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S06.E22: Reunion Part 2

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OK, I'm probably the only one thinkin' this, but I really liked Moaner's hair.  Her necks looks like an old lady's neck, but her face & hair looks great.  OK, Moaner, if you're gonna be trolling around for young guys with Sonja now, hide that neck, hun.  Luckily, scarf season is a comin' soon . . .

I thought Ramona's head looked great.  Her neck and stiff body, not so much. 


I suppose I just don't see the malice in Ramona. I think she says what pops into her head before she has given it any thought. I have a friend who had an abusive controlling father. He blurts stuff out and doesn't understand until it is too late that what he has said isn't appropriate or that the "truth" might be better left unsaid. He knows he does it but is somewhat helpless at the moment. He then gets embarrassed and sometimes doubles down as a means of self protection. This is how I see Ramona.

​Ramona must be on some sort of autistic spectrum.  She blurts things out so fast she doesn't remember what she says.  I think she does mean what she says but she doesn't always know what she said. In this case, she looks confused that she actually said Aviva is vile out loud but she's probably not going to deny that's how she feels. The other charming aspect of Ramona is that she doesn't care that her words have impact.  In this aspect, she's very much like Aviva.  I think the main difference between them is that Aviva is deliberate with her nastiness and it's more organic to Ramona.


I, too, was hoping Ramona and Mario would figure it out and stick together. Mario probably figured out, now he has had time away from Ramona, that she is CRAZY. He is probably running for the hills. Watching Ramona dating...scary. We definitly need Bethany and Jill back.  Did you hear that Andy????  

Mario must like the crazy.  His side piece is a whack job.  Her prior boyfriend was also a married man who had to get a restraining order out when she didn't take the break-up well.  She also claimed to be pregnant that time as well.  The whole scenario reminds me of Brandi-Eddie-LeAnn where Eddie told Brandi that LeAnn was a stalker and that he was just nice to her while he was screwing her all along. 

  • Love 9

My reference was to Heather confronting Ramona at Ramona's own home.  Hence, the use of the word-her own turf.  Quite honestly if it weren't for the show I highly doubt either Heather or Kristen would be invited and if they had been invited would have been shown the door after chewing out the hostess.  Especially, Heather who came guns a blazing and called the hostess a bitch.


Seniority might not mean much to you but why do the cast with more years on the show make more money?


There is no shortage of breaches of etiquette on this show but subtly ends up on the cutting room floor.


I completely disagree (surprise!) that "Heather...came guns a blazing."


You're presenting seniority as some kind of right to be a bitch to other cast members more than a right to $$$$ (I did reference promotions, though not in the RH context), and I think you're moving the goalposts.  Further, I'm not certain that the sanctity of one's home is a fundamental right to be protected from being confronted about many prior bad acts, either.

Edited by Midnight Cheese
  • Love 6

If this show got back to basics with some original cast members, it might have a chance in hell.  Jill, Bethenny, Luann (as a full-timer) plus three newer ladies, Heather, Carole and possibly Kristen.  No more psycho bitches like Kelly and Aviva.  No more Sonja (she needs professional help and time away from the camera to get her life sorted.)  Go to Fashion Week, go to Dubai, keep it light-hearted. 

I agree with everything you said, especially the last sentence--- except for bringing back Kristen.  I hate to sound like a broken record, but she brings nothing to the show.  Just an irritating loud voice, bug eyes, and exclamations of disbelief over and over.  Oh, and her 'storyline'-- her so called marriage problem with discussions that primarily gives her hubby a chance to wear his eboost tee one more time for the camera. 

  • Love 4

I agree with everything you said, especially the last sentence--- except for bringing back Kristen. I hate to sound like a broken record, but she brings nothing to the show. Just an irritating loud voice, bug eyes, and exclamations of disbelief over and over. Oh, and her 'storyline'-- her so called marriage problem with discussions that primarily gives her hubby a chance to wear his eboost tee one more time for the camera.

The tough thing about the Housewives is that decent people don't seem to make for the best TV in this format. Ramona is a mean wack job, but she's fascinating to watch. Kristen is probably an ok person, but she's annoying as a TV character. Even though I think she's annoying, Carole is probably ok too, but doesn't do much if she's not engaged in a fight with someone. 2 seasons now and if she's not fighting with someone she sort of wanders off camera. It's the odd bird who can come across as a semi-functional human and still be an entertaining Housewife. I think Luanne and Heather both manage this most of the time. For the rest of them...not so much.

  • Love 4

Lots of talk about Avery--and I hope she's doing well--but you know who my heart really goes out to?


Harrison. His mom is Aviva and his dad is Harry. Your mom might be the most hated woman RHONY has ever produced, and your dad was featured as a bloated, untrustworthy, unfaithful gigolo who got dumped by Sonja (according to the plotlines anyway).


Poor, poor kid. Rise above your genes, young man.


Also...can we change "Ramona Singer: It's Turtle Time" to "Ramona Singer: Karma's a Bitch"?


Please? ;-)

  • Love 14

What event is this in reference to?  I don't remember Heather calling Ramona that. 

At Ramona's party in the Hamptons.  First Kristen and then Heather jumped all over Ramona for not showing up at Heather's party. (Heather said, "hey bitch" to Ramona)  I get that in real life the flowers the day after would have been enough and no further discussion but this is a RH franchise and if someone does not go to an event  after RSVP it is mandatory to confront them. Because Lords knows you can't have a party without dragging up crap.   

At Ramona's party in the Hamptons.  First Kristen and then Heather jumped all over Ramona for not showing up at Heather's party. (Heather said, "hey bitch" to Ramona)  I get that in real life the flowers the day after would have been enough and no further discussion but this is a RH franchise and if someone does not go to an event  after RSVP it is mandatory to confront them. Because Lords knows you can't have a party without dragging up crap.   

That was Heather's big infraction? Jokingly calling Ramona a bitch about not showing up to her party? If Ramona - who gets her panties all wadded up for the smallest slight - wasn't offended by Heather's joke, why would anyone else be? Didn't Ramona laugh? Ramona knew she was caught lying, knew she was going to have to face the music, and for one time in her life actually acted like she was sorry, both on TV and in her blog. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 3


At Ramona's party in the Hamptons.  First Kristen and then Heather jumped all over Ramona for not showing up at Heather's party. (

I don't remember Kristin or Heather jumping all over Ramona for not showing up. Kristen said they missed her at the party and asked what happened that she couldn't make it. Ramona got combative basically saying that she didn't have to answer to Kristen and got really nasty - I suspect it was a combination of the booze, the heat, and the fact that Mario had been ragging on her the entire time they were playing tennis. But, Kristen didn't know that and defended herself during the argument and finally walked away from it.


Heather's calling Ramona a bitch was done jokingly and both Ramona and Heather laughed. Then, Ramona had one of her moments when she accused Heather of something and then instantly denied it. But, neither woman attacked Ramona they both asked in different ways why Ramona didn't come to the party. Ramona got combative with Kristen and defensive with Heather.

  • Love 1

I just read Luann's blog, she mentions that Ramona tried to blackmail her and her children. WTF? I want to know what she is talking about.

And because, Ramona has never shown any remorse for how she went after Lu, she will always be crazy eyes to her. That last part cracked me up.

At the beginning of last season, Lu and Ramona had a sit down meeting in the park to discuss the fact that Lu thought that Ramona was trying to blackmail her. I don't remember the specifics, but Ramona had threatened to reveal something publicly about Lu and her family. Ramona denied it was happening, but Lu was extremely upset about it. They agreed to disagree, but were very tense with each other for most of the season, until St. Bart's.  

  • Love 3

I just read Luann's blog, she mentions that Ramona tried to blackmail her and her children. WTF? I want to know what she is talking about.

And because, Ramona has never shown any remorse for how she went after Lu, she will always be crazy eyes to her. That last part cracked me up.

OMG, yes...I remember this now. It was when Luann asked Ramona to apologize to her for shit she said about being a bad mom, and Ramona supposedly told Luann to STFU (in an off camera phone call) because she "had the goods" on her kids. I am not sure if this coincided with Ramona retweeting Victoria's youtube video or if it was about Noel's party....remember when a girl got black out drunk? (off camera)

  • Love 3

At the beginning of last season, Lu and Ramona had a sit down meeting in the park to discuss the fact that Lu thought that Ramona was trying to blackmail her. I don't remember the specifics, but Ramona had threatened to reveal something publicly about Lu and her family. Ramona denied it was happening, but Lu was extremely upset about it. They agreed to disagree, but were very tense with each other for most of the season, until St. Bart's.

Omg, I have no recollection of this.

I'll have to go watch those episodes.

Thanks, MCM.

OMG, yes...I remember this now. It was when Luann asked Ramona to apologize to her for shit she said about being a bad mom, and Ramona supposedly told Luann to STFU (in an off camera phone call) because she "had the goods" on her kids. I am not sure if this coincided with Ramona retweeting Victoria's youtube video or if it was about Noel's party....remember when a girl got black out drunk? (off camera)

Thank you diorella,

I'm blank on all this.

To the best of my knowledge, the photo of Mario and Kasey wasn't revealed until after part 2 of the reunion already aired. The date on In Touch is August 6th.

It is possible that Ramona and Mario decided to put off the divorce until after the reunion but I kind of doubt it. I think it's more likely that they decided to try for a reconciliation but it's not working out.

I'm so confused by comments about open marriages like it's a common thing. I think Mario cheated, Ramona found out and the rest just follows under these circumstances. I have spent many a hour on the phone with a friend that had discovered infidelity. It's heartbreaking for the wounded spouse, even when it was obvious to everyone else about the deception.

I have never met a single couple that had an "open marriage". I really doubt there are all these evolved relationships that can handle multiple allegiances.

I think marriages can devolve and that is what I suspect happened with LuAnn and the Count. But I highly doubt they agreed to sleep with others.

Ramona only gets the standard "he's a fucking dick" sympathy from me. She showed no kindness to her fellow woman during downtimes. Her share of the "men are assholes" pie is just a tiny sliver.

You don't have to be down in the trenches to know they exist. Sadly I feel Ramona is a classic case of "you reap what you sow".

Edited by Grneyedldy
  • Love 5

Omg, I have no recollection of this.

I'll have to go watch those episodes.

Thanks, MCM.

Thank you diorella,

I'm blank on all this.

Here you go Imjagain.  It is so fucking brilliant. I am glad I went and found it. It is really timely to watch in light of everything that has happened over the last few days. I had forgotten how nuts Ramona was that day, but also how gorgeous Lu looked.  She is stunning. 


You have to watch to the end when Ramona starts talking about her nails.  She really is bat shit crazy.



  • Love 5

^^imjagain, the Noel and Victoria stuff happened while not filming, so you didn't miss that much. lol. 


ETA: hahahaha, that video...I forgot that was the "pinot filled hat" moment! And watching the scene again, I recall thinking at the time Ramona totally drunk dialed Luann and likely spewed her vile shit ,and actually didn't remember at the time of their convo. 

Edited by diorella78
  • Love 2

In hindsight Ramona's canned answers of " my family is great" ,"there was no pain", "alledgedly cheated" makes her look more ridiculous then ever. If she could have humbled herself she would have had the world eating out of the palm of her hand. Mario's public humiliation of her was very low rent and people usually sympathize with the wronged spouse. But Ramona just could not let herself go there, now she looks like an even bigger fool. If I were Mario I would sleep with one eye open, Ramona does not do well with being embarrassed .

  • Love 10

Couples do have open marriages but truth is it's a covert and very subtle agreement that one signs, without stating or signing a thing.  People who have been together for many years -- couples who have been and have children -- find ways of negotiating these terms over scrambled eggs and laundry, without saying a word.  It can work if one lets go of the fab marriage concept and agrees to raise the children and maintain the house. And makes clear that the house serves as a boundary wall.  No beddie outsiders in the house -- take it elsewhere. 


I can't fucking stand Ramona but I feel for her coming back to the Ham Pad to see Mario with the gal. That's just not cool and def. not True Faith.  Because, see, that indicates hostility and hatred and even stupid ass R. gets that. 


The sad reality that there may be very few opportunities to actually act on the agreement doesn't mean it doesn't exist.  It has for centuries and isn't always the sign of a lousy marriage.  Not a blissful one but maybe not the worst. 


As soon as saw Ramona and Mario doing their ridic vow renewal I knew something was up.  They are tacky and noveau and all the rest of it  but this kind of I would do it all over again, FOR TV, is a dead give away that stuff ain't right. That was years ago.


We will find out soon enough that all this crap about how much Ramona loved Mario is also a big sham.  She may have but whatever.  I think he's a total shit but I can't blame him from walking away from her.   At all. 

  • Love 4





Nothing.  Because the word ghetto refers to a tangible environment inhabited primarily by people who have economic disadvantage in common and subsequently the area itself is or becomes economically disadvantaged.  Sort of like the name given to the formerly thriving neighborhoods where Jews lived by the thousands during the pre Holocaust period while awaiting their fate.   Unlike Aviva's direct and indirect implications with regard to behavior that referenced an all. black. cast.  and other really ignorant ass shit she's said, use of the word ghetto as a standalone isn't race specifc.  Hope that helped. 

I believe Aviva suffers from ageism, elitism and racism. She is as hollow as her leg. 

  • Love 9

Here you go Imjagain. It is so fucking brilliant. I am glad I went and found it. It is really timely to watch in light of everything that has happened over the last few days. I had forgotten how nuts Ramona was that day, but also how gorgeous Lu looked. She is stunning.

You have to watch to the end when Ramona starts talking about her nails. She really is bat shit crazy.


Oh holy hell! That was insane. I'm glad these women get paid to deal with each other, because why would anyone sit and talk to Ramona and her pinot filled ass haahaa.

Thank you for finding and posting that MCM!

^^imjagain, the Noel and Victoria stuff happened while not filming, so you didn't miss that much. lol.

ETA: hahahaha, that video...I forgot that was the "pinot filled hat" moment! And watching the scene again, I recall thinking at the time Ramona totally drunk dialed Luann and likely spewed her vile shit ,and actually didn't remember at the time of their convo.

Was it hat? Lol, I heard ass, off to watch again.

Eta: yes it was hat lol.

Edited by imjagain

In hindsight Ramona's canned answers of " my family is great" ,"there was no pain", "alledgedly cheated" makes her look more ridiculous then ever. If she could have humbled herself she would have had the world eating out of the palm of her hand. Mario's public humiliation of her was very low rent and people usually sympathize with the wronged spouse. But Ramona just could not let herself go there, now she looks like an even bigger fool. If I were Mario I would sleep with one eye open, Ramona does not do well with being embarrassed .

I thought of something-only because I am so suspect of the timing.  Perhaps Ramona's attorney told her to just take the high road, knowing the reconciliation was not working out.  I do think Ramona defers to her daughter's feelings a bit too much-not because she wants to get out of explaining the situation I think she can't say -it is just for the show.  Avery is an adult and she must be mortified that dad's squeeze is having to be hauled out of her mom's restaurant.  Having said that, I never felt a lick of compassion for Brandi Galnville and the stuff she wrote about her ex who wronged her.  Ramona may have some interesting tales to tell or even a book.


I will be interested to see if the property settlement is a quick one.

  • Love 2

Lots of talk about Avery--and I hope she's doing well--but you know who my heart really goes out to?


Harrison. His mom is Aviva and his dad is Harry. Your mom might be the most hated woman RHONY has ever produced, and your dad was featured as a bloated, untrustworthy, unfaithful gigolo who got dumped by Sonja (according to the plotlines anyway).


Poor, poor kid. Rise above your genes, young man.


Also...can we change "Ramona Singer: It's Turtle Time" to "Ramona Singer: Karma's a Bitch"?


Please? ;-)


I hesitate to put anything resembling a swear in a topic title...how about "Ramona Singer: Karma Called, Turtle Time Answered"?  

  • Love 2

I thought of something-only because I am so suspect of the timing.  Perhaps Ramona's attorney told her to just take the high road, knowing the reconciliation was not working out.  I do think Ramona defers to her daughter's feelings a bit too much-not because she wants to get out of explaining the situation I think she can't say -it is just for the show.  Avery is an adult and she must be mortified that dad's squeeze is having to be hauled out of her mom's restaurant.  Having said that, I never felt a lick of compassion for Brandi Galnville and the stuff she wrote about her ex who wronged her.  Ramona may have some interesting tales to tell or even a book.


I will be interested to see if the property settlement is a quick one.

Yea, the interesting part will be in seeing how quickly this all gets settled. Will it become ugly publicly, or just get settled quickly and go away? 

Keep in mind, he's her boss.  Who talks to their boss this way?  She was extremely disrespectful.  He mostly kept his cool, but he was getting annoyed with her & rightly so.  And she was ordering him what to do by literally telling him to speak to someone else or run a package.  He was clearly not pleased by her telling him what to do.


Aviva is another one who's been trying to call the shots this season.  I think that -- and that alone -- is what's gonna get her fired.  Is Moaner's outburst gonna get her fired?  Probably not, but she came close -- very, very close.  I'd say she's mistaken if she thinks she's in a position where Andy would never fire her.


Besides this franchise, I've only seen reunions for NJ and BH.  By far, Andy seems (to me) to be most nervous of, and apt to lose control of the NY cast.  I've seen these ladies get Andy flustered multiple times, as well as hijack control.  He was calmer when Teresa Giudice threw him in his chair than he's been many times with these ladies.

  • Love 3

I liked Heather when she first came on the show. This season she's lost me a bit. There was too much interaction with Carole and acting as her bodyguard for my taste.


It's frustrating watching this reunion and Heather chiming in every second with her opinion when nobody asked her. Can she let some other people answer questions that were directed at them?


Ramona's never going to allow anyone, especially Mario's side piece, to see her upset and stressed. She will do just fine on her own. I think Mario's the one who's going to have difficulty and drama with this young lunatic.

  • Love 9

Personally I am looking forward to a "Turtle Time Walk of Shame."


And the girls setting her up with eligible bachelors. That would be epic. I mean Jill must know somebody. That could get her back on the show. Is David Gest still around? 

Carole can round up some eligible Kennedy's or their hangers on. Arnold is available now and the guy that killed the girl with the golf club is on parole or something.


Plus Heather can add some diversity to the dating pool. Jay-z might be on the market by next season. Holla!

  • Love 6

Yea, the interesting part will be in seeing how quickly this all gets settled. Will it become ugly publicly, or just get settled quickly and go away? 

Did Ramona make a statement to Facebook or elsewhere when she first filed?  Because part of me thinks they may still reconcile, but I also agree with copacabana upthread that sleeping with his mistress in their home and taking her out, along with being photographed with the other woman during the time period when the reunion aired and he MUST have known Ramona was going to answer nothing, shows an incredible level of contempt.  I wonder how long that kind of stuff has been going on, and I do think it predated the show by a lot.  He has always been eye-rollingly impatient with her.  Seeing that in couples - all y'all know exactly what I'm talking about, and it tends to get exaggerated when people drink - makes my blood run cold.  


Ramona looked the best she's ever looked on her last WWHL appearance and during this reunion, to me.  I don't think she'll have a good, successful time dating, and it's not because of her appearance or her age.

Edited by Midnight Cheese
  • Love 5


I agree with everything you said, especially the last sentence--- except for bringing back Kristen. I hate to sound like a broken record, but she brings nothing to the show. Just an irritating loud voice, bug eyes, and exclamations of disbelief over and over. Oh, and her 'storyline'-- her so called marriage problem with discussions that primarily gives her hubby a chance to wear his eboost tee one more time for the camera.


OMG, yes.  I want to like her because she seems to have a good sense of humor but I find her so grating.  Was there any scene she was in that she wasn't thoroughly disgusted or making a much bigger deal out of something that wasn't that big of a deal?  Her husband's a dick.  She seems like a dick.  I'd be fine with them making their exit.

  • Love 3

Lots of talk about Avery--and I hope she's doing well--but you know who my heart really goes out to?


Harrison. His mom is Aviva and his dad is Harry. Your mom might be the most hated woman RHONY has ever produced, and your dad was featured as a bloated, untrustworthy, unfaithful gigolo who got dumped by Sonja (according to the plotlines anyway).


Poor, poor kid. Rise above your genes, young man.


Also...can we change "Ramona Singer: It's Turtle Time" to "Ramona Singer: Karma's a Bitch"?


Please? ;-)

AND his grandfather is George!  Poor kid!   Can you imagine what he hears about his mother, grandfather, and his new Grandma Cody?  Good luck Harrison

  • Love 12

, her references were not contained to a cast that is just volatile, that has been shown to be true across the franchise, she has on more than one occasion linked and associated negative stereotypical behavior  with an all black cast and that makes it solely about race.  

As someone who thought Aviva mentioning RHOA recently was suspicious, I want to point out that in September 2013 she did also mention New Jersey when describing the crazy RHONY brought this season. Make of that what you will. (I linked to it yesterday in the first reunion thread where this was being discussed.)


I have a question that is totally off topic and random, but since no one else I know gives two shits about this show, I bring it to you people.  


It's the deal about Harry. If I am to understand things, Harry and Aviva were married up until 6 or 7 years ago (Harrison is 10).  Everyone seems to not only know Harry, but to have known him for a long time.  Heather stunned me on WWHL the other night, because she mentioned the fact that she knew Harry way back before she joined the show.  How did all of these people know Harry for such a long time, yet never have met Aviva before? Even socially? Ramona almost started crying (kidding, kidding) when they were in Miami last year and the dinner conversation turned to Harry.  She said she was very uncomfortable talking about him because they had been friends forever.  Has any of this ever been explained? 


Yeah, things don't add up, especially the Sonja part. Her kid and Sonja's daughter have supposedly been best friends forever and they didn't meet until last season because they were on a show together? How did Harry get away with having so many female friends and never introducing them to his wife? It’s not like they were work friends.

  • Love 1

As nasty as Ramona is, I hope she does land on her feet. He's a total piece of shit that she clearly loved. I hope that she finds a nice guy who mellows her out. I'm wondering if Mario's wandering eye started much, much earlier in their marriage and is part of her shitty behavior towards women.

When they showed that clip of Ramona's talking about her trifecta and, Lu casually asks how's that tricecta working for you? Something in Ramona's face (and the way Lu asked) made me think Lu knew something. So yeah, I think Mario has been catting around for awhile. He just got sloppy in recent years. Edited by imjagain
  • Love 6

Pickles deserves to get paid.  Pay the woman, Sonja.  She is not your fuckin' slave!  Take some of your Bravo dough & PAY HER!!!!!!!  And then pay poor Tyler.  Poor dude looks so scared & timid, I wanna give him a hug.

Two of the most awkward conversationalist ever pretending to show interest in other people. I would open a fresh bottle of Ramona Pionet for that.


How bout bringing back Peyman, the hot Turkish pussy guy & Nick Gregory, the Gorton's fake fisherman & let them figure out who'll date who?

  • Love 1

I do think Ramona looked the best she's ever looked at the Reunion.  Her hair was perfect, her body looked great and her skin looked fab.   She could

easily hook a good one.




She looks great in photos and when you have the TV on mute, but what kind of a man who runs in the circles that she thinks are the end all, be all would be willing to deal with her personality just to be able to have sex with her, or possibly spend the rest of his life with her?  There are lots of attractive women out there who aren't mean, shrieky, demanding banshees.  She looks good for her age, but by this age she should also have honed herself into the person that she truly is at her core.  In my opinion, we don't really start develop into our whole selves until our 30's, and in our 40's we learn to love and appreciate who we have become based on our past mistakes, lessons, kindnesses, accomplishments, etc.  By 50, we know who we are, we show who we are, it's habit to just be who we are because it's too much work to do otherwise, and if who you are in your 50's is a shitty, obnoxious, shallow, poison-tongued, entitled, hypocritical person, well...sorry about that, Ramona.  Good luck in the dating world. 


For the record, I don't at all excuse Mario for cheating.  It's never okay.  I can understand the desire to cheat on Ramona, though.  I think she is a miserable beast, and her behavior during this segment of the reunion made my blood boil.  She really does think that she deserves special treatment from everyone, and that she should be handled with kid gloves during this NOT AT ALL DIFFICULT TIME, while the same situation for any of the other women deserves her smarmy, bitchy comments, her "oh, you don't really matter to me" shrug, and her complete dismissal of them once she is finished demeaning them.  I had totally forgotten that clip with LuAnn about the blackmailing, and seeing it again reminded me that that was exactly the moment when I knew Ramona was a monster.  And that she did exactly what LuAnn said, her oh-so-casual mention of shellac on her nails was to deflect some of the tension, and if she weren't guilty of what LuAnn accused, she would have been a dog with a bone and not let up until LuAnn was bleeding out of her ears.  It pleases me to see karma at work, and by this I don't mean Mario cheating on her, I mean that she is now in the seat that gets to see what all of her cruel, smug comments feel like when they aren't coming out of her own mouth, but instead coming back to haunt her.  

  • Love 13

When they showed that clip of Ramona's talking about her trifecta and, Lu casually asks how's that tricecta working for you? Something in Ramona's face (and the way Lu asked) made me think Lu knew something. So yeah, I think Mario has been catting around for awhile. He just got sloppy in recent years.

Oh man I think EVERYBODY knew! I mean everybody. Like their dry cleaner knew. That's why this is the straw that broke the camel's back. Not because Mario cheated ( let's be honest. Ramona's probably been looking the other way since day 1), but because everybody knew this time. It was the humiliation, not the affair.

  • Love 4


So Sonja retweeted Moaner's announcement of booting off Mario, but made no comment on it.  Everyone else, including Jillzy & Bethenny have made no comments or Tweets on it.  Altho Bravo gave a sympathetic comment on Moaner's Twitter.  I'm thinkin' that's a good sign they want her back.

Ramona posted her tweet on her Facebook page and Sonja responded to that.  I saw it myself and I hit like.

Hey everyone...I've moved quite a few of the posts talking about the latest news on the Singer sham, er marriage - so can we move the "Mario has finally publicly been revealed to be a dirty cheater who is attracted to a level of crazy that should probably be under observation in Arkham" into the Ramona thread and keep this thread for the reunion only?


  • Love 1

I think Ramona reacted to questions about her relationship just about how I expected her to.    I believe she expected softer handling by Andy than she got.
He has been much more gentle with several other veteran housewives who have had relationship issues.   I think Ramona is not one of the housewives Andy particularly cares for--she falls more into the Teresa Guidice realm--where he knows she brings the crazy and that brings in viewers, but it's not like he actually likes or cares about her.    

  • Love 2
I need to have some evidence and a pattern of behavior before I will go there. I have not seen this with Aviva. Neither her "white trash" comment or her comment about the Atlanta show told me anything about her potential racist leanings.


I didn't get racist from Aviva, nor from Heather.  Sonja, on the other hand, I'm not sure about.  I had to give her a big side-eye when she was out on her terrace with Cody with the nail jewelry art stuff, and said her neighbors would think she was out there with her drug dealer.  And then there's Pickles not having a name. 


As to Ramona...well, look out, NY, Sonja and Ramona will be out on the town trolling for men now.

After reading LuAnn's blog all I can say is move on LuAnn-your marriage was over years and years ago.   I am so tired of hearing how wronged LuAnn was by Ramona. Also much of the bickering between the two took place long before the current cast was on.


If they are going to bring up Ramona's years old comments than bring up LuAnn's.  For LuAnn to act like she is mother of the year is ridiculous. There was no blackmail or Ramona hiring spies, her kids actions were common knowledge. LuAnn brought Victoria on and her first school, LuAnn threw the Sweet Sixteen party and then blogged how her daughter's party was better because the adults knew when to leave-just a note to LuAnn responsible adults don't leave a Sweet Sixteen nor do they put another mother down for sticking around. LuAnn brought up her daughter's broken wrists for trying to sneak out, Luann trotted her son out with broken bones from a poorly supervised skateboard car incident-as in the kid was dragging on the back of the car. LuAnn had the art show of Victoria's filmed where half the art work had 'kush' references in the artwork.  LuAnn's kid made it public she had been kicked out of two schools and was being sent to France to finish her last year. 


LuAnn is becoming dangerously overconfident -she never was the top bill and I think this season of no story line and this comfortable position of being able to exact revenge will be next year's undoing for LuAnn.


I also thought it was funny that after having the last word on Aviva's domestic help situation LuAnn has essentially retracted that statement.  I am curious how many nannies these people need to raise a child-I get Heather and her husband Mr. Mom, needing a dedicated nanny for their son with all his health issues and maybe a very aggressive home cleaning crew because of Jax's health issues.  But really even with four children (two of whom do not live with Aviva and her husband full-time) how many nannies do these people need? 

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The only ones who acted like they were Mother(s) of the Year were Alex McCord & Ramona Singer. I don't remember Luann bragging about her parenting, nor do I remember much of her kids shenanigans being onscreen.


No matter how it's spun, Luann took a lot of really nasty crap from Ramon for 6 years. There's no time limit on television, and a lot of viewers (& cast members, past & present) have been waiting for karma to bite Ramona in the derriere.


The NY Housewives have been gracious, supportive & neutral about Ramona's marriage falling apart. FAR more than the viewers will ever be. Heather & Luann could've just continued the comparisons that Ramon has been obsessed with and started with everyone else's husband/children/house/party. Her GLEE at the problems of Luann's kids, her slamming of every non-Mario husband, her belittling of newbies, her incredible insensitivity & self-centeredness....that's not old news. That  *started* 6 years ago and continues right up into and through the reunion. It's CURRENT.


ALL the RHONY are being tactful, holding their tongue, curbing the more vicious, petty, vengeful sides of their personalities when it comes to Ramona's troubles. Why? No clue. That's their high road. This is something Ramona NEVER did--and never will--for them, because she's (cue Bethenny): "damaged" "honest" "a girl's girl" WHATEVER.


All in all, Ramona is damn lucky no one decided to really let her have it. It's been pretty smooth so far--except she made herself look like an ass. The extra friction from tabloids--she caused that herself.

Edited by mmepeacock
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ALL the RHONY are being tactful, holding their tongue, curbing the more vicious, petty, vengeful sides of their personalities when it comes to Ramona's troubles. Why? No clue.


I expected Jillzy & maybe Lu to say something on their Twitters -- but no, not a peep from either of 'em.  Back in January when the Mario cheating story first broke, Jillzy said some really unkind stuff on her Twitter, which Moaner responded to.  This time tho, nothin' from Jillzy.  Wonder why.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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