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S16.E19: Power Of Veto Competition #6

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Yes, it would be awful to be tied to a nincompoop for 48 hours, Caleb.  And all you had to do was shave your head.  You got off lucky.


I, too, have prescriptions to all my favourite comic books.


Zach might have done better in the POV comp if he hadn't wasted so much time throwing a temper tantrum.  And the fact that he did so poorly made it even douchier when he instructed others not to clap for Victoria's performance.  Please go tomorrow.  I'm done with you.

  • Love 15

Wow, that just happened.  My head is spinning with confusion over which alliances are real and what the hell they are all called.  It kind of feels like everyone is playing one another this season and I'm not sure where loyalties lie.  SMH...


Zach would be annoying as hell to live with and he seems to be losing his mind, but at least he is entertaining on some level.  Jocasta, not so much.  She really doesn't bring much to she show.  She's just sort of...there.  She hardly even gets airtime.  And her DR sessions are obnoxious.  I'm sure she is probably very nice and easy to live with there, but I wish she was more interesting to watch.  Sigh...


Caleb and Victoria were painful to watch together.  Or maybe they should get married, I can't decide.  I actually feel sorry for Victoria a lot of the time.  She seems so oblivious to how much they all insult her.  Caleb continues to creep over Amber with his comic book comment.  He is good looking though.


I, too, have prescriptions to all my favourite comic books.


Haha, almost forgot that gem of a comment!


I don't know...


All I do know is that I could stare at Cody for an hour every episode and not notice anyone or anything else.  He is gorgeous.  Zak Efron should be flattered.  I want to see these two side by side.  Sigh...


I fear "Zankie" will be coming to a close after tomorrow.  I'm guessing Zach is toast.  Frankie may not be far behind him either, especially with a double eviciton.  Those are always the most unpredictable evictions, so we might actually see something new happen tomorrow,  Guess we'll find out...

Edited by LadyJaney
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Okay, so the show has been over for 30 minutes and there are three posts. Yup.


I don't know if even BB Fast-Forward can save this house of dullards... everyome either has no allegiance to anyone or they have like 6 named alliances. Somethings got to happen soon right? Or maybe we come through fast forward only having voted out Jocasta and then Victoria. It would be just like this group so concerned about getting "blood on their hands" to take the easy vote out in both situations. Who is the froot loop dingus that casted these people from their potential houseguest list?

I laughed at them gliding by, too. Nicole was particularly funny with her legs sort of frog jumping through the air.

I was impressed with Nicole's quick recognition that Christine was lying to her. I'm starting to think that little fruit loop dingus might just be the most game-smart of the bunch. I would love to see her win this thing.

  • Love 9

Well, its like I posted the other night. Too much had to go RIGHT for Frankie to get backdoored and of course the ONE person out of all the competitors that would not use the veto has to win. Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist but I wonder if there isn't something in Christine's application for BIG BROTHER that hinted she would be good at this type of comp and the producers trotted it out because they are desperate to keep Frankie who for some unkown reason they think needs to narrate....every....little...thing....that happens in the house. He's just so repulsive.


Meanwhile at long last I can understand a little bit of why Caleb was frustrated at  Amber not returning his attention. Seeing  him in that fig leaf...well the guy pretty much is an Adonis and I imagine he's use to girls in his  hicktown swooning for him so it must have been quite a shock to be rejected. On that note...if Alternate Universes are real I imagine there is one where his fondest dreams came true and he wound up tethered to Amber for 48 hours. Got to admit he was pretty funny talking about getting some "private time" with Amber's comic book.


Speaking of Comic books how was DEVIN not DAD-BOT instead of Derrick? Every other word out of his mouth said his motivations in every thing he did revolved around his daughter. Also it would have been funnier to have Nicole as a THE GHOST SLAYER. Some of those were pretty spot on Jocasta's HOLLY ROLLER was LOL hillarious.


Prediction for THursday....Jocasta goes home....DETONATOR wins speed round... Victoria goes home and the speed round is once again wasted on a predictable boot.

Also it would have been funnier to have Nicole as a THE GHOST SLAYER.

Considering (a) Nichole's pool game with Hayden which was so prominently featured in the opening montage and (b) Hayden's "THE CRUSTACEAN" comic cover, I was half-expecting Nicole's to be the CrabCracker.

ETA: expansion

Edited by Nashville

I don't know why, because nothing really changes this episode, but I enjoyed the heck out of it.

I've always been a sucker for alliances being made, whether they are real, imagined, or ridiculous. I always FF the "naming" discussions because that is clearly a producer thing, but I kind of loved Nicole saying forming an alliance in the HOH room was something she had dreamed about "her whole life". And then I realized how old I was and told her to shut up.

Zach, honey? I'm not going to call you a fruit loop dingus like you smugly asked me to in the DR if you lost the POV, because that name is already played out. I'll just call you a dumbass instead. A clueless dumbass who got smoked by the two women you put up last week for apparently being so worthless. Along with the woman you are nominated against and also ridiculed. I enjoyed every second of your tirade. Dumbass.

It was fun seeing people show up and starting to play. Even if meant playing really badly (Christine). Looking forward to the double eviction tomorrow night.

Oh, and I also FFed everything relating to Caleb and Victoria wandering around in swimsuits with leaves attached to them. Do not care.

  • Love 1

Caleb and Victoria were painful to watch together.  Or maybe they should get married, I can't decide.  I actually feel sorry for Victoria a lot of the time.  She seems so oblivious to how much they all insult her.  Caleb continues to creep over Amber with his comic book comment.  He is good looking though.



They were hilariously bickering the first night. I was watching BBAD and they were trying to get in the HOH bed. For some reason Caleb switched the vine to his other wrist and then climbed in. That left Vic with like 12 inches to move. She said something to Caleb and he told her to switch hers, she then shot back with then what was the point of him switching his. It was such a married couple argument. 


The comp took over 4 hours. It was so long BBAD had to start with an hour of Donny, Cody, Hayden, and Derrick locked in the HOH. You could hear Zach loosing his shit in the backyard. I don't know how it could have possibly take that long when only Vic took the 35 minutes allotted, but it's a good thing Zach went last since he really did break a camera when he pitched his fit. 

I must be the minority, because I actually found Caleb and Victoria kind of cute for the first time ever! They are both comically inadequate at just about everything, but in different ways. In fact, they're kind of a male/female version of each other. 


Those comics were really pretty cool! They actually looked like each person. If anyone wants a closer look at them, here's a link:


  • Love 9

I like that Nicole and Hayden are starting to play the game and actually tried to form an alliance.  I hate that they chose to ally with Derrick and Cody.  Additionally, I HATE that they named the alliance "the Rationale".  That might be the worst alliance name in the history of BB.  Well, second worst... the Friendship will forever be the lamest alliance name in BB history.


Jacosta... is just here basically.  She only seems to show a little personality in the Diary Room, which is unfortunate.  I wish she would do something or show some personality in the house.  I wouldn't be sorry to see her go tomorrow, except I would much rather see "Zach Attack" get evicted.


Zach's shtick is wearing thin.  I really hope he gets voted out tomorrow.   I can't believe this twenty-four year old man threw a tantrum like that during the comp!  And then to be so rude as to tell people not to clap for Victoria's time?!  His time wasn't much better, and at least Vic has acted her age on this show so far, unlike him.  Done with Zach.


I was happy to see Christine actually trying to play the game in her talk with Nicole.  I loved even more that Nicole saw through it pretty quickly.  Nicole has improved 100x since her first week as HOH.  

  • Love 3

Whoever did the female casting should be fired.   These girls are just seem to have no game whatsoever.   And they keep not booting them.   They are boring and they are sooooo dull to watch.     

Zach is exhausting.    The hilight of every episode for me is that when he does his DR sessions he usually rants about how smart he is and then they flash his name and "Unemployed" on the screen.

  • Love 2

I like that Nicole and Hayden are starting to play the game and actually tried to form an alliance.  I hate that they chose to ally with Derrick and Cody.  Additionally, I HATE that they named the alliance "the Rationale".  That might be the worst alliance name in the history of BB.  Well, second worst... the Friendship will forever be the lamest alliance name in BB history.



They started with the Wolf Pack, decided that was lame, changed it to the Quad Squad, and somehow became the Rationale. I believe at one point they were going to have secret hand signals too. Uh… okayyyy. 

  • Love 1

Okay, I was originally a fan of Christine, but now I am officially over her. Not only was it super shitty of her to use Hayden-Victoria to fuck with Nicole's head, but it was a horrible game move as well. She thinks she's super slick, but she is not. At. All. Nicole saw right through her little ploy, and good for her! 


It just sucks that Christine won the veto, and was too cowardly to use it. I really wanted to see Zankie on the block together. And I'd much prefer Frankie going home over Zach. Frankie struts and preens far too much for my liking. At least Zach gives us gems like "fruit loop dingus" and the new "busta-fooligan"! 


The Veto challenge cracked me up. The Flamingo was perfect for Frankie. And I loved October-fist! and "Fear the Beard". I'm not really sure how Vicoria got "The Fashionista" when she always looks completely busted to me.  I did notice Caleb is back to calling Amber "his girl" again, and apparently needs a "prescription" to her comic book. Perhaps his hair contained some of his brain power and now he is even more ignorant and delusional without it? God help us. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 3
I don't think she was too cowardly to use it. I think she knew it was worse for her if she did.  She wasn't interested in the backdoor Frankie plan (if she even knew about it).


Oh, I know she wasn't, but she really really wants Zach gone. And she stated that having him up against Jacosta meant it was likely he would stay, and she wanted someone more well-liked to be up against him, like Cody or Derrick. She was pestering and pestering Nicole to do it. She even lied about Hayden to try and get Nicole to do her bidding. She raced like hell for the Veto. For what? To not use it? To not follow through on the very thing she had been trying to make happen? It might be worse for her if she did it, but maybe not. I don't think she even KNEW about the backdoor Frankie plan. So in her mind, she would have been doing it to ensure Zach goes home, and she already knew Zach was on thin ice with several of the detonators, if not the entire house. Would anyone really be gunning for her for doing that? I tend to think not.

  • Love 1

I imagine the comp took so long because each person had to read the rules, confirm that they knew the rules, complete the comp and then the comp had to be reset. I think resetting probably meant getting all the cards back in a specific order so that all of the contestants had the exact same set up. Zach and Victoria's comp time alone was at the hour mark, never mind everything else. Figure everyone else's prep and comp time was probably around 30 minutes total and you are at three hours. Toss in time to do the random draw to determine the order, get people into costumes, get people out of the yard, and the prep time for Zach and Victoria and I can see it being four hours long.

It's been nice to see in the last couple episodes that while Nicole might be a little doofy, she's not dumb. Everyone who tries to manipulate her gets shot down with an eye roll and a DR session where she basically says "Are you freakin' kidding me?" Nice.


I also would like to see Frankie got ASAP because I am SO over his constant preening for the camera. Everything is about him. It's annoying. Like, what was up with that bit at the beginning where Zach stomped into the bedroom to pout and Frankie was prancing after him. Zach asked for some alone time and Frankie just cheerfully spun on his heels and skipped away happily. Bwah?


But Zach has been just rude and horrible. I think he believes he's being funny and snarky, but it's not. He's just awful and nasty to everyone. 


So of course, I expect Jocasta to go home tonight. :-P

  • Love 2
It's been nice to see in the last couple episodes that while Nicole might be a little doofy, she's not dumb.


Totally agree. I thinks he plays "dumb and confused" a lot with the other housemates to avoid talking game with them. Frankie was grilling her about what she would do with a replacement nominee and she's all, "I don't knoooow" - but she totally had a plan to backdoor him! I think that will work well in favor. 

  • Love 2

A few of the comic book covers were really inspired (Zach, Donny, Amber, Caleb), but some I didn't get at all.

  • Why was Hayden a crab?
  • Why was Frankie a flamingo? I hope it's not just because pink=gay.
  • Why did Devin's not have anything about his daughter?
  • Pao-pao's didn't look like her.
  • I wish Derrick's had subtly been about him being a cop, like if his robot resembled Robocop a little more.
  • Nicole's was unflattering and I wish had focused on something that was not BB-related (although I thought Brittany's soccer one was ok since that was a highlight of her last week and it still had "mom" on it).


Watching this POV was suspenseful! Zach took the loss so hard. I try not to get emotionally invested in this show, but that broke my heart.

Why was Hayden a crab?

Why was Frankie a flamingo? I hope it's not just because pink=gay.


I'm guessing Hayden was a crab because of the whole beach-surfer thing he has going on? 


And I think Frankie was the flamingo because of his pink hair. And he does preen a lot, like a bird. I thought his was perfect. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 1


Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist but I wonder if there isn't something in Christine's application for BIG BROTHER that hinted she would be good at this type of comp and the producers trotted it out because they are desperate to keep Frankie who for some unkown reason they think needs to narrate....every....little...thing....that happens in the house.

That's not at all an unreasonable idea, although it's probably more a matter of her past showings in things involving memory and details than her application. Producers of other reality shows have sometimes been blatant about keeping "the gay guy" as long as possible, presumably for some sort of viewership reason. However, Nicole has shown the same kind of skills, and actually didn't lose by much, so was this the best choice of comp if that's what the producers wanted?



They started with the Wolf Pack, decided that was lame, changed it to the Quad Squad, and somehow became the Rationale.

I wasn't paying attention during this conversation, but I think any name that refers to the number of people, like Quad Squad does, is a bad idea, especially in a double elimination week.


  • I wish Derrick's had subtly been about him being a cop, like if his robot resembled Robocop a little more

I thought it did resemble Robocop, which I thought was pretty funny. Caleb's didn't look like him either (to me anyway), but overall I think they did a good job. But yeah, Nichole's was unflattering. 

Edited by TexasChic


Zach would be annoying as hell to live with and he seems to be losing his mind, but at least he is entertaining on some level.  Jocasta, not so much.  She really doesn't bring much to she show.  She's just sort of...there.  She hardly even gets airtime.  And her DR sessions are obnoxious.  I'm sure she is probably very nice and easy to live with there, but I wish she was more interesting to watch.


That's where I am too. There isn't anyone I outright loathe this year (now that Devin is gone) but so few of them are entertaining. And I get tired of the "Praise Jesus" stuff all the time. The only other person who is mildly entertaining is Caleb and that's just because he's so delusional and unaware. Cody has no personality whatsoever, and while the show is desperately trying to make Hayden and Nicole "a thing," it isn't working and reduces them to props. Victoria is likewise boring, Derrick isn't doing anything interesting, Frankie is more annoying than anything else, and I'm tired of watching Donny stroke his beard.


It's kind of sad the only person I kind of enjoy is Zach, that says a lot about this season's cast. I think ordinarily he'd be the one I'd be rooting for to get evicted.

I'm guessing Hayden was a crab because of the whole beach-surfer thing he has going on? 

Either that, or one of his between-girlfriend girlfriends gave him a gift that kept on giving.

And itching.

And I think Frankie was the flamingo because of his pink hair. And he does preen a lot, like a bird. I thought his was perfect.

I suspect Frankie's pink hair suggested an association with a certain early John Waters film of some repute.

I would love to know how much actual time Zach wasted bitching about how he had all the right comic covers to the cameras in the back yard before finally checking again and realizing that he had two in the wrong order. That was hilarious… and totally in character for him.

Frankly, I was surprised Zach's time in the comp was as low as it was. Don't know exactly when Zach's participation in the POV comp, but it extended well into the start of the BBAD airing. The non-participating HGs were in HOH lockdown, but you could hear Zach's tantrum through the door. Just the shouting part sounded like it took up the better part of 20 minutes or more.

Of course, when you take into account the stopwatch on the comp was held by TPTB.... :P

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This is the first season of BB I've ever watched and it might be my last. Were all the previous seasons this yawn-worthy?

I guess it's my own fault, the only Big Brother I've ever seen was in the episode of Doctor Who (Bad Wolf S1Ep12) and when you got evicted you got dead.

Not that I'm advocating murder but it sure was more exciting to watch than the BB on my tv screen.

I'll stick it out till the end anyway but I wish that something would happen, it's like all Frankie all the time running around trying to get as much face time as possible. And I'm tired of looking at his face which is why I watch it On Demand while I'm doing other stuff.

I hope Nicole wins.

Some of the DRs with Caleb & Victoria really showed how much better the show would be without scripted DRs. Some of the dialogue was funny. And not shouted!! Ugh, I do not like the scripted DR yell fests.


My favorite moment was one the first DRs after they were united, when Caleb was going on about how great he is and Victoria mimed putting a gun to her head. I actually liked her and found her funny in that moment!


They started with the Wolf Pack, decided that was lame, changed it to the Quad Squad, and somehow became the Rationale. I believe at one point they were going to have secret hand signals too. Uh… okayyyy.


I was hoping they would stick with "That Thing." 


This is the first season of BB I've ever watched and it might be my last. Were all the previous seasons this yawn-worthy?

No. Some are better than others, of course, but usually there is more tension revolving around seeing whether the houseguest you loathe the least will be able to stick it out, and more changes in alliances. I feel that this group is Grodner's revenge on those of us who complained about the toxic group she had on last year.


I think that part of the reason Derrick is doing so well at managing the house is that it's not important to him that everyone acknowledge he's running the house or automatically agree with everything he plans. [cough::Devin and Amanda::cough] For example, he listened to Caleb about voting Zach out. I kind of wish he hadn't, though. 

Edited by Kris117

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