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S07.E07: Smashed

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

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Unsure of Jazz's readmittance to Harvard, the Jennings take matters into their own hands; Greg hatches a plan to surprise Jeanette for their 28th wedding anniversary, but it's not exactly what she had in mind; Sander's career choice causes tension.

Original air date 2022.01.11

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Sander was even more annoying in this episode and I didn’t think that was possible. His TikTok videos appear to be aimed at 7 year olds. And he’s bragging about getting $50,000 raised over the past two or three years for his clients? Admittedly, I’m not a social media marketer, but that sounds sort of pathetic.  His parents aren’t going to have an empty nest anytime soon with that kid. Don’t blame Griffin for getting fed up with him.
And Jeannette, Jazz is 20 years old—yes, she can pick out her own clothes to go college. 

I agree that the producers are just trolling this season. At least this episode, they aimed at Sander instead of Jazz. He’s an easy target. I just find him so off-putting and ridiculous. 

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This episode was so boring.

Sander is pathetic.  The tie dying dresses for a cause was so  white elitest savior crap, they make themselves look bad.

I guess I've been watching too many 600lb Life- 1000 lb Sisters- Too Large because Jazz's weight gain this season didn't take up much of my attention in this episode.

Edited by LEILANI2
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So calling shenanigans on the whole "packing clothes to Harvard thing".  College students are generally pretty casual, but doubtful Jazz' cold shoulder looks and tie dye dresses will make her feel like she fits in there. Also, if the tie dye dress is from 5 years ago, no way it fits. 

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Does anyone notice that Jazz is always doing this weird lip smacking thing? Like she opens and closes her mouth over and over while just sitting still? Not sure what that is or if I am imagining things

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6 minutes ago, ssj said:

Does anyone notice that Jazz is always doing this weird lip smacking thing? Like she opens and closes her mouth over and over while just sitting still? Not sure what that is or if I am imagining things

Sander does it too and it is annoying.

My mother didn't even come in my room when I was packing for university.  It gets cold in Boston in Fall, Winter & Spring; sundresses won't cut it.

Edited by deirdra
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Just saw a commercial for next week where the Harvard answer is coming in the next day and Jeanette says to Jazz, "This is the defining moment of your life." This, I think, is the kind of thing that contributes to the immense pressure Jazz puts on herself. She will have a life, Jeanette, whether or not she goes to Harvard. And that life can be good, regardless. 

I was really proud of  Jazz this episode because she's at least trying to set some boundaries with her mother.

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2 hours ago, LEILANI2 said:

Sander is pathetic.  The tie dying dresses for a cause was so  white elitest savior crap, they make themselves look bad.

Or it would be if it weren't obvious "storyline" - it took 5 of them (or I guess 4 if Sander was videoing) to make 10 dresses, but Jeanette is going to make all of the dresses that people order and send them out?  Not that I'd think there'd be a huge market for this, but it is on tv and I could see enough people ordering one to be nice and support their foundation that it would drive Jeanette to drink (literally hee hee)

Speaking of that - what's the deal with this "foundation"?  Does it make money and help people or is it just some thing they made up to look good on tv?  If that's the case I guess putting Jeanette in charge of dying all the dresses wouldn't be a bad idea 😂

In other news - I guess old Sander has gone as far as he's willing to go with the whole "dating transwomen" storyline - much easier to just get yelled at for being over-active with his phone camera 😄. He's a weirdo, but I feel sorry for him like I do for Jazz.  Interesting that his brother has a job in the legal field - I figured he must be up to something better than showing off for the tv cameras.  And it made his schtick last week about getting a bill passed into law (even though for now it's not even just a bill, just a plain old bill, sitting there on Capitol Hill) seem a little less obvious and contrived.

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1 hour ago, ssj said:

Does anyone notice that Jazz is always doing this weird lip smacking thing? Like she opens and closes her mouth over and over while just sitting still? Not sure what that is or if I am imagining things

Yes, I've noticed that as well. I think I read a comment from a previous episode where someone mentioned that it could be side effect from one of Jazz's meds.

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The parents need to chill. There’s NO OTHER CHOICE BUT HAVARD. Please. There’s 51458435 other colleges and Jazz could (theoretically) do something else. She’s already in the Smithsonian like… chill.

The T-shirt Jeannette made to announce her wedding gave me a bad vibe. Like she’s been grifting her family for attention (and free stuff)from the start. Then she’s drinking some generic lemon drop martini or whatever and going mmmm mmm so yummy. She needs to stop.

yeah Sander is done pretending to date a trans woman. Especially considering the preview last week of him fake blubbering like there’s nothing romantic about that. He’s such a try-hard. I feel sorry for him. “The only way to change minds is social media!” I have to believe he’s playing to the cameras bc he could not be that dumb.

Ari, so desperate to get away, chose Arkansas. Good for her. She’s never coming back.

Super boring episode. I guess next week is the last? They’ve exhausted all possible storylines.

Edited by shouldbedancing
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Is anyone still watching this show? Judging by the comments,  not much interest. Looks like TLC is trying to cross sell this show with 600 pound life and Hoarders, judging by the stacks of boxes, mounds of crap and large number of random animals. If they could find Jazz an overseas love interest,  they could tie in with 90 day finance. 

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5 hours ago, JeanJean said:

I may be a bitch, but I am so here for Sander getting a taste of his own medicine from Griffin. Back to watching the episode...

Yes! Griffen is so arrogant & annoying but to see someone besides the usual target :Jazz getting bullied & humiliated in this family . Sander got a taste of what Jazz goes thru daily in that home and I’m here for it 

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They are really padding this stuff out, there is only MAYBE 5 minutes of anything actually interesting in the episodes these days, the rest is all complete and utter nonsense. I think I'm seeing this season out and then I'm done. There's literally nothing here anymore. I didn't sign up to this show to watch the rest of the family make morons of themselves. Maybe they saw how positively people reacted to the brother coming onto the 1000-lb sisters show and thought that meant people watching this show would like to see more of Jazz's family but they lack anything engaging and get more annoying every episode.

Edited by missnoa
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Here they go again putting 234 pound Jazz into dangerous physical activity  ( keep it to walks & swimming for now!) Jazz SLAMS down during the ski scene..Jeanettes got a huge smile on her face like it’s hilarious ( she LOVES humiliating Jazz ) and Greg keeps videoing … UH HELLO??!! Is anyone in the family going to stroll over and see if Jazz is okay??!!!! Jesus this family. 

Helicopter monster Mom Jeanette is going to STAY in Boston if Jazz goes to Harvard? WTF???? That’s the LAST thing Jazz needs but hey Jeanettes gotta keep herself & Sander on television and keep that TLC money rolling in!   

Jazz not being able to get out of bed, the weight , the lip smacking & slurring of words has surely got to be drug side effects . The best remedy for Jazz would be to get AWAY from that house . I laughed out loud at Jeanette bullying Jazz  “ how will you remember to refill your meds Jazz?!!!!” ….um mommy dearest.. in 2021 , most pharmacies send out text & email reminders for refills . 
Ari sped away to Arkansas, Jazz needs to be next even if it’s not Harvard (( Harvard is Jeanettes dream… Jazz wanted Pomona)) It’s prolly turning into the Sander show because a) he wants his own show b) Jazz is so debilitated from her issues & drug side effects they need content

TLDR : Jazz is a sweet soul and her family sucks 

Edited by DNR
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9 hours ago, ssj said:

Does anyone notice that Jazz is always doing this weird lip smacking thing? Like she opens and closes her mouth over and over while just sitting still? Not sure what that is or if I am imagining things

Jeanette does too though. 

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The lip smacking seems to be a family habit.  Jeannette, Jazz, and Sander all do this. 

TLC is simply out of content so they are padding the show with more and more scenes of the family.  Jazz has completed her physical transition.  There is no story left there. It is time for her to get out of the house and move on with life.  Harvard, or any college, will be good for her if for no other reason she will have to exist on her own.  Moving out is a key step in a person's development as an independent person.  

Oh, and sign me up for a cheap t-shirt dress that was tie-dyed in their backyard.  Any other crap they want to peddle?  I don't even care if it is for a good cause.  What a waste of time that scene was.  First, Jeannette is an adult.  It is up to her to find out what she wants to to once all the kids are out of the house.  Second, we all know that Sander is annoying.  He is 100% annoying.  We didn't need more evidence of it.  Are they trying to show us the negative effects of putting your family on TV?  

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13 hours ago, deirdra said:

It gets cold in Boston in Fall, Winter & Spring; sundresses won't cut it.

Exactly! Jazz is a south Florida girl and I'm sure has no winter clothes. I'm not talking a light jacket and one pair of Uggs. It's freezing in Boston and summers are short there! Heavy jackets, sweaters, scarves, jeans and boots are the way to go. Of course, we don't know if she's accepted yet...

So Ari is going for her PhD and the brothers both have Master's degrees. Looks like Griffen is a lawyer like his dad (or is dad an accountant)? and Sander is just plain lazy trying to make a career out of social media. Some people are very successful at that but I don't think Sander really knows what he's doing. He's got a great education, he needs to get off his ass and get a real job!

Both brothers need to lay off what ever they are eating. They looked chunky in their swim trunks. Griffen more so and Sander is on his way. They have no room to get on Jazz about her weight when they are both looking out of shape. 

What the heck is wrong with Jeanettes face? She looks so strange this season. Almost deformed. I guess she thinks the hair extensions make her look younger but it's a fail. Poor thing doesn't know what to do to keep from looking frumpy. 


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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:


Both brothers need to lay off what ever they are eating. They looked chunky in their swim trunks. Griffen more so and Sander is on his way. They have no room to get on Jazz about her weight when they are both looking out of shape. 


Keep your shirts on boys. Please. No one wants to see your flabby stomachs. You won't get dates looking like that. Honestly,  they look terrible. My 63 year old husband who only works out occasionally has tightier abs than those clowns. 

Edited by Desert Rat
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So Jazz mentions that they have a foundation that was setup after the Barbara Walters interview in 2012.  That was 10 years ago.  Why haven't we heard of that foundation doing anything?  Like last week's episode, when Jazz and Griff were on zoom call with the lady that is in all of the schools.  Why is Jazz not working on behalf of the foundation her family setup because of her?  It seems to me like working on the foundation would bring more meaning to her life, than Harvard etc.  Hope it's not just a tax evasion money laundering thing.  

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Exactly! Jazz is a south Florida girl and I'm sure has no winter clothes. I'm not talking a light jacket and one pair of Uggs. It's freezing in Boston and summers are short there! Heavy jackets, sweaters, scarves, jeans and boots are the way to go. Of course, we don't know if she's accepted yet...

So Ari is going for her PhD and the brothers both have Master's degrees. Looks like Griffen is a lawyer like his dad (or is dad an accountant)? and Sander is just plain lazy trying to make a career out of social media. Some people are very successful at that but I don't think Sander really knows what he's doing. He's got a great education, he needs to get off his ass and get a real job.

Griffen is in law school.  Sander is working toward a Master's degree.  So they have goals and ambitions like Ari.  However, Griffen's seems more grounded whereas Sander already considers himself a digital marketer.  Throwing some tweets out there that people read because they know about your famous sister does not make you a marketing genius. When he finishes his degree program, it will be time to get slapped in the face by a job where he has clear responsibilities and has to produce actual work product. He comes off as very young. 

Jazz will likely have to buy a winter wardrobe in Boston.  That is not uncommon.  There aren't a ton of winter clothes for sale in Florida.  She could buy online, but she doesn't really know what she'll need.  My first year of college a friend took me and another friend from California shopping to help us prepare for winter.  We are from an area where daytimes drop into the 50s, not the 00s.  That will also give her a chance to see how the other folks dress. 

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Jeanette needs to get a job once Jazz leaves. But I bet she's never worked outside the home the entirety of the marriage.   She can't untie herself from Jazz.  It's kind of sad, actually.

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

So Ari is going for her PhD and the brothers both have Master's degrees. Looks like Griffin is a lawyer like his dad (or is dad an accountant)? and Sander is just plain lazy trying to make a career out of social media. Some people are very successful at that but I don't think Sander really knows what he's doing. He's got a great education, he needs to get off his ass and get a real job!

Marketing via social media is a valid job choice these days. It's an important avenue for advertising and p.r. and there are lots of businesses that have a marketing arm - including nonprofits and big corporations, even law firms.

It's just a) he's obnoxious it and b) he's really insecure and constantly seeking approval from his family. He's the one who actually ruminates about his career choice vs. his siblings - they probably don't give it much thought. He's not going to get the validation he wants from them. (And I think part of the conflict was the family didn't see themselves as hired actors - they just wanted to have fun. So he needs to work with non-family.) He needs to work with people he's not related to. As a director, he needs to learn to not get in the way of his actors so much. Working as crew on productions would probably be helpful. 

He needs to ply his trade outside the family bubble.

Edited by JeanJean
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1 hour ago, Desert Rat said:

One positive about the Jazz show is they aren't harping on COVID, unlike Sisterwives that don't talk about much else. 

It is a global pandemic and still a growing issue here in the US so AFAIC to not mention Covid in these 'reality' shows - where they are interacting with others, and often unmasked - it should me mentioned IMO, YMMV. I loathe the Sister Wives peeps but at least they are addressing real time issues.

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4 minutes ago, gingerella said:

It is a global pandemic and still a growing issue here in the US so AFAIC to not mention Covid in these 'reality' shows - where they are interacting with others, and often unmasked - it should me mentioned IMO, YMMV. I loathe the Sister Wives peeps but at least they are addressing real time issues.

That's strange. Where I live in the US the only remnants of the pandemic are fading stickers on the floor about keeping  a distance and some store clerks wearing masks. Otherwise, it seems to be long over here. Florida where Jazz is is probably similar. 

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1 hour ago, Desert Rat said:

One positive about the Jazz show is they aren't harping on COVID, unlike Sisterwives that don't talk about much else. 

No, because they're harping on HARVARD!  It was like a drinking game.  How many times could they mention it?

Most people say I'm getting ready to leave for college.  Here they're getting ready to leave for -- wait for it -- HARVARD.  That's not how people talk.  So humble-braggy. 

I only watched this show once years ago and I decided to just check in.  Jazz does herself no favors with this exposure.  I guess Harvard won't see it until after they've offered her re-admission (which I guess they will).

The brothers do themselves no favors with their TikTok videos.  Sloppy dancing with flabby bodies.  Just no.

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1 hour ago, Desert Rat said:

That's strange. Where I live in the US the only remnants of the pandemic are fading stickers on the floor about keeping  a distance and some store clerks wearing masks. Otherwise, it seems to be long over here. Florida where Jazz is is probably similar. 

In Chicago we have once again closed some places for public meetings, concerts and plays are postponed and proof of vaccination are needed for restaurants and other places. We are back to around 100 deaths a day. 

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12 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

In Chicago we have once again closed some places for public meetings, concerts and plays are postponed and proof of vaccination are needed for restaurants and other places. We are back to around 100 deaths a day. 

Same here, or worse. Lots of places have surged again.

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Florida's covid regulations are lax to non-existant and the lack of masks on the show simply reflects that.  This episode seemed very short to me, but maybe that was because nothing much really happened. The only scene that stood out was the one between Jazz and her mother with the clothing choices.  I wonder if the family is so fixated on Harvard as they seem to be.  There are a variety of options beyond Harvard.  State college, community college, etc.  They don't seem to pick up on the point that you aren't a loser if you don't go to an ivy league school.  Surely, it would have been better for Jazz to be enrolled in a state college and then drop out if/when she got her Harvard acceptance. Waiting until two weeks before school starts sort of ruins that option.  Perhaps they think that offering options other than Harvard would make Jazz think that they don't believe in her? Oh, wait....

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Jeanette doesn’t think of what’s best for Jazz ( which is probably Jr. college or a Florida state school )….Jeanette wants to brag that she’s got a kid in 

H   A  R  V  A  R  D 

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Jazz will likely have to buy a winter wardrobe in Boston.  That is not uncommon.  There aren't a ton of winter clothes for sale in Florida.  She could buy online, but she doesn't really know what she'll need.  My first year of college a friend took me and another friend from California shopping to help us prepare for winter.  We are from an area where daytimes drop into the 50s, not the 00s.  That will also give her a chance to see how the other folks dress. 

Most of us South Florida folk have come from somewhere cold and have some cold weather clothes - when we get our few day cold snaps down here, I see lots of people out in big winter coats and boots (yes we are lame and cold blooded).  I have a down coat, gloves and scarf hanging by my front door lol. Of course, Jazz may not have clothes that FIT at this point and would need to buy a decent heavy coat (I have a daughter who moved to St. Louis and she bought her coat online). But Target sells winter hats and gloves (for when we go out of town to colder climates) And don't most female college students wear yoga pants/jeans and giant sweatshirts/hoodies?  Didn't she go skiing with her family? And didn't she go to NYC at some point? So she should have something to wear when she goes to H A R V A R D with Jeanette (thanks DNR :D)

Greg is a lawyer. 

And there's a big difference between an individual that does social media/marketing for an organization or company and someone who does social media/ social influencing in order to be famous (aka TikTokers). 

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3 hours ago, JeanJean said:

Marketing via social media is a valid job choice these days. It's an important avenue for advertising and p.r. and there are lots of businesses that have a marketing arm - including nonprofits and big corporations, even law firms.

Most of us know this but this is Sander we are talking about. Unprofessional Sander trying to sell 10 tie dye dresses that took all day to make and awful tiktok videos trying to be funny. 

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19 hours ago, ssj said:

Does anyone notice that Jazz is always doing this weird lip smacking thing? Like she opens and closes her mouth over and over while just sitting still? Not sure what that is or if I am imagining things

If Jazz is taking (among her 17 pills a day) an anti-psychotic -- Jeanette mentioned a new drug cocktail, and she's been taking antidepressants and anti-anxiety agents since the age of 12 -- then it could be the beginnings of a side effect common to anti-psychotics known as tardive dyskinesia, which can be permanent.  Yes, I noticed it, too; it's not like a dry mouth thing, but rather involuntary movements.  I can't help but think that must drive Jeanette crazy!

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17 hours ago, princelina said:

Speaking of that - what's the deal with this "foundation"?  Does it make money and help people or is it just some thing they made up to look good on tv?  If that's the case I guess putting Jeanette in charge of dying all the dresses wouldn't be a bad idea 😂


The foundation is real; you can Google the website.  They started it when Jazz was young.

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5 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

What the heck is wrong with Jeanettes face? She looks so strange this season. Almost deformed. I guess she thinks the hair extensions make her look younger but it's a fail. Poor thing doesn't know what to do to keep from looking frumpy. 


According to social media posts, Jeanette had "work done" (a face lift) between seasons; they hinted at it when she visited a plastic surgeon with her parents for a consultation last season.  She's obviously having a midlife crisis and trying to recapture her youth or at least her wild partying/heavy drinking college days between the sexy photo shoot and the slamming down of alcohol every episode.

Edited by all4mom2
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4 hours ago, Lesia said:

Jeanette needs to get a job once Jazz leaves. But I bet she's never worked outside the home the entirety of the marriage.   She can't untie herself from Jazz.  It's kind of sad, actually.

Jeanette worked in marketing for either TV or movies -- something in the media -- after college and before children.  Not sure if she worked after marriage or not.

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1 hour ago, all4mom2 said:

According to social media posts, Jeanette had "work done" (a face lift) between seasons; they hinted at it when she visited a plastic surgeon with her parents for a consultation last season.  She's obviously having a midlife crisis and trying to recapture her youth or at least her wild partying/heavy drinking college days between the sexy photo shoot and the slamming down of alcohol every episode.

She should sue for malpractice. 

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Two thoughts:

I doubt the family AND the production company would dedicate a whole season to Jazz and Harvard if she DIDN'T get in.  I suspect she got acceptance from Harvard and that a lot of this season is 'post' the actual drama.🙃

Secondly:  Janette!  You are a lovely lady who patronizes outdated fashion shops.  The "COLD-SHOULDER" top/dress look has come and is now gone.  Time to maybe update your wardrobe?  P.S.  As part of the generation who wore tie-dye in my 'youth,' I get a kick out of your family's allegiance to "the look."  It was fun "back then," and I think it's still fun today.  😄  P.P.S.  Loved your '80's ski jacket!  I had one of 'those' in my closet, too. 😸

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11 minutes ago, riverblue22 said:

I must admit I'm not watching this year, but I would like to know if Jazz is currently at Harvard or  will she be starting school in the fall of 2022?

I think we find out in next week's episode if they readmit her.

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11 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

She should sue for malpractice. 

I could not even tell that she had any work done. What she really needs is a makeover from the tip of her atrocious head of hair to the bottom of her sandaled  feet. And Jazz saying her mother had style? oh my God😳🤣

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At this point in time ON THE SHOW, Jazz is waiting to find out if she has met the criteria to be allowed to start school at Harvard.  Do not bring any future information into the episode thread. The "No spoilers" tag on this thread means that only what was known as of the time of FILMING can be discussed. 

Questions?  PM @PrincessPurrsALot.  We do not discuss moderator actions in the forums. 

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Sander is officially the most annoying person on TV and that’s a competitive field as far as I’m concerned. I mean, you’ve got contenders such as Whitney Thore, Robyn Brown, Audrey Roloff and Adam Busby. Everything Sander does is just so fake. He’s lazy as hell. If he was as great of a digital marketer as he thinks he is, why doesn’t he work outside the home and doing marketing for anyone other than himself? Making TikToks all day is not digital marketing. Then according to the previews, he’ll go confide (cry) in a trans person to prove he’s trans friendly (as he should be but he’s been beating it over our heads this season), BUT STRAIGHT! I thought Jazz needed a lot of attention but she’s tapped out of her own show and let the 2 famewhores that are Jeanette and Sander carry it. 

14 hours ago, chediavolo said:

I could not even tell that she had any work done. What she really needs is a makeover from the tip of her atrocious head of hair to the bottom of her sandaled  feet. And Jazz saying her mother had style? oh my God😳🤣

I laughed out loud so hard I scared my cat. Then Jeanette has the nerve to tell Jazz her style is from the medieval times! 

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On 1/12/2022 at 5:59 PM, all4mom2 said:

According to social media posts, Jeanette had "work done" (a face lift) between seasons;

Oh...that's surprising.  As I was looking at her I thought "she should get a face lift to bring the corners of her lips back up."  Oooops, swing and a miss.  

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What i don’t get is …. Why is it Harvard or nothing ? No plan B? Is HARVARD the only school in America ?   Florida state schools were good enough for Jazz siblings . Jazz would probably be better off taking that route . The reason Jeanette is threatening to accompany Jazz to college is to make sure she dialates ( remember Jeanette said she’ll kill Jazz if her neovagina  closes up) 

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On 1/16/2022 at 8:13 PM, DNR said:

What i don’t get is …. Why is it Harvard or nothing ? No plan B? Is HARVARD the only school in America ?   Florida state schools were good enough for Jazz siblings . Jazz would probably be better off taking that route . The reason Jeanette is threatening to accompany Jazz to college is to make sure she dialates ( remember Jeanette said she’ll kill Jazz if her neovagina  closes up) 

I keep thinking about Jazz’ future dorm roommate, assuming she does go off to college. No matter what college she goes to, most require freshmen to live in the dorms, usually in a double. If Jeanette is planning to rent a place near Harvard to keep tabs on Jazz, she’ll likely do the same wherever Jazz lands.

Can you imagine being the roommate as Jeanette comes over each morning to wake Jazz up? As Jeanette has a discussion about when and for how long Jazz dilated? Or as Jeanette asks you to leave your room while she has those conversations? Yikes!

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