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S16.E18: Nominations #6 / Battle of the Block Comp #6

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I'm starting to think the producers don't give a shit about this crew of boring houseguests -- it's like they aren't even trying any more.  Caleb's DR interviews during the the BotB clearly show that his hair is all shaved off and he is trying to hide it with a hat, so as soon as that 'shaved head' domino was shown you knew who won.

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Did the dominos say it was only one person? I couldn't figure out why Victoria would agree to aim at that.


If 4 women had been nominated, would that domino have still been in play ?  Seriously doubt it.


They had to have known beforehand that it was obviously meant for one person ..... cough, cough ...  the male member of the nominated team.


Of course, they could always make Victoria leave her extensions out.

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Shut up Zach. Stop yelling at me in your DRs about how other people are stupid. Frankie, your glitter and hair and trying too hard in the DR are also old. I hope you do get backdoored.

What I mostly got out of this episode is that they did away with the chalkboards for the tiebreaker. That made me sad. I liked seeing the little scribbled calculations on the boards, and watching them trying to erase their first answer. This is probably much more accurate, but I missed the chalkboards.

Yep. Riveting season.

Edited by Katesus7
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Yeah it wasn't at all obvious that Caleb's head was shaved... *eyeroll* Nice work, really. AND to peeve me even further they DID have a tiebreaker ready but didn't allot the time for it, really nice. I know, only do eight questions and then the tiebreaker if you are running out of time! Then for tonight have them finish their DR's about the comp BEFORE you shave Caleb's head. Doesn't take a freakin' genius at the controls to figure that out.


And technically they cut off today's comp as well as once again they get a sports delay that cut off people recording before the result was aired. Luckily I realized they were runnign late and was able to record the next show. But yeah this hasn't exactly been a banner week of production for BB. Sloppy and pathetic.


I also don't want to hear about Zach promising "that intercourse date". Some things you can't unhear/unsee.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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Wow... Nicole went up 100x in my eyes during this episode.  I love that she said in her DR speeches that she is tired of the same people always running the house and that she wants to shake things up and get out a power player.  She is smarter than she looks and she's doing pretty well in the competitions so far.  She could go far with a little luck and some good gameplay.  I hope that her attempt to backdoor Frankie this week succeeds because it would definitely shake this house up!  And just like she is, I am beyond sick and tired of watching the same people run the house and send all the women home one by one.


I also thought Nicole's speech to Zach at the nomination ceremony was awesome.  It wasn't mean-spirited or even a put-down really, yet he took it that way because he's trying so hard to be a super-villian.  It was the perfect zinger to throw at him.  I also thought it was hilarious that Zach thinks Nicole is the stupid one.  No, Zach, you are the stupid one for going for that "reverse psychology" BS and telling her she could put you up on the block.  Look in the mirror, Zach... I think that's where you'll find the real fruit-loop dingus of the season!

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Donny's nomination speech was sort of funny because of the image it conjured: "many people's hands have been bloodied by nominating you, so mine are less so." It's "blood on my hands" meets "Murder on the Orient Express."


I think instead of "Expect the unexpected," these houseguests should have to unscramble "What, will these hands ne'er be clean?"

Edited by Eolivet
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Oh my god what is wrong with these people?! I was so dissapointed that the opporutnity of an ALL DETONATORS nominations was wasted. TOO much has to go RIGHT for Frankie to exit through the back door. Already Nicole was backpeddling at the end of the episode by saying IF she goes through with it. Guaranteed the Detonators remain intact....Jocasta will go home.  Then a Detonator will win during the SPEED ROUND of BIg Brother on Thursday and Victoria will be sent packing...in other words that status quo will remain for yet another week.


Cody didn't speak but he stole the show with his apparent cringing over the Zankie flirting.


And one more time...enough with the confessionals during a challenge! Gee do you think Caleb didn't win by the fact that if he did he would have to shave his head....and viola there he is with a hat on a no hair sticking out whatsover. Lame!

Edited by North of Eden
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I've been playing around on twitter, my new favorite thing is that Amber sent her condolences to Nicole's friend, vis a vis, his new fixation.

I'm 95% sure Caleb did that in front of the camera in some delusional attempt to make Amber jealous.  And I'm sure he thinks it worked and that Amber is sitting at home just in a knot thinking about Caleb possibly liking another girl.  

Wow... Nicole went up 100x in my eyes during this episode.  I love that she said in her DR speeches that she is tired of the same people always running the house and that she wants to shake things up and get out a power player.  She is smarter than she looks and she's doing pretty well in the competitions so far.  She could go far with a little luck and some good gameplay.  I hope that her attempt to backdoor Frankie this week succeeds because it would definitely shake this house up!  And just like she is, I am beyond sick and tired of watching the same people run the house and send all the women home one by one.


I also thought Nicole's speech to Zach at the nomination ceremony was awesome.  It wasn't mean-spirited or even a put-down really, yet he took it that way because he's trying so hard to be a super-villian.  It was the perfect zinger to throw at him.  I also thought it was hilarious that Zach thinks Nicole is the stupid one.  No, Zach, you are the stupid one for going for that "reverse psychology" BS and telling her she could put you up on the block.  Look in the mirror, Zach... I think that's where you'll find the real fruit-loop dingus of the season!

I'm only going to be impressed with Nicole if she actually follows through with her plans.  My fear is that she'll end up talking to Christine or Derrick and they will gently talk her out of it by pointing out how she will become the biggest target and that she should "do what she wants" but they would advise her to not get any more "blood on her hands".  If she does follow through, she will be my favorite for the rest of the competition.


Donny went down in my book because he is completely hoodwinked by his meaningless Team America affiliation and playing a weak game that will end in sixth place.


As I said last episode, the Detonators are doing a great job disguising themselves... Can these other people not count to five?  Do they think they are part of the same group?  How can any of them deserve to win when they bunch themselves in groups of twos or threes?

Edited by Sentient Meat
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It is impossible to make a bold move as HOH because of the two HOH scenario this season.  Why choose two people who could very likely get off the block almost immediately and come after you.  The time to have made bold moves was in the first two or three nominations.  The only real power in this house situation is the veto holder and the back door.   That is really the only suspense.   I am so bored by this season.   There is no suspense right now.  


With that said, Derrick is playing a great social game.  At least I don't hate anyone this season, so there's that.

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I continue to really admire Derrick's game play. He goes around and talks to people outside of his alliance - comforts them, gets them to tell him stuff, and then he keeps it to himself. Unlike Frankie, he doesn't go running back to his alliance with what people are saying about them, causing a bunch of drama. Frankie and Derrick are both playing a social game, but Frankie is so freaking obvious about it and Derrick is a lot more subtle about it. And who is being considered for a backdoor this week? Frankie. 


I would be happy with either Frankie or Zach going home this week. I'm sick of this stupid power alliance, even though I like some of its members. It's time to shake things up. 


LOVED Donny's letter from home! He is such a sweetie. And I loved his conversation with Caleb. He remained perfectly calm, but told him like it is. I don't get why these morons (Caleb and Zach) think that it's okay for them to nominate people, but those people shouldn't nominate them in return. It's a GAME! And not everyone has to play it like you would. 


Nicole's friend, Mariah, - RUN. FOR. YOUR. LIFE. 


Did Zach make an Annie reference ("bet your bottom dollar")? LOL

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It irritates me that Derrick and Frankie are blaming Donny for not doing the mission last week. It would have hurt both of their games, too, so I'm pretty sure that even if Donny was on board with it, they still wouldn't have gone through with voting against the house.


I also will only be impressed with Nicole if she actually goes through with backdooring Frankie. I understand the strategy of putting a weak player up alongside a strong player in order to screw their chances in the BoB comp, but it's frustrating because people who should be going up aren't going up. This whole dual HoH and BoB comp has made the nominations weird and ridiculous.


I'm just hoping that after Veto, we'll have Frankie and Zach up on the block together so one of them will go home, and then the double elimination can get rid of someone else (preferably the other one, but I would also accept Caleb.).


Also, because I'm 6 years old, I thought Nicole beaning Hayden in the… beans… with the cue ball was hysterical. :-)

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I also thought it was hilarious that Zach thinks Nicole is the stupid one.  No, Zach, you are the stupid one for going for that "reverse psychology" BS and telling her she could put you up on the block.  Look in the mirror, Zach... I think that's where you'll find the real fruit-loop dingus of the season!


I don't know where Zach gets this idea that he is super intelligent. He said several times that if the BOTB comp was in any way mental he would have no problem beating Caleb and Victoria. Yet there definitely was a mental aspect to this one and he got beat. So.....

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Cody didn't speak but he stole the show with his apparent cringing over the Zankie flirting.


This was by far my favorite part of the episode!

Do the "Team Amurica" players really not know how MEANINGLESS these missions/"Alliaince" are? I mean, really.  If they're going to insist on having this STUPID idea in play in the first place, the members should be FORCED to take on the task assigend to them, not be able to put it aside at a whim! (At the very least, make them a "Have-Not", FFS!!)

Yeah, I'm a little concerned that Donny is going to want to keep Frankie around because he's Team America. I'm pretty sure they'll be allowed to do the missions without Frankie. Heck, even if Donny is the only one left, he can still do missions on his own. They only replaced Joey because she got voted out before they could even get TA started!

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If they're going to insist on having this STUPID idea in play in the first place, the members should be FORCED to take on the task assigend to them, not be able to put it aside at a whim! (At the very least, make them a "Have-Not", FFS!!)

Er - if the rest of the House sees certain HGs start suffering penalties for no discernible reason, that kinda exposes the whole secret-thing-with-America/Production-going-on aspect, doesn't it?

I didn't get why Frankie and Derrick said they were dong Donny a huge favor by agreeing not to do the mission. It really didn't 'to matter whether they agreed or not. If Donny decided he wasn't doing it, that was it. Or could they have still done it themselves without Donny and got the money for themselves only?

I really hope Nicole does go through with backdooring Frankie. I am over him.

Wondering what it would take to 

get Christine to use PoV- maybe if:
1. Christine "caught" Nichole acting cheerful.
2. Under pressure, Nichole "confesses" she's happy because it looks like Zach might be going home after all!
3. Christine "pries" out of Nichole that - "and you can't say anything about this to ANYBODY, Christine" - Jocasta has let on she was able to cut a deal with someone significant (not sure if an actual name would be most effective here, or if the notion of Jocasta not disclosing it would be more believable).
4. Let Christine carry this little nugget back to Frankie.

Reckon Christine might pull Zach off the block to protect him? Or Jocasta, if F/C believed Donny would be the replacement nom?


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When we live in such a hypersensitive era, it would be foolish for any contestant to say anything that would bite them in the backside once they get back out into the real world.  I do understand that, but it is stilll a very boring season.

Aaryn lost her job last season because of some fairly innocent comments that sounded a lot worse collected together in print, so you have to expect contestants this season to be extra careful.



Did the dominos say it was only one person? I couldn't figure out why Victoria would agree to aim at that.

It was clarified (somewhat belatedly, IMO) while the contestants were setting up their dominoes.

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I understand Jacosta being frustrated. She's been nominated numerous times & wants to see her kids pictures. But, she was talking like she's good at competitions. She's just as bad as Victoria. That is why they both will continue to be nominated. If there wasn't a Battle of the Block then they would not be nominated so many times. They nominated clearly to be the weaker player so 2 strong players don't win. 


Everyone is playing so nicey nice this season. I can't wait for them to have to turn on each other. We will see who is really nice & who turns into a crybaby then. I think Frankie needs to go. He's overly friendly & up everyone's butts. That would drive me crazy. It's ok to be supportive or cheer me on but I don't need constant reassurance. I would be skeptical of anyone who behaved that way.


I am so glad that Donny does not back down. Caleb thought he could intimidate him but Donny didn't flinch but turned it back on Caleb but does it in a sweet way that no one gets pissed. I love it.

If 4 women had been nominated, would that domino have still been in play ?  Seriously doubt it.


They had to have known beforehand that it was obviously meant for one person ..... cough, cough ...  the male member of the nominated team.


Of course, they could always make Victoria leave her extensions out.

I agree. It's very obvious. Some of the HOH's are too easy as well. HOH should be the hardest competition instead of hitting a ball 1 time with zero skill involved. 

Okay, so last night Derrick said, "On the other token…" instead of "On the other hand" (or maybe he said "On the same token.") When Caleb said it a while back I thought he was mixing up his sayings as he sometimes does. But now I'm wondering, is this a real saying? Maybe they are confusing it with, "By the same token…"

Edited by TexasChic
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I never see this mentioned (maybe I've just missed it) but what's the deal with Nichol's DR sessions?!  She is sooooo whiney and nasally that it feels like fingernails on a chalkboard.  I've noticed when she's talking privately to people on the show that she sounds MUCH more normal.  I get that she has an accent, but it seems like she's overdoing it in the DR.  I started off rooting for her, but now just wish she'd either go home or tone it down.  Painful!


The 'Intercourse' comments between Zack and Frankie was nauseating.  I hope Frankie gets backdoored and not in a way he would enjoy.  That's all.

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I don't know why that bothers me. All I know is it made me question Derrick's intellect.

Probably depends on to whom he is talking - or, more precisely, how much he needs to dumb it down for comprehension to occur. Was Derrick talking to Caleb? :)

In truth, I can't fault someone else for mixing their metaphors. I've done it enough times myself, in natural speech. Here on the board I have edit capabilities, so I probably read a lot smarter than I sound in person. :D

  • Love 1
In truth, I can't fault someone else for mixing their metaphors. I've done it enough times myself, in natural speech. Here on the board I have edit capabilities, so I probably read a lot smarter than I sound in person. :D


Oh my gosh, I do it all the time. Or sometimes I will be thinking of two words I want to use, and accidentally combine them into one, nonsensical word. Derrick still seems like one of the brighter ones in the house to me (although, that's not saying much). 

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If they vote Zach out I'll probably be done with the season. He's about the only thing keeping me entertained. Not that I would want to know him in real life, but these other HGs are so so damn boring. Caleb is pretty to look at but has no discernible personality whatsoever. Hayden seems to exist only to chase after Nicole. Victoria and Jocasta are a waste of space. At least Zach shakes things up, and his odd showmance with Frankie keeps me chuckling. I think, without them, there's not much left to watch. 


Ironically for Nicole, it's going to be harder to backdoor Frankie, I think, than just outright vote out Zach. There are eight people voting this week and four of them are going to be "detonators." It could be a tie with Zach on the block, but I think if Frankie is on the block he'll get Donny's vote too because of the Team America thing. If they're both on the block, Zach goes. I don't think Nicole is going to get her way.

Edited by iMonrey
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I think Derrick may be like many other cops (my cousin included) - not necessarily "well educated", but sharp, street smart, seasoned, and reads people very well.  Many cops come from blue collar backgrounds, which influences pronunciation and speech patterns.  My cousin grew up in low-income housing, but joined the Air Force, followed by using the GI Bill for college.


I'm a nurse, and Derrick is very similar to many cops, firefighters, and paramedics I've met.  They probably won't quote Shakespeare, and their spelling may be mediocre at best, but they are experts at what they do, and they are the people you want to show up in an emergency.

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Er - if the rest of the House sees certain HGs start suffering penalties for no discernible reason, that kinda exposes the whole secret-thing-with-America/Production-going-on aspect, doesn't it?

I thought that TA wasn't really secret unless the members wanted it to be.  Didn't they tell Joey she could tell the other hgs if she wanted?  Or am I remembering that wrong? 

I thought that TA wasn't really secret unless the members wanted it to be.  Didn't they tell Joey she could tell the other hgs if she wanted?  Or am I remembering that wrong?

If I recall correctly (and that is by no means a given), Joey was initially told she could disclose her membership in TAFY to individual HGs if the disclosure served a game advantage; she couldn't just blurt it out as casual conversation, however, and she could not disclose it to the House as a whole. Which, I figure, is why she was able to get away with telling Hayden; she was using it as a bargaining chip for his vote, to say she had an advantage in the game which could be steered to benefit Hayden if he voted to retain her.

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Probably depends on to whom he is talking - or, more precisely, how much he needs to dumb it down for comprehension to occur. Was Derrick talking to Caleb? :)

In truth, I can't fault someone else for mixing their metaphors. I've done it enough times myself, in natural speech. Here on the board I have edit capabilities, so I probably read a lot smarter than I sound in person. :D


It was in his DR. I can't really fault anyone for that either, but I will on BB, just because. :-)

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I continue to really admire Derrick's game play. He goes around and talks to people outside of his alliance - comforts them, gets them to tell him stuff, and then he keeps it to himself. Unlike Frankie, he doesn't go running back to his alliance with what people are saying about them, causing a bunch of drama.

Or Donny—remember when he shared something Nicole told him with the others, and it got back to Nicole? It is rare to see someone on this show not jump at the chance to cause drama.


LOVED Donny's letter from home! He is such a sweetie. And I loved his conversation with Caleb. He remained perfectly calm, but told him like it is. I don't get why these morons (Caleb and Zach) think that it's okay for them to nominate people, but those people shouldn't nominate them in return. It's a GAME! And not everyone has to play it like you would.


That always bugs me. Donny seems to be one of the few ever in this game that doesn't take a nomination as a call to vengeance. He's not averse to turning the tables, but he's not foaming at the mouth about it. 


I never see this mentioned (maybe I've just missed it) but what's the deal with Nichol's DR sessions?!  She is sooooo whiney and nasally that it feels like fingernails on a chalkboard.  I've noticed when she's talking privately to people on the show that she sounds MUCH more normal.


I think it's the same reason so many people shout in the DR. Production tells them to "speak up," and instead of projecting, they amplify or shout, and the pitch of their voice goes up, and it's more in their head than in their throats or chests. But yes, it is so annoying. I wish that they would get a voice coach in there for a few pointers at the start of the season.

Edited by Kris117
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