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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

My guess is that he wants to bro out and thus is choosing to protect X's "person" in the hopes that X will protect his if X wins HOH next week. 

Outside of the CO, Ky’s only options were SB, Derex, Britini, Claire and Alyssa. Deref and Azah are protecting Britini with the fierceness of two mama grizzlies, so he let her slide. Xavier just lost his main person Christian last week (plus another vote in Whitney the week before), so Ky didn’t want to pile on with an Alyssa nom. SB and Derex are Ky’s people, so he wants to protect them as long as he can. (And not jeopardize losing their votes.) That leaves Claire. And since he has Tiff’s blessing, why not?

I don’t pretend to understand the labyrinth that is Ky’s mind, so this is just my guess. And while I hate to lose Claire, it makes sense to me.

1 hour ago, choclatechip45 said:

The only thing that failed is someone like Claire is to scared of being called a racist by the fan base if she put up Deref and another black person in the house. It makes for boring gameplay. 

I don’t know what Claire is or is not scared of, or who she might nominate, because she hasn’t been HoH. I would not be surprised to see her nominate Deref or Azah because they’re not her allies. (Although Tiff might talk her out of it.) But it’s all just supposition at this point. I choose to believe that, given the chance, Claire would have the nerve to do what’s right for her.

1 hour ago, Nashville said:

From Jokers:

Fri 1:02 PM PT Tiffany says to Claire that Ky reminds her of Kaysar if Kaysar had made it further.

Can’t say I’ve been a very big fan of Tiffany’s recent gameplay, but IMHO this was a remarkably astute observation.

My iPad clearly agrees, because every time I start to type “Kyland”, it suggests “Kaysar” instead.

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1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

My guess is that he wants to bro out and thus is choosing to protect X's "person" in the hopes that X will protect his if X wins HOH next week. 

That hasn't happened, though, right? We haven't had anyone choose not to nominate a Black HG because they were worried about being seen as racist. 

 Claire is close to figuring out the cookout but I doubt she will nominate two members. She is an online fan. I hope she does what is best for her game. But I don't have an issue with the cookout even if it makes boring tv. Deref , SB and Alyssa are the only people I don't like right now which is an all time low. 

Edited by choclatechip45
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1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

I think it's fair to say that the show failed to be diverse enough in its casting, as they probably should not have gone with 6 Black HGs out of 8 minority HGs.

Beyond that, if they had gone 6 Hispanic HGs out of 8 or 6 Asian HGs out of 8 and those groups had banded together, I don't think any other minority would really care, no, although perhaps there'd be a few more thinkpieces on, "Why did they cast 6 Asians out of 8 minority cast members?"

I know we don't agree, but I just wanted to say, I appreciate the respectful dialogue about the subject. 


1 hour ago, Maggie Mae said:

It took me a hot minute to remember who the hell Travis is!!

Haha. I was like that when people were mentioning Brent. Like, who the heck is that? 😄

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Go Claire go! I really hope she either wins this or the regular PoV goes to her or DereX. I am still wondering though what Julies awkward explanation of the third power is. She said some gobbedly gook like: or the power to have the power to flip the ultimate power in this game, clearly a person who should be snippy with a guy who keeps saying "I evote". LOL. I thought that was a reference to an HoH take over and that's what I'm hoping Claire would go for. The saweetness of her taking herself off and putting Kyland and Derek F up. Mmm. 

Edited by blixie
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Even as a Big Brother fanatic that tweet confused the fuck out of me.  But whatever rainbow trip Claire is currently on, I hope she gets herself off the block.  I had voted 4 times before I knew Ky was HOH - once I knew he was, I gave my last 6 to Claire.  And I NEVER vote!  This season, y'all, I kind of love it.  

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3 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Personally, I want Claire to get off the Block solely because it screws up everybody else’s plans….  😈

Exactly!  Tiff doesn't care one way or the other about Claire, but every single other member of the CO has someone else they are protecting and want to keep around at least another week and it would screw them all if she managed to get through this week and next safely, lol.

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58 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:



 I think I'd just get booted rather than stand up and recite that 3 times on live network television.

 Den of Temptation?  Paris?  Are they having a yard sale at the BB warehouse?    Will the Baroness from GI Joe be hacking into the living room TV soon to warn the HGs about analice loose in the house?   

Edited by Maverick
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I think the Cookout discussions have been moving and interesting, both in the house and (for the most part) in the online discourse.

Like some of you, I am going to be curious about DerekX's reaction, as a POC who was left out of this group. It hasn't exactly been easy to be Asian in this country....well, ever...but obviously in the last 18 months.

I get why the CO has to be limited in scope in order to work, but I hope it won't hurt DX's feelings overmuch. 

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As a non-feedster, just wanted to say thanks to the ones who report on here and keep us updated. Also want to say that I'm LOVING this season. Is the CO "racist"? I personally don't think so, but appreciate that the discussion here is multi-faceted and civil.

I'd love to see a black HG win this season and appreciate the greater importance of being seen, but as a selfish diehard viewer, I just adore that every player WANTS to be there! WANTS to win! Yeah, there are/were a few of the potentially typical mactors, but their influence has been so completely diluted by some actual freaking diversity and the (albeit finger-on-the-scale) early teams. I mean, in any "normal" season, how quickly would Derek F have been ostracized? Sarah Beth? Derek X? Britini? I believe every one of them, and more, would have been demonized or at least shunned by the typical power players in a "normal" nasty season. Every HG this season has an individual personality; it's so refreshing to actually remember their names rather than "the blonde with the birthmark" or "the guy who always eats cereal".

I can't wait to see how these generally intelligent, thoughtful, and decent people connive and strategize over the course of the season. It almost takes me back to the first few seasons....

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Feeds back on, and I have no idea what went on those 6 ass hours when the feeds are down. I'm following the DereF/Ky conversation (which, YOU'RE WELCOME) and DereF definitely knew he was going up as a pawn and told Ky he was lying to everyone else, including Azah....for....reasons???  He's telling Ky SB has to go next, and Ky is like "of course, but I want to be on the block next to her", which is quite frankly taking the easy way out until DereF said - great, unless she comes off the block and you find yourself up against someone you can't beat.  KY: "Ooooooohhhh".  


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31 minutes ago, Dewey Decimate said:

I'd love to see a black HG win this season and appreciate the greater importance of being seen, but as a selfish diehard viewer, I just adore that every player WANTS to be there! WANTS to win!

You mean you don't like Robin Kass' old format of Instagram models and whoever is rejected from Big Brother and/or Love Island? 

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37 minutes ago, Dewey Decimate said:

Ican't wait to see how these generally intelligent, thoughtful, and decent people connive and strategize over the course of the season. It almost takes me back to the first few seasons....

This season could end up being the season we measure all future seasons against. "That would never have happened in BB23." "Remember how Derex was Lord of the Latrine and Ky was a jackass? Good times, good times." 

What's that word for when you miss something while you still have it, sort of backwards nostalgia? 

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I'm completely confused on why DereF wants to keep Azah angry and confused at Ky for putting him on the block when DereF completely volunteered to go up on the block as a way to ensure Britni didn't have to spend another week up as a pawn.

My only guess is DereF really does want to blow up the Cookout because he is definitely risking Azah starting an ugly confrontation.

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1 hour ago, Melina22 said:

This season could end up being the season we measure all future seasons against. "That would never have happened in BB23." "Remember how Derex was Lord of the Latrine and Ky was a jackass? Good times, good times." 

What's that word for when you miss something while you still have it, sort of backwards nostalgia? 

I worry that it's going to be BB17 - fans will love it and remember it fondly, CBS is all "lol wut? Never happened!" except when they need to bring back a "character" as a returnee.

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Stole this from the live feed thread on Reddit:


Interesting to see that, if these self-reported numbers are right (and I can see Deref being up there with the casual/power voting audience), the audience that can be bothered to power vote is basically saying yes to the majority of the Cookout, think Derex is a cutie like the rest of us, and think Britini is a sympathetic or uplifting figure after her Veto win and perpetual pawn-ness. I'm just glad that everyone is getting free and easy money sent directly to their cell phones due to the Derek X promo, missing Hannah Chaddah had been found, and everybody is getting 90% off their McDonalds orders for life (thanks, Tiff!).

ETA: According to a cam talk, Britini may actually have won the $100 Deref is claiming. She thanked America, started to talk about the twist and the only game there available/affordable at that point (Veto Derby?) and then they cut away because even Production is like "oh God, Britini cam" and noped out.

Edited by Callaphera
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If Big D did win $100 I’ll be very depressed. That said, everyone has a fan base whether it be people who just watch the broadcast show or the just the live feeds or both or in the BB Facebook group (which I often hear about but not apart of). I guess we’ll have to wait till Sunday to hear (hopefully) how much they actually were awarded. The only thing I don’t know and may have missed was how were they told? In the DR? In the High Roller room? Email?

Edited by ByaNose
52 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Did we ever confirm if Claire did win the High Rollers power (Veto?) for this week?

So, there's a conversation going on in the HOH right now between Ky, Claire and Derex.  I just rewound to the beginning of it (about 30 min ago) so that I can get the full scope (you're welcome, fellow feedsters).  It starts out just Claire and Ky with Derex using the HOH shower.  

Ky starts out lying through his teeth about considering putting X up.  I'm not exactly sure how this High Rollers power works regarding the veto - there seems to be something about betting on who wins Veto?  

Discussing HG choice for veto tomorrow - Derex is fine with being either Ky or Claire's choice; if Ky picks Derex then Claire will pick Tiff; they guess that Deref would choice Brit.  

ETA - there is a 2nd veto power that, I think, will be in play tomorrow during the POV game.  The scenario that Claire laid out at 11:13 is that Deref wins the regular POV, uses it on himself, Ky names a 3rd nominee, then the 2nd POV winner can decide to use the POV to remove Claire or Nominee #3 or leave the noms the same, which forces Ky to potentially name a 4th nominee.

Edited by HighQueenEB
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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

According to a cam talk, Britini may actually have won the $100 Deref is claiming. She thanked America,

I also took this as confirmation that Britini won the $. She was far too gleeful for it not to be true.

Xavier is also convinced that she won the $100, and that she must be vanquished because of it. It makes her too dangerous, because she could win another $100 next week and buy a big advantage, or something (I don’t understand how these powers work yet). So he went to Ky and they agreed Britini should go this week instead of Claire. Tiff and Deref are also on board with that. 

So, good job, America! You killed Britini!

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20 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Tiff and Deref are also on board with that. 

Deref is onboard with voting out Brit?

More evidence that I just have no idea what he's thinking or doing. He has been so very protective of her.  He really is all over the map.  I can see him losing Azah over that. 

Edited by vb68
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Other things I heard/ saw tonight:

Alyssa was moping around, all dejected and apathetic because her girly girl nomance is gone. She is just looking forward to the finale, when she will see him again and know if her feelings are real. Either way, she’s breaking up with her boyfriend from before the season, because once you’ve done the hairflip giggle, there’s no going back.

Deref keeps talking about his nomination, with fake outrage, to anyone who will listen. Something about Ky putting Cheerios on his picture, and why would you do that to a fat man. He said he was looking at Ky at the ceremony, thinking about how sexy he looked, and then Ky’s putting food on him, and how rude is that.

Tiffany finished doing her braids, a project she has been working on since Brent was in the house. Hot water keeps them flexible.

Despite being nominated, Claire seems very cheerful and is taking it all in stride.

Sarah Beth is jumping on the Ditch Britini train, too. All aboard! 


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26 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Deref is onboard with voting out Brit?

More evidence that just have no idea what he's thinking or doing. He has been so very protective of her.  He really is all over the map.  I can see him losing Azah over that. 

SB joined this conversation in the HOH with Ky, Claire and Derex and I think the thought process, at least for now, is that because Brit won $100, if they get her out this week, she won't be around to potentially have enough $ in the 3rd week to try for the Cootie Taw power. 

In that regard, I could see Deref being on board with ditching Brit now rather than keeping her since the HGs realize she has a large enough fan base with America to get the most money this week.

ETA - they're speculating on tomorrow's veto comp - SB thinks it could be slip & slide because apparently they were told they'll have a chance for BB bucks tomorrow.  Claire agrees but also says that the egg comp is a possibility.  I agree with their logic.

According to them, Brit also thinks that next week is a double elim but they, logically, deduce that there won't be a double until after the High Rollers comps are over, or possibly there will be one the last week of the HRs because that would make 4 HGs out and, at that point, there would be a battle back.  I can see the logic in that as well.  

Edited by HighQueenEB
11 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Alyssa was moping around, all dejected and apathetic because her girly girl nomance is gone. She is just looking forward to the finale, when she will see him again and know if her feelings are real. Either way, she’s breaking up with her boyfriend from before the season, because once you’ve done the hairflip giggle, there’s no going back.

I think Alyssa and her boyfriend are already broken up. God help me, but I actually listened to some of it and she kept talking about how good they were together, everyone complimented them on how good they were together. But her ex wanted to put a ring on it and Cool Girls can't be tied down so she cut and run. But Cool Girls know that they're also Irresistible so he came back to try and get with that. But Alyssa was going on Big Brother so she asked him to watch her dog and giggle hair flipped with Christian in the house. 

It's my nighttime soap. I'm invested. Alyssa/Christian/Xavier is my new OT3.

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Ky is talking to Deref about noms. Ky says Claire is his first choice to go, but he is concerned that voting her out at this point will raise suspicions, because nobody else is targeting her. He doesn’t know how he can sell it to Derex, and if he can’t, Derex will have to go next week. So Britini would be a safer choice. Deref seems hesitant about this (even though he readily agreed to it earlier, with Xavier, so wtf), but before Ky can convince him

feeds switch to X and Alyssa, also discussing Britini. Alyssa needs no convincing— she can go! 

Britini has been bouncing around the house tonight, basking in the glow of America’s love and oblivious to how it’s causing her downfall. I wonder what kind of juror she’s going to be, bitter or super bitter?

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6 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Ky is talking to Deref about noms. Ky says Claire is his first choice to go, but he is concerned that voting her out at this point will raise suspicions, because nobody else is targeting her. He doesn’t know how he can sell it to Derex, and if he can’t, Derex will have to go next week. So Britini would be a safer choice. Deref seems hesitant about this (even though he readily agreed to it earlier, with Xavier, so wtf), but before Ky can convince him

At the start of that conversation, Deref was reporting that Alyssa has observed that there are about 5 people who haven't hit the block - X, Tiff, Hannah (wrong - Hannah was the pawn against Whit), Azah, and Derex, and followed that up with "Interesting".  I think that confirms that Christian's comment on Wednesday night nearly clocking the CO has definitely clicked in with Alyssa.  Ky tells Deref that if he wants to target Alyssa he needs to check in with X and, basically, get his blessing.

7 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Britini has been bouncing around the house tonight, basking in the glow of America’s love and oblivious to how it’s causing her downfall. I wonder what kind of juror she’s going to be, bitter or super bitter?

2 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I could see her turning it around, you know, like, "America loves me, that's enough!"

Given how we're convinced she was raised as one of those coddled "you're the bestest!" kids in spite of her autism/being on the spectrum, I can 100% see her twisting being voted out into "America loves me, that's enough!" because her sense of ego cannot accept anything else.

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3 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

Given how we're convinced she was raised as one of those coddled "you're the bestest!" kids in spite of her autism/being on the spectrum, I can 100% see her twisting being voted out into "America loves me, that's enough!" because her sense of ego cannot accept anything else.

Yeah, that's it exactly. 

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Oooooo...  Ky asks Deref who is a "big target" and he point blank answers "Derex".  Ky doesn't disagree but, let's be real, Ky doesn't want Derex going out right now. 

He knows he can influence/control Derex more than anyone can control the "best liar in the house" aka Britini.  It's interesting that everyone in the house has completely clued into what I observed earlier in the week - Britini is a pathlogically stellar liar.

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1 minute ago, HighQueenEB said:

Britini is a pathlogically stellar liar.

I didn't notice it but someone elsewhere pointed out that during Britini's last big meltdown? There were no actual tears. A lot of crying noises but no actual crying. And when I flashbacked for a quick peek, they were right. We got fake criers, we got people who can cry on demand, we got David last season staring off into space for five minutes to bring the tears out... they're gonna have to start handing out SAG cards with BB Housekeys.

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LOL - Deref wants to, 100%, win HOH next week.  Ky says "absolutely!" with a straight face.  He's giving Brit a run for the "best liar of BB23" award, right there!  As if Deref stands a chance of winning any comps.  Now, watch, he'll win some random clown shoe comp on us.

4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Apparently Kyland hasn't showered for two days? Or changed his donkey costume? They finally offered him a second one. He has to smell like Austin at this point. I don't know how SB doesn't physically recoil when he comes near. That shit doesn't look breathable at all.

It looks like he now has 3 donkey costumes based on the brief storage room visit with him, SB and Claire.  Or, actually, he has a "sleeping one" and two regular ones?

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Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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