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S08.E22: Konets

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Candidates for least believable action:

  • Ressler figures out the master plan and staggers / runs to the restaurant faster than Cooper can drive there
  • Van Dyke admires his killshot instead of finishing RedArina / KataRed
  • Aram has only done the helium voice once at work
Edited by paigow
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11 hours ago, Cardie1 said:

Liz and Tom are both dead and not coming back, IMO.  With Liz dead, the urgency of learning Red’s identity is gone, so they can string us along forever.  But I thought that the way Liz’s montage was edited implied that at the very end she realized Red was Katarina.

So, will Agnes go live with Pinky?


She either "died" or "went into a coma" thinking that. I can see that as a possibility, but we also have to remember she has "assumed" so many things about Red before and her assumptions are not always correct. So just cause her final moments in the episode made it seem like she thought this her character has not been reliable enough in assumptions for her assumption to be 100% believed as the truth. There's a reason they withheld this information from the viewers still.

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Haven't seen any official comments from the writers yet, but they usually have an end of season interview with EW so that will be interesting, but this is what they said before the episode aired:

These last two episodes, which in a weird way are kind of a companion piece, are incredibly surprising. It's really hard after eight years to find new surprises, and I think these next two episodes have some of the biggest surprises we've had in eight years.

As far as the future of this show its made by Sony Pictures and this was their comments about a month ago:

On Sept. 23 and 24, 2013, over two consecutive nights, Sony Pictures TV launched two broadcast series that would go the distance, NBC’s The Blacklistand ABC’s The Goldbergs. Both were recently renewed by their respective networks for a ninth season, with no indication in that announcement that these would the shows’ final seasons.

“Our hope is that both series would continue,” Sony Pictures TV Studios President Jeff Frost told Deadline during a series of interviews with studio toppers focused on the 2021 upfronts. “There has been no conversation about it being the final season for (The Goldbergs or The Blacklist). We haven’t gone into this being the final season; our hope is that there will be many more seasons of both shows.”

So this show might hang on for a while.

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18 minutes ago, anthonyd46 said:

Haven't seen any official comments from the writers yet, but they usually have an end of season interview with EW so that will be interesting, but this is what they said before the episode aired:

These last two episodes, which in a weird way are kind of a companion piece, are incredibly surprising. It's really hard after eight years to find new surprises, and I think these next two episodes have some of the biggest surprises we've had in eight years.

As far as the future of this show its made by Sony Pictures and this was their comments about a month ago:

On Sept. 23 and 24, 2013, over two consecutive nights, Sony Pictures TV launched two broadcast series that would go the distance, NBC’s The Blacklistand ABC’s The Goldbergs. Both were recently renewed by their respective networks for a ninth season, with no indication in that announcement that these would the shows’ final seasons.

“Our hope is that both series would continue,” Sony Pictures TV Studios President Jeff Frost told Deadline during a series of interviews with studio toppers focused on the 2021 upfronts. “There has been no conversation about it being the final season for (The Goldbergs or The Blacklist). We haven’t gone into this being the final season; our hope is that there will be many more seasons of both shows.”

So this show might hang on for a while.

I like the part about the writers saying there were really big surprises.  Oh my, I guess they meant Liz getting shot.  

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This episode was so difficult to watch, or I mean, force myself to watch because it was so full of stupid. In no special order, Lizzie can walk into any hospital posing as a doctor because shelves of scrubs and doctor coats and ID tags are just out in the hallways for anyone to help themselves.

Ressler is so sick still, he's hooked up to monitors and all sorts of things. Yet his "hot" kiss with Lizzie didn't set off his heart monitor to bring nurses running. He's also able to rip all those tubes out, find his clothes, get dressed and RUN out of the hospital and to whatever restaurant across town where Lizzie is. Alrighty then. It didn't matter he didn't have a gun with since he never hits anything with it anyway.

Lizzie picking up Cooper like a hooker is the best description of that scene ever, so thanks poster who posted it. Yeah, Lizzie has killed how many people now yet she's still such a "good person" she needs to reclaim her FBI badge. I still say Cooper is Lizzie's father or wannabe lover since he has more hots for her than any other character on this show and that includes Red.

I was just joking along with everyone that Red is Katarina, but the final scene made me think hey, maybe that's true. But the real true thing is, hey, I don't care. I never cared. Didn't care in Season 1 and don't care in Season 8, 9 or 10.

The guy who shot Lizzie looked like the dude Red hired some seasons ago to guard her apartment.

So Red plans for Lizzie to shoot/kill him in front of everyone so everyone will see her power and know she's the new Crime Lord. Except there's absolutely no one on that sidewalk (except bearded guy) so any doofball or homeless rando could have been the shooter. None of that made any sense. But then again, I'm expecting anything to make sense?

Lizzie goes all verklempt and tells Red she went "bad" because HE MADE HER DO IT. No, Lizzie, you did all that criminal murder stuff on your own, no one FORCED you to do anything.

I don't have a clue who that European woman is who is keeping Agnes. But I hope this is the last we see of her AND Agnes.

Finally, all those FBI agents surround shot Lizzie and not a single one calls 911 or does CPR or even holds pressure on the gunshot wound. What a bunch of maroons. I guess they aren't used to seeing dead/dying/shot people since they always fail shooting anyone.

And finally finally, what was up with the helium balloons. And was the helium voice thing suppose to be the comedic relief? Eh ... fail. I just hope Lizzie is All Dead and not just partly or mostly dead. And maybe next season Red will start treating Dembe with the respect he deserves. Not counting on either to happen though.

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Well, that was... something.

First with the good. The scene with the helium balloons was hilarious. It is a poor commentary on the professionalism of the Post Office but at least it made me laugh. Dembe getting in on it was a bonus. This show takes itself way too seriously sometimes and it's always nice to see them embracing some whimsy now and again.

Lizzie found a great look, it's a shame it was right before the end. Her blue biker jacket, belted blue jeans and boots combo looked fantastic. I'm glad that jacket didn't end up getting ruined. Also nice of Reddington to buy her a new one. She was trying to kill him a couple of weeks ago and the whole plan was to bring her back around to doing that again. I guess he wanted her to do it in style (and as usual she screwed it up).

The montage was great and brought a tear to my eye. I'm a sucker for such emotional manipulation. No reason to be sad but I was sad nonetheless.

As for the rest... oh, Blacklist. I'd say don't ever change but you never do.

Lizzie is dead partly because Cooper, Aram and Park decided to get out of their vehicles and run the last block. She died in an intersection! You can park a cop car there! Even one of the big FBI SUVs!

Liz was all happy when Agnes showed up but doesn't this mean that Reddington casually kidnapped her child? Shouldn't the nanny have been on the lookout for a smooth-talking dude in a hat? I guess maybe Liz could have called ahead but since she wasn't expecting Agnes I'm not sure how that would have worked. But Red, in a casual flex, displays that he could have kidnapped her kid at any time with ease and Liz not only fails to get the message but also thanks him for doing so!

I was in a hospital bed last year for atrial fibrillation and I was hooked up to heart monitors and IV lines and etc. like Ressler. There is no way one leaves in a hurry and without the assistance of a nurse when you have half the ICU sitting on your chest. And yeah, if you tried ripping all that gear off, half the nurses in the ICU would be sitting on you as well.

Also, Ressler doesn't rate a guard at his door? So the lady who tried blowing him up the last time he was in a hospital can just walk in for some snuggling?

I would have loved it if Gen. Riker's daughter walked around a corner and Red was standing there and handed her $20. "Good job kid!" Instead we are left to believe it's just random chance that they run into each other?

There was a moment of Red staring lovingly at a statue of a cat. That is so like the audience continuing to stare at this show that is frozen in time because we want to know where that damn cat went. And those dogs.

Speaking of cats, I would have loved it if the last moment in Lizzie's death montage was her suddenly remembering Jennifer's last request. Sorry Jennifer, I hope your cat meows loudly enough to get the attention of your neighbors!

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11 minutes ago, dwmarch said:

There was a moment of Red staring lovingly at a statue of a cat.

I think it was an Alice In Wonderland tribute statue... so it was the Cheshire Cat....

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It certainly was an emotional episode,, for me. My heart was in my throat and I was fighting back the tears, just could not bear the thought of Reddington dying. Not my precious James Spader. No!  I was on the verge of crying while Liz pointed that gun at Red. I couldn’t bear it!

As soon as the spot of blood started forming on Lizzies chest, a huge relief swept over me Lol! Oh Thank God was all i could think or feel. I guess I proved to myself in those next moments just how little I care for the Elizabeth Keene character. All my “viewers” stress was suddenly gone. Though the life flashing before her montage was pretty good, all I could feel was relief that Reddington was still the one standing. I was HAPPY, just as moments before I thought I’d be crumbling with sorrow at losing Red. 

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1 hour ago, paigow said:

I think it was an Alice In Wonderland tribute statue... so it was the Cheshire Cat....

It was the Cheshire Cat, and here's the scoop on it: "The Cheshire Cat is famous for its ability to appear and disappear at will and for its enormous grin. In fact, sometimes the entire Cat disappears, leaving only the grin behind. The most important thing the Cat does is tell Alice that everyone in Wonderland is crazy – even her."

The reference to Red was pretty glaring.

Color my heart ice cold as the ending montage had no emotional impact on me. I just was thinking this: "I hope those are her DYING thoughts."

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3 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I don't have a clue who that European woman is who is keeping Agnes. But I hope this is the last we see of her AND Agnes.

I second this. The child actor playing Agnes is so bad I think she got the job because she's family to somebody who works on the show. I've never seen any of the kids on Home Before Dark do a bad line reading, but every time "Agnes" opened her mouth I cringed for her.

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I watch this mess, occasionally this season, 100% for Spader. Although, really, does he take on these crappy scripts as a personal challenge or has his financial advisor recommended he build a bigger estate? 

I don't care who Red is/was in relation to the better-be-late Liz. Never did. None of the other characters are worth my time, except Dembe. Wishing season 9 would be Red and Dembe on the road rating restaurants, killing bad guys, anything, really. Set up a B&B, boys! Remodel homes and always build in a secret safe room! I'd watch that.

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15 minutes ago, buttersister said:

I don't care who Red is/was in relation to the better-be-late Liz. Never did. None of the other characters are worth my time, except Dembe. Wishing season 9 would be Red and Dembe on the road rating restaurants, killing bad guys, anything, really. Set up a B&B, boys! Remodel homes and always build in a secret safe room! I'd watch that.

I agree, I only watch for Red and Dembe.  

And yes, I never liked Liz so she'd better be dead. dead. dead.  


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17 hours ago, Surrealist said:

Since we don't know the particulars behind why Megan Boone decided to leave, or if the showrunners kind of forced her out, killing her off makes sense. They're not wanting the actress to return.

Reddit says she wanted more money (same/close to Spader's), they said no so she said then I want eight episodes off with no pay cut, which they obliged. Then she decided to leave.

Edited by Gothish520
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17 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

With shows like this, I half expect Tom to show up alive next season. 😄


17 hours ago, Surrealist said:

Townsend's main henchman, Vandyke.

I had been expecting them to show us Tom isn't really dead for some time.

Ryan Eggold is on New Amsterdam, but I'm not sure how well that series is doing. I haven't watched it.

I've been waiting for Tom to return since the day after he "died". Really makes no sense for him to come back now, unless they bring Liz back too.

I'm ready for some Liz-free Blacklist. I didn't really feel much sadness when she got shot. Just never really been a fan. It;s all about Red and Dembe, though I do have some affection for the team too.

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17 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

With shows like this, I half expect Tom to show up alive next season. 😄

Maybe he'll come back to take Agnes and then disappear again. Are there any other relatives besides maybe Red to care for her? (I can't remember what happened to Tom's mother) 

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27 minutes ago, Gothish520 said:

Reddit says she wanted more money (same/close to Spader's), they said no so she said then I want eight episodes off with no pay cut, which they obliged. Then she decided to leave.

It's interesting that she demanded more money. Not that I'm suggesting she did, or didn't, deserve it. But, at the same time, isn't her grandfather a billionaire developer? 

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1 hour ago, Surrealist said:

It's interesting that she demanded more money. Not that I'm suggesting she did, or didn't, deserve it. But, at the same time, isn't her grandfather a billionaire developer? 

Well, what’s the saying...know your worth....I guess someone didn’t agree with her. I can’t blame her though for the poor writing.   

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1 hour ago, HollyG said:

Maybe he'll come back to take Agnes and then disappear again. Are there any other relatives besides maybe Red to care for her? (I can't remember what happened to Tom's mother) 

Tom's mother is still out there. It'd be interesting if she joined the cast. 

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My guess is that the showrunners intended Liz's quest for the truth to mirror the audience's quest for the truth. The show presented as its central mystery "who is this mysterious man that has entered Lizzie's life and what does he want with her?", which were exactly the questions Lizzie had right from the outset.

So when Lizzie goes searching for answers, it's supposed to mimic us searching for those same answers. When she comes across a realization, we come across that same realization at the same time. When she hits a roadblock- Red-induced or not- she gets frustrated, just like we the audience do.

She's inferred a lot and so has the audience...and both sides have been wrong.

...but, through it all one thing remains constant. When Lizzie makes a discovery, it's the same time we, the audience, do too.  I don't believe there's ever been a point where Lizzie has ever gotten one step ahead of the audience in terms of unravelling the mystery.

Which leaves the decision to not resolve the question about Lizzie's mother and the contents of that letter even more baffling. If this was, truly, "the end" for Lizzie as a character, then it should be the end of the mystery. Let Lizzie die knowing all the answers. Don't leave anything unresolved for us to find out later when the one person who most wants to find out- Lizzie- won't be there to find out about it.

(Which raises the side question about whether or not Lizzie is, truly and definitively, dead...this show did fake her death once before, with a gunshot too. I'm not sure the show could get away with reviving Lizzie twice, but I can't put it past them)

Besides, ultimately I think the show would have been better off taking the weight of the central mystery off its shoulders, kind of like how The Mentalist really got to breathe after it got rid of the Red John albatross. There are so many other things about Red, his empire and his dynamic with the FBI that are ripe for exploring, and it would be so much easier (and more fun) to explore them without the weight of "who are the Rostovas?" hanging over the show.

I mean, I really don't know how many years The Blacklist truly has left (especially with James Spader now in his sixties), but if there ever was a time to really commit to a new direction, it should have been now.

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58 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Wait, BOKENKAMP is leaving, too? What the shit? 

Maybe J.J. Abrams IS coming to really fuck things up... Keri Russell will be grown up Agnes 

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Bokenkamp can become the frustrated screenwriter he wants to be.  Anyhoo, with next season they'd do best to reset and finish this show.  I also don't understand why viewers expect shows like this to deliver a resolution.  I keep reading comments on different boards about people being upset because they didn't get an answer to the mystery and that it was a disservice to Keen/Boone, blah, blah, blah.

There was never going to be a "tidy" answer because Bokenkamp didn't care enough to give one or didn't know it.

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2 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Tom's mother is still out there. It'd be interesting if she joined the cast. 

So is Matias Solomon who was a part of that spinoff and regular show.

Edited by anthonyd46
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5 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Wait, BOKENKAMP is leaving, too? What the shit? 

What do Bokenkamp and Fred Sanford have in common?


Edited by mxc90
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2 hours ago, anthonyd46 said:

So is Matias Solomon who was a part of that spinoff and regular show.

I really thought that there were MULTIPLE characters from that show that could have made the journey over to this series when Redemption was canceled. 

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10 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Tom's mother is still out there. It'd be interesting if she joined the cast. 

I wouldn't mind seeing Famke Janssen return.

7 hours ago, anthonyd46 said:

So is Matias Solomon who was a part of that spinoff and regular show.

I would love to see Solomon return too.

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On 6/23/2021 at 11:16 PM, Danielg342 said:


Well...they tried.

That pretty much explains most episodes going back to the Kings of the Highway.  :)

On 6/23/2021 at 11:35 PM, Cardie1 said:

Liz and Tom are both dead and not coming back, IMO.  With Liz dead, the urgency of learning Red’s identity is gone, so they can string us along forever.  But I thought that the way Liz’s montage was edited implied that at the very end she realized Red was Katarina.

So, will Agnes go live with Pinky?

Agnes can go live on the farm upstate with the dogs, Robert Vesco's cat and Sierra the cat.

I found this episode incredibly boring.  Plus, we didn't get any answers, just more vague hints and implied suggestions. 

I think Lizzie set a record for this show -- for having been shot in consecutive episodes.

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1 hour ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

That pretty much explains most episodes going back to the Kings of the Highway.  :)

It's funny. Re-reading what I wrote about "Kings of the Highway" I said the same thing then that I do now about the show- it has never answered the basic question about why I should care about what's going on, as well as the fact it leaves far more interesting stories on the backburner.

It's infuriating, really. The thought that, if this show had bothered to have a real plan, a real purpose and a better focus, it could have been one of the top TV shows of all time. Red may still go down as one of TV's most iconic characters, but it will be with a bit of wistfulness in that I wish his adventures were ones worthy of his stature.

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1 hour ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Plus, we didn't get any answers, just more vague hints and implied suggestions. 

After reading that Bokenkamp is also leaving, I think that it was likely his vision all along to have Red be Katarina and we got pretty strong suggestions that was the case given the final montage (seeing Katarina holding baby Liz is clearly Red's vision, not Lizzie's, since I doubt Lizzie remembers being a new born and I think we got a quick shot of the baby being handed to her as well -- all Red's visions as Lizzie dies + the notion that she wouldn't kill him if she knew who he was), but I think they didn't outright say it because he's leaving and they want wiggle room for the new person to change that if they want to (whether that means ignoring it outright, or changing whatever it was supposed to be) so the show can keep going.

I'm betting NBC knew it would alienate all sides (conservatives would be upset, trans folks would be upset, people who have any kind of notion of the timeline the show has presented wouldn't like it, etc.) and since they're moving on to a new showrunner anyway, they were just as happy to leave it vague.

In any case, Lizzie seems well and truly dead to me (in true Blacklist fashion, though, can I just say that was the worst dye-pack deployment I've seen in ages -- you could see it under her shirt just before they set it off, lol), and that pleases me to no end. Let's see what they do now -- maybe we'll get the Red/Dembe hour we've always wanted! *hope springs eternal* 

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17 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I can’t blame her though for the poor writing.  

I can blame her for her poor acting though.

16 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Wait, BOKENKAMP is leaving, too? What the shit? 

Good. Maybe next season will have some decent writing AND story line that isn't a bunch of BS.

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1 minute ago, saber5055 said:

I can blame her for her poor acting though.

Good. Maybe next season will have some decent writing AND story line that isn't a bunch of BS.

I agree.  I’m not sure how some writers and producers escape accountability for their poor performance....especially when it rises to certain levels.  It’s insulting to the viewers, imo, as well as embarrassing to the cast.  I wonder how they do some of those scenes with a straight face.

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6 hours ago, tljgator said:

After reading that Bokenkamp is also leaving, I think that it was likely his vision all along to have Red be Katarina and we got pretty strong suggestions that was the case given the final montage (seeing Katarina holding baby Liz is clearly Red's vision, not Lizzie's, since I doubt Lizzie remembers being a new born and I think we got a quick shot of the baby being handed to her as well -- all Red's visions as Lizzie dies + the notion that she wouldn't kill him if she knew who he was), but I think they didn't outright say it because he's leaving and they want wiggle room for the new person to change that if they want to (whether that means ignoring it outright, or changing whatever it was supposed to be) so the show can keep going.

If they were bringing in a new showrunner, I would think the same thing, but they're just going from co-showrunners to one showrunner, and the other showrunner, John Eisendrath, has been co-showrunning the series since Episode 1, and he co-writes almost all episodes written by Bokenkamp, so I doubt his plans are any different. I imagine it's the same thing as if Bokenkamp stayed, which is that they want to hold on to their big reveal as long as possible because shows are dumb like that (as a totally out there comparison, look how long it took Tony and Angela to get together on Who's The Boss? Waaaaay past any realm of logic).

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Unpopular opinion:  best EPISODE (of this series) ever!  Hmmmm, maybe just the best 10 minutes of an episode (of this series) ever!  I was so happy when they killed Lizzie.  Especially as every law enforcement officer declared that Lizzie was a good person and that they should help/protect her.  Oh, and Lizzie claimed that Red made her a criminal (no, you made that choice all on your own).  And, how touching that Lizzie has forgiven all of her perceived slights from Red to the point that they are walking hand in hand through Central Park (I almost expected to hear "Happy Together" by the Turtles playing in the background...).

Of course, I am hoping that there will be one doctor somewhere who will be able to cure Red...

I would prefer that the FBI team just disappears and the show picks up with Red and Dembe on the road (with "On the road again" by Willie Nelson playing in the background...).

I quit watching this show a few seasons back but when I found out that Megan Boone was missing from several episodes I decided to watch again.  I am so ready for some 'fun' as the show progresses without Lizzie.

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It really doesn't stand out in the rest of the mess, but yeah, Liz's 180 on Red at the start of the episode for NO REASON was bizarre. She was just trying to KILL HIM only TWO EPISODES ago, and now she's just chilling with him in the park like nothing happened. What in the what?

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Whether or not the writing will get better with "John with an H" instead of "Jon without the H" calling the shots depends on which writer had more of an influence on the style and the tone of the show. Aside from the other main issue I've pointed out about the show (the lack of a purpose), the main issue regarding the feel of the show is that it can feel way too much like a movie. The pace is way too fast at times, lots of things happen all at once, there's an over-reliance on "sudden" twists, feints and infodumps and there's a lot of scenery chewing.

Stuff that you need to employ to keep an audience entertained over two plus straight hours of running time (or can get away with since movies tend to be a "single shot" episode) but can be wearing over a long series where audiences have more patience and the stories should be more carefully and slowly constructed.

So if it's true that Jon Bokenkamp is the one most responsible for the "feel" of the series because he's more of a "movie guy" and that he wants to leave to write more movies, maybe this show will actually get better.

However, if John Eisendrath stuck around because, philosophically, he agrees with Bokenkamp, I'm not sure we'll get much of a change. Bokenkamp had a chance to end the Rostovas storyline that he likely cultivated, which could have left Eisendrath with a clean slate.

...but, he didn't.

So I'm not sure things are going to change much, sadly.

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On 6/24/2021 at 3:40 PM, Gothish520 said:

Reddit says she wanted more money (same/close to Spader's)

Wow. Just wow. Laughably gross overestimation of her own value. Hubris thy name is Megan Boone. 

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2 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

On the bright side, Lizzie will never be "done with Reddington" ever again.  And for that, we can be thankful. :)

Unfortunately, Agnes will soon be "done with Pinky" every other week.. but will keep falling for ice cream in the park...

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18 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

It really doesn't stand out in the rest of the mess, but yeah, Liz's 180 on Red at the start of the episode for NO REASON was bizarre. She was just trying to KILL HIM only TWO EPISODES ago, and now she's just chilling with him in the park like nothing happened. What in the what?

Because she found out that the random woman who SAID she was her mother wasn't really her mother.  It doesn't matter WHO Red kills as long as it isn't Liz's MOTHER (who Liz loves tremendously, even if she doesn't know who she is.)

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Hello, everyone.  I've only lurked here and most of it has been over the second half of this season because I wanted to see if other fans were as frustrated with this story line as I was.  I see that I'm far from alone.  I needed to jump in now because WTF was that? 

On 6/24/2021 at 1:12 PM, buttersister said:

I watch this mess, occasionally this season, 100% for Spader. Although, really, does he take on these crappy scripts as a personal challenge or has his financial advisor recommended he build a bigger estate? 

I don't care who Red is/was in relation to the better-be-late Liz. Never did. None of the other characters are worth my time, except Dembe. Wishing season 9 would be Red and Dembe on the road rating restaurants, killing bad guys, anything, really. Set up a B&B, boys! Remodel homes and always build in a secret safe room! I'd watch that.

I would watch the hell out of a show like that.  I love shows about that kind of underground world. 

Spader is amazing.  He and Dembe and their group of criminals truly are the only reason I've kept going, although, I do tend to have patience for crap if there's a mystery that I want to see solved.  Which brings me to THIS!!

On 6/24/2021 at 4:30 PM, Danielg342 said:

Which leaves the decision to not resolve the question about Lizzie's mother and the contents of that letter even more baffling. If this was, truly, "the end" for Lizzie as a character, then it should be the end of the mystery. Let Lizzie die knowing all the answers. Don't leave anything unresolved for us to find out later when the one person who most wants to find out- Lizzie- won't be there to find out about it.

(Which raises the side question about whether or not Lizzie is, truly and definitively, dead...this show did fake her death once before, with a gunshot too. I'm not sure the show could get away with reviving Lizzie twice, but I can't put it past them)


Are they kidding us right now? They really let the main character die without a definitive answer to who Red is--something that was the main premise of the show from the beginning?  I thought it was a slap in the face to fans.  I don't know how they'd get away with keeping Liz alive, but, if they do bring her back, they better have an answer to who Red is.  And I'm not sure how I'd feel about Red being Katarina in spite of my full support of trans rights. It feels like it would be wrong to use it as a gimmick, as an escape route, when in reality it's a very serious issue.  Anyway, bringing her back with a different face (actress) would certainly give them a reason to finally give us the big reveal, but it's been ruined now, for me, anyway, so I doubt I would give it more than just an "Oh. Okay."

I did think Liz's final scene was done well.  It was sad and if I had cared more for the character, I probably would have teared up. 

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On 6/24/2021 at 4:12 PM, buttersister said:

Wishing season 9 would be Red and Dembe on the road rating restaurants, killing bad guys, anything, really.

#2 On The Blacklist: Guy Fieri

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I channel surfed the entire epi. Can't stand musical montages because they tend to be fillers because they don't know what else to do. 

Wasn't there a scene in a previous epi with the henchmen on the phone with somebody saying don't worry about all he wanted to do is kill Red's daughter in front of him

Lizzie's half sister should've lived, still miffed about that but the casual and numerous murders were a signal how the season would end. 

My guess Boone wants to do other stuff really bad, I wonder if she had to be coaxed into finishing this season. I just would've written her out and could always bring her back. Too many of her scenes just seemed contrived.

Ressler gets off ventilator on his back for weeks/days and is in shape to run a few miles. And beats the team there as noted.

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Yes, I fast forwarded through all the Lizzie life flashing bullshit.  My thought was that Red had someone in the background ready to shoot him, as he anticipated Lizzie not being able to.  This was a better finish though. 

Why Harold, Aram and Ressler suck up to her is unexplainable.  And the jumping into the hospital bed?  Fifth grade creative writing ,at best.

So Red is so close to dying of some mysterious bullshit disease that he is ready to be shot.  And the explanation for his being around next season will be............

writer’s amnesia.


Edited by CaptainE
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