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S06.E22: Reunion Part 2

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LuAnn had an apple! At the end, after they showed the previews for next week, Luann was there holding her apple. Between the whole Luann's not a housewife but she's at the entire reunion (now with an APPLE!!!), the editing of Aviva out of three episodes, and the beyond strange removal of Danielle from RHOC, Bravo needs to get its shit and casts together. 

This was addressed either here or on another forum I read.  Notice that Luann is there but Kristen is not.  People are speculating that it was either a mistake by editing, or that Lu is coming back as a full time Ho and Kristen is out, or that production is messing with us.  LOL. I can't begin to fathom a guess.

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Heather has a brand that caters to women. Keep that mouth moving and she might feel a real sense of pride in what she writes and says but she might hurt that brand.  The one that inspires, supports and raises up women. She just showed a remarkable lack of self control.  However, she believes she is Teflon and quite possibly she is.


What is/are ADLs?

Activities of daily living like bathing, toileting, dressing things like that.

Edited by Higgins
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I have to disagree with you here, and that's saying something, since I think Aviva plans everything in advance. "Writer Girl?" How is that a clever thing to say? What does it even mean? Or the word "weird." Why attack Carole for that? The whole thing made Aviva look ridiculous and childish. Not to mention dumb. I think Aviva was just trying to stay in the game, but she's so horrible, she had no support, and she has no leg to stand on (sorry), so what we saw was just a lot of flailing.


I expressed myself poorly.  "Writer girl" isn't clever, but Aviva obviously thought she had come up with a zinger to describe Carole.

Edited by AuntiePam
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Andy looked really annoyed with Moaner.  So is this it for her?  Can she still be on the show if all she's got to give about her marriage is a bunch of fake crap nobody is gonna believe?  I'm not so sure.  Think Gretchie poo & Slade.  Uh-oh, maybe Moaner shouldn't necessarily be so confident she'll be asked back again.


Ugh, Sonja talking bout the interns bugged the fuck outta me.  Sonja insisted they were getting college credits.  How can that be?  She & Andy said some of them have been with her for quite a while.  Er, huh?  WTF???  She looked like she was bullshitting up a storm.  Um, internships ONLY last for one semester -- and that's it.  I know for a fact she is straight-up lying about this.  Why these young people are working for her & not getting paid is a mystery.  Honestly, I'm really tired of this shady, sordid shit.  Sure, Andy thinks this is adorable, but it sounds illegal to me & I'm surprised he wants to be associated with Sonja's con artist crapola.


Andy looked very, very annoyed about the Harper Lee comment -- maybe out of respect for her (which she absolutely deserves) or fear of possible legal action.  Good.  Hope it means he'll finally be convinced to get rid of Veevs.  The Bookgate discussion went nowhere, as I knew it would.  Carole is really not very good at this show.  She doesn't know how to argue effectively -- well, at least not how they do it here anyway.


Veevs was really pulling for Sonja & Harry to make it?  What a load of crap.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I expressed myself poorly.  "Writer girl" isn't clever, but Aviva obviously thought she had come up with a zinger to describe Carole.

It's possible, she has.  If the tides turn on Carole next season, I can see her former fans taking up "Writer Girl" as a derisive term.  I don't think Aviva is smart enough to have planned that though. 


If Carole was smart, she would've learned to ignore Aviva.  If she were proactive, she should get a t-shirt with "Writer Girl" across the front and wear it loud and proud.  Maybe Andy will present one to her in his mom's basement.


He was right about putting Bookgate to bed.  Have we ever had such a boring storyline last all fricking season?

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Finally, confirmation that Sonja has been lying about her "interns." Name me one school that gives college credit for a semester of learning how to use a Mac and I'll show you a deed in France with Sonja's name on it. Esp. these days -- kids learn PC skills in grade school! These young people in Sonja's life are either paid or unpaid assistants, or they literally just showed up on a day of taping for the thrill of being on tv. You could see the others rolling their eyes at Sonja's continuum of delusional lies.

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So Aviva flat out says she didn't have a ghostwriter, but then in the same sentence says she had a "village" or "team".  I don't get it.  Um, wouldn't this just mean she had had lots of ghostwriters instead of just one?  Can anyone attempt a translation of Aviva's thought process?  Or is that even possible cuz she's so full of contradictions?

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Ugh I am so tired of the rehashing of bookgate.  But to hear Aviva tell it, the only people capable of writing a book are ghostwriters.  Where are all these great writers who don't want their names on their work?  


Ramona repeatedly saying "allegedly" when LuAnn brought up Mario's infidelity reminded me of Mary Jo Buttafuoco's stance that for every receipt investigators found proving Joey rented a room at the Boatel, she would say she was there with him.  That is to say, they both are/were in active denial on the surface but really know/knew the truth.

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Heather has a brand that caters to women. Keep that mouth moving and she might feel a real sense of pride in what she writes and says but she might hurt that brand.  The one that inspires, supports and raises up women. She just showed a remarkable lack of self control.  However, she believes she is Teflon and quite possibly she is.


Yea, good point, but don't most of the HW's cater to women for the most part? With regard to whatever they are selling? Handbags, makeup, swimsuits, jewelry, etc. Certainly there are those who market products for men as well, but since the audience is made up primarily of women, they are all courting us gals. I would imagine they will piss some of us off, but also that they will garner some additional business. I switched over to Heather's stuff last year and wouldn't switch now under any circumstances. First of all because I like it, but also because I like her.

For me Heather is the closest thing to an actual Role Model I have ever seen on any of these shows. She just possesses all the qualities that I think make a woman I would admire. She is not perfect. She says stuff she shouldn't and she does like to be in control, but I don't know any perfect people. She seems to be a great mother, a great wife, and an extremely loyal and supportive friend. She is funny, smart, self-deprecating, and she takes great care of herself. Those are the things that I find empowering in a woman.

  • Love 17

Well, a lot of internship courses are simply labeled Internship, with the expectation that the students absorb whatever real life experience from the placement by watching and interacting with the people around them, even if their actual duties are making coffee and copying paperwork that others have already filled in.  The practical duties aren't the point.  The value is in the college credit, but more so in the experience and references to tack onto your CV.  


But, unlike what Sonja's claiming, these placements/courses end after a semester or two.  And even if some grad students keep interning, they usually want to broaden their places of experience, so they hop around.  (Unless they land an internship at a really great placement, with hope of a real job offer or networking connections at the end.)  They don't stay at some private company for 3 or 4 or more years, with no actual job duties and no hope of advancement!  

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I'm convinced Sonja is really using that townhouse as a hostel and all of the "interns" are just broke-assed students staying there and paying her a nominal fee for use of her (cold) water and toilet facilities (when they aren't clogged up with cell phones).  She probably gives them a discount for agreeing to be filmed with her and pretending like she is Lady Boss.  


That's my theory and I'm just gonna roll with it in my own mind...kinda like Sonja.

  • Love 20

So Aviva flat out says she didn't have a ghostwriter, but then in the same sentence says she had a "village" or "team".  I don't get it.  Um, wouldn't this just mean she had had lots of ghostwriters instead of just one?  Can anyone attempt a translation of Aviva's thought process?  Or is that even possible cuz she's so full of contradictions?

I think this whole bookgate is much ado about nothing (and semantics).


From what I understand, a ghostwriter writes the whole book.  A team or a village would be an editor or editors and others who help the author remember and record the content. Aviva and Carole both had small villages helping them. I doubt Carole didn't have to do a little research and call on some friends, family, doctor's offices to refresh her memory on some things in order to make her book happen.

Well, a lot of internship courses are simply labeled Internship, with the expectation that the students absorb whatever real life experience from the placement by watching and interacting with the people around them, even if their actual duties are making coffee and copying paperwork that others have already filled in.  The practical duties aren't the point.  The value is in the college credit, but more so in the experience and references to tack onto your CV.  

The laws on internships have changed over the past few years. Gone are the days when employers can exploit interns, claiming life experiences, with no pay. And college internships are supervised. No one could get away with saying they got real-life experience working for Lady Morgan in bankruptcy. I learned how to fold her French lingerie? I learned how to use a Mac? I learned how to make english muffin pizzas in a toaster oven?

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I think we have to suspect the editing of these Bravo shows. I know they constantly edit and put sound bites iand words in to make things look and sound worse than they really are.


What Aviva really said is that it takes a village idiot to write a book.

I agree.  That's why I don't know why they would write, in their own hand, some of the stuff they say in their blogs. Regardless of how proud Heather is of her blog tonight, she's likely glad that the comment sections have been disabled.  SMDH

Edited by ryebread

I doubt Carole didn't have to do a little research and call on some friends, family, doctor's offices to refresh her memory on some things in order to make her book happen.

That's Carole doing her own research. Which is different than Aviva hiring a village to write and research for her.

It does not take a village to write a book if you're a real writer (TM Aviva). It takes one. It takes a village to publish a book, as in writer, editor, publisher, etc... If you get a book deal and you're NOT a writer, like Aviva and a lot of celebs, than it takes a village to both write AND publish the book. That's the difference between the two.

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And even if some grad students keep interning, they usually want to broaden their places of experience, so they hop around.  (Unless they land an internship at a really great placement, with hope of a real job offer or networking connections at the end.)  They don't stay at some private company for 3 or 4 or more years, with no actual job duties and no hope of advancement!


Sonja's bullshit about the interns makes no sense AT ALL!


I'm convinced Sonja is really using that townhouse as a hostel and all of the "interns" are just broke-assed students staying there and paying her a nominal fee for use of her (cold) water and toilet facilities (when they aren't clogged up with cell phones).  She probably gives them a discount for agreeing to be filmed with her and pretending like she is Lady Boss. 

That's my theory and I'm just gonna roll with it in my own mind...kinda like Sonja.


I agree, this is the only thing that makes any possible sense.  These kids live there & just do some light work for her for room & board.  Given the cost of living in Manhattan, guess it ain't such a bad deal for them.  Give up the ghost, Sonja & stop calling them interns already, will ya?

Sonja's bullshit about the interns makes no sense AT ALL!



I agree, this is the only thing that makes any possible sense.  These kids live there & just do some light work for her for room & board.  Given the cost of living in Manhattan, guess it ain't such a bad deal for them.  Give up the ghost, Sonja & stop calling them interns already, will ya?

Scoobs, we posted about this a couple of weeks ago, and as a follow-up last night she really shot herself in the foot.  She said, on national TV, mind you, that they were interns for college credit for a semester, while they are "learning" to operate her computer system (something that really is not what the internship rules should be allowing), and then after that they stay on as volunteers.  This is just not allowed.  It is a total violation of the wage and hour laws.  You can't use volunteers, except at a nonprofit charity. (I wouldn't put it past Sonja to organize herself as a nonprofit corporation, but that would be something the IRS could be all over her for.)  I would love to see these volunteers sue her for backpay, since she admitted the wrongdoing on TV, except she's insolvent and they wouldn't get a cent.  It doesn't matter that they agreed to be volunteers, they can still sue.  You can't agree to involuntary servitude.  Andy's a jerk if he just laughs at it, because I wonder if NBC/Bravo could get into some trouble for allowing this . . .  They probably have all kinds of indemnity from Sonja, but her indemnification is not worth the paper it's printed on.


This issue really tees me off!


I guess Sonja could call some of those lawyers and judges she "employs" to help her.

Edited by GussieK
  • Love 3

Andy looked really annoyed with Moaner.  So is this it for her?  Can she still be on the show if all she's got to give about her marriage is a bunch of fake crap nobody is gonna believe?  I'm not so sure.  Think Gretchie poo & Slade.  Uh-oh, maybe Moaner shouldn't necessarily be so confident she'll be asked back again.


Ugh, Sonja talking bout the interns bugged the fuck outta me.  Sonja insisted they were getting college credits.  How can that be?  She & Andy said some of them have been with her for quite a while.  Er, huh?  WTF???  She looked like she was bullshitting up a storm.  Um, internships ONLY last for one semester -- and that's it.  I know for a fact she is straight-up lying about this.  Why these young people are working for her & not getting paid is a mystery.  Honestly, I'm really tired of this shady, sordid shit.  Sure, Andy thinks this is adorable, but it sounds illegal to me & I'm surprised he wants to be associated with Sonja's con artist crapola.


Andy looked very, very annoyed about the Harper Lee comment -- maybe out of respect for her (which she absolutely deserves) or fear of possible legal action.  Good.  Hope it means he'll finally be convinced to get rid of Veevs.  The Bookgate discussion went nowhere, as I knew it would.  Carole is really not very good at this show.  She doesn't know how to argue effectively -- well, at least not how they do it here anyway.


Veevs was really pulling for Sonja & Harry to make it?  What a load of crap.

If Andy was afraid of being sued, that comment wouldn't have made it on the show.

What Aviva really said is that it takes a village idiot to write a book.


Gosh, I don't remember hearing her say that ever.  I thought she said in her blog after the Bookgate thing started that it took a village to write her book.  She did say she had a team help her, right?  I mean she must have credited about 8 billion people (no exaggeration there) she said helped her.  Eh, sorry to bring up the Bookgate stuff cuz I'm sick of it too, but her contradictions puzzle me.  I mean, she seems to be so upset about being accused of having a ghostwriter & yet has no problem making the same accusations against Carole.  And the consequences of these accusations are far worse for Carole, who is trying to continue a career as a writer, while OTOH writing seems to be one-time try for Aviva.  Ugh, I just gave myself a headache thinkin' bout this shit.

For me Heather is the closest thing to an actual Role Model I have ever seen on any of these shows. She just possesses all the qualities that I think make a woman I would admire. She is not perfect. She says stuff she shouldn't and she does like to be in control, but I don't know any perfect people. She seems to be a great mother, a great wife, and an extremely loyal and supportive friend. She is funny, smart, self-deprecating, and she takes great care of herself. Those are the things that I find empowering in a woman.

I agree with you.  She IS the closest thing to a role model. I agree on the term 'closet thing to a real role model' because I don't think either one of us would aspire to be, or encourage our daughters (if I had one) to look to a reality TV personality as a real role model.


I had to think hard about who might qualify to be a role model on any of these franchises. Every single Ho who might have been a candidate (Vanderpump? Lea Black? Cynthia? we've all got different criteria)  has always ended up showing her ass. I just don't see role model in any of them.  Because sooner or later...well, you know. And I don't think Heather is going to escape unless she gets out while she's still got fans.  Lydia was smart.  Eileen Davidson seems to have loads of fans but I wonder if she will by the end of her second season in BH.  Heather IS the closest thing we've got to a role model.  Though the pickin's are slim.  I loved her the first season.  Now she's a big fat, Vanderpump kind of disappointment to me.

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That's Carole doing her own research. Which is different than Aviva hiring a village to write and research for her.

It does not take a village to write a book if you're a real writer (TM Aviva). It takes one. It takes a village to publish a book, as in writer, editor, publisher, etc... If you get a book deal and you're NOT a writer, like Aviva and a lot of celebs, than it takes a village to both write AND publish the book. That's the difference between the two.


Very well said.  Aviva is trying to make the words publishing and writing interchangeable.

  • Love 5

Scoobs, we posted about this a couple of weeks ago, and as a follow-up last night she really shot herself in the foot.  She said, on national TV, mind you, that they were interns for college credit for a semester, while they are "learning" to operate her computer system (something that really is not what the internship rules should be allowing), and then after that they stay on as volunteers.  This is just not allowed.  It is a total violation of the wage and hour laws.  You can't use volunteers, except at a nonprofit charity. (I wouldn't put it past Sonja to organize herself as a nonprofit corporation, but that would be something the IRS could be all over her for.)  I would love to see these volunteers sue her for backpay, since she admitted the wrongdoing on TV, except she's insolvent and they wouldn't get a cent.  It doesn't matter that they agreed to be volunteers, they can still sue.  You can't agree to involuntary servitude.  Andy's a jerk if he just laughs at it, because I wonder if NBC/Bravo could get into some trouble for allowing this . . .  They probably have all kinds of indemnity from Sonja, but her indemnification is not worth the paper it's printed on.


This issue really tees me off!


I guess Sonja could call some of those lawyers and judges she "employs" to help her.

The interns and faculty who oversee the internship write a prospectus for the internship.  My guess is most of these internships have far more to do with the job of a PA on a reality show than merchandising.  Sonja is required to participate at a level that ensures the student receive a grade and the appropriate paperwork is returned.


As a free adult people we can spend are time doing whatever we want.  If I want to hang around Sonja's house and wash her floors with a toothbrush I can.  If I want to walk her dog I can-it makes no difference if I once did an internship for Sonja.  If I want to program her computer I can-as long as I understand going in that I am doing it of my own free will and expect no compensation.


Sonja has a talent contract with Shed Media they in no way control her household and I guarantee there are pages of waivers as to the household help, be them interns paid or volunteers signing off on consent to film without compensation.   The IRS does not care if someone has volunteers to help them out.

Edited by zoeysmom
Scoobs, we posted about this a couple of weeks ago, and as a follow-up last night she really shot herself in the foot.  She said, on national TV, mind you, that they were interns for college credit for a semester, while they are "learning" to operate her computer system (something that really is not what the internship rules should be allowing), and then after that they stay on as volunteers.  This is just not allowed.  It is a total violation of the wage and hour laws.  You can't use volunteers, except at a nonprofit charity. (I wouldn't put it past Sonja to organize herself as a nonprofit corporation, but that would be something the IRS could be all over her for.)  I would love to see these volunteers sue her for backpay, since she admitted the wrongdoing on TV, except she's insolvent and they wouldn't get a cent.  It doesn't matter that they agreed to be volunteers, they can still sue.  You can't agree to involuntary servitude.  Andy's a jerk if he just laughs at it, because I wonder if NBC/Bravo could get into some trouble for allowing this . . .  They probably have all kinds of indemnity from Sonja, but her indemnification is not worth the paper it's printed on.

This issue really tees me off!


It does me too.  I had 3 internships.  One was in college, working for ESPN.  Sounds like it would be awesome, right?  It wasn't.  The guy I worked for was a total dick.  He had me answer phones, make copies of shit & that's about it.  When he wanted me to do personal errands, I complained to the professor who oversaw the internship & he and the internship board -- yes, there are many internship organizations that partner with colleges/universities -- and I can tell you they take internships EXTREMELY seriously.  Well, they made a big stink & threatened to pull any chance of ESPN having any interns in the future, so there were some major changes made to my internship.  It turned out to be really interesting & fun.  I ended up really liking it, but lemme tell ya, it was a lot of work.


I had another internship with a big ad agency when I was in business school & yet another one with the District Attorney's office here in Manhattan when I was in law school (which led to a job offer after I graduated).  There were a lot of requirements for all of these internships.  I was lucky in that all of the internships I had were for credit & I also got paid.  Internships are a serious thing.  Have I said this before?  Yeah.  But I'll repeat again & again until Sonja fesses up what's really going on with these young people around her.  They're not fucking interns, OK?  I get the gut-wrenching feeling (to me anyway) Sonja & Andy are mocking internships with this foul, awful storyline.  I hate it.  Andy Cohen seems to be the only one who's still finding it cute & adorable.  It's not.  End it or cut her loose from the show.

  • Love 3

The interns and faculty who oversee the internship write a prospectus for the internship.  My guess is most of these internships have far more to do with the job of a PA on a reality show than merchandising.  Sonja is required to participate at a level that ensures the student receive a grade and the appropriate paperwork is returned.


As a free adult people we can spend are time doing whatever we want.  If I want to hang around Sonja's house and was her floors with a toothbrush I can.  If I want to walk her dog I can-it makes no difference if I once did an internship for Sonja.  If I want to program her computer I can-as long as I understand going in that I am doing it of my own free will and expect no compensation.


Sonja has a talent contract with Shed Media they in no way control her household and I guarantee there are pages of waivers as to the household help, be them interns paid or volunteers signing off on consent to film without compensation.   The IRS does not care if someone has volunteers to help them out.

Just a couple of clarifications:  Yes, they can decide to be volunteer panty organizers if they want (and yes maybe they are getting room and board), but if they decide later that they have buyer's remorse, they probably could sue her for wages, and the fact that they agreed to it is not a defense, I believe.  I agree that the labor department would not usually take any notice of this, but she said it on national TV.  This is how the lawsuits against the magazine companies started. There are people in the plaintiffs' employment bar looking for cases like this.  


The IRS does not care if she has volunteers, but they do care if she tries to organize a nonprofit that is not really a nonprofit.  I don't know if she has done that, only spitballing.


Example, right now I am dog sitting for a friend for two weeks.  She is not paying me.  But if I were a relative stranger like these poor kids, why would I agree to dog sit for free?  What do they hope to gain in the future? Sorry, this just tees me off some more!

Edited by GussieK
Sonja is required to participate at a level that ensures the student receive a grade and the appropriate paperwork is returned.


Yeah, as if Sonja is doing any of that.


As a free adult people we can spend are time doing whatever we want.  If I want to hang around Sonja's house and was her floors with a toothbrush I can.  If I want to walk her dog I can-it makes no difference if I once did an internship for Sonja.  If I want to program her computer I can-as long as I understand going in that I am doing it of my own free will and expect no compensation.

Sonja has a talent contract with Shed Media they in no way control her household and I guarantee there are pages of waivers as to the household help, be them interns paid or volunteers signing off on consent to film without compensation.   The IRS does not care if someone has volunteers to help them out.


Nah, that's not what bothers me -- it's that she insists on calling them interns -- that's what bugs the fuck outta me.  I don't believe for a second they're interns.  The way she shoots her mouth off could get her in trouble yet again.  It sure got her in plenty of trouble before.  Calling them employees, when she doesn't pay them?  And admitting to it on national TV, no less.  The IRS could be plenty interested in what's going on there.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 2

Sonja's Next Appearance on WWHL


Sonja: To clarify, I devote about 3 semesters to scheduling events on a Mac. One semester on carrying my luggage around to international diplomats' homes/beds (this satisfies a political science requirement for the interns). Two semesters on how to use a toaster in a sexy way.  And finally, the last two semesters are basically the equivalent of a civil engineering course - the interns drive me around/learn about traffic lights - an intensive transportation workshop essentially.


Edited because I spelled Sonja as Sonya (OMG how could I forget it's Sonja with a sexy j??)

Edited by Brooke0707
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I don't think she loves watching people suffer. I think she enjoys twunts getting their shit handed back to them....as do I. Karma was a mofo bitch to Ramona, I wish it were a live audiance so I could stand up and cheer for Ramona's marriage--on her end--crumbling on full display. Oh she of the many insults and bitch ass comments.


It's funny you say that. I spent the entire hour wishing that this was one of those old Jenny Jones type shows where the audience could ask questions.

Ramona looks nuts when she gets that freaky smiled, bug eyed look with her head bobbing up and down like the worlds scariest bobble head.

She's too old to be acting the fool like she does. Her neck is really starting to show her age.

I'm so pissed that she was allowed to slide on talking about Mario. It wouldn't bother me so much if she hadn't taken such delight in trashing the others marriages.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 8
The Bookgate discussion went nowhere, as I knew it would.  Carole is really not very good at this show.  She doesn't know how to argue effectively -- well, at least not how they do it here anyway.


It's true, Carole and reunions don't work very well, which makes sense because she has qualities that make her a good writer - she's introspective and thoughtful, as well as non-confrontational, as she's admitted.  Not surprisingly, she gets her digs in via her blog, and it's really clever and well-written this week.  She dedicates it to her favorite word: weird, and uses it throughout.  She even says a lot of things that we've all been saying here tonight, like the difference between a "real writer" and a ghost, writing vs. publishing, Harper Lee, Truman Capote and the In Cold Blood rumor, Atticus Finch, etc....  And then signs off as "Writer Girl."

  • Love 9

I did my internships over a decade ago, and they were real jobs. 


Interns can make a huge impact in the companies that they work for, and some of their work stays in the product for long periods of time. I know several interns who dropped out of school to work full time for their companies, or who went back year after year, and made meaningful and intelligent contributions. 


Sometimes I wonder if these "interns" are paid for by Mr. Morgan, who wants someone to keep an eye on his wife, since she has custody of their child. Or to gain fodder for a case against her. Or this is some sort of rehab program for people who worry that their kids don't want to learn real life skills, and show them their scary future. Because no one takes a semester to learn scheduling. Or if they do, it is probably because they have other difficulties they are dealing with.


Aviva … I don't even want to talk about her except to say, what a vile woman. I feel sad for her children. I also have to wonder what is wrong with Reid, and if she was like this always. I know Reid stayed even more out of the show this year, but to value those qualities in a mate seem so wrong. Either he is as bad as she is, or she has something over him. 


By the way, this makes me want to buy Carole's book. I did read What Remains because of her stint on the show, and thought she wrote it beautifully. 

Did anyone catch during the break Sonja yammering at Andy while he checked his phone and just humored her with the occasional "uh huh?" That was painful. Sonja was desperately name-dropping and bragging about her latest news ("Andy, did you see my SNL sketch with Mango?") It was nonstop, an ongoing barrage of Sonja Sonja Sonja.



That was my favorite part of last night's reunion and I couldn't stop laughing.  Sonja was like a petulant child desperate for attention.

  • Love 5

It's true, Carole and reunions don't work very well, which makes sense because she has qualities that make her a good writer - she's introspective and thoughtful, as well as non-confrontational, as she's admitted.  Not surprisingly, she gets her digs in via her blog, and it's really clever and well-written this week.  She dedicates it to her favorite word: weird, and uses it throughout.  She even says a lot of things that we've all been saying here tonight, like the difference between a "real writer" and a ghost, writing vs. publishing, Harper Lee, Truman Capote and the In Cold Blood rumor, Atticus Finch, etc....  And then signs off as "Writer Girl."

Yea, Carole's blog is brilliant, per usual.  


The most interesting nugget comes in at the very end.  She says this with regard to Aviva saying at the Reunion that Carole might sue her:


"Aviva may have gone to law school but she's no Atticus Finch. Our contracts preclude us from suing each other, which she knows. So it's a weird thing for her to say."


I have always said/thought that these gals couldn't sue each other. It would be impossible for Bravo to get them all liquored  up, assist in ramping up the drama, then leave them open for potential lawsuits based on what they were saying about and to each other (of course they can probably sue each other for things that are said/done off the show). She has really broken a 4th wall by confirming that, however. It was heavily debated on many forums during the whole Adrienne/Brandi deal. I don't think Carole intends to come back next season, regardless of whether or not Bravo asks her. 

  • Love 3

Finally, confirmation that Sonja has been lying about her "interns." Name me one school that gives college credit for a semester of learning how to use a Mac and I'll show you a deed in France with Sonja's name on it. Esp. these days -- kids learn PC skills in grade school! These young people in Sonja's life are either paid or unpaid assistants, or they literally just showed up on a day of taping for the thrill of being on tv. You could see the others rolling their eyes at Sonja's continuum of delusional lies.

It's possible it takes one semester to learn how to use a Mac at Sonja's. They probably have to use an original IMac, the last computer old man Morgan bought. I wonder what color it is and if she has a matching sharpie.

I tried to post a pic, but I'm obviously doing it wrong.

  • Love 7

What I noticed was that Ramona had a careful, adoring, almost simpering look on her face as the "Mario montage" went on. The other women variously grimaced during that compilation, but Ramona looked as though she was watching her child's first steps. It was clear from that that she was in complete denial about the evidence that he was "not that into her."

  • Love 5

Atticus Finch would be ashamed that someone like Aviva has the nerve to call herself a lawyer.


Atticus would take off his glasses, sigh, and then explain about the frailties of others and how it would behoove all of us to take into account how responding sympathetically to the injustices of those who wish to do us harm is what matters at the end of the day.


And then I would throw a plastic drink receptacle (not a "glass") at him, ask who ghostwrites his shit and leave the party with who he came with.......

  • Love 18

I wouldn't mind her addressing it because I can't stand her and I'm nosy but I just hate how ugly it makes everyone else while reveling in it. It just seems so bitter. When the Countess with Klass said, "Karma's a bitch", that was ugly and possibly deserved but Heather's shit eating grin after she said it, when every one else seemed a little shocked further confirms for me that Heather LOVES watching people suffer.

ETA: phoenix80, sometimes I think I'm not using ANY logic in my reaction/response by even watching this show anymore. I agree, Rhetorica. I don't see how this franchise can go on. Except somehow, next season, Carole and Heather will be on the outs and Luann and Sohn-ya-rhymes- with-John-ya will be best of friends again because that's the way Bravo rolls.

I don't know if Heather loves to watch people suffer? I took her smile to mean, she loves that her friend LuAnn gets to give Ramona a few well deserved shots.

LuAnn and Heather are friends off camera, I'm sure it would be hard for her see to all the crap that was said about her friend. I know it would be for me.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 5

I don't know if Heather loves to watch people suffer? I took her smile to mean, she loves the her friend LuAnn gets to give Ramona a few well deserved shots.

LuAnn and Heather are friends off camera, I'm sure it would be hard for her see to all the crap that was said about her friend. I know it would be for me.

YMMV, but I don't think that Housewives fans tune in to see the participants "turn the other cheek" and treat each other with Christian compassion.

  • Love 6

Aviva can just leave now and take her creepy father with her.  She just tries way too hard for that snappy comeback and fails miserably.  Her retorts are not witty, most likely because she has no sense of humor at all.  She is one shallow,. plastic, fake individual.  Yes, she is weird.  Her father is weird, too.  Aviva probably had someone do research for all of her "points", including the gem about Harper Lee and Truman Capote.  That tidbit was to show she's oh so intelligent and to be shocking just to be shocking.  


Ramona and Sonja can hold hands as they skip along in their dream world.  


Sonja babbling on about heaven knows what - her SNL gig,her "routine" was just sad.  So her interns get college credit for "fashion and merchandising".  They have to stay on because it takes a while to get them trained.  What in the hell can they learn about fashion merchandising in her 1890 home that is deteriorating before everyone's eyes?  Then she said well it takes a semester to learn how to do the scheduling on a MAC.  A semester.  


Did Ramona think that her difficulties would not be discussed?  Silly woman.  She could have said we're working through things, thank everyone for their support.  When Andy asked did you learn anything from this - something like be grateful for everything you have because things can change without warning.  Something like that, but no she makes it a bigger deal by acting like oh everything is peachy fine, what in the world are you talking about?  Then she lost her cool and really showed that things are not peachy fine and she is a big fake. Yeah, wives file for divorce when everything is just wonderful. Avery is a smart girl, so she probably had a good idea of what was going on, she's not a toddler.  Ramona has such low self esteem that she cannot admit that her marriage is shit, her husband is a cheater.  She must only live in the best places; anything less would mean she is not a good person, is not successful.  She needs all of the material things, the things the powerful and rich have in order to feel good about herself.  Sonja is basically the same except she doesn't have the funds Ramona does right now, so her delusions seem more outrageous.  Ramona can still go to her homes, she has a business, she doesn't have to take sharpies to her purses, and has hot water.


Kristen came off a lot better speaking about her marriage.  She didn't avoid the question, answered it as best she could.  Then Ramona thinks she can chime in and talk about Kristen's marriage.  Bitch, please.


Still loving Luann.  

Yes. I have always loathed Ramona--probably more so than any of these other silly cows, and that's saying something. Years ago, that dirty drunk barked up RIGHT IN FRONT of LuAnn's daughter about LuAnn's husband being 'twice her age.' That is one despicable twunt.


You make a lot of great points, and the thing that is clarified best here is that Ramona is not smart, and she has zero soul. That lame rant about the 'hot spots' in America?? She sounds like she's aping some old lounge singer from the 1940s by naming those places. And she also sounds like she doesn't, and never has had, an original thought in that tiny brain of hers. A gracious and humble discussion of how much one can learn in situations like this would have really humanized her; however, she's too dumb to know that--AND the people who told her which cities are the 'bestest' places <eyeroll> didn't tell her to handle herself gracefully. She came off as delusional as Sonja. 

  • Love 8

I think the most important thing I learned last night is that Harper Lee watches RHNY. I feel slightly better about myself now. 


Is there something wrong with the word "weird"? So because Carole is a writer she's supposed to constantly use obscure words of three syllables or more? I think "weird" is a much better choice for a descriptor than "writer girl", but that's just me. 


Aviva is just plain nasty. How dare she say that Carole isn't "important enough" as a writer for anyone to care who wrote her book. Aviva isn't important enough as a person for me to care if she takes a long vacation in the sky. There I said it. I'm off to decorate my handbasket now. 


And then we have Ramona with her snobbery. She just can't accept the fact that people have different tastes and not EVERYONE wants a second home in the Hamptons. I wouldn't be surprised if the place was so over exposed now that it was turning a lot of people off. But, FTR, if I was a billionaire I would still prefer a comfortable home in the Berkshires to a sprawling manse in the Hamptons. I'm a country girl, not a beach girl. And I thought their stay at Heather's place looked so incredibly fun. 


So Sonja has a homeless girl in Ireland running her empire? That might explain why we've yet to see a single product on the shelf. OH! And the best part of the whole reunion was when during one of the breaks, Sonja was bragging up her ridiculous "one woman act" to Andy and he could barely look away from his phone. I was rolling! 


Gah, Ramona was so tiring with her refusal to talk about ANYTHING that had to do with her marriage. She wouldn't even answer as to whether her friends had been there for her. "What pain? I don't have any pain". You're just making yourself look like an idiot. "They're allegations. Allegations". Okay, would you really file divorce over allegations? But I did love Andy absolutely shutting her down! I generally don't care for Andy, but I have to say he had me loving him a little bit last night. 


On the other hand, I appreciate Kristen owning that things aren't perfect in HER marriage and that they have things they need to work on. Josh seems like a major dick to me, but if he really did learn something from watching himself that's a good thing. And Aviva can take a seat her with sanctimonious "Reed and I NEVER bicker like that". Yea, probably because he's scared of you. 


I never realized it, but Jacques WAS totally stealing Luann's hairstyle!!!! It was probably for the better that they split up. 

  • Love 6

My fav is when she starts out with "you know, in all sincerity".....then you know she is about to start pulling shit out of her ass.

What was with her claiming to just not remember some of her really mean shit? She didn't remember the comment about folks with less money being satisfied with the Berkshires, and didn't remember telling the gals that Sonja didn't really care about Lu. I guess that is one way to not get called out on what an awful person you are. Don't defend it, just say you don't remember saying it.


I have to wonder if Ramona really doesn't remember the shit she says. She called Aviva "vile" (which, spot on!) and when Aviva got her panties in a bunch over it, refusing to answer to someone calling her vile, Ramona was like, "Oh, but I didn't call you vile." Huh? What?! That was a laughable moment because Ramona really was like, "But I didn't call you vile."


It's possible, she has.  If the tides turn on Carole next season, I can see her former fans taking up "Writer Girl" as a derisive term.  I don't think Aviva is smart enough to have planned that though.

If Carole was smart, she would've learned to ignore Aviva.  If she were proactive, she should get a t-shirt with "Writer Girl" across the front and wear it loud and proud.  Maybe Andy will present one to her in his mom's basement.

He was right about putting Bookgate to bed.  Have we ever had such a boring storyline last all fricking season?


I don't see fans turning on her and using the term as a pejorative. As a matter of fact, Carole is already using it herself. Exhibits A, B & C: 


Carole Radziwill @CaroleRadziwill  ·  12h

Hey hey Writer Girl in the house. #rhonyreunion


Carole Radziwill @CaroleRadziwill  ·  12h

Hey is that Writer Girl with a pen in her hand? Whaaaaaa.  #liveinlevis http://instagram.com/p/rVnyAKjQSg/


Carole Radziwill @CaroleRadziwill  ·  12h

Hey its me again, Writer Girl. I wrote a recap this week so go to Bravo site after show. It's funny.  @Bravotv #RHONYReunion



Carole has wonderfully co-opted the term, and the fans who tweet her have taken to hashtagging it as well: #WriterGirl. Awesome!


Aviva is just plain nasty. How dare she say that Carole isn't "important enough" as a writer for anyone to care who wrote her book.


Oh, Aviva is just cheesed that Carole is done with her. She claims that Carole's work isn't "important enough" yet there she was during their first season together positively gushing over What Remains and quoting passages to her. Not important enough, Aviva?

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 7

Atticus would take off his glasses, sigh, and then explain about the frailties of others and how it would behoove all of us to take into account how responding sympathetically to the injustices of those who wish to do us harm is what matters at the end of the day.


And then I would throw a plastic drink receptacle (not a "glass") at him, ask who ghostwrites his shit and leave the party with who he came with.......


Bosawks, I think I love you.  And Gregory Peck.

  • Love 5
Oh, Avvia is just cheesed that Carole is done with her. She claims that Carole's work isn't "important enough" yet there she was during their first seaosn together positively gushing over What Remains and quoting passages to her. Not important enough, Aviva?


Exactly! That's exactly what it boils down to. Aviva didn't talk to Carole at all in between filming. Then when they resume, Aviva is all up her ass about her book and wanting to get together to pick Carole's brain. And when Carole doesn't become a sycophant like Aviva over HER writing a book, Aviva immediately goes postal. Honestly, I think that's why she and Sonja became friends. I don't think it has anything to do with Harry or Harrison and her daughter. I think, in terms of the show, they found their perfect matches - someone who will kiss their ass and overlook their delusions of grandeur. 

  • Love 8

^^ But Luann has been "outed" by Ramona repeatedly on the show (and off, with Ramona retweeting her daughter's youtube video). I think she has every right to call out and REVEL in Ramona's situation. 


This. Ramona also flat out said Luann had an open marriage with the Count. I have no issue with Lu outing Ramona's business since Ramona has found such glee in outing everyone else's business, including her bff, Sonja. And the nerve of her trying to give insight into Kristen's marriage. Ramona can deny, deny, deny all she wants, but it doesn't change that she was unhappy enough to file for divorce in the first place.


I call bull on the interns getting any college credit from working for Sonja until Pickles/Naomi or one of the other 'interns' confirm it with actual proof. I've heard of personal assistants getting college credit, but I just don't buy that a legitimate college would approve college credit for learning how to use a Mac.

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