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Kody Brown: The Man Who Survived a KNIFE to the KIDNEYS!

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32 minutes ago, LilyD said:

Kody’s newly acquired word of the week seems to be gaslighting. It’s interesting how he accuses everyone of gaslighting but completely fails to grasp that his behaviour is the exact definition of gaslighting. It shows how distorted his views of the world (and of himself!) have become.

Which also shows that he doesn't understand what the word actually means. 

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Twenty years from now when the bulk of his children have partners and children and their own homes and rarely see him he will sit in his closet of deep thoughts and rock back and forth saying “they’re all gaslighting me”.
He will never connect his behaviour to consequences and will continue to blame everyone else.

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One of Kody’s many actions I just cannot understand:

Why did he encourage/beg/tell his wives to leave, instead of walking away himself? You’d think he’d want to be the one to make that decision, with his love for himself, his huge inflated ego and desire to be in control? You know, the cool dude that got rid of his awful wives?

 He’ll now forever be that pathetic guy going through the humiliating experience of being dumped by three of his 4 wives  and hung out to dry on national tv!  

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1 hour ago, LilyD said:

One of Kody’s many actions I just cannot understand:

Why did he encourage/beg/tell his wives to leave, instead of walking away himself? You’d think he’d want to be the one to make that decision, with his love for himself, his huge inflated ego and desire to be in control? You know, the cool dude that got rid of his awful wives?

 He’ll now forever be that pathetic guy going through the humiliating experience of being dumped by three of his 4 wives  and hung out to dry on national tv!  

Evidently that is highly frowned upon in plural marriage. Wives can choose to divorce but husbands cannot.

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On 9/1/2023 at 12:31 PM, kassa said:

Little kids may also struggle when they last saw somebody as a gawky teenager and now they're a grown man or woman. 

On 9/1/2023 at 3:32 PM, altopower said:

To be fair (which doesn't come easily when I talk about Kody), Solomon might know the names but not what the people look like now. So Kody may have been reminding which faces went with which names. Or not. It's Kody.

Exactly. If Robyn and Kody cared about them knowing their siblings, they would know them. Even with their super strict COVID rules, they could have made sure the kids were connecting via video chat during that time. Instead, they isolated them and cut everyone off.

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15 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

"Look, kids, your nasty mommies left me, and isn't that just awful?"

"And they didn't honor me, respect me, obey me, kick you out of the house, or follow the protoculls.  But we are one big happy family, right?  Sobbyn wants to watch you all play together in the yard. So come on over for the holidays."


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20 hours ago, LilyD said:

One of Kody’s many actions I just cannot understand:

Why did he encourage/beg/tell his wives to leave, instead of walking away himself? You’d think he’d want to be the one to make that decision, with his love for himself, his huge inflated ego and desire to be in control? You know, the cool dude that got rid of his awful wives?

 He’ll now forever be that pathetic guy going through the humiliating experience of being dumped by three of his 4 wives  and hung out to dry on national tv!  

And yet when Kody was sittin' there with Meri on their sad 30th anniversary bitch session picnic he flat out said that "if a wife is unhappy...then maybe she should leave and find happiness". Contradiction for sure.

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4 hours ago, Roslyn said:

And yet when Kody was sittin' there with Meri on their sad 30th anniversary bitch session picnic he flat out said that "if a wife is unhappy...then maybe she should leave and find happiness". Contradiction for sure.

Kody said it when he didn't think anyone would leave him. How could they, when he and his ringlets are Perfect?  And yet the wives remembered it and when they DID say they were leaving Kody threw a fit. Well, not really with Janelle; he threw the fit BEFORE she decided for sure to leave, although I think she'd been mulling it ever since Christine started working through doing. After all, Janelle told Christine to be self-supporting before she left and you know she was also thinking to herself, hmmm, I already am.

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1 hour ago, suzeecat said:

Maybe Christine could get a spinoff show where she counsels unhappy wives in polygamy on how to get out safely and with their own lives intact.

Grandma Annie can help her.  I wonder how similar Annie's polygamist old life and Christine's, are.  We know that Annie had left Christine's dad by the time Christine met and married Kootie.  Annie didn't go to their wedding, and was against the marriage.

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42 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

We know that Annie had left Christine's dad by the time Christine met and married Kootie.  Annie didn't go to their wedding, and was against the marriage.

I don't remember why Annie was against their marriage. Was it because it was plural? Or was it Kody in particular?

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As I recall, the circumstance was that as Annie had left the AUB and was critical of plural marriage, she was banished from the church and wasn't allowed to attend.

That's why Christine's wedding gown was so ill fitting. The no contact order from the church extended to Christine and Annie getting together to construct the dress



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On 9/8/2023 at 4:51 PM, Sandy W said:

As I recall, the circumstance was that as Annie had left the AUB and was critical of plural marriage, she was banished from the church and wasn't allowed to attend.

That's why Christine's wedding gown was so ill fitting. The no contact order from the church extended to Christine and Annie getting together to construct the dress



Taking my response to the Christine thread. 

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OMG!  Hilarious!  The spiral curls, the shades flopping down over his eyes during his dramatic declaration of all he's sacrificed just to LOVE HER!  It goes nicely with his moobs and his beer belly refusing to be hidden by his overly large tee shirt.

Kody is like is like human herpes: once you've got him, you can never quite get rid of him.  There is no sex good enough to chance getting stuck with him.

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On 9/25/2023 at 12:45 AM, BnJJ said:

I am so tired of hearing him going on about his heartbreak.  What is there to be heartbroken over?  He wasn't attracted to Christine from day one.  He was grossed out by the way she ate.  He did like how she treated her sister wives.  He felt that she wanted too much of this time.  And the list goes on.

There is no heartbreak.  His massive ego took a knife to its kidney.

Sure, she wanted more of his time, but I'm sure it was not "too much".  It was only too much because he didn't even like her much less love her.  And if he knew how to make each of his wives feel special and it wasn't ALL about his needs over theirs, the exact amount of time he spent with each of them wouldn't have been an issue.  I just can't get over how FOS he was about "love being multiplied, not divided".  Why haven't Christine and Janelle in particular told him he was a HUGE failure at that?  In fact, he failed at the VERY THING he wanted the public to believe about polygamy.  Nice going there, asshole!

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58 minutes ago, dariafan said:

He wouldn’t let janelle finish her thoughts. It give her the ability to fix what she wanted to say.   And he still only has Robyn’s version of the phone call from the boys   I wonder which of Robyn’s children he will turn on first ?

Probably turn on sweet Sol, who doesn't appear to be living up to Kody's expectations.

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I just can't get over Kody trying to humiliate Janelle and Christine by saying that he “courted” Meri and Robyn, but he didn’t “court” them.  Let’s see, the two he courted gave him a grand total of three kids, while the two “interlopers” gave him a total of 12.  Perhaps someone should tell this idiot to put that subject to rest, because it makes him look and sound worse than he already does. 

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On 9/27/2023 at 10:09 AM, OlderThanDirt said:

Does anyone think there will be a time this season when someone asks him what his plans are for Coyote Pass?  At this point in the current season has Christine signed the quit claim on her share?  Will Janelle and Meri bring it up?

Well DUH OlderThanDirt!  They are going to ride those dirt bikes around the property and bug the neighbors!  

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$150 for less than 60 seconds of Doouchecanoe singing??  You gotta be kidding me!

This seems like a bunch of hooey designed by Douchie to keep people interested in him and Mrs. Douchie.  I doubt Sobbyn has the guts to actually tell her "best customer" to get out of the mansion.  That's a pile of crap, imho.

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On 10/7/2023 at 8:01 AM, Absolom said:

This morning from Soap Dirt:


It would be so funny, if true.

Hilarious if true, but Robyn is at least smart enough to know she's too dumb to eke out a living on her own. She may not want him without the other wives anymore, but she's stuck with him. She's still in a McMansion decorated with the aesthetics of an 8 year old from 1970; until she's in a single wide trailer with a broken down porch, she's not done with him.

And as a vocalist, I can tell you with complete confidence that no one listens to the lyrics. I've completely messed up Bad Reputation and Don't Stop Me Now onstage and no one noticed. He saw "King of the Road," thought "that's me, I'm the king," and then squeaked out some of the other lyrics without thinking about them. 

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On 10/7/2023 at 11:01 AM, Absolom said:

This morning from Soap Dirt:


It would be so funny, if true.


It would be. It's not true, or recent, though.

I'm trying to find the Cameo they reference, where Kody sang the altered lyrics to "King of the Road," because I know I watched it quite some time ago.

That article from Soap Dirt strikes me as just an SEO piece. They didn't even link to the Cameo (or to Kody's Cameo page). All/most of the links are internal to their site, to drive up SEO. 

This article, from June of 2023, mentions that Without A Crystal Ball shared the Cameo, so we at least know it's that old.

I don't usually like to share or watch her stuff, but here's the WOACB video, and Kody's ditty is right at the top.


I also think that Robyn did not kick out Kody. I didn't watch the whole video, because I don't like her. But? If WOACB claimed that, it would be a case of WOACB taking something that doesn't outright say something (in this case, a song parody somehow serving as a separation admission) and treating it like it's a fact and the truth. 

At any rate, we know Kody and Robyn were together after he filmed that Cameo, which would have been at least as far back as May or June. Kody and Robyn went to Gwendlyn's July wedding reception together.

Also, this weekend, someone took a picture of them together in the Dallas Fort Worth Airport (I saw it on Reddit somewhere).

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On 9/26/2023 at 11:09 PM, Absolom said:

David is already almost erased from Kody's memory banks.  I'd say it's a tossup between Solomon and Breeana for next in line. 

Kody has a tendency to push away his sons as they grow older, so definitely Sol. I had high hopes for Breanna at one point, but she is becoming more and more like AuROARa (apart from the cringe-worthy whining)

I fully expect Ari to turn on Kody when her time comes. She and Kody are too much alike, and she already seems to have a bit of an attitude. (I would definitely watch a SW episode about that!)

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Pretty sure Manson never killed anyone, either. He was just a cult leader. And Kody is a member of a cult that has murdered people. I take your point, though. But the resemblance is uncanny. I can't tell if the photo above is a photoshop of Kody or a photo of Manson; they are so similar in expression and cold, dead, beady eyes.

Please know that I'm being tongue-in-cheek above and don't actually think Kody would murder someone. However, I am a little nervous for Robyn and those kids living in his house. Kody seems like he's at the end of his rope and I really hope they come to limited harm (I wish I could say no harm, but they're all emotionally abusing or isolating those kids at a minimum).

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5 hours ago, monagatuna said:

I am a little nervous for Robyn and those kids living in his house. Kody seems like he's at the end of his rope

I don't like Robyn or the Robynettes but yeah, Kody has been devolving. All the wives have noticed and talked about it. It's not all about Christine leaving him, much as he blames EVERYTHING on that. He was marginally a father to the OG kids in Las Vegas, but the move to Flagstaff and then the Covid separation of the households really did a number on him. And, of course, on a many of the family relationships. 

The older OG kids grew up without Kody and they turned out great with the support of the moms. Kody cannot STAND that. His world is unraveling and he doesn't know how to deal with it except to get more rigid and demanding which isn't working. 

I just know I wouldn't want to be anywhere near Kody these days. Or those days, since they're so far behind in showing us stuff.

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9 hours ago, Orcinus orca said:

I think it's more the fact that he resembles Manson with the wild ass hair and dead, cold eyes. 

That's exactly what I meant. It's been bugging me for some time of who he resembled to me and then I was like oh, shit and the crazy way that Manson would talk and his crazy hair. And damn that picture with the dead shark eyes and crazy ass hair.

Edited by toodywoody
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He told Janelle Robyn is loyal and he’s the he’s did the house hold there. If janelle let him be head of the household, that man would complain even more he’s doing all the work.  He would tell her to make her own decisions and figure it out ( you know like she’s been doing ).  And again I ask . What is he doing to his face ?  It’s not even the same shape anymore !

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You're right, he would say that to her. He always had the women handle all the hard shit, because he was just too damned busy. Hell, he couldn't even help Christine when she was working at night. Since Jenelle doesn't have any chicken tenders at home, he would say he needed to be there for them and would never be at her place. Plus he wouldn't be able to find solace in Robyn and be able to shower her with affection. So, he would be just as pissed as he was in 2022 and instead of blaming Christine, he would blame how Jenelle wasn't doing this or that.

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