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Unexpected: All Episodes Discussion

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On 7/1/2024 at 10:03 AM, BAForever said:

I think we must be related @applewood. Producers hit the jackpot with Aniyah and her crew, and Andrea who obviously has never watched this shitshow and doesn't think they'll air her TH comments. 15 year old barfing boy has one foot out the door and 16 year old bike guy is on his heels. Lily, your inability to think realistically about money is staggering. One of my fave guilty pleasures.

LOL! "Sisters from another Mister" as they say.

Aniyah's mom- I guess your daughter has to be in cardiac arrest before you'll consider taking her to the ER.

Lilly- Holy crap! That looks like a lot of presents. I wonder how much she spent. Looks like Lawrence doesn't help much with the kids.

Becky-I feel bad if she does have bipolar.  I don't think Mandy and her daughter should talk sh** about her. It didn't seem like they played many games or anything at the shower unless a lot was cut out by producers.

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I want to remind Lilly that especially when it comes to the pre-verbal 2-year-old, you don't need many expensive presents to make a big Christmas morning show for the kids. He mostly wants to rip the shiny paper off. You can put a $1 Target or thrift store toy in a big Amazon box and get just as much reaction as you might from a $100 model car.

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I seriously doubt either Kayleigh or her mom know about Bekki's diagnosis - perhaps they would show more compassion if they did but oftentimes people with mental illnesses tend to keep it to themselves.  I feel bad for Graham - he obviously has dealt with this a lot.  I can also see that it would be frustrating for Kayleigh's family - they are about to share a grandson with this family and as far as they know there is minimal input (of course don't get me started on delivering my early teens daughter to someone's house who isn't overseeing them - look where that got you!).  

At what point would Aniyah's mom have taken her to the hospital?  When she stroked out?  I just don't understand her thought process.  Can we just tattoo a big "N" on her forehead for narcissist?

I think Lilly has really become a lovely young woman (although clueless about money and also about how to get Lawrence to step up and be a father).  I think she's just lost a lot of weight - she is older now and she was also pregnant most of her former episodes.  Her stepdad (sort of) is really a sweetie, isn't he?  I love how she talked about how much better their lives became when her mom got involved with him.  He seemed to really step in and take on a dad role when her biological father couldn't.  

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20 hours ago, IvySpice said:

I want to remind Lilly that especially when it comes to the pre-verbal 2-year-old, you don't need many expensive presents to make a big Christmas morning show for the kids. He mostly wants to rip the shiny paper off. You can put a $1 Target or thrift store toy in a big Amazon box and get just as much reaction as you might from a $100 model car.

When my daughter was LJ's age I bought her one "special" gift - she received gifts from grandparents, cousins, aunt and uncles on Christmas Eve which was our family tradition - she never noticed otherwise (I also bought Santa gifts for under the tree Christmas morning but didn't go crazy).  I got away with this for years...LOL!  I also tended to put some of the plethora of gifts she received in hiding because otherwise toys tended to get ignored - once she got tired of her new stuff I would pull it out and she would have more new stuff.  

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Anayah wanting her mother saying that "de and me  just kids I need an adult in the room".  Are you kidding me? You decided you were adult enough to have sex. You decided you were adult enough to try to raise a baby on your own? But now, all of a sudden, when push comes the shove. Literally. Now you want an adult in the room? Should have thought about that before.


I don't understand Kayleigh.and Graham parents. For the past 3 years since these 2 idiots, we're 12 years old. They drove over 30 minutes each way, so the the two 12year-olds could date. When were these kids ever alone?  Were you driving your daughter over to her boyfriend's house and leaving her there alone with a boy in his house and then you Were surprised she got pregnant.And after she was pregnant, you all continued to just drive them back-and-forth to each other Now that you know what they were doing. Also Kayleigh needs to realize Graham was happy to come over and see you when he knew he was gonna be able to get sex. But now that there's a responsibility attached to it, he's not so ready to be there


Lily's mom is more concerned about the commitment it takes to get married. But less worried about the commitment that it takes to actually bring a child into the world. I will never understand that.

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On 7/1/2024 at 9:09 PM, For Cereals said:

I feel bad for Becky and Graham.  I think (hope) if Kayleigh and her family knew about Becky being bipolar and what it means for Becky, they’d be more understanding.  Don’t really like the show using her struggle with mental illness as a source of drama.  I’m sure there are plenty of other issues to create drama

It would be nice to know if Graham's mother has been DIAGNOSED* as having bipolar disorder, rather than a self-declaration.

*By a licensed psychiatrist.

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My fav part was Lilly and Lawrence rolling out of bed in their matching outfits when the kids came in at 6am.  After they opened gifts, I wondered if they were going to get dressed. But no, same outfits at lunch time. Guess I'm not sure if what they slept in were actually clothes, or they just decided to stay in the matching PJ's. 

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18 hours ago, SDVegas said:

It makes me sad that Lilly tolerates Lawrence doing absolutely nothing.

Yes he works. Ok, he works a lot and brings in all the money. Kudos I guess.
But when he came home from work, he didn’t even give the kids a hug. Didn’t lift a finger or get off the couch to set up the Christmas presents.  Come on now. 

Noticed that too @SDVegas. Seems they have very rigid/traditional gender roles. Lily has no desire to work. Lawrence, as breadwinner, doesn't help with house chores. That's unusual in today's world. Wonder if Lily will work when kids are older. She likes to spend $$, she'll have more if she contributes.

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On 7/6/2024 at 3:06 AM, Back Atcha said:

With costs for childcare, appropriate work wardrobe, gas, lunches, etc., most working mothers don't "have more."  Is she capable of getting a GOOD job?

Well, she's been on this show for a few seasons (I think).  I have absolutely no ability to recall details of this show since it immediately leaps out of my brain after I finish watching it.  The other returning mom said she made enough from instagram sponsors to afford to move to the beach to be with her new boyfriend, so I'd think Lilly might be able to monetize her fame at least for a little while.  

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4 hours ago, kitkat343 said:

Well, she's been on this show for a few seasons (I think).  I have absolutely no ability to recall details of this show since it immediately leaps out of my brain after I finish watching it.  The other returning mom said she made enough from instagram sponsors to afford to move to the beach to be with her new boyfriend, so I'd think Lilly might be able to monetize her fame at least for a little while.  

Agree with @Back Atcha that it may be difficult for Lily to find a job that pays well enough to offset clothes, child care, etc. Maybe now would be a great time for her to take classes for a possible future career. Daughter (name escapes me) should be in school most of the year and certainly hellion LJ naps. SAHM's or SAHD's is a personal decision for a family.  If they can afford to live on one income,  good for them. I think Lily might be happier and a better parent with some time away from kids.

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50 minutes ago, ChristmasJones said:

I have a burning question..... why does Lily's mom and bio-dad keep talking about how expensive it is to divorce?  Any guesses on what the hold up could be?  

I did a quick Google on uncontested divorce in New York State. It costs about $400 to file the court ppwk and then another $200 or so for the adjudication. And if you don't have the money you can file for a fee waiver. These two are either too lazy or too cheap to cut the cord. I mean, you'd think they had assets like Bill Gates!

Edited by Red Bridey
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11 hours ago, IvySpice said:

This season is finally getting good. Aniyah's mom is up there with reality TV's top narcissistic monsters. Any mother mentioned in the same breath as Jason Korpi is a dumpster fire of a human being.

Her mom is probably the worst ever.  Everything her kids do is an inconvenience and stands in the way of her life.

She shouldn’t be allowed to have a house plant.

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On 7/2/2024 at 6:16 AM, IvySpice said:

We get along fine at family events. I would NEVER snark about them on TV or teach a child to do so, because I'm not trying to make a permanent rift in the family.

I was disgusted with mother's/daughter's reaction to Graham's mom's 'minimal involvement'. They know her condition, so now they need to research how they can help and/or communicate. 

Bipolar is a very difficult mental health issue. Most self-identified people are fine with sharing their ADHD, ADD, OCD and autistic diagnoses, whereas bipolar and other (ie: schizophrenia) are diagnoses they generally share with a handful.

I had a friend with this condition and her life was difficult. She'd consider feeling 'good' 7 days in a month as progress. Sadly, she didn't make it after the age of 40.

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14 hours ago, BAForever said:

Agree with @Back Atcha that it may be difficult for Lily to find a job that pays well enough to offset clothes, child care, etc. Maybe now would be a great time for her to take classes for a possible future career.

I'm curious if Lily and Lawrence have a wad of savings set aside? Lily's inability to NOT spend money is baffling, and why is she pushing for a $20,000 wedding in 3 months (unless production is footing the bill?)

I had to FF every time Lily' whined about the "stress of HAVING to tell my parents" on Christmas day, I was yelling at the TV because she does all of this to herself.

I think she should go to school or find work, but I have a feeling she has no interest in working outside her home.

On 7/6/2024 at 12:06 AM, Back Atcha said:

With costs for childcare, appropriate work wardrobe, gas, lunches, etc., most working mothers don't "have more."  Is she capable of getting a GOOD job?

Whatever money making plan she has, I would place bets that Lily's money will remain hers, and she'll expect Lawrence to finance childcare, wardrobe, lunches and gas etc.

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On 6/27/2024 at 10:03 AM, applewood said:

Oh, someone asked how they met. I think Kayleigh said it was at a church event. It could be for some reason Kayleigh's family goes to a church in a neighboring town.

This reminds of something I noticed years ago. The majority of these teens who find themselves pregnant, come from religious homes (perhaps even fundamental)? Clearly, they missed (or ignored) basic sex Ed that is available from ages 11/12 and up.

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8 hours ago, Chalby said:

basic sex Ed that is available from ages 11/12 and up.

"Available" means something different in rural Kentucky. Sure, the kids have the internet, but they have to know that they would benefit from seeking this information out. They're probably getting shame messages from church, home, and school (condoms don't work, wait till marriage, etc.). It's unrealistic to put on kids' shoulders that they should figure out that they need education on a topic and then find a curriculum and teach it to themselves behind their parents' backs. Adults need to teach kids, and this show is about the consequences when we don't. 

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15 hours ago, b2H said:

Her mom is probably the worst ever.  Everything her kids do is an inconvenience and stands in the way of her life.

She shouldn’t be allowed to have a house plant.

I AGREE! She's such a narcissist that she'll ENJOY her portrayal on television.  She'll wonder what all the fuss is about.  I'd like to meet HER mother!   

Something Ashley has passed to her daughter is lack of concern for ANYONE'S time or schedule.  Not only is Aniyah always late, she never apologizes.  I don't think she understands how maddening it is.  Does she care about Dae-Dae's needs, wants, time, and baby's name?

            From the 'net: Narcissism is a personality trait that can include an excessive focus on oneself, a lack of empathy, and a need for admiration. It can also involve an inflated sense of self-importance, a sense of entitlement, and fantasizing about achievements. While everyone may exhibit some narcissistic behaviors occasionally, people with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) often disregard others' feelings and don't understand how their actions affect others. This unhealthy pattern of behavior can negatively impact all aspects of a person's life, including work, family, and relationships

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15 hours ago, Red Bridey said:

I did a quick Google on uncontested divorce in New York State. It costs about $400 to file the court ppwk and then another $200 or so for the adjudication. And if you don't have the money you can file for a fee waiver. These two are either too lazy or too cheap to cut the cord. I mean, you'd think they had assets like Bill Gates!


Its bizarre that she kept telling her Lilly how expensive it is to get divorced. She said that multiple times. And the father agreed.  The mother appears to have a middle class life with her partner.  

It must be something to do with the dad not wanting to give up a portion of his retirement or pension or something..   its a very bizarre reason to keep telling her daughter not to get married, IMO. 

Will they be married until death due to "how expensive" a divorce is?  Does one of them have to die first for this massive financial burden to go away? 

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13 hours ago, Chalby said:

I was disgusted with mother's/daughter's reaction to Graham's mom's 'minimal involvement'. They know her condition, so now they need to research how they can help and/or communicate. 

Bipolar is a very difficult mental health issue. Most self-identified people are fine with sharing their ADHD, ADD, OCD and autistic diagnoses, whereas bipolar and other (ie: schizophrenia) are diagnoses they generally share with a handful.

I had a friend with this condition and her life was difficult. She'd consider feeling 'good' 7 days in a month as progress. Sadly, she didn't make it after the age of 40.

It is unclear if at the time of filming if Mandy and Kayleigh knew about Bekki's disorder or just thought she was "sick". They should know now after seeing the show. I feel bad for Graham. Yes, he got himself into this situation, but how much can he "help"? He's 15. He doesn't drive, lives in another town, mother has bi polar and apparently he has to take care of her. He doesn't have a dad at home. He probably still has two years of high school to finish.

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14 hours ago, applewood said:

It is unclear if at the time of filming if Mandy and Kayleigh knew about Bekki's disorder or just thought she was "sick". They should know now after seeing the show. I feel bad for Graham. Yes, he got himself into this situation, but how much can he "help"? He's 15. He doesn't drive, lives in another town, mother has bi polar and apparently he has to take care of her. He doesn't have a dad at home. He probably still has two years of high school to finish.

Maybe, but when Kayleigh was discussing their "history" she mentioned being 14 when they started "dating". I'm sure his mom's mental health was discussed long before now. Especially after they said he was always over at their home (where her mom didn't think it was too serious). LOL, the woman lives life with her head in the sand.

19 hours ago, IvySpice said:

"Available" means something different in rural Kentucky. Sure, the kids have the internet, but they have to know that they would benefit from seeking this information out. They're probably getting shame messages from church, home, and school (condoms don't work, wait till marriage, etc.). It's unrealistic to put on kids' shoulders that they should figure out that they need education on a topic and then find a curriculum and teach it to themselves behind their parents' backs. Adults need to teach kids, and this show is about the consequences when we don't. 

That was the whole point behind my post...

These overt fundamentalist parents set up an environment for their kids, where fear and ignorance etc keeps them with their heads in the sand. This is even more harmful when the kids learn they're pregnant then gain extra exposure for being unaware or ignorant of basic bodily functions.

This is the result (and these are the kids) of parents who wouldn't sign those sex ed permission forms. 

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On 7/10/2024 at 12:02 PM, applewood said:

I feel bad for Graham. Yes, he got himself into this situation, but how much can he "help"? He's 15. He doesn't drive, lives in another town, mother has bi polar and apparently he has to take care of her. He doesn't have a dad at home. He probably still has two years of high school to finish.

This portrayal on national TV might catch the attention of the appropriate authorities in his area.  Maybe some agency that can DO SOMETHING will actually help him.  We don't know if his mother diagnosed her own condition (and she could be right); maybe someone will intervene and help her too.

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9 hours ago, Chalby said:

These overt fundamentalist parents set up an environment for their kids, where fear and ignorance etc keeps them with their heads in the sand.

This was my experience (born in 1940 and raised VERY Catholic). "The pill" was FDA approved when I was 20...and not immediately available.  I "couldn't" have taken it anyway.  I attended 12yrs of Catholic schools and don't think I was any more naive than most of the teens of my era. Fear of pregnancy, God, nuns, and parents is the only thing that kept most of my friends and me from doing anything to CAUSE pregnancy. FEAR!

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Jenna drives me nuts..she is so spoiled and so stupid.  Her nasal whiny voice and the fact she says LIKE every other word just gets under my skin. Yet even though she's not old enough to.drink yet and has no job she has a nice car, expects and GETS a $1200 purse has a myrtle beach apartment but is too stupid to use birth control and now has 2 baby dads in 2 different states.  I am a retired teacher and my students would idolize these girls as well as the teen mom girls because they never see any down side or hardships of being a teen mom.

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1 hour ago, Poohbear617 said:

Jenna drives me nuts..she is so spoiled and so stupid.  Her nasal whiny voice and the fact she says LIKE every other word just gets under my skin. Yet even though she's not old enough to.drink yet and has no job she has a nice car, expects and GETS a $1200 purse has a myrtle beach apartment but is too stupid to use birth control and now has 2 baby dads in 2 different states.  I am a retired teacher and my students would idolize these girls as well as the teen mom girls because they never see any down side or hardships of being a teen mom.

She has only one child. There hasn’t been any mention of her being pregnant again. And she makes enough money to support her lifestyle. So, 🤷‍♀️

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Daughter Traveler is getting married in September to a good guy who fixed our plumbing issues, yay!  No $20,000 wedding there; it's tiny, five of us,  in the clubhouse of our condo complex and then on to a steak place for a nice dinner.  Then they're going to a nice hotel for the weekend.  $300.00 max.  That's with no kids.

Lily and James (?) have two little ones and no $$$$.  What the heck is wrong with the courthouse and a nice dinner-done?


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On 7/11/2024 at 5:15 PM, applewood said:

I was looking at pictures of Lilly's mom and stepdad's wedding and is it just me or does Kim resemble Theresa Nist from the Golden Bachelor? I think I've watched too many of these shows.  sigh.



Wait. What? If this is Lilly's mom and step dad, how could they be married if she's not divorced from biodad? I'm confused.

Edited to add: Apparently she and biodad divorced, then Kim and Glenn married in a double wedding ceremony with her brother. I read where Lilly got married in March (2023 I presume) and this wedding occurred the following August. 


Edited by salvame
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Mandy is one of the most annoying people I've ever watched on one of these shows, and there have been a lot of really annoying people on these shows.  She is aware of the fact that Graham is under an enormous amount of stress and yet she thinks its her place to "get to the bottom" of what's happening with his mom because she's not contributing enough to the care of a baby that isn't actually her responsibility?   Unless a grandparent tells the child that they need to have the baby and shouldn't have an abortion, the baby isn't actually the grandparents responsibility.  There's nothing to get to the bottom of here.  The fact that Graham's mom isn't going to be involved isn't a surprise and should have been known when Kayleigh decided to have and  keep her child.  My husband's parents chose to not be involved in helping with our children.  That was their choice, and it was their right to make that choice and there was no getting to the bottom of that.  We decided to have the number of children we could take care of based upon the level of resources and support we had.  And ultimately Kayleigh needed to make a decision as to what to do with her pregnancy based upon the support she expected, and no one should have expected Graham's mom to contribute because nothing in her history indicated she would contribute.  And I don't care why she isn't contributing - whether it is a. health issue or simply a reluctance - this is who she is and that's the end of the issue.


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DaeDae goes on and on about not being ready for marriage, house, commitment, etc.  He wants to go at his own pace, etc.  What are these knuckleheads not getting about the consequences of having unprotected sex???  Somehow he seemed MORE than ready to impregnate.  Ah, my age is showing. 

And I could not care any less about entitled Lilly's over-the-top wedding and how she doesn't have a clue what custard is and how horrible her life is that flu has infected her family.  That was the most infuriating zoom call I've ever been a part of.  Mom and sis were sure enjoying some huge portions of at least three different dinners and untold amounts of cake.  I was getting ill just watching them eat it all. 

The two moms' hot tub convo was awkward as hell.  "What are your health issues?"  "I have bipolar.  I have bipolar." "Thank you so much for opening up to me". 

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7 hours ago, kitkat343 said:

Mandy is one of the most annoying people I've ever watched on one of these shows, and there have been a lot of really annoying people on these shows.  She is aware of the fact that Graham is under an enormous amount of stress and yet she thinks its her place to "get to the bottom" of what's happening with his mom because she's not contributing enough to the care of a baby that isn't actually her responsibility?   Unless a grandparent tells the child that they need to have the baby and shouldn't have an abortion, the baby isn't actually the grandparents responsibility.  There's nothing to get to the bottom of here.  The fact that Graham's mom isn't going to be involved isn't a surprise and should have been known when Kayleigh decided to have and  keep her child.  My husband's parents chose to not be involved in helping with our children.  That was their choice, and it was their right to make that choice and there was no getting to the bottom of that.  We decided to have the number of children we could take care of based upon the level of resources and support we had.  And ultimately Kayleigh needed to make a decision as to what to do with her pregnancy based upon the support she expected, and no one should have expected Graham's mom to contribute because nothing in her history indicated she would contribute.  And I don't care why she isn't contributing - whether it is a. health issue or simply a reluctance - this is who she is and that's the end of the issue.


Totally agree. I am starting to dislike Mandy more and more. First of all, her daughter got pregnant by a boy who comes from a family with very limited  means, where the mother is bi polar, doesn't drive at night or in the rain, is hospitalized occasionally and there is no dad in the home. Graham is only 15, doesn't drive  and has two years of high school to finish. How much is Mandy expecting Graham to do? He has to be at school 5 days a week, probably from 8 AM to 3 PM. I assume his mother also works and she doesn't drive at night. And they live 30 minutes away. So, how can he be over at Kayleigh's house every day?

And when they were in the hot tub, did Mandy really say "What's bipolar?" I could have heard her wrong or is she that stupid?

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So Mandy makes some snotty comments about being surprised that Graham and Bekki made it to the hospital. They're damned if they do and damned if they don't. Then snot Mandy has to make another comment about Bekki needs to stay in her lane. All she did was ask some random question about Pitocin.

I understand if Bekki had to leave at one point. The induction was going very slowly and maybe she wanted to go home for a few hours and eat or sleep. There was really nothing for her to do. But I totally agree with Mandy on one point. Why was Bekki's friend Rob there as a substitute??? WTF? Does he even know Kayleigh?

Emmalee is not as wise as she thinks. Nathan is only 16. He's not mature enough to be a father. And Emmalee, you are not much more mature!!

Jenna's dad was right. It's too bad Jenna and Aiden couldn't work something out before going to court.

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On 7/16/2024 at 2:33 PM, SDVegas said:

She has only one child. There hasn’t been any mention of her being pregnant again. And she makes enough money to support her lifestyle. So, 🤷‍♀️

Now that the show is filming her struggling with joint custody, Myrtle Beach may not work out, after all. This is becoming a cautionary tale of having a baby with the wrong (or right?) guy.

UO but I get where Mandy is coming from maybe because I have been close to people who use their diagnoses as excuses for bad behavior, other people to kowtow to them, or to not do anything they don’t want to do. It sounds like Graham has spent his short life living with his mother’s bipolar diagnosis dominating their lives. It does not have to be that way. Having said that, she should have kicked that guy out of the hospital room. I am sure it made Kayleigh uncomfortable especially. All you have to say is she is not comfortable with you here in this situation (in labor!) because she does not know you well. 

Jenna - She is more responsible than Aiden but just as selfish. She thought she could essentially buy him off because she doesn’t want to live in Pennsylvania anymore. Well, when you have a kid, you cannot just pick up and move the kid a few states away. YOU can move, Jenna, but Luka can’t. This is the girl who essentially demanded a car for her birthday, right? And dad got it, conditioning her to think she gets what she wants. 

Emmalee is going to use that baby to manipulate Nate his whole life. 

So Aniyah has no idea who her father even is? 


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