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S05.E08:Calm Before The Storm

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Gino and Jasmine looked like they were totally excited in the plane going to San Jose Island. Then on the balcony of their room I thought Jasmine really looked genuine in expressing her thanks to Gino. I saw the love, folks! If she could just get some therapy for that crazy jealousy issue, they might have a chance. Fireworks next week with the ex texting Jasmine - and Gino was totally out of line contacting someone in his past. Why are you even thinking about an ex now, Gino?

If this doesn't convince Gino to never again reach out to the ex, nothing will.

  • Love 10
6 minutes ago, nr65000 said:

  I'm not saying Usman is not completely playing the game but I have zero sympathy for Kim and frankly, I hope he takes her for everything he can get, she deserves it.  I said what I said.

Totally agree.  She's really insisting that she bought and paid for her "piece of ass" by way of a Playstation/computer, and she's here to collect.

  • Love 12
On 1/29/2022 at 12:52 PM, Breedom said:

....at 34 years old has Mike not had any living experience? And the scene in the cab really did resemble a mom talking to her child. 

He lives with his father and grandfather in, I bet, an opera of farting and burping. Then he works at a fire station with MORE men (mostly). My wild guess is that Mikey hasn't had any women in the picture--maybe his parents split up when he was little and/or his mother did everything, spoil him rotten, cook 100%, pick his underwear up off the floor. I bet Mikey's never dated or had a relationship. I see him as possibly on the spectrum. I don't see him as a fixer-upper, except for a woman who is desperate, and we know who that is...Hey-Minus's parents! Desperate to unload her and her loser friends, and get a home, stepfather, and money for those kids.  

As a woman of a certain age, Kimbahhhly embarrasses me. Chasing after much younger D! Begging, pleading, making cringeworthy attempts at seduction, going into snits, then running after him. Exhausting. I don't mind the belly though and must confess I have always had kind of a pouch going on no matter what I do. I call it the [Last Name] Coffee Table. My parents had it as well. Thankfully, Mom passed down normal-shaped boobs. 

Pathetic Ben--"Love always wins in the end." Just like it did in your first marriage, Bennyboy. If looks could kill....(from his ex-wife and quite honestly some of his kids). 

Edited by Tuneful
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Gino and Jasmine: The trip to Paradise Island made her happy. It's not the best idea to show your new boyfriend your worst side. He may believe it. Things were okay until she mentioned she had heard from his ex. Why would his ex contact her? Gino didn't look happy. Either his plan failed or the plan went sideways. Show off your new girlfriend, Gino. Sure.

Caleb and Alina: Guess they will be done soon. No idea what will happen to them. The show should do a screen of some closure. I can't imagine him planning a life with her. Both just seemed to do the show to get on TV.

Mike and Ximena: Another relationship that will ultimately go nowhere, unless Ximena is really desperate to get to America or get a better life than she has. She would be better off doing manicures and finding someone with less issues and more compatibility. Mike came across as a slob, ill-mannered, a bad cook (that pasta with what may have been a KD cheese packet looked inedible). He behaved poorly in the car, not so great with her dad (who is hoping to unload her on to someone else), but acted okay with the kids. His ADHD is not a really good excuse for his poor manners. Good luck to these two.

Johnny and Ella: Will she be flying to Dubai to meet him? If he does go to Idaho and does get sick, does he have enough travel insurance to go to a hospital if he needs to? She seems to be in love with the idea of him and not who he really is.

Ben and Mahogany: So she didn't meet him at the airport. She told him not to come. He is still entitled to her. Does he really think she is mature enough for a relationshp with him? He already has kids who are just a little older than her. She always has an excuse. At least he managed to find a hotel for the night and take it easy until he heads off to her town to find her.

Usman and Kimbaaaly: No means no, no matter who says it. Kimbaaaaly, you were behaving very poorly. Maybe your definition of potential girlfriend was to get your superstar in to bed with you, but he said no. He did also give some very mixed messages in that he probably enjoys leading you on, but you are not girlfriend material. I'd pack my little pink negligee with the hearts on it, finish the suitcase, and check out. Siccing your son on to Usman is also wrong. Not your son's concern and beating up Usman won't solve anything. Enjoy your visit to Tanzania, find a nice necklace, and go home.

  • Love 8
23 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

Oh my when Kim  looks in the mirror and says I’m cute —no make up the way he likes me . I’ve never seen such dark circles under anyone eyes. Looks like someone smacked her. Lifts her sexy nightgown and there’s spots and bumps on her thighs

 It is too late for a glass of wine.  

And the way the camera had to pan up her nose to show all those thick hairs up there nearly gagged me as much as Mike over-blowing his nose!


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Is there a way for Kim’s son Jamal to rescue Ximena’s little boys so all three of them can be protected from their mothers’ bad decisions?! I was cringing when Mike took the kids for a fatherly chat. Don’t tell those sweet kids you’re going to be their dad unless and until you know that for a fact!

  • Love 17
14 hours ago, FrancescaFiore said:

I normally don't like to bag on women's appearances, but since Kimberly is so fixated on bedding Usman and we saw her in what she considers to be her sexiest pink lingerie with little red hearts, drinking champagne after slathering herself with the array of cheap lotions and perfumes we saw (cliché AF, what is she,14?), I can't help but mention how physically unappealing she is. The yellow horse teeth. The excess weight. Her annoying, put-on little girl voice. And when Usman pulled back her robe... was I the only one who noticed her weird-shaped boob? Of course he doesn't want her! Why does she need him to tell her that? It's obvious in every conceivable way. 

And here I thought that I was the only one who thought her boob shape was weird! Pretty pointy boobs or something strange, from what I saw of them.

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13 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

But he’ll hand-wave it off, because God’s will.

“Isn’t that CONVEEEEEEEENIENT” as the Church Lady used to say???  When they are driven by their desires, it’s God’s will to justify it and when it goes to shit, it is God’s will to dodge responsibility.  

Edited by Kid
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14 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

Kim was fairly aggressive to Usman as she grabbed his arm and tried to prevent his leaving.  She also continually tried to touch his face, etc. I'm surprised that Usman reacted as calmly as he did because if someone grabbed me to try to force me to stay I would have done my best to get away (which may include trying to hit the other person who is trying to restrain me). 

Kim = Pepe LePew

  • LOL 7

Question about Ben....I know he read the text from her while he was at the airport saying, "don't come" and the excuse about her father. Was this the first time he told her he had a ticket and was planning to show up?? I mean....has she been telling him and telling him, stay home and he didn't listen? Or did she know he planned this and then waited until he was possibly in the air flying to say no, don't come. Because if the later, that is extra shitty. If she has been saying for a while that her dad wouldn't appreciate his visit and he still went ahead and bought the ticket, he is a special kind of stupid. 


There is a pic on the couples thread that shows a woman who looks like the pics he has, another that looks like an older version and says that Mahogany is real, she just used her daughter's pics? Could it be? Neither one looks like the Mahogany TLC has in promo materials, so....? 

Kimbaaly on Insta posted a pic saying yeah, i looked & behaved really badly and I get it guys but please don't flood the DMs with fat shaming comments. I agree with her----and I guess a lot of us here if we were in our nighty on tv wouldn't look like superstars either. 

  • Love 11
14 hours ago, Breedom said:

Gino and Jasmine looked like they were totally excited in the plane going to San Jose Island. Then on the balcony of their room I thought Jasmine really looked genuine in expressing her thanks to Gino. I saw the love, folks! If she could just get some therapy for that crazy jealousy issue, they might have a chance. Fireworks next week with the ex texting Jasmine - and Gino was totally out of line contacting someone in his past. Why are you even thinking about an ex now, Gino?

If this doesn't convince Gino to never again reach out to the ex, nothing will.

I'm going with "nothing will" for $200 Alex.

  • LOL 5
14 hours ago, Chloe Dog said:

Totally agree.  She's really insisting that she bought and paid for her "piece of ass" by way of a Playstation/computer, and she's here to collect.

I wonder if Kimberly's son, you know, the one she loves so much and would totally go mano a mano with Usman for not banging his mother? I wonder if he has a Mac Book or a PS5. 

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21 hours ago, magemaud said:

So while I was rewatching, I couldn’t resist taking a photo of BGK showing off her  fupa. I couldn’t believe the compliments. Usman said “Sexy mama” and Kim said, “Not bad for 50, huh?” To which Usman replied, “Looking good, girl.” He’s really sending mixed messages and leading her on. 


Fupa?  I immediately thought, what a big gut she has.  Super gross.

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7 hours ago, nutella fitzgerald said:

I was cringing when Mike took the kids for a fatherly chat. 

I was also cringing that Mike wasn’t paying any attention* when three year old Harold took off up the mountain during the fatherly chat. I guess the camera crew watched him. 

* paying attention? I forgot about his ADHD. That would have been his excuse to Ximena if Harold went missing. 

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Kimballllly needs to learn a little subtlety. She literally invited him in and was like, "okay let's have sex." Woman! Have some chill.

I'm the last person to criticize someone's weight but I think she could learn to dress her body better sometimes. Imagine that nightie cinched in at the bustline and then had a fuller "skirt" on the bottom. The length and skin revealed would be entirely the same and it would give her more of an hourglass figure. There's a shot of her with Usman in the opening in a really nice shirt and I think she looks good there. 

Gotta go, I want to look up that resort Gino and Jasmine went to in Panama. I was born there, but I don't remember it, and I've only been back once very briefly. I would love to do a few days in Panama City and then go to San Jose Island!

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On 1/28/2022 at 11:31 AM, Stuckathome said:

I agree. I think the main difference between the two comes from the foundation of the relationships---Ximena is looking for someone to support her and the kids and if she can get out of Colombia, all the better (less of a chance of her past turning up all the time). Mike is just looking for a woman, any woman (ok she has to be young and hot) to start a family with---oh and help take care of his father and grandfather. Not sure if he has explained they are a package deal. Anyway both sort of want the same thing. Kim and Usman? Uh, he wants exposure for his "singing" (quotes because calling it singing is generous), gifts and a ticket to the US while she wants to get laid and be able to say she is attached to a "superstar" like her idol MJ. I don't know that even Kim would say she wants to marry him and build a life----she wants sex and to feel important and needed in some way. It's all emotional. For Usman, it is all financial. As I posted in another thread, I give him an ounce of respect and credit for not just screwing her and playing on her emotions, but I suspect that is because he has an actual girlfriend who he knows will see this and he sold it to her as "this is just a superfan who is financing the video." 

IMO it's because he finds her physically repulsive and does not want to bite vomit on the hand that's feeding him expensive gifts and money.😈

I believe that he finds her as physically repulsive and gross as the rest of us do.

Edited by Xebug67
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On 1/30/2022 at 12:10 PM, Kid said:

Isn’t the double standard interesting?  If the roles were reversed, everyone would be up in arms and demanding he be fired.

She is pathetic!  He is a user but she is pathetic!

She is downright scary, and perhaps the most vile woman ever to appear on this show, which is saying quite a lot.

First she tries to seduce him into having sex with her.  Next she tries to bully him into having sex with her.  Then she tries to manipulate/guilt him into having sex with her.

After realizing that none of the above were going to work on Usman, and he left the room, she gets desperate and retracts her sex pleas for all of two minutes until he returns to the room, at which time she does all of the above over again. 

I noticed what a nasty temper she had when they were walking down the street after buying Usman's hat and he wanted to hold her hand and she very nastily and huffily pulled it away from him.  Further, when they were in the car returning to the hotel she was also busting his balls.  She then gets all playful and coy with him.  There is some kind of mania going on with her, because she goes from one extreme to another.

I love how she said her son would not like how Usman was disrespecting/treating her.  So she thinks that her son would prefer it if Usman treated her like she treats Usman, as a sexual plaything that is there for her pleasure?  I would think the son would appreciate Usman NOT hounding his mother for sex.

I can't stand this bitch.


  • Love 18
On 1/30/2022 at 12:18 PM, Kid said:

Mike thought he could BUY something better.  As her father pointed out to her, she dumps him she’s going have to go out and get a job! Oh my God, she’s going to have to get a JOB. The humanity!!!

She has a job with him too, Daddy.  On her back.

Don't you mean on her knees?  😈

On 1/30/2022 at 5:29 PM, nutella fitzgerald said:

Why is Kimbally getting her son involved in her negotiations for the yammy yammy? Good God, Kimbally, that is an even worse decision than the cheap nightgown you selected for your seduction mission.

And no one has yet commented on that basketball she's carrying around underneath that cheapy nightgown.

  • LOL 3
5 hours ago, mittsigirl said:

And here I thought that I was the only one who thought her boob shape was weird! Pretty pointy boobs or something strange, from what I saw of them.

I think the problem was that she just pulled it on without adjusting her breasts up into the bodice, so the under-bust seam cut directly across the book just under the nipple.

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On 1/30/2022 at 8:19 PM, FrancescaFiore said:

Ben can't pray away his dumbassery. Watching him think there's only 3% chance that Mahogany isn't real was just painful. 

Ximena seems to fancy herself a better catch than she is. Lady, you're 24, have 2 kids by 2 different dangerous, violent felons & you live off of a guy with ADHD's money. Maybe dial back the self-righteous judgments of Mike's flaws.

Elijah really makes himself difficult to like. Caleb not only took having been lied to really well, but he helped Elijah with his bags & gave him a hug. Take your own advice, Eli. Don't be a dick. Oh, too late.

Usman is a manipulative jerk. I mean, sure, Kim is the willing horse(face) being led by the promise of the carrot, (or rather, the yam) but Usman is playing her. Kim is also manipulative AF. When she laments he won't fuck her "after everything I've done for him," she means "after everything I bought for him." Can't buy you love, Kimba. 

I was so glad to not have had to look at Elijah the past couple of episodes.  There's something horribly wrong with his face, and I can't figure out if he's just plain ugly or had messed up, bad plastic surgery, which would be stupid to have had done at his young age if that is a case of plastic surgery.

I love how Kimbaaaly thinks she's catering to Usman's preferences of her face not being made up because that's the way he likes it.  I can't believe that this heifer looked even more awful than she usually does with those sunken eyes, too long face that she pulls her hair too far back on.  This woman put the capital U in Ugly.  Hers is one face that would benefit from her hair being in her face, and preferably covering up her face completely, sort of like Cousin It.

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On 1/31/2022 at 7:50 AM, Kid said:


And then daddy is suspicious of Mike’s intentions. He evidently had no problem with Mike when in America paying for her apartment and everything in it and, previously, her living with a hitman and her going into prison to visit and intentionally getting knocked up!  Evidently, daddy had no problem with any of that.

The other daughter seems so put together correctly.  How did that happen.



Daddy also apparently had no problem with marrying a girl that looks like she's not much older than his own daughters. 

The mother is kind of beastly looking, but then again the daughters and daddy aren't much to look at either.  Nor is daddy's wife.  That is one helluva ugly family.

  • Love 7
On 1/31/2022 at 9:51 AM, seacliffsal said:

Ohhhhhh this episode! Alina is right up there with Kim about demanding sex.  The difference is that Alina got it last episode... I just don't understand all of these participants who don't understand that "no" means "no." Kim is delusional and although there's a part of me that wants to feel sorry for her I just can't because she is bringing this all on herself.  She really is ready to guilt Usman into having sex and thankfully he just isn't having it.  She is using the 'all I've done for you and given you' as well as 'what will my son think?'.  Why in the world would Usman care about what her son would think when she obviously doesn't care what he thinks (due to even being on this show)?

Although I think Caleb is a poser, I just can't with Alina's continually pushing for a commitment.  I think part of her plan is to come to the U.S. and get on one of the Little People shows (absolutely no evidence for this it's just my own opinion based on how hard she is trying to wear down Caleb and get a commitment from him).  I really thought their screen time was over so was a bit disappointed they were on this episode (and, unfortunately, the previews show them in the next episode).

Ben is also delusional.  And, I can't believe how he wants more children-it leads me to think that he believes his first marriage wasn't valid and wants to start over with someone he feels he deserves (i.e. is young and beautiful).  I hope his children are confident in themselves and their mother as I think Ben would ignore them in a second if he thought he could have children with his Nigerian scammer (similar to David [of Annie and David] and how he ignored his children-oh and Leida and Eric).  Once he realizes he has been scammed, he better not blame God and just take his own responsibility for this mess).

Oh, and Ximena and Mike.  Sigh.  She pretty much hates him.  Putting her big purse between them in the taxi said it all, as well as all of her criticisms and facial expressions.  Now, I don't think Mike is a prize, but she has absolutely no room to talk with purposefully getting pregnant with prison daddy.  I believe she stated earlier in the season that she makes sure prison daddy gets to regularly see his son, so she's not over him at all.  And then her own father acting all righteously about making sure Mike is "worthy" of his daughter.  The reality is that they are trying to distract Mike from her past by making out that he is the one whose life and choices should be questioned.  However, their true motives came out when the family was talking with Ximena and clearly laid out that Mike had been supporting ALL of them and she would have to get a job if she didn't accept his proposal (and I imagine that ALL of them will have to get jobs).  The only ones I feel for are her sons-they will end up getting hurt no matter what happens with this story.  But, wow, does this family have the long-term con in place (if they marry, Mike will be sending them lots of money and may well have to sponsor them to come to the U.S.).  Okay, this will sound super mean, but I wouldn't trust Ximena long-term because she knows some people and knows some things once she truly tires of Mike and has her green card.

Every time the camera flashes to her face you can see the other disgust and hatred she has for him, and she's not even trying to conceal it.  She really did an about face, from being/pretending to love him and care about him when he first arrived to now.  I guess that's what having to sleep with the little troll will do to a woman.  I think she views a future with Mike as some intolerable jail time she will be forced to do in order that her mooching family in addition to her and her two sons will be able to continue their gravy train ride on Mike's burping, farting back.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, magemaud said:
4 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

and I guess a lot of us here if we were in our nighty on tv wouldn't look like superstars either. 

I know I wouldn't, but then again, I wouldn't go on a TV show wearing an unflattering nightgown and brag about how sexy and attractive I looked. 

agreed....but I think we established from the first scenes of Kimbaaaly that she isn't playing with a full deck. In that sense, I do feel bad----almost like TLC is exploiting someone who isn't all there mentally. Then again, what does it say about me that I tune in to watch? 😆

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21 hours ago, FrancescaFiore said:

I normally don't like to bag on women's appearances, but since Kimberly is so fixated on bedding Usman and we saw her in what she considers to be her sexiest pink lingerie with little red hearts, drinking champagne after slathering herself with the array of cheap lotions and perfumes we saw (cliché AF, what is she,14?), I can't help but mention how physically unappealing she is. The yellow horse teeth. The excess weight. Her annoying, put-on little girl voice. And when Usman pulled back her robe... was I the only one who noticed her weird-shaped boob? Of course he doesn't want her! Why does she need him to tell her that? It's obvious in every conceivable way. 

I'm so glad you mentioned that weird boob.  I was afraid to do so because I feared it would be deemed inappropriate to bring up.  She's unconventionally ugly.  I literally throw up in my own mouth every time she's onscreen.

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18 hours ago, Breedom said:

Arm raised! Yes, I noticed it. Both were weird looking. What on earth possesses her to think that a young guy would move her to the very top of his list of potential women for his mate/lover/spouse or anything else?

Very well said! I will use KimBELLY from now on - what a great description. I think she genuinely thought she would knock Usman's socks off (or something else) with her natural beauty and svelte body that "looked pretty good for 50". Yeah, right.


I felt sorry for Peru-guy. I'm not saying I like the guy, but to fly all the way to another country for a no-show had to be devastating, especially after he shared every thought in his head about her to his kids, ex and friends. They can now be involved in the humiliation. Personally, I would share this info with very few people until it came to fruition and I was sure this person and their intentions were real. I suspect this ghost will never appear in a future show, but we'll see.

Thankful that not much was shown on Ellie and Johnny. So boring.

I can't muster up even an iota of sympathy for the guy.  He's a disgusting POS as both a father as well as potential boyfriend who's twice the purported age of the ???girl??? he's stalking.  The question marks are because we don't know if Mahogany is really a girl, and actually THE girl he's built up in his own head to be Miss Perfect. 

She told him not to come, yet he went anyway, so ZERO sympathy.

Someone please tell me how Mr. Wonky Eye is any kind of a model whatsoever?

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4 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

he is a special kind of stupid. 

We can already say that's a given.


if we were in our nighty on tv wouldn't look like superstars either. 

Call me shallow, but if I'm on TV -- especially a romance reality show -- I'm doing my makeup before the film crew gets there in the morning and taking it off after they go home at night. Those TV lights are no joke. Hell, if you ever see me on "Intervention" to read a letter to a family member, I'll be wearing concealer and a bra.

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1 hour ago, Xebug67 said:

IMO it's because he finds her physically repulsive and does not want to bite vomit on the hand that's feeding him expensive gifts and money.😈

I believe that he finds her as physically repulsive and gross as the rest of us do.

You’d think he could have found another internet Superfan with at least tolerable looks to scam.


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22 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

You’d think he could have found another internet Superfan with at least tolerable looks to scam.


He did, but Zara noped out early in the game because of his "female fans".  Either that, or she found those photos on IG and her actual name was The Williams.

At certain angles when she's not all made up, Ximena resembles young Tracey Ullman to me.  So I have to like her, because I like Tracey.

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4 minutes ago, Sile said:

He did, but Zara noped out early in the game because of his "female fans".  Either that, or she found those photos on IG and her actual name was The Williams.

At certain angles when she's not all made up, Ximena resembles young Tracey Ullman to me.  So I have to like her, because I like Tracey.

Tracey had a big role on the most recent season of Curb Your Enthusiasm.

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5 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

Question about Ben....I know he read the text from her while he was at the airport saying, "don't come" and the excuse about her father. Was this the first time he told her he had a ticket and was planning to show up?? I mean....has she been telling him and telling him, stay home and he didn't listen? Or did she know he planned this and then waited until he was possibly in the air flying to say no, don't come. Because if the later, that is extra shitty. If she has been saying for a while that her dad wouldn't appreciate his visit and he still went ahead and bought the ticket, he is a special kind of stupid. 

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There is a pic on the couples thread that shows a woman who looks like the pics he has, another that looks like an older version and says that Mahogany is real, she just used her daughter's pics? Could it be? Neither one looks like the Mahogany TLC has in promo materials, so....? 

Kimbaaly on Insta posted a pic saying yeah, i looked & behaved really badly and I get it guys but please don't flood the DMs with fat shaming comments. I agree with her----and I guess a lot of us here if we were in our nighty on tv wouldn't look like superstars either. 

There has to be some accountability here, like it or not.  Most of us would not be unstable enough to put it all out there and expect anything less than what she got. #FACTS

Edited by Rebky
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4 hours ago, Shauna said:

Fupa?  I immediately thought, what a big gut she has.  Super gross.


3 hours ago, magemaud said:

We 600 Lb Life watchers learned last week that “Dolly” considered this an official medical term while describing her fat apron which almost touched the ground. 

FUPA is the acronym for Fat Upper Pubic* Area, referring to excess fat or skin in the area below the abdomen but above the crotch.   In Kimbaaaaly's case, I think she really just has a protruding belly.

*Other definitions use "P***y" rather than "Pubic".


OH, and a word to the wise:  RUN, MIKE, RUN!!!  If Noxzema is nagging you now while in the "throes of love", just imagine how she'll be when the bloom is off the rose.  Hint:  It's not going to get better.

Edited by Tunia
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15 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Another relationship that will ultimately go nowhere, unless Ximena is really desperate to get to America or get a better life than she has. She would be better off doing manicures and finding someone with less issues and more compatibility. Mike came across as a slob, ill-mannered, a bad cook (that pasta with what may have been a KD cheese packet looked inedible). He behaved poorly in the car, not so great with her dad (who is hoping to unload her on to someone else), but acted okay with the kids. His ADHD is not a really good excuse for his poor manners. Good luck to these two.

I feel like I need to defend Mike a bit.  I don't think he said his ADHD causes him to pass gas or behave like a slob.  I think what he was trying to explain was that his ADHD, which is a learning disability, is going to make it difficult for him to follow Ximena's new rules.  I really do think he's a good guy and I don't think he's purposely trying to be a nasty guy, this is just simply how he's lived for so long and it's going to take him awhile to remember all these new rules.  

And to me the uncooked pasta and cheese sauce simply looked like spaghetti noodles completely cooked but plain *shrug*.  People are flipping out as if he just emptied a box of uncooked noodles on a plate and served them to the family.  

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2 hours ago, FrancescaFiore said:

For me, it's her teeth. Her long yellow overbite with what looks like black stains in some areas.  She keeps saying "Not bad for 50, right?" and I keep thinking, "I'm 53 and I'd be horrified if I looked like that." Granted, I'm no super model, but my teeth are still white and my boobs are still boob-shaped... and I don't go around soliciting compliments for it. I can't begin to even imagine how I'd go about doing that with men half my age. "Hey, you know those firm, pert, 25 year old breasts you're used to seeing in the bedroom? Well, check out these reasonable facsimiles, Mister! Not bad for 53, right?" Oy very ist mir.

I'm in my 60s and I'd be horrified!   

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3 hours ago, FrancescaFiore said:

For me, it's her teeth. Her long yellow overbite with what looks like black stains in some areas.  She keeps saying "Not bad for 50, right?" and I keep thinking, "I'm 53 and I'd be horrified if I looked like that." Granted, I'm no super model, but my teeth are still white and my boobs are still boob-shaped... and I don't go around soliciting compliments for it. I can't begin to even imagine how I'd go about doing that with men half my age. "Hey, you know those firm, pert, 25 year old breasts you're used to seeing in the bedroom? Well, check out these reasonable facsimiles, Mister! Not bad for 53, right?" Oy very ist mir.

Big Brother Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

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1 hour ago, Tunia said:


FUPA is the acronym for Fat Upper Pubic* Area, referring to excess fat or skin in the area below the abdomen but above the crotch.   In Kimbaaaaly's case, I think she really just has a protruding belly.

*Other definitions use "P***y" rather than "Pubic".


OH, and a word to the wise:  RUN, MIKE, RUN!!!  If Noxzema is nagging you now while in the "throes of love", just imagine how she'll be when the bloom is off the rose.  Hint:  It's not going to get better.

I'm horrendously ashamed to admit I was told that FUPA was (sorry) Fuc*ed Up Pus*sy Area). I prefer your definition!

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