Thalia August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 (edited) First members of jury chosen. I was really surprised that they voted out Hayden. On the other hand, he has long hair, so maybe they thought they were voting out another woman. I'm not sorry to see Jocasta go, except for the fact that the stupid stupid double HOH concept continues to let a plurality of boys control the house. Edited August 8, 2014 by Thalia 6 Link to comment
duskyliterati August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 Wow, so glad Donny won PoV. Nicole is pissed. I hope her and Donny can win HoH but the odds are against them. Ariana Grande, her mother, and Nonna were in the audience. Double eviction is always so exciting. 2 Link to comment
me5671 August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 F&%! this show. I'll read up on what's going on here, but I'm done with the show itself. Why even bother with this trainwreck of a season? If the producers think this season is at all entertaining, they are sorely mistaken. Seeing the same jackasses in power week after week without end is NOT my idea of entertaining. Julie even SAID that this was the first week where the Detonators/ Bomb Squad weren't in power, and THIS is the outcome?! More of the same... no power shift, no big moves. My only solace is that only one of these morons can win, and the others are just lambs being led to the slaughter. Seriously, seeing Zach, Frankie, and Caleb jumping around in celebration at the outcome of the HOH comp made me want to punch them all in the face. You three do understand that Derrick is playing you three for fools, right? And Christine is a freaking moron. Every counter-alliance to Derrick + his minions has been foiled by her busted face. News-flash Christine, you're the first detonator to go when there's no one else left to evict. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Derrick even decides to keep Caleb and Victoria over her as Final 2 goats. It would serve her right to go home sooner rather than later. Hayden has a lot more class than I would have. I would not have hugged any of those morons and backstabbers on my way out the door, just Nicole. The highlight of the episode for me was Hayden saying he got "boned" on live TV. I hope Nicole wins the upcoming HOH and that it's a single HOH so she actually has a chance at making something happen. It's a long shot, but it's the closest I have to a rooting interest. Here's hoping next year is better, if I even bother to give this show another chance. 11 Link to comment
mojoween August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 It's August. In Southern California. WHY ARE THEY ALL WEARING WOOL CAPS AND HEADSCARVES? Also, that horse's mane that Victoria drapes over her shoulder is the worst hair that I have ever seen. Not sorry to see the back end of Jocasta. They're all loud, but she's extra loud and not half as funny as she thinks she is. A bow tie with a sweatsuit? Odd. Poor Nicole, totally blindsided. Bummer that Hayden is gone, but glad Donny pulled out the win. No clownshoes! Jocasta's departure left an injury vacuum in the house so nice to see Donny step up to fill the void. I can't tell if he hurt his leg or had a heart attack. 4 Link to comment
ShutUpFlanders August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 My last hope is that Nicole goes with a scorched Earth policy (moreso than Zach could ever muster) when she eventually goes on the block again this week, or that the detonators actually turn on each other because apparently BotB is still in effect. I was so happy that Donny made it through on that Veto. He'll never make it to the end, but hey. 2 Link to comment
Mmazeo August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 Finally a great show. Felt bad for Nicole up there. HATE that they're sticking with the awful double HOH. 4 Link to comment
duskyliterati August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 I think Donny was out of breathe. Link to comment
Eolivet August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 Once again: Derrick and the HoH Rag. Notice how his mouth never moves...almost. 4 Link to comment
Marie80 August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 Ariana Grande, her mother, and Nonna were in the audience. Oh wow, so that was Ariana? I thought so at first, but then thought it could have just been an Ariana/Frankie superfan. Link to comment
choclatechip45 August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 (edited) I really hope Nicole blows up everyone's game. I will be a fan of her if she does because I didn't except her to call people out. Still sucks she did not call Derrick out. I wonder if Cody will be pissed he was the only one to vote out Nicole in his alliance. Edited August 8, 2014 by choclatechip45 2 Link to comment
Ananayel August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 Didn't we used to get to see at least some of the high-speed scrambling before nominations during these? Now they just cut straight to commercials, commercials and more commercials, so for all we know someone got called to the DR and given instructions. Or maybe I just zoned out. Seriously Grodner, you suck donkey balls. Drop this damnable dual HOH already! This would have been the perfect time to end your flop twist without any losing of face. Dumb, dumb, dumb. 7 Link to comment
NYGirl August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 I was so excited when Donny won the POV!!!! I thought for sure he was a goner. I am hating Christine so much and I can't wait for her to be blindsided by her "alliance". Boy are they using her. I am so bored with this season and the "house" voting. It was like a breath of fresh air when during both votings that they weren't unanimous. I love Julie's remarks during the voting. They are ridiculous, especially when everybody is voting the same way. 5 Link to comment
duskyliterati August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 (edited) Well Nicole really only has herself to blame. When you are HoH, you need to get out the big dogs when you can. Otherwise, they might just turn on you. She was in control this week and she could have gotten 1 of the guys out if she had put up 2 guys at the beginning rather than Jocasta. Also, she started out with a small alliance of Hayden, Donny and herself. But then when Derrick and Cody got in their heads about this Rationale alliance, she went for it hook, line, and sinker (same for Hayden). Edited August 8, 2014 by duskyliterati 5 Link to comment
Mmazeo August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 Thought Hayden would've been more pissed at Derrick/Cody. That was weird...barely mentioned them. 1 Link to comment
Morbs August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 When I was as thin as Cody, I was always freezing too. Jacosta can seem so young (and annoying with all the God chatter) during her DRs or interviews, but then when she's in the house it seems like she is 80 years old, always sick or laying around. I wonder how many more ducks were thrown into Donny's pit than the others. I was definitely rooting for him, and I think he can be pretty annoying with his aw shucks persona, but I'm glad he stayed. I'd love to see a Veronica HOH, but that is about it. I feel like the show is basically over now and even the houseguests are well aware how much this season sucks (i.e, Derrick pointing out it wasn't an unanimous eviction today). Link to comment
Katesus7 August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 So.....Nicole looked kind of oddly cute in whatever that look was. She was livid at the end, poor thing. She is so very screwed. I might have had a bit of a temper tantrum after giving my TV the finger about ten times in the first ten minutes, and then turning it off during the HOH, but I turned it back on to see Donny being helped back into the house after his POV win. Good for him! He really is turning into a challenge monster. Which is the only thing he has going for him right now. I really would've liked to see a DR from Christine. It's one thing for her to smile and nod in the Detonators meeting, but she really just bought all that? And is now all "yay Zack?" Is she really that stupid? Christine, Zach screwed you once, shame on him, Zach screws you twice (and there's no doubt in my mind that he'll try), shame on you. 3 Link to comment
Brian Cronin August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 Why won't BB just end our long national nightmare that is the dual HOH twist? 11 Link to comment
LadyJaney August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 (edited) Well interesting episode. Not too upset over the eliminations. Jocasta really didn't provide much to the show. She seems like a nice person, but was just sort of "there" the entire season, and things didn't look like they would change with that. Zach is kind of a dick, but at least he provides some sort of entertainment. I'm still fascinated with "Zankie" anyway, so it isn't over with that just yet. Hayden, well meh I guess. I didn't dislike the guy by any means, but sometimes he got annoying with Nicole. He handled himself well upn elimination and I wouldn't be surprised if he came back into the house eventually. I think you'd see him play harder then too which would be a cool thing to see him do. There hasn't been a guy eliminated in a while anyway, so one really had to go. I'm glad Donny came through that nomination with POV. I do like the guy, he played that POV comp super hard too. He looked like he was feeling it afterward too. Glad he's still safe there! Nicole is pretty upset right now. I think she really needs to win HOH to stay safe, because otherwise I fear she will be put up and probably evicted. People I wouldn't mind seeing leave next: Derrick and Christine. Christine is just too all over the place. Derrick really is the "puppet master" this season. I will give credit that it keeps him pretty strong in the game and part of me wanted to see a fellow New Englander go far...but he's getting to be a bit much at times now. I still don't mind Frankie, I just wish he dialed it back a bit...or that the show maybe dialed back the Frankie-centric airtime he seems to get all the time. Zach is annoying, but I like him with Frankie still. Victoria I don't dislike, but wouldn't mind if she were gone either. However, we need what's left of the females to stick around and maybe band together (never gonna happen with these three). People I want to stick around: Cody. He's in the groups but not a "puppet master" or a big mouth. He plays the game but stays nice. Kind of a dark horse in this game to maybe go far and win because he keeps things pretty even. And he's just so darn gorgeous. Caleb could stick around for the eye-candy factor too, but I don't think I want him going too far. Donny is so sweet, he can stick around too. My pick for F2: Cody and Donny. Edited August 8, 2014 by LadyJaney 2 Link to comment
Callaphera August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 I was disappointed that they added Plexi-Glass barriers to the Veto competition. What, the producers don't want their pets to Clown Shoe themselves? 3 Link to comment
me5671 August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 Well Nicole really only has herself to blame. When you are HoH, you need to get out the big dogs when you can. Otherwise, they might just turn on you. She was in control this week and she could have gotten 1 of the guys out if she had put up 2 guys at the beginning rather than Jocasta. Also, she started out with a small alliance of Hayden, Donny and herself. But then when Derrick and Cody got in their heads about this Rationale alliance, she went for it hook, line, and sinker (same for Hayden). If this was a regular season, then I would agree with you. But with this dumb BotB twist, she couldn't really do what you're suggesting. If she put two guys up, they likely would have won the BofB comp and she would have been de-throned. The twist is a huge part of why this season is such a predictable bore IMO. I have to give Nicole credit for at least thinking for herself and trying to change the trajectory of the game. 8 Link to comment
choclatechip45 August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 Even though I like Nicole more than Hayden I think its a dumb move to leave Nicole in the house. I could see Christine working with Nicole again long before I see her ever working with Hayden again. Plus Nicole seems to be pretty good at these competitions. If she wins BOB can she be put up if the veto is used? Honestly I hope she does not give up which I am sort of afraid will happen. Link to comment
bagatelle August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 so nice to see Donny step up to fill the void. I can't tell if he hurt his leg or had a heart attack. I found myself wondering what they would do if a player had a heart attack during a competition. As much as I like Donny, I was hoping Hayden would win the PoV. I'd love to see him, along with Nicole, go against the dominant alliance. Link to comment
Runningwild August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 Ariana Grande, her mother, and Nonna were in the audience. Was that the woman in the audience who was not looking into the camera? She was just staring straight ahead while everyone else's head was turned to look at the camera. 1 Link to comment
ottoDbusdriver August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 (edited) Zach is kind of a dick, but at least he provides some sort of entertainment. Kind of ? And what's with the big claps for everything ? That PoV was kind of dangerous when all those balls forced out of the ball pits gathered in the landing area for the jump over the barrier. My pick for F2: Cody and Donny. The absolute worst final 2 (through a combination of some extraordinary bad luck for the Detonators and the twist return of a jury member): Victoria and Jocasta I think Julie's hints about a returning houseguest are true because of the one week extension to the show. Edited August 8, 2014 by ottoDbusdriver Link to comment
pennben August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 And what's with the big claps for everything ? I think he went to the University of Florida, their teams are the Gators, that's their cheer/sign/I don't know how to designate it. It's the Gator Chomp, as in an alligator chomping something. 1 Link to comment
dolphincorn August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 That PoV was kind of dangerous when all those balls forced out of the ball pits gathered in the landing area for the jump over the barrier. Except that you could have pushed through them like you do through fluffy, freshly-fallen snow. No one needed to step on them. 1 Link to comment
duskyliterati August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 Was that the woman in the audience who was not looking into the camera? She was just staring straight ahead while everyone else's head was turned to look at the camera. Yes, that was Ariana. 1 Link to comment
RedheadZombie August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 Once again: Derrick and the HoH Rag. Notice how his mouth never moves...almost. Chicago reference? I really hope Nicole blows up everyone's game. I will be a fan of her if she does because I didn't except her to call people out. Still sucks she did not call Derrick out. I wonder if Cody will be pissed he was the only one to vote out Nicole in his alliance. Who was Nicole talking to as the show ended? 1 Link to comment
choclatechip45 August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 Who was Nicole talking to as the show ended? I think Cody I heard her saying something about Christine and Frankie. I still can't believe Caleb won a math competition. 2 Link to comment
njbarmaid August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 OMG, Caleb making smart statements 2 nights in a row. Now I wish he didn't spill his thoughts about Nicole to Z, F and Cody but, oh well, can't have everything. Link to comment
North of Eden August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 (edited) There are no racist blowhards in the house this year but this may go down as an even worse year due to the simple fact that a core group of A-holes have been controlling this game since the very first HOH. Only now in the shadow of the jury did an opposition faction rise lead by Nicole but it was a little to little a little too late. This could have been a grand night seeing the end of either Frankie or Zach if only Christine hadn't won the veto the last show. At least Nicole now sees what a reprehensible person the ugly Christine is. I felt bad for Nicole tonight because her demeanor through the whole show made it clear she knew she was in serious trouble. Zach's brush with the eviction hasn't changed him a bit....he's back to hand slapping, gesturing like a fool. Meanwhile I feel an urge to pop Frankie one every time he has to skip and prance about the house. Stop being on 24/7! And screw everyone for not even giving Jocasta the respect to watch her fade to black and white on the memory wall. Edited August 8, 2014 by North of Eden 7 Link to comment
Kromm August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 It's a shitty sequence of events where Zach, Frankie and Beast Mode Asshole all continue to stay. I was hoping Derrick and Cody were done using them, but I think they clearly see that in that company, they're the only real brains. I wonder when Donny wakes up and realizes that he's soon gonna be the "last girl left". Link to comment
RedheadZombie August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 Did I imagine it, or did Victoria check herself out - both times - after she voted? Btw, did Cody not get the memo? What was up with that?? Quote from Feeds thread. I don't think they had decided who to vote for. Derrick had to ask how the person before him had voted. They voted for Hayden, so he followed suit and instructed Donny to do the same. Good for Donny for making his own decision - even though it was pointless. 1 Link to comment
Eolivet August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 Chicago reference? Yep. Derrick appears to be the Billy Flynn of the house. Never was that more evident than when Caleb said "From what I've been hearing..." before making his nominations. Understandable, Caleb. Understandable. 1 Link to comment
TD3000 August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 If this was a regular season, then I would agree with you. But with this dumb BotB twist, she couldn't really do what you're suggesting. If she put two guys up, they likely would have won the BofB comp and she would have been de-throned. The twist is a huge part of why this season is such a predictable bore IMO. I have to give Nicole credit for at least thinking for herself and trying to change the trajectory of the game. I thought the idea to potentially change the game was for both Nicole and Donny to throw up two guys. Nicole could've put up Frankie and Derrick (so Donny doesn't have to put Team America up) while Donny puts up Zach and Cody. If the veto saves someone, throw in Caleb as the replacement. You can also rearrange those names and make it work. Guarantee that some alliance's number goes down. 2 Link to comment
Newbietunes August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 I suspected this would end badly. Yes, the big bad Hayden/Nicole alliance has been "playing the whole house" this entire time. Those bullies...making a feeble attempt to give themselves a chance in the game. And, unfortunately, it was too little, too late. Was that the woman in the audience who was not looking into the camera? She was just staring straight ahead while everyone else's head was turned to look at the came Yeah, Ariana didn't look too happy about being there. Maybe it was being surrounded by all those non-superstar people. No wonder it took me so long to remember how to spell Jocasta's name. Everyone, including Julie, calls her Jacosta. I noticed she, herself, pronounced it Jocasta tonight. Good-bye, Jocasta. I can't say I'll miss her; she didn't participate much in the game. And that was intentional by her own admission. Cause playing BB and not lying...that's just not playing. But I wanted her to stay because (1) hate Zach and (2) she was a vote for Donny. And, speaking of which, Donny lives! Yay! For now. I don't think for long though. But he may come back, so there's that. I also felt really bad for Nicole. My shit list is growing. Welcome, Frankie, Christine and Cody. Join Derrick, Caleb and Zach. And congratulations -- one of you will be the winner of this season of Big Brother (sorry, not you Christine -- you're disqualified on account of vagina). 3 Link to comment
Turtle August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 I was sooo glad Donny won that POV! At the end, as Donny was winning, Zach was sitting on the opposite end of his row (for lack of a better word), and had clearly stopped trying in the competition. Made me think that he gave up as soon as Donny was in the lead, which is very interesting for possibilities going forward. Although, I guess it's possible he jumped up there right before the camera cut to him, but it seemed a bit odd to me that Zach was ahead until 2 ducks, and then never did any more. Just a thought. When they first announced the HOH comp, I thought that it was designed to give Donny an advantage - that seems like the kind of challenge they would expect him to be good at. Hated to see him go out first round, but it might be better for his game to not have been HOH this week (but only b/c he won POV). Now he's eligible for HOH next week, and will have time to work out a plan if he gets it. But really, Caleb won a "math" challenge?? W. T. F. 1 Link to comment
Wandering Snark August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 (edited) Wow that really did "shake up the house" except for that it only assured us of everything staying the same. The Detawhatevers are still in control and even Caleb who isn't "in" with the group thinks he is and he still did their bidding. While I was watching a large wave of "okay, why do I even give a shit?" came over me. I thought ending up with Jocasta and then Victoria voted out would have been the worst as nothing would have really happened to affect anything. But, Hayden voted out and Nicole alone on an island for daring to go against "The House" is actually worse. I can't arfing believe that they are still keeping the damned double HoH "twist" when they had an 'out' to stop it. This game/producers etc. so thinks it is cooler than it is. They're as in love with themselves as Frankie is with a mirror and glitter. This just cements that The Power will stay with The House boringly until the near-end. At least Amber got out in time to not have to live with Caleb in the jury house. Edited August 8, 2014 by Wandering Snark 3 Link to comment
TimWil August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 Nobody's got no class...except Donny. 3 Link to comment
Turtle August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 I can't arfing believe that they are still keeping the damned double HoH "twist" Me neither! We're at jury, for pete's sake, and numbers are dwindling - why in the world are keeping this stupid-from-the-start twist? I was never a Hayden fan, so I'm not too broken up over him leaving. But he was a possible candidate to shake things up, and so on that front I'm sorry to see him go. Jocasta was always an easy eviction, so whatever. But what we're left with is pretty discouraging. The only hopes for excitement, as I see them: - Donny wins HOH, gets rid of either Derrick or Frankie - Nicole gets seriously fired up, and exposes Christine for the snake she is, although the power alliance can lose Christine and still be okay - Zach decides to side with Donny and Nicole, and they go on a collective HOH/ POV run - The non-power side of the house manages to swing Victoria to their side - Zach turns on Frankie, and just goes totally apeshit - this may not change the game, but might be fun to watch! Link to comment
raidergirl3 August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 (edited) Zach stopped after Donny was running back to get the veto - there was no way to catch up once Donny got the third duck. When they both had 2 ducks, Zach was still searching. Edited August 8, 2014 by raidergirl3 Link to comment
Wandering Snark August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 I think that Caleb could have "beast moded" and beaten a flailing/failing Donny to the buzzer as they both got all their ducks and had hold of their vetos. Donny was just at the 'hump' when Caleb grabbed his veto. I'm pretty sure he could have beaten him but decided not to. 1 Link to comment
Turtle August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 Thanks, @raidergirl3 - I couldn't tell when exactly Zach stopped searching. I wish he had given up early to let Donny win, foretelling a new alliance, but I'm not that lucky... Link to comment
Brian Cronin August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 I thought the idea to potentially change the game was for both Nicole and Donny to throw up two guys. Nicole could've put up Frankie and Derrick (so Donny doesn't have to put Team America up) while Donny puts up Zach and Cody. If the veto saves someone, throw in Caleb as the replacement. You can also rearrange those names and make it work. Guarantee that some alliance's number goes down. While you're absolutely correct in theory, in practice Nicole was far too frightened to try something like that and Donny was stuck with her. He would have done that in a heartbeat. Link to comment
LadyJaney August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 (edited) I'm beginning to think that the show might actually want all the floaters/non-group people out so that it will play out with the alliance people all turning on each other and fighting to the finish. I always enjoy this show, but I've always believed that a lot of BB's reality isn't all that real... I'm also beginning to think that BB will hold off on a returning houseguest until they see if Frankie gets eliminated. I'm calling it now: if he gets the boot you can bet in the next week or soon after he will be back in the house. I still actually like Frankie, but I can still se how he is favored. He's the "Marcia Brady" of the BB house this year. Edited August 8, 2014 by LadyJaney Link to comment
Nashville August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 I still can't believe Caleb won a math competition. But really, Caleb won a "math" challenge?? W. T. F. Strictly speaking, that was a "numbers" comp, not a " math" comp. No computation required. 4 Link to comment
panthergirl13 August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 Did I imagine it, or did Victoria check herself out - both times - after she voted? She always does. Hilarious. Also, whenever Julie explains the rules to these dumb comps and says "does everyone understand?", Victoria looks like a deer in the headlights. This show, like The Bachelor franchise, is SO manipulated by production... but the difference is that these people win money at the end. I guess they all know what they're signing up for, but I'd be pissed if I seriously thought the outcome of this 'competition show' was going to be determined by producers' tricks and direction rather than my own strategy. And now I've humiliated myself by speaking seriously about this crap. The "Burning Love" people really really really need to do a Big Brother show, complete with Live Feeds. I'd be all over that. 2 Link to comment
ghoulina August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 Caleb's thinking face while Julie was explaining the rules of the HOH comp had me cracking up. Then lo and behold he wins it! Caleb is just full of surprises. I thought for sure Victoria would be on obvious nomination. Maybe his time chained to her made him see her in a whole new light? I just really wasn't sure WHAT they were doing. Granted there was barely time to plan anything, but when Caleb immediately replaced Donny with Nicole (go, Donny!) I figured their plan was to backdoor her. Otherwise, why not put her up with Hayden right away? But they evicted Hayden instead. Except Cody's vote, strangely, was for Nicole. Just weird. But I guess it's to be expected with the frenzy that is double eviction night. I'm glad Nicole stayed, though. I hope she just totally blows up everyone's game and causes them all to turn on each other. And, can there be some challenge where Frankie receives a punishment in some sort of 24 hour solitary confinement? I really cannot take much more of him. 1 Link to comment
ghoulina August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 I am hating Christine so much and I can't wait for her to be blindsided by her "alliance". Boy are they using her. Same here. She is such a fool. I cannot stand the way she cackles and practically rubs her hands together, like she is part of some of the biggest strategizing in BB history. Take a seat. On a bus. To the jury house. I could see Christine working with Nicole again long before I see her ever working with Hayden again. True, but would Nicole ever work with Christine again? She was PISSED. Link to comment
Jesse August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 I can't help but think Hayden being evicted is the flip side of the "house's" misogyny -- those assholes couldn't believe Nicole was actually behind the plans to start picking them off. 1 Link to comment
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