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S01.E10: Topanga


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I wonder if next season will be split between 10,000 BC and 1988, now that most of the 2021 cast has jumped into the past. That could be fun. Or maybe Riley and Josh will just not be shown for awhile? This seems unlikely. 

If Gavin, Ella/Lilly, and Izzy jumped into a sinkhole in the woods outside of Seattle, how did they land on the beach? And if Gavin was planning to jump down there why did he not think to bring any supplies? There is taking a risk and then there is just being stupid.

What happened to the other people who wanted to go through the light to go to 1988? The guy who lost his glasses and his partner? Did they make it through ahead of Isaiah or did they not make it? Seems like they should have made it if Lilly was able to just get there herself in what seemed like a few minutes.

I think the reason I like Scott is he actually asks questions normal people would ask in that situation. Seems like Aldrich has been back and forth a few times if she built that structure. I don't get why she wouldn't tell people there may be other sinkholes appearing and the 1988 one wasn't there only chance.

I guess I should not be asking questions, since the writers admitted they don't worry about details.

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25 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:

The wine is chilled and ready! <offers everyone a glass>

I need a refill already, please!

So from the 10,000 BC peoples perspective, they were totally right to be wary of the Sky People. I mean, they kidnapped a boy and hit people on the back of the head with rocks and shot at least one to death. Not cool, Sky People.

I was waiting for whatever the heck Silas was so worried about so I am disappointed there was no explanation from him. I knew we wouldn't get any answers out of Aldridge, so no surprise there. I am speculating that the thing she built and showed Scott will take them back to 2021. Also, she got over her injuries quickly to be walking all over the place.

Scott talking to the cow was pretty good.

I laughed so friggin hard at that tiny sinkhole that opened up in the Seattle campgrounds. DHS/Scientist 2021 Lady's Magic Tablet led them almost directly to that exact location. I can't even fathom how. And first, she's all like evacuate ALL of Seattle and then quick, evacuate the campground and then there's just this tiny hole in the ground! HA! Plus the light didn't move around in 10,000 BC so I don't even know why the Magic Tablet's readings were sending them different places anyway.

I'm surprised that Lilly and Josh got sucked into the 1988 light. We knew Lilly would end up there, but Josh? No one saw him wandering around with Lilly and Isiah. Did he just abandon them? Or was an alternate timeline opened where Isiah went one place and Josh and Lilly another? The latter makes more sense if the map got erased, I guess.

Gavin is the worst father. I can't believe he told Izzy to just jump in the hole with him. That is nuts but I guess it's the only way to keep her in the show so... And how is Ella going to walk 1200 miles to save Veronica from that bear trap before she gets eaten by tigers? Very iffy reasoning there, Ella.

And you'd think before they jumped into 10,000 BC, they'd grab some supplies. They were on a campground so maybe grab a cooler full of sandwiches and a first aid kit before you go, you morons.

I can't believe this show is getting a second season but I thoroughly enjoyed snarking on it so it's my fault, I guess, for watching.

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So sick of Josh giving the grown folk the stink eye. Are we supposed to be rooting for him to live?

Rebecca was responsible for the sinkholes? Even the one that opened in the ocean? How long ago was that? How old is she?

Don’t they have guns? Why didn’t they just shoot Silas and his goons?

Isn’t MaryBeth supposed to be a cop? She shoots the guy rushing her in the shoulder? And see, they DID have guns. Yeah, I believe this isn’t the first time she’s been stabbed, she’s a lousy shot.

If Izzy and Josh die because Isaiah doesn’t go thru the light, what happens to grown Gavin? Does he die too? Or does he just vanish?

If Isaiah and Lily go thru the light to 1988 aren’t they just perpetuating a cycle?

Maybe toss the gun to Eve if she’s going it alone with two kids?

So I guess Lily, Josh and Riley went to 1988 which explains why grown Ella didn’t just disappear.

I just don’t follow this thing with Silas. Is he really Isaiah’s grandfather? And didn’t they both come from the future? Then how does he know Isaiah goes thru the rift to 1988? Is he in some constant loop he’s trying to stop?


I guess I should not be asking questions, since the writers admitted they don't worry about details.

Yeah that tracks.

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Would Josh/Wolf Snack have made it to 1988 or would he have been rejected in time? He can't exist in two separate times unless he's been reincarnated. Granted, he hasn't been born yet. Who would he be in 2021 time? Will his older version be revealed? Does he just disintegrate in 1988?

So Silas and the woman responsible for the sinkholes have some sort of thing? Maybe Silas is Josh and he went back into the sinkhole. I don't know if it is a constant loop or Groundhog Day/Ice Age Day.

Why would Gavin and Izzy go through the sinkhole? At least bring food, clothing, medical supplies, tents, etc. Why is the mastadon on the beach?

Too bad cop lady died after reconciling with her son. He'll still continue his nefarious ways.

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

I just don’t follow this thing with Silas. Is he really Isaiah’s grandfather? And didn’t they both come from the future? Then how does he know Isaiah goes thru the rift to 1988? Is he in some constant loop he’s trying to stop?

Silas is Wolf Snack from 1988. He finds Isaiah as a boy when he gets waaaay older and is working with Aldridge. He takes the kid through a sinkhole to 10,000 BC for reasons. Because the show would totally do that. 

Edited by Captain Asshat
  • Love 5
15 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Would Josh/Wolf Snack have made it to 1988 or would he have been rejected in time? He can't exist in two separate times unless he's been reincarnated. Granted, he hasn't been born yet. Who would he be in 2021 time? Will his older version be revealed? Does he just disintegrate in 1988?

I don't see why Josh would disintegrate. There were two Lily's in 2021, child Lily that was bornin in 2010-ish and then the second Lily that traveled to 1988 and grew adult Ella. I would imagine the same thing would happen to Josh, unless there is a twist and he is zapped back to 10,000 BC with his family.

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1 hour ago, DoubleUTeeEff said:

Scott talking to the cow was pretty good.

Well, Scott was calling himself a freaking "cow"-ard .  :)

Now we know why there were no wolves or sabretooth tigers in the last couple of episodes -- they blew the entire CGI budget on that mastodon.

Honestly, who puts a ladder over a tar pit ?

I'm starting to think that Aldridge is from even farther in the future than 2021.

Gavin, Izzy and Ella are going to walk 1200 miles.  They should arrive in La Brea/Topanga area sometime in the next 10 years -- what with the fact they are travelling on foot, with no supplies and no weapons, with prehistoric animals all around.  Plus they are assuming they are in the Seattle area circa 10,000 BC, but there's no guarantee of that either.  In fact there's no guarantee they are even in the same time as everyone else -- they could have arrived earlier or later in time than the LaBrea group.  Remember that the Seattle sinkhole moved -- maybe the exit moved in time as well.

Aren't leg-hold traps really difficult for animals to get out of, but really easy for humans to open.

I like how "the long way" to the mountain in Topanga only took about 10 minutes longer than the short way.  WTF ?

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Am I the only one who was expecting Gavin and Izzy to ride away on the mastodon/mammoth Fred Flintstone-style?

6 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Why would Gavin and Izzy go through the sinkhole? At least bring food, clothing, medical supplies, tents, etc.

I know. So stupid. 🙄

Edited by shapeshifter
Mastodon/mammoth — potAto/potahto
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It also drove me crazy that Gavin was in such a hurry to jump down the sinkhole, that he didn't bother to get any supplies. They didn't say anything about the portal closing soon, so they should have just taken 5 minutes to gather a tent, sleeping bags, food, clothes, matches, a knife, weapons... from the surrounding area. 

2 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

If Gavin, Ella/Lilly, and Izzy jumped into a sinkhole in the woods outside of Seattle, how did they land on the beach? 

I was wondering that too. Sea levels were lower back then, so if anything, it would have made more sense for the 2021 sink hole to be by the ocean, and the 10,000 BC one to be in the woods. Maybe it's just confirmation that the portals can dump you out anywhere.

2 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

What happened to the other people who wanted to go through the light to go to 1988? The guy who lost his glasses and his partner?

There was a scene with them saying that they were staying.

I thought that CGI was pretty good on that wooly mammoth at the end! I see a lot of people calling it a mastodon, and it's a mammoth.


TVLINE: CGI-wise, I imagine it would have been a lot cheaper to have one of those prehistoric birds fly overhead to confirm the era they landed in, instead of trotting out a woolly mammoth.

Creator/co-showrunner David Appelbaum: [Laughs] But everyone was waiting for that woolly mammoth, I think! That’s one of the most iconic animals of that time period, and we were really pleased with how that one came out.




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After this episode I had to move to Wine Country, someone Fed-Ex me some cheese and crackers.

1 hour ago, Frozendiva said:

So Silas and the woman responsible for the sinkholes have some sort of thing? Maybe Silas is Josh and he went back into the sinkhole. I don't know if it is a constant loop or Groundhog Day/Ice Age Day.

More like "Giant Ground Sloth Day", am I right?

1 hour ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Aren't leg-hold traps really difficult for animals to get out of, but really easy for humans to open.

Yes, you put a stick in there and pry it open. You would think somebody who knows everything about cows might knows the basics about hunting.

I thought Marybeth's injury looked the least life threatening of all the injuries we have seen so far, so much for there must be special healing powers in the air in 10kBC.

Nobody notices that Lilly and Veronica left on their own even though many people at the camp was about to head on over to the portal if they would have waited a few minutes? How come everybody that wanted to go to the portal didn't seem to arrive at the portal, yet the camp was completely empty when Stroner and Doc Aldridge skedaddled?

Why didn't Doc Aldridge tell everybody that she built a Holiday Inn Express, 10 miles west off the turnpike?

Doc Aldridge is probably from thousands of years in our future and came back to [insert evil plot here] and the key to her success is Stoner Guy! Either that or Doc Aldridge saw a picture of Stoner Guy and really wanted to date him, they make a cute couple.

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1 hour ago, AnimeMania said:

After this episode I had to move to Wine Country, someone Fed-Ex me some cheese and crackers.

The show provides the cheese.  😄

So they get to the shrinking green light after Isaiah goes through, it pulsates a couple times and they don't run, therefore they get sucked in.  Then some moron says, 'where did they go?'.  What a complete mystery!  🙄  You've only spent the last two episodes talking about where this particular light goes.  It is this ridiculousness that keeps me entertained,  I guess.  😁


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2 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Honestly, who puts a ladder over a tar pit ?

I was thinking they should have to traverse an entire series of obstacles, say,  a spinning bar or a slippery ramp, like those silly game shows on TV.

2 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Aren't leg-hold traps really difficult for animals to get out of, but really easy for humans to open.

For someone of reasonably adequate intelligence, yes.  But this is Veronica.

Favorite line of the night, from Scott:  "I've read a lot of sci-fi, and there's always someone who knows something but won't tell what they know.  And it's usually the bad guy."

1 hour ago, AnimeMania said:

the camp was completely empty when Stoner and Doc Aldridge skedaddled?

Playing softball, maybe?

I am completely confused as to who went where, now. And who is who then and now.  The hell of it is that I will likely forget most of the canon by the time the show is brought back.

It occurred to me, looking at the sinkhole in downtown LA, the underground would have been crossed by lots of pipes - water, sewage, whatever.  That doesn't get shutoff on a moment's notice.  Where did all that goon its way down to the clearing?

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3 hours ago, mertensia said:

Yeah, what a moron. "The green light goes to 1988 LA!" *People disappear in the light*. "Where did they go?!"

Apparently the moronic "Where did they go?!" line is an Easter egg???
From an interview with writer, creator, and EP Appelbaum by Deadline yesterday:


DEADLINE: So, we briefly see with Scott and Dr. Aldridge that tower at the end. And at the same time, we now have Gavin and Izzy back in 10,000 BC in what is Washington State, trying to make their way down to California. How will all this be brought together? Because the family has basically reunited, with the exception of Josh who’s now gone to 1988, or we don’t know, actually, where he’s gone.

APPELBAUM: (LAUGHS) We don’t know where he’s gone. One thing I will say is that he’s going to be in a new time period, one that the show hasn’t seen before, so it’s going to be opening up another world of possibilities.


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Oh, my... so many thoughts, and not one of them is at all complimentary to the writers of this show...

First, why why why would anyone caught in 10kBC not want to go back to modern times?  Really?  What is there to even think about in that situation?  And for Seal MD Dad to make the decision for his teenage daughter to stay in 10kBC.  Damn, that's bad parenting of the year award. 

I also thought it was weird for 2021 Seattle to end up on the beach.  What I was really hoping for in that moment, though, was the last shot to have a ship in the distance.  We know there was a ship that came through a sinkhole around LA, and it could have sailed north.  They could pick up the 2021 crew, take them south to LA, so their trip to the camp would be much shorter.

Where is the metal coming from for the bear traps and chains? 

How does Paara know about directions?  Go Northwest to the field... 

Yeah, my theory about 10kBC having magical healing powers is definitely down the drain now, between Ty and MaryBeth.  Damn.  That would have been one plot line I could have gotten on board with, and would explain future-people's interest in 10kBC. 

I was also thinking that maybe Silas is old man Josh.  He spends his life researching the sink holes, which turns out to actually cause the sinkholes, and figures that if he goes back and prevents Isaiah from going to 1988 he will prevent himself from being born, so the sinkholes don't end up happening, so no one dies, etc. 

And, the most important question of all... what eyebrow makeup does Eve use that stays on for weeks on end???


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Just now, chaifan said:

First, why why why would anyone caught in 10kBC not want to go back to modern times?  Really?  What is there to even think about in that situation? 

Because I've read a lot of Stephen King books and the show's version of Homeland Security reminds me of The Shop, I could see some fear that anyone older than Lily and Isaiah would be detained indefinitely while the magic was studied. Now, I am a paranoid sort and none of these people seem to have a thought in their heads so your point is still valid. 1988 lacked the internet and decent cell phones but you could make a killing in the stock market and watch the shopping malls die. 

4 minutes ago, chaifan said:

Where is the metal coming from for the bear traps and chains? 

While we have seen very little of the Hut People Fort, there could be a blacksmith. 

6 minutes ago, chaifan said:

How does Paara know about directions?  Go Northwest to the field... 

It's her speaking accentless modern English thats an issue for me. Knowing directions isn't unheard of especially if Silas is from modern times teaching them. 


9 minutes ago, chaifan said:

I was also thinking that maybe Silas is old man Josh.  He spends his life researching the sink holes, which turns out to actually cause the sinkholes, and figures that if he goes back and prevents Isaiah from going to 1988 he will prevent himself from being born, so the sinkholes don't end up happening, so no one dies, etc. 

I really hope this isn't the case because its so obvious but Silas's age counts against him in this theory. Josh is what 18, to Isaiah's 9? So if Josh is Silas, Silas should look about ten years older than Gavin and instead looks 60+

2 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

I really hope this isn't the case because its so obvious but Silas's age counts against him in this theory. Josh is what 18, to Isaiah's 9? So if Josh is Silas, Silas should look about ten years older than Gavin and instead looks 60+

<handwaving>Josh winds up changing his name to Silas and finding Aldridge somewhere along the way after he goes to whatever time (possibly...the future), and works with her to create some kind of something something to something something get back to his family and prevent this all from happening. Things go awry, sinkholes happen, and he has a "stop the madness" moment after which he tries to, well, stop the madness. He winds up living quite a while, going through many sinkholes until he finds Isaiah again in 1988, takes him back to 10,000 BC, and plans to keep him there. This is why he doesn't care if "Josh" dies if Isaiah doesn't go through the light. Of course, something something is why Silas doesn't get sick as he tries to keep Isaiah in 10,000 BC. </handwaving> See? it all makes perfect sense. 😁

Edited by Captain Asshat
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8 hours ago, eskimo said:
9 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

After this episode I had to move to Wine Country, someone Fed-Ex me some cheese and crackers.

The show provides the cheese.  😄

This show is "weapon-grade" limburger cheese!

Silas is Gavin is Isaiah which is the only reason Silas didn't kill Isaiah on the spot and ended the tragedy that Silas and Doc Aldridge have wrought upon the "future-past". They have decontinualized the Space-Time Continuum! "They have ripped it a new one!" Now in the ancient past, Seattle is a brisk 30 minute walk to Los Angeles, no matter which direction you walk in, which might have repercussions for the plot next season.

Are they ever going to show us what that area of La Brea looks like now that the sinkhole has closed. Skeptical minds want to know!

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I watched some of the episode but two things stood up for me (and by stood up I mean I had to roll my eyes a little further back while laughing)

Lily trying to break the chain with a rock. Why? What good would it do to Veronica's leg? But keep trying kid. I would love to see her succeeding, just to find out nothing really changed to poor Veronica. Unless the idea is to run back to the clearing - also preposterous while dragging a piece of chain and with crushed skin, maybe bones.

Eve saying that Isiah didn't have to "see that" - the cop lady's wound. Ok, spare the kid who nearly escaped a sabertooth tiger, saw people being shot, hit in the head with a rock and threatening others from the vey traumatic sight of a cut and some blood. 

I really love how this show snarks itself.

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2 minutes ago, circumvent said:

Lily trying to break the chain with a rock. Why? What good would it do to Veronica's leg?

It would at least free Veronica from being chained to the tree. She might be limping, not able to do much to get away, but chained to the tree she's got no chance if a dire wolf or sabertooth tiger chances by.


4 minutes ago, circumvent said:

Ok, spare the kid who nearly escaped a sabertooth tiger, saw people being shot, hit in the head with a rock and threatening others from the vey traumatic sight of a cut and some blood. 

Marybeth's wound was also kinda convenient.  

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1 hour ago, EllaWycliffe said:

But... <drinks white wine><drinks more white wine> Ok... but why was Mr. Snuffaluffagas on the beach and why wasn't Big Bird with him?

Well...see...Big Bird and his entire flock were whisked to LA in 2021. Those were the giant birds we saw in LA after the sinkhole opened. Of course, they weren't yellow in those scenes, because they hadn't yet been here long enough. Yeah, I'm going to need a LOT of wine to continue the Handwavian Physics for these questions and scenarios. ;)

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3 hours ago, chaifan said:

Where is the metal coming from for the bear traps and chains

My thoughts too.  Unless the chain came from the boat from the prior sinkhole?  No idea about the trap itself 


3 hours ago, chaifan said:

How does Paara know about directions?  Go Northwest to the field... 

 The same way she knows English 

How did people of 10,000 BC not find the structure being built?  It can’t be far if an injured Aldridge could walk there 


I also think Silas is Josh, but at a time period decades later than 2021.  I think he went back in time via a future sinkhole  to 10,000 BC. Remember- Paara said Silas and Isiah showed up a few years ago.   I think Silas and Rebecca had developed a means of time travel. One that Silas used to strand Rebecca in a time period prior to 2021.   

Why did the super secret cave system not have flying keys and a living chess game for trespassers  to battle rather than just a tar pit and a ladder? 

Edited by mythoughtis
Revised my Silas theory
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Veronica to Lily - "You go on to the portal.  I'll bravely stay here trapped in this animal snare."  Lily leaves.  Veronica pushes snare apart with her other leg.  "God, I am finally rid of that sniveling little brat. Imma head over to that village and check out any available men."

What if the mammoth stumbled into a portal and was sent off to 1962, or 2025, or whatever, and that's where the 3 Stooges met him on the beach?

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I love a good well-written time travel story!  I couldn't find one so I settled for this show.  I give them credit for trying to do some interesting things with time travel but they sort of hobbled themselves with not paying attention to the details when a show like this thrives on details.  Somewhere here is a great show.  Whether we ever see it is another matter.

Lilly and Veronica really sold it.  It seemed realistic to me, that someone steps in a bear trap, the first thing they'll shout is "Get it off!  Get it off!"  While I give credit to Lilly that she was determined to break the chain, she could have pried it open with one of the many sticks laying around them.  We'll just say they were both too freaked out to think rationally?  Will we get a scene in season 2 with Izzy and Veronica:

Izzy: I lost my leg in a car accident.

Veronica: I chewed mine off to get out of a trap.

(yes, I'm awful)

As for Silas and Rebecca, I'm sure there's some timey-wimey thing about who they really are and why they built the Ice Age Highrise (Prehistoric Palisades?)  And seriously, no one found that in their explorations?  A skyscraper is kinda hard to miss!  Not even Diana who'd been there for three years?  Before she died, she couldn't have brought it up to Levi or anyone, "So, you'd see that weird tower yet?"  Also, Rebecca seemed kinda into Scott.  As for Silas, we'll discover he's probably not the villain we think he is.  There is a possibility that he's Josh, but that might be too weird for network.

Marybeth died, but I wonder if she could have survived if she hadn't pushed herself.  She was sort of carefree for someone who was just stabbed.  But it was a nice touch that the person she shot didn't immediately fall down.

Riley and Josh.  Where'd they end up?  Does anyone care?  I admit I will miss Riley.

The mammoth actually looked pretty good. I loved that he just showed up on the beach to say, "Yup, you're in 10000 BC."

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13 minutes ago, Amy Beth said:

How long did it take 2021 Ella to go from “past lives? 10,000 BC. Go away” to “I must also jump into a sinkhole  to rescue someone” ?  

About a day. Maybe less. Its actually difficult to track time on this show. Did anyone else notice that the crowd that fell thru the hole dwindles to just the main players and the gay couple?

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1 hour ago, EllaWycliffe said:

About a day. Maybe less. Its actually difficult to track time on this show. Did anyone else notice that the crowd that fell thru the hole dwindles to just the main players and the gay couple?

I feel like an episode is only about a day. So 10 days have passed since the La Brea sinkhole, at least from what I gather.

For a group that has eternal panic over being stuck in La Brea forever, they also have been around two very convenient sinkhole of green light (granted, one was the one they fell through). They keep having these characters say "WE DON'T KNOW IF THERE WILL EVER BE ANOTHER SINKHOLE", but they also keep revealing that there have been many, many sinkholes over the years so why assume this one is the LAST ONE EVER? Nothing has said that it would be. 

As nice as it was to see Josh getting whisked away to what I thought would be 1988 (how nice that everyone else, sans Riley, gets a break from this useless character), we're not going to get a subplot with him and Riley in some time period (again, assumption is 1988). That means next season, we'll get a very, very boring plot of Riley/Josh in 1988, probably with a love triangle with some other character gets introduced, and it'll be part of the show's sophomore slump.

So, Gavin, Izzy and Dr. Nathan trek all the way to Seattle with Lily/Ella and they didn't think to pack ANY supplies to get down there. Was Gavin REALLY expecting to conjure up a plane to fly down? 

I said that I wanted season 2 to have everyone in La Brea because who cares about the modern city stuff when we could get prehistoric animals...and we're not even gonna get that. Boo.

Scott gets to learn about Rebecca's role in all of this, which is good. Seeing as she's apparently been traveling back and forth like it's some vacation (or she stayed for a long period of time, built the tower, and then got transported back to Modern LA), at least Scott will be privy to this information.

So many useless characters this season. Sam has basically done nothing that important since he's arrived, besides punching one guy and talking about how to drain fluid from his back (his daughter has done more medical stuff than him), Josh has not done one majorly helpful thing and has seemed to cause MORE problems, and Levi has been a giant ball of blah. I really need the show to reset at least half of its cast, at this point, or reboot them, whatever makes them more interesting than they actually are.

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4 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

It would at least free Veronica from being chained to the tree. She might be limping, not able to do much to get away, but chained to the tree she's got no chance if a dire wolf or sabertooth tiger chances by.

true, but if someone is injured, you tend to the injuries first. The time to look for a useless rock to break the chain could have been spent on trying to find something to pry the trap open - which is weird because those things have to be easy to open, to get the pray out. Lily is a child but Veronica could have said something to her. But what am I thinking? this show is not about logic or rationality. 

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1 minute ago, circumvent said:

rue, but if someone is injured, you tend to the injuries first. The time to look for a useless rock to break the chain could have been spent on trying to find something to pry the trap open - which is weird because those things have to be easy to open, to get the pray out. Lily is a child but Veronica could have said something to her. But what am I thinking? this show is not about logic or rationality. 

I assume the show was working the "girls are stupid and useless in a crisis" trope, to be honest. Because yeah, getting a stick and prying the trap open was my first thought. 

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45 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

As nice as it was to see Josh getting whisked away to what I thought would be 1988 (how nice that everyone else, sans Riley, gets a break from this useless character), we're not going to get a subplot with him and Riley in some time period (again, assumption is 1988). That means next season, we'll get a very, very boring plot of Riley/Josh in 1988

On Tee Vee, a little hiccup in a magical green light tends to *mean* something. I'm wondering if Riley & Josh are now in 1968 in a commune, maybe blabbing to Silas about the portal. That could be why Silas in 10K BC wishes Josh had never been born.


3 hours ago, Lugal said:

A skyscraper is kinda hard to miss!  Not even Diana who'd been there for three years?  Before she died, she couldn't have brought it up to Levi or anyone, "So, you'd see that weird tower yet?" 

So I'm the only one who wasn't paying enough attention to see it was a a tower? I thought it was a rocket for space travel:




4 hours ago, circumvent said:

Lily trying to break the chain with a rock. Why? What good would it do to Veronica's leg? But keep trying kid.

👆what we were all thinking.

Edited by shapeshifter
  • LOL 4

With all the drama about Josh and Izzy in pain and their imminent demise we never saw Gavin experience anything like he was going to disappear from the present day.  He shouldn’t have been the one driving to Seattle, Dr. Nathan should have.  About that paper with the map Ella was carrying around, when the map was disappearing wouldn’t the paper have started to disappear instead?  Like as in if there was never a map why would anyone be carrying around a blank piece of paper someone gave them in 10,000 BC for when they go through a portal to 1988?

So Paara tells them about the shortcut that’s near another settlement with hostile people that we never see.  Only Silas’ group.  His threat to kill Josh if Eve takes Isaiah to the light was pretty hollow.  In either case he’d be dead.  

I’m guessing since Gavin, Izzy and Ella landed near the water they’re going to either find enough raw materials to build a boat/raft to sail down to the others or they’re going to run into some helpful locals.  Then Ella will find Veronica in time to free her from the trap before she starves to death or is eaten by an animal 😆

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Just now, Cobb Salad said:

With all the drama about Josh and Izzy in pain and their imminent demise we never saw Gavin experience anything like he was going to disappear from the present day.

This is actually a really good point - I was wondering why Gavin and Ella weren't experiencing illness or vaguely disappearing like Marty McFly in Back to the Future because if Isaiah and Lily DON'T go thru the time warp sinkhole, they would die in 10000 BC and would not become the somewhat useless adults Gavin and Ella. 

I mean, I know I am asking a lot in expecting this show to be *consistent* with its hand wavy timey whimey stuff....

<gets more white wine from the replicator>

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50 minutes ago, Dowel Jones said:

That one went right over my head in the show.  LA to Seattle is a bit over 1100 miles, 18 hours driving time.  Did I miss an explanation somewhere?

He was at the wheel driving during the episode, maybe it was another part.   How ever they got to Seattle it was awfully fast considering that the sinkhole was opening very soon.  

13 minutes ago, Cobb Salad said:

He was at the wheel driving during the episode, maybe it was another part.   How ever they got to Seattle it was awfully fast considering that the sinkhole was opening very soon.  

I thought they said they were going to fly there. 

But it also seemed like they had a couple of days until it opened, since they had time to plan an evacuation. And then you'd think the light would be around for a couple of days and they'd have time to buy some freaking supplies. Seriously. 

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On 11/30/2021 at 8:57 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

Aren't leg-hold traps really difficult for animals to get out of, but really easy for humans to open.

So who set bear/animal trap, although Paara mentioned that the village people near the Topanga mountain set traps--but with modern chains and traps? And speaking of the Topanga mountain top, who else thought the light looked like a blueish-green burning bush in The Ten Commandments? I was waiting for a voice to accompany the light. 

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