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S06.E19/S06.E20: The Last Gauntlet/Kara


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Alex’s behavior is why I’m glad she didn’t get a kid until the end. She was willing to sacrifice the world to get Esme back and never stopped to consider that All Powerful Lex and Nyxly will kill that same daughter.

Cheesy speech to the world. Wouldn’t be a Supergirl finale without one.

Hi Winn!


Lex let a bunch of phantoms out of the Phantom Zone and they take him and Nyxly back with them.

Love Nia’s hair at the funeral.

CAT GRANT!!!!! And she bought back Catco!

Kara reveals herself to the world and the show ends. Hopefully she gets to visit Smallville once in a while.

  • Love 7

It was such a laughably bad series finale writing wise....fanfics are more well written BUT it was pretty on par with the season so I guess in that sense it was good? 

Loved how the totems are taking away everyones love, will, etc....and turning them grey but Supergirls powerful speech (very popular in the Arrowverse) is able to save everyone and bring back the color to their life. The alien with the dark mascara eyes made me laugh. Karas speech was SO POWERFUL that it made the history books and summoned the Legion lol.

It was nice to see all the familiar faces again so there's that. Wasnt expecting Cat so she was a great surprise, RPDR S1 filter and all. I really hope that was a Calista requirement and not someone in post lol.

The best parts were all of the civilian moments with everyone, that is where Supergirl has always excelled. 

Cat just so conveniently buys CatCo back and Kara conveniently gets promoted to editor in chief, and they all get to take over the DEO and do whatever they want with it. They really wanted to put the sappiest happy ending on everything they could.

Kara reveals herself at the end so now that she/Oliver both have public identities...figuring out everyone else should be a breeze! But you know they gave zero Fs about the impact on the Arrowverse which is fine since I want this pretty much ignored if Kara ever shows up on Superman and Lois but I love that all these random tv screens just popped up around National City buildings. 

Supergirl turned into an Adam West Batman type show which will appeal to some, sadly not to me so the shows rewatch value is at like a 4/10 for me but it was nice that Supergirl got a 6 season series.

  • Love 4

The villain stuff I didn't care about, though all due praise to John Cryer and Brenda Strong, who's never not allowed to be the dead mom, I guess. And deeply wondering why depowering the sun ever seemed reasonable to them. And why she didn't get charged with 6 seconds to go and then they talked for more than that. 

I don't think Kara should've revealed herself to the world. I would love to see references to that in future shows - i.e. "I don't care what Kara did, Clark, you're not revealing you're identity" etc. 

Lena's makeup was too dark for a daytime wedding and quite frankly it looked evil.

I didn't remember how much I missed Cat/Calista until I saw her. Wish Kara would've flown to Colombia to talk to her once she knew Cat knew, though. I know it's Calista needing to stay in LA. I was so glad to see Jimmy and Winn again. And them discussing the OG Superfriends. I was weirdly touched by Jimmy and Kelly's interactions. And thank you for not letting this series end without a Melissa Benoist/Jeremy Jordan duet. It was the most pleasant of surprises. I like how they brought Mon-El back just to have him say he won't be back within this lifetime.

So if Brainy's screwing up the timeline, he and Nia should definitely become Legends, right?

J'Onn's gonna have a son with M'Gann! Yay! 

Helen Slater popping out of nowhere with a shotgun like she's Laurie friggin Strode was the weirdest thing I've ever seen. 

  • Love 11
4 minutes ago, bettername2come said:


Helen Slater popping out of nowhere with a shotgun like she's Laurie friggin Strode was the weirdest thing I've ever seen. 

It's almost as if she should've been a Kryptonian with that gun (Obvy I got the reference but....they couldnt find a better way to do it lol)

I really want to know why they sucked every ounce of seriousness out of this show and just went with a straight Superfriends toon theme.

  • Love 1

This was somewhat meh. It felt like the first hour of the finale just dragged on and then the fight was finished within the first 15 minutes, like that’s it?

I liked the returns, although I wish that Mon-El would have returned after Brainy decided to return. They did have a nice scene together at the funeral. 

The wedding was nice, especially the duet, but I hated Alex’s wedding look. I didn’t care for the hair and makeup and I would have liked to see both brides in dresses. Lena’s makeup also seemed a bit heavy. I also liked the OG scene with Kara, Jimmy and Winn, along with Winn’s conversation with J’Onn. 

Edited by Stacey1014
  • Love 3

It's probably best to ignore the wrap-up to the Nyxly/Lex plot because so much of it doesn't make sense.

1. Why on Earth would Alex and Kelly be in the "we will do everything to save our daughter of like a month (generously), including a) trusting someone who has literally backstabbed everyone he's ever encountered at first opportunity b) giving him and his psycho girlfriend ultimate power where they can not only immediately go back on their word but then able to do whatever they want to a trillion trillion Esmes? One day I wish someone in genre fiction would be like "Yeah...we're not doing that."

2. There were a whole bunch of ass-pulls, from the place near Fort Rozz being a dead zone for super-powers (until it wasn't) to the satellite that would juice up Supergirl at the low, low cost of draining the sun for six months. I can't believe that they actually went forward with that plan. Or that there were no ramifications for Supergirl literally trying to suck solar energy to the point she threatened all life on Earth. 

3. How is it that Alex got to Prague basically at the same time as Supergirl and was able to take the totem from her and take the other totems? Supergirl and the rest just let her? 

4. For Lex's sudden but inevitable betrayal, why didn't he actually just blow up everyone on the bridge?

5. I know that the real world reason for bringing back old villains was fan service/budget reasons, but given the powers of the Allstone and apparently 5th dimensional magic, the best Lex and Nyxly could do were some warmed over villains that Kara and Co had already beaten?

6. I can't believe Kara needed inspiration from Orlando to preach hope. 

Most importantly, I hate hate hate with a passion the notion that Supergirl thinks the premise of Supergirl was flawed and that she should have been empowering people to be their own heroes. Look, when you have the powers that Supergirl does, you can do both. There are a whole bunch of unique threats that no amount of individual empowerment is going to solve. And there are some things that you can't punch your way out of. 

I hate that there was not one second of thought as far as we know put into the notion that Kara's "being her true self" means that Eliza, Alex, Kelly, Esme, Jimmy, every CatCo employee and numerous others are much more directly at risk. Because now that everyone knows who Supergirl is, it's pretty easy to strike out at those closest to her and hope that she will fold as much as Alex and others do when faced with a threat to her loved ones.

That said, I'm glad that we got the S1 mainstays back, and even Mon-El. I'm glad that there were the light moments like the "We Belong" duet and the game night. 

  • Love 2

I enjoyed this overall, though the wrapup of Lex and Nxly in the first half of the 2nd episode and spending a half hour on the wedding and show wrapup seemed odd. But it was nice seeing old friends, including Cat Grant (and I laughed that she knew Kara was Supergirl). I actually feel a little bad for Nxly getting sent back to the Phantom Zone. Interesting that Kara went public with her secret identity

Edited by DanaK
  • Love 3

Well, that was something. I'm still expecting Esme to go heel and kill at least one of her new mommies.

Given the ending, I'm just going to put Supergirl in the same category as Agents of SHIELD, in that they were supposed to be part of a greater whole, but probably is a whole other thing. Would there be any fallout from Kara's revelation in Superman & Lois? I doubt it. If Kara is known publicly to be Clark's cousin, wouldn't it be easy to put two and two together. And how could Kara operate as CatCo's Editor-in-Chief AND Supergirl? I think one of the post-Crisis reasons Clark wound up being a reporter was because his abilities didn't automatically make him better writing and reporting the news. But Kara would- . . .

You know what? Screw it. It's an ending. Aside from Lex conveniently plopping out of the Phantom Zone to make Superman's life miserable some more, I can't see anything from this series spilling into the rest of the Arrowverse. No J'onn popping into Smallville to check up on Clark, no double dates with Alex & Kelly and Sara & Ava, no Brainy and Nia on Legends. And that might be for the best given that show's tone. Nia might end an episode saying that she has to listen to her boyfriend and eat more greens. And then somebody would have to explain the joke to Brainy. "Wait . . . humans actually do that?!?"

Yeah, Alex going full-on "Not Without My Daughter" was pretty cringe. Then again, Lex could've swiped a pencil from her and she'd be justified. It's Lex. The guy has zero honor, and he lives to rub the salt into the fresh wound. And like I said last week, I could have seen him taking a selfie with William's body before leaving. I am good with John Cryer returning one day. He made for a great Lex. Granted, his most recent competition was Kevin Spacey (*shudder*) and Jesse Eisenberg. Clearly, the bar had been lowered.

Wait, so Kara didn't know that Cat knew who she was? Yeah, it would've been nice for Melissa and Calista to share their scene, but I'm good with it. Also, Cat's return means that Andrea is no longer the owner of CatCo, and she was a pain in the ass. She did get William killed, after all.

Seriously, no one else thought Esme would turn evil?

Great to see the old school return for one last adventure. I know Mon-El wasn't on long, but I think he grew as a person. And it was great to see Jimmy James and Winn again. Oh, and Helen Slater dropped in for a veiled reference to her Supergirl movie.

  • Love 3
24 minutes ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

I hate that there was not one second of thought as far as we know put into the notion that Kara's "being her true self" means that Eliza, Alex, Kelly, Esme, Jimmy, every CatCo employee and numerous others are much more directly at risk. Because now that everyone knows who Supergirl is, it's pretty easy to strike out at those closest to her and hope that she will fold as much as Alex and others do when faced with a threat to her loved ones.

Alex and Kelly willing handed over the totems without a plan because Lex and Nyxly had Esme. They were willing to let them destroy the world to get her back yet neither apparently has any objection to Kara telling the world she's Supergirl. I guess Kara imbued everyone with so much self-hope/faith/whatever that they're going to leave her and hers alone? 

14 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

If Kara is known publicly to be Clark's cousin, wouldn't it be easy to put two and two together.

I'm sure Winn can so something to computer records so that anyone doing research finds that the Kents are distant cousins to the Danvers but I hope that Clark maybe starts to wear a baseball cap along with his glasses and facial scruff to keep people from noticing just how much he looks like Superman.

Logically, Winn not stopping Kara from doing the interview with Cat and revealing her identity is how we know that it didn't have significant repercussions but it would be nice if he'd maybe said something to her about her big decision being the right one. Just for audience benefit since we're the ones who will analyze and judge it.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, bettername2come said:

Lena's makeup was too dark for a daytime wedding and quite frankly it looked evil.

Yeah- that was really distracting. It looked like she had on some really odd colored contacts, too? When she was talking to Kara, I swear she was channeling David Bowie.

I would have bet that they were going to have Nyxly decide her plans were too sinister and repent of her ways, and maybe hook up with Mitch, so color me surprised that she got sucked back into the Phantom Zone. She's going to be really pissed if she ever gets back out (also: why would the phantoms choose to go back there? Because they needed the second hour for wrap up, I guess?)

Pretty mawkish and insipid finale, but then that's really been the show all along. I was definitely touched by some of the sentiment and there were some nice moments of bringing things full circle, but I'm left oddly empty at the end.

  • Love 1

I wasn’t a fan of the first 90 minutes or so. I’ve been disappointed with how the writers haven’t been treating Kara like a main character this season but I hoped that might shift in the finale. But she was a side character in the first part of the finale. 

Also a lot of it didn’t make sense. I know they were desperate to save Esme but it’s crazy that Kara thought messing with the sun was a good idea. Somehow Lena became the voice of reason this season but no one else is willing to object. We’re told the fight between Nxly and Lex is draining humanity. Then the next time Lex and Nxly face the heroes they’ve made up and are back to being a team? Did I miss something? 

Saving the day with a Hope Speech is very on brand and though it’s corny, I like the idea that the speech made it into the future and inspired Mon-el and Winn to return. But I’m disappointed that Kara didn’t even get to defeat her final Big Bad. She just stood there while Nxly and Lex were just pulled away to the Phantom Zone.                 

Kara finally got some focus in the final part of the finale. I loved the moment with the OG Superfriends and reminiscing about season 1. I’m glad they were also able to get Calista back for multiple scenes. It’s been a while since Kara has had a mentor and I liked getting that dynamic back.

 I doubt that Kara revealing her identity will come up on Superman and Lois, since the show hasn’t acknowledged Supergirl at all. I’m curious to see if it’ll be addressed on The Flash when Alex crosses over in a few weeks.

Edited by BaggythePanther
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Oreo2234 said:

People know that Supergirl and Superman are cousins but not that Clark Kent and Kara Danvers are cousins. I think Kara did not say that she and Clark were cousins when she introduced him to people. 

Yeah, Kara only told Cat that Clark and James were friends for years, and that's how she knew him.

I was disappointed in the finale, but it was still better than Supernatural's.

I liked the character moments, mainly everything with the wedding, except for Lena's outfit and makeup.  Winn and Kara singing Alex and Kelly down the aisle was great, nice shoutout to Winn becoming a brother for Alex.  James's return was nice, and the reunion of the OG Superfriends.  Nia catching the bouquet, even though we didn't get to see it.  The reveal that J'onn will have a biological son, the family's gonna get bigger.

Highlight of everything before the wedding was easily Eliza with a shotgun.

I'm gonna miss this show so much.

  • Love 5

Superheroes revealing their secret identities is such a bad trope, there's a reason if it didn't stick very long for Spider-Man

Realistically she'll never have a normal life again, she'll be the biggest celebrity on Earth, there will be fans and paparazzis everywhere she goes, she can't be a journalist anymore because her objectivity will be questioned by everybody

She won't have a private life and she's seriously deluded if she thinks she'll be able to date someone who won't have second thoughts about her being Supergirl

And there's the little thing about all her love ones being a target, Alex is a dead woman walking


You can really see the thing where the writers said that's sound cool and didn't put any thoughts into it

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, Stacey1014 said:

I liked the returns, although I wish that Mon-El would have returned after Brainy decided to return. They did have a nice scene together at the funeral. 

Pinpoint accuracy with time travel means that doesn't make sense.  Mon-El is going to be so busy he can't spend a few hours at a wedding?  I guess he's going to be an all work, no play type of guy.

7 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

Alex’s behavior is why I’m glad she didn’t get a kid until the end. She was willing to sacrifice the world to get Esme back and never stopped to consider that All Powerful Lex and Nyxly will kill that same daughter.

The downside of the whole "we're family" thing - you need an objective person who's willing to be an asshole and speak the hard truths when everyone else loses objectivity (i.e. the Batman).  Said person would have mentioned how Esme's life would have been a living hell even if petty Lex didn't immediately kill them.  You have to live on Earth too.

  • Love 5


  • Although it was dominated by stupid writing, it did leave a good feeling at the end.
  • Cryer was amazing as Lex, I guess Nyxly and him will eventually escape the Phantom Zone to make Superman and Family lives miserable
  • Talking about Superman, I expected to see him helping Kara, but as they kept telling us "she is alone fighting to save the world", so I guess Superman does not exist anymore?
  • I couldn't care less about Kelly and Alex and their forced down to our throats super duper love. I literally LOLed when J'onn said their love was obvious from the first moment. Not to us J'onn! Not to us!
  • I so much hoped the series would end with lil' Esme exploding during the wedding and killing everyone. In. The. Planet.
  • Superfriends and superheroes my big Greek bum. "We gonna save our daughter no matter what". "Greater good"? what is that?
  • How on earth they managed to make Alex SO annoying and so one dimensional?
  • Let's empower people, but first we have to invade and open their minds to broadcast Supergirl, for their own good of course.
    And all this followed by the "we do not need heroes and saviors but people united can do the job" (before or after we have pushed the right thoughts in their minds?)  
    There was a lot of confusion in the writing room that week.
  • I love you Cat Grant. I missed you. The show missed you. 
  • Btw, why I thought Kara was aware Cat knew she is Supergirl???
  • Did that last hug and the "you made me a better person" between Kara and Lena give you subtext vibes?
  • BUT the big question of the night was:
    What was scarier in the wedding? Lena's Gothic makeup or Alex's horrible hairstyle?


  • I really enjoyed Supergirl, even if the last two seasons were not as good, but still this is my favorite Arrowverse show, with the Legends following closely.
  • The final season was an unfocused mess where stupidity thrived.
  • I am gonna miss this show and I am so gonna miss the Crossovers
  • Melissa Benoist is an amazing actress. 
    However I had the feeling that the last 3 seasons or so, she wasn't really there. Her acting was much better during the first seasons. 
  • Alex is the champion for the worst hairstyle. Everyone who is gonna watch this show's reruns in 10years or so, will have a good laugh with the hairstyle fashion of our times. 
  • The real couple of the series was Lena and Kara. They had more chemistry than Alex+Kelly x100000, but I guess the creators didn't dare to go there.
  • Best villains?
    Lena's wedding makeup, Mon-el's mommy, Reign, Agent Liberty, Lex Luthor.
  • Best Season? I will go with season 4, they got a very sensitive topic and to my surprise they managed to handle it very well.



  • Love 4

I try to be positive about the shows I watch, both to enhance my viewing experience and because I think there's too negativity in fandom. Criticism has a role but it should be measured. I really do try to make optimism my byword, but damn, this season finale made me work for it. 

I suppose even the writers thought the Lex/Nyxly thing was contrived and dull, because they swept that out of the way to deal with what they really wanted to do; the wedding! the callbacks! Which I have to say were very nice indeed.

I forgave the episode a lot when I saw Cat Grant. I've always enjoyed this show and I am sad to see to see it go. Farewell, Supergirl.


12 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

Or that there were no ramifications for Supergirl literally trying to suck solar energy to the point she threatened all life on Earth.  

The show was flirting with Kara becoming more authoritarian but yeah a step too far there. I was laughing when Lena again tried her hand at messing with the minds of everyone in the world. Remember Non Nocere?



3. How is it that Alex got to Prague basically at the same time as Supergirl and was able to take the totem from her and take the other totems? Supergirl and the rest just let her? 

I assumed she just jumped with an extrapolator.



Most importantly, I hate hate hate with a passion the notion that Supergirl thinks the premise of Supergirl was flawed and that she should have been empowering people to be their own heroes. Look, when you have the powers that Supergirl does, you can do both. There are a whole bunch of unique threats that no amount of individual empowerment is going to solve. And there are some things that you can't punch your way out of. 

I'm gonna assume she meant she should have been a public superhero since Day 1.



That said, I'm glad that we got the S1 mainstays back, and even Mon-El. I'm glad that there were the light moments like the "We Belong" duet and the game night. 

That was nice indeed, the game nights were some of the best parts of the series in general really.


12 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

They pretty much ruined and made a joke out of Lex that we would probably need another Crisis for him to show up on S&L or if they ignore and just recast a more sinister version. 

I choose to believe he saw the writing on the wall and conjured up some fake Phantoms to make a clean getaway.

Edited by Diapason Untuned
  • Love 3

I literally LOLed at how anticlimatic it got. Here they went and built up to this epic final battle, every superhero past or present who's been in the main cast facing off against the "biggest villains they've ever faced" only to have the phantoms do a quick lap and then shuttle off Nyxly and Lex to the Phantom Zone. Okay, that's all folks, time for the wedding! Oh, sorry, except you Mon-El, you have to go away forever first. You too Andrea, nobody likes you except Lena.

For a brief moment I thought Supergirl was going to turn herself in to the Gov't for almost draining the sun, and that would explain her not joining any future crossovers. At least they didn't go that route.

Aw, Cat correctly said Kara Danvers! And then went right back to Kira for the rest of the pep talk. 😂

Edited by dmeets
  • Love 4

I was satisfied with this to be honest. Kara didn't die, move away, quit her job or give up her powers. The show hasn't been good for a long time so I couldn't ask for anything more.

The wedding was really nice and they all looked super pretty even though I wasn't a fan of Alex's or Lena's style.

Sweet scene with Kara and Mon-El at the funeral.

Cat was a nice surprise.

  • Love 6

Of course Supergirl couldn't go out without a few more speeches before they finish up. I am disappointed though that Brainy didn't get to remind us to eat our veggies one more time. 

The big fight at the end was majorly anti climactic, especially as it apparently ends with Nyxly, the shows last big bad, and Lex, the biggest bad in the entire Superman mythos, getting sucked away into the Phantom Zone for good. I cant imagine that Lex is gone for good though, he'll manage to still show up somewhere around the Arrowverse, although I am sad that Nyxly got taken out like that, she was one of the seasons highlights. They get all of these villains past back, tons of characters being brought back again, all of the citizens dramatically stepping up for a huge epic battle, and...Lex and Nyxly just get dragged off due to Lex's own hubris. Possibly thematically appropriate, but not very narratively satisfying. 

The rest of it was pretty good, this show has always worn its painfully earnest heart on its sleeve so of course it ends with Kara saving the world with a big speech about hope and a big wedding full of sappy sweetness. There was a lot that I enjoyed, especially getting to see so many past characters again, including Mama Danvers with a shotgun out of nowhere, which was probably my favorite part of the episode, even with the painfully obvious joke about her being a Kryptonian "only in the movies". Mon-El and Kara had some nice moments, even if it was weird that he apparently cant make time to come to the wedding, despite having a time ship, and I really liked Winn, Kara, and James reminiscing about their time as the original Super Friends working at Catco, Cat calling in to give Kara one last kick in the butt and admitting that she totally knows she's Supergirl (and making fun of her glasses) even seeing images of the past villains were cool, even if they weren't used very much. The wedding itself was nice, even if I still think the show has gone a bit too "tell don't show" when it comes to how perfect Kelly and Alex are as a couple. Kara and Winn singing was really nice too, when you have Broadway vets in your cast you have to use them! Winn is still probably my favorite character, right up there with Brainy and Nia. Everyone looked lovely, except for Lena, who's makeup was way too harsh for a daytime outdoor wedding, it made her look like a supervillain, which is especially weird considering her whole arc has been about not wanting to be seen as a villain. 

It turns out that its a really good thing that Alex hasn't had a kid until the end of the show, motherhood makes her mean as well as terminally stupid. Did she really think that Lex would honor his deal to give Esme back if he got his totem? This is Lex freaking Luther, the guy was still backstabbing people for the sake of his petty schemes while the multiverse was collapsing, why would she trust anything he would say? and even if he did honor his word, the world would be pretty much destroyed right afterwards, so its not like Esme would have much time anyway considering she lives on the earth too. If she's going to go totally nuts every time anyone disagrees with her when it comes to Esme or is there is any chance of Esme being in danger, they are going to have some real problem, especially now that everyone knows that Kara is Supergirl, which is definitely going to be complicating things. Better finally get that security system installed.

I am really glad that Brainy is staying and he and Nia are next in line for wedded bliss (complete with a long waited kiss!) but what does that mean for the future and for his people? Will they all die in the future because he isn't merging with the Big Brain? Is Brainy actually the future Dreamers, Nia's descendant, great great great grandpa? I could have really used at least a bit of a handwave about how Brainy figured out how to save his people while also staying in this time. Although with this kind of massive time travel screw up, this could lead to Nia and Brainy joining the Legends so we can still have them around! They're experts on messing with the timeline! I cant be too mad though, I've always loved them as characters and as a couple so I am glad they got their happy ending.

Also, a joint project between "The United States and South America?" The whole continent of South America? Every single country is involved? Hope they hired a LOT of caterers for joint meetings. 

I would have really liked at least a mention of Clark, even if he couldn't come by to help save the day. The two shows never acknowledging each other, even when they clearly take place in the same world, its just weird.

An imperfect but lovable finale from an imperfect but lovable show, it seems like an appropriate ending.

Edited by tennisgurl
  • Love 7

I enjoyed this finale, although the wrap up of Nxly and Lex left a lot to be desired.

My favourite part, easily, was seeing Cat Grant again. Glorious character played by a great actress.

Also loved seeing Lillian Luthor again and was disappointed she died, although I guess that helped wrap up Lena's storyline. Brenda Strong is a fantastic actress.

Winn! Loved seeing him too.

Melissa Benoist looked absolutely stunning at the wedding.

Overall, I have enjoyed the show and wish all the cast and crew success in the future. 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I would have really liked at least a mention of Clark, even if he couldn't come by to help save the day. The two shows never acknowledging each other, even when they clearly take place in the same world, is just weird.

Kara: So Clark, why didn't you stop by and help when Lex and Nyxly threatened to take over the world? 

Clark: I'll tell you if you tell me why you couldn't be bothered to help out with the whole Eradicator business.

Kara: Touche.  But I think we can both agree that we're happy to ignore evil speedsters wrecking havoc in Central City.

  • LOL 2
  • Love 5

I do sorta wish Barry had shown up to help.  I mean as soon as people start turning monochrome and Kara is beaming herself into the head of everyone on the planet...there really is no excuse for everyone to not realize there was a world endangering crisis going on that should be checked in on.  Plus it was a missed opportunity to continue the running gag about not inviting him for fear of him being bad luck at weddings...

Cat Grant left the show is Season 2, although she never actually told Kara she knew the truth about her the season finale had a scene near the end where Cat says the words "Go get em Supergirl" when Kara has only just left her office and was still visible only a few feet out the door.   I guess I wrongly assumed that Kara's superhearing would have picked up on this which is why she (and her team) felt she could use Cat as an alibi to cover for her Supergirl activities in later seasons.  I guess not though...

I'd ask if the writers had forgotten about Overgirl...but they actually brought her back to life for the final battle of this episode.  So while they apparently remembered she existed they seemingly just forgot why/how she died?   Her whole story from the crossover was that she flew too close to the sun absorbing too much solar radiation that was killing her and going to turn her into a freaking bomb.   Kara and the Superfriends of that time knew this backstory.  Kara literally had to fly her into the atmosphere to prevent her from blowing up the city like a nuclear bomb.  So yeah...the whole supercharge her with the sun plan was really just the worst plan ever.  Or at least tied with Alex's plan of just trusting Lex...

Speaking of more bad plans...


Literally the whole idea of the 100th episode was that even one wrong person finding out about Supergirls secret identity would be disastrous resulting in her and/or her loved ones dying...  And I'm not really buying the her friends are badasses argument.  I mean Cat especially isn't any more able to defend herself in this timeline than that one nor is Kara's mom even if she owns a shotgun.  Then there's poor little Esme who is unprotected at school all day.  And while Lena may have magic now it's rather slow activating so not likely to be super helpful if someone just wants to shoot her in the head to get to Kara...  And Alex was pretty much just as much a badass then as now minus her summoning trick, while Kelly is really only a semi-decent fighter who is reliant on her suit that she doesn't wear 24/7.

And really call me crazy but seems like the timing for outing herself could not be too much worse after nearly blotting out the sun, and then invading everyone's minds, not to mention the trapping everyone in a a dome and intentionally turning innocent people into violent lunatics from a few episodes ago.   Not sure I'm buying that absolutely everyone is going to be on team Supergirl and not think she was dangerous and needs taken out/down a few pegs...

Honestly I think I would of been fine if Supergirl had to sacrifice her powers and go focus on being Kara and making a difference as Kara.  I mean the idea was built up to that that she wasn't alone and didn't have to do everything herself with the team she built and even the general population themselves being their own heroes of a sort.  So maybe the world would be fine without Supergirl always being there.  It would have been a much neater bow on explaining why Supergirl doesn't show up for every future Crisis level events, and yet at the same time if Benoist is willing to put in an appearance every couple years there are certainly ways in a multiverse full of magic/fantastical tech/multiveral mcguffins, etc that she could be temporarily re-powered for an appearance.

Edited by Xenith22
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11 hours ago, Zaffy said:
  • Talking about Superman, I expected to see him helping Kara, but as they kept telling us "she is alone fighting to save the world", so I guess Superman does not exist anymore?

Yes, he does. The show did an updated version of the original introduction a couple of episodes ago, and Kara specifically says that she was sent to Earth to watch over and protect her cousin, but because her pod got knocked off-course, she didn't arrive on Earth until  after he had already grown up and become Superman, as we watched Clark changing into Superman. So yes, he's still around.

I thought the ending of the Lex/Nyxly storyline was underwhelming at best, though I did enjoy the return of OG Superfriends. But yeah, Lex conjuring phantoms that then take him and Nyxly away? I honestly don't even know whether to believe they actually ended up in the phantom zone vs Lex making a quick - but intentional - getaway. I did enjoy Nyxly genuinely caring for Esme - though I don't think that was Lex's plan all along, despite what he told Nyxly.

Also really wanted someone to point out to Alex that if Lex and Nyxly destroy the world, that includes Esme.

Completely agree that Lena's outfit/make-up at the wedding was a miss. Katie McGrath is so attractive, and they just completely distracted from that IMO. I didn't love Alex's style either, but I haven't since she did that half-shaved hair thing. I know sometimes in lesbian weddings one of the brides will wear a white suit rather than dress, and typically this is done because the brides prefer it - and it is obviously their choice at their wedding - but it's not my style.

The return of Cat Grant made me remember how much better the show was with her on it, and how much it suffered after the move to Vancouver. I was glad she finally told Kara that she knows she is Supergirl - that was the one thing left unresolved from the Cat Grant side of things. I am just handwaving all of the time spent on reasons why Kara couldn't reveal her identity, because it detracts from my enjoyment of the end of the finale.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, TV Anonymous said:

Kara reveals herself to be Supergirl, is that not against the canon of all DC superheroes?

Nope. Wonder Woman hasn't had a secret identity since the 1986 reboot following Crisis on Infinite Earths. And nobody in the Legion of Super-Heroes has ever bothered with them. So Kara deciding to say goodbye to living a double life is neither unprecedented nor against DC superhero canon.

  • Useful 1
20 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

Nope. Wonder Woman hasn't had a secret identity since the 1986 reboot following Crisis on Infinite Earths. And nobody in the Legion of Super-Heroes has ever bothered with them. So Kara deciding to say goodbye to living a double life is neither unprecedented nor against DC superhero canon.

Also if we are talking comics then Superman himself actually went public with his secret identity near the end of 2019...I don't think that has been undone/retconned yet, but I could be wrong...

While I'm not even sure if comic Supergirl has much of an secret identity to speak off?   Since the new 52 the times she has done the normal life thing have repeatedly ended in her blowing her secret identity to friends/crowds when attacked and then going adventuring in space for awhile...

Edited by Xenith22
  • Useful 2

And so Supergirl ends the way it probably was always going to end: wading through a lot of silliness and even some bad stuff to get to the good.

Honestly, I almost consider the entire first hour a bust, because I was spending most of the time rolling my eyes at what was on screen.  Rolling my eyes at Alex putting the entire world in danger because she didn't trust Kara to be able to save Esme, so she decided on her own plan which was to just.... give Lex and Nyxly the totems.  That's it.  Nothing else.  Just that.  Then I rolled my eyes some more at a rushed and convoluted way to have Lex and Nyxly suddenly get mad and not trust one another, even though the main instigator was Lillian (welcome back!), who everyone should have known was mainly there to stir the pot and every word she said should be taken with a grain of salt.  Oh, and here's Andrea and her pity party to make me roll my eyes even more!  Yawn!

But then came the second part, which, to be fair, still wasn't perfect.  The way Lex and Nyxly got taken out was so hilarious and so half-hearted.  It especially sucked for the latter since they seem to be making attempts at adding some kind of layers and dimensions to her, but it pretty much all goes away to her being one-note again.  I think my main issue was that it feels like the show should have just stuck their guns to making only one of them be the true big bad.  Either Lex should have always been the main villain till the end (I wonder if that was never an option due to Jon Cryer's availability/pay rate), or he should have been taken out for good early on and Nyxly been the sole focus.  Instead, they just got mixed together and both of the characters suffered because of it.  All in all, the whole arc with these particular bad guys was so disappointing.

And yet, once that all got out of the way, they actually had a charming and nice ending with Alex and Kelly's wedding and getting to see all the returning faces.  Winn!  Mon-El!  Jimmy!! And Cat Grant!  Even if they clearly filmed her scenes separate from everyone else since I guess Calista Flockhart really, really doesn't want to set foot in Vancouver for whatever reason.  It was great seeing them all again: especially getting a brief "Superfriends 1.0." with Kara, Jimmy, and Winn.

Don't even care that they basically said "Screw it!  We ain't going to try and explain it away!" about it: I'm glad Brainy and Nia are still together and will hopefully have a happy ending.  They've easily been some of the best parts about these latter seasons.

Love Lena and Katie McGrath is breathtaking, but what in the hell was she wearing at the wedding?  Honestly, that would have fit in better with the fight scenes if she was in costume like everyone else (instead of, hilariously, still dressed up like a regular citizen), but she stuck out like a sore thumb throughout all of those scenes.

At this point, I've given up on there being any real connections between the Arrowverse shows, but I still couldn't help but wonder if anyone even called or texted Clark about all of this.  Maybe he did and was like "Sorry, folks!  My teenage son just developed powers and is currently burning shit right now!  Y'all got this, bye!" about it.

Kara now joins Oliver (RIP) with revealing her identity to the public.  To be fair, even if he hasn't officially revealed it yet, I have to imagine almost everyone already knows Barry's as well, since it's not like he's strict about keeping all of that under wraps!

Fare thee well, Supergirl!  You were an imperfect, sometimes frustrating show thanks to your need for silly drama, half-baked plots, and inability to tackle social issues without beating viewers upside the head with a microphone shaped anvil.  But you could also be a fun one thanks to your likable and interesting characters, charming interactions, and extremely, extremely talented cast, headed by Melissa Benoist who was pitch perfect in the role.  This probably is the right time to end it and I hope the cast continue to get great gigs (still wouldn't be against some of them showing up in other Arrowverse shows), but I'll still miss you in some ways.

  • Love 7

Fare thee well, Supergirl!  You were an imperfect, sometimes frustrating show thanks to your need for silly drama, half-baked plots, and inability to tackle social issues without beating viewers upside the head with a microphone shaped anvil.  But you could also be a fun one thanks to your likable and interesting characters, charming interactions, and extremely, extremely talented cast, headed by Melissa Benoist who was pitch perfect in the role

I agree. It had its problems but I miss the characters. Alex actually will be appearing in an episode of the The Flash in a few weeks. Its definitely possible that we might see a couple of other characters show up on Arrowverse shows in the future.

Edited by Oreo2234
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I ve had some time to digest the final, and I have to say … at least they were consistent about the bad writing and sloppy social commentary. So many dumb decisions. So many flip flops and OTT moments. 

One thing that bugged me was the whole fight could have been over had Supergirl done one thing, as demonstrated by Esme. Sine Esme was able to break the Allstone , would that not mean all Supergirl would have to do is break her piece into a trillion , gazillion slivers and scatter them across the universe? Lex and Nyxly would take for ever trying to find them. Not to mention it would give the superfriends an opportunity to capture the other two pieces and do the same. 

The final fight was just an overwrought excuse to bring in a few more friends some how for two minutes of pointless fighting. Mon el gets to do the cape trick , which sorry Kara was doing long before season 5 but oh well a man can explain it better. Guardian  somehow showed up out of nowhere? And all Winn does is fire a shot from a ship, proving once again he’s as useless as ever. The best though was Eliza just stepping out and blasting those owls like  she’s done it a thousand times before..oh wait she never did that 😂 And then to have Lex and Nyxly get defeated by hubris? And locked in the phantom zone? Does that not mean the drastically changed the future? Or does the Legion not come from the same future? I’m confused, 😂.

I haven’t liked Alex for a few seasons, and this episode proved why. She went from a butt kicking, take charge, smart , medical scientist to….whiny over wrought  emotional mess supposedly superhero. They just killed her character over the seasons. She is the worst mother material ever. Sorry but her and Kelly have no chemistry and never had in my opinion. Not to mention the worst superhero makeup disguise ever! 

Nia and Brainy was another wasted couple. The whole going away to the big brain, only for Brainy to show up 3 weeks later just fine was whiplash inducing. Again the writers just rushed and threw everything away for neat and happy.

9 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

Love Lena and Katie McGrath is breathtaking, but what in the hell was she wearing at the wedding?  Honestly, that would have fit in better with the fight scenes if she was in costume like everyone else (instead of, hilariously, still dressed up like a regular citizen), but she stuck out like a sore thumb throughout all of those scenes.

I swear they turn every smart woman on this show into emotional and dumb idiots. Not to mention ruining their great looks. I really hope if she shows up in any other Arrowverse , Lena has ditched the witch garbage and just goes back to smart science Lena with a heart of gold. She was at her best then. As for that wedding look? Either the shows costumer was trying to convey her new powers or the writers wanted her dark to Kara’s light but WOW that was a HUGE MISSTEP! Goth Lena was not what that wedding needed. And the awful make up job? It aged poor Katie. 

I guess shippers got everything and nothing, depending on your point of view. I’m actually happy they just let Kara be who she wants to be without any entanglements romantic or otherwise. As for revealing herself, meh it’s Kara, when has she ever thought anything through. I mean she agreed draining the sun was a good idea until she saw what was happening. 

Over all Supergirl was ok, good at some points with a few great stories. I do love Melissa , who brought such vibrancy to Supergirl. She’s the best character and this role will be iconic for yrs to come. I do hope she makes some guest appearances but the Arrowverse is winding down. I hope she got to take one of the costumes home as a remembrance.  

  • Love 4

I haven’t liked Alex for a few seasons, and this episode proved why. She went from a butt kicking, take charge, smart , medical scientist to….whiny over wrought  emotional mess supposedly superhero. They just killed her character over the seasons

Alex was better written in the early seasons and she got some of her worst writing this season. But I still like her and will be watching her guest appearance on The Flash.

  • Love 3
21 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

Nope. Wonder Woman hasn't had a secret identity since the 1986 reboot following Crisis on Infinite Earths. And nobody in the Legion of Super-Heroes has ever bothered with them. So Kara deciding to say goodbye to living a double life is neither unprecedented nor against DC superhero canon.

There is a difference between never having a secret identity and having one that you then abandon.

It looks like Superman has outed himself as Clark Kent in the main comics continuity for now but I figure it is fairly safe that there will be a retcon down the line that has the public forget who Clark Kent Superman is or undoes them having ever known. 

I think Green Arrow went from having a secret identity to being publicly known as Oliver Queen in the comics at some point or another. 

But overall, it is a rarity. 

I went back to watch the S2 premiere to see what exactly was said about Clark. Kara admitted to Cat that she knew him but implied that it was because she knew him through Jimmy, since he and Jimmy were friends.

It was striking how different the show was. Pretty much every scene was tied into Kara and her journey to be a hero. There was a subplot as to friction between Clark and MM over MM keeping Kryptonite at the DEO, and there was Lillian Luthor's creation of Metallo, but beyond that, Kara was in pretty much every scene and supporting characters were supporting characters. Kara got a similar "figure out what you want to do with your life" speech from Cat in that one too.

One of the things that probably should follow from this is how Kara would get hounded for unethical journalism. Every story where she reported on her own activities should come under scrutiny. She should probably have to give up her Pulitzer. (I am spacing on what it's for...reporting on the connection corruption of the White House involving Lex, maybe? I don't know if the show ever established what it was for).

Also, it may seem nice to be editor in chief, but Kara has been a reporter for roughly 4-5 years. Being a reporter involves skills that are very very different from being an editor, let alone being the editor in chief. Then again, the show made James EIC when he had no prior experience. But at least he had some time as a manager of photo/graphics, plus (presumably) 10+ years as a photographer at the Daily Planet. 

  • Love 4
26 minutes ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

She should probably have to give up her Pulitzer. (I am spacing on what it's for...reporting on the connection corruption of the White House involving Lex, maybe? I don't know if the show ever established what it was for).

It was originally for some kind of corruption involving Lex. But then post-Crisis Lex was considered a good guy philanthropist, so he presumably wouldn't have been involved in the story. So the writers never confirmed how the story changed post-Crisis. Also, up until the beginning of the season, people still believed Lex was a good guy, but no one seemed to bat an eye that he was in love with the Imp trying to destroy the world. I guess I shouldn't expect continuity from this show but still, it's random. 

16 hours ago, rtms77 said:

Nia and Brainy was another wasted couple. The whole going away to the big brain, only for Brainy to show up 3 weeks later just fine was whiplash inducing. Again the writers just rushed and threw everything away for neat and happy.

They never really explained why they treated this as if time passing in the present = time passing in the future as well.  Yes, there's always the chance Brainy could die unexpectedly, but other than that there's no reason he can't pop back to the future when he's an old man.  The other question is why he waited three weeks to come back.  Because unless he couldn't go back he let Nia marinate in sadness for the entire time just for the sake of a snappy entrance at the wedding.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, cambridgeguy said:

They never really explained why they treated this as if time passing in the present = time passing in the future as well.  Yes, there's always the chance Brainy could die unexpectedly, but other than that there's no reason he can't pop back to the future when he's an old man.  The other question is why he waited three weeks to come back.  Because unless he couldn't go back he let Nia marinate in sadness for the entire time just for the sake of a snappy entrance at the wedding.

For the same reason that the last time Winn returned to the 21st Century from the future, he had already been married for two years and had an infant daughter. Time passed for him in the 31st Century just as it had passed for everyone else in the 21st Century.


7 hours ago, Xenith22 said:

Holy **** my brain is exploding right now. 


They apparently actually filmed it and considered making SuperCorp part of the canon ending!  Wonder who decided to cut it?  Producers?  CW Suits?  DC Suits?

I followed along with the live Twitter feed, and it was fascinating to see the way the shippers went nuts thinking, "Oh, man, THEY'RE REALLY GOING TO GO THERE!  YES!!" only to have the writers basically say "PSYCH -- they've always been inhabitants of the Friend Zone!"  And I laughed and laughed, because I never ONCE got that closet lesbian vibe from either Kara or Lena. I was so gratified that they DIDN'T go there, because it truly would have felt inorganic to me. Not every same-sex friendship has to have a sexual component in order to make it believable.

Edited by legaleagle53
  • Love 1
19 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

Also, it may seem nice to be editor in chief, but Kara has been a reporter for roughly 4-5 years. Being a reporter involves skills that are very very different from being an editor, let alone being the editor in chief. Then again, the show made James EIC when he had no prior experience. But at least he had some time as a manager of photo/graphics, plus (presumably) 10+ years as a photographer at the Daily Planet. 

That really tells you the writers just didn’t care about reality or even follow their own show canon. Kara has been missing in action from Catco for the last two seasons, doing only the most sporadic reporting/stories. She is has no where near editor in chief experience. But all the writers wanted a happy neat ending.

16 hours ago, Xenith22 said:

Holy **** my brain is exploding right now. 


They apparently actually filmed it and considered making SuperCorp part of the canon ending!  Wonder who decided to cut it?  Producers?  CW Suits?  DC Suits?

A manip of a scene , with clever photoshop. That’s the scene where they hug. 😂 nice try I guess. 

Edited by rtms77
15 hours ago, Artsda said:

Loved seeing the previous characters back. I would have liked Kara to get her ending with MonEL though. It would have been better than suddenly announcing her name and becoming editor in chief. 

What ending would that have been? Mon-El is still married to Saturn Girl in his own time period. And I never could see Kara just tossing everyone and everything she had ever known and loved aside to take up residence with him in 3021 even if there was a chance that she could break that marriage up. She would always feel that her overriding responsibility is to the people of her own time.

As for finally taking Cat's advice and ditching the "Kara Danvers" identity that had been holding her back, that makes sense, since she has finally realized that she can't fix everyone's problems for them, nor does she need to. The scene where she was about to change to Supergirl just to rescue a cat out of a tree and was surprised to see that she didn't need to because the authorities had already figured out a solution told her that she does need to let people figure out things for themselves -- it was the whole point of her "empowerment" speech that made  a lasting impression even 1,000 years later. That means that now, she only needs to step in  now and then to help when they've already done everything they can do to solve the problem themselves. But she still needs to be there to step in when needed, and she can't do that in 3021, nor could she ever have done that as freely and fully as Kara Danvers as she now can as just Kara Zor-El.

Edited by legaleagle53
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