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S01.E04: The Tomb

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So people just roam the desert shooting everybody they come across or were those men part of Harrow's guards, even though Steven and Layla were no where near where Harrow was digging. You think that the men wouldn't have shot up the vehicle, if they were robbers. You would have thought that Steven and Layla would have at least come out of that encounter with some guns and supplies, but no. Anyhoo, that occurring does not make me want to go to Egypt anytime soon.

The camp looting thing annoyed me, it was supposed to be cute, but the whole time they were acting like they were shopping at the local bazaar, instead of sneaking into a camp full of heavily armed guards ready to shoot them on sight. Arguing, just walking straight into all the tents without looking first, shouting, gawking, not paying the least bit of attention, Steven not asking Marc what he should take from the camp to stay alive, etc. 

I still can't figure out Layla's intentions with Marc/Steven, I just can't figure out what she is trying to accomplish by going on this excursion.

I thought the worst things I would have to wave off was a tomb completely buried in sand on the outside, would have all of it's passageways be perfectly fine on the inside and very well lit.

I am not sure why Layla didn't run, I thought the whole point was to buy her enough time to find an exit and escape (I am guessing she had the statue). I guess she likes to watch.

I am not even going to try to comprehend what occurred after Steven met Harrow. I will put that on hold until they explain it to me next episode. It would be been funny, if when Marc and Steven were running down the hallway, each one of those doors held another of their multiple personalities. I thought I saw Mrs. Peter Potamus.

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1 hour ago, AnimeMania said:

I am not even going to try to comprehend what occurred after Steven met Harrow. I will put that on hold until they explain it to me next episode. It would be been funny, if when Marc and Steven were running down the hallway, each one of those doors held another of their multiple personalities. I thought I saw Mrs. Peter Potamus.

I have absolutely no idea what the hell I watched after Marc/Steven got shot, and I have no knowledge about the comics at all, I mean I get what they were aiming for I think. Similar to that whole episode when Buffy was in an insane asylum and they made us think the show was her delusions, but then the end made me think he is in some sort of purgatory and that Hippopotamus God will explain some stuff and send him back and the show continues. Or maybe the ward is like Underground for Jane on Doom Patrol. Who knows, all I know is the ending was a better cliffhanger than last week's one.

That third sacophagus all but confirms the existence of 'Scotty' who really should have jumped out when Harrow approached.

When Layla lit that flair at the start, I couldn't help but shout 'Ian! Freeze!". I clearly have watched Jurassic Park way way too much.

Exploring The Tomb had a lot of vibes from Indiana Jones, The Mummy and even Stargate. And then the reveal that Alexander The Great was the Pharoah gave me major vibes of the stories of Jack West Jr by Matthew Reilly.

I really really enjoyed this episode, creepy stuff and all. Just not sure about the last part of it. Hopefully next week makes me appreciate it more within the story.

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Really, Layla? Bad guys want to unleash a god who'll automatically kill billions when she freed and you can't wait to hash out your daddy issues until after you escape? I would have respected her more if she took out Steven/Marc then dipped with the statuette.

Ugh, anyway...

I was getting serious Legion vibes from the last ten minutes. So. Many. Questions!

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I did some slight reading about the episode and found this to be interesting, all of the people in the psychiatric hospital are people we have seen before on the show, the two police that came to arrest Steven, the lady that was Steven's boss at the Museum Gift Shop, the guy on the street covered in gold paint, etc.

Mrs. Peter Potamus has a first name, Taweret.


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Well, those last ten minutes were something!

Definitely disappointed that Layla went down the obvious "Arthur and his cronies are right behind us, but we're just going stay here and hash all of this out first!" route.  Yeah, yeah, I getting wanting to know the truth; especially if your husband was responsible for your dad's death; but even then, it's probably wise to get to safety first before you dive all into that.  Time and place, Layla!  Time and place!

This episode was giving me some Mummy/Indiana Jones-type vibes with all of the tomb raiding, archeology terminology, and, naturally, human sacrifice and being chased by mysterious creatures.  Just an average day for your atypical archeologist!

Looks like a Steven/Marc/Layla love triangle is finally in effect thanks to one awkward kiss.  I was prepared to say that a love triangle between a woman and two different personalities from the same man might be the oddest romantic relationship in the MCU, but then I remembered Loki/Sylvia...

Seems like a whole bunch of other gods have been entombed as well alongside Khonshu.  I wonder if we'll see any of them at some point.

That other sarcophagus at the end is totally going to be another personality, right?

Going to wait till the next episode to really get a sense of what the hell is going on now.  Obviously, it's going to lead to Steven/Marc not officially dying thanks to Arthur's gunshots, but I'm sure there a lot more going on here that we hopefully find out about next week! 

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47 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I'm trying to figure out what happened after Harrow shot Marc. Those were pretty dead center but, I'm assuming he will survive somehow. 

Seeing Taweret show up was pretty cool, although  I don't know why she's there.

Based on what I quickly googled, I suspect your last comment likely answers your prior one. 


In the Book of the Dead Taweret, the 'Lady of Magical Protection', was seen as a goddess who guided the dead into the afterlife. As with her double nature of protector and guardian, she was also a guard to the mountains of the west where the deceased entered the land of the dead. Many of the deities relating to birth also appear in the underworld to help with the rebirth of the souls into their life after death.

From here.  And since she also seems to be associated with rebirth and rejuvenation in her association with protecting new life and children, that seems to fit.  Plus she seems to be kind of the polar opposite of Ammit, so she'll probably be sympathetic to their goal. 

This ep was wild and I love it! The interplay between Marc and Steven is really fascinating, and I love how we are learning more about Marc as Steven does. I generally detest romantic triangles, but this is definitely not a typical triangle (understatement!!). And I could definitely see this evolving more where Steven becomes Marc's wing man, because I think deep down Steven realizes that Marc needs Layla in a way that he doesn't. And kudos to the acting from all three of them!! 

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1 hour ago, thuganomics85 said:

Seems like a whole bunch of other gods have been entombed as well alongside Khonshu.  I wonder if we'll see any of them at some point.

I was curious if anyone caught who was locked in Stone. I couldn't make any of them out.

20 minutes ago, Wynterwolf said:

Based on what I quickly googled, I suspect your last comment likely answers your prior one. 

Oh that's interesting.  When I googled  her I got fertility goddess and couldn't figure out why she was there.

25 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

When I googled  her I got fertility goddess

Yes! I did too, but like you I didn't think that would be why she'd be there. 

I also like this bit from that article:


Taweret was a household deity, rather than a specific deity of the pharaoh, and she enjoyed huge popularity with the every day Egyptian.

And it says she is sometimes thought to be Osiris' mother, which given his Avatar's role in the trial proceedings, could also be significant. 

And that third sarcophagus has to be



I can't wait!!!   

Edited by Wynterwolf

“I’m sorry, Mr. Great!” Lol

9 hours ago, steelyis said:


Really, Layla? Bad guys want to unleash a god who'll automatically kill billions when she freed and you can't wait to hash out your daddy issues until after you escape? I would have respected her more if she took out Steven/Marc then dipped with the statuette.


Yet another example perpetuating the “women are too emotional to be rational” trope, huh, MCU? Ugh. 🙄

The last five minutes were something else. I had to laugh my ass off at the way Steven and Marc screamed.


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I can understand Steven screaming, but Marc you have been talking to a giant with a floating bird skull for a head for years. Why would a giant hippo be scary. 

I liked the tomb stuff because how much of a dork Steven is. 

I'm glad the is it real part was short and figured out quickly. Although I was was thinking we'd get the 3rd alter this episode. I guess that's for the next one. Is Taweret going to be the one the save Marc and Steve.

A woman loving both personalities of the same man is not as weird as Loki falling for the female variant of himself.

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Okay- so we’re four episodes in, and the only MCU connection is a throwaway reference to Madripor.  Are we in a multiverse here?  I’m enjoying the series either way- but the references feel pretty conspicuous by their absence, given that the MCU public has ready knowledge of super powers and “gods” and such.  Like- if you live in a world with a Thor, and you suddenly have to talk about the Egyptian gods as though they are real, isn’t that the go-to comparison?  Plus, when you consider that Oscar is (as far as we know) only contracted for this series, it would make sense for MK to exist in a separate reality if there’s no guarantee he’s going to continue with the rest of the MCU.  I don’t know- it’s just a possibility that occurred to me after this episode.

That being said, I think this was a cool episode.  I really enjoyed the Mummy/Tomb Raider vibe- and I like that Steven was in control for most of it.  His enthusiasm about the tomb/maze, and the historical significance of it all, was great.  I don’t know enough about Egyptology to know if he was authentically correct about his interpretation of the eye symbol- but I liked how he worked it out.  I’ll have to remember that the next time I have to design a d&d labyrinth.  And Layla was great in the action explorer role.  The fight with the mummy creature was scary and exciting- I loved the added danger of setting it near the ledge of a bottomless(ish) pit.

And as for the last few minutes- I obviously have no idea what to make of it, but I’m curious to see what it all means.

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I wish they hadn't put the asylum stuff in the trailer and the end credit graphics, because I knew this "twist" was coming all season and it would have been better as a surprise.  I'm guessing Marc/Stephen isn't really in an asylum and instead, they're in a delusion or under some kind of spell or something (maybe Ethan Hawke shot him with magic bullets?  I mean, kinda weird that he shot Marc after using his staff on people all season long).  Still excited to see where this goes, though it feels like it needs more than two episodes to come to a satisfying conclusion.  Also, whoever's been doing the music for this is amazing.  I feel that so many movies/tv shows don't have good scores anymore, so the ones that do really stand out.

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On 4/20/2022 at 5:32 AM, AnimeMania said:

So people just roam the desert shooting everybody they come across or were those men part of Harrow's guards, even though Steven and Layla were no where near where Harrow was digging. You think that the men wouldn't have shot up the vehicle, if they were robbers. You would have thought that Steven and Layla would have at least come out of that encounter with some guns and supplies, but no. Anyhoo, that occurring does not make me want to go to Egypt anytime soon.

I assumed (who knows if I am correct) that those guys were from the rich dude's compound - not just random guys.

I did not know about the asylum so I spent a couple of minutes just going WTF.  I am very curious about next week.

I enjoy how much Steven really is just Joe Ordinary in all this. In his regular life, he's the weird guy who "sleepwalks," doesn't turn up when he says he will, and destroys the bathroom for reasons unknown, but on a wild, dangerous expedition, he's a normal guy who doesn't know how to belay, gets winded trying to scramble up a ledge, and would rather hide than fight. There are some Marvel heroes who have more of a "regular guy" persona, like Scott Lang and Shang-Chi, but Steven comes across more like the superhero's buddy who's amazed/freaked out by all the crazy stuff going on. With Khonshu (and thus the suit) currently out of commission, it stood out even more to me in this episode. Steven's way out of his depth, but he's managing to hold his own.

I also love his utter delight and amazement at seeing everything at Ammit's tomb. There was that great little moment where he sighs, "Look at you..." and Layla has this SLIGHT reaction of thinking he's talking to her before realizing he's looking at the statues. And he was so sweet geeking out over the realization that they'd found Alexander the Great's sarcophagus.

Meanwhile, Layla's holding it down on the Indiana Jones front. That scene of her trying to get across that narrow ledge and then fighting that mummy was really well done, so tense! And I like that, for all her capabilities, she's not some unflappable super woman. After she knocked the mummy into the pit and hauled herself back onto the ledge, I love that she had to take a moment to get her breath back and then just screamed.

Ooh, the Marc/Layla/Steven stuff is getting tangled! I laughed out loud when Marc suckerpunched them after Steven kissed Layla. I appreciate that Steven told Layla the real reason Marc had distanced himself from Layla, which Layla saw as an understandable explanation that still didn't excuse it for her. I don't know if Marc can come back from the revelations that came out about Layla's dad, but a lot can happen in two episodes, so who knows?

I too am glad we didn't drag out the "was any of it real?" thing with the asylum very long. I wonder if Steven really is some kind of fictive (an alter derived from a fictional character) or if the stuff with the VHS tape was just part of the whole delusion/purgatory/whatever. Love that Marc and Steven both have a body at the asylum, and yes, the third sarcophagus is definitely Alter #3. I know all signs so far point to a "bad" alter, but whenever we finally meet them, I hope they're revealed to be a troubled person who's done brutal things but who's capable of change with help/therapy.

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I was pretty bored with episodes one and two, not even quite sure how. I think too much action, not enough character. Episodes 3 and 4 have been much more interesting. Especially 4 was really fun and intriguing.

On 4/20/2022 at 11:32 AM, AnimeMania said:

I am not even going to try to comprehend what occurred after Steven met Harrow. I will put that on hold until they explain it to me next episode. It would be been funny, if when Marc and Steven were running down the hallway, each one of those doors held another of their multiple personalities. I thought I saw Mrs. Peter Potamus.

I'm 99% sure that the sarcophagus we saw was holding another personality. How many there are? Who knows?

The godess at the end was Taweret, generally thought of as a diety of protection. So I assume she is the reason Marc and Steven are still alive. The details we'll certainly learn next episode.

21 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

Seems like a whole bunch of other gods have been entombed as well alongside Khonshu.

Kinda weird that only Ammit got entombed with her avatar. The god's meeting hall seems to be perfectly secure for the other gods who are entombed in stone... Presumably the gods would know if somebody were to try and break in there, but not where the worst of the offenders is kept? That's just nonsensical.



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RE: Asylum stuff - if a particular YouTuber's theory is correct, I'mma be pissed. 


That being that everything going on in the show is a delusion of an institutionalized Mark/Steven/Scotty.

I personally don't think Marvel would go there, but I'll be mildly poised for disappointment until the next episode.

Overall, I'm very much enjoying the show. My only complaint is, while I very much enjoy Oscar's performance as both/all personalities, the show is called "Moon Knight," and we really are not seeing very much of MK at all, including this entire episode.

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4 hours ago, Zonk said:

Kinda weird that only Ammit got entombed with her avatar. The god's meeting hall seems to be perfectly secure for the other gods who are entombed in stone... Presumably the gods would know if somebody were to try and break in there, but not where the worst of the offenders is kept? That's just nonsensical.

I'm gonna assume Ammit was the first to be entombed with stone and so got to be buried with her avatar for whatever. But when her location was lost the gods decided 'Hmm better not let that happen again' so they created the Wall of the Entombed. Or alternatively, some Alexander fanatic stole Ammit's stone figure to bury with with Mr. Great.

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46 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I don't think it's been mentioned so now I'm wondering if I'm going crazy. Did Marc punch Steven in the face before they went down into the tomb? I thought that was why Steven fell into the tomb?

Yes, he totally did. LOL. For kissing Layla. For a minute I also thought Marc had taken over their body, but then Steven started geeking out and I knew they hadn’t switched. 

4 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I don't think it's been mentioned so now I'm wondering if I'm going crazy. Did Marc punch Steven in the face before they went down into the tomb? I thought that was why Steven fell into the tomb?

I thought Marc punched Steven but then something was said later (can't remember what) that made me think that perhaps it was the third identity who punched Steven (Marc said something that I took implied he had no idea that Steven was punched). But it was probably Marc.

On 4/20/2022 at 11:01 PM, Spartan Girl said:

“I’m sorry, Mr. Great!” Lol

Yet another example perpetuating the “women are too emotional to be rational” trope, huh, MCU? Ugh. 🙄

The last five minutes were something else. I had to laugh my ass off at the way Steven and Marc screamed.


As irritating as that moment was, I didn't think it's something that's gender-specific - the last time I can recall the MCU doing something similar, it was Peter Quill losing his mind over Gamora's death and ruining the plan to take down Thanos. 

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What a wild episode, I loved this one! Everything in the tomb had such Indiana Jones vibes, with the ancient tombs, archeology talk, and even actual mummies, this is exactly what I wanted from this show. Archeology certainly is a risky profession to get into, between the ancient secrets and the monsters and the curses and the murderous fortune hunters and whatnot. Those mummy things were seriously creepy, and that guy getting gutted, even mostly offscreen, was pretty nasty, especially for the MCU. Steven was so cute exploring the tomb, he was just so excited to be in this ancient tomb, and honestly I was as excited as him when he realized who the person in the sarcophagus had to be. Steven reaching into the mummified corpse of Alexander the Great was so gross, but it was made hilarious with Marc cheering Steven on while Steven kept apologizing to the mummy. "Sorry Mr. The Great!"

I really liked Layla's fight with the mummy creature, and that when she beat it she just laid on the ground for a second and screamed. Yeah making out with your husbands alternate personality and then having to fight an actual mummy is a lot, and this was even before she found out that Marc was there when her dad died. 

Layla ending up in a love triangle with her husband and his alternate personality is right up there with Loki falling in love with an alternate universe female version of himself as the weirdest romance in the MCU.  

Harrow might be as high on the drama at times as you would expect from a cult leader using the magic of an ancient Egyptian god, but I can appreciate the pragmatism of him finally just shooting Marc in the tomb. Then of course, things got weird. I appreciate that they have already basically told us that the mental hospital isn't real, even if we don't know exactly what is going on yet. The appearance of Taweret at the end seems to hint that this is some kind of afterlife, and what is a show about Egyptian mythology without a trip through the afterlife. We also see what is probably the more violent personality still locked up, who I am really excited to see, I am so ready to see how Oscar Isaac plays him. I know I have gone on about how great Oscar Isaac is, but the ending with both Steven and Marc together was so great, you could so easily see who was who just by their body language. I am not sure what is going on but I am very interested in seeing where this goes. What a note to end on!

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4 hours ago, Dame sans merci said:

As irritating as that moment was, I didn't think it's something that's gender-specific - the last time I can recall the MCU doing something similar, it was Peter Quill losing his mind over Gamora's death and ruining the plan to take down Thanos. 

Marc and Steven kind of did it several times between the last 2 episodes, IMO. Yes, it's amusing but, also annoying when Steven decides to take control because of violence in the middle of a knife fight 🤦‍♀️

Or have an argument over kissing Layla...boys!

Edited by Morrigan2575
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21 hours ago, Bill1978 said:

I thought Marc punched Steven but then something was said later (can't remember what) that made me think that perhaps it was the third identity who punched Steven (Marc said something that I took implied he had no idea that Steven was punched). But it was probably Marc.

That was weird, because I thought he couldn't take over the body without the permission of the person in control.

Also how did Steven know that the tomb complex was shaped like the eye symbol after walking in it for just a few minutes. That didn't really make sense to me, since it was a long lost tomb.

9 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:

That was weird, because I thought he couldn't take over the body without the permission of the person in control.

In a few instances, we've seen Marc take control of one specific part of the body while Steven was fronting. When Steven first encountered Harrow in episode 1, he tried to follow Harrow's direction to give the scarab back, but his hand kept pulling away when he tried and his fingers closed tightly around it. Unbeknownst to him, that was Marc. Steven apologized repeatedly Harrow and insisted that he wasn't doing that.

It's the same thing here. Steven was still in control of the body overall, but Marc took over their hand long enough to make a fist and punch them in the face.

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I'm trying to maintain interest, but this show isn't working for me. I've never bought into the lead, as either Mark or Steven. He always seems just ... confused. That worked in the first ep, which i enjoyed, but once we learned the basics it has been a snooze.

And the ongoing battle between the gods isn't new or interesting. And Arthur and his club are so low key they are almost invisible. And I have zero interest in whether Steven or Marc is kissing Layla.

The most interesting thing about this show is the Moon Night and its powers, but I'm not even sure what they are or how they stack up against other god avatars or super heros. Or whether any other heroes know of Moon Night's existence.

The ending of this episode felt especially desperate. "Let's create something that *seems* nutty! That will throw viewers!" Nah, we've seen that often in other shows, including The Sopranos, Lost and too many to count (Monty Python's Meaning of Life interlude, even). It's likely a lazy device to explain how Marc/Steven comes back from being shot (healing waters! make a deal with another god! etc.). What I would like is a tight, well done narrative and story arc.


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On 4/20/2022 at 7:44 PM, Sakura12 said:

I can understand Steven screaming, but Marc you have been talking to a giant with a floating bird skull for a head for years. Why would a giant hippo be scary.

Maybe because in real life hippos are *super* dangerous? 🤷‍♀️😅

I'm finding this show really frustrating.  There are large parts of it that are enjoyable (all the world building in episode 2, fantastic music, and Oscar Isaac just in general), but they are dimmed by little aggravating things (four episodes in and I still don't have a clear idea of who Layla is as a character and the show seeming to go out of its way to not explain things).  Overall I feel like the story is somehow moving too fast and waaayy too slow at the same time (likely due to the fact there's only six episodes to work with). 

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I liked the adventure in the tomb and seeing Steven finding his way through it.  Layla interacting with the two personalities is sort of interesting to watch, though it was annoying when she decided they needed to have a fight when Harrow was so close on their tail. 

While the show is engaging, it's hard to believe the plot.  Harrow had no guards at the entrance of the tomb?   And couldn't find the sarcophagus?  But he showed up calmly to have a chat with Layla about her father?  What was with the random mummy come to life making human sacrifices?  That was the only one?  What was with all the shooting they heard?   Who was Harrow's men shooting at?

The psychiatric hospital stuff at the end had been done before on so many shows.  I'm not sure how they will explain away Marc/Steven getting shot and then no doubt being resurrected.  If he fell into the water with that stone God, wouldn't it be hard to retrieve it since his body sank into the abyss?

On 4/20/2022 at 5:41 AM, Bill1978 said:

the reveal that Alexander The Great was the Pharoah

I will cheerfully suspend disbelief (and history) for the purposes of a fun SciFi romp, but that Alexander the Great reveal was a bridge too far.  I'll bet actual historians and Egyptologists (if any watch this show) metaphorically felt their heads explode over that one.

On 5/13/2022 at 12:01 PM, WatchrTina said:

I will cheerfully suspend disbelief (and history) for the purposes of a fun SciFi romp, but that Alexander the Great reveal was a bridge too far.  I'll bet actual historians and Egyptologists (if any watch this show) metaphorically felt their heads explode over that one.

As a reader of Matthew Reilly books, especially his Jack West series that starts with a National Treasure/Da Vinci Code look at the Seven Ancient Wonders, the reveal in Moon Knight fit perfectly with that book. I guess you could say Matthew Reilly had primed me for this reveal and for me to sit their going 'Eh, makes sense' Haha

2 hours ago, Bill1978 said:

As a reader of Matthew Reilly books, especially his Jack West series that starts with a National Treasure/Da Vinci Code look at the Seven Ancient Wonders, the reveal in Moon Knight fit perfectly with that book. I guess you could say Matthew Reilly had primed me for this reveal and for me to sit their going 'Eh, makes sense' Haha

If there is a bright center of the historical accuracy universe, Matthew Reilly lives in the point furthest from.  This is the same guy who had the "signature weapon" of the Special Air Service be "liquid nitrogen grenades."

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2 hours ago, johntfs said:

If there is a bright center of the historical accuracy universe, Matthew Reilly lives in the point furthest from.

I know that, but when this show said it was Alexander The Great in the tomb I took it as a nod to Reilly's farfetched book. Even though I know it wasn't a nod or anywhere near the truth. I mean we are dealing with an interconnected universe with a talking racoon, tree, magical stones and time travel. So it really isn't that implausible for it to be Alexander's tomb in the MCU

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