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Trials and Tribulations of Juicy and Tre...

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They get the holidays, enough time to make vats of sauce and sausages.   Also, enough time to have In Touch do about 20 rag covers.

Plenty of time to make some money to sustain Joe and the girls while she is at college. I wonder how many covers will come out between now and then.  Hopefully he still works with his brother.  


Someone tweeted Andy earlier today that Rosie should move in with Juicy to raise the girls and Bravo should film that.  It would be a way for Juicy to pay off his fine and then back his creditors.  I am surprised they haven't garnished their wages by now.


As to Teresa's remorse.  I don't think she is intellectually capable of it. She is stupid.  Dumb. Like low IQ.  I don't think she really believes that she "harmed" anyone because I think she views her crimes as victimless.  In her mind, she signed what Joe told her to sign like any good old-fashioned Italian wife.  That is why her statement to the court today was so bad.

Edited by jinjer
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Long-time lurker from TWOP days...


First, thank y'all for the updates throughout the day!


I realize it's not the popular opinion on this forum...but I just don't understand the joy over someone else's misery.


Does Juicy say Whadda ya gonna do?

Quite honestly much like the judge concluded-these are people that just keep perpetuating fraud.  At some point they need to be stopped.  After a decade  a various fraudulent schemes it is time for them to pay their dues or at least stop the hemorrhaging.  Plus I think Teresa has always treated others poorly and been pretty much a mean person, lording her wealth and material things over people and the biggest grudge holder ever.  Apparently, the judge feels that only incarceration will help her see the light.  In my case I feel that incarceration will keep her off my TV.

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How do you pay back 31 million dollars, plus fines and live any lifestyle?

Considering you have to at least make that to pay it, I don't see how it's ever possible for these two. It's fine for people to want Teresa working in Walmart and Joe driving a garbage truck (assuming he's allowed to stay here), but they shouldn't think that debt can ever be reasonably broached.


Man was all this just for Keeping up with the Joneses?  

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Of course they should be punished - no argument here. It's the joy in others' misery I don't get, such as Kim G's tweets. MMV

That's just an immature woman getting payback for "misery" she claims Teresa caused her.

Plus, I think that a lot of people in NJ who are in the Giudice social (or business) circle have known about or suspected the over-spending, the showing-off, maybe even the fraud - so this day has been a long time coming.

Edited by LotusFlower
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Hey T and Juicy.


Good you got what you deserved. Time to sit in a cell and think about all you have lost. Time with your daughters and family, opportunities, life events. That to me is the real sentence and you brought that punishment on yourselves.


How stupid do you have to be to not fully disclose every asset you have in a timely manner. You don't want to piss anybody off who has a say in what kind of punishment you will receive. You are trying to avoid jail time or minimize it you idiots! You gave up the right to appeal so you should be proactive, calling the IRS and knocking on their door if you are unsure about something being an asset and then still list it just to be sure, even if it's a new bag of plastic forks in the pantry.


The next thing is that if you can't put a sentence together then should have the person who writes your cookbooks and or blogs write your damn letter to the judge. This is your moment  to fall on your sword, admit your sins and ask for leniency in a coherent manner and not make a judge spend brain cells trying to figure out the hell you are trying to say.


It's too bad you put yourself in this mess but I'm glad you didn't get away with it.


T you can still watch Orange Is The New Black on Netflix for tips. Juicy you still have time to rent Oz before you go away to college.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 7


I realize it's not the popular opinion on this forum...but I just don't understand the joy over someone else's misery.


I think it's more joy over seeing justice done. It's about fairness and everybody being equal under the law and the tax code. Why is it okay for them not to pay taxes when others do? I would LOVE to keep the huge amount of money that is taken out of my paycheck but I must pay my fair share to the government - even though I disagree with many of the ways it's spent and even though I believe the IRS themselves to be a bunch of liars and crooks. The Guidices and those like them (AND the mortgage brokers AND the banks who encouraged/perpetuauted rampant fraud) are part of the reason for the housing collapse and why many people now own houses not worth what they were bought for. When people default on huge credit card debt the banks pass that along to the rest of us in the form of higher interest rates and fees. LEGIT bankruptcy I understand. Sometimes a business goes under due to bad economic times and it sucks for the subcontractors and small businisses owed money by the bankrupt company but that's the way it goes in business sometimes. Difference with the Guidices is theirs wasn't a legit business failure, it was greed and fraud. They are but a teeny tiny part of the problem but the govt has to start somewhere with setting an example. I wish they would also go after the mortage brokers and bankers - the big fish who caused the collapse.


ETA: People like Kim G are getting joy out of this because it's a personal hatred, not about fairness. For those type people I hope karma gets them too eventually.

Edited by happykitteh
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Of course they should be punished - no argument here.  It's the joy in others' misery I don't get, such as Kim G's tweets.  MMV

I don't get why Kim G. publicly humiliates herself by stooping to that level-but once again Teresa was very cruel to her and called her pathetic.  I guess Kim G. is winning this round.

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Of course they should be punished - no argument here.  It's the joy in others' misery I don't get, such as Kim G's tweets.  MMV

I've been thinking about this idea in relation to my own reaction.  I don't think I'm happy about someone else's misery.  I am, however, thrilled that someone famous got caught and punished.  They flaunted their wealth (along with anger management issues it's why they got famous in the first place), and when it turned out they were frauds they weren't able to buy their way out or get off for other reasons.  It's a rare moment where I have faith in the system.  


That's probably splitting hairs because, bottom line, I'm happy about it.  But it's nice to see things work pretty much the way I think they should, when it comes to crime and punishment.

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Question - What if Tre and Juicy (one or both) decide to blow this popsicle stand? Will the Courts have any type of devices to keep that from happening?

I mean come on...if you lie, cheat and steal to the tune of $13 Million bucks, what's to keep you from saying "Okay judge, no prob, send me to the big house for a year" and then taking the next slow boat to China.

I am glad they are getting justice, but what is going to guarantee that they do?

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I mean come on...if you lie, cheat and steal to the tune of $13 Million bucks, what's to keep you from saying "Okay judge, no prob, send me to the big house for a year" and then taking the next slow boat to China.

I am glad they are getting justice, but what is going to guarantee that they do?

Maybe they had to surrender their passports and are on a no fly list. I don't think it is that easy to flee and go on the lam... but if you do and are caught the sentence is much stiffer. They have four daughters... that brood is high profile. They are going nowhere. 

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Maybe they had to surrender their passports and are on a no fly list. I don't think it is that easy to flee and go on the lam... but if you do and are caught the sentence is much stiffer. They have four daughters... that brood is high profile. They are going nowhere. 

They had to turn in their passports when they were first arrested. The Feds still have them and I don't see them getting them back until AFTER they both serve their prison terms AND finish probation!

Why is the IRS not seizing their house and other their other assets to recoup at least some of the monies owed? That aggravates me. Everything was bought with Illegal money until they prove its not. Drug dealers get houses, cars etc seized, why not them?

I agree. I think they should have to loose everything! IMO, just mine, it should fall under proceeds of a "corrupt enterprise" and be subject to forfeiture, especially in light of this most recent attempt to scam the Feds by not listing the new SUV, ATV, jewelry and other expensive items which shows that they could careless about the laws. I truly hope this makes Teresa/Joe clean up their act but, sadly, I will not hold my breath, I don't think they ever will.

  • Love 6

Some excellent articles from the Bergen Record this a.m.



My favorite part? Theresa didn't bring the $200,000 she was supposed to as part of the plea deal AND that it's her accountant's fault for the messed up incomplete financial disclosures. Never change, Theresa. Never change.

  • Love 8

How stupid do you have to be to not fully disclose every asset you have in a timely manner. You don't want to piss anybody off who has a say in what kind of punishment you will receive. You are trying to avoid jail time or minimize it you idiots! You gave up the right to appeal so you should be proactive, calling the IRS and knocking on their door if you are unsure about something being an asset and then still list it just to be sure, even if it's a new bag of plastic forks in the pantry.


I wonder if Teresa and Joe get the fact that Teresa could have gotten probation?

Why is the IRS not seizing their house and other their other assets to recoup at least some of the monies owed? That aggravates me. Everything was bought with Illegal money until they prove its not. Drug dealers get houses, cars etc seized, why not them?

I wonder what money would actually be seen from any real estate they "own"?


The next thing is that if you can't put a sentence together then should have the person who writes your cookbooks and or blogs write your damn letter to the judge.


Anybody remember a few years back when Teresa's wrote this in her Bravo blog ?


The blog was written with each sentence in a list, like my sample below. I am making up the sentences to illustrate, but take note of the first letter of the first word in each sentence.


For those of you out there

Under the impression

Cast blogs are always

Kindly refrain


The first letter, of the first word in the listed sentences, spelled out: Fuck You Haters.


Yesiree, Tre. Humility now, my dear.  

Edited by Bossa Nova
  • Love 10

I wonder if Teresa and Joe get the fact that Teresa could have gotten probation?

I wonder what money would actually be seen from any real estate they "own"?

Both the beach house and the linoleum floor house have zero equity, they owe more on both properties than the list/selling price. It was in a report, I think the BK final report, that they only have about $100K equity in the mansion. Even if they were to sell everything they owned, lock stock and barrel, it will only amount to a drop in the ocean of what they owe.  

I wonder if Teresa and Joe get the fact that Teresa could have gotten probation?

I wonder what money would actually be seen from any real estate they "own"?

Yea, that part is just stunning.  Probation, not Home Detention, but Probation.  I cannot imagine that showing up to court and having it discovered that once again they had been dishonest with regard to their assets, including the fact that they had recently procured two new vehicles, helped their case in any way. It sounds like from the Judge's comments to Teresa, that she wanted to offer some leniency, but the circumstances were just too incredible. She said that she believed Teresa felt honest remorse. It is just so hard to believe that these people are actually this dumb. 

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Just how did they "procure" 2 new vehicles?  What does procure mean?  Purchase, lease, borrow, steal?


Are they comped by dealers for promotion on the show?  


Or did they buy them for cash?  


Are they just driving them around like Melissa did the Bentley?  Are they in a dealer's name?


Because there is no way in hell they have any credit.  


You would think that her wages are garnished at this point, right?  The IRS has to have a lien on everything.

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From the article, it said they were supposed to bring $200,000 to the sentencing but that it was still "being processed" which I read as code for they still did not hear back from the banks they were trying to borrow it from.


How in the world would the Guidices even have $200,000 at this point to hand over to anyone? 


Teresa needs to start selling off her stuff today if she wants anyone to believe she has discovered the "reason" this happened to her. I would totally bid on one of her handbags were it to show up on ebay. Not the winning bid, but a bid.

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Just how did they "procure" 2 new vehicles?  What does procure mean?  Purchase, lease, borrow, steal?


Are they comped by dealers for promotion on the show?  


Or did they buy them for cash?  


Are they just driving them around like Melissa did the Bentley?  Are they in a dealer's name?


Because there is no way in hell they have any credit.  


I used the word procure because I am not exactly sure in what manner they have these vehicles.  The article I read just said that the judge was unhappy that they didn't claim them on their financial filings.  

I hope, if they sent the kids to school today, that it isn't too hard on them (the kids).  I worry about Milania - already an aggressive little girl and what she might turn into if she feels like she has to defend her family's name once the kids, and some adults, start being cruel.  And they will.  If they haven't already. 


I would bet the parents of most of the kids in their school(s) were glued to the proceedings yesterday and it was a big topic of conversation at dinner.  Imagine the side eye Tre got in the drop-off zone this a.m.  She deserves the side eye.  The kids don't.

You would think that her wages are garnished at this point, right?  The IRS has to have a lien on everything.

I'd like to know that, too.  You'd think the IRS would have put a lien on everything the minute they plead guilty.  Locked that shit down.  But we kept seeing the Guidice's spend more. 

  • Love 5

What is also interesting is what Teresa's Attorney said about deportation when begging for leniency for Teresa. 


"Teresa Giudice’s attorney, Henry Klingeman, raised the “almost certain” deportation of Joe Giudice in his plea for leniency for the wife.

Klingeman, who sought a sentence of probation or home confinement with community service, said Teresa Giudice is always seen in public holding the hand of her husband. "They will not be holding hands at their daughters' graduation,” the lawyer said. “They will not be holding hands at their weddings. They will not be holding hands at the hospital when their grandchildren are born. This family is not going to be temporarily separated. They will be permanently separated."



I've never watched RHONJ but have caught clips here and there as well as seeing the ladies on WWHL. But man, while dying of boredom at work yesterday, I stumbled upon this thread and love it! I couldn't wait to return to work this morning to finish catching up.


I didn't see it posted but I thought this article, "The Rise and Fall of Teresa Giudice" on Buzzfeed was beyond excellent.


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What is also interesting is what Teresa's Attorney said about deportation when begging for leniency for Teresa. 


"Teresa Giudice’s attorney, Henry Klingeman, raised the “almost certain” deportation of Joe Giudice in his plea for leniency for the wife.

Klingeman, who sought a sentence of probation or home confinement with community service, said Teresa Giudice is always seen in public holding the hand of her husband. "They will not be holding hands at their daughters' graduation,” the lawyer said. “They will not be holding hands at their weddings. They will not be holding hands at the hospital when their grandchildren are born. This family is not going to be temporarily separated. They will be permanently separated."



Oh please. Teresa can move to Italy. At the very least, the daughters can get married there. I mean, I know this was a dramatic attempt to get the judge to go easy on Teresa but I'm so tired of the "poor, poor Teresa" narrative.


I am wondering, though, if the marriage will survive all this. A 4-year separation is a long time, and I have to wonder if at some point the two of them will start resenting each other. I can see Teresa thinking she wouldn't be in this situation if it weren't for Joe, and I can see Joe thinking he took the fall in the hopes of getting Teresa leniency and it didn't even work so what was it all for?

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One last word for tonight.....as I have (shamefully) put off several important chores to follow the news unfolding.....


I do not think Teresa truly understands what has happened to her today...that she has actually been held accountable for HER OWN actions.


I do not think she will understand ANY of it until the day comes when she is escorted to her cell, enters it, hears the door shut behind her and then....AND ONLY THEN...tries the door to discover she can not simply walk out anytime she wishes.....THAT will be justice.....THAT will be the actual moment she can achieve true understanding of her own actions and the consequences thereof...presuming, of course, that she is both capable of and receptive to personal growth....I do not have much hope in that area.....


And how sad is it that an adult in this country, in this age, would not have ANY understanding of the concept of social responsibility until such a consequence is imposed.....



I hope she "gets" it even then.  One of the reasons I refuse to watch this season is that in the couple of episodes I did watch, Everyone, not jus the two criminals in question, was acting as if Joe and Tre had just been diagnosed with a terminal disease. I could not stomach the "poor Joe and Teresa" crap. Terminal diseases, the loss of a child, losing your home to a fire or flood, those are tragedies.  A criminal getting caught is not a tragedy. It is Justice.


The problem is I don't think these people have any integrity. I am certain Teresa couldn't define it, hell she probably couldn't pronounce it. Apparently neither can anyone else on this show because if they can only feel sympathy for thsee people then they clearly don't get it.


They committed crimes. They are paying. Good. Good. Good.


I can feel compassion for the children, but I cannot even say sympathy. Because heaven knows, with their screwed up families, this may be the ONLY lesson they ever get in what happens when you do not do the right thing. In the long run I have to think they will be better for it. 

  • Love 10

Just how did they "procure" 2 new vehicles?  What does procure mean?  Purchase, lease, borrow, steal?


Are they comped by dealers for promotion on the show?  


Or did they buy them for cash?  


Are they just driving them around like Melissa did the Bentley?  Are they in a dealer's name?


Because there is no way in hell they have any credit.  


You would think that her wages are garnished at this point, right?  The IRS has to have a lien on everything.


I would think if the vehicles were just on "loan" and still in the dealerships name they would not get into trouble, or much trouble, for that and I even think if they were "leased" it would not be as bad as it was, so I think they outright own them. It was not just the vehicles though but 2 or more ATVs, jewelry AND new furniture! Where they got the money is beyond me unless they used Teresa's Bravo paycheck to buy all that crap, once again showing everyone that they never intend to repay the people that they scammed! 

  • Love 1

I'm so glad we have this board as our new home! When TWOP shut down I was really bummed but now I'm soooo very happy we all found our way here. Had we tried to have the sentencing  discussions on TWOP the board would have been locked down in a couple hours due to too many  "boards on boards" (to this day I'm still not sure what that means) posts, "discussing the fans" and any of the other weird rules they had over there. Thank you Previously TV !

I was only a lurker over there because I couldn't keep the rules straight. The "board on boards" really confused me. I have been enjoying reading everyone's posts here and hope to contribute more!

  • Love 6

I hope she "gets" it even then.  One of the reasons I refuse to watch this season is that in the couple of episodes I did watch, Everyone, not jus the two criminals in question, was acting as if Joe and Tre had just been diagnosed with a terminal disease. I could not stomach the "poor Joe and Teresa" crap. Terminal diseases, the loss of a child, losing your home to a fire or flood, those are tragedies.  A criminal getting caught is not a tragedy. It is Justice.


The problem is I don't think these people have any integrity. I am certain Teresa couldn't define it, hell she probably couldn't pronounce it. Apparently neither can anyone else on this show because if they can only feel sympathy for thsee people then they clearly don't get it.


They committed crimes. They are paying. Good. Good. Good.


I can feel compassion for the children, but I cannot even say sympathy. Because heaven knows, with their screwed up families, this may be the ONLY lesson they ever get in what happens when you do not do the right thing. In the long run I have to think they will be better for it. 


ITA, I, for 1, do not think Teresa will ever "get it". I just don't see her realizing that it was HER, and Joes, GREED that caused all of this. Seriously, how many people that pled guilty then try to scam the courts by lying, once again, on legal documents they were required to be truthful on? Her, their ARROGANCE is on par with scammers/liars/thieves like Bernie Madoff IMO.

  • Love 5

Some excellent articles from the Bergen Record this a.m.



My favorite part? Theresa didn't bring the $200,000 she was supposed to as part of the plea deal AND that it's her accountant's fault for the messed up incomplete financial disclosures. Never change, Theresa. Never change.

My favorite part:


"Fact is, ratings for “RHONJ” have reportedly dropped this season. And while that could be attributed to the not-so-exciting new “housewives” from Colts Neck who joined the show, it could also be because viewers have gotten tired of and disgusted by the Giudices"


Ya think? Hear it BRAVO.  Disgusted does not even begin to describe it.

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Teresa, 42, appeared dumbfounded when Salas said that she had first considered a probation or home confinement instead of prison time. Salas said she changed her mind when she noticed discrepancies between what the prosecutors had listed as the couple’s assets and what the couple had reported to the probation department. Even so, Salas gave her credit for her charitable endeavors and for the fact that her husband would likely be deported.


But Salas said she was troubled that such a savvy businesswoman would claim not to know that she had to provide basic financial information to probation officers. Salas said she didn’t understand Teresa’s motives for the crimes and speculated that it was because the couple was trying to maintain a lavish lifestyle like those of their friends.



Um, there's discovery in a case like this right? Why wouldn't the Juicy's lawyer have had a copy of the prosecutor's list of their assets??  The fuck?  And what the hell kind of idiot are you that knowing you have a chance to do your time at home you mess it up by still not coming clean with all your shit???  I mean, law aside for a second, it's a basic rule of parenthood and/or punishment, tell me the ENTIRE truth and then I can consider taking it easy on you.  Who doesn't know that?


Romankow said a sentence of from 37 to 46 months was reasonable for Joe, given that he had a lengthy criminal record of at least seven arrests. One was for allegedly slamming a woman’s head into a mailbox and kicking her on the ground.




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All day I was flashing back to the earlier episodes where Teresa was spending money like crazy - the house shopping, shopping with her girls.  And it wasn't like she even looked at prices.  It was all fun and games then - basically using stolen money.  Now it's time to pay the piper, and here come the tears.  I do feel sorry for the kids, as they had no part in the fraudulent actions.


This is what I don't understand...how did they think this wasn't going to catch up with them? When was the moment they decided to audition for this show & create this fake life? Why? Also, I forget...where were they living prior to all this & what was their life style? Anyone remember?


I predict the Gorgas are next in line for the big lifestyle shutdown & are scrambling to cover thy arses. Hence the sudden downgrades. Look out , Mel...you're next.


So let me see...back in Season 1 the other 4 were all over Danielle about her criminal past.  Now we have one paying restitution while not acknowledging wrongdoing (Jacquline), two sisters who never speak to one another (thick as thieves? nope!), and one actually going to prison for a while.

Right? How in the heck did she say all that stuff about someone else all the while pulling her own schemes???


How will Teresa bide her time in the federal pen? My guess is a new cook book is on the way:

Incarcerated Italian: Fabulicious Home-Style Recipes from Simple Commissary Ingredients


I didn't buy the others but I would totally buy "Incarcerated Italian".


Excellent article. Thanks. I really didn't understand how they could pull all this off but this explained it well. 

Thanks to whoever posted about first season RHNJ running today! As we speak.

Watching it now...all seems so different now knowing what the real deal was...

Edited by BostonBlonde



Romankow said a sentence of from 37 to 46 months was reasonable for Joe, given that he had a lengthy criminal record of at least seven arrests. One was for allegedly slamming a woman’s head into a mailbox and kicking her on the ground.



Um, yea, WHAT??


Can we get someone on this STAT? Zoeysmom, you got any time to investigate this? I've never heard of Juicy slamming a woman's head into a mailbox before. I also read on another site that one of this priors involved impersonating an Officer.  It sounds like his list of prior issues with the law might be longer than a lot of people knew. Maybe they have a real reason to be scared of Deportation. I honestly never thought it would happen. 

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I am getting a Marie Antoinette vibe from Tre's drama, anyone else?


Joe's DUI trial on the 15th may result in a guilty verdict, could that mean being led out of that trial in handcuffs and serving what ever sentence immediately? 

Joey's hearing is the umpteenth trial setting date.  This time Joe is expected to change his plea and plead guilty and serve time concurrent with the federal time. Of course this will take about 5 more court dates. I hope there is some provision in NJ that felons can't postpone serving time for 15 months.  Time to wrap up some of these cases.  These people need to move on. 


REGARDING THE $200,000.00 that  was suppose to be posted:

Interesting about the $200,000.00.  My guess is that money will come from Teresa's completion of her contractual obligation of her Bravo contract, the Monday night WWHL and the Reunion.

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Even so, Salas gave her credit for her charitable endeavors and for the fact that her husband would likely be deported.

But Salas said she was troubled that such a savvy businesswoman would claim not to know that she had to provide basic financial information to probation officers. Salas said she didn’t understand Teresa’s motives for the crimes and speculated that it was because the couple was trying to maintain a lavish lifestyle like those of their friends.


She gave Teresa credit for the fact her husband may be deported? lol. Or she took in into consideration? 


And I'm thrilled the Judge noticed what many other have.... oh what trying to 'look like' a Real Housewife will do to you if you don't have the bank to begin with. See: Tamra and Simon Barney, Lynn & Frank Curtin, Slade Smiley, etc etc


ETA: And yes...what about Juicy slamming a woman's head into a mailbox? What, what what???

Edited by diorella78

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