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S07.E04: August 30, 2021

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Really, I cannot understand how Mari did not see how hypocritical she was being toward Aaron. She honestly acted like she just did not get the ramifications of what she said to Kenny.

It seemed very deliberate on Tammy’s part to go off with Thomas. She purposefully took Aaron’s enemy and marched right in front of Aaron to make out with Thomas, pretending not to notice what he was doing and then asking Thomas if Aaron was staring at them. I hadn’t noticed any relationship with Tammy and Thomas at all and I think she just wants to be some kind of femme fatale. She’s acting as though she’s upset that they’re fighting over her, but she arranged that whole situation for maximum impact.

I think Jessenia is adorable and obviously she can go after whomever she wants, but I did think she and Ivan could have been a strong couple. He certainly thought so. I don’t remember Chris at all.

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Aaron made out with Serena C in front of Tammy just before the last rose ceremony, so he needs to shut up and take a seat. He thinks he's "built" something with her after knowing her for a week.

The previews made it look like Kenny "cheated" on Mari with Demi, but he just went and did what she told him she wanted to do as well. Not that I think that Kenny is any kind of prize, but if Mari really liked him, she shouldn't have done that.

I hate the "love guru" dates and my retinas need a scrubbing after seeing that middle-aged, full-figured woman in a crochet bikini top.

Edited by chocolatine
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So Mari thinks it should be okay for her to date other people, but Kenny should stay faithful.  I've known some men who think like that.

I just wish Kenny had gone to someone other than Demi.  When someone completely switches types I call  sleep-with-anyone horndog!

Poor Ivan was really hurt.  He's such a good guy in every way I wonder what's holding back the "spark."

Mopey Joe and Serena together are starting to make me a little queasy. I didn't want to see them rolling around in their pointless wrestling outfits.

Deandra is stunning.

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I feel asleep again before the end of the show so missed the Tammy/Aaron and Demi/Kenny drama.  Is it worth rewatching? 
My two takeaways:

1.  Demi looks like a horrible kisser.  The lip bite and pull? Painful to watch.  Can’t imagine being the recipient.

2.  Is Chasen a clone?  I swear he has been on every iteration of the Bachelor world under various generic names.  He could of been on Triata’s season as a “Michael” if we look hard enough.

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Mari has bad timing. The time for the "I might date someone else" is supposed to be when she actually has accepted a date. Not just a hypothetical. Kenny has no class, he went off and got with Demi just to show Mari, but I can see how he felt burned. 

See how in the intro they show Demi stirring a pot?

Edited by TVMovieBuff
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Aaron!  He's always reminded me of Ray Barone, so the first dozen times he said something self-pitying in that sad drone, I thought he was joking.  Now I guess it's real. "That woman I talked to is walking right past me with another guy.  Now they're kissing. Everyone is pitying me. Bummer."  Not that I'm defending Tammy, but what a drip he is.  He and Joe should form a club.

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40 minutes ago, Hip-to-be-Square said:

Thomas would date a dolphin if it kept him on this show- I don't think that he's into any of these girls, he just gets off on being desired.  

I agree, but at least he's not pretending to be anything he isn't. Aaron is like a dog with a bone and coming across much worse. And so many red flags when he keeps implying that Tammy owes him loyalty after they hung out for a week (non-exclusively on his part) and he gave her a rose. In real life women run from guys like him.

Edited by chocolatine
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This week, the women have the roses and the power, and it shows.  Next week, it is the men who will get the swelled heads.   Mari is an idiot, but Kenny is a bigger one, getting with Demi… although it could be because he has zero feelings for her but wants to make sure he gets a rose.   But I really hated that Mari focussed all her anger on Kenny as if he had no choice in the matter.  

Sucks for Ivan but it sounds like Jessenia was waiting/hoping for Chris.  And now, she has a rose and the power.  

I agree Joe is mopey, but at least he doesn’t play a guitar and sing about his pain. 

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35 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

This week, the women have the roses and the power, and it shows.  Next week, it is the men who will get the swelled heads.   Mari is an idiot, but Kenny is a bigger one, getting with Demi… although it could be because he has zero feelings for her but wants to make sure he gets a rose.   But I really hated that Mari focussed all her anger on Kenny as if he had no choice in the matter.  

Sucks for Ivan but it sounds like Jessenia was waiting/hoping for Chris.  And now, she has a rose and the power.  

I agree Joe is mopey, but at least he doesn’t play a guitar and sing about his pain. 

I feel like Joe is an alien revenant from a TV drama like This is Us or Thirtysomething who dropped into the BIP universe.  Conor's outfit designed to impress Maurissa was HILARIOUS!! I am sure they were all punking him when they told him how good he looked.  My fave Noah is coming off very well compared to a lot of these guys.

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2 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

So Mari thinks it should be okay for her to date other people, but Kenny should stay faithful.  I've known some men who think like that.

I just wish Kenny had gone to someone other than Demi.  When someone completely switches types I call  sleep-with-anyone horndog!

Poor Ivan was really hurt.  He's such a good guy in every way I wonder what's holding back the "spark."

Mopey Joe and Serena together are starting to make me a little queasy. I didn't want to see them rolling around in their pointless wrestling outfits.

Deandra is stunning.

I also thought that Jessenia was unnecessarily blunt with Ivan--it seemed cruel to me.  Surely there was a more tactful way for her to say that something was missing?

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Mari looked like an idiot.  Mari handled the whole thing wrong.  She said something like "I might take a date with someone else" and then when Kenny responded with "Sure ok so I'll keep my options open too" Mari tried to say NO!  

Demi looks like a child to me.  I don't know how anyone could find her sexy, especially a 40 year old man.  It gives me the creepy crawlies.  She looks much younger than she is.  I assume she's around 26 I think from a past episode thread.  To me she looks 18!


2 minutes ago, Alexander Pope said:

I also thought that Jessenia was unnecessarily blunt with Ivan--it seemed cruel to me.  Surely there was a more tactful way for her to say that something was missing?

Totally agree, that was so mean.

26 minutes ago, Alexander Pope said:

  Conor's outfit designed to impress Maurissa was HILARIOUS!! I am sure they were all punking him when they told him how good he looked. 

That was rough when everybody "Oohed" and "Ahhhed" all over it and then Connor spent 5 minutes hanging out with Wells while Wells just made fun of it.

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38 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

I agree, but at least he's not pretending to be anything he isn't. Aaron is like a dog with a bone and coming across much worse. And so many red flags when he keeps implying that Tammy owes him loyalty after they hung out for a week (non-exclusively on his part) and he gave her a rose. In real life women run from guys like him.

Red flags are aplenty with Aaron!  He's the type of guy who can turn on the drop of a dime when he's pissed and would make girls walk on eggshells around him if he isn't happy.  Aaron has a nice smile and great body, but dating him would make me binge eat out of stress and lose all of my fitness results 😅! He's a hard pass for me- I'd lace up my Keds and sprint to the nearest bus stop.  Noah, Joe and Ivan are the hottest to me so far- they're easy going, very handsome and kind which goes a lot further for me than a super ripped body and sloppy sex fueled make outs ala Kenny and Thomas.

  • Love 18
46 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Demi looks like a child to me.  I don't know how anyone could find her sexy, especially a 40 year old man.  It gives me the creepy crawlies.  She looks much younger than she is.  I assume she's around 26 I think from a past episode thread.  To me she looks 18!


My husband, pushing 70, saw her for the first time last night and asked me if she was 12.  18 is generous on your part, imo. Nothing womanly about her, imho.

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After this episode it seemed to me that all the contestants care about is trying to be the mostest sought after person on the beach.  Maybe it's a reaction to getting cut by the Bachelor/Bachelorette on their original seasons (and many of these contestants were cut pretty early in their seasons) and trying to show that they are so super desirable.  However, all I'm seeing are immature wannabes who don't know anything about relationships whatsoever.  Oh, and Mari?  Making a big deal out of throwing someone's birthday cake in the fire never taught anyone a "lesson" ever in the entirety of history.  But, it did make her look super hypocritical, so maybe that was the look she was going for?  Wow, could she not even get out of the hole she dug for herself when talking with Kenny and trying to deny that she said what she said.  As I used to tell my students "semantics matter-what you say (write) and how you say (write) it matter."

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31 minutes ago, Alexander Pope said:

Kenny himself said he preferred Mari physically--now there is someone who looks like a woman! 

Mari has a gorgeous, bod and stunning face- I don't understand why Kenny would go from Mari to trashy teenybopper Demi.  I do dock Mari for throwing that cake in the fire though- I get where she was coming from, but it looked so delicious!  It reminded me of a hilarious scene in Strangers With Candy when the Meat Man is at a pizza restaurant and angrily yells, "Who's pizza is this?!  Than it isn't anybody's pizza!!" And then he throws it at Stephen Colbert 😆

Edited by Hip-to-be-Square
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I’m totally shipping Chris and Chasen though I don’t remember either of them! I think Riley will be the Boom King this season. 
 Natasha is wasting her time on Brenden. He’s just biding his time and is using her for a rose until Pieper or really anyone else comes along. 

Aaron’s temper has always concerned me and he is too volatile. I would ve very wary of getting involved with him because things set him off very easily. 

Not looking forward to Becca coming aboard. She just has no personality except for her manufactured “let’s do this” which I hope she has retired. 

Edited to add: Demi is trash. 

Edited by Kiss my mutt
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4 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

My husband, pushing 70, saw her for the first time last night and asked me if she was 12.  18 is generous on your part, imo. Nothing womanly about her, imho.

Maybe it was what she was wearing last night but, at one point, Demi's body reminded me of a prepubescent boy.  Add her voice, which is like fingernails on a blackboard, and it adds up to a really annoying middle school package!

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Say what you want about Joe , but he’s not a player unlike the rest of them . I like that he zeroes in on someone he likes and really doesn’t play games at all. Sure he’s become a bit of a fame whore but who can blame him ? I’d gladly take the money too for appearing on reality shows . 

I said this on Demi’s first BIP go around but .. she’s not gay or bisexual . She was playing a part just like she’s doing now . The original story with the girl she was engaged to seemed so calculated and then they were engaged for .2 seconds . I’ve had food in my mouth for a longer time than they were together . I mean, there’s nothing real about the girl . She’s just trying to be the star of the show AGAIN and get attention but it’s very cringey to watch and she’s just so trashy . Mari Is also so much prettier than her . 

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I’m not understanding this double sexist standard. Why did Mari go after Demi and Aaron go after Thomas when both Mari and Tammy were the ones in the wrong?! Tammy was intentionally being a slutty player and now she’s going to cry about it! If a guy did what Mari or Tammy did, he would have been maligned and character assasinated to the extreme. I know it’s all scripted and badly scripted but Ugh! I hate when women think they can treat men like that like they’re not humans with feelings!

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I think Aaron is more upset with  “losing face” and not having a guaranteed rose than he is because he really liked Tammy. I do think it’s poor form to straddle and make out with another guy to spite the other one because you know he’s looking. Not a fan of the three of them!

2 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

Becca is gonna look like everyone's Aunt Rose when she walks down those steps.  

So true! She looks so old compared to the rest of them and is more mature, not that that’s a bad thing, she just has that chaperone, RA, babysitter vibe!

Edited by Kiss my mutt
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Seems like I remember in past seasons there were more scenes shot during the day, and there were more fun activities.  These people look tired, bored, sweaty and uncomfortable sitting around at night.  I don't blame Tre and Taj for leaving.

Also, I've forgotten but is there any kind of prize to be won at the end of this crapfest?  

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The opening credits are increasingly remind me of a trashy version of Too Many Cooks. 

I generally like Jessenia and its her prerogative who she wants to date, but I think she could have been more sensitive with Ivan. He seems like a good guy, he really didnt do anything wrong here besides not giving her the "spark" she wanted, she could have let him down easier. Especially since they're all together on this freaking beach. 

I have no idea why Kenny is into Demi, watching them drip all over each other makes him look even more like Wooderson hitting on high schoolers in Dazed and Confused, and Demi is an attention obsessed bobble head, but Mari isnt coming off any better. She said she is going to explore her options, but Kenny is supposed to just sit around and wait for her? Hypocritical much? Plus, she brought that poor innocent cake into it! 

Edited by tennisgurl
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Oh boy, my fave Noah is seeming like kind of a jerk here to Abigail. She only wants a bit more passion and conversation and he lies there looking into the distance thinking all is well with his lack of effort and laid back non conversation,boring kind of relationship style. Now Abigail is left feeling like its her fault and that she ruined things because she dared to want a bit more than the minimal input Noah seems to think is just fine. 
He's a bore. 

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Tia being all "private beach my ass there's a whole damn production crew here my clothes are staying on" is actually pretty funny. Almost as funny as those terrible granny panties she's wearing. 

There is WAY too many Demi, its so emblematic of this franchises issues. Giving all of their screen time to the most terrible annoying people who live to start drama for drama's sake to the point that the show seems miserable for the people on it and for us.  

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