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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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Just now, Auntie Anxiety said:

So I finished Gomorra in its entirety and now I’m moving on to the next binge-worthy show, whatever that may be. I‘Ll report back.

I just watched all of season one of "After Life" on Netflix and enjoyed it very much. 

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Ben's been looking for unconditional love all his life. (How much of it did HE give to his WIFE and children?) But found it on a paid website with possibly a catfish, who's in unconditional love with his wallet and citizenship. 

And that gym scene wasn't that attractive, hate to break it to you Bennyboy. Shoulders weren't bad but the midriff on down was exactly what I have seen on domr aging guys who don't work out. Hey, I'm old, so I get the challenge. Just stop thinking you're so damn hot, OK? 

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1 minute ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

So I finished Gomorra in its entirety and now I’m moving on to the next binge-worthy show, whatever that may be. I‘Ll report back.

I’m binge watching the original Dallas on IMDB and loving every minute.

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1 minute ago, Trackdawg said:

Seriously?!?! Was that Love Me ? I'm SOOOOO fucking ashamed that I even know this title.

Seriously, but I don't remember the name for certain. Love Me sounds right, though.

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3 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:

We are only 36 minutes in, I thought for sure it was after 9 already. Where is thirsty Kimbaaahly? Has she even got a kiss on the mouth yet?

Not even a peck on the cheek.

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IF Caleb were honest he would have said "no" within the first few days and left. But he has a contract to see this through, so what we have here is a bored, exhausted, and frustrated male dancing as fast as he can verbally because she WILL NOT SHUT UP about her obsession. she wants to lock him down yesterday. As a woman, Imma say that's one dumb strategy. 

Edited by Tuneful
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4 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:

We are only 36 minutes in, I thought for sure it was after 9 already. Where is thirsty Kimbaaahly? Has she even got a kiss on the mouth yet?

If they skip them this week I'll be disappointed. They are my favorite disaster this season.

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6 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I’m mean but the one lady in the fat friends show had weight loss surgery and should have lost much more weight by now. These friends are likely holding her back.

She actually lost a lot of weight. (Meghan, I think).    However, she's still big.   The must see scene for this show is Meghan and Vanessa in the park exercising, and it's obvious that the title of this show should be 1 Ton friends, not 1,000 lb friends (or whatever it is).   Vanessa is never going to lose much weight, and doesn't care anyway.  

Memphis is such a jerk.    Hamza should just sign the prenup, and then worry about it later.    

I want to see Kimberly get her heart stomped on again.    I'm so mean. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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Just now, rideashire said:

If they skip them this week I'll be disappointed. They are my favorite disaster this season.

Kimbally the only woman on the planet who can't get laid even if she's in a bar and buys everyone drinks and it's 4am and closing time.

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