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S01.E06: Sore Must Be the Storm

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1 minute ago, mjc570 said:

Maybe I watch too much tv (well, no maybe about it) but I wondered if John had really killed Erin, and manipulated Billy into confessing.  

That's what I'm assuming, and that John plans on shooting Billy so his secret won't get out. 

I guess he'd have to fake Billy's suicide, otherwise he'd look too suspicious if his wife told people they were fishing 

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That was so suspenseful! I was so scared for Jess and Drew. Did Carrie end up taking drugs and that's why she nodded off or was she just that tired?

I am so confused as to what Dylan is up to.

So, either Billy is DJ's dad and Erin's killer or John is and is forcing Billy to take the fall. I just keep remembering the way John talked his son into keeping his mouth shut and now he tried the same with Lori. I can't tell if Billy is planning on killing John with the gun he brought or if he just wants to protect himself from John. John seems to be going along with Billy confessing but he told Lori not to tell Mare, so maybe he's trying to keep a lid on everything. If John's planning to kill Billy it would look reaaallly suspicious. Maybe he's planning on telling people that Billy just ran.

Maybe both Billy and John raped Erin at the reunion or both killed her? Whoever got her that necklace (it just said "Ross" on the receipt) thinks it was some kind of relationship so maybe it carried on for awhile? Or it was a manipulation for her to keep her mouth shut?

The chief saw that picture from Jess and feels Mare needs to be contacted immediately so something is up there, as well.

I enjoyed Jean Smart flipping off the press.

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8 minutes ago, Laurawithcats said:

And Colin's mom acted exactly the way I thought she would. 

Yes. Very unsurprising. 

I was so relieved that Drew was alive, only because there's a limit to how many people can realistically meet tragic ends in Mary's circle of family and friends. Drew drowning while his mother was literally beside the tub stretched my credulity too far. 

Nice to see Mary's learned her lesson about the importance of backup when confronting murderers! 

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4 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

That's what I'm assuming, and that John plans on shooting Billy so his secret won't get out. 

I guess he'd have to fake Billy's suicide, otherwise he'd look too suspicious if his wife told people they were fishing 

Which means...the picture might be of Erin and John!!!! 


But why is Dylan harassing Jess? Even if he didn't kill Erin, I want him to be in jail for a while. He's a little dick.

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So here's the thing, unless their is hanky panky going on in that picture I don't see how it points to her murderer. If it's just a simple pic with her & one of the brothers that doesn't mean anything. It was a family reunion so they would have had multiple pics together. There must be something to this pic that gives away the answer. Also I still don't understand what Dylan is so upset about. He's not the killer(even though it was wierd how he mentioned Jess would get shot in the face like Erin). I wonder if he had something to do with another crime & Erin wrote about it & he doesn't want the cops to find out. 

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So just brainstorming here but could Dylan, Jess and Sean (is that the third kid?) have all been involved in something illegal that Erin wrote about in her diaries and that's why they burned them.  I know they've connected Erin to prostitution but it could also be drugs.  We've seen a lot of with drugs in the show so far, so maybe the teens are all dealers?  Would explain where Dylan went in the middle of the night and why he has the gun.

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15 minutes ago, mjc570 said:

Maybe I watch too much tv (well, no maybe about it) but I wondered if John had really killed Erin, and manipulated Billy into confessing.  

I thought it was pretty clear that's the case. John took Billy fishing probably to kill him there, say he confessed and then died in some accident (drowning?) or stage his suicide.

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3 hours ago, paigow said:
3 hours ago, GussieK said:

We’ve never found out whom John was having an affair with so it lends credence to the theory it was Erin. 


I heard Sandra as well. But remember how Lori told Mare that the first time he was having an affair with Sandra she knew something was up but this time around she had no idea? That lends credence to the fact that John was involved in Erin's murder somehow and was not really having an affair with Sandra this time around. I wonder what John and Lori's son really saw. Or "Sandra" is made up and it was Erin all along?

  • Love 17

Why would Billy confess if he didn't do it?  John prodded him to say it out loud.

Remember also he has that shiny gun in his tackle box, that only he knows about.

But Mare steps on the accelerator to confront John and Billy after the Chief tells her to pull over.  Her wounded hand is still in a bandage and it's not enough to have one recent confrontation that ended in a death, she has to ride into potential danger.  Billy Ross is well known in the community.  She doesn't have to go try to arrest him by herself.  They could get him at any time and if he runs away, he's known, his car is known, they could track his credit card, phone, etc.

Being a good detective is not enough for these shows, the star has to get her hands dirty, do the tough and potentially risky work too.  When you watched Jane Tennyson, the middle aged female detective didn't go speeding into an armed confrontation.  It's only in American shows.

So they got a nice little cliff hanger going into the finale, which is why they're holding back whatever Jess gave to the chief.


They also played these games, like Jessie running from Dylan intercut with Drew possibly drowning in that tub.  Also with Siobhan getting high and drinking and going off to wherever.  Only reason to put these characters in danger is what, to have it weigh on Mare, because she doesn't have enough heartbreak in her life?

Suspense is good but in this case, it's a bit manipulative.  Presumably Mare will come out of this alive, because if the producers were smart, they may want to have a chance at a lucrative renewal of this limited series.  I'm guessing that most detectives don't go in without backup -- Jane Tenneyson would hang back until the armed officers cleared the place because London cops generally aren't armed.


Mrs. Zabel of course blames Mare for leading Colin into questioning Potts, which led to Colin's death.  I knew she was going to yell at her but I didn't see the multiple slaps coming.  Yes Mare is beaten down, still not over Kevin's death and now probably blames herself for Colin dying.

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12 minutes ago, Snapdragon said:

And while we're on the subject of the kids, why is Dylan such an asshat?  His parents are such nice people, I find it weird that he's such human garbage.  

Yeah this is the only big mis-step I've seen in the writing - his parents seem unrealistically stable, decent and nice to have produced such an asshat. Even if they weren't jerks, it would have been more realistic to have a preoccupied or distracted parent for his character.

Just now, aghst said:

Remember also he has that shiny gun in his tackle box, that only he knows about.

I was unsure of who's tackle box and gun that was supposed to be - was it Billy's? Or was It John's, and Billy happened to glimpse it by accident as they were packing? 

Not sure why Billy confessed and why he would have been covered in blood the night of the murder, but somehow I don't think he's the culprit. I think John is planning to stage a suicide scene and claim it was Billy.

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8 minutes ago, DoubleUTeeEff said:

I heard Sandra as well. But remember how Lori told Mare that the first time he was having an affair with Sandra she knew something was up but this time around she had no idea? That lends credence to the fact that John was involved in Erin's murder somehow and was not really having an affair with Sandra this time around. I wonder what John and Lori's son really saw. Or "Sandra" is made up and it was Erin all along?

I'm guessing maybe the son saw John sneaking back in the house the night Erin was killed and assumed he was having an affair.  Back when John was having an affair with Sandra, the son probably saw him sneaking in and out of the house multiple times, so he just assumed that's what was up this time.  John told his dad "Lori thinks I'm having an affair" and when the dad asked, "Are you?", John didn't answer.  That John, always getting around outright lying.  I mean, he can honestly say that Billy did confess to him (he'll just leave out that he's involved in the crime) and doesn't correct his dad when he assumes the wrong thing.

Edited by Snapdragon
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I can't tell if Billy is planning on killing John with the gun he brought or if he just wants to protect himself from John.

It was John's tackle box, Billy was clearly surprised to see a gun in there, and for sure knows John is trying to kill him/pin it all on him. I would not be surprised if Pat used to be a cop, and it's his gun. Billy also made a comment about how John is never held accountable for anything so I'd guess he's been running grooming/manipulating if not outright abusing Billy all his life. 



Why would Billy confess if he didn't do it? 

It's probably some combo of life long emotional abuse by John, and possibly he blacked out and John told him he did it, and he is implicated in knowing John was abusing Erin, in his own home probably.

I don't appreciate them still teasing Dylan/Friend again, almost certainly this gun waving at Jess is macho posturing over some other crimes they committed, likely they might have told Jess they did kill Erin to manipulate her into helping to burn the journals which also might have contained Dylan is a very dumb drug lord of Easstown info.

I was per usual fare more engaged with Mare's personal journey and interactions, the healing has indeed BEGUN, look at that therapy works Mare! Her scenes with her mom/Richard/Frank/Siobahn were wonderful in her willingness to be vulnerable, stop shutting down. And the farting shoes. LOL. I  think Carrie almost certainly will be spooked by the bathtub incident and slow her custody roll. But man I really hope they don't make me barf by having Mare invite her to live with them. UGH, Drew/Carrie and Carrie/family can build a healthier relationships without that aspect, it would in fact be repeating an old pattern that didn't work out the first time.

Edited by blixie
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22 minutes ago, Cheezwiz said:

I'm pretty sure that Carrie nodded off because irony of ironies she did the right thing and refused the uppers from her co-worker. So glad the little guy was alright!


Same. But this is going to be a wake-up call (no pun intended) for Carrie because Drew is a BOY and this is only the beginning of what will be her new, anxiety-fueled life if she gets custody.

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18 minutes ago, GussieK said:

Who is Sandra? 

When Mare and Lori were talking, Lori told Mare that John was having an affair with Sandra again.  She's assuming this because, when she spoke with her son, he said something about it being the same person as last time.  But perhaps he just assumed that. 

So John had an affair before that Lori forgave him for.  It was with Sandra.  She thinks it's Sandra again.  I wonder if John hesitated when asked if he was having an affair because he's not now that she's dead.

12 minutes ago, Cheezwiz said:

I was unsure of who's tackle box and gun that was supposed to be - was it Billy's? Or was It John's, and Billy happened to glimpse it by accident as they were packing?

That's what I was wondering.  I definitely thought it was John's. I wonder if Billy will take out any bullets.

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Maybe John pulled the gun on Erin, Billy tried to wrestle it away from him and accidentally shot her instead?  Would explain why he sounded so heartbroken when he said "I killed her".  Or he pulled the gun on Erin only intending to scare her and then his jittery self accidentally shot her.  Either way, I'm guessing Billy's shooting of Erin was unintended and was probably initiated by John.  

1 minute ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Can someone please explain to me how Erin and Billy are related?

John and Billy are brothers and Erin's dad (Frank?) is their cousin.  So Billy and John are Erin's first cousins once removed.

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38 minutes ago, Snapdragon said:

So just brainstorming here but could Dylan, Jess and Sean (is that the third kid?) have all been involved in something illegal that Erin wrote about in her diaries and that's why they burned them.  I know they've connected Erin to prostitution but it could also be drugs.  We've seen a lot of with drugs in the show so far, so maybe the teens are all dealers?  Would explain where Dylan went in the middle of the night and why he has the gun.

Yeah that's my theory the picture shows Dylan with a load of drugs. I actually know a couple of local dealers who got busted posting pictures of large amounts of money and drugs on Facebook. Dylan was at least smart enough to try to hide the evidence.

Although one thing they haven't explained is why Billy met her all the way up by the college. He works shifts maybe its on his way home from work? I think the location rules John out actually since he was at the bar with Frank and then drove him home around 2 and Franks now ex girlfriend corroborated that. I don't know if John would have had time to go to the crime scene after that. I wouldn't be surprised though if John is actually DJ's father and Billy killed her to protect John.

Edited by Emily Thrace
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This show does nail biting suspense so well. I didn't think that Drew was going to end up sleeping with the rubber duckies but after Zabel's surprise death last week, I wouldn't put it past the show to kill off another character. The scene where Jess was being chased by Douchebag Dylan and his friend had me holding my breath a bit. I agree with one of the other posters that YELLING is the way to go in these high speed, death threat situations. Jess really needs to watch more crime shows - armchair survival skills are no joke.

I really would like to know what it is that Dylan, nameless friend, and Jess are all into. I think the consensus we're going with is drugs, and Erin, maybe blew their spot in her diary. Not sure. This show began with Dylan being King of Douche Mountain to suddenly playing make believe gangsta. Dylan's parents would have done him a world of good if they'd given him a timeout at some point in his life - it's the only explanation for him being the awful child of seemingly good parents.

I thought the scene with drunk Siobhan and Mare was really good. I wondered why it was that she seemed to resent her mom so much, and we have our answer. Is it fair? No. But trauma and grief are kind of funny like that. On a side note, I think it's kind of funny that there are now more and more shows with characters named Siobhan. As a Siobhan who spent years rolling my eyes and honing my sarcasm when people couldn't pronounce my name, it's sort of funny that that my name is going mainstream here. Thanks, HBO. LOL

I called John as Erin's killer last week. I'm kind of leaning towards the theory on the boards that he manipulated Billy somehow, or maybe it really is as simple as Kissing Cousins Gone Wrong: The Family Retreat Edition starring Billy. He did have blood all over his clothes, not that that necessarily makes Billy the killer. I just love that this show makes us question everything. 

Did Guy Pearce really sign on for what turned out to be kind of a nothing burger of a role?

What's on the smoking Polaroid, show?!?


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