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Erika lands in hot water with Garcelle over some choice words; Kyle tries to atone for some words of her own; Lisa is amused by Diana's new look; Crystal tries to help Dorit with her ongoing anxieties

Airdate: 07/06/2022

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11 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

Garcelle vs. ErICKa! Can't wait!


Garcelle is coming into her own and the crown may be moving onto her head.  I am hoping that this episode does not let me down.

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I don’t understand. Crystal asked Garcelle if she wanted the birthday party flowers. Garcelle said that she did. Garcelle’s son tried to help Crystal carry the flowers. Erika told him to get the eff out of here? Or was she yelling at Crystal?

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2 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Now someone’s kid gets told to their face to fuck off by a housewife and it’s oh hahaha no big deal 

No big deal, Mo thinks it was great that she did this. 

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I don't get it either. They knew they were being filmed when she and Mauricio were laughing about this.  Did she think the viewing audience would go right along with this? 

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18 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

I don't get it either. They knew they were being filmed when she and Mauricio were laughing about this.  Did she think the viewing audience would go right along with this? 

Well, it worked before when those four had that dinner and were in stitches over Erika's tall tales, why wouldn't it work again? (this is all sarcasm)


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1 hour ago, 65mickey said:

Kyle is a lying bitch. She said "you guys did you miss what she said to Garcelle's son, the 14 year old to go F off?" She even said it was so funny and Mauricio, dad of the year, said I think it was great that she did that.  She was most certainly laughing about it as was Mauricio.  What is wrong with these people? 

I just HOPE that Garcelle gets drunk and cusses Portia out, I bet they'll think it'll be the comedy of the year. 

Of course Garcelle would never do that, and this is where I'd like to see a crossover so we can get Teresa and/or Ramona, they'd do that in a heartbeat.

And Kyle's treatment of Sutton? That's also disgusting and pure trash. At that point I would forget all about Liana Delvy and get all my energy into trying not to punch Vyle. 

We always talk about Kim's addictions and I'm certain Kathy will get her time in Aspen, but seriously, Kyle has major issues as well, she's a mean girl with no backbone and that is also a disease. 

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6 minutes ago, Slakkie said:

My rage at these disgusting pieces of filch is something I literally cannot express - that they are LAUGHING about Erika propositioning a married man (and son of a castmate) then viscously verbally assaulting a 14 year old child then LAUGHING.  I am literally unsure I can watch this show anymore - I just cannot condone this.  And I feel dirty if I watch it.

And I am sorry but Kyle ASSAULTED Sutton - I am completely serious this cannot be condoned - this Fox Force Five bullshit has to stop - this is horrible and literally no longer entertainment

I agree. I don't care if she's drunk or only 5'2". Keep your hands off people. 

Also, is it the worst thing in the world to be sober and reserved? They really prefer this Erika?

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I can't imagine Andy & Co don't know how viewers feel about the FF5.

I'm kind of wondering if the editors are setting them up by making them look extra bad.

I refuse to believe they think the way those women are acting is OK.

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On 7/4/2022 at 10:07 AM, Wicked said:

Sneak peek:   

Watched this one again too, and finally got what Erika was saying:  After Garcelle walks away, Erika whispers to Dormat, "she was pushing it. She was pushing it"

 Was she trying to get Garcelle to come unglued on her and be the 'aggressive black woman' so they could ALL then go after her and attempt to push her off the show? 

 Ugh, all of this is so gross and so upsetting. Garcelle has much more character and restraint than I do, I don't know that I could have been so calm and composed.

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1 hour ago, CallmeCray said:

I’m not sure why I’m shocked these women and the show have devolved to this point, but I am.  I cannot believe Bravo would think anyone would enjoy this.  For the ones who have a life beyond the show, I can’t imagine that any of the CAST would want this disgusting behavior broadcast for all the world to see and reflecting on them professionally.  

This is the lowest low I’ve seen yet.  

What is interesting is they are totally ignoring it other than Kyle trying to say she was laughing at her friend not the situation.  This is what I will never understand Bravo seems absolutely fine with disgusting behavior including going to jail and they do not seem to care.  It is so incredibly apparent the the Fox Force Five (Teddi is still an apologist) are able to run roughshod on anyone for any reason and they stand up for each other.

They literally loathe Garcelle and Sutton and while neither is perfect - they almost rise to sainthood compared to these trolls.  It will be interesting where Crystal ends up in this because I do not believe in any place she would condone treating a child like that.  Kyle did one thing - now Diana has the heat off of her.

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2 hours ago, CallmeCray said:

I’m not sure why I’m shocked these women and the show have devolved to this point, but I am.  I cannot believe Bravo would think anyone would enjoy this.  For the ones who have a life beyond the show, I can’t imagine that any of the CAST would want this disgusting behavior broadcast for all the world to see and reflecting on them professionally.  

This is the lowest low I’ve seen yet.  

Wowza, if this is how the "rich and famous" act, I couldn't be happier in my modest condo, Costco shopping and enjoying true loving family and friends.  So much for this "aspirational lifestyle".  I don't have the backbone to deal with people like that.  Don't want it, either. 

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I watched a longer clip of Erika verbally abusing Jax. She asked him what are you doing here and 3 time said get the F out of here before you get in trouble. I think she was so drunk that she did not rememeber being introduced to Jax. So she is yelling at a black teenager because in her drunk state she thinks he is there to steal flowers??  If this is the case her racism is even more obvious. I don't see how she can possibly come back from this.  She should be finished. Andy are you paying attention???


I didn't have a spoiler and I have no idea why this is there or how to get rid of it.

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