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Season 24 Live Feeds Discussion

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3 hours ago, Jobiska said:

Aw, I'm sure feminist Monte would be fine with Taylor keeping her maiden name!  (if he took hers, as some people I know have as he sure wouldn't, he's be Monte Hale, which sounds like Monty Hall!  Let's Make a Deal!  ;-) )

Try saying Taylor Hale Taylor three times fast. And if her gift registry doesn’t have some rubber baby buggy bumpers on it, I’m not going to the baby shower.

12 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

These are bands I doubt anyone in the BB house has even heard of.

I bet Turner would. They were playing a game of name the musical artists the other night, and his list was pretty broad and deep. I won’t even mention Alyssa’s ignorance of the Beatles (collectively and individually), though. Really, I won’t.

9 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

You just named my favorite Duran Duran song, and probably the Depeche Mode song I love not because I have this little kid kinship with it (though "Enjoy The Silence" definitely holds up). Sexy is the perfect word for it. 

I’m gonna make a wild guess that Monte’s favorite is “Union of the Snake”. 

“Come Undone” is the one that makes me swoon.

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Alyssa told Brittany let me help you. Uh Alyssa what comps have you won? That is the only way you can help Brittany.

Just now, Lucas Rowan said:

It's one thing to tell her that.  Which result does Brittany want?  Monte wants Taylor to stay and Alyssa to go, so even if Turner does want Alyssa to stay, Brittany doesn't, so what Turner wants is moot, since Monte will just break the tie.

Alyssa thought Turner was keeping her. It will result in some fun drama and tension between Monte/Turner.

I have no idea what Brittany wants she just like to stirs things up. 

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5 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

It's interesting, though, because wouldn't Alyssa already know that by virtue of Turner telling her she's going home? 

Yes, but B is telling A not to rollover and die. She’s asking her to fight till the end. B now appears to want to take A to the end and thinks she has a better chance against her than against a MTT alliance. Turner already wanted to save Alyssa but has just been doing Monte’s bidding, but they can flip that and both vote out Taylor. 

Edited by dizzyd
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1 hour ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

It's totally normal to feel this old as one makes the swift march to 40, right?

53 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

I'm two years away from that, myself, and it's depressing how old I feel knowing that these houseguests don't know about these things.

Oh, you kids.  🤣🤣🤣

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Ok y’all, I’m going to watch the Bachelorette for the next 2h because there’ll be more tears shed there than in the BB house but apparently the BB house has got the fantasy suites beat on the amount of sex had. And apparently in my old age 😉, I have lost the ability to multitask with precision as evidenced by this last Thursday on the Bachelorette thread. 

   ON 9/8/2022 AT 10:39 PM,  DIZZYD SAID: 

Wow, are they going to back door michael? Nows their chance!

   ON 9/9/2022 AT 1:23 AM,  MELONIE77 SAID: 

What do you mean and who is Michael?😊

   ON 9/9/2022 AT 6:45 AM,  NLKM9 SAID: 

Are you talking about michael from katies season? Rumors are bachelor was offered to a few who turned it down. I cant say i blame them.

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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

“Come Undone” is the one that makes me swoon.

That's my third favorite, after "Save a Prayer" and "New Moon on Monday." But it's a tight race.

1 hour ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

It's totally normal to feel this old as one makes the swift march to 40, right?

The worst part is when people over a decade younger than you start complaining about how old they feel, LOL.

41 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Oh, you kids.  🤣🤣🤣

...get off our lawn.

1 hour ago, Lucas Rowan said:

Alyssa makes me sad.  She said that she believed in Santa Claus till she was fifteen years old.

That is right on par with the ridiculousness of Monica from Friends not being able to tell time till she was thirteen.

The good news for Alyssa: Brittany from Glee has her beat.

The bad news: Brittany was a fictional character on a show with chronically problematic writing.

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4 minutes ago, Thalia said:

Brittany is angry (in a depressed/passive sort of way) that everyone stays up all night partying without her and then they sleep all day "in violation of BB rules."   She then said she was going to "sit back, keep to myself, let people come to me."  

If she's that upset, she can always self-evict and take herself to jury on Thursday night.  

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6 minutes ago, Thalia said:

Brittany is angry (in a depressed/passive sort of way) that everyone stays up all night partying without her and then they sleep all day "in violation of BB rules."   She then said she was going to "sit back, keep to myself, let people come to me."  

Ha! I’ll believe it when I see it.

Dear Brittany:


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Oh for fuck’s sake.   Brittany, do you have to ruin everything? Overthinking as always, keeping Alyssa does nothing for her. But at least we have intrigue these last few days besides wondering if Monte/Taylor end up doing the thing. I don’t think it would take much to turn Turner, although telling him you won’t be his friend anymore is not the way to start, dumbass.

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So, Brittany is trying to get Taylor out because of a combination of being pissed at Monte (who really DID screw up by treating Brittany like trash this week), thinking Taylor turned on her (which she hasn't) and Alyssa being in the right place at the right time (as Taylor forgets that Brittany's a paranoid mess who needs constant supervision and validation).

I don't think it'll work because Turner, of all people, probably won't vote Taylor out now, and if Taylor fosters the relationship with Brittany again, she should flip back. But it IS entertaining to see it play out.

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5 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I've always felt that if I were born about 10 years earlier, I would have been all about Duran Duran as they were happening. Alas, I can only enjoy them (a lot) now as someone who was but a wee little lass when their major songs came out.

Same with Depeche Mode. In fact, when "Enjoy The Silence" came out, I was around 8 and had no idea what I was listening to, but knew I loved it. Fast forward however many years later and I heard the song again and had a moment. I still love the shit out of that song, and Depeche Mode.

These are bands I doubt anyone in the BB house has even heard of.

I watch this show and those lines from **Blasphemous Rumors** pops into my head:  "I don't want to start any blasphemous rumors/but I think that God's got a sick sense of humor".

Brittany must be driving everyone else to the brink of insanity.

Edited by mertensia
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2 hours ago, Thalia said:

Eeyore Brittany is angry (in a depressed/passive sort of way) that everyone stays up all night partying without her and then they sleep all day "in violation of BB rules."   She then said she was going to "sit back, keep to myself, let people come to me."  

Brittany is that girl in school who tattled to Teacher when the other kids were being too rowdy. Pouting and isolation? The pillars to BB success. Michael must have left his handbook behind for her to study.

I don’t know what’s up with this site— earlier the page wouldn’t load, now it won’t let me leave reactions to anything. Everyone please know I loved all your posts from this evening. Except the ones about Monte’s ability to start/ finish. Those need to stop immediately.

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This thread's taken such a turn for the '80s...

The longer Brittany stays in, the more I feel like I'm watching the butter slide off Sam's noodle again. Which is good for keeping the game in flux even at this late date, but I'm starting to wonder if—like Sam—she'll choose to disappear from the face of the planet and never speak to anyone once the show's over. She has that kind of vibe.

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Alyssa to Turner: I apologize for my freak out earlier. I’m sorry I ever doubted you.
Turner: That’s ok. Did you talk to Brittany? 
Alyssa: Yes. I think I got her.
Turner: What about Monte?
Alyssa: He said he’d consider it.

She’s feeling very optimistic. I don’t think Taylor has any idea things may be shifting.

Meanwhile, Taylor and Monte are making eyes at each other in the HoH room, as they grab food to take back downstairs.
Taylor: Something on your mind?
Monte: We can talk about it later.
Taylor: Talk?

Ugh. Hold out for better, Taylor. Only 2 more weeks, and you will have your pick of non-Montes.

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(Rearranges tousled weave) listened to Personal Jesus last night and, well…..(gives Mr. Yogisbooboo a sultry gaze)

Anywho, I meant to add yesterday that I think Turner is full of shit, as he knows good and damned well he’s going to vote out Taylor.  Pfft, ‘let it slip to Alyssa that she’s being evicted’ my ass!  And the same goes for Brittany, she’s been Alex Forresting herself to Alyssa in the hopes of friendship/taking her to F2/whatever the hell she has planned.

Taylor, I hope you put the shimmiest of shams on Monte the other night, otherwise the others will be listening to the loudest cheers in the history of BB as you leave.

Great, Montay at it again. Attempt #2. Why couldn’t the cams cut off before he said he’s unleashing his caged snake! 

And how are the other 3 still clueless! While Turner may have been voting to other people’s bidding, he may have just been doing that to get himself safely to the end game. He doesn’t need to do it anymore. All 3 of them want Taylor gone this week so why would he save her. 

Edited by dizzyd
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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Turner was willing to go to F3 with a showmance before.

But that was when there were more than 8 people when you’ll say whatever you need to advance. He’s had multiple F3s. Now we’re going to be down to 4 when showmances are 50% of who’s left. He should just plug in some high efficiency ear plugs and take Brittany to the end. He has the best chance against her than any of the other 4. 

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14 hours ago, mertensia said:

I watch this show and those lines from **Blasphemous Rumors** pops into my head:  "I don't want to start any blasphemous rumors/but I think that God's got a sick sense of humor".

3 hours ago, Yogisbooboo64 said:

(Rearranges tousled weave) listened to Personal Jesus last night and, well…..(gives Mr. Yogisbooboo a sultry gaze)

Depeche Mode has been one of my main jams since the’80s, so don’t ask me to pick a favorite; if pushed on it, though, it would probably be a 3-way tie between Personal Jesus / Blasphemous Rumors / Barrel Of A Gun.

13 hours ago, SummerDreams said:

Yeah never kissed. She just masturbated in bed with him.

Hey now, everybody needs a hobby.

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