:

Gus has to be wondering what’s the use in paying for his small army at this point. 

Next episode, Gus moves Mike to being assistant manager at Los Pollos Hermanos, and Lyle becomes the security boss.

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12 minutes ago, Bannon said:

Howard's "suicide" should cause Saul and Kim lots of problems, and his car being found several states away would likely bring in the Federal law enforcement. Saul and Kim ought to be under a microscope, along with Howard's activities over his last few days and weeks. I hope the writers just don't hand wave that away. I think we can rule out Kim going to jail for anything; she knows too much for Gus to risk her dropping a dime. 

For instance, if Howard's credit cards are used to buy gas on the way to California, or wherever, security camera footage is going to be sought. If cash was used, the law enforcement is still going to try to find out where the Jag was refueled. Howard's just too big a deal to have him disappear without a massive investigation, that would turn Saul and Kim's life upside down.

4 minutes ago, OutOfTheQuestion said:

I don't think it fits their jurisdiction, but could Hank and Gomez investigate Howard's death?

Next episode, Gus moves Mike to being assistant manager at Los Pollos Hermanos, and Lyle becomes the security boss.

I wouldn't think so.

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3 minutes ago, Bannon said:

For instance, if Howard's credit cards are used to buy gas on the way to California, or wherever, security camera footage is going to be sought. If cash was used, the law enforcement is still going to try to find out where the Jag was refueled. Howard's just too big a deal to have him disappear without a massive investigation, that would turn Saul and Kim's life upside down.

I wouldn't think so.

Howards too big for the police not to take the easy way out. He's shown signs of being unstable. He lost a lot of money for his company. The last people who saw him say that he was acting incoherent. 

Howard bought a bunch of coke and started driving and driving. He filled up his car in a self service gas station with a broke camera in the middle of nowhere. He drove and drove and a couple of days later he finally reached the sea. He got out of the car. Took off his ring. Took off his shoes before he got in the water and then just swam out to see. They didn't find Howards body but they found his, his wedding ring, his wallet, his shoes and cocaine residue. They'll just wait for the body to wash up on shore. 

Open and shut case. The police usually don't spend a lot of money or time investigating an obvious suicide no matter how rich the person is. 

2 minutes ago, Bannon said:

One possible path is that Gus decides Kim knows too much, and has to go, and for Mike that's a bridge too far, and he introduces her to the wonderful world of vacuum repair, while telling Gus that her body has been disposed of.

Or Gus thinks she's useful and she's sucked into his world. 

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1 minute ago, scenario said:

Howards too big for the police not to take the easy way out. He's shown signs of being unstable. He lost a lot of money for his company. The last people who saw him say that he was acting incoherent. 

Howard bought a bunch of coke and started driving and driving. He filled up his car in a self service gas station with a broke camera in the middle of nowhere. He drove and drove and a couple of days later he finally reached the sea. He got out of the car. Took off his ring. Took off his shoes before he got in the water and then just swam out to see. They didn't find Howards body but they found his, his wedding ring, his wallet, his shoes and cocaine residue. They'll just wait for the body to wash up on shore. 

Open and shut case. The police usually don't spend a lot of money or time investigating an obvious suicide no matter how rich the person is. 

We'll have to agree to disagree. Prominent people do not simply disappear in open and shut cases, even with heavy suggestions of cocaine abuse, and shoes and car found at the beach. Resources are expended, and lives are reconstructed.

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17 minutes ago, Penman61 said:

I’d appreciate anyone walking me through just how Gus was sure enough he and Lalo would end up in an underground lab face-off that he planted a gun and marked the steps from power shut-off to planted gun.

I think Gus knew that Lalo couldn’t just outright kill him without proof. He’d already deduced Lalo went to Germany when he had the freak out in the Pollos parking lot. So he knew Lalo was going to dig around Werner’s boys to try and dig up information. That’s when he asked the guys to bring him to the lab a couple of eps ago and he planted the gun and counted his steps.

He always knew Lalo would force a showdown at the lab, he just didn’t know how. I think when Kim mentioned Jimmy talked Lalo out of sending him, he realized Lalo’s plan was coming to fruition and it was time for the showdown. I think deep down he figured it would come to that to justify his death to Eladio, even if Mike and crew didn’t quite believe him. 

Edited by Sharper2002
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1 hour ago, dwmarch said:

I'd be surprised if we come back to it but if Jimmy and Kim are supposed to report Howard's disappearance themselves, how do they explain his car spending the night? They let him sleep on the couch? He stormed off in a huff and came back for it later then did himself in? And curious timing with the new fridge that required ten military-aged males to move it too...

They're only reporting that he was at their apartment once they are told of his suicide.  Then they'll go to the police and let them know he came by and was incoherent.  They don't know what happened to him after.

They set up their drug addiction story rather well that this suicide will just back them up.  Plus, both are going to be where they're supposed to be--the courthouse and the office.  There's certainly not enough time for them to kill Howard and then drive his car across multiple states.

Now I do wonder if his body eventually gets discovered if they decide to raze the laundromat.

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3 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

They set up their drug addiction story rather well that this suicide will just back them up.

But it's also only a story, and one that isn't completely airtight.  The shady PI who was a double agent....if he sees on the news that Howard is dead, he might freak out over suddenly being involved in something way more serious than a scam.  The detail that sticks in my mind is Kim blowing off that meeting with the governor, which would've gotten back to Cliff since he set that meeting up in the first place.  Even if Cliff didn't believe Howard's story about being set up, Kim doing something out of character on the same day as Howard's meltdown might set off Cliff's spidey-sense.

I think the show expects us to just buy that Mike and his guys are competent enough to clean and cover the whole situation up, and that'll pretty much be that in regards to the mystery of Howard's demise.  It's a bit of a narrative cheat, but there's still a lot more to cover in the last few episodes, and Howard's only remaining role is how his death will emotionally impact Kim and Jimmy.

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1 hour ago, OutOfTheQuestion said:

But it's also only a story, and one that isn't completely airtight.  The shady PI who was a double agent....if he sees on the news that Howard is dead, he might freak out over suddenly being involved in something way more serious than a scam.  The detail that sticks in my mind is Kim blowing off that meeting with the governor, which would've gotten back to Cliff since he set that meeting up in the first place.  Even if Cliff didn't believe Howard's story about being set up, Kim doing something out of character on the same day as Howard's meltdown might set off Cliff's spidey-sense.

I think the show expects us to just buy that Mike and his guys are competent enough to clean and cover the whole situation up, and that'll pretty much be that in regards to the mystery of Howard's demise.  It's a bit of a narrative cheat, but there's still a lot more to cover in the last few episodes, and Howard's only remaining role is how his death will emotionally impact Kim and Jimmy.

Yeah, the idea that Saul and Kim's lives wouldn't be examined under a microscope  is just too much handwaving for me. That's just not how the world works. Howard's disappearance closely resembles the real life disappearance/apparent suicide  of a prominent attorney....


....who was eventually declared dead after 7 years. These are not open and shut cases. Howard's wife may not have wanted to be married to him any longer, but him disappearing without a body is going to upend her life . She's not a stupid woman. Cliff saw the phony evidence of drug use, but he's not stupid, either. Prominent people supposedly driving across several states to drown themselves in the ocean is by itself weird enough to spur a vigorous attempt to recreate their final days and weeks.

There's no need to handwave away the real life implications of a disappearance like Howard's; the close examination of Saul and Kim's life by law enforcement adds to the conflict, both internal and external, and can help drive the story to it's outcome, even in 5 remaining episodes. I know many here disagree, but I hope the writers don't do that.

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Was Lalo the only human to die in the showdown at the OK Meth Corral?

I just can't buy that Gus would allow Kim to live for a heckuva lot longer.  He is too careful - as we saw with the gun placement and with the phone call to Lyle creating an alibi for his absence.  If needed, he'd kill some poor soul and pass him off as family if need be to affirm the alibi.  Homey don't play.

Not sure why Gus would just take what Mike gave him in the aftermath.  Mike screwed up.  Royally.

There is this appropriate symmetry with Lalo and Walt's death:  Each died at a fantastic super lab.   

After all the teaser promos with Gene, I was disappointed there was not even a second of reference to him in the ep.  Not sure how G/G would do that, but they are smaht. 

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