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S13.E12: Is There Someone Else?

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8 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

I don't want to see any of these people brushing their teeth.

Speaking of.....since they film it...someone needs to teach Rachel and Jose how to brush with an electric toothbrush. Stop vigorously attacking your teeth! Let the brush do it's thing or just use a manual one. A pet peeve of mine😁

Edited by bichonblitz
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Maybe just forewarning she expects summer independence. 

Rachel knows how to amuse herself. She straight out told Jose she wanted to go to Europe with him. He hasn’t agreed. She’s now changing tactics. They won’t work, either. But then, neither will their marriage!


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8 minutes ago, glitterpussy said:

Love that greasy old Myrla is a dog person now. Who could NOT love Hype, what a good boy.

"greasy old Myrla" has me cracking up because that describes her to a tee.  

Who knew that Hype would turn out to be the most likeable thing about this show? 

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7 hours ago, Lindz said:

Johnny is sad because his gel really shows his male pattern baldness. 😂😂😂😂

Yeah, don't put your head down to the camera, JohnJohn, not a good angle!

And loose the short pink shorts, too. What a dweeb.  

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19 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Oh no, I could not live with someone like Brett who is a slob. I’m with Ryan on the cleanliness thing. 

Yikes.  Leaving undies on the floor for him to see can kill the moment.

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46 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I also can't stand their bedroom pillow talk. Uggggh! Yes, Johnny, I will try to get up earlier so I can have coffee with you. WTF????

I hope none of her friends/co-workers are watching the show. 

How Bao can ever regain her professional standing, confidence, personal integrity and/or ability to normally "socialize" with others is (unfortunately) getting harder for me to imagine with each episode!   

And to give up all she had prior to being hooked up with her lunatic "husband" is beyond upsetting. 

This entire fiasco is bound to leave emotional scars on Bao and I hope she takes the opportunity, after the show wraps up, to get beyond the damage being Johnny's "wife" has caused her with a caring mental health professional.


I wish she could turn the clock back to when the call came in from the show that she was chosen so she could vehemently DECLINE the invitataion.

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20 hours ago, absolutelyido said:

Why are Brett and her friend sitting on those filthy chairs? Gross!

Those were disgusting!  They were like hanging petri dishes.  I want to know where that was so I NEVER go there.  

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What we have here are ten almost middle aged singles that despite numerous boyfriends/girlfriends and lots of hook ups and live in's could not find a spouse on their own.  We are working with some damaged people here.

Try and match them up and what do you have but two paired singles unable to find love on their own.

And we wonder why this isn't working out.  LOL

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On 10/7/2021 at 2:52 AM, antfitz said:

Rachel should run from Jose. She wants to go to Europe and he wants to drive-through the dried land of Texas. Whoohoo! 

To be fair, he suggested going to the Hill Country, which is quite scenic, especially by Texas standards.  Then again, it's a whopping 250 miles from Houston, so BFD.  For the dried land of Texas, they could go to Marfa and be super hip. 

23 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I think that Rachel CAN go by herself but I also think one of the things she pictured herself doing with her husband was traveling.

Actually, she said as much.  She said she's gone to Europe with a friend before, and with her mother, but wants to travel with her husband.  Which is what dating is for--to find out if you can get what you want from the guy before you marry him, or if you can't, whether it's something you can live without.

20 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:

Brett plans a physical outing thinking Ryan will enjoy. She thinks there is no way she can do the first task. She tries anyway and succeeds without a word of encouragement from Ryan. He's just standing there like a fucking robot. 

Did she succeed?  I thought she didn't make it over the wall.  (No shade--I'm not good at heaving myself up over stuff, and couldn't do a pull-up at gunpoint.

18 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Not only that, she had towels and clothes all over the floor of the bathroom and closet.

There was what looked like a towel on the floor of the shower!  In the Houston humidity!

17 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

What we have here are ten almost middle aged singles that despite numerous boyfriends/girlfriends and lots of hook ups and live in's could not find a spouse on their own.  We are working with some damaged people here.

Eh, I was 41 when I met Mr. Outlier over 20 years ago.  I'd had several multi-year relationships, but never actually lived with any of them.  They didn't work out for various reasons, but I wouldn't consider myself damaged goods. 

Which is not to say that the people on this show aren't damaged goods, but I don't equate not marrying with being damaged (but of course I have a dog in that fight 😀).

Edited by StatisticalOutlier
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I have the most thoughts on Brett and Ryan!  That bathroom was disgusting.  That is a turnoff for sure. And she really is TOO eager, she should play it cool a little bit.  But damn Ryan, come on man! TELL HER WHAT IS UP.  Enough with the word salad and I'm sleeping on the couch for your benefit, wtf was that. It's clear from his convo with his sis that he thinks she is ugly and he'll NEVER change his mind.  It pisses me off because he is NO prize and I think Brett's cool, but he's a shallow motherfucker, what can you do? I can see why Brett's frustrated. Like, I get he doesn't want to hurt her feelings but what's his endgame--just stay married to her forever and sleep in separate bedrooms to avoid that conversation? You want the cowboy Barbie. Fine. Say it, own it, live with the consequences.

I don't think that Ryan is shallow for not being attracted to Brett. He just... isn't attracted to her and it's not developing, despite the assurances from the "experts" that it can and will. 

I think his endgame is to make it to the end of the "experiment" and then get divorced. The "experts" will shake their heads sadly and talk about how the two of them were perfectly matched and Ryan is missing out. But I think Brett deserves someone who loves her and is attracted to her and things she is the cat's meow. I think Ryan deserves that too. And if they aren't that for each other, better they should divorce and find their happiness with someone else.


Eh, I was 41 when I met Mr. Outlier over 20 years ago.  I'd had several multi-year relationships, but never actually lived with any of them.  They didn't work out for various reasons, but I wouldn't consider myself damaged goods. 

Yup. I was an older bride myself. Shit happens. Some of these people are damaged, definitely. Or more accurately, we are all damaged in some way or another. And with this crew, some of them are definitely more damaged than others. But getting to midlife without being married isn't a definitive marker of severe dysfunction...

Edited by Elizzikra
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I think Rachel's warning about "Summer Rachel" was stupid. If you don't want to be bored in the house all day, do something about it. Figure that ish out. Sounds like a bs reason she's concocting to resent him, like he's making her stay home.

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1 hour ago, pdlinda said:

I hope none of her friends/co-workers are watching the show. 

How Bao can ever regain her professional standing, confidence, personal integrity and/or ability to normally "socialize" with others is (unfortunately) getting harder for me to imagine with each episode!   

And to give up all she had prior to being hooked up with her lunatic "husband" is beyond upsetting. 

This entire fiasco is bound to leave emotional scars on Bao and I hope she takes the opportunity, after the show wraps up, to get beyond the damage being Johnny's "wife" has caused her with a caring mental health professional.


I wish she could turn the clock back to when the call came in from the show that she was chosen so she could vehemently DECLINE the invitataion.

What I don’t get is how these “Experts” paired these couples together in the first place.  I think they are useless.  Zack is pretending to like Michaela because he is petrified of her and what she might do.  He is biding his time until the end pretending everything is ok.  Why is he always crying?  He knows she’s a nut job.

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21 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

How the heck did Ryan segue to "I need my sleep, and nothing good is gonna come from me not sleeping, in any scenario in life"?

Oh, wait; his brain acted as EDITOR. What Ryan thought he was going to say was, "I need to be attracted to a woman I sleep with, and nothing good is gonna come from me sleeping with you, in any scenario in life."

Ya. Like. WTF?! HUH?!! He's tryna drive Brett to make him say it. They're both too big of cowards to call each other out. #PerfectMatch 😂😂 At least they're not spitting venom at each other like Jake & Haley...yet. 😅

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19 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Rachel looked like she couldn’t believe he was talking about a Texas car trip. That sounds terrible interesting. Really, dude?

Ya. Like. WHAAAT??? He likes to "travel" to Texas?!! HUH?!! I hope she remembers that they have different definitions when it comes to other things... like abuse, probably. 😅 God help her if she decides to be trapped in a car with him for hours. He'd probably abandon her on the side of the road or at a gas station.

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1 hour ago, Lindz said:

I think Rachel's warning about "Summer Rachel" was stupid. If you don't want to be bored in the house all day, do something about it. Figure that ish out. Sounds like a bs reason she's concocting to resent him, like he's making her stay home.

I could just see Summer Rachel and Greasy Myrla having a baby.  No more vacations and no more new phones or Loubitons.  Lol.  Things happen when you least expect.  They both are of the age to make a decision about having a family.

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4 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Speaking of.....since they film it...someone needs to teach Rachel and Jose how to brush with an electric toothbrush. Stop vigorously attacking your teeth! Let the brush do it's thing or just use a manual one. A pet peeve of mine😁

It depends on the brand. Some of the Oral B electric toothbrushes instruct users to brush as if they were using a regular toothbrush.

54 minutes ago, Lindz said:

Ya. Like. WHAAAT??? He likes to "travel" to Texas?!! HUH?!! I hope she remembers that they have different definitions when it comes to other things... like abuse, probably. 😅 God help her if she decides to be trapped in a car with him for hours. He'd probably abandon her on the side of the road or at a gas station.

Jose is wrong but right. They COULD try something relatively local and build up to a vacation in Europe. Why not a weekend in New Orleans or (if it must be Texas) Galveston?

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23 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

As for Ryan, yeah, Boi, you don't  fool me, asking a former LIVE-IN honey for "marital advice." More like feelin' out the vibe of a possible re-up. 

Haven’t read all the way through this topic, so someone else may have already responded, but that was Ryan’s SISTER. And she’s got his number — BIG TIME.

Someone else with realistic family members who recognize BS? Johnny. 

Clueless family member? Michaela’s sister swallowing all the crap from her about how much she’s learned & grown IN THE PAST TWO WEEKS. Nuh uh, Sis. That shit has been you all your life so far & isn’t going anywhere without intensive intervention. And her loud over-animated edge-of-hysteria laugh is creepy scary. 



Edited by ChiMama
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10 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:


Johnny is the type who would say he is “babysitting” his own children. Have we ever seen him asking Bao what HER needs are?


One thing Johnny should NEVER be is a father. He doesn’t have the warmth, fun, comforting, selflessness, empathy, or nurturing nature to handle it. Plus he clearly exhibits traits of a verbal/emotional abuser. 

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2 minutes ago, ChiMama said:

One thing Johnny should NEVER be is a father. He doesn’t have the warmth, fun, comforting, selflessness, empathy, or nurturing nature to handle it. Plus he clearly exhibits traits of a verbal/emotional abuser. 

Yeah, I posted an episode or to ago that I was appalled at the thought of Johnny being a father. He was damaged by his own father (probably belittled and never good enough, not unconditionally loved, among other things) and that is what Johnny is doing to Bao in their marriage and what he would do to any future child. He’ll never be happy and will make everyone around him miserable.

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8 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

It was bizarrely so. Did Brett not know there are cameras everywhere?! 

Speaking of cameras in the bathrooms: Please, TPTB, for the love of all things sane, do NOT show us again Johnny brushing his teeth! 

I like Brett and still do. However, that was beyond gross to see how messy she left that bathroom. I am not a need freak but do not like unnecessary clutter, I mean how long does it take to put dirty clothes in a hamper?

5 hours ago, glitterpussy said:

I know when someone insinuates I don't shower enough, calls me a liar and flat out says they don't like me, that really puts me in the mood to flirt and initiate romance! I can't even make the caps big enough--FUUUUUUCK THAT GUY BAO!  Although I kinda agree with the poster who said she is playing this for the victim edit. Who is THAT understanding?!

Love that greasy old Myrla is a dog person now. Who could NOT love Hype, what a good boy.

Zero interest in Jose and Rachel anymore. I shrieked at the closeup of his horrid lips drinking wine.

Still waiting for the return of Hurricane K. She's such a fakeity fake liar to her sister. Sis knows it too.

I have the most thoughts on Brett and Ryan!  That bathroom was disgusting.  That is a turnoff for sure. And she really is TOO eager, she should play it cool a little bit.  But damn Ryan, come on man! TELL HER WHAT IS UP.  Enough with the word salad and I'm sleeping on the couch for your benefit, wtf was that. It's clear from his convo with his sis that he thinks she is ugly and he'll NEVER change his mind.  It pisses me off because he is NO prize and I think Brett's cool, but he's a shallow motherfucker, what can you do? I can see why Brett's frustrated. Like, I get he doesn't want to hurt her feelings but what's his endgame--just stay married to her forever and sleep in separate bedrooms to avoid that conversation? You want the cowboy Barbie. Fine. Say it, own it, live with the consequences.


5 hours ago, valdawn said:

Fuck this show and fuck pastor Cal for encouraging Bao to stay in an emotionally abusive relationship.

You know what Pastor Cal, I stayed for way too long and it Almost killed me, I’m on the other side now thankfully but it really bothers me when there’s obvious emotional abuse that someone is encouraged to endure. Because it can’t be said enough, Fuck you show. 

I am beginning to feel toward Bao the way I felt towards Paige in Atlanta last season.



I thought both Paige and Bao were sweet women with an over-eager need to please. 

I think we can safely assume that Johnny, Ryan, and Zack are done.

Johnny and Ryan both do not like their brides. Ryan is being mush-mouthed and nice, while Johnny is making up problems with Bao so he can lay the blame on her.

I think Johnny knew his family would love Bao and that is why he did not want to bring her.

Johnny's uncle has a very nice backyard and that food looked yummy.

His family seemed hella cool and called him out on his unrealistic expectations.

Bao, do not let this guy make up lies to your face. Your college crush has blinded you to not seeing the dwerpy messed-up guy in pink shorts, standing right in front of you.

You can do better and this guy is no prize.

Heck, it is better to be alone than with someone who insults everything about you and hates all that you do for him.


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9 hours ago, Blissfool said:

Johnny is trying to out-Chris Chris.

ABSOLUTELY!!! He is really trying to break her down to make her quit. It's disgusting! She's looking crazy for staying. I mean, there's a point where we find quitting best & she's way beyond it. Lose, lose. I wonder what they consider failure of this experiment. Quitting before Decision Day usually is. 

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Zack seemed to be too rough in the bubble ball activity on purpose, to get back at her. She looked like she could've gotten hurt from some of those landings. YIKES! 😬 He should probably buy that to protect himself from her. 😅

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This episode actually brought up something I never thought about: initiating. Bao & Johnny actually highlighted something useful that wasn't bad. Whoda thunkit?? 😅 Johnny totally sounded like a chick with his complaints. He's so imbalanced & poor Bao is picking up the masculine slack. He needs testosterone & therapy BAD! Who should initiate what though? Is it a percentage of interactions? 🤔 

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His family seemed hella cool and called him out on his unrealistic expectations.

Bao should have gone despite being uninvited. Maybe Johnny has a cousin or young uncle who would be a good match for Bao. And Bao would already know his name in Mandarin. Sounds like a match made in heaven to me and Johnny would be off the hook for the rest of the show. Win-win.


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15 minutes ago, Lindz said:

I mean, there's a point where we find quitting best & she's way beyond it.

Bao could come out of this looking like a real hero if she calmly told Johnny that he and she are not a good match and she will never be okay being married to someone who doesn’t seem to care about anything but himself. She can assertively tell Johnny that she deserves better and then leave.

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42 minutes ago, qtpye said:

I like Brett and still do. However, that was beyond gross to see how messy she left that bathroom. I am not a need freak but do not like unnecessary clutter, I mean how long does it take to put dirty clothes in a hamper?

Ryan seems fastidious in his personal grooming and neat in his living habits. 

I think one of the biggest "turn-offs" Ryan has toward Brett are her personal habits and housekeeping skills (or lack of). 

I think these traits might influence Ryan's desire not to be intimate with Brett.  Frankly, any adult knows, or should know, how important personal habits are in ensuring a healthy relationship (both physically and emotionally) between a couple.  

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15 hours ago, Katie111 said:

I think she might be getting a great edit so we like her more than he does. 

Interesting theory.  The thing I don't understand about Brett is she doesn't seem very athletic.  Oh she's in good shape figure wise, but I would think someone who is a volleyball coach would have been able to scale that obstacle course fairly easy.  Yet she was the only person of the four of them that right off the bat was intimidated and flat out said she wasn't going to do it. 

It's not a big thing, yet it kind of plays into Ryan's claim, which he's mentioned several times,  that she's anxious and afraid of everything.  I remember the honeymoon when she was freaked out by the fish swimming around her kayak.  I could see being a little fearful that they would tip the boat over, but they didn't seem to be in very deep water in the first place.  In fact, it looked like they could stand up in it.  

My point being...maybe her fear of things is a lot worse than we are seeing.  Maybe she IS getting a good edit.  Because when I think about it, her fearfulness and apprehension is about the only thing Ryan has complained about consistently.  It's now what...week 8?  And he just said something about her sloppiness?  Yet we've not seen many examples of this problem he seems to have with her.  Go figure. 

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34 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

Bao should have gone despite being uninvited. Maybe Johnny has a cousin or young uncle who would be a good match for Bao. And Bao would already know his name in Mandarin. Sounds like a match made in heaven to me and Johnny would be off the hook for the rest of the show. Win-win.

I so wanted (and half expected) Bao to show up at the family event despite Johnny disinviting her.  Oh think of how she could have played it.  Dressed up sexy but tasteful, come in all lovey dovey kiss kiss to her new relatives, really put on a show with the Mandarin stuff and shower everyone with attention............except Johnny.  Yeah, really make a point of doing exactly what Johnny keeps accusing her of...acting different in a group than she is when they are alone.  

Johnny thinks he can do better than Bao.  He thinks he's the greatest catch ever and he's married "down".  Nothing Bao does will change that.  I just feel sorry for her because I fear she will blame herself and close up after this and not be open to another relationship.  

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Johnny thinks he's a snack, and Bao is so lucky to have him as a husband. What a colossal jerk. She doesn't owe him anything beyond giving it a good effort, and he has the nerve to criticize and nitpick every gesture she's made. He is so unbelievably selfish and immature. Marriage is all about give-and-take. You have to overlook some of the minor things for the sake of the greater good. I can't imagine Johnny sacrificing any of his own comforts or desires - it's like everyone must cater to him and be grateful for the opportunity to do so. And the way he goes from calm to angry in 60 seconds is freaking scary. 

Ryan - yes, we get it, you aren't attracted to Brett. OK, fine. But why does he think he deserves a gorgeous model type? What exactly does he bring to the table besides, I dunno, a decent paycheck, and a muscular body? He's not great-looking, his personality kinda sucks, he's not wealthy, doesn't seem to have interesting hobbies, doesn't seem to want to travel or have fun experiences...I really don't know where he gets this inflated sense of self from. He needs to be honest with Brett so she can cut her losses and move on. I don't think she's going to be as heartbroken as Ryan thinks she is.

Can I just say how funny it is that Myrla, the anti-dog person, wants a dog of her own now? I guess Hype won her over.

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15 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Meanwhile, Myrla and Gil are in complete bliss, have fantastic communication, and are downright adorable and able to calmly acknowledge each other's differences in a loving, playful way? She even is adjusting to being a responsive and dare I say attentive dog mom! What kind of bizarre twilight zone is this?

There is something about these two that's never rang true for me.  Her wanting to be married but completely refusing to give an inch or change anything about herself.  Hello...experts...why would you even consider her?  Him, as hot as he is, taking her BS like the lappiest of lapdogs.  Uh uh...don't buy it.  They were playing up her outrageousness to get people to root against her...getting people frustrated as to why he would put up with her at all.  But why?  From the show's angle, they are a ratings magnet.  That's great for the show, but what's in it for them?  This is a marriage after all.  That's what I can't figure out.  

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Lightbulb moment on Myrla and Gil.  Classic Taming of the Shrew.  Ah yes, the easy going much loved hot guy tames the outrageous, me me me selfish girl.  And they live happily ever after.  

I knew I've seen them someplace before.  Still not buying it.

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2 hours ago, ChiMama said:


Clueless family member? Michaela’s sister swallowing all the crap from her about how much she’s learned & grown IN THE PAST TWO WEEKS. Nuh uh, Sis. That shit has been you all your life so far & isn’t going anywhere without intensive intervention. And her loud over-animated edge-of-hysteria laugh is creepy scary. 

Can you blamer her? She's scared, y'all!

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Excuse me and I apologize if I'm not understanding some aspects of the culture, but why was Bao trying to learn their names in Mandarin. It would have been just fine to call them Frank and Joanne as their chyron said. After all, it would have been her first time meeting them. If they wanted to, F & J could have told Bao their Mandarin names there, at the party. 

To me, it just came off as Bao trying to be a Little Miss Perfect and "look at me, like me," type of person.

I can see how Johnny is annoyed with her constantly trying to impress people. When they first married, I remember her saying something along the lines of "Let me speak to your dad. I will get him to like me."

FTR, I still think Johnny out-jerks Bao's strive to be perfect.

Edited by Blissfool
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Johnny is a stupid bitch! I CAN'T! "Why are they so different?" Um. They're different people! They're different genders! DUH! If he wants someone like him, he can get a low testosterone man to bitch to death! Let's be real. Johnny wouldn't even want his own scrawny, dumb ass. 😂😂

Edited by Lindz
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5 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I don't think that Ryan is shallow for not being attracted to Brett. He just... isn't attracted to her and it's not developing, despite the assurances from the "experts" that it can and will. 

I think his endgame is to make it to the end of the "experiment" and then get divorced. The "experts" will shake their heads sadly and talk about how the two of them were perfectly matched and Ryan is missing out. But I think Brett deserves someone who loves her and is attracted to her and things she is the cat's meow. I think Ryan deserves that too. And if they aren't that for each other, better they should divorce and find their happiness with someone else.

Yup. I was an older bride myself. Shit happens. Some of these people are damaged, definitely. Or more accurately, we are all damaged in some way or another. And with this crew, some of them are definitely more damaged than others. But getting to midlife without being married isn't a definitive marker of severe dysfunction...

Some might find it the very definition of sanity! 

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5 hours ago, Lindz said:

I think Rachel's warning about "Summer Rachel" was stupid. If you don't want to be bored in the house all day, do something about it. Figure that ish out. Sounds like a bs reason she's concocting to resent him, like he's making her stay home.

Yeah, I didn't really understand the point she was trying to make. Unless she was trying to warn Jose not to be controlling about her whereabouts during the summer. But it came across really weird, like "Just be ready when I turn into Godzilla over the summertime. "  What's he supposed to do with that information?

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On 10/7/2021 at 12:02 AM, Auntie Anxiety said:

Were Michaela and Zack wearing Covid costumes for Halloween? Because that’s what those things looked like, even down to the spikes.

That’s hilarious - I had the same immediate thought! We’ve seen those red &/or blue spike protein images repeatedly with nearly every Covid news story for the past 18 months. 

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Ain't it interesting, the switch in power in the couples with the crazies? The crazies are subdued & trying to show they're good while the others are quietly wielding their power & watching them closely. 🤔😅

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23 hours ago, greeneyedscorpio said:


I felt for Bao during Unfiltered.  She was visibly distressed and sad while talking about Johnny's nitpicking.  He's a nightmare and I wish she'd just cut her losses and leave.  


She looked uncomfortable physically & emotionally. Sitting stiffly & awkwardly, her hair looking dirty, no Bao joy to be found at all - “childish” or otherwise. It’s just a stupid TV show, Bao — step away! This is not a healthy situation.

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I get wanting to be excited to see your spouse when you get home instead of indifferent or unhappy, but Ryan said it in a stupid way. Like some Hollywood fantasy. 😒WHERE has he taken responsibility for doing NOTHING to get them there???? & worse yet, he's taking the coward's way out, SHOWING her with shitty actions that he's out instead of being an adult & just saying he's a punk & he's done participating. He's kinda being like Mindy's Zach, but won't say the words & a lot worse looking. Another case of the punk husbands trying to make the wife pull the plug for them.

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Ugh! These WEAK people!! I CAN'T!! Such big talk to the cameras, but nothing to their spouse. WTF?!! Imagine what got cut! This is one of the worst parts of this marriage experiment. Not only do they NOT say it to their spouse, they say it to viewers. WEAK! How does it help their marriage??! I'd ask if they'd continue doing that after DD, but they won't be together after that. 😅 Brett & Bao appear to be the biggest offenders. Especially Bao. Like, ENOUGH ALREADY!! This ain't the "Bao Show." 😂😂

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14 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

And loose the short pink shorts, too. What a dweeb.  

Those really were short. If they were white, they'd look like diapers. Quite appropriate, though, considering how he was behaving.

14 hours ago, Retired at last said:
16 hours ago, Empress1 said:

He was all, “you don’t tap me when I wake up and ask me to go running with you!”

And if she did, he would yell at her for waking him up. She cannot win.

Yep. His pattern seems to be he starts a conversation for the explicit purpose of picking a fight. He's a bully.

13 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:
17 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:

Brett plans a physical outing thinking Ryan will enjoy. She thinks there is no way she can do the first task. She tries anyway and succeeds without a word of encouragement from Ryan. He's just standing there like a fucking robot. 

Did she succeed?  I thought she didn't make it over the wall.

She didn't, she slid down and gave up. And no shade from me either, I was just talking the other day how even as I kid I couldn't even go across the monkey bars in the playground.

11 hours ago, Lindz said:

God help her if she decides to be trapped in a car with him for hours. He'd probably abandon her on the side of the road or at a gas station.

But that's not his fault, he's used to just getting in the car after filling the tank & leaving, he "forgot" he had a wife who was using the bathroom 😆

7 hours ago, gingerandcloves said:

He needs to be honest with Brett so she can cut her losses and move on. I don't think she's going to be as heartbroken as Ryan thinks she is.

This is making me think about a scene from my favorite movie, You've Got Mail. Kathleen & Frank went out for drinks to talk. After Frank's hemming & hawing, Kathleen said "You don't love me", and after he said no, she replied with "Me neither" and they both had a laugh about it. They were so afraid of being honest out of fear of one hurting the other, and quite the opposite happened. I could see this happening with them. Brett might actually feel relieved. She said they don't agree politically, she doesn't like the hunting, she wouldn't try line dancing. If she were honest with herself, I think she'd realize she's not that crazy about Ryan at all.

Edited by ByTor
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5 minutes ago, ByTor said:

She didn't, she slid down and gave up. And no shade from me either, I was just talking the other day how even as I kid I couldn't even go across the monkey bars in the playground.

I thought she did, I guess he was standing there like an embarrassed fucking robot?

Edited by Mr. Miner
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4 minutes ago, ByTor said:

She didn't, she slid down and gave up. And no shade from me either, I was just talking the other day how even as I kid I couldn't even go across the monkey bars in the playground

A woman having a lack of upper body strength is nothing to be ashamed of. I was the kid in gym class who couldn’t even get to the second knot when trying to climb a rope. It didn’t make me a bad person.

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Ryan's face creeps me out and he is just so dead in the entire face. He has no personality and I don't find him to be a good looking guy. I think he thinks he's this gorgeous man but I don't see what he sees. 

While I don't find Brett to be pretty, I do think she is attractive ( I didn't at first.) But she's been looking better every episode. I think she knows they are going to get a divorce and is just waiting out the inevitable. Even if Ryan was willing to actually try, I could personally never be with someone who isn't into me or isn't attracted to me.

Johnny is showing his true colors more and more with every passing episode. He picks fight after fight and I think he hates that Bao remains calm and mature because it makes him look like the bad one (which he is.) He is just SO immature and a narcissist. Even him saying that if she's giving 100 % then that means he's giving 150 % is just so Johnny. I have yet to see any effort he's putting in. Their relationship gives me so much whiplash. They appear to be having a great time and having fun together and then he always finds a way to ruin it. He is one big man baby. Ugh , cant stand him.

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