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S05.E10: Cheat Day

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Salen takes extreme measures when she learns that the surgical staff have joined Lim's efforts against her. The team treats a liver transplant patient whose organ donor unwittingly gave him cancer.

Original airdate: 3/14/22

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Well, that showdown ended rather quickly. I would've been interested to see this last at least a couple more episodes, after all that buildup. 

But it is nice to see everything back to normal again, and the team back together and on the same page and whatnot. Plus, now this frees up the actress playing Salen to go spend more time at "United States of Al", too, so win-win, I say :D. 

I liked Shaun's reason for joining the others, that he didn't want to work at the hospital if he didn't have all his colleagues there with him. And I liked him reminding Glassman that he's an adult and old enough to take his own risks and deal with whatever consequences come from them. Also nice to see Jordan show up at the end, though I totally get her reasons as to why she was so resistant to join the pushback for so long. 

As for the cases, the backstory about Grace losing her first child was sad. Glad that Jordan and Asher were able to help her and the baby in the end. The other story about the friends and the liver, though, damn. A generous gesture backfiring horribly. I felt for both guys there, though I liked how Ryan reassured his friend and didn't lash out at him or anything. 

(I couldn't help being a bit amused by how yellow Ryan's eyes looked, though, 'cause all I kept thinking about was Michael Jackson's eyes turning yellow in the "Thriller" video. I just kept imagining Ryan turning into a werewolf or something as a result :p.)

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And now back to normalcy. Now that Salen is out, I’m presuming all of the Ethicure stuff on the hospital signs and uniforms will be removed. I thought the whole “fight against Salen” would last longer, but this way I get to just look forward to the hospital being a great place to work once more.

Most notable part of the episode for me was probably when Glassman told Shaun that he can’t risk his job due to how future employers would view his ASD, but at the same time he was telling Shaun that St. Bonaventure can’t afford to lose him.

I wish things had been good in both cases, but at least Grace and the baby were both fine and all went well, by the looks of it.

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That was... uhhh... out of left field for getting rid of Salen.

During the scene they were talking about different chemo regimens to do on the pregnant woman... adiamycin (aka the red devil) and cyclophosphamide? Cyclophosphamide is not a bladder cancer treatment - and when you are on it, you need to drink fluid pretty much constantly.

Also, with Park and Reznick - him going through her files is a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge HIPAA violation!

With the cancer plotline did they not check the donor with a fine tooth comb before taking the liver, including looking it over after cutting it out? Since they should've detected something abnormal, since they test for all kinds of stuff before taking an organ.

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Could the friend donate again? How long til a liver regenerates enough for that?

Was Andrews setting Salem up the whole time, or was that a last minute move because he had a change of heart? 

Why do the residents always have the ideas and the attending never does on this show? I don't mean when they're being questioned as a teaching method. I mean in situations like the bladder surgery, when Andrews was out of ideas and then Jordan thought of whatever that was that worked. We're supposed to think Shaun comes up with ideas because he's special, but they're doing it with others now, too. 

When the woman said this was her last embryo, I questioned what that meant. They harvest a lot at a time, don't they? It was implied that she wasn't infertile, she just couldn't carry for some reason. So there ought to be more eggs available. Harvesting more would be money, right? But not death.


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2 hours ago, possibilities said:

Could the friend donate again? How long til a liver regenerates enough for that?



I believe  the problem was  the liver cancer metastasized/spread to other organs making it untreatable.

Edited by sheetmoss
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6 hours ago, bros402 said:

Also, with Park and Reznick - him going through her files is a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge HIPAA violation!

We are beyond the HIPAA.

When Satan hit Lin with the fact she hired and her boyfriend left St. Bon's, I was shouting at the tv, "But you're sleeping with a subordinate!!!"

Also Glassman  leaving a position for 2 months could have been a sabbatical of sorts. I mean the guy did go through a life change (divorce).

The show is a bit outrageous but I like the cast now that Satan is gone and enjoy the storylines (except for the introduction of Satan).

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Did Salen care for Andrews that much to not use his past mistakes against him and stop fighting? Or did he just make her realize that she had gone too far and needed to stop?

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3 minutes ago, DanaK said:

Did Salen care for Andrews that much to not use his past mistakes against him and stop fighting? Or did he just make her realize that she had gone too far and needed to stop?

For all the build-up, I have no idea how Salen was defeated nor what she signed and agreed to, nor why.  It happened so fast and I didn't understand why Salen caved.

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13 minutes ago, izabella said:

For all the build-up, I have no idea how Salen was defeated nor what she signed and agreed to, nor why.  It happened so fast and I didn't understand why Salen caved.

I was afraid to ask but I have no clue either. 

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1 hour ago, izabella said:

For all the build-up, I have no idea how Salen was defeated nor what she signed and agreed to, nor why.  It happened so fast and I didn't understand why Salen caved.

At the very least, I think she signed something to say she wasn't going through with the merger of the hospital and would walk away. I'm kind of clueless about it in general though

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Andrews: "Hey, Salen, not sure you have noticed but we are currently having on hell of a morale problem at the hospital right now, so we might need to find a way to address this before it really gets out of hand."

Salen:  "On it, dear!  As I like to say: 'If you firing everyone who has a morale problem, you'll no longer have morale problems!'"

Andrews:  "Wait, what?!"


So, thanks to one of the most out in the open revolutions ever, Salen quickly suss out Lim's plan (although I wonder if it was Shaun using the word "PR" that made her really suspicious), and basically cans Lim, Glassman, and Lea on the spot and threatens to expose their past misdeeds if they go after her (and I guess I have to give the devil her due: there admittedly has been a lot of reckless behavior going on in this hospital.)  But the three are willing to push on, along with Park and Asher.  Shaun initially stays out of it to just "focus on the medicine", but eventually can't sit by either because he realizes that working at the hospital would so suck if the rest weren't there with him.  And then finally both Reznick and Jordan come aboard despite their misgivings.  But it is Andrews of all people who ends up being the deciding factor, as his decision to join leads to Salen... resigning?  Not going through with the merger?  Not sure what was legally going on there, but it seems like she's no longer in charge, thankfully.  That Andrews sure knows how to do the right thing at exactly the right time (and judging from that fancy President position, when it benefits him the most!)

Kind of weird that they brought back that Nira character to basically be like "Actually, losing most of my eyesight was a good thing!  Thanks, Reznick!" about it, and it be what led to Reznick deciding to take a stand.  Whatever works, I guess?

The cases of this week were all about me assuming that these platonic friendships were actually secret romances.  I know I should automatically think that since not every close relationship in TV land should be a romance, but these actors (including the always welcomed Erica Cerra!) were really giving off some vibes here.

All in all, a bit rushed at times but I'm perfectly happy if this means this is the end of Salen and her arc.  I just thought the character really hurt these initial episodes: especially since it felt like I was suppose to think she had layers and was right on some levels, but she was played more like an one-note antagonist by Rachel Bay Jones, so there was no consistency with the character.  May she never darken the hospital's corridors again!

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13 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

The cases of this week were all about me assuming that these platonic friendships were actually secret romances.  I know I should automatically think that since not every close relationship in TV land should be a romance, but these actors (including the always welcomed Erica Cerra!) were really giving off some vibes here.

I'm glad to see it wasn't just me

Edited by DanaK
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I don't believe for a second that Salen cared too much for Andrews to use his oppo against him. I thought maybe he was basically saying that he would expose her when he admitted to their relationship, i.e. she was about to punish Lim et al for doing what she herself was doing, and thus they are not just disgruntled ne'er do wells, but are actually following Salen's playbook and it's destroying the hospital? And if even her boyfriend who she is also promoting supports the people complaining about her, then TPTB would conclude she really must be bad? Maybe he was going to claim she was sexually harassing him, or bribing him with promotions to stay silent, or something like that?

I also think that he might have been planning it all along, in order to "take her down from the inside" and become the hospital president at the same time. I still don't like him. He was wrong and he's still wrong. If he didn't get the promotion from it, would he have done it? And if he was actually trying to save the hospital and not get the promotion, wouldn't he have told Lim?

I'm tired of the merry-go-round of villainy on this show. I get that management is often terrible, but they keep repeating the same story about a new administrator who is a piece of shit. It's too repetitive. Say something new.

Edited by possibilities
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What I believe happened was that Andrew’s said hey I am an epic screw up, who has been sleeping with the boss, who just promoted me even though I have done all of these horrible things. So basically what Salen wanted to do with Lim but on a bigger scale. And that plus all of the individual stories from all the docs, Leah, etc were enough for Salen to sign an agreement to terminate the planned merger/take over. When Andrew’s decided to do this is up for debate, including if he would have without everybody else doing their stuff first. 

I am always concerned that these shows have a “better the devil you know” philosophy and the next head of the hospital or whatever will be worse than Salen. 

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5 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

Kind of weird that they brought back that Nira character to basically be like "Actually, losing most of my eyesight was a good thing!  Thanks, Reznick!" about it, and it be what led to Reznick deciding to take a stand.  Whatever works, I guess?

I was rolling my eyes, giving side eye, throwing daggers, and every other eye-related shade at this. 

I tried to remember that Nira did not know she had other options, and believed Reznick saved some of her eyesight.  Even so, it felt  contrived.

40 minutes ago, yourdreamer said:

What I believe happened was that Andrew’s said hey I am an epic screw up, who has been sleeping with the boss, who just promoted me even though I have done all of these horrible things. So basically what Salen wanted to do with Lim but on a bigger scale. And that plus all of the individual stories from all the docs, Leah, etc were enough for Salen to sign an agreement to terminate the planned merger/take over. When Andrew’s decided to do this is up for debate, including if he would have without everybody else doing their stuff first. 

Thank you.  That is very helpful in making sense of this plot twist.

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Well, that was anticlimactic.  Salen didn't have much choice considering it looked like the entire medical staff was against her.  I had to laugh at the blackmail info she had on everybody, it did make them look bad.  Glassman just not showing up for work for x number of days (ghost employment), Lim's personal relationships with Andrews.  Oh well, moving on.

It was nice to see Tina Majorino from Napolean Dynamite (and Gray's Anatomy, I guess) as the pregnant patient of the week.

Andrews is now president.  Wasn't that Dr. Glassman's job?  So everybody was hired back except him?

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12 minutes ago, rmontro said:

  Salen didn't have much choice considering it looked like the entire medical staff was against her

It was only the surgical staff. The only staff that matters. See also Grey’s Anatomy. Where was an OB doctor? An oncologist for either of the 2 main stories?? Are there any nurses anywhere?? We have surgeons who do their own scans and transport patients 🙄

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18 minutes ago, Driad said:

What does "Cheat Day" mean?

It’s a day when you can go off your usual food choices and eat things that you are avoiding. Salen said it when she bit into a slice of pizza, a food she probably doesn’t eat often. How that ties into the theme of the episode…I’m out.

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1 hour ago, chitowngirl said:

It was only the surgical staff. The only staff that matters. See also Grey’s Anatomy. Where was an OB doctor? An oncologist for either of the 2 main stories?? Are there any nurses anywhere?? We have surgeons who do their own scans and transport patients 🙄

To be fair, I'm sure one day they will get to the special episode that focuses mainly on just the nurses and talk him up as the "true heroes" of the hospital, only to forget about them again by the next episode.  That's usually how it goes on medical shows.

On a more serious note: I would down for an eventual "Lower Decks"-type episode that focuses on the nurses, janitors, and other background characters and get an outsider perspective of whatever kind of drama is going on at the moment.  See through their eyes those classic moments like another Jordan/Asher squabble, Reznick being shifty, Park griping about whatever is currently bugging him at the moment, and Shaun being Shaun!

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4 hours ago, rmontro said:

I had to laugh at the blackmail info she had on everybody, it did make them look bad.  Glassman just not showing up for work for x number of days (ghost employment), Lim's personal relationships with Andrews.

Wasn’t the stuff about Lim regarding her relationship with Mateo, the doctor she started a fling with in Guatemala?

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4 hours ago, rmontro said:

It was nice to see Tina Majorino from Napolean Dynamite (and Gray's Anatomy, I guess) as the pregnant patient of the week.

You mean Tina Majorino from "When A Man Loves A Woman"? 😏 And yes, I honestly recognized her the first time I saw her as an adult as having been in that movie.

Like so many of you, I thought this Salen thing went too quickly. I was really enjoying her. When she appeared at the window of the office as Shaun was exiting it, I thought they could've played a few bars of that "Psycho" peril music. For that moment, she was really sinister.

So they decide to have their mutiny meeting in the hospital break room? Surely they could've gone somewhere else or found a janitor's closet that wasn't being used by a couple of frisky doctors.

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5 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

It was only the surgical staff. The only staff that matters. 

 Well, it's the only staff that we're made aware of anyway.  Besides, Lea's in the IT department.

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6 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

It was only the surgical staff. The only staff that matters. 

I've been thinking about this some more.  What was that supposed to imply?  Why was only the surgical staff there?  Are they trying to say that only the surgical staff cares about patient care?  Or was Salen running the rest of the hospital like a well run top?  Well no, because it was a pharmacist who made the error by keeping the expired meds in stock.  Was the meeting especially for surgeons?  Seems unlikely.  Obviously the revolution was begun and carried out by all the surgeons.  Apparently they don't inspire any loyalty in any of the other people in the other departments that they interact with on a daily basis, because they're the only ones who showed up.  So I guess the surgeons, our heroes of the show, saved the hospital single handedly.  Yay, I guess?

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Such a build up for a showdown and Salen just says "ok, then. bye". Anticlimax, even for a plot I hated and found unnecessary. The show is bad enough with how they present and handle the cases, they didn't need to shove that story down our throats.

Now the Villain Hat belongs to Marcus.

TIna Majorino outshined the other actors but that story..."Look, we found a growth in your bladder, it is cancer. Let's pick a treatment" A few hours later - "this cancer is so aggressive, you will die! now! if we don't do somethng! Now! Really, hurry up, it is so aggressive it is eating you as we speak!". When shows do this type of thing I have to watch it as if it is a spoof on something else because if the writers really think the audience will buy it, or even suspend disbelief for a moment, they are fooling themselves.

Shaun has a moment of growth, then he cannot even show that he has matured a little because the climax was anti-climaxed...


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4 hours ago, possibilities said:

They showed staff clapping for them. 

I thought the meeting was at Shaun and Lea's home, and Salen showed up with the pizza blindsided them for that reason.

I thought they were at Shaun and Lea’s too. Salen knocked on the door and they thought it was pizza delivery-that wouldn’t have happened at the hospital. But Salen sure made herself at home and knew which cabinet had the plates in it. I would have thrown her ass out, if she even got through the front door. I wanted her to go down in flames, not with a whimper and a signature on some last minute paperwork.

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On 3/15/2022 at 1:21 AM, possibilities said:

Why do the residents always have the ideas and the attending never does on this show? I don't mean when they're being questioned as a teaching method. I mean in situations like the bladder surgery, when Andrews was out of ideas and then Jordan thought of whatever that was that worked. We're supposed to think Shaun comes up with ideas because he's special, but they're doing it with others now, too. 

My take on it was that Andrews was really distracted by all the drama that was going on - I think that he had just confronted Salen - and was having trouble focusing.


On 3/15/2022 at 1:21 AM, possibilities said:

When the woman said this was her last embryo, I questioned what that meant. They harvest a lot at a time, don't they? It was implied that she wasn't infertile, she just couldn't carry for some reason. So there ought to be more eggs available. Harvesting more would be money, right? But not death.

We don't know the circumstances around her eggs being harvested.  It's possible that she's previously undergone cancer treatment or perhaps her spouse died?


22 hours ago, izabella said:

For all the build-up, I have no idea how Salen was defeated nor what she signed and agreed to, nor why.  It happened so fast and I didn't understand why Salen caved.

I consider myself a reasonably intelligent person and my hubby and I looked at each other and said "What just happened?"

I actually went hunting online before coming here in the hopes of finding an answer and read the following summary:



In the end, it was Andrews who finally took a stand against his crooked girlfriend. After pleading with Salen to hear Lim and his longtime comrades out, Andrews presented her with opposition research… on himself. If she was going to stick to her guns and proceed with the takeover without reconsidering some of her recent indiscretions, he, too, would speak out against her, and she’d in turn have to take him down. Alas, whether it was her brief relationship with Andrews that meant so much to her, or the fact that she had no more allies inside the hospital, Salen decided to cut her losses and call off Ethicure’s acquisition.

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18 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

It was only the surgical staff. The only staff that matters.

This is unfortunately typical of medical dramas.  I commented in the House forum that I was pleased that House was not a surgeon; they showed that non-surgeons can do interesting things too.

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12 hours ago, possibilities said:

I thought the meeting was at Shaun and Lea's home, and Salen showed up with the pizza blindsided them for that reason.


7 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

But Salen sure made herself at home and knew which cabinet had the plates in it. I would have thrown her ass out, if she even got through the front door. I wanted her to go down in flames, not with a whimper and a signature on some last minute paperwork.

That's why I wondered if the meeting were in the hospital, because of the way Salen breezed in and got the plates and started feeding herself. "Cheat day."

I'm pretty sure that could've gotten her shot in Texas and the shooter would've been no-billed.



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9 hours ago, aemom said:

We don't know the circumstances around her eggs being harvested.  It's possible that she's previously undergone cancer treatment or perhaps her spouse died?

She said she had tried and failed to sustain a pregnancy (miscarried) multiple times, so I assumed (perhaps wrongly) it was not about fertility per se, but about her ability to carry a pregnancy to term. I knew someone who had multiple miscarriages, but she was always quite able to produce eggs and became pregnant easily, which I guess colors how I took the character's comment.

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22 hours ago, Lukeysboat said:

Wasn’t the stuff about Lim regarding her relationship with Mateo, the doctor she started a fling with in Guatemala?

That's what I thought. I don't recall Lim having any kind of romantic relationship with Andrews. He was married until very recently and then she was with Mateo.

Lim also had a relationship with Melendez, but he died long before Salen showed up so I doubt that was who she was referring too.

19 hours ago, rmontro said:

I've been thinking about this some more.  What was that supposed to imply?  Why was only the surgical staff there?  Are they trying to say that only the surgical staff cares about patient care?  Or was Salen running the rest of the hospital like a well run top?  Well no, because it was a pharmacist who made the error by keeping the expired meds in stock.  Was the meeting especially for surgeons?  Seems unlikely.  Obviously the revolution was begun and carried out by all the surgeons.  Apparently they don't inspire any loyalty in any of the other people in the other departments that they interact with on a daily basis, because they're the only ones who showed up.  So I guess the surgeons, our heroes of the show, saved the hospital single handedly.  Yay, I guess?

It wasn't only the surgical staff, Morgan is not surgical staff. And Glassman, while a surgeon, is also president of the hospital which is really admin and not surgical staff.

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2 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

It wasn't only the surgical staff, Morgan is not surgical staff. And Glassman, while a surgeon, is also president of the hospital which is really admin and not surgical staff.

Surgical staff or affiliated with the surgical staff in some way  :)

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Ding Dong Salen's gone! I was really expecting more of a fight after all of this build up, I am pretty unsure about how she was actually defeated or what she signed that got rid of her, it all felt pretty anti-climactic, but I cant say I will miss her or her evil plot. Now we can all get back to normal and see what issues Andrews will have going forward.

That story with the liver was brutal, what a terrible twist of fate that was. Felt really terrible for everyone involved. 

I would say that Park looking through Morgan's files is a huge ethical violation, but its not like that's a first for this hospital. 

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On 3/15/2022 at 5:14 PM, chitowngirl said:

It was only the surgical staff. The only staff that matters. See also Grey’s Anatomy. Where was an OB doctor? An oncologist for either of the 2 main stories?? Are there any nurses anywhere?? We have surgeons who do their own scans and transport patients 🙄

Exactly. This show and Grey's give the allusion that the surgical staff does everything. From controlling hospital funding to checking out incoming ER patients and ordering tests. In this show, nurses, attending physicians, oncologists don't exist. And not to mention, the lack of actual surgical specialities. Lim and Andrews seem to be board certified in every surgical discipline.

That's why I do appreciate the shows that get the hospital hierarchy right, like ER in the past, and currently the Resident, Chicago Med and New Amsterdam.

On 3/15/2022 at 11:53 PM, rmontro said:

I've been thinking about this some more.  What was that supposed to imply?  Why was only the surgical staff there?  Are they trying to say that only the surgical staff cares about patient care?  Or was Salen running the rest of the hospital like a well run top?  Well no, because it was a pharmacist who made the error by keeping the expired meds in stock.  Was the meeting especially for surgeons?  Seems unlikely.  Obviously the revolution was begun and carried out by all the surgeons.  Apparently they don't inspire any loyalty in any of the other people in the other departments that they interact with on a daily basis, because they're the only ones who showed up.  So I guess the surgeons, our heroes of the show, saved the hospital single handedly.  Yay, I guess?

What it means is that shows focus has only been on the surgeons. The surgeons do everything on this show. Attending and resident physicians don't exist. The nurses don't exist. It's just about the surgeons. Similar to what we see in Grey's Anatomy.


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3 hours ago, WinJet0819 said:

That's why I do appreciate the shows that get the hospital hierarchy right, like ER in the past, and currently the Resident, Chicago Med and New Amsterdam.

That was interesting, thanks for that, I've never even heard of half of those.  I know a bit about hospital staffing, but I've never been fond of watching medical dramas.  I've watched M*A*S*H, House, and this one.  And I didn't watch any of those for the medical drama, rather I was drawn to the particular "gimmick" each one had.

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13 hours ago, WinJet0819 said:

That's why I do appreciate the shows that get the hospital hierarchy right, like ER in the past, and currently the Resident, Chicago Med and New Amsterdam.

Sorry, but The Resident is a mess, with a RESIDENT giving orders to everyone else, running form ER to rooms to clinical studies, interfering in the lives of everyone else and solving crimes in his free time, all after being the greatest daddy to her kid.

Chicago Med was unwatchable to me, so I cannot comment, other than, if they do respect hospital hierarchy, that's the only positive in a show where all the bad actors have landed

New Amsterdam is a little bit more cautious with where they put the doctors but then again, the show is all about Max saving the world, in two continents, at the same time.

Is Grey's Anatomy still on?!?!?!?! What is it, season 45? I could never understand the appeal of that show, unless it is to hate all characters.

Edited by circumvent
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6 hours ago, circumvent said:

Sorry, but The Resident is a mess, with a RESIDENT giving orders to everyone else, running form ER to rooms to clinical studies, interfering in the lives of everyone else and solving crimes in his free time, all after being the greatest daddy to her kid.

It's years and years later since the show started, so Conrad isn't a resident anymore.

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6 hours ago, circumvent said:

Is Grey's Anatomy still on?!?!?!?! What is it, season 45? I could never understand the appeal of that show, unless it is to hate all characters.

Ha! Also, so true 👌

Felt the same way about ER too--stopped watching fairly early on and did not understand the adoration. Kept waiting for it to end and it felt like it went on for millenia...

Edited by A.Ham
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1 hour ago, izabella said:

It's years and years later since the show started, so Conrad isn't a resident anymore.

True, and he is actually less bossy now than he was when he was a resident was telling everyone what to do. Although they are hinting that he will now solve mysteries that the FBI has been working on for a while, he will be the savior of a renegade doctor and he will likely find the cure for MS too. 

1 hour ago, A.Ham said:

Ha! Also, so true 👌

Felt the same way about ER too--stopped watching fairly early on and did not understand the adoration. Kept waiting for it to end and it felt like it went on for millenia...

Funny, I watched just a few seasons of ER, then watched the whole series a couple of years ago. I can see the problems, hated some of the new characters (Luka, ugh!) but still think that it was a net positive as far as medical shows go. The bar is low, but ER is still the "best" of all of them (post ER, never watched the older ones)

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On 3/21/2022 at 3:35 PM, circumvent said:

True, and he is actually less bossy now than he was when he was a resident was telling everyone what to do. Although they are hinting that he will now solve mysteries that the FBI has been working on for a while, he will be the savior of a renegade doctor and he will likely find the cure for MS too. 

Nah, Devon will find the cure to MS and cancer after Conrad is gruff towards him :P

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On 3/15/2022 at 10:57 PM, mojito said:

You mean Tina Majorino from "When A Man Loves A Woman"? 😏 And yes, I honestly recognized her the first time I saw her as an adult as having been in that movie.

Like so many of you, I thought this Salen thing went too quickly. I was really enjoying her. When she appeared at the window of the office as Shaun was exiting it, I thought they could've played a few bars of that "Psycho" peril music. For that moment, she was really sinister.

So they decide to have their mutiny meeting in the hospital break room? Surely they could've gone somewhere else or found a janitor's closet that wasn't being used by a couple of frisky doctors.

Tina?  I’ll have to go back and watch. I didn’t catch it and I should have. She played the best friend of main character on Big Love (old HBO series).  She sure looks different to me. 

To me, it seemed that Salen gave up, because she didn’t want to expose and ruin Andrews, which he was insisting, if she ruined everyone else.  He handed her the file when she walked up to him.  Oh, is there something going on with Andrews?  He seemed to be slow at making several calls regarding treatments and procedures.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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