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S03.E14 Death Begins in Radiology

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7 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Mark and Elizabeth having Ella? That is the example that immediately came to mind but I don't remember Mark's ex-wife dying. Though it has been years since I watched ER, lol. 

How old is Helen supposed to be? Is she in the age-range for that to be a possibly? Not that something like whether or not a woman is of a childbearing age has stopped shows like Grey's Anatomy before...

No it was Abby and Luka. That’s what I was thinking of. I couldn’t stand those two together or Abby in general but I’ll save my overall thoughts for the ER forum on here so I don’t derail this thread. They were just the example that came to mind. 

9 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

I’m totally with Helen’s mum re: Mina. Why should she give a 💩 about her ex-husband’s second family? And Helen has the nerve to put her down as Mina’s local contact. 🖕🏻

Right? When Helen said "she's blood" I wanted her mom to say, "well, she's not my blood!"

I, too, thought Max would get home and find his ring sitting on his dresser, or the counter or something.

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7 hours ago, bros402 said:

uh oh max can't find his wedding ring, is this the crusade of the episode? or did max forget to put it on this morning and he will feel bad and then go "wait this means I am ready to move on hey sharpe let's do the dirty"

He kept saying he NEVER takes it off. So, why did he TAKE IT OFF???

He plays such a "lame brained fool" 

Edited by preeya
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39 minutes ago, preeya said:

He kept saying he NEVER takes it off. So, why did he TAKE IT OFF???

He plays such a "lame brained fool" 

To be fair I think you have to take of jewelry for scans but I think someone said he did not have it when he came to work.

8 hours ago, bros402 said:

This was a very lowkey episode. Just odd.

Okay, it's time for WORST DOCTOR OF THE EPISODE: I got to skip chemo this week because of low hemoglobin SEASON FINALE EDITION


oh no one month later and slow piano music with no audible talking, max just drifting through life


if max couldn't get her out of her head does that mean NA had a whole month without a Max crusade? that must've been heavenly


why does max get changed in the locker room with everyone else? he probably has a place in or near his office he could use, or maybe he's doing it to be NEAR THE COMMON DOCTOR or something? but even then he could store his stuff in his office and not in the docker room


hey look max is getting a ct or pet for his cancer, too bad they aren't saying he is just going through the motions because of his scanxiety, since that would make a lot of sense


how would they get results on the spot, well he is the medical director so he probably just had a radiologist right there to look at it which is a pretty gross misuse of hospital resources, wait he's waiting 6 months before the next scan? he has squamous cell carcinoma, i believe that is like most other cancers and it's every 3 months for the first 2 years, then it goes to every 6 months, and luna isn't two yet.


uh oh max can't find his wedding ring, is this the crusade of the episode? or did max forget to put it on this morning and he will feel bad and then go "wait this means I am ready to move on hey sharpe let's do the dirty"


oh no we're going with this are we? part of the episode with different characters? now that we know sharpe is first, I am going to guess the order is: Bloom, Reynolds, Iggy, Max, then some/all converge


um sharpe you should not leave sexual sounding voicemails in the middle of a store when your niece is within earshot, or at least start to leave one


so wait it only took a month for Sharpe to completely establish and repair her relationship with her niece that she didn't know before now? this feels more like it would be one year, not one month


uh oh, sharpe's mom is coughing, that's TV for cancer.


ew sharpe you left that blood spotted napkin on the table for the staff to clean up


i hope sharpe pulling the "oh i used to work here" card just ends what "lolno she can wait like everyone else"


wow the receptionist is going to move people around that sucks for the patients waiting


oh no this place sounds like it is in dire financial straits, is sharpe gonna leave to become the medical director, or just toss her Famous Doctor Money at the clinic to help fund it?


wow that was the worlds quickest appointment for sharpe's mom (or, well, mum as they say across the pond)


oh hey it's Bloom next - I wonder if the rest of my guesses are right


um max wouldn't you have heard from Iggy since you care so much about your staff


well that cosplay sword looks super cheap - from afar I thought it was a super cheap Master Sword, but up close wow that looks cheap


woohoo situs inversus, medical shows love that


um reynolds shouldn't you be automatically stopping for a head CT for this patient and Bloom wouldn't need to tell you that


hey bloom's girlfriend got a residency... in a month? don't you find out if you match one day, then learn where you matched later that week????


so he's telling the rich Dr. Bloom to make a donation to get her girlfriend a residency? i mean you think it'd be something someone could do legally - make a big donation to the hospital, say "hey board member look at this donation, maybe you could get this person a residency spot"


uh oh, bloom's sad, hopefully they don't use this to make her fall off the wagon


oh no did bloom make a donation bribe to New Amsterdam get a fifth spot? i will be shocked if Bloom didn't have something to do with her girlfriend getting a spot & how is it ethical to have her girlfriend work under her? answer: it isn't


now it's reynolds turn


ew reynolds did you just eat a piece of bacon that she bit into


you're still in the pandemic reynolds, you might be vaccinated but everyone isn't, that was disgusting


and now you're kissing and bacon swapping? wtf


can the drummer playing this beat just stop, this music is annoying


um did that doctor pronounce hemorrhagic as heam orr agick? is that a proper pronunciation?


wait what did he say with situs inversus you have small mini spleens throughout the abdomen? pretty sure it's just the organs are mirrored 


ha ha reynolds you got brushed off because you didn't do all of the imaging you should've because with something like this you can't just dive in, nothing is where you are expecting it to be


reynolds: wedding ring watcher


one time my dad lost his wedding ring in the yard doing yardwork, he couldn't find it even though his hand was rather bloody from it coming off. 6 months later the dog pointed it out to him, it was still in the yard


wedding rings are weird


hey look reynolds is wanted back in the OR while Max sits in the locker room in the clothes pile of despair


and reynolds saves the day in the OR, i bet head surgeon guy is gonna have some negative words for him


um reynolds you can't nonverball signal you will see him after the surgery, he is looking into a body


oh hey that's a nice promotion for floyd, and he isn't being given it by Max


aaand of course he's the husband of the woman he swapped bacon this that morning


hey look, trees and i'm thinking they are implying it is remote, is this Iggy time? if this is iggy time, then I am 3/3 for my guess at the start


oh god no that song never ends please stop singing it


wow that was a lot of screaming for a splinter


how far could that kid go in a minute, what did she go like 50 feet and fall down a cliff or something?


hey look i was sorta right, it was a steep hill


now iggy you should know to tell someone before you go down a steep hill


hey look he found the kid without injuring himself, but he should text his husband saying he found the kid


Iggy doesn't want to see patients anymore? Maybe he'll do stuff a head of his department would do, like paperwork. I see a doctor who is the head of his department at a well known cancer center - he only sees patients twice a week, the rest of the time, he is in meetings and doing whatever else he does


I bet Iggy could just see the inpatient kids in the hospital, none of those will stalk him and break into his home.



and now we're back on Max! holy crap i'm 4/4? 


max i'm still betting you took the ring off at home and didn't realize it because you are subconsciously ready to move on


hey look he didn't take it off at home


wait Sharpe was on a plane for 6 hours?


googling, it looks like it is a 7 hr 40 minute flight


sharpe did you teleport


and hey sharpe's mom doesn't have cancer!


max you are clingy wanting to walk with sharpe after she said she was tired out


stop staring at each other and just kiss already and get it over with


max stop staring at her and use your words


hey they didn't jump each others bones in the doorway


aaand there we go, he took off the ring


and commence bone jumping


so, not a whole lot of medicine in this episode - but I think the worst doctor award goes to The Doctor Who Reynolds Swapped Bacon With, since she is making Reynolds act like they never met before




The Crusader, DR. MAX GOODWIN

I think it is a tie and I am raising the roof the next time I am told I need to wait for the results of my scan.

9 hours ago, SnazzyDaisy said:

I don’t think the show will finally make Helen & Max an item by the beginning of season 4. Both of them love sabotaging their romantic connections for no apparent reason. 🙄

Well, if the Executive producer is to be believed....



When it comes to what’s next, executive producer David Schulner has good news for fans. “I think the audience’s expectation is we’re not going to show them what went on behind that closed door, but I just want to assure everyone, when you come back in the fall, you will see everything that happened behind that closed door,” he tells TV Insider. “You will not miss a single word or touch in that whole night of Max and Sharpe. You’re going to get it all when you come back.”

And if anyone’s worried that they’ll take a step back after that night, don’t be. “[Fans] should be worried about other things, but they’re going to get everything they wanted from Max and Sharpe,” Schulner assures us.


“We feel like the buildup has given us [and] the audience the right to really see what it’s like between them actually together,” executive producer Peter Horton (who directed the finale) adds. “What does that look like? What does that mean in terms of all of the complexities that we’ve built out throughout the whole three years? How do they actually now be together if Sharpe really is being magnetized towards her home in England and Max has his daughter and has his hospital to run, and yet they really want to be together? They’ve circled [a relationship] for three years now. They actually have it. What do they do with it?”



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4 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

No it was Abby and Luka. That’s what I was thinking of. I couldn’t stand those two together or Abby in general but I’ll save my overall thoughts for the ER forum on here so I don’t derail this thread. They were just the example that came to mind. 

D'oh, I can't believe I forgot about Luka/Abby!

27 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

Well, if the Executive producer is to be believed....

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I’m not so sure this is a good thing.😆   

I wonder how a relationship with Lauren will last.  She sure is immature.  For me, her character is not appealing.  She can’t cook an egg, throws a temper tantrum when she can’t get her way, manipulates to get her way......I suspect this relationship will dissolve when her partner comes to the realization of who she is.  

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I liked this episode alot.  Going forward -

What did Bloom do?  She is gonna pay, one way or the other.

Floyd needs to break up with open marriage gal.  

Max and Helen - glad about this

Iggy - he seems to work really well with troubled kids and their parents.  Maybe he could go into some type of private counseling or Max could immediately set up some type of open-door mental health counseling. 

Max - I love Max.  I would NEVER want to work for such a boss but as a character, he is very appealing.  I hope Eggold never surgically touches his face.  It is soooo mobile and you can see him acting with his whole face.  


We could use some more of Casey, the blue-haired nurse, the small person nurse, and the administrator lady.  

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4 hours ago, LexieLily said:

I'll never forget the "You're not that pretty and you're not that special" / "I'm pretty enough in the dark, aren't I? And you're still in love with a ghost."

I’m on the last season of ER in my rewatch and while I was watching Seasons 13-14 I was wondering why these two thought it was a good idea for them to hook up, have a child together and get married. Abby was so far from maternal material. At least I am past the episode where she mercifully left. Good riddance. 

Max probably had to take off his ring for the scan, but why was it in his lab coat?  How often does he wear a lab coat?

9 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

No it was Abby and Luka.

Luka's wife and child died in the war. (Interestingly so did Flynn's, another character GV played in Timeless.)  Mark was the one who brought a child into the marriage and later had a baby although his ex wife was still alive.

17 hours ago, LexieLily said:

I thought about it some more and now that Max is sort-of-dating Helen I can see the whole grandparents/custody storyline coming back with a vengeance, now that there is a woman in Max's life and the potential for a new "Mommy."

Or maybe they'll be glad that there is someone in the house who is rational and can take care of Luna properly.

Two episodes ago, Max called his in-laws to take care of Luna because her "Tuesday nanny" cancelled. They hopped on a train and took the 2 hour trip in to find Max feeding Luna last night's spicy lo mien because there was no milk, eggs, waffles or anything else a 12 month old should be eating in the house. And oh, while they're picking those things up, can they also pick up some wipes because there are none as they change Luna's poppy diaper. Does Max expect them to pay for the things too? All of these things could have been handled in 5 minutes by ordering them on an app and having them delivered but for whatever reason, Max is too busy saving the world to think about his child's needs.

If a social worker had come to evaluate Max to be a foster parent, she would have turned him down. Isn't Luna entitled to the same level of care as a foster child would have? Later in the day, the grandparents get a call that Max has to stay in the hospital because he went looking for toxic waste, a job he is not trained to do, without wearing the proper safety gear. As they said, he could have died. Did he give a thought to what would happen to Luna if he did?

Why this matters to me is that Max is a raving narcissist and Luna deserves better care than he's giving her. He brought her back to New York because he didn't want to miss her milestones. He didn't ask himself what is best for Luna, he thought only of himself with the result that she was so distressed she started acting out in daycare.  So he put together a patchwork of care including Gwen but from scenes like the above, it's still half-assed and still not meeting her needs properly.

The in-laws wanting custody should have been a wake-up call but no, not for Max. In this episode, he spends the day looking for his wedding ring and moaning that his choice was taken away from him because his wife died (your choice is to live in the past or move on, whiny) and staying at the hospital till he walks Helen home at night. (I don't see Max stopping his crusade to find the ring to go home to Luna and come back again, he's totally single-minded.) Hopefully the nanny will make up for what Max lacks.

I know 2 people who had one parent who is a narcissist and they're both still in therapy trying to deal with it (one in her 60s). I can't imaging what it would be like for Luna to grow up with Max as her only parent. If I were Georgia's parents, I'd welcome someone steady in the household. who can give Luna the care she needs.

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

Max probably had to take off his ring for the scan, but why was it in his lab coat?  How often does he wear a lab coat?

Luka's wife and child died in the war. (Interestingly so did Flynn's, another character GV played in Timeless.)  Mark was the one who brought a child into the marriage and later had a baby although his ex wife was still alive.

Or maybe they'll be glad that there is someone in the house who is rational and can take care of Luna properly.

Two episodes ago, Max called his in-laws to take care of Luna because her "Tuesday nanny" cancelled. They hopped on a train and took the 2 hour trip in to find Max feeding Luna last night's spicy lo mien because there was no milk, eggs, waffles or anything else a 12 month old should be eating in the house. And oh, while they're picking those things up, can they also pick up some wipes because there are none as they change Luna's poppy diaper. Does Max expect them to pay for the things too? All of these things could have been handled in 5 minutes by ordering them on an app and having them delivered but for whatever reason, Max is too busy saving the world to think about his child's needs.

If a social worker had come to evaluate Max to be a foster parent, she would have turned him down. Isn't Luna entitled to the same level of care as a foster child would have? Later in the day, the grandparents get a call that Max has to stay in the hospital because he went looking for toxic waste, a job he is not trained to do, without wearing the proper safety gear. As they said, he could have died. Did he give a thought to what would happen to Luna if he did?

Why this matters to me is that Max is a raving narcissist and Luna deserves better care than he's giving her. He brought her back to New York because he didn't want to miss her milestones. He didn't ask himself what is best for Luna, he thought only of himself with the result that she was so distressed she started acting out in daycare.  So he put together a patchwork of care including Gwen but from scenes like the above, it's still half-assed and still not meeting her needs properly.

The in-laws wanting custody should have been a wake-up call but no, not for Max. In this episode, he spends the day looking for his wedding ring and moaning that his choice was taken away from him because his wife died (your choice is to live in the past or move on, whiny) and staying at the hospital till he walks Helen home at night. (I don't see Max stopping his crusade to find the ring to go home to Luna and come back again, he's totally single-minded.) Hopefully the nanny will make up for what Max lacks.

I know 2 people who had one parent who is a narcissist and they're both still in therapy trying to deal with it (one in her 60s). I can't imaging what it would be like for Luna to grow up with Max as her only parent. If I were Georgia's parents, I'd welcome someone steady in the household. who can give Luna the care she needs.

I agree.  Great points. 

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19 hours ago, circumvent said:

Lauren's reaction to Layla not getting the spot was way too dramatic. Peeve: people throwing stuff around when they are frustrated. Such a cliche on TV shows. I could sympathize more if she had suffered quietly. But the meltdown, plus the outrage about the bribe, just to capitulate was too much. Of course, we will see Layla being offended by her intervention, then leave to Spokane, and a long plot of Lauren dealing with her addiction, being alone, another one of those plots they pull out of the Overused Plots The Audience Hates But Writers Love.


Yeah, her reaction was a bit over the top - now if they had been together a year, or if she had helped Bloom get sober, or if she had just fallen off of the wagon and gotten back on, or lack of sleep, or something like that, sure, little meltdown, why not

15 hours ago, catrice2 said:

To be fair I think you have to take of jewelry for scans but I think someone said he did not have it when he came to work.

I think it is a tie and I am raising the roof the next time I am told I need to wait for the results of my scan.

Yeah, you have to take off all metal for scans - which is why Max was checking the container for his ring. Reynolds saw Max didn't have his ring on.

I was considering a tie, but Dr. Bacon Swapper's behavior slid her into the lead by a bacon bit

12 hours ago, Driad said:

I'm pretty sure he is a doctor.

I think he is a resident - one of the episodes this season or last season either implied or stated that he is a resident, since for some reason it is stuck in my head that he is a resident. Might've been an episode earlier this season - maybe the one where they got the bouncers to replace the cops?

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It may be an unpopular opinion because I do see a fair amount of people wondering about the care of children across various tv show dramas.  But I really don't care about kids in workplace dramas.  I don;t even think about the minutia of Max's day to day care of Luna.  As a workplace drama (that isn't centered around kids) I think about kids in like I do about the kids of my co-workers.  I assume they are being taken care of when my co-worker is at work (inasmuch as I think about their kids at all).  I assume they play with and care for and feed their kids when they are not at work.  If they come to and after work happy hour or I see them out someplace not at work and their kids are not with them, I assume they provided for care of their child appropriately. 

They don't really matter until a they do as a plot point.  Once the plot point is resolved they I can go bnack to assuming they are fine again.

Now, a domestic drama is different.  Those are centered in the home, not the workplace so if there are kids there then the absence of them in their own home or the narrative would be glaring and all kinds of wrong.  LOL.

Edited by DearEvette
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4 hours ago, DearEvette said:

It may be an unpopular opinion because I do see a fair amount of people wondering about the care of children across various tv show dramas.  But I really don't care about kids in workplace dramas.  I don;t even think about the minutia of Max's day to day care of Luna.  As a workplace drama (that isn't centered around kids) I think about kids in like I do about the kids of my co-workers.  I assume they are being taken care of when my co-worker is at work (inasmuch as I think about their kids at all).  I assume they play with and care for and feed their kids when they are not at work.  If they come to and after work happy hour or I see them out someplace not at work and their kids are not with them, I assume they provided for care of their child appropriately. 

They don't really matter until a they do as a plot point.  Once the plot point is resolved they I can go bnack to assuming they are fine again.

Now, a domestic drama is different.  Those are centered in the home, not the workplace so if there are kids there then the absence of them in their own home or the narrative would be glaring and all kinds of wrong.  LOL.

I will go one better...I don't care about love stories in a medical or police show. One of the things I loved about Law and Order the mother ship is the little time they spent on personal family lives and romance

Edited by catrice2
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Bloom this episode was ridiculous.  She's a supposedly professional ... educated ... doctor.  You can't imagine a long distance relationship compared to jeopardizing your whole career??? GROW UP! and throwing money at problems is never going to end well. 

I for one am glad that Iggy is stepping away from patient work.  But I wish he'd realized 'i'm just not that good at it' rather than 'i don't need it'.  Sorry, I liked him a lot initially, but he's made so many errors in treatment, I just can't defend him anymore.

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15 hours ago, Driad said:

A resident is a doctor, having graduated from medical school.  Someone thought he might be a nurse but, as I said, I'm pretty sure he is a doctor.

I know residents are doctors, but they are doctors in training.

or as I call them, doctor's minions :P

i've seen a loooot of residents in the last 6 years. One of them said I had seen "all of the rockstars" of blood cancer.

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Daniel Dae Kim's character had a rushed introduction last season because the season was cut short due to the pandemic.  Then he barely appeared on this season.  What was the point of having him on the show at all? 

And what was the point of having Sharpe's niece come to America?  Seems like the only reason to add that character (who only lasted a few episodes and didn't have any major stories) was to have Sharpe have a (ridiculous) reason to break up with Daniel Dae Kim's character, who also had no reason to be there (and who also only lasted a few episodes and didn't have any major stories).  Neither character caused any sort of change/growth/revelation in Sharpe.


On 6/8/2021 at 5:15 PM, Clare said:

I did enjoy the last 5 minutes though.  Finally, Max is only tolerable with Helen. 

Max was tolerable those last 5 minutes, but I thought it was because he wasn't talking.  


On 6/10/2021 at 6:41 AM, preeya said:

He kept saying he NEVER takes it off. So, why did he TAKE IT OFF???

He plays such a "lame brained fool" 

After the ring was found, I expected some sort of explanation of how it ended up in his lab coat - like maybe he removed it while he was leaving Helen the flirty voicemail. Instead, he starts talking about how taking it off what some sort of message he was sending himself and seemed about to have an epiphany, then the ring is found and Max completely drops that idea.  

Maybe they will explain everything next season, but they are asking a lot of their viewers if they expect us to remember these details when they can't even seem to remember Daniel Dae Kim was part of their cast.

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3 hours ago, needschocolate said:

Daniel Dae Kim's character had a rushed introduction last season because the season was cut short due to the pandemic.  Then he barely appeared on this season.  What was the point of having him on the show at all? 

And what was the point of having Sharpe's niece come to America? 

That, to me, is the big mystery. It is not like the woman who played the niece is specially talented, or the character specially interesting, or the plot makes any sense. 

Now that I typed this, maybe they ran out of absurd reasons to throw on us, so they developed this plot where a Irani teenager who never met her aunt comes to the US as an immigrant, with perfect english and a lot of attitude, all this being able to get a visa that nobody else in her country is able to get (considering the policies at the time the show is set, policies that haven't really changed, by the way), or maybe an even more difficult visa, just to all of a sudden drop out of high school AND be accepted in a college in another country.

Yeah, that is pure trolling coming from the writers. 

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On 6/10/2021 at 3:53 PM, statsgirl said:

If a social worker had come to evaluate Max to be a foster parent, she would have turned him down. Isn't Luna entitled to the same level of care as a foster child would have?

Not really.  With a foster child, the kid has a parent - either the biological parent, trying to regain custody, or the state is the parent.  there are rules to follow.  When it's your own child,  the standard of care is much different -  you would have to abuse or neglect the child to get her taken away.  You have more leeway as far as choices you make.  

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11 minutes ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

I imagine Max took the ring off in anticipation of his MRI (no metal allowed).

I thought that too but he didn't have a MRI, he had a CT which wouldn't allow metals either, but in his case it was only the throat so it would be ok. Fir an MRI his things would have to be outside the test area, and they were right next to the CT machine. Anyway, do we still expect the writers to do a minimum of research? 


14 minutes ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

Or maybe his contract was only for a few episodes?

That could be a possibility and maybe because everything got so delayed it then conflicted with other possible projects he had.

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9 hours ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

I imagine Max took the ring off in anticipation of his MRI (no metal allowed).  

I feel like Daniel Dae Kim was quietly written off- I know he had Covid, so I hope it has not permanently affected his health in some way.

Or maybe his contract was only for a few episodes?

I think I remember reading that he recovered from COVID - i'm guessing COVID moved a lot of his stuff around, since he does a lot of producing, so maybe those obligations were higher on his priority list

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On 6/13/2021 at 11:09 AM, needschocolate said:

Daniel Dae Kim's character had a rushed introduction last season because the season was cut short due to the pandemic.  Then he barely appeared on this season.  What was the point of having him on the show at all? 

He took over Reynold's old job, so that meant Reynolds had to take a different job when he came back to New Amsterdam?

There was not much other point, but maybe there were external factors that made the actor not available?

4 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

He took over Reynold's old job, so that meant Reynolds had to take a different job when he came back to New Amsterdam?

There was not much other point, but maybe there were external factors that made the actor not available?

Daniel Dae Kim played the head trauma surgeon - Reynolds was head of cardiothoracic surgery - someone had been hired to fill the head of cardiothoracic surgery when Reynolds quit

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The incessant drumming thing, MAKE IT STOP. Besides distracting and annoying they actually drown out the dialogue in some scenes. Is that by design? Ok that's my post. As you were everyone. Back to your summer.

Oops sorry one more thing. Iggy driving the RV while the unrestrained children performed circus moves in the back complete with one hanging from the bunk above him. Add my mother chain smoking in the front seat and you have my childhood car trips from the 1970s. 

Edited by OLynn33
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23 hours ago, OLynn33 said:

The incessant drumming thing, MAKE IT STOP. Besides distracting and annoying they actually drown out the dialogue in some scenes. Is that by design? Ok that's my post. As you were everyone. Back to your summer.

Oops sorry one more thing. Iggy driving the RV while the unrestrained children performed circus moves in the back complete with one hanging from the bunk above him. Add my mother chain smoking in the front seat and you have my childhood car trips from the 1970s. 

i'm just happy this season had less of the discordant jazz music, which was seriously making me wanting to stop watching the show because of how stressful it was

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After a couple of at least semi-medically-interesting episodes, this one was a snooze.

Regarding poly-doc, wasn't the initial thing with her was that they could have flings while one of them was away? If that's the case and they're still sneaking around now that the husband's back in town, I wouldn't consider her to be practicing ethical non-monogamy.

I did like the conversation with Iggy and the daughter about how covid restrictions had become a comfort zone in some ways, and moving back to the old paradigm won't always be exciting and wonderful, but we still have to put in the work to get there.

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On 6/9/2021 at 1:11 AM, Frisky Wig said:

I’m 10 minutes into the episode and I feel like I’ve skipped a few episodes. Mina’s going to college? And she’s not an awful, ungrateful brat? 

This storyline annoyed me the most - I felt like we were being TOLD the two grew close, like the writers simply got tired of the character/storyline and just wanted to wrap it up. But then, why even bother to introduce Mina?

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Max has many flaws, but he's not a narcissist. Narcissists lack empathy and concern for others. They demand constant admiration and do not take criticism, nor do they care about other people's feelings. Max cares. He thinks of others. He is interested in helping others. He often goes about it wrong, but his motivation is not a narcissist's motive.



I don't think a parent can never go out at night after work. Hire a babysitter. Max hasn't seen Helen for a while, because she was away. So he can spend an evening with her. Luna is fine. We always see Max with Luna in the mornings and he apparently usually tucks her into bed at night and reads to her beforehand. When I was a teen, I babysat a lot of kids whose parents worked during the day and went out one night a week, and I tucked the kids into bed. I don't think it is neglect at all.

I'm watching this 2 years after everyone else (it's very interesting to see posts from being in the onset and midst of Covid) and I am so sick of Max. This episode he was like a toddler or a teen, mooning over Helen in a board meeting, throwing dirty clothes all over the locker room as he looked for his ring, and worst of all, sitting under the table like a pouting child while Karen tried to talk him into being a grown up. I think the writing on this show is horrible. The writers probably think that we see Max as a hero, when most people watching see him as a fool. I'm surprised he still has a job! My brother suggested the show and he had reasons (medical issues and loss) that make him identify with the show. I'll probably see it through to the end, but I'm hate watching at this point!

17 hours ago, BetyBee said:

I'm watching this 2 years after everyone else (it's very interesting to see posts from being in the onset and midst of Covid) and I am so sick of Max. This episode he was like a toddler or a teen, mooning over Helen in a board meeting, throwing dirty clothes all over the locker room as he looked for his ring, and worst of all, sitting under the table like a pouting child while Karen tried to talk him into being a grown up. I think the writing on this show is horrible. The writers probably think that we see Max as a hero, when most people watching see him as a fool. I'm surprised he still has a job! My brother suggested the show and he had reasons (medical issues and loss) that make him identify with the show. I'll probably see it through to the end, but I'm hate watching at this point!

muhahaha welcome to the hate watch club

may my worst doctor posts help you survive the hate watch

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