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S14.E10: Mighty Mighty Boston Bonds

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4 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

He's boring, speaks in a dull monotone, and presented that journaling idea as an order---until Jasmina rejected it emphatically.

I don't know why either bothers, or pretends to.  


I thought Dr. Viviana suggested journaling to them. Michael said he was uncomfortable bringing things up to Jasmina because of the way Jasmina responds. Dr. V suggested maybe Michael could journal and let Jasmina read it.

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1 minute ago, Kip1 said:

I thought Dr. Viviana suggested journaling to them. Michael said he was uncomfortable bringing things up to Jasmina because of the way Jasmina responds. Dr. V suggested maybe Michael could journal and let Jasmina read it.

She did. He was simply trying to give the advice a shot. He wasn't ordering anything.

I don't think we will ever meet the real Mark or Michael. I don't think either one of them will ever feel too comfortable around their spouse. I'm sure Mark and Michael are much more loose and fun away from this situation.

I don't even understand Steve anymore. He was cool doing freelance and being self employed and now he's making it sound like he wants to do nothing work wise.

This is what I wanted to know from the beginning. Him being unemployed is nothing. His goals and drive were the issue. He seems like someone that just doesn't have any drive. Noi will never be okay with that.

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3 hours ago, Kimboweena said:

Of course, I don't know her mind, but I'll bet Noi's  dream of having exactly three kids included her being the stay-at-home mom to them.  She will never be comfortable unless her husband has a steady job, with benefits to cover her and the children.  She doesn't trust the idea that consulting can be steady employment.

I'm so confused by Steve. How much money does he have saved to live off of? Why apply for a show to get married and follow through with the marriage if you have no income and no intention of contributing financially to the union? He seems like a nice guy and I would totally be all for him living his life how he wants and just being a vagabond living on his savings if he was single but he's coming across as irresponsible on tv. Are we missing something? Is he planning to work and we just aren't hearing more about it and Noi wants him working ASAP when he is more comfy living on his savings? It's sort of confusing and weird but I still like them together.


Olaj and his giant forehead need to just get off the screen. He's so chauvenistic and bizarre with the "COOK FOR ME! CLEAN FOR ME!" stuff. What year is it?!?!?! I'm done with him. Katina should RUN!

Michael and Jasmina are so boring. They make me actually long for Alyssa back and that's saying something. I can't stand her...even though she's a good f*cking person.

Lyndsey makes me uncomfortable. That's all.

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3 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Actually I don't agree.  One of my best male friends had the exact same thing happen to him in first grade and as a result his classmates mercilessly called him "panty water" for years after that.  It was very embarrassing and humiliating for him and he never got over it.   From my own bullying in childhood I know first hand that kids can be mean that way, and it's almost impossible to really get over the scars left by something like that when it happens at such a young age, so it's not really funny at all.

No, it isn't, at the time and maybe forever. I had a grown man insult me in front of others  when I was about nine, and have never forgotten the incident. 

But I hope I could tell that anecdote now in a way to amuse. And actually as Michael began I thought he was going for the humor. His seriousness at the end surprised me, as it did Jasmine.

I don't even recall now what prompted him. 

Just one more example among the couples of  unsuitability. 

About Noi: In a college Education class the professor asked if anybody there was concerned about retirement and pensions. Mine was the lone raised hand. If Noi thinks long-term about Social Security, pensions, and the like, then maybe Steve's ability to freelance isn't enough psychic comfort. 

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2 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

No, it isn't, at the time and maybe forever. I had a grown man insult me in front of others  when I was about nine, and have never forgotten the incident. 

But I hope I could tell that anecdote now in a way to amuse. And actually as Michael began I thought he was going for the humor. His seriousness at the end surprised me, as it did Jasmine.

I was called a "snot nose" by a teacher and repeatedly verbally insulted by her in the second grade.  I can never tell that anecdote now in a way to amuse.  The hurt is too deep.  Teachers can really hurt students like in Michael's case, not letting him go to the bathroom. 

It's hard to tell how Michael is feeling about anything.  He never seems to show too many highs or lows so it's hard to tell what's going on underneath the surface.  Both he and Jasmina suck at the kind of communication skills that make for a successful relationship.  It's like both are stabbing in the dark with each other while walking through a minefield.

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15 minutes ago, Booger666 said:

He loved bombed her on the honeymoon, destroyed her self esteem last week, and is now building her up … so he can likely tear her down again.  I don’t think he knows how to have an adult relationship.  You can’t go from f*ck boy to husband material overnight.  They never should have picked him.

I also think he knows now that Viv has his number so he'll on his best behavior now for a while and be more undercover about it in the future.  When Viv asked him where his attitudes towards women's work and roles came from he weaseled out of it by saying it was all him and he didn't get it from anywhere or "nowhere in particular".  Then she gave him the out to claim it was a "communication problem" and not really because he has those attitudes.  What a crock!  He's a liar too.  

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5 hours ago, Airy2021 said:

I'm so confused by Steve. How much money does he have saved to live off of? Why apply for a show to get married and follow through with the marriage if you have no income and no intention of contributing financially to the union? He seems like a nice guy and I would totally be all for him living his life how he wants and just being a vagabond living on his savings if he was single but he's coming across as irresponsible on tv. Are we missing something? Is he planning to work and we just aren't hearing more about it and Noi wants him working ASAP when he is more comfy living on his savings? It's sort of confusing and weird but I still like them together.

Obviously we are missing something and at this point I can't even blame the show for hiding whatever it is because he's not acting consistent nor is he making much sense unless he was sitting on a LOT of money.  And if he was why is he not telling her about it and making himself look irresponsible to Noi if he's really not?  At this point even I wouldn't trust him.

But it's also about roles.  First he came on representing himself as someone that could get a job any time he wanted and was not worried about getting one when and if he needed one.  Now it seems like he's revealing that he doesn't really want to go back to work at all and wants to stay home and be a homemaker.  Why wasn't he open with Noi about that until now?  I can see how this would confuse her and make her not really trust him.  It looks to me like he latched onto being a homemaker to justify the fact that he doesn't feel like working for money, as if saying he really wants to keep a house and raise kids is going to be his new life's work so Noi can't tell him he's being irresponsible and not contributing to the relationship.  Well, he never said that in the beginning so it looks like he's using that story to cover his real intentions, which are not to be invested in any kind of meaningful work and just live life freely according to whatever he feels like doing.

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11 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Here I thought Mike was the problem, no. Jasmina interrupts him and talks down to him like he’s five years old. 

I had to pause the episode last night and say the exact same thing to my wife.  My observation is Jasmina doesn't find Michael intellectually compatible.  She places him on the same level as her "Early Childhood" students.

Jasmina interrupts constantly.  She tells Michael to watch his tone, when Michael (who IS set in his ways) never appears to raise his voice and appears to choose his words carefully (at least on camera) when he talks to Jasmina.  She pretty much tells/explains to Michael what HE'S thinking.

Michael tries to avoid these disputes (Almost like MTS).  While Jasmina seems to look for anything she can, to turn it into "disrespect.

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MTS has lived with Lyndsey for a month. What made him think he could climb on Lyndsey, get off and go hit a workout? He comes off as a bug-eyed schlub sometimes.

Edited by Mr. Miner
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7 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Actually I don't agree.  One of my best male friends had the exact same thing happen to him in first grade and as a result his classmates mercilessly called him "panty water" for years after that.  It was very embarrassing and humiliating for him and he never got over it.   From my own bullying in childhood I know first hand that kids can be mean that way, and it's almost impossible to really get over the scars left by something like that when it happens at such a young age, so it's not really funny at all.

I agree totally and that teacher should be embarrassed to have let this happen.  If he politely raised his hand and asked if he could go to the restroom, he should have been allowed to do so.

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1 minute ago, kristen111 said:

I hope Jasmina doesn’t teach Elementary school, as she will scare the kids to death, poor things.  She has to take a break and go out of the room and collect herself when she doesn’t like something, like she did with Michael.  She’s scary.

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8 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Yes, I know, it's just a way for Olajuwon to devalue the job she has as if because she does it at home she should also have the time to wait on him hand and foot.  Like her work, because she is a woman is not as valuable as his is.  What he's really doing is asking her to have two full time jobs at home, while in his mind neither one is even a part time job!

As a married woman that worked full time for over 30 years I would never have put up with that attitude in a man.  My husband may not have always done his equal share of housework but we had ways of dealing with that, such as lowering our standards for some things and catching up on them on a monthly if not weekly basis.  And when I got older we got a cleaning person.  It's that simple.  Olajuwon is just a narcissist that likes the idea of having a woman around to revolve around him and cater to him like he's the god of the universe.  That's why he made such a big deal about her doing the movie night thing.  Because he likes thinking that she is making him her whole world and putting the focus on him 24/7 like nothing else she could possibly do is as important as flattering his huge ego.  GAG ME.  🤮

Movie Night .. Yay, popcorn too.  What a lovely gesture Katina did.  You made Oj so happy.  Tell me girl, if there is a day when you don’t feel well and just want to wrap yourself in a blanket and sit on the sofa all day and watch movies, and the house is a mess and you didn’t cook, will Oj care?  What if you have a baby, and it has colic, and you have to hold the baby all day because it’s crying, and you didn’t do anything or cook a meal, will Oj care?  And so many other things that come up in a marriage like everyday where Movie Night is out of the question .. would Oj care?  You have to think of these things before decision day.  I think this guy thinks Movie Night is every night for him.

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12 hours ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

Oh, Steve.  No one is going to be okay with you staying home, especially if there are no kids.  I was a single mom with a full-time job, a clean home and I cooked every single (goddamn) night.  It can be done, even if the meals aren’t “as good.”  Give me a break.  

Somehow Corporate America broke this guy and he is not into coming back. For the first time in his life, he experienced some freedom, and now is terrified at the thought of sitting at a cubicle in an office building. He needs to get his mojo back. Bro needs to start working for himself and bust out another app.  Noi wont be down with the stay at home dad. Steve may disappear a few weeks at a time to hit the road. He says he "loves" Noi, but not enough to go into an office building. He is really struggling with that.

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This season is such a rollercoaster. The couples are arguing one scene, next scene all is great and then back to arguing!

I know the producers want to keep us guessing who will stay married and who will get divorced but it is one extreme to another.

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12 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I thought it was pretty crystal clear, too, that he was hurt by Jasmina laughing at his embarrassing story and expressed that clearly; but Jasmina kept laughing and didn't apologize.

I dont really like Jaz, but I busted out laughing at pee pee boy. But, yes she keeps lying about Michael being all like....

12 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

What! You don’t even put the cats food in a bowl? I’m trying to figure out if they are bad cat owners, lazy or what? 

I know it is hard to keep track, but Katina is the lazy one.

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Holy Shit .. Now the world knows Mike the Shark can’t ring his wife’s bell.  Lindsey just had to say it on National tv.  That will really want him to have sex with her.  The guy comes home from work then has to play games with that nut job.  What is this now, 50 Shades?  Love first, then sex.  If he stays with her, he better realize he has to be “ on” like her everyday.  If not, he’ll have to hide in the bathroom to get some peace n quiet with the door locked.  I just hope he says NO on decision Day.  Yes, she’s a nice caring girl, but a bit too much for everyday.  Sometimes everyone needs a little peace n quiet.  Even in a marriage. Alone time too.

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So it’s still all about O.  What does he do for her?  I hate that Katina is still left with the feeling she has to step it it up and cater to him.  I’m glad he was happy about movie night, but it’s disgusting to see her seek his approval.

All Jasmina heard was that Michael needs to journal.  I think he is trying, but walking on eggshells with her is going to become tiresome when she’s the one always cutting him off.

Can we just have Steve show aNOIng his bank account already.  She also has an archaic outlook on marriage.  He never said she has to be the breadwinner.  He just has other ways of making money.  If the market turns or whatever allows him to make passive income stops working, he’ll get a job. Where is the rule they both have to go to day jobs?  If he can afford to stay home and cook and clean, LET HIM.

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11 minutes ago, For Cereals said:

So it’s still all about O.  What does he do for her?  I hate that Katina is still left with the feeling she has to step it it up and cater to him.  I’m glad he was happy about movie night, but it’s disgusting to see her seek his approval.

All Jasmina heard was that Michael needs to journal.  I think he is trying, but walking on eggshells with her is going to become tiresome when she’s the one always cutting him off.

Can we just have Steve show aNOIng his bank account already.  She also has an archaic outlook on marriage.  He never said she has to be the breadwinner.  He just has other ways of making money.  If the market turns or whatever allows him to make passive income stops working, he’ll get a job. Where is the rule they both have to go to day jobs?  If he can afford to stay home and cook and clean, LET HIM.

I felt bad for Katina when she was crying.  Poor girl didn’t know the ropes and what was expected with this guy.  It isn’t her fault.  He must have been spoiled growing up.  He will stay the same.  If they have kids, kids come first and I don’t think he’ll like that, as he is the King of the house.  Some men are actually jealous of the attention their children get from their mother.  That’s when the real trouble starts.  I don’t know what O does for her.  Looks like nothing.  Oh, he swept the floor.  Big whoop. 

Edited by kristen111
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3 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

I felt bad for Katina when she was crying.  Poor girl didn’t know the ropes and what was expected with this guy.  It isn’t her fault.  He must have been spoiled growing up.  He will stay the same.  If they have kids, kids come first and I don’t think he’ll like that, as he is the King of the house.  Some men are actually jealous of the attention their children get from their mother.  That’s when the real trouble starts.

Yep…the way she puts her hands to her head really bothers me.  It’s not just tears, it looks like a panicked trauma response.  He’s breaking her down.  

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Everyone is hating on O.  He is so inarticulate that he can't really explain his demands and behavior.   Contrary to the majority opinion here, there is nothing "wrong" in wanting  a traditional wife.   There are women who love to cook and clean and cater to their family, although in 2022 they are nowhere near the majority of women.   His biggest mistake was in not making this a deal breaker when he applied for the show.   I had a cousin who left his first wife because of the filthy house.  We had all been raised in homes where you could "eat off the floor".   This was normal for us.   Maybe that is normal for Olajawon too?

As far as Noi and Steve are concerned, her vision of a marriage is to stay at home with 3 children (maybe work when they start school), and have a husband who is the "provider".  Steve may love her enough to get on board, and if there are children, he may love them so much that he will be resigned to his fate and ok with it in the end.    I don't have much hope for them otherwise.

Mike and Jasmine - they'll split.   She's very pretty, but has nothing else.   She's not into him at all.  She is trying a bit, but doesn't want him.

Mark & Lindsey - another no.   She is just TOO MUCH and is CRUEL.  If she had calmed down and been sweet to him all the time, it would have worked out.   She can be very sweet, caring and loving - but she can't sustain it and the demons come out eventually.

That's my take on it.

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I still think Mark and Lindsey are the next Jamie and Beth.

I've said it before!

*Either I'm completely wrong or I'm using this post when I apply to be an expert for next season!*

Edited by Rightside
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50 minutes ago, Doublemint said:

Everyone is hating on O.  He is so inarticulate that he can't really explain his demands and behavior.   Contrary to the majority opinion here, there is nothing "wrong" in wanting  a traditional wife.   There are women who love to cook and clean and cater to their family, although in 2022 they are nowhere near the majority of women.   His biggest mistake was in not making this a deal breaker when he applied for the show.   I had a cousin who left his first wife because of the filthy house.  We had all been raised in homes where you could "eat off the floor".   This was normal for us.   Maybe that is normal for Olajawon too?

I think O's lack of sophistication and articulateness are no excuse for the things he's said and the way he's treating Katina.  In a way, it's revealing who he really is because he's not realizing how he's outing himself as an abusive male chauvinist pig.  There's nothing wrong with wanting a traditional wife, but if that is based on a lack of respect and the attitude of male superiority that Olaj has shown himself to have, I doubt any modern day woman would want that unless they were a masochist.  

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I wasn't going to watch this episode because the sex games are just so gross to watch. As it turns out, I fell asleep a few times but did manage to see aNOIng pretend not to know what a shot thing was. (BTW, there was a review in People where Myrla gave her opinion of the couples, as if anyone cared, and she said that we all know HER opinion of that assigned activity.)

And, I saw the end where O and Katina were whipping that toy around and ran into the bedroom. I did like how Viv kept calling him out. And we know that Katina has dealt with abusive relationships and was clearly reliving some that when he kept going on about how she wasn't a real woman, or whatever that crap was. It made me sad to see her so desperate to please him. I want better for her and he is not it.

Mark and Lindsey just need to end it. He will never be good enough in bed to satisfy her and she will never stop letting everyone know how she is unsatisfied. But, Mark is also not a prize. As she mentioned on the Afterparty, and I will post in that thread, it is very obvious that Mark has trouble setting boundaries and saying no to people, especially women.  He wants everyone to like him and doesn't care if he hurts the feelings of the woman he is supposed to be devoted to - his wife. Lindsey is never going to get the man she wants if she stays with Mark. If they stay together on D Day, it won't last. And it shouldn't. They are wrong for each other and I am not sure that either one of them will find a good match.

I am just hoping that Jasmina's role in early childhood education is that she is in the front office doing enrollment or paperwork and NOT in a student-facing position. Especially with little kids - they need smiling, loving, interested teachers who will instill the joy of learning and being in school. NOT this cold, inflexible bitch. When she gave Michael permission to speak, I almost jumped out of bed to throw something at the TV. She is horrible. He is trying as hard as he can and will get no where. He was trying to discuss the journaling, as Viv assigned, but she was so mean about it. He may think he wants it to work, but he will breathe a sigh of relief when they are done.


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6 minutes ago, Retired at last said:

Mark and Lindsey just need to end it. He will never be good enough in bed to satisfy her and she will never stop letting everyone know how she is unsatisfied. But, Mark is also not a prize. As she mentioned on the Afterparty, and I will post in that thread, it is very obvious that Mark has trouble setting boundaries and saying no to people, especially women.  He wants everyone to like him and doesn't care if he hurts the feelings of the woman he is supposed to be devoted to - his wife. Lindsey is never going to get the man she wants if she stays with Mark. If they stay together on D Day, it won't last. And it shouldn't. They are wrong for each other and I am not sure that either one of them will find a good match.

Yes, thank you I said that in last week's thread (and previous threads), that Mark is overly concerned with everyone liking him to the point of throwing Lindsey under the bus when he should be defending or supporting her.

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15 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Noi and Steve: Noi wants her husband to have a full-time job. There’s nothing wrong with that. She gets anxious about finances because of her childhood, so he needs to respect that.

But Noi also needs to hear Steve about being burned out on corporate America and wanting to try something different.   He acknowledged her concerns by making a point of saying that he is paying bills, buying groceries, and providing financially to their household to her satisfaction.   Her only concern is that he doesn't spend 40 hours a week somewhere?   I do think their conflict is partly for storyline purposes.   As I would hope they've had a conversations on finances and how much he can bring in consulting.   

I really want to like Jasmina and Michael.  I think they are both flawed people who could learn to be really good partners (maybe just not to each other).    Both are sensitive and stubborn.  They may be too much alike.   



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Jasmina is cold as ice .. and almost as cold as ACE. She is always instigating and has a pus on her face and is incapable of a conversation . I’d be so frustrated if I were Michael . I think she needs individual therapy . 

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There's usually a point where the couples sit down together and look at budgets and finances. I'm guessing it's coming up in the next couple weeks and that's why we keep hearing about this with Noi and Steve. He needs to be able to say, "Here's the amount of money I can bring in as a consultant, here is other money I have access to, here is what I save and put towards retirement, this is my health insurance situation, etc." I think people (and I'm definitely one of them) who have always worked in a traditional predictable salaried job have a really hard time understanding how people make a living in a gig economy. 

I'm guessing that they cannot live in Boston on her salary alone in the manner to which they're accustomed, especially if they're planning to have kids. He has to do something to contribute. Maybe he got some big payout at one point or has a lot of stock, who knows? And if she wants to be a stay at home mom someday then she needs to say that. You can't have both people in a couple decide that someday their partner will be the primary income earner and they'll stay home!

Edited to talk about Jasmina...she reminds me of a friend of mine who is also an educator. She's never been a warm, friendly, sweet kind of teacher, no matter what age she taught. She uses that same teacher tone and facial expression and has a tendency to start lecturing. It has not gone over well with her previous partners.

Edited by Nancybeth
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11 hours ago, Racj82 said:

I don't think we will ever meet the real Mark or Michael. I don't think either one of them will ever feel too comfortable around their spouse. I'm sure Mark and Michael are much more loose and fun away from this situation.

I think we have met them - when they are hanging out with the guys only they seem happy and fun. These women are horrible and never should have been chosen in the first place. Neither is ready for a relationship.

I admit I stopped watching after Viv's conversation with O and Katina. By the time she was crying I wanted to punch him or my wall or something. There have been some real assholes on this show, but something about the way he speaks to her and about her triggers me. It absolutely disgusts me. I find his attitude about her "role" vile. Fuck you Olajuwon. Get a maid and a chef. Your "husband level" sucks.

Just tell me - do I need to finish watching this episode? I saw the ball gags coming up and thought oh hell no........

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15 hours ago, Meowwww said:

And O with his too-many words praising Katina for “finally” hearing him.  Everything to O is about him.  

Yeah, he had to get a jab in there.  In between all the over-enthusiastic bs, he said, "you actually listened!"  I hate this dude. 

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No need to finish watching, imo, Ilovepie.

I'm getting to the point where I'm sure the Steve and Noi drama is manufactured. We'll find out in a few (?!) weeks, but aside from Steve's dad's vagabond comment(real or planted?), he seems a little burnt out but I don't believe that house husband is his master plan. After all, a house husband can't hit the road any time he wants, makes no sense.

In other messages, STFU, Lindsey and Mark. Still with the fuck off, Ola. Run, Katina (still and forever). And get Michael a shave and another wife, please.

Edited by buttersister
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4 hours ago, For Cereals said:

Can we just have Steve show aNOIng his bank account already. Where is the rule they both have to go to day jobs?  If he can afford to stay home and cook and clean, LET HIM.

That's just it.  Can Steve afford to stay home and cook and clean?  His father doesn't think so.  He should not have been picked.  Noi should be very concerned.  

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4 hours ago, Doublemint said:

Everyone is hating on O.  He is so inarticulate that he can't really explain his demands and behavior.   Contrary to the majority opinion here, there is nothing "wrong" in wanting  a traditional wife.   There are women who love to cook and clean and cater to their family, although in 2022 they are nowhere near the majority of women

Well, I stuck up for him last week and said he deserved a hot meal at night, and I got slammed.  They said she didn’t have to cook as she worked from home.  So, I don’t exactly know what posters want from this guy.  I worked and cooked, with three kids because I wanted to .  I don’t think there’s any right or wrong here I guess.  I did have a husband tho that really didn’t care what I did.  He left it up to me and never complained.  I guess that’s why I’m still married forever.  We both never demanded anything.  O is sort of setting her straight for what’s he wants from her.  The experts should of told her his demands.  Wife for sex, scrub woman, and cook.  Maybe a Mother too.


Edited by kristen111
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51 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

That's just it.  Can Steve afford to stay home and cook and clean?  His father doesn't think so.  He should not have been picked.  Noi should be very concerned.  

Steve’s dad could be traditional like Noi and believe that if you aren’t going to a day job, you’re not adding any value.  There are other ways to make money or be financially secure.  Maybe he’s got a huge stock portfolio or went yolo at the perfect time on some meme stocks. If you know what you’re doing and can accept the risk, you can make money during up and down periods. Maybe he has real estate or other passive income investments.  It’s true we don’t know and he could be burned out of the typical 9-5, but I don’t see it as a negative.  Maybe I relate better because I would love to do just that.  Now, if he has $12 in the bank, then I’m with Noi.

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8 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

I think we have met them - when they are hanging out with the guys only they seem happy and fun. These women are horrible and never should have been chosen in the first place. Neither is ready for a relationship.

I admit I stopped watching after Viv's conversation with O and Katina. By the time she was crying I wanted to punch him or my wall or something. There have been some real assholes on this show, but something about the way he speaks to her and about her triggers me. It absolutely disgusts me. I find his attitude about her "role" vile. Fuck you Olajuwon. Get a maid and a chef. Your "husband level" sucks.

Just tell me - do I need to finish watching this episode? I saw the ball gags coming up and thought oh hell no........

That sex stuff was so cringeworthy, I can’t even.  Why is this show even going there?  Sex is private, especially on tv.  That Dr. Viv is too much.  All those gadgets are not for everyone.  If I was Mike, I would have refused to put all that crap on.  Wasn’t funny at all.  Imo.  I mean Mark, not Mike.

Edited by kristen111
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7 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

 If I was Mike, I would have refused to put all that crap on.  Wasn’t funny at all.  Imo.

Oh good, I was asleep for that one. I saw Steve and Noi and body shots. Then I saw Katina slap O with that whip thing a couple times and they rain into the bedroom. I did not see anything with Mark and Lindsey or Michael and Jasmina (fortunately).

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7 minutes ago, Retired at last said:

Oh good, I was asleep for that one. I saw Steve and Noi and body shots. Then I saw Katina slap O with that whip thing a couple times and they rain into the bedroom. I did not see anything with Mark and Lindsey or Michael and Jasmina (fortunately).

Mark looked like a fool, but he went along with it.  He had to or else Lindsey would have had a fit.  It might of helped Katina and Oj.  The others, I don’t even remember.  I think they were laughing.  It was Shades of Grey, but in a funny way.  More like stupid.

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13 hours ago, Airy2021 said:

I'm so confused by Steve. How much money does he have saved to live off of? Why apply for a show to get married and follow through with the marriage if you have no income and no intention of contributing financially to the union? He seems like a nice guy and I would totally be all for him living his life how he wants and just being a vagabond living on his savings if he was single but he's coming across as irresponsible on tv. Are we missing something? Is he planning to work and we just aren't hearing more about it and Noi wants him working ASAP when he is more comfy living on his savings? It's sort of confusing and weird but I still like them together.


Olaj and his giant forehead need to just get off the screen. He's so chauvenistic and bizarre with the "COOK FOR ME! CLEAN FOR ME!" stuff. What year is it?!?!?! I'm done with him. Katina should RUN!

Michael and Jasmina are so boring. They make me actually long for Alyssa back and that's saying something. I can't stand her...even though she's a good f*cking person.

Lyndsey makes me uncomfortable. That's all.

Yes to all, and why did the experts put them together in the first place? It’s cruel and done for drama.  Michael crying on tv is heartbreaking, Katina too.  These people all had issues, yet they were matched.  And I watch, lol.

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2 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

I think we have met them - when they are hanging out with the guys only they seem happy and fun. These women are horrible and never should have been chosen in the first place. Neither is ready for a relationship.

I admit I stopped watching after Viv's conversation with O and Katina. By the time she was crying I wanted to punch him or my wall or something. There have been some real assholes on this show, but something about the way he speaks to her and about her triggers me. It absolutely disgusts me. I find his attitude about her "role" vile. Fuck you Olajuwon. Get a maid and a chef. Your "husband level" sucks.

Just tell me - do I need to finish watching this episode? I saw the ball gags coming up and thought oh hell no........

We will never meet the real them in terms of a relationship. It's hard to be natural and comfortable in these circumstances.

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Yeah, Steve is a strange one.  He loses his job in the pandemic and begins this vagabond wanderer existence and at some point decides that it's a good idea to go on a reality tv show and get married to a stranger, with apparently no other plans for his future.  His expertise is in IT, right?  Isn't that something that can pretty much be done remotely from anywhere in the world?  Being raised by parents in a traditional 1950s scenario where my mom stayed home and dad worked Mon-Fri., 9-5, I know that I too would feel insecure planning a life with someone without a predictable income.  People who do freelance are a different breed with a different tolerance and mindset toward financial stability.  Noi is not a good match for someone like that, and I would not be, either.  At some point in time you need to grow up, sit down and figure out an actual budget, and also how you are going to plan for things like retirement.   Matching Steve to be married is about as bad as when they put that homeless basketball player on the show. 

I believe Lindsey is a good person, she just needs to chill a bit and not be so MEAN.  Did she actually say that Mark has been in touch with Alyssa???  Knowing how his wife feels about her, that's definitely a very bad idea. 

Mike's beard is offputting to me, he looks like he has a cute face, but that beard makes him look like some religious extremist or something.  It is not flattering to him in the least.

Olajuwan is horrible.  He does not deserve Katina, or any wife.  He needs to hire a cook and housekeeper and stay single and happy. 


Edited by suzeecat
additional thought
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46 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

That sex stuff was so cringeworthy, I can’t even.  Why is this show even going there?  Sex is private, especially on tv.  That Dr. Viv is too much.  All those gadgets are not for everyone.  If I was Mike, I would have refused to put all that crap on.  Wasn’t funny at all.  Imo.

I didn't even get that far, and now I am glad. Blech!

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13 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

Yeah, Steve is a strange one.  He loses his job in the pandemic and begins this vagabond wanderer existence and at some point decides that it's a good idea to go on a reality tv show and get married to a stranger, with apparently no other plans for his future.  His expertise is in IT, right?  Isn't that something that can pretty much be done remotely from anywhere in the world?  Being raised by parents in a traditional 1950s scenario where my mom stayed home and dad worked Mon-Fri., 9-5, I know that I too would feel insecure planning a life with someone without a predictable income.  People who do freelance are a different breed with a different tolerance and mindset toward financial stability.  Noi is not a good match for someone like that, and I would not be, either.  At some point in time you need to grow up, sit down and figure out an actual budget, and also how you are going to plan for things like retirement.   Matching Steve to be married is about as bad as when they put that homeless basketball player on the show. 

I believe Lindsey is a good person, she just needs to chill a bit and not be so MEAN.  Did she actually say that Mark has been in touch with Alyssa???  Knowing how his wife feels about her, that's definitely a very bad idea. 

Mike's beard is offputting to me, he looks like he has a cute face, but that beard makes him look like some religious extremist or something.  It is not flattering to him in the least.

Olajuwan is horrible.  He does not deserve Katina, or any wife.  He needs to hire a cook and housekeeper and stay single and happy. 


I kind of wish they had paired Katina with Mike, neither would be so mean to each other.

And, put O with Jasmina, not that they would have been a good couple, but I don't like either one of them, so at least they would not be turned loose on their current spouses.


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1 hour ago, kristen111 said:

Well, I stuck up for him last week and said he deserved a hot meal at night, and I got slammed.  They said she didn’t have to cook as she worked from home.  So, I don’t exactly know what posters want from this guy.  I worked and cooked, with three kids because I wanted to .  I don’t think there’s any right or wrong here I guess.  I did have a husband tho that really didn’t care what I did.  He left it up to me and never complained.  I guess that’s why I’m still married forever.  We both never demanded anything.  O is sort of setting her straight for what’s he wants from her.  The experts should of told her his demands.  Wife for sex, scrub woman, and cook.  Maybe a Mother too.


What you said in your own post is what is missing here: "He left it up to me and never complained. We both never demanded anything."

I don't think the problem is that O wants someone to make meals for him. It's his way of expressing this that is problematic. He is forcing it on Katina and demanding she comply regardless of her feelings about it. He is married to a woman that is not into cooking and doesn't seem to have any desire to do it other than because her new spouse expressed that it is important to him. The issue is that he never asked Katina if she wanted to do it. He's basically said "it's your job as a wife to feed me and you are not meeting my expectations." There was no discussion about splitting household jobs and what he would do vs. what she would do. Just this is your job (whether you want it or not) and you aren't doing it.

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9 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I was called a "snot nose" by a teacher and repeatedly verbally insulted by her in the second grade.  I can never tell that anecdote now in a way to amuse. 

But Michael started it off sounding like it was going to be amusing.  He said the teacher said he couldn't go to the bathroom, and he thought, "All righty then," and let it rip.  Making the teacher the butt of the anecdote.  To which I say, "You go, young Michael!"  But then it turned into him getting a hurtful nickname. 

All in all, it was just a mess.  He needed to pick a lane for that story, but I don't get the impression he's skilled anecdote teller.

I was impressed at how that comb went through his beard so easily.  I assumed it was a tangled mess.  I still hate it, but at least it's ruly under all that unattractiveness.

I have to say, when Lindsey trashed Mark for "selling gym memberships," I thought it was a little harsh, but then we see them at Planet Fitness, and I assume that's where Mark works.  Not that I admire sharpsters who sell gym memberships, but I do think selling Planet Fitness memberships is not particularly challenging. 

And I've mentioned this before, but is Mark a good "face" for a gym?  He's HUGE in the shoulders, but so doughy in the middle.  I know PF is all about no judgements (that's their "e" in the middle and it pisses me off every time I see it), but nothing about his physique would make me want to plunk down even small money to work to get it.

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1 hour ago, For Cereals said:

Steve’s dad could be traditional like Noi and believe that if you aren’t going to a day job, you’re not adding any value.  There are other ways to make money or be financially secure.  Maybe he’s got a huge stock portfolio or went yolo at the perfect time on some meme stocks. If you know what you’re doing and can accept the risk, you can make money during up and down periods. Maybe he has real estate or other passive income investments.  It’s true we don’t know and he could be burned out of the typical 9-5, but I don’t see it as a negative.  Maybe I relate better because I would love to do just that.  Now, if he has $12 in the bank, then I’m with Noi.

Steve’s father knows him and thinks he is a hobo, so what is the rest of us supposed to think?  MAYBE he has extensive savings. More importantly, let's hope he has health insurance because that's the number one killer on savings.

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15 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

But Michael started it off sounding like it was going to be amusing.  He said the teacher said he couldn't go to the bathroom, and he thought, "All righty then," and let it rip.  Making the teacher the butt of the anecdote.  To which I say, "You go, young Michael!"  But then it turned into him getting a hurtful nickname. 

All in all, it was just a mess.  He needed to pick a lane for that story, but I don't get the impression he's skilled anecdote teller.

Yes, both of their communication skills suck.  They both give the wrong impression and then get upset when the other person takes that wrong impression at face value.

16 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I have to say, when Lindsey trashed Mark for "selling gym memberships," I thought it was a little harsh, but then we see them at Planet Fitness, and I assume that's where Mark works.  Not that I admire sharpsters who sell gym memberships, but I do think selling Planet Fitness memberships is not particularly challenging. 

And I've mentioned this before, but is Mark a good "face" for a gym?  He's HUGE in the shoulders, but so doughy in the middle.  I know PF is all about no judgements (that's their "e" in the middle and it pisses me off every time I see it), but nothing about his physique would make me want to plunk down even small money to work to get it.

Yes, I froze the frame and saw that they were at Planet Fitness, which is not exactly the pinnacle of health clubs and figured that must be where he works.  I have seen him being given different titles depending on what you read.  The show says one thing, Lindsey says another and articles online say something else.  That's a little suspicious.

Mark looks like a guy that doesn't eat healthy and started working out with a little extra weight on him.  So in that case without dieting and eating right he just put on muscle in addition to fat and didn't lose much if any fat.  My husband says his arms look like "grandma arms" - no definition at all and very doughy and large  I didn't even notice them until he said that but now I can't unsee them, and he does have a point.  I hate to say that, but it's true.....🙁

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Olajuwon did a pretty good job of saying whatever he figured it would take to make it look like he is not a neanderthal, but failed miserably. He wants a Stepford wife and Ms. Inadequate Expert did nothing to dispel that mindset. At one point he had a look on his face that indicated he would say whatever he had to to appease TPTB, but would expect Katina to completely fall in line with his concept of circa 1800 'womanly duties' or else. He just couldn't utter anything that spoke of Katina being an actual human being with actual rights and deserving of respect.

Jasmina is still addressing Michael as she would a toddler. If I were Michael, I would have repeatedly blown my stack over her demeaning attitude. I have no idea what to think of him as he just seems to be trying to stay out of her line of fire all the time.

Steve seemed to make it pretty clear that he has NO intention of contributing financially to their marriage. And, yes Steve, in Noi's place, I would MUCH rather have shared financial responsibilities than a spotless house and all that wonderful food he indicated he is preparing. He should have make it clear from his application for MAFS that he intended to be a SAHH - failure to disclose something that important is unconscionable.

Lindsay - I don't think she has any idea how to NOT be crass and vulgar. If she wants to be wooed, she needs to present a persona worth wooing. It seems to me that she immediately dismisses any and all suggestions that she needs to change anything about her deilvery. I think Mark is one of those AJ types who just does NOT want to have ALL the important stuff out there, and I agree. I would think the couples need to have some part of this that is kept private from the cameras and microphones. I think Mark would be much more relaxed and open if he could trust Lindsay to show some discretion and get her vocabulary out of the gutter.

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7 hours ago, Doublemint said:

Everyone is hating on O.  He is so inarticulate that he can't really explain his demands and behavior.   Contrary to the majority opinion here, there is nothing "wrong" in wanting  a traditional wife.   There are women who love to cook and clean and cater to their family, although in 2022 they are nowhere near the majority of women.   His biggest mistake was in not making this a deal breaker when he applied for the show. 

It’s fine if O. wants a wife who cooks and cleans. What’s not fine is the way he links it to being a “good wife” and a “mature woman” plus the fact that he is rigid, inflexible and really doesn’t give a damn what Katina wants. 

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20 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Who thought Olaj and Katina would have had the most fun with their basket? 

They are mostly having fun I think, but the show doesn’t want to show that.  Their high drama is much more entertaining.  They do have party lifestyles in their past.  I think they had a lot of fun in the past.

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