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S16.E11: Wined, Dined and Ryned

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I have not read this whole thread but I am watching this episode again because I did not pay close attention the first time nor am I paying that close attention this time but do not see what the huge problem is with pork rind putting the napkin in his collar to protect his shirt. Who gives a rip? 

my husband will toss the hanging part of his tie behind his back if he’s wearing a suit while eating.  I’m glad because it’s one less thing I have to clean.

One thing that took a little bit of getting used to though was after my husband eats a steak with a bone in it he will pick up the bone with his hands and gnaw the rest of the meat off of the bone even if we are in a restaurant lol!

can you imagine if we had bone-in tenderloin steak at the Dubrow‘s?😂😂😂


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3 hours ago, Hedgehog2022 said:

I think Heather views herself as the Caroline Astor (grande dame of the elite class of Gilded Age in NYC) of Orange County...she certainly lives like someone from the Gilded Age with her opulent and vulgar mansion. The way she droned on about the "friends" she and Terry had invited would be wonderful people for Ryne and Jen to know and immulate was ridiculous. Wouldn't it have been better to have Ryne and Jen over to the house without other couples? Get to know them better as a couple before introducing them to your snooty friends. 

I thought it WAS going to be just the two couples, so I thought it weird that she had a menu printed up.  A casual get together, maybe sitting outside making a pizza in their outside pizza oven, would have been a lot better.

  • Love 12

  Just finished and I'm dying of second hand embarrassment! The entire group at the dinner party had bad manners. So do I, because I giggled at the side-eye the cameras caught from the blonde and the one man. I guffawed when lady in orange heard Jen's "orange rinD" explanation and did a tiny bark laugh!

Jen was so obnoxious! How mortifying. I was giving Ryne a small pass, because he seems shy, and literally knew no one at the party at all, while Jen knew Terry and Heather, and has spent a lot of time with Heather with the rest of the cast or one-on-one.
BUT! Doesn't he run some sort of Hawaii real estate or time share business? One would think he'd need to know how to do the surface cocktail or dinner party surface talk. (He obviously isn't solely taking care of the kids, because they employ a full-time nanny.)

I died again when he tucked the napkin into his shirt. Bless his heart. I didn't find it irredeemable though, and with everything else going on, Heather could have just been polite and ignored it completely, like a good hostess would. Instead, she stared at the camera, then did her comedy act in her TH. 

3 hours ago, chlban said:

Sorry, what is SOCAL coke? I grew up in Southern CA, in Long Beach, just over the border of OC, and have lived in the OC since 1982. I have never, in any social situation, bern asked about my drug use, past or present and I would find that question offensive from anyone other than my closest friends. 

I was born in, and lived all over, Calif my entire life, until 5 yrs ago, (I'm ancient, so it was many many years!) and I've never once been asked about any drug use, nor was I asked about my drinking habits if I declined alcohol. It was just weird comments all around, and Terry did it to Shane too, who also has never had any alcohol. (I thought his drug comments were insensitive considering his brother as well.)


It took seasons for Gina to get her hair right. Here's hoping she'll finally get her fashion game sorted! She looks really pretty in the light pink outfit in her TH's.

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, dmeets said:

I'm softening towards Heather a bit from the beginning of the season, but that was shitty of her to air Dr. Jen's and Ryhhhhnnnn's dirty laundry after they'd left the party. Like she was saying "sorry everyone, I know they were trashy but they're having marriage problems so I want them to see wonderful relationships like all of ours, you understand." Hilarious that they all took his side over Dr. Jen's.

Ooh, that Terry, such a rebel. "Do you smoke pot? No? How about coke? It's heroin right? Tell me it's heroin."

I really don't understand how Dr. Jen can be so accomplished when she has speaks like an idiot. Another example was I think she referred to Heather as a "mentor" when I believe she meant "mediator."

I don't see Heather turning on Gina anytime soon. I think Jen will get on her nerves first.

Are the women refusing to film with Noella now? Not even Shannon hung out with her this episode. I see Shannon dropping Noella for Heather much more likely than Gina dropping Emily.

You know what’s trashy? Making fun of your guests the minute they leave ON TV. Like, who hasn’t done this in private? (likely it would have been me being trashed lol) RUDE. DuBrows have zero class for such classy people. No wonder they pulled this epi back a week. I just can’t anymore. 

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The Dubrows are rude hosts.  The anteroom to the dining room is cold and uninviting, and the seating looks incredibly uncomfortable.  The meal was fairly basic, but they felt the need for menus. The table was crowded and fussy; it all seemed so uncomfortable.  Also, as hosts they should try not to over-serve guests.  Jen was getting drunk before dinner, and Heather was happy to have more booze served to her. When it was clear she was inebriated, either Heather or Terry should have asked the servers to slow the pour. 

Jen and Ryne are a mess as a couple.  He does seem to be uncomfortable in social situations in which he doesn't know people.  However, he became much less so as she got more and more drunk. Also, the hosts pointedly questioning him 

Somehow we all seem to understand that many people do not drink at all or at given times choose not to drink.  I've never felt the need to grill someone about their reason.  Heather should be more concerned that Terry does not know how to interact with guests if they don't drink. 

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

That was strange considering his rock star brother died from a cocaine overdose. I wouldn't think Terry would joke about any drug use what so ever. Poor taste to say the least. 

Also…he’s a physician!!! A healer! And he’s quizzing Ryne like he’s some sort of freak. Honestly…he’s just about the worst example of a physician ever. What an asshole.


1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

I am not a drinker.  I have been asked by people and I just say its a fine line between a happy buzz and someone is holding my hair.  These people just drink SOOOO much!  Maybe eat calories instead of drinking them.

I have AFib and can’t drink. If I go somewhere and there are adult refreshments I ask for club soda or ginger ale. If someone asks why I’m not drinking I just tell them why. Some people seem embarrassed afterwards for asking. But I’ve never had anyone grill me the way Terry Low Brow did Ryne.

  • Love 12
On 3/2/2022 at 9:21 PM, nexxie said:

So Heather is a marriage counselor and a stylist - who died and made her everything?

As long as someone like Gina is on the show Heather will continue to act like Auntie Mame. Gina’s acting like the wallflower girl in high school who’s been taken under the wing of the popular girl. It’s really rather sad.

Edited by Hedgehog2022
  • Love 18

I think it was Heather's first season on Housewives that she invited all of the couples to her home for dinner. The table was set up in the foyer. She had halllways and doors roped off with velvet ropes so that people would not enter certain rooms. It gave the impresion that she was afraid that someone would steal something. Of course Tamra and Vickie removed one of the ropes.

When she had the lobster boil or clam bake she had tables set up on the lawn. That was nice but after dinner she made a point of telling everyone that they would continue the party in the downstairs rumpus room. She gives the impression that she wants her  guests only in confined areas so that she can watch them. 

Remember what Dorinda said. Money talks, wealth whispers. Well The Dubrows scream look at us. Look at our obnoxious display of the fancy china, silver and crystal that our money bought. 

  • Love 21
5 hours ago, chlban said:

Sorry, what is SOCAL coke?

A comma would have made the sentence mean something else, I spent a summer in Huntington Beach/Fountain Valley back in the day, coke usage in Southern California was prevalent...I did not mean that there was a brand of coke called SOCAL coke.  In past seasons the HW's have talked about coke so I figured it was still a thing.  

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

Unpopular opinion but I'm not so sure I feel that bad for Ryne.   He's got it pretty good - Jenn brings home the money and Ryne takes care of the kids and not much else - including putting on shoes or a shirt.   From what we've seen of him he seems withholding (could be the cameras though) and just leaves when he doesn't want to talk to his wife.  He told Terry he was professional poker player before he started raising kids and she said she was ready to leave for Harvard when he proposed.  Maybe he did that to keep his kids in California or maybe so he wouldn't have to get an outside job or lose the style of living he become accustomed to with Jenn.  

I have more than one family member and friend who made the money for the family and in both cases the husband was a PARTNER rather than a nanny.   That's what I see as the main problem - these two aren't partners in any way. 

I do agree that Jenn has some sort of alcohol problem though; she's not 23 and I don't know many or really any adults who get "accidentally" drunk dinner parties with people they haven't met before. 

Ryne has some sort of real estate side business. I think he’s basically an introvert and/or has social anxiety or maybe even some high functioning autism (undiagnosed). I did feel sorry for him and the way Jen was treating him in front of the other people at the dinner. She’s a jerk and if that is Harvard material then they’ve lowered their standards…a lot!

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6 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

I think it was Heather's first season on Housewives that she invited all of the couples to her home for dinner. The table was set up in the foyer. She had halllways and doors roped off with velvet ropes so that people would not enter certain rooms. It gave the impresion that she was afraid that someone would steal something. Of course Tamra and Vickie removed one of the ropes.

When she had the lobster boil or clam bake she had tables set up on the lawn. That was nice but after dinner she made a point of telling everyone that they would continue the party in the downstairs rumpus room. She gives the impression that she wants her  guests only in confined areas so that she can watch them. 

Remember what Dorinda said. Money talks, wealth whispers. Well The Dubrows scream look at us. Look at our obnoxious display of the fancy china, silver and crystal that our money bought. 

They’re nouveau riche. As a physician’s daughter, I find it obnoxious and gross the way the two of them display their wealth that was made by doing breast augmentation and face lifts. He should put his surgical skills to good use and volunteer to work for Doctors Without Borders. A wonderful organization where physicians from all over the world donate their time and skills to help less fortunate people that need medical help they cannot afford. Just think of the kind of cosmetic surgery he could contribute to children from third world countries born with cleft palates for example. Wouldn’t that be more self fulfilling then building another hideous home to brag about?

  • LOL 1
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2 hours ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

Also, as hosts they should try not to over-serve guests.  Jen was getting drunk before dinner, and Heather was happy to have more booze served to her. When it was clear she was inebriated, either Heather or Terry should have asked the servers to slow the pour. 

Jen and Ryne are a mess as a couple.  He does seem to be uncomfortable in social situations in which he doesn't know people.  However, he became much less so as she got more and more drunk. Also, the hosts pointedly questioning him 


This was triggering, as 14-year-old me once went to dinner w/an older guy who didn’t drink and the friends we were with kept filling up my glass and I never said stop because it was “fucking good wine” (note:  it was probably Riunite.  And wtf were those grownups thinking?  other than me being a little messy, nothing untoward happened, but the 80s were a weird time…)

Anyway, Heather had originally told Jen that even better wine was coming, but we never got there.  I wonder if there was other conversation happening when she kept saying “so good…really good…”. And when Jen told the servers “fill it up and keep it coming” the server said, “of course.”  That’s their job of course, but Heather should’ve signaled to them to NOT keep it coming

Ryne was sitting on the stairs on his phone like a pouty teenager….that wasn’t the greatest look but I guess forgivable considering the circumstances.

he was kind to her in the car even though she wanted to hear, “yes, darling, fall into my arms…”

there’s such a sadness to Jen.  Kind of like Braunwyn; I think the life she’s created for herself isn’t making her happy at all

Edited by teapot
  • Love 10

I'm not a big fan of Ryne, but I think he handled Heather and her snobby friends way better than I would have.  Who sits at a dinner table and stares at somebody you just met with your snobby bitch nose in the air like you smell dog shit not even trying to hide your disdain for them?  That one friend of Heather's that they kept panning the camera on every time Jen opened her mouth really bothered me  Talk about ill mannered.  Money can't buy you class!  

It cracked me up how much Terry couldn't stress enough how HARD keeping a marriage together is.  It makes me think there are times that even he can't stand Heather. 

Dr. Jen is a moron!   

  • Love 14
11 minutes ago, swankie said:

I'm not a big fan of Ryne, but I think he handled Heather and her snobby friends way better than I would have.  Who sits at a dinner table and stares at somebody you just met with your snobby bitch nose in the air like you smell dog shit not even trying to hide your disdain for them?  That one friend of Heather's that they kept panning the camera on every time Jen opened her mouth really bothered me  Talk about ill mannered.  Money can't buy you class!  

It cracked me up how much Terry couldn't stress enough how HARD keeping a marriage together is.  It makes me think there are times that even he can't stand Heather. 

Dr. Jen is a moron!   

"Dr." Jen is a moron sounds about right!

14 hours ago, NJbutNoHousewife said:

She may not be a "soulless villain" but she's a pompous windbag. The whole dinner thing, with the menu, her just throwing it together, blah, blah and on and on. She tries too hard to show us all how fabulous she is and it comes off as straight up bragging with a side of callous indifference to the world around her. 

I view her more as a pretentious blow hard.

  • Love 5
43 minutes ago, teapot said:

This was triggering, as 14-year-old me once went to dinner w/an older guy who didn’t drink and the friends we were with kept filling up my glass and I never said stop because it was “fucking good wine” (note:  it was probably Riunite.  And wtf were those grownups thinking?  other than me being a little messy, nothing untoward happened, but the 80s were a weird time…)

Anyway, Heather had originally told Jen that even better wine was coming, but we never got there.  I wonder if there was other conversation happening when she kept saying “so good…really good…”. And when Jen told the servers “fill it up and keep it coming” the server said, “of course.”  That’s their job of course, but Heather should’ve signaled to them to NOT keep it coming

Ryne was sitting on the stairs on his phone like a pouty teenager….that wasn’t the greatest look but I guess forgivable considering the circumstances.

he was kind to her in the car even though she wanted to hear, “yes, darling, fall into my arms…”

there’s such a sadness to Jen.  Kind of like Braunwyn; I think the life she’s created for herself isn’t making her happy at all

I see Jen as being vapid and clueless.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, teapot said:

Ryne was sitting on the stairs on his phone like a pouty teenager….that wasn’t the greatest look but I guess forgivable considering the circumstances.

At that moment I was thinking, "He's texting his girlfriend that he'll be over as soon as he pours his drunk assed wife into the bed.  Put the key under the mat.  Me and the dog will be over shortly."  I almost wouldn't blame him if that were true.  

Edited by swankie
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4 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

A comma would have made the sentence mean something else, I spent a summer in Huntington Beach/Fountain Valley back in the day, coke usage in Southern California was prevalent...I did not mean that there was a brand of coke called SOCAL coke.  In past seasons the HW's have talked about coke so I figured it was still a thing.  

I have lived in SoCal for nearly 18 years and not once have I seen, been offered, or have known anyone who did coke. A couple of months years ago in two towns in Orange Cty and housewives mentioning it do not mean it’s prevalent nor characteristic of a massive region.

 I’m quite sure that every franchise is VERY familiar with coke but I wouldn’t generalize it to the respective states or cities. 

  • Love 3
14 hours ago, Juneau Gal said:

When Ryne told Terry that he didn’t drink, Terry responded along the lines of “So of course the next question everyone asks is are you Mormon?” To which Ryne said (I paraphrase) “A Mormon or an alcoholic.” Very interesting. Makes me wonder if Ryne grew up in a family where alcohol was abused. Speaking personally, that’s what turned me off from drinking. 
And as fecking nosy as Terry is, I am surprised he didn’t pick up on that remark and dig deeper. Guess he was too committed to listing all the recreational drugs he knows about. 

I’ve had a different experience. I wonder if (some) people who drink are uncomfortable with someone who doesn’t, even if the person doesn’t make a big deal out of it. I don’t really understand it. I usually just order an iced tea and don’t give an explanation, but I’ve had people ask me why I don’t drink. Or they’ll leave the question hanging in the air: “So you’re not drinking tonight…?” 

It’s weird. It happened more often when I was younger. Now that I’m old people leave me alone LOL. 

I think Marge on RHNJ and Kandi on RHOA are non-drinkers. Most of the other HWs and husbands drink, so maybe that’s why Terry was grilling Ryne. Whatever the case, he was rude. 

Speaking of Terry, his face is still scary to me. I wonder who did the work he had done. His partner from Botched?

Heather tries too hard to be impressive and lavishly wealthy. All the bragging and status stuff grates on my nerves. She is the opposite of down to earth. Her house may be a mansion, but I wouldn’t want to live there. It’s too large and cold-looking for my taste. 

I wonder if Ryne and Jennifer got into a huge fight after they got home or if he just poured her into bed. The latter would’ve been the wise choice. The clock is ticking on this marriage. 

Edited by Sweet-tea
  • Love 10

On Terry, I think those follow-on questions where his attempts at humor.  I could see my own mother doing that but she'd go ridiculous with "black tar heroin?"  and "shrooms"?  

It did surprise me given his brother died of a drug overdose, but I think he was trying to be playful with someone who isn't playful and the jokes bombed spectacularly.  I did laugh at "they are a mess."  He's right.

The more I watch Jen and Ryne, the more my heart goes out to him.  He looks like he's being dragged along to be on TV and knew exactly where the night was going b/c he's been there and done that many times over.  He can't stand her and it's easy to see why.

Meanwhile, it's hilarious to me that Heather thinks all of their problems can be fixed by seeing healthy couples in a dinner setting.  Yeah, that will just take away all of their issues Heather!  I also feel like she's setting herself up for the big Kathy Lee Gifford public embarrassment -- bragging about their marriage and then wham, turns out her man is fucking a flight attendant.

  • Love 15
On 3/2/2022 at 10:15 PM, NJbutNoHousewife said:

She must be book smart only - her education is impressive, check out her website: https://www.armstrongmd.com/dr-jennifer-armstrong-cosmetic-dermatologist/  I don't know how she could have accomplished all of that and still say some of the things she does. 

I’ve seen this before in highly intelligent people who grew up in average households and possibly subpar primary schools. Also in people who are well read from a young age, we use “big” words appropriately but may occasionally mispronounce them as we never heard them used in conversation. 

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11 hours ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

The Dubrows are rude hosts.

OK, but...

11 hours ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

The anteroom to the dining room is cold and uninviting, and the seating looks incredibly uncomfortable.  The meal was fairly basic, but they felt the need for menus. The table was crowded and fussy; it all seemed so uncomfortable.

This is all stuff you don't or wouldn't LIKE.  What in this list would you define as empirically rude?  The design of the room is rude?  The use of menus is rude?  A fussy table is rude?  I apologize for seeming combative, I'm still genuinely confused by the Dubrow indictments. 

Over-serving is certainly inadvisable and irresponsible, but I've absolutely been called rude for just the opposite, halting people's drinking when they aren't going to be driving.  All the issues that Dr. Jen had with her drinking and relationship with Ryne at that dinner are on Dr. Jen, not the hosts.

  • Love 4

Heather knew exactly what she was doing. She did not invite Jen and Ryne over for a comfortable  dinner with just the four of them. She had them over to put them on display for their snobby friends so they could laugh and look down their noses at them. She used this dinner as a way to show off her conspicuous consumption of pricy tableware. The one thing that I know about entertaining is that that you always strive to make your guests feel welcome and comfortable and that you value their company. Especially if you are just getting to know them. You never set them up to feel less than and that's what Heather was doing here. But the Dubrows have let us know on more than one occasion that they are better than the common folk. 

And yes as the hosts it was Heather and Terry's responsibility to quietly speak to the servers about the amount of alcohol being served to Jen. Cut back on the wine and serve more water.  

Edited by 65mickey
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That dinner. I came away with this:


It will be the kiss of death for that marriage. While I don't think the show is the cause of their problems, but its clear they came to the show with some. Ryne may be introverted, but he is clearly so uncomfortable on camera - especially talking about private stuff (their marriage).

As just a viewer, even I felt so uncomfortable at that dinner. And yes, even claustrophobic. That giant monster of of a house, and Heather couldn't make the dinner warm, inviting, friendly, and intimate somewhere in that house? Oh and that pre-dinner ante-room seated area. Just dreadful. Isn't the goal to make your guests relax before dinner ?  

I will bet Ryne has had to explain his the proper pronunciation of his first name throughout his entire life. I didn't mind his tucking his napkin into his shirt, but generally, he is weird. Dont forget that other moms complained at their kids' school because he was showing up to pick up his kids shirtless. Yeah, I do think that is weird and insensitive.

I don't dislike Dr. Jen. I think she is so very "naturally" pretty. I like her long straight hair with no obvious extensions. I don't think she and Ryneeee have the same love language. He is cold and indifferent and doesn't give her the emotional support she craves.  



Edited by Bossa Nova
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14 minutes ago, Bossa Nova said:

That dinner. I came away with this:


It will be the kiss of death for that marriage. While I don't think the show is the cause of their problems, but its clear they came to the show with some. Ryne may be introverted, but he is clearly so uncomfortable on camera - especially talking about private stuff (their marriage).

As just a viewer, even I felt so uncomfortable at that dinner. And yes, even claustrophobic. That giant monster of of a house, and Heather couldn't make the dinner warm, inviting, friendly, and intimate somewhere in that house? Oh and that pre-dinner ante-room seated area. Just dreadful. Isn't the goal to make your guests relax before dinner ?  

I will bet Ryne has had to explain his the proper pronunciation of his first name throughout his entire life. I didn't mind his tucking his napkin into his shirt, but generally, he is weird. Dont forget that other moms complained at their kids' school because he was showing up to pick up his kids shirtless. Yeah, I do think that is weird and insensitive.

I don't dislike Dr. Jen. I think she is so very "naturally" pretty. I like her long straight hair with no obvious extensions. I don't think she and Ryneeee have the same love language. He is cold and indifferent and doesn't give her the emotional support she craves.  



Gotta disagree on a couple of things:  Ryne changed his name from Ryan.  Having to deal with mispronunciation is all on him.

Dr. Jen could be naturally pretty, but I can't tell because her face is taken over by fillers, botox, lip injections.  And then there is the body that also looks man-made.

Guarantee their marriage was on its last legs before signing up for RHOC.  RHOC isn't making or breaking it.  It is only exposing their deep seeded issues to the public. 



  • Love 10
7 hours ago, DeeplyShallow said:

I have lived in SoCal for nearly 18 years and not once have I seen, been offered, or have known anyone who did coke. A couple of months years ago in two towns in Orange Cty and housewives mentioning it do not mean it’s prevalent nor characteristic of a massive region.

 I’m quite sure that every franchise is VERY familiar with coke but I wouldn’t generalize it to the respective states or cities. 

Did not mean to offend you but did you not read my post? 

7 hours ago, DeeplyShallow said:

In past seasons the HW's have talked about coke so I figured it was still a thing.  

I did not say for sure everyone is snorting 24/7.

Dorit had a party where one of the HW's made an accusation that everyone was in her house doing coke.  At Dana's weird, lame game night Brandi (her first episode) accused Kim of doing coke in the powder room.  I am sure there were other mentions.

I certainly did not generalize, it had been talked about by the HW's at various times, please read my bolded quote.

  • Love 7

Come on people!  RYNE Sandberg??  Doesn't anyone remember this great Chicago Cubs baseball player?  I thought nothing of his name, since I was a huge Ryne Sandberg fan.  I do think his dog is an emotional support dog.  I'm talking Ryne, the poor unfortunate husband of Jen, not Ryne the baseball player.  I also think it's possible Jen is slipping some drug to her hubby every day.  I wouldn't put it past her.

Terry's face is an absolute mess.  What does he do, sit in his office and inject himself?  No wonder Heather and Terry spend so much on booze and edibles.  They do not want to see each other with clear eyes.   There isn't enough money to touch either one of them IMO.

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1 hour ago, Bossa Nova said:

Oh oh oh ....I did not know that !  Well that changes everything. 

He is more than weird. He is an asshole. 

The name change is weird.  I wondered if there was a professional reason he did that (wasn't he a professional gambler?)  There's a Ryan Holiday author, so maybe for professional reasons he changed the spelling? Not sure why.

I honestly don't know if he's an asshole.

I think she def is one.

I think he's very socially awkward, a SAHD who probably has to go along with the ride but doesn't want to.  I mean, I think getting used to the camera is difficult especially if you're extremely introverted.

He's joyless it appears, but I'm sure his disaster of a wife is the reason why.  #freeRyne.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

I’ve had a different experience. I wonder if (some) people who drink are uncomfortable with someone who doesn’t, even if the person doesn’t make a big deal out of it. I don’t really understand it. I usually just order an iced tea and don’t give an explanation, but I’ve had people ask me why I don’t drink. Or they’ll leave the question hanging in the air: “So you’re not drinking tonight…?” 

It’s weird. It happened more often when I was younger. Now that I’m old people leave me alone LOL. 

I think Marge on RHNJ and Kandi on RHOA are non-drinkers. Most of the other HWs and husbands drink, so maybe that’s why Terry was grilling Ryne. Whatever the case, he was rude. 

Speaking of Terry, his face is still scary to me. I wonder who did the work he had done. His partner from Botched?

Heather tries too hard to be impressive and lavishly wealthy. All the bragging and status stuff grates on my nerves. She is the opposite of down to earth. Her house may be a mansion, but I wouldn’t want to live there. It’s too large and cold-looking for my taste. 

I wonder if Ryne and Jennifer got into a huge fight after they got home or if he just poured her into bed. The latter would’ve been the wise choice. The clock is ticking on this marriage. 

I have found a lot of people with drinking problems get uncomfortable when others don't drink.  I've had times when I'm not drinking, and a few alcoholics I know keep trying to get me to at least have a sip of something.  It is an attempt to normalize their behavior.  

I do think Terry was trying to be funny.  As is often the case for me, his attempts at humor fell flat. 

3 hours ago, Lassus said:

OK, but...

This is all stuff you don't or wouldn't LIKE.  What in this list would you define as empirically rude?  The design of the room is rude?  The use of menus is rude?  A fussy table is rude?  I apologize for seeming combative, I'm still genuinely confused by the Dubrow indictments. 

Over-serving is certainly inadvisable and irresponsible, but I've absolutely been called rude for just the opposite, halting people's drinking when they aren't going to be driving.  All the issues that Dr. Jen had with her drinking and relationship with Ryne at that dinner are on Dr. Jen, not the hosts.

The Dubrows do not work to make their guests comfortable.  They give mocking looks and glances when their guests do something they do not approve of. They create an environment that is physically uncomfortable and often act as if they are above their guests.  Good hosts make people feel welcome.  They say the words, then set limits to what is welcome.  It would be one thing if someone is out of control, violent, or causing a major incident.  As someone listed above, they have thrown people out, shut down dinner completely, taken guests to separate rooms to grill them, etc.  Yes, some of this is done because they are savvy enough to know that drama keeps them on the show.  At the same time, they could at least start by creating the true sense that people are welcome in their home.  If not, host elsewhere. 

Since Jen wasn't driving, they did not have to cut her off completely.  When I used to work in party planning, the standard was to slow the pour.  Offer wine less frequently and do not overfill the glass.  You do a short pour, explain that additional wines are being served, and quickly step back. 

2 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Heather knew exactly what she was doing. She did not invite Jen and Ryne over for a comfortable  dinner with just the four of them. She had them over to put them on display for their snobby friends so they could laugh and look down their noses at them. She used this dinner as a way to show off her conspicuous consumption of pricy tableware. The one thing that I know about entertaining is that that you always strive to make your guests feel welcome and comfortable and that you value their company. Especially if you are just getting to know them. You never set them up to feel less than and that's what Heather was doing here. But the Dubrows have let us know on more than one occasion that they are better than the common folk. 

And yes as the hosts it was Heather and Terry's responsibility to quietly speak to the servers about the amount of alcohol being served to Jen. Cut back on the wine and serve more water.  

100% this. ^ 

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7 minutes ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

Since Jen wasn't driving, they did not have to cut her off completely.  When I used to work in party planning, the standard was to slow the pour.  Offer wine less frequently and do not overfill the glass.  You do a short pour, explain that additional wines are being served, and quickly step back. 


I'm thinking that's what was happening as Jen instrucuted the Dubrow's indentured servants to fill up the glass each time.

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On 3/4/2022 at 12:46 PM, PrincessPurrsALot said:

She used this dinner as a way to show off her conspicuous consumption of pricy tableware. The one thing that I know about entertaining is that that you always strive to make your guests feel welcome and comfortable and that you value their company. Especially if you are just getting to know them. You never set them up to feel less than and that's what Heather was doing here.

Although this is me quoting you quoting someone else through the jankiness of the PRIMETIMER system, I think it really hits on my issue with why I disagree with much of the Dubrow sentiments. 

I honestly think that the example of nice tableware as a calculated effort to make others feel less is definitely thinking the worst of someone by default.  My more positive reaction is - as yours - based on watching her on television, and is the same psychic power/armchair psychology as anyone else's (if slightly more passive - I'm not saying she's so awesome, I'm more disputing she's a nightmare) so I'm not saying mine is actually more valid than yours.  I just don't see the evidence in her other actions that put her tableware on the "crappy person" side of the equation. 

But I'll keep my eye out!

Edited by Lassus
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I can't yet form an opinion on Ryne.  Most seem to be on the side that he is anxious, shy and socially awkward.  

Could he simply be so worn down by Jen that he doesn't have any more f**ks to give and that's what we're seeing? 

Is it that Ryne is actually even MORE of a snot and pompous jerk than the Dubrows themselves?  He's looking down on them by not engaging on purpose?

Going along with that, does he think he's the smartest guy in the room and is going to do his best to make others feel awkward and idiotic?  He's going to put his napkin in his shirt because he knows it will garner negative attention and perhaps make people uncomfortable.  And also embarrass his wife.  A comment like, "I've never held a job", in your first conversation with someone would make most listeners uneasy.  How do you respond to that?  That's an intentional play to create awkwardness.  

I understand that being on the spectrum or being social awkward could also explain these behaviors.  I'm just not totally sold that that's what we're seeing here.

I know that the party hosts should make the guests feel comfortable and welcome but doesn't it go both ways?  Shouldn't a guest be engaging and appreciative and meet them halfway?  

I took Heather's "grilling" of Ryne in a different way.  I think she repeated the question and every time, Jen answered, not Ryne.  She was trying to let Ryne talk without Jen interrupting, with no success.

Again, I haven't formed an opinion on Ryne.  It will be interesting to see more of him and how this whole thing plays out.


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I can see how Ryan made a living playing cards. He’s really hard to read. He makes these odd, flat statements and his facial expression never changes far from befuddled, uncomfortable, or just blank. I think Jen drinks out of severe insecurity. Ryan’s aloofness was probably a good match for her when they first got together. She probably figured he wasnt capable of the lovey-dovey affectionate stuff and accepted it, But now she sees he is capable of being that way with the dog and the kids, just not her. And he probably denies it every time she asks him about it.  So, she keeps trying to get the same from him, but she never will and it makes her question herself and lash out at him to get Some reaction, anything other than this blank indifference......or maybe I’m projecting & she’s just a big ball of need and he’s half out the door. lol 

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That Ryne is one strange dude.  Each item on its own is a bit odd, but when taken as a whole:

1) Changed his name.  From Ryan to Ryne.  Mmmmkay.

2) Has admittedly never held an actual job.

3) Has to be coerced to put on a shirt.  For dinner at someone's house, or to pick up other people's kids.

4) Wears the strange athletic mini-socks/dress shoes combo to said dinner.

5) Wonders aloud why he can't bring his forearm dog to someone's home for dinner.

6) Tucks his napkin into his collar.

7) Speaks in a monosyllabic manner, with one-word responses.

Each item on its own, not such a big deal.  Tucking a napkin in, so he doesn't ruin the one decent shirt he owns?  OK, I could let that slide.  But all together, yikes.

And no, I'm not letting Jen off the hook.  Allowing herself to drink that much in someone's home, while not allowing her husband to say a word, even when the hostess specifically asked her to let her husband speak.  

I'm predicting we'll read about their separation.....divorce....3....2.....1.....

Edited by Starlight925
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55 minutes ago, Kiki620 said:

I can't yet form an opinion on Ryne.  Most seem to be on the side that he is anxious, shy and socially awkward.  

Could he simply be so worn down by Jen that he doesn't have any more f**ks to give and that's what we're seeing? 

Is it that Ryne is actually even MORE of a snot and pompous jerk than the Dubrows themselves?  He's looking down on them by not engaging on purpose?

Going along with that, does he think he's the smartest guy in the room and is going to do his best to make others feel awkward and idiotic?  He's going to put his napkin in his shirt because he knows it will garner negative attention and perhaps make people uncomfortable.  And also embarrass his wife.  A comment like, "I've never held a job", in your first conversation with someone would make most listeners uneasy.  How do you respond to that?  That's an intentional play to create awkwardness.  

I understand that being on the spectrum or being social awkward could also explain these behaviors.  I'm just not totally sold that that's what we're seeing here.

I know that the party hosts should make the guests feel comfortable and welcome but doesn't it go both ways?  Shouldn't a guest be engaging and appreciative and meet them halfway?  

I took Heather's "grilling" of Ryne in a different way.  I think she repeated the question and every time, Jen answered, not Ryne.  She was trying to let Ryne talk without Jen interrupting, with no success.

Again, I haven't formed an opinion on Ryne.  It will be interesting to see more of him and how this whole thing plays out.


I guarantee you his "never had a job in his life" is something that Jen browbeats him with constantly.  And now it's rote.

I loved that Heather shushed her.  Jen talks over him, talks for him, directs the way he's sitting -- isn't that the second time we've seen her tell him how to sit?

My vote on him is he's an introvert by nature, but he's browbeaten and broken by the marriage he's in.


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23 hours ago, Juneau Gal said:

When Ryne told Terry that he didn’t drink, Terry responded along the lines of “So of course the next question everyone asks is are you Mormon?” To which Ryne said (I paraphrase) “A Mormon or an alcoholic.” Very interesting. Makes me wonder if Ryne grew up in a family where alcohol was abused. Speaking personally, that’s what turned me off from drinking. 
And as fecking nosy as Terry is, I am surprised he didn’t pick up on that remark and dig deeper. Guess he was too committed to listing all the recreational drugs he knows about. 

Yep. I went to school with a guy whose father was an alcoholic and it impacted his life so much, he simply does not drink. Terry was incredibly rude to question him. In my home I naturally ask guests what they would like to drink. I have NEVER commented on their choice. 

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