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Kanye West: The Most Intelligent Celebrity

Message added by Aethera

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Kanye took his mothers death extremely hard, he's even admitted to blaming himself so maybe the fact that he blames himself plays some part in how hard he took it.  Maybe he never properly grieved. There's lots of video of him in concert and everytime he sings the song "Hey Mama" breaks down and this is even years after she passed.


I realize TMZ likes to kiss Kardashian ass but to say he's a changed man because he sat through a magic show with his wife and child is ridiculous. 



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If I remember correctly, his father is a former black panther and a photojournalist.Not sure what he does now, but I dont think they are on good terms. I could be wrong.

Hmm, sounds like an interesting guy - thanks!
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I don't know, Kourtney tried to save her & Scott's relationship for years before finally throwing in the towel, Khloe stood behind Lamar even when he made a video rapping about cheating on her, & when he OD'd in a whorehouse, she canceled their divorce, took over his medical care, & paid to move him into a house near hers so that she could take care of him. Now, think about Kim. This is her third marriage, &  the second, very public one, only lasted 72 days & ended with her already pregnant with Kanye's kid. If she dumps Kanye, think about how she will look compared to her sisters, they will look like the strong, caring women who only give up after doing everything they can possibly do to save their relationship, & she will look like the triple failure who can't keep a man & who bails at the first sign of trouble. There is no way Kim is going to let that happen, she is going to do whatever she has to to stay married to Kanye, no way is she dumping him.

Unless.... ;) .....she decides to spin the whole thing as "Kim's the only strong one who doesn't put up with bullshit".  She's cold, selfish and conceited enough that I think she'll figure out a way to get out of there.  I don't think she thinks she even needs to care what people think about her at this point.  I think she thinks she's untouchable.  I'm eager to see, though - you'd hope her kids would factor into all of this!

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Unless.... ;) .....she decides to spin the whole thing as "Kim's the only strong one who doesn't put up with bullshit". She's cold, selfish and conceited enough that I think she'll figure out a way to get out of there. I don't think she thinks she even needs to care what people think about her at this point. I think she thinks she's untouchable. I'm eager to see, though - you'd hope her kids would factor into all of this!

She'll find them a new daddy, just like Kris replaced Robert Sr. And like they're pushing Kourtney to get a good role model ( translation rapper or NBA player) for her kids. Look at Kris, for all her angst over Caitlyn, she got Corey in her bed fast enough.

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She'll find them a new daddy, just like Kris replaced Robert Sr. And like they're pushing Kourtney to get a good role model ( translation rapper or NBA player) for her kids. Look at Kris, for all her angst over Caitlyn, she got Corey in her bed fast enough.

Very true, although Corey is little more than hired dick. I don't think Kim would be able to land an A-list musician or athlete, but she'd be able to pull a no-namer looking for a come-up.

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Remember the near miss in Montana, where Kim was concerned about Kim, and North might as well have been strapped to the car roof like skis? 


Yeah, with Kanye melting down I think Kim is concerned about Kim and about her image, but I don't think she's wondering what choosing him as a father for her kids means for their safety.

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In Montana, she wasn't wearing her seatbelt. You'd think she'd always have it on to protect the face. After all if it were smashed how would they know what face to restore it to?

And yeah, on the phone blubbering to Kanye and North never got so much as a mention. It was I,I ,I... me, me, me.

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The only reason I could think of why he would choose to be exclusive to Tidal is out of loyalty to JayZ


There have been rumors going around in the past couple of years that Kanye borrowed millions from Jay Z after his first fashion flop (which Kanye admitted he spent way too much of his personal money for), so it could be that the "loyalty" is coming from that.

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This is even more awesome than Taylor's put down, an entire industry organization is throwing shade at Kanye


Is it the real Grammys, or is it like that one person/group that signs up as real companies and trolls anti-gay social media posts?

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I don't remember verbatim, but it went something like this: "As the first woman to win album of the year twice, I want to tell young women that somewhere along the way some people will try to undercut you and take credit for your achievements. This win is all mine."

Hell to the YES, Taylor! That was one of the best FU's in the history of FU's! I'm betting Kanye is kinda hard to live with right now. I know this is ugly, but I just love seeing Karma strut her stuff, especially with this family.

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Is it the real Grammys, or is it like that one person/group that signs up as real companies and trolls anti-gay social media posts?


There's a blue check mark next to the name which I believe means the account is verified as the real Grammys. 

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Very true, although Corey is little more than hired dick. I don't think Kim would be able to land an A-list musician or athlete, but she'd be able to pull a no-namer looking for a come-up.

Because good heavens, it would be way too much to hope that Kim would choose a good, non-famewhore type man to be a faithful and steady husband and father to her children.  It's all about the freaking publicity.  Who can she hook up with to make sure her name stays in the headlines?


Of course, it's unlikely that Kim would give a common man the time of day, so whatever.


It's never good to watch anyone self-destruct, even Kanye.  It's unfortunate that he's doing it so publicly.  He does need to go away for awhile, but I don't know how likely that would be for a delusional narcissist.  I can't imagine being inside the brain of someone like Kanye, but the theme seems to be if I go away, everyone will forget about me, and that can't happen.  And as long as people are talking about me, it's all good, even if I am going off the deep end.  Bad publicity is far better than no publicity.

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Kanye West meltdown: disses Taylor Swift and Adele, calling himself 'most influential artist of our time'


Kanye West’s big Thursday night Madison Square Garden fashion show started with a fracas with security guards and ended with a rambling speech at dinner that left even him exhausted.


The raucous rapper spent Wednesday night partying until sunrise and was then seen wandering confused through the hallways of the Waldorf Astoria, where he and his family were staying.


"It's safe to say he was disoriented," says a source close to the situation. "When he got off the elevator, he went the wrong direction and two security guards stopped him and asked `where are you going?’"


We're told that during the 5 a.m. confrontation, West turned combative and insisted he knew where he was going.


But the guards, whom we're told were protecting a European dignitary sleeping on the floor, insisted to the "Jesus Walks" singer that was heading to the wrong room.


"He starts yelling, 'I'm Kanye West' and, 'Kim Kardashian is staying here,' but the guards didn't seem to know what he was talking about," we're told.


As West began to raise his voice, other guests started peeking out from their rooms and at least one other man — thought to be a hotel guest — tried to rectify the situation.


"Then it got loud," our snitch said. "They finally turned him around and pointed him to the other end of the hall toward the other suites (where he was staying)."


The strange behavior didn’t stop there.


After his Thursday night MSG show, West led the entire Kardashian-Jenner cadre to Negril Village restaurant in the West Village — and then got restless.


"Kanye gets up, had them stop the music and said, 'Listen. I know I come down hard on you. It's because I see something in each and every one of you,’" West said to his extended family. "’I want to thank you for being my soldiers.’"


The modesty was short-lived.


"I'm the most influential artist of our time," he continued. "I knocked the entire fashion industry on their f---king a--es tonight. When I started everyone laughed at me."


And then he took aim at Taylor Swift, whom he had already insulted and claimed he could have sex with during his MSG set.


"There's nobody in the world who owes me more than Taylor Swift," one witness heard him say. "She was nobody."


West went on to claim that Monday night’s Grammy Awards are racist — and ripped soul singer Adele.


"Everybody makes a big deal out of Adele, but she's no Aretha Franklin," our restaurant insider heard him sneer.


West reps couldn’t be reached for comment.




Kim Kardashian is staying here? Wouldn't a normal person say "I am staying here?" 


He's lost it and drinking to the point of disorientation too? I actually feel sorry for Kim.

Edited by Artsda
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This is his father's work:



According to Kanye's Wikipedia:


"His father, Ray West, is a former Black Panther and was one of the first black photojournalists at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Ray West was later a Christian counselor, and in 2006, opened the Good Water Store and Café in Lexington Park, Maryland with startup capital from his son.


Here's more information about the water store - don't know whether it is still in business, but the startup money was lent to his father through the Kanye West Foundation.



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Kanye West meltdown: disses Taylor Swift and Adele, calling himself 'most influential artist of our time'



Kim Kardashian is staying here? Wouldn't a normal person say "I am staying here?" 


He's lost it and drinking to the point of disorientation too? I actually feel sorry for Kim.

Not me, she's got exactly what she deserves. And in the end she'll have her expensive jewelry and extravagant gifts and big honking engagement/wedding ring which is all she really wanted anyway.

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This is Kanye's most recent Tweet....


    KANYE WEST ‏@kanyewest 41m41 minutes ago

My number one enemy has been my ego…  there is only one thrown and that’s God's  …  (um Kanye, that might be 'throne' and not 'thrown')

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This is Kanye's most recent Tweet....


    KANYE WEST ‏@kanyewest 41m41 minutes ago

My number one enemy has been my ego…  there is only one thrown and that’s God's  …  (um Kanye, that might be 'throne' and not 'thrown')

I thought he was college educated?

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I thought he was college educated?

Kanye attended both the American Academy of Art and Chicago State University for brief periods, but left at 20 years old to pursue music. Some four years later, of course, he’d release 'The College Dropout'. In 2015, Kanye received an 'honorary' doctoral degree from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.


Lisa Wainwright, dean of faculty and vice president of academic administration at SAIC, said the university was compelled to give Kanye an honorary degree after he mentioned a desire to have attended.

“I read it and thought, ‘Wow, this is a fantastic moment,’ Wainwright told the Chicago Tribune. “Here is this major figure in the cultural landscape promoting art school, this guy from Chicago saying art school is cool. So we thought, ‘This man deserves an honorary doctorate from us!’ He should have gone here.”   Kanye received his honorary degree for 'shoulding have gone here'




Edited by HumblePi
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Kanye took his mothers death extremely hard, he's even admitted to blaming himself so maybe the fact that he blames himself plays some part in how hard he took it.  Maybe he never properly grieved. There's lots of video of him in concert and everytime he sings the song "Hey Mama" breaks down and this is even years after she passed.


I realize TMZ likes to kiss Kardashian ass but to say he's a changed man because he sat through a magic show with his wife and child is ridiculous. 



Kanye's mother, Danda West died in 2008, just one day following a 5 1/2 hour surgery for breast reduction, abdominoplasty and liposuction. The report said she suffered a heart attack. I sort of understand how Kanye can blame himself for being at least partially responsible for her death, he most likely paid for the surgery and I'm sure was supportive of her to having it. Kanye was her only child and carrying the burden of feeling responsible in some way must be overwhelming for one person to bear. Donda West took as many as 20 pain-killing Vicodins in less than 24 hours — and wound up choking on her own vomit because she was allow to lie flat on her back in bed


Edited by HumblePi
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This is my favorite tweet -

@kanyewest THROWN???? Looks like your #2 enemy is English~



People get their info from good old sycophantic praise to celebs directly. This story is probably accurate and true.


EXACTLY!  If you read it in People, you can count on it having been checked and double checked.  Just like that article the other day that pointed out how RICH Kim is and that they keep their finances separate.  Of course this is all coming from Kris.  She is probably freaking the f out.

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This is my favorite tweet -

@kanyewest THROWN???? Looks like your #2 enemy is English~




EXACTLY!  If you read it in People, you can count on it having been checked and double checked.  Just like that article the other day that pointed out how RICH Kim is and that they keep their finances separate.  Of course this is all coming from Kris.  She is probably freaking the f out.

People has had several fawning articles on the Kardashians lately, I'd say they have an inside source and are printing exactly what Kris wants printed.


Kris is going to be a guest on Fashion Police... will they dare ask?  

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Kanye's mother, Danda West died in 2008, just one day following a 5 1/2 hour surgery for breast reduction, abdominoplasty and liposuction. The report said she suffered a heart attack. I sort of understand how Kanye can blame himself for being at least partially responsible for her death, he most likely paid for the surgery and I'm sure was supportive of her to having it. Kanye was her only child and carrying the burden of feeling responsible in some way must be overwhelming for one person to bear. Donda West took as many as 20 pain-killing Vicodins in less than 24 hours — and wound up choking on her own vomit because she was allow to lie flat on her back in bed


And yet, he's okay with the mother of his children going under the knife on a regular basis??

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Kanye's mother, Danda West died in 2008, just one day following a 5 1/2 hour surgery for breast reduction, abdominoplasty and liposuction. The report said she suffered a heart attack. I sort of understand how Kanye can blame himself for being at least partially responsible for her death, he most likely paid for the surgery and I'm sure was supportive of her to having it. Kanye was her only child and carrying the burden of feeling responsible in some way must be overwhelming for one person to bear. Donda West took as many as 20 pain-killing Vicodins in less than 24 hours — and wound up choking on her own vomit because she was allow to lie flat on her back in bed


She dies of a heart attack or choked to death on her own vomit? And who the fuck leaves that many Vicodan anywhere near where someone right out of surgery could get their hands on it?     

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  Re Kanye's latest ramblings about how he's "the most influential artist of [his] time," my response: "Bitch, please!" You aren't even the most influential artist in hip-hop, let alone art. Kendrick Lamar has not only taken your place-and with the way you've been acting lately, after Kim kicks you to the curb-which, IMO she will way sooner than later- chances are she'll try to get with him next. Plus, there's the whole not being batshit crazy thing that K-Dot's got going for him.


  Then there's Taylor Swift's epic burn of Yeezy at this year's Grammys, which to paraphrase Beetlejuice re seeing The Exorcist 167 times, "[it just] keeps gettin' funnier, every single time I see it." She didn't even have to say his name and everyone knew who she was talking about, which serves him right. If she were $53 million in debt, I don't think she'd have a problem raising money.


  Speaking of which, maybe Kanye could ask his pals Donald Trump or his new best friend Bill Cosby to help him out.

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  Re Kanye's latest ramblings about how he's "the most influential artist of [his] time," my response: "Bitch, please!" You aren't even the most influential artist in hip-hop, let alone art. Kendrick Lamar has not only taken your place-and with the way you've been acting lately, after Kim kicks you to the curb-which, IMO she will way sooner than later- chances are she'll try to get with him next. Plus, there's the whole not being batshit crazy thing that K-Dot's got going for him.


  Then there's Taylor Swift's epic burn of Yeezy at this year's Grammys, which to paraphrase Beetlejuice re seeing The Exorcist 167 times, "[it just] keeps gettin' funnier, every single time I see it." She didn't even have to say his name and everyone knew who she was talking about, which serves him right. If she were $53 million in debt, I don't think she'd have a problem raising money.


  Speaking of which, maybe Kanye could ask his pals Donald Trump or his new best friend Bill Cosby to help him out.

I doubt Bill Cosby would give him a dime. Cosby's been against everything Kanye is for years.

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He is NOT in debt. This bothers me more than it should.

He thinks he is. Another shining example of his stupidity.

If I were an investor or possible partner in one of his ventures and he came into my office with his little list of dreams and plans for the future (mostly likely printed in sharpie or crayon and full of misspellings) wanting me to back him... I'd probably have him escorted out and then roll on the floor laughing.

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Re:  His misspellings - in the middle of one of his earlier twitter rants, he posted a picture of some chart of his that's going to change the world.  I guess people pointed out the spelling errors on the chart, because he later tweeted:


and yes there are misspellings on this chart… that’s how you know it’s me...


Whatever, Kanye, whatever.

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Re:  His misspellings - in the middle of one of his earlier twitter rants, he posted a picture of some chart of his that's going to change the world.  I guess people pointed out the spelling errors on the chart, because he later tweeted:


and yes there are misspellings on this chart… that’s how you know it’s me...


Whatever, Kanye, whatever.


OMG is it the DONDA chart??  I have been perusing this chart.  My absolute favorite thing on it is his idea for a "LUXURY SEARCH ENGINE!"  What is he talking about? 

Edited by heatherchandler
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OMG is it the DONDA chart??  I have been perusing this chart.  My absolute favorite thing on it is his idea for a "LUXURY SEARCH ENGINE!"  What is he talking about? 

How about ' auto correct emoticons"?

He misspells communications and nuclear and yacht. It's a treasure trove of crazy.


The kind of thing you find when you clean out your parents attic and discover all kinds of crazy shit you wrote in the third grade about what you wanted to be or do when you grew up.  

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To be fair to Kanye, a LOT of people had never heard of Taylor Swift before the incident and it's attendant publicity. No, he's not really responsible for her success but he did help her become known. From what I've seen and heard from her, I don't care for her. Kanye needs to let it go, though.

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How about ' auto correct emoticons"?

He misspells communications and nuclear and yacht. It's a treasure trove of crazy.


The kind of thing you find when you clean out your parents attic and discover all kinds of crazy shit you wrote in the third grade about what you wanted to be or do when you grew up.  


Exactly!  Crazy ideas you have when you are 10 or high.

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To be fair to Kanye, a LOT of people had never heard of Taylor Swift before the incident and it's attendant publicity. No, he's not really responsible for her success but he did help her become known. From what I've seen and heard from her, I don't care for her. Kanye needs to let it go, though.

She was doing fine without him and I doubt his little stunt did more for her career than it did for his. She continued to sell records and produce albums and he had to do the same stunt to someone else to keep himself relevant . And now he's expected to act the village idiot (and doesn't let us down) whenever he makes an apoearance. He turned himself into a joke. If I were Kim, I'd find every excuse to avoid being seen with him that I could and stay living at mommy's house.

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To be fair to Kanye, a LOT of people had never heard of Taylor Swift before the incident and it's attendant publicity. No, he's not really responsible for her success but he did help her become known. From what I've seen and heard from her, I don't care for her. Kanye needs to let it go, though.

She won the fucking award though!
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To be fair to Kanye, a LOT of people had never heard of Taylor Swift before the incident and it's attendant publicity. No, he's not really responsible for her success but he did help her become known.

I knew her and the people that really matter in terms of how famous she was in the Country Music industry are all that matter IMO. I don't think she really needed to be known by fans who listen to other genres of music at that point. She was already pretty famous and the fame was growing without that pig. What he did was make her sympathetic as if she wasn't already. People loved her by then, they were rooting for her, that's the vibe I got when I heard anything about her. I don't buy her music, don't necessarily listen to any one radio station that plays her music, because I'm constantly scanning the dial, yet I knew her when that jackass got up and insulted her. As  a matter of fact, I might have been able to recognize a tune or two of hers on the radio before recognizing one of his because I can't stand him. I don't think I thought much of him then and it got worse after that stunt. 


Actually he became known to me for the most part when he got up with Mike Myers at some awards show, I can't remember which one and said that George Bush hated black people. True or not, I was like boy please, this ain't the time nor place, then I died laughing at poor Canadian Mike Meyers wishing he could blink his eyes and be back home in his native land. His face was absolutely hilarious after Kanye said that.

Edited by represent
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