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S03.E16: No One Is To Blame

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As Gary once again acts as the glue that keeps this friend group together, he discovers that it is taking a toll on his relationship with Darcy; Sophie leans on Rome to process her dad's struggles and choices.


Original air date: 6/2/21

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I love the idea of a support group for the women who met Gary at the support group.

So basically they're remaking the Kendall Jenner Pepsi commercial...

OMG Eddie, I get you feel guilty but your kid needs to learn what it's like to be disappointed once in a while. And that sometimes popular things sell out and there's nothing you can do about it. He'll survive. (And instead of spending time with him you're running around trying to find a game.)

Should Regina even be driving?


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OK, thoughts besides the above. But, really, that's impressive. Maybe next week, the Target commercial will be within the first minute.

Other than the Target commercial setting a record for how quickly it was crammed in...

Man, Katherine's assistant couldn't be more inappropriate. How he even as a job after forgetting to mail the rent is just baffling to me. And then this.

I liked Gina and Eddie together. (Except no masks going to the store?) They can relate to each other right now, and I liked that. Plus, it's not often that we see those two paired up.

I also liked Rome pulling on his big boy pants and agreeing to take the commercial. Even if Tyrell disapproved. Even if it's not going to save the restaurant. Like he said, it also will pay the mortgage. But, hey, look on the bright side--the commercial will be pulled from the air so fast that this root beer company's head will spin. Because I was cringing at the description of it. Wow. Just wow. But, hey, at least Rome will be able to cash that paycheck.

Thinking of Rome, I loved the scene between him and Sophie. I actually have really liked how they have handled Sophie's story. And I liked the explanation that Rome gave of just not feeling like he had anything to get up in the morning for. (Although, yeah, sadly going to the police wouldn't be the answer. Peter is a creep and a pervert and would deserve every bit of unpleasantness that is due him. But, Sophie wasn't a minor, and Layla wasn't a minor. And if he did to Layla what he did to Sophie, he didn't touch them. He didn't rape them. So, legally, there's not much the cops can do.)

I think I like Katherine's decision. Although no, Alan isn't Eddie, their divorce isn't even finalized yet. And Eddie has hurt her and she needs to work through that. So maybe she needs some time not in a relationship to figure out exactly what she wants and needs. And, really, if Alan can't understand that, she can do better.

So, Delilah's back. Guess the salary negotiation for the actress is done?

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Could they have written that Xander guy to be any more shallow? And can’t Rome clue him in to the fact that the ad idea would not be well-received (to put it mildly)?

Glad Sophie is going to report Pervy Peter. She can stop him from harming other girls.

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I didn’t appreciate Katherine giving Eddie a dirty look when he said the game was sold out-what is he supposed to do? And the idea that he can’t be left alone with Theo is just dumb. I think he is like every other newly divorced dad out there who tries to please their child with the little time he has. 
I assumed Gary would end up back with Maggie so no surprise there. Can he go without joking for five minutes? That would drive me crazy. I liked Rome’s story and yes you sometimes have to do things you don’t want to so the bills can be paid. Sometimes Tyrell acts like he is in charge of Rome and Regina. I think Regina needs to find another doctor because she shouldn’t be too impaired to do her job from one mild concussion-something else is going on.

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Romany Malco is an amazing actor. Sometimes I start crying before he says his line, because his reactions and pauses are so powerful. Whew, that chat with Sophie made me ugly cry. "Don't knock on my door, bust down my door"

1 minute ago, crowsworks said:

Actually I prefer Bush Gardens Tampa to Disney.  I lived near both for years. Especially if you like animals and rides...or beer

She never got to Disneyland? I couldn't tell if that was the end of the story.

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2 minutes ago, BoogieBurns said:

Romany Malco is an amazing actor. Sometimes I start crying before he says his line, because his reactions and pauses are so powerful. Whew, that chat with Sophie made me ugly cry. "Don't knock on my door, bust down my door"


That line blew me away.

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42 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

I didn’t appreciate Katherine giving Eddie a dirty look when he said the game was sold out-what is he supposed to do? And the idea that he can’t be left alone with Theo is just dumb. I think he is like every other newly divorced dad out there who tries to please their child with the little time he has.

I get Katherine being concerned about Theo living with Eddie, but leaving Theo alone with Eddie for a half hour seems like an okay risk. I know parents are more cautious now, but my parents left me home alone for a couple hours when I was as young as ten. Theo should be able to manage, and Eddie can't get that high in less than an hour can he? But I guess we need the contrivance for the Gary/Darcy tension.

Is divorced spouses moving for each other actually a thing that happens? First Grey's Anatomy does this plotline and now AMLT.

I can get behind Rome wanting to do what he needs to for a paycheck. But shouldn't he at least try and point out that this ad will get torn apart by the media the second it airs? I feel like this was an commercial awhile back and it was criticized like crazy.

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1 hour ago, KaveDweller said:

Is divorced spouses moving for each other actually a thing that happens?

My dad did, twice.  Once my mom got an amazing job in another state and when that job ended and she wanted to be closer to her adult children (from her first marriage) and brand new grandchildren he moved again.  He, in fact, didn't take an amazing job he was offered because he assumed my mom wouldn't move to accommodate his job and when she found out about it she was really angry he didn't give her a chance.  It was such an amazing opportunity for him and he'd already moved once for her.

2 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

I get Katherine being concerned about Theo living with Eddie, but leaving Theo alone with Eddie for a half hour seems like an okay risk.

Katherine right now is all sorts of raw.  If she'd decided to bail on her date and check on Theo and found out they'd gone against her wishes she'd be WHITE HOT MAD.   Will she ease off in a couple of months when she's less angry?  Likely.  But right now?  She's not there.  


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6 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

I get Katherine being concerned about Theo living with Eddie, but leaving Theo alone with Eddie for a half hour seems like an okay risk. I know parents are more cautious now, but my parents left me home alone for a couple hours when I was as young as ten. Theo should be able to manage, and Eddie can't get that high in less than an hour can he? But I guess we need the contrivance for the Gary/Darcy tension.

Is divorced spouses moving for each other actually a thing that happens? First Grey's Anatomy does this plotline and now AMLT.

I can get behind Rome wanting to do what he needs to for a paycheck. But shouldn't he at least try and point out that this ad will get torn apart by the media the second it airs? I feel like this was an commercial awhile back and it was criticized like crazy.

Yeah, my mom went back to work full time when I was 11 because that was when they decided I could stay home alone for a few hours after school if necessary (my brother was usually there so it wasn't much of an issue, but once in a while...).

At least they had it as something previously agreed, instead of the ex showing up out of the blue and asking her to move across the country because he has to save the world.

Yes, that was the Pepsi commercial with Kendall Jenner. I really hope they have Rome say something. They're living in the same world we are, that commercial should exist for them, right?

4 hours ago, bybrandy said:

Katherine right now is all sorts of raw.  If she'd decided to bail on her date and check on Theo and found out they'd gone against her wishes she'd be WHITE HOT MAD.   Will she ease off in a couple of months when she's less angry?  Likely.  But right now?  She's not there.  

But also this. They had an agreement and good for Gary not letting Eddie talk him into leaving. 

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9 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

I assumed Gary would end up back with Maggie so no surprise there. Can he go without joking for five minutes? That would drive me crazy. I liked Rome’s story and yes you sometimes have to do things you don’t want to so the bills can be paid. Sometimes Tyrell acts like he is in charge of Rome and Regina. I think Regina needs to find another doctor because she shouldn’t be too impaired to do her job from one mild concussion-something else is going on.

Yes, all of this!

So if the restaurant is failing and has no money coming in why is that chef there cooking up a storm?  Isn't Delilah a part owner?  Never see Regina discussing the problem with her via video chat.  So no one is wearing masks or social distancing  anymore, but Delilah has to quarantine for 10 days when she returns.  Seems like the timeline is messy, are we in 2021 or still 2020?  

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10 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

I didn’t appreciate Katherine giving Eddie a dirty look when he said the game was sold out-what is he supposed to do? And the idea that he can’t be left alone with Theo is just dumb. I think he is like every other newly divorced dad out there who tries to please their child with the little time he has. 
I assumed Gary would end up back with Maggie so no surprise there. Can he go without joking for five minutes? That would drive me crazy. I liked Rome’s story and yes you sometimes have to do things you don’t want to so the bills can be paid. Sometimes Tyrell acts like he is in charge of Rome and Regina. I think Regina needs to find another doctor because she shouldn’t be too impaired to do her job from one mild concussion-something else is going on.

I didn't like the dirty look over the game, but I understand not being ready to leave Theo alone with him. Eddie is an addict who has relapsed recently. I wouldn't leave him alone with a kid either. 

I'm pro Gary and Maggie, so I was glad to see the Darcy thing ending. Even if I'd happily wife Maggie up myself lol

Loved seeing Rome swallow his pride and agree to do the cringe-worthy commercial. Tyrell needs to hop off his high horse and accept that sometimes adults have to do jobs we hate in order to make the money we need to live. Tyrell seems to want Rome and Regina to take care of him and his "expensive sneaker habit" but I don't ever hear him mention a part time job of any kind. Sorry kid, sometimes grown ups have to do grown up things. 

Finally, the scene between Rome and Sophie: Oh my God! One of the better scenes I've watched on this show between two characters who rarely interact. Raw, real, emotional writing and acting. "Don't knock on my door, you knock down my door." Absolutely loved it.

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So Gary buys air mattresses for the boys and they aren’t used. It didn’t bother Gary. Man, he’s so nice.    Glad he stood his ground with Eddie. Theo not getting a game is not a catastrophe.  Focusing on counseling, therapy, support groups, etc.  would serve him better than obsessing over other things.  

Gina, if you are too mentally impaired to work, don’t operate a car. And, see an attorney to inquire about disability benefits?  I thought the chef was preparing food for take out deliveries. 

I get how Katherine might be very concerned leaving Theo in Eddie’s care.  Eventually, it’s going to happen as he gets older, though..... Assuming the show doesn’t continue to infantilize Theo into his teen years. Lol Things can get bad pretty fast with illegal drug use. You don’t know when a drug has been consumed.  Also, a child could stumble upon illegal drugs in the home.  There is a huge increase in deaths across the country in teen to middle age people due to taking illegally purchased meds they think are pain pills, but are laced with Fentanyl.  It’s deadly.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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I appreciate that this episode had characters, who don't normally interact, get to have scenes together. Sophie/Rome, Regina/Eddie, even Katherine/Darcy who haven't shared any scenes since the beginning of the season. It was a good episode, overall.

Sophie and Rome's scene might be one of the best this show has ever done. It felt natural and raw and powerful. I really have loved the story with Sophie this season. They're handling it so well. But I worry about her now going to the police, just because it very much seems like she'll be interrogated and blamed, unfortunately a situation that happens far too often with sexual assault cases. So again, I hope the videos that Peter DOES have will be found and used as proof. And hopefully, Sophie's mental health won't take a further toll now that she's going to the police.

The Katherine/Alan date was...something. Yes, I do think that them trying to date when Katherine hasn't even really started the process for divorce is too fast. I think Katherine needed more time to figure things out with Eddie before jumping into a date. She clearly isn't emotionally ready to move on and she needs to realize that she needs way more time, especially if her reason for leaving Eddie ISN'T because of Alan (which we know it isn't). But I don't feel bad for Alan, at all. Buddy, you knew exactly what you were getting yourself into with a married woman. Hell, she's still technically married, even though she's separated from her husband. And she only just separated from her husband...what, a month ago? Of course she's going to have some trust issues and of course she won't be all in on a relationship right now. And now you're "tired of waiting"? Come on, man. 

Tyrell, you're a seventeen year old kid. You need to know that sometimes, you have to take the jobs you don't want, just in order to survive. Obviously, the situation isn't ideal and the Kendall Jenner parody commercial will turn out horribly, as we've seen happen IRL, so no way it works out. But Tyrell has been frustrating me more in this last half of the season. He's still a teenager and doesn't have the life experience that Rome has, but he's old enough to not be pouting whenever he doesn't get what he wants, or when something happens that he disagrees with. He's reminding me of Theo.

Speaking of Theo, I'm disappointed that Eddie pushed to hard to get that game for his kid just because he heard Theo pouting about it. Katherine and Eddie both need to learn how to say no to their kid. Katherine's response to Eddie not getting the game, on top of looking to Gary to ask about pick-up times, was pathetic as well. I do get that she's hurting deeply right now and she's going to be irrational about everything until she finds a balance, but it makes her look so bad. 

I did love Eddie/Gina's conversation in the car. Putting aside the fact that she really shouldn't be driving if she's having issues with multi-tasking, it was nice to hear both talk about their disabilities, one that might or might not be temporary, and one that seems to be more permanent. Eddie's paralysis has not been talked enough about so it was good to see him have to struggle through something and be able to talk about his limitations with someone who actually gets it. Plus, these two have never really interacted before and I really loved their scene together.

So, Darcy/Gary seem like they could very well be over now, which is disappointing, but not surprising at all. Make way for Gary/Maggie again, I guess...

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Speaking of Theo, I'm disappointed that Eddie pushed to hard to get that game for his kid just because he heard Theo pouting about it. Katherine and Eddie both need to learn how to say no to their kid. Katherine's response to Eddie not getting the game, on top of looking to Gary to ask about pick-up times, was pathetic as well. I do get that she's hurting deeply right now and she's going to be irrational about everything until she finds a balance, but it makes her look so bad. 

Especially since Liam basically said "I thought you'd get more stuff outta this" which Eddie also overheard. He's encouraging Theo to play his parents against each other to get things he wants. If there's one thing (other than minimizing how much Theo gets hurt in the divorce process) they should have a 'united front' on, it should be not allowing him to do that. It won't do him any favors in life.

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So Delilah still exists and is coming back I guess. Yea? 

It was nice to get some new pairings between characters, with Eddie and Regina and Rome and Sophie both having really nice scenes. Rome and Sophie is probably one of the best scenes of the season, very powerful and well acted, and the Eddie and Regina talk actually took advantage of Eddie dealing with his injury. You know, the plot that was actually interesting that we ditched for this awful relapse/divorce mess. It was a decent enough episode, one of those ones that had a lot of good scenes but also a lot of frustrating ones. Which is this show in a nutshell really. It can be really good while also being insanely frustrating, usually in the course of one episode. 

As I say every week, I loath this divorce story and how its seems to exist to first make me dislike Eddie, then dislike Katherine, even when I really should feel bad for both of them. I should feel bad that Eddie was in so much physical and emotional pain that he relapsed, and find it understandable after everything, but it was framed as him just being a low down addict lying to poor Katherine. I should feel bad for Katherine that her husband threw away all of the work they did to repair their marriage to relapse and lie to her about it, and find her anger understandable, but instead its being framed as her being mean and bitter to poor Eddie. It doesn't help that Katherine keeps getting pissed at Eddie for really stupid things that aren't Eddie's fault, like Theo getting on the ladder last week and the mail being slow and not being able to get Theo some random game this week. I guess Katherine is so upset that she is stuck in the "everything you do pisses me off" stage of divorce, which I get, but its all just so unpleasant. I don't blame her for feeling like she isn't ready to date yet, her and Eddie haven't been separated very long and her relationship with him has ended with so much heartbreak, its too bad Allan got so testy about it. How long has it been? Where are we in the year now? June? 

Tyrell didn't make a great first impression on me but I came to like him a lot more quickly, but now he is getting on my nerves. Rome shouldn't be walking on eggshells because he might offend a judgmental teenager who will accuse him of being a "sell out" because Rome and Regina are desperate for money to keep living and to keep Tyrell in designer shoes and fancy headphones. Like Rome said, you would think that a person who grew up with a struggling undocumented mom would understand that sometimes you have to suck it up and do things you don't want to do to make ends meet, but I guess understanding his foster parents struggles would involve him not giving smug speeches about cutting class and trying to guilt Rome out of a job. Is Tyrell helping out with a part time job that I am unware of? Could he cutback on the fancy shoes? I am glad Rome decided to do the commercial, even if I really wish he would just explain why that commercial is so obviously doomed to failure and cancellation. I am also rolling my eyes at the commercial that Rome is hired for, its literally just that cringy Kendall Jenner Pepsi commercial just without Kendall. I know this show likes to incorporate real stuff into the show, but come on that was literally a copy and paste. Rome really needs to explain to his ridiculous boss what is wrong with that commercial, we know its going to go over horribly, because we know what happened to the exact commercial in the real world. It was pulled after about one viewing and the Pepsi marketing team all probably had stress aneurisms after the massive backlash, Rome could at least try to make it work better. I also don't like that Tyrell keeps going to Rome or Regina to complain about the other one or to get them on their side when he doesn't get what he wants from the other one, it feels really manipulative. 

Why have the supporting characters all turned into wacky sitcom characters out of nowhere? Katherine's assistant has become Sassy Gay Friend from those YouTube videos from years ago, and Rome's new boss (I guess?) is so overly privileged, dumb and clueless that he seems like he is from an over the top satire or a Michael Schur comedy, not a painfully earnest melodrama. Even Regina's sous chef, who is normally quite competent and professional, seemed to turn into a goofy neighbor from a TGIF sitcom for a minute. These characters so do not fit into this shows vibe at all, it wants to be super serious and real but having these ridiculous characters just makes the tone so uneven. 

Its too bad that Darcy and Gary are obviously ending, I liked her and the two of them. I am so not looking forward to Maggie and Gary getting back together, they're so much more likable far away from each other. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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There's a lot I didn't like in this episode.  First, I will mention what I thought was great.  The conversation between Rome and Sophie was very moving.  Rome's description of his emotional state at the point he was considering suicide was raw and real.  I also liked Eddie and Gina's talk.

On the other side, I find I can't stand Theo when he's happy any more than when he's sad or pouting.  He is just a babyish, spoiled, insufferable child.  He will always expect to get his way and be babied.

I don't know why Eddie can't be alone with Theo for a few hours.  He's been through rehab and is not currently using and is not looking like he's on the verge of a relapse.  I think Katherine is over-reacting to everything and if she needs time alone, she shouldn't even date and leave Alan dangling.  Either move forward or tell Alan, too bad the timing is bad, but move on.

Gary, Gary, Gary, you are the Hero friend but so lousy at relationships with women!  I was never that fond of Darcy, but he put Eddie and family way ahead of her and didn't even seem aware that he did that.  He created a situation that puts her in a lesser position for the indefinite future.  There's really no place for her in the family he has created with Eddie, Theo and Katherine.  It's one thing to help and support a friend but quite another to take on primary responsibility for them, like adopting them.

And finally, Tyrell is so arrogant and entitled.  Where would that come from in his background?  He needs to be taken down a notch or two.

Edited by Suzn
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28 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

Katherine's assistant has become Sassy Gay Friend from those YouTube videos from years ago

Ugh, I hated that. What the hell would possess someone to put their newly separated boss on a dating app? Imagine if they were in a big company with even a halfway decent HR department; that would not go over well. I get they're friends but he's still her employee and she should have shut that down and told him to delete her profile.

Rome is directing this commercial, right? I predict a story where he either gets mad and tells the people in charge why this is a bad idea and proposes a better one, or (more likely) manages to passive-aggressively direct it in such a way as to make it have a better message.

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I don’t think Katherine has any way to tell if Eddie is really clean or pretending to be clean.  Addicts relapse for any reason or no reason.  And they lie a lot.  You can’t rely on their contentions of sobriety.  Perhaps, random drug tests would be helpful, but they have their limits.   My main concern would be if there was an emergency and Eddie could not get out of the house, like a case of fire during the night.  Would Theo exit the building or stay inside to help his dad?  

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How convenient that Darcey is disappointed in Gary's treatment of her and how she wishes she were one of his friends, just when her ex is relocating.  I knew the end of Darcey and Gary was coming, it had to happen because in AMLT world Gary and Maggie belong together.  I see by the coming attractions for the finale that Danny is thinking the same thing I am, are Delilah and Eddie getting back together.  Also, I guess the breakup of Katherine and Eddie means Katherine in on the outs with the group again.  

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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I don’t think Katherine has any way to tell if Eddie is really clean or pretending to be clean.  Addicts relapse for any reason or no reason.  And they lie a lot.  You can’t rely on their contentions of sobriety.  Perhaps, random drug tests would be helpful, but they have their limits.   My main concern would be if there was an emergency and Eddie could not get out of the house, like a case of fire during the night.  Would Theo exit the building or stay inside to help his dad?  

Eddie was taking pain pills for acute pain. If he is still in pain and it is untreated, I would worry. He also drank alcohol at one time and was an alcoholic. I don’t see any scenario where he takes other drugs and he is different than your average addict because he is/was in chronic pain, he wasn’t trying to get high. He also was Theo’s caregiver since birth with no issues or problems in taking care of him. Living with Gary is a good idea but saying he can’t be alone with an 11 year old for 30 minutes is over the top. Fires can happen anywhere and people shouldn’t be denied their children on the off chance a fire might occur and they are disabled. Theo is not a baby.

Edited by Madding crowd
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Just now, Madding crowd said:

Eddie was taking pain pills for acute pain. If he is still in pain and it is untreated, I would worry. He also drank alcohol at one time and was an alcoholic. I don’t see any scenario where he takes other drugs and he is different than your average addict because he is/was in chronic pain, he wasn’t trying to get high. He also was Thor’s caregiver since birth with no issues or problems in taking care of him. Living with Gary is a good idea but saying he can’t be alone with an 11 year old for 30 minutes is over the top. Fires can happen anywhere and people shouldn’t be denied their children on the off chance a fire might occur and they are disabled. Theo is not a baby.

Exactly, the idea that the little cotton-candy Theo can't be alone with Eddie for a few hours makes no sense to me.

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2 hours ago, Suzn said:

And finally, Tyrell is so arrogant and entitled.  Where would that come from in his background?

He's a teenage boy.



2 hours ago, Suzn said:

I don't know why Eddie can't be alone with Theo for a few hours.  He's been through rehab and is not currently using and is not looking like he's on the verge of a relapse.  I think Katherine is over-reacting to everything and if she needs time alone, she shouldn't even date and leave Alan dangling.  Either move forward or tell Alan, too bad the timing is bad, but move on.

Eddie absolutely can be alone with Theo for a few hours.  There is no reason to think that he can't.  But Katherine is in a place where she doesn't trust him even a little bit so she isn't trusting Eddie alone with Theo.  She is just so hurt and angry she's reacting out of emotion rather than logic.  And to that end there is absolutely no way that Gary could leave Theo alone with Eddie because if Katherine found out and she would have found out now Gary is a person who has broken Katherine's trust and he can no longer advocate for Eddie and Eddie looses even more and Katherine gets even more validated in her anger.  

Katherine is wrong about this but right now there isn't really a way to fix it without 1) going to court or 2) letting her chill.

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16 hours ago, bybrandy said:

Katherine right now is all sorts of raw.  If she'd decided to bail on her date and check on Theo and found out they'd gone against her wishes she'd be WHITE HOT MAD.   Will she ease off in a couple of months when she's less angry?  Likely.  But right now?  She's not there.  


Oh, I agree Katherine would have been super pissed and Gary did the right thing. He made a deal with her and had to keep it, it will be better in the long run.

But the fact that deal was needed seems a bit silly. But I know Eddie was an alcoholic for a long time, so Katherine must have gone though a lot during that time. She probably heard him swear he was sober only to do something irresponsible in the past. He missed Theo's birth because of drinking, right?

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1 hour ago, Madding crowd said:

Eddie was taking pain pills for acute pain. If he is still in pain and it is untreated, I would worry. He also drank alcohol at one time and was an alcoholic. I don’t see any scenario where he takes other drugs and he is different than your average addict because he is/was in chronic pain, he wasn’t trying to get high. He also was Thor’s caregiver since birth with no issues or problems in taking care of him. Living with Gary is a good idea but saying he can’t be alone with an 11 year old for 30 minutes is over the top. Fires can happen anywhere and people shouldn’t be denied their children on the off chance a fire might occur and they are disabled. Theo is not a baby.

I think a more reasonable arrangement would have been full custody for Katherine, as she is more stable. Random drug testing for Eddie and solo visitation a few nights a week as long as he finds a suitable place to live, but no overnights. I don't see the harm with Theo spending a few evenings with his father after school through the dinner hour without supervision. I think supervised visitation was not needed here and may have been a overreaction by Katherine who has been through too much bs with Eddie.

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I thought it was good that Katherine had enough self awareness to realize that she immediately jumped to "Alan is seeing someone else" due to Eddie sneaking around with Delilah, and I liked that she was honest enough to admit it to Alan right away. I totally get why Alan is hurt because I've been in his shoes where I was dealing with someone who had been in a bad relationship. It sucks when your good intentions are misinterpreted because someone else was an ass. But it seems totally out of character that Alan, who has been shown to be patient and kind, reacted by saying that he's not going to wait around. She isn't even divorced yet. This is your first official date. Like seriously? That came out of nowhere.

Also jumping to conclusions too quickly: Regina. I understand it's frustrating for her right now, but it's been like, what, a week since she saw the neurologist? If she had a concussion or some kind of brain trauma, it's the same as any other kind of injury in that it's not just going to heal immediately. If you broke your leg, would you expect it to be healed in a week? I think it's right for her to take some precautions right now while she feels like she isn't herself and can't multitask, but making the leap to "I can't run a restaurant anymore" seemed a bit premature. On the show it's only June 2020 and at that point we had no idea when anything was going to open up again, which sucked of course, but it also meant there was no way for her to know how long she had to recover before she felt able to run the kitchen again.

Since in-person dining wasn't allowed at this point, it would have made sense to pivot to a limited menu for pick up/delivery only. It would essentially be like catering - you have two entrees to choose from for each night, you only do pre-orders, you make everything at once, prepack all the meals, and then have people come pick up their food at a specified time each night. That would drastically reduce her need to multitask, lower food costs (since you know in advance how much you need of each type of food, you can order exactly the amount you need and eliminate food waste), and allow her to stay open/make money/keep paying her employees.

Tyrell needs to have a seat. As Rome pointed out, doing this [absolutely ridiculous] commercial isn't much different from when Tyrell was selling candy bars. You do what you have to do in order to take care of your family and keep the lights on. I guess Tyrell has never considered how many adults have jobs they don't like because they have mouths to feed. Or maybe he just thinks that people genuinely enjoy scrubbing toilets or taking your order at Burger King.

Wow, Eddie turned into That Divorce Dad immediately. Theo seemed fine when Eddie told him that the game was back ordered. All Theo said was, "That's okay, dad. I know you tried," which was a pretty mild reaction considering the temper tantrums kids have had about not getting the hottest toy. I also rolled my eyes at Eddie immediately rejecting Gary's idea that they all go to the store because he didn't want to potentially disappoint Theo. What's wrong with saying, "Everybody in the car - we're going to Target!"? My parents took me grocery shopping and to run errands all the time because they didn't have a nanny or a babysitter. Eddie didn't have to tell Theo WHY they were going to Target. He could have just said they needed to do some shopping and then had Gary take Theo and Liam to another part of the store while Eddie tried to get the game. See? So easy! Or hey, hire someone on Task Rabbit to buy the game and deliver it to your house. So many options!

And not to be a total "I told you so" kind of person, but I'm guessing that now Eddie wishes he hadn't been so hasty in deciding to blow off all of Gary's suggestions last week, particularly the one about the guy who could put the hand controls in his car. I know that not everyone feels the need to drive but since Eddie is used to being able to get around by himself, it was just a matter of time before a situation like this came up. If you want to go somewhere and you don't want to depend on someone else to take you, then those hand controls in the car would really be helpful right about now. Yes, he should have immediately reported the driver that didn't pick him up, but I don't understand why he took that one jerk being a jerk and then just gave up. Get on the app and order another car. There are plenty of drivers who aren't assholes who WILL pick you up.

I was glad that Gary stuck to the agreement he had with Katherine. Eddie asking him to leave to go get that stupid game defeated the entire purpose of the arrangement they had all agreed upon. I'm glad that at least Gary had the right priorities, unlike Eddie who was tunnel vision focused on getting that stupid game. Although yes, you should do your best to keep your word when you tell your kid that you're going to do something, there's nothing wrong with your kid learning that sometimes there are things that are out of your control, like the game being on back order. I'm sure that Theo would have been a lot happier if Eddie had spent time with him instead of wasting all that time on the phone trying to find another way to get the game that day.

Everything Rome said to Sophie was A+. I'm disappointed that Delilah is coming home. I didn't miss her at all.

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Between Rome's remark that he and Gina are fostering a 160 pound baby who likes expensive shoes and the later comment about how he needed to do the root beer commercial, I wonder if Tyrell is going to run away because he thinks he's too much of a financial burden (when realistically he could just reduce his expensive shoe budget).

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Bye Alan!  Good luck on your Flir10 dating app!  Bye Darcy!  Good luck uprooting your life because your ex wants to move.  Why bother getting divorced?  Just stay married and devoted to raising your kid instead of trying to have two separate lives with the child in the middle of the chaos.

Hello Delilah!  Welcome back to the United States.  I didn't miss you at all and wonder how I didn't realize before how annoying your baby girl cutesy voice pseudo accent is.

Tyrell, dude, you do not get to dictate how your foster parents make their living which includes supporting your arrogant ass.

Regina, please rest completely as you were instructed on hospital discharge by doctor's orders to do.  You should not be driving.


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Scenes between Rome and Sophie, OMG they are amazing! I hate it that Rome always make me cry, since season 1 😭 

I hope Sophie remember any visible identification mark(s) on her teacher’s body, or else it’ll be he said-she said.

No comment re Katherine/Eddie as I hate their current storyline. Am so sick of seeing Theo on my screen, he’s F annoying! Kudos to Alan for saying No More to Katherine and brave enough to stand up to her.

I never like Tyrell since the beginning. Always thought that Rome and Gina have made a mistake by taking him in. Dude, know your place and stop being manipulative to get what you want. If you need a pair of fancy sneakers to get laid, go get a job or sell some chocolates, you used to do that, remember? Now can we ship Tyrell to Haiti so he can reunite with his mom please, that will teach him a lesson!

I like Darcy and I like Gary more when he’s around her. Lenox to Boston is about 2.5 hours drive??? They still can have LDR. Am not looking forward for next season if Gary and Maggie are back together.

Hey Gina, go get a 2nd opinion on your condition, inability to multitask isn’t a deciding factor. John worked so hard to set it up for you and Katherine has helped a lot too. And don’t forget about that MIA co-owner.

Delilah’s hair! 😱😬🥴

Since Delilah is coming back and her house is basically their group’s home, Eddie can stay there to help babysitting their love child. Delilah needs to find a job since they might be closing Someday.

Welcome back Charlie, do you still remember your daddy and your annoying brother? 🤣


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2 hours ago, SnazzyDaisy said:

Scenes between Rome and Sophie, OMG they are amazing! I hate it that Rome always make me cry, since season 1 😭 

I hope Sophie remember any visible identification mark(s) on her teacher’s body, or else it’ll be he said-she said.

No comment re Katherine/Eddie as I hate their current storyline. Am so sick of seeing Theo on my screen, he’s F annoying! Kudos to Alan for saying No More to Katherine and brave enough to stand up to her.

I never like Tyrell since the beginning. Always thought that Rome and Gina have made a mistake by taking him in. Dude, know your place and stop being manipulative to get what you want. If you need a pair of fancy sneakers to get laid, go get a job or sell some chocolates, you used to do that, remember? Now can we ship Tyrell to Haiti so he can reunite with his mom please, that will teach him a lesson!

I like Darcy and I like Gary more when he’s around her. Lenox to Boston is about 2.5 hours drive??? They still can have LDR. Am not looking forward for next season if Gary and Maggie are back together.

Hey Gina, go get a 2nd opinion on your condition, inability to multitask isn’t a deciding factor. John worked so hard to set it up for you and Katherine has helped a lot too. And don’t forget about that MIA co-owner.

Delilah’s hair! 😱😬🥴

Since Delilah is coming back and her house is basically their group’s home, Eddie can stay there to help babysitting their love child. Delilah needs to find a job since they might be closing Someday.

Welcome back Charlie, do you still remember your daddy and your annoying brother? 🤣


Wow. I completely forgot about Charlie! Talk about tunnel vision on Eddie's part. 

I hate when I like a show but start to hate everyone in it. Do writers do this on purpose? Katherine went through hell and back forgiving Eddie and Deli-doo doo, only to be crapped on again and again. And now there is nowhere for her to go on the show. If her only connection to the rest of the cast is that weird baby child, bummer. 

There is nothing Sophie can do legally to bring her teacher to justice. Inappropriate is not the same thing as illegal. He is a tool, but I don't think he actually broke any laws besides indecent exposure? And if it was not in public, I guess even that doesn't stand. I despise social media, regularly having to apologizing to friends for not knowing what they ate for lunch, but since people seem so addicted to exposing themselves, Sophie should just expose him. Disgracing him would probably do the most harm.  

On a super shallow note, Regina's weird poodle bangs are hideous. 

Edited by Chewy101
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On the last episode Regina says she is in no condition to be head chef because of her concussion and she is prepared to let the restaurant go.  This just made me shake my head.  Girl- you got a concussion not permanent brain damage. She’s acting like she is now disabled for life.  Give me a break!  This was so far out into left field that they totally lost the ball.
John made sure she had the restaurant and now they’re going to just let it fail (like her previous restaurant) because she has a boo boo.  I find it insulting for those who truly are working hard to stay afloat from Covid.  Worst writing I’ve seen since Day 1.  Come to think of it - the writing all season has been poor.

Edited by NickyB1975
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Anyone else wondering why Delilah has not returned yet?  Seems pretty weird that she just ups and leaves her kids that long and keeps Charlotte away from Eddie that long too.  The poor little kid is going to know who her family is when they return.  What is up with the writing this season?

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Unless you are contributing financially to the household, shut up Tyrell. He is being very entitled and not grateful of his situation at all. The commercial is bad yes but the only ones to get any heat on it will be the company and the celebrity promoting it. No one cares about the director or any non-famous actors involved.


Why is Regina doing so much multitasking? She had a concussion. Why isn’t she doing one thing at a time or getting help on things? The chef could've helped her with the loan application. It looks as if Regina is treating her concussion as if she tripped and fell on her butt and isn't getting the proper rest.

Looks like AMLT treating Covid like The Conners.

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3 hours ago, Chewy101 said:

I hate when I like a show but start to hate everyone in it. Do writers do this on purpose? 

Yes, Nash has said that he specifically tries to make sure that everyone on the show has moments where we're supposed to flip our views of the character, so since we've been so pro-Katherine for so long, he's trying to flip it. It's a shitty idea and he's a terrible showrunner (who occasionally hits on some great, real moments with an awesome cast sans Delilah and Theo), but that's what it is.

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11 minutes ago, Arcadiasw said:

Looks like AMLT treating Covid like The Conners.

The Conners handles it foolishly, but they at least had people wear masks. How fucking awful and irresponsible do Katharine and Alan look just headed out on a date without masks? NONE of them are wearing masks EVER! It is absolutely bonkers for a show that made as big of a deal about dealing with COVID as this show did. Holy shit, show, pick a lane. It's just embarrassing as hell. 

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I hadn't watched MLT in a while but the last 2 shows seemed better. Usually just the recap is enough to get the drift of what the show will be like. I liked Darcy with Gary and wondered if she was leaving (if she is) because that was her run or she just wanted to leave? Was that just a break from Maggie? I like her better away from Gary. I also read Deliah was having contract issues but maybe that was gossip and it was just Covid.

I liked the picnic scene, even Katheryn acting stupid, but Alan acting like a hormonal teen was off putting. He's right about walking on eggs etc, but obviously is given no empathy on what it was like to be cheated on and a baby to boot. No he's not Eddie, but if you can't sleep with Katherine right now, it's over? Katherine is a strong woman and they have her listening to that silently? The hotness will fade and then what?

I liked Sophie and Rome's talk also but I think this case with her teacher is going to be ugly. Indecent exposure has levels but he also influenced college applications and was a teacher so not just in a bookstore with a trench coat. I'm sure being MLT it will end up okay and Sophie will move on and Layla's parents will thank her. In reality she really doesn't know why Layla killed herself and might have had many other issues but this is a show. Even though it's 2021, women still have trouble saying something when exposed to unwanted sexual advances or assault so it still is pertinent. There will be people sticking up for him, his family hating her and her dad's suicide and her emotional state also brought up. Gary pulling for her,talking to teacher about taking her, him saying she was only there because of that. Great soap material but I hope they treat it better than they did the suicide which was awful.

Edited by debraran
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On 6/2/2021 at 11:06 PM, ams1001 said:

So basically they're remaking the Kendall Jenner Pepsi commercial...

I knew the idea wasn't original. I am not sure i watched the commercial you mentioned, since I don't watch TV at all (only streaming stuff) but maybe I did because as the guy satrted talking I already knew the end of it. 


16 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Putting aside the fact that she really shouldn't be driving if she's having issues with multi-tasking, it was nice to hear both talk about their disabilities, one that might or might not be temporary, and one that seems to be more permanent. Eddie's paralysis has not been talked enough about so it was good to see him have to struggle through something and be able to talk about his limitations with someone who actually gets it. Plus, these two have never really interacted before and I really loved their scene together.

Yes, and they could have explored the very common issue of Uber/Lift drivers refusing disabled passengers. I was with a friend in DC once, she is in a wheelchair, and the driver never stopped. It is not Eddie's limitation, it is a systemic one. it is discrimination that is not even thought of as discrimination


10 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Since in-person dining wasn't allowed at this point, it would have made sense to pivot to a limited menu for pick up/delivery only. It would essentially be like catering - you have two entrees to choose from for each night, you only do pre-orders, you make everything at once, prepack all the meals, and then have people come pick up their food at a specified time each night.

They were already doing that but not being able to stay open without the money is straight from real life. Also to consider, is her brand. Maybe pre-packaging is not something she doesn't want to be associated with, silly or not, some chefs are just like that. Maybe she should swallow her pride and do it anyways but with the concussion she has the perfect storm to make the decision she made. Besides, Delilah is supposed to be the  partner and Regina was doing the whole thing by herself. It is not just the cooking, it is so much more that goes into business, it is really a multitask endeavor. There are stories of restaurants closing and the workers buying them, forming co-ops. That would be interesting, but not something the writers will pursue.

I liked that they inserted real solutions for real lives, with Rome deciding to take the job. That's what people do, it sucks at times because life sucks at times

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55 minutes ago, circumvent said:


Yes, and they could have explored the very common issue of Uber/Lift drivers refusing disabled passengers. I was with a friend in DC once, she is in a wheelchair, and the driver never stopped. It is not Eddie's limitation, it is a systemic one. it is discrimination that is not even thought of as discrimination


Obviously, an Uber/Lift driver behaving like Eddie's did is unacceptable and discriminatory, but what happens if a driver has their own physical limitations that preclude them getting Eddie's wheelchair into and out of the vehicle?

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17 minutes ago, Leeds said:

Obviously, an Uber/Lift driver behaving like Eddie's did is unacceptable and discriminatory, but what happens if a driver has their own physical limitations that preclude them getting Eddie's wheelchair into and out of the vehicle?

In this case, it was a van, so it does not apply. The wheelchair Eddie has fits in a Mini. I was picked up from the airport with my friend once. We had her chair, one big suitcase and two smaller bags. It was tight, but nothing, or nobody, was left behind for lack of space. I believe the apps have a way to request accessible transportation for the wheelchair users that cannot transfer, or for large, motorized wheelchairs. My point is that it is common because disability is still something people don't understand, don't get educate on. They just assume it is a burden, or dangerous, or that they can be liable for hurting people, I don't really know. Or they are just unwilling to stop and load the chair - which is not only a discrimination, it is a jerk move.

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