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Kody Brown: Part-Time Father

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9 hours ago, itsadryheat said:

Any thoughts on what this guy does all day in Flagstaff?

As little as possible.

Fluffs his hair. Preens, postures. Cops an attitude. Surveys his realm. Checks the mail, takes a nap. Ignores his first three wives and 16 kids. 

Lather, rinse, repeat. 

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". . .he previously mentioned that he thought Flagstaff, rather “liberal,” would accept the family.

However, it now looks like Sister Wives‘ Kody Brown still feels unwanted in the university and touristy town. In fact, we suggested back in March this year, that Kody might move the family back to Utah.

If they still feel unwelcome, why not? Dayton and the other kids at college could always move into a small apartment together." 

"The patriarch of the TLC show told them that he and the family still feel ‘not popular” in Flagstaff, Arizona, as neighbors ‘wish they weren’t here.”  

"Sister Wives fans already suspected that Kody only lives with Robyn these days. And, the interview took place as he and Robyn left her mansion."  December 8, 2020

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8 hours ago, itsadryheat said:

"The patriarch of the TLC show told them that he and the family still feel ‘not popular” in Flagstaff, Arizona, as neighbors ‘wish they weren’t here.”  

My take on it is that the good people of Flagstaff don't give a rat's patootie for the Brown Clowns and largely ignore them.  Kootie probably gets absolutely no reaction when he crows about his four wives to everyone he meets (Kootie:  "Hello, I have 4 wives and eleventy-seven kids".   Stranger [waveing hand]: "Whatev") and that bugs the hell out of him. 

He can't keep a show on the air when nobody cares. I certainly don't.  The whole group is lining the bottom of the bird cage these days.


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9 hours ago, itsadryheat said:

". . .he previously mentioned that he thought Flagstaff, rather “liberal,” would accept the family.

However, it now looks like Sister Wives‘ Kody Brown still feels unwanted in the university and touristy town. In fact, we suggested back in March this year, that Kody might move the family back to Utah.

If they still feel unwelcome, why not? Dayton and the other kids at college could always move into a small apartment together." 

"The patriarch of the TLC show told them that he and the family still feel ‘not popular” in Flagstaff, Arizona, as neighbors ‘wish they weren’t here.”  

"Sister Wives fans already suspected that Kody only lives with Robyn these days. And, the interview took place as he and Robyn left her mansion."  December 8, 2020


36 minutes ago, Cetacean said:

My take on it is that the good people of Flagstaff don't give a rat's patootie for the Brown Clowns and largely ignore them.  Kootie probably gets absolutely no reaction when he crows about his four wives to everyone he meets (Kootie:  "Hello, I have 4 wives and eleventy-seven kids".   Stranger [waveing hand]: "Whatev") and that bugs the hell out of him. 

He can't keep a show on the air when nobody cares. I certainly don't.  The whole group is lining the bottom of the bird cage these days.

I agree that the people of Flagstaff are just disinterested in them.  And probably mildly annoyed if they are inconvenienced by the filming crew.  I don't know what Kody expected when they moved there.  Maybe he thought he would be overwhelmed by autograph seekers and the local press because he is a big fish in the small pond of Flagstaff (as opposed to the small 'Pond" in Prairie Dog Flats). Who knows.

I suspect a move to Utah is about the only thing he has to offer TLC for filming.  There just is no way they are building on the property unless they win the lotto or Publishers Clearinghouse.  Robin said something to the effect of wanting to be buried in Flagstaff.   Doesn't mean they have to stay there.  He can always bring the body back to Flagstaff or scatter her ashes over Prairie Dog Flats. 

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I agree - Kody's definition of "not popular" is that no one cares at all.  He claims to run from persecution but that's exactly what he wants, because then he and his family have a spotlight shining on them and he can cry and whine and justify moving again, to a place where he can strut around town and dare anyone to decry polygamy.  Without anyone telling him that his religion and/or lifestyle is wrong, he's just another pathetic adulterer/absentee father.

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It warms my cold heart to know that Old Shark Eyes is overlooked and irrelevant. Does he shuffle around the house in worn out slippers, hair undone, eye boogers galore, reacting with monosyllables to Robyn's chirps? Does she rue the day she laid eyes on him? LMAO

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Kootie is a big old attention seeker, whether it takes playing the persecuted plyg card, or crowing about his harem.  Childish and churlish, that's the Kootie we all love to hate.

I do hope catering to Robyn's kids and Miss Entitlement herself, is wearing his hair extensions to baldness.  Couldn't happen to a more loathsome man-child.

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Flagstaff is a college town (enrollment 29,569), population is 72,402 including university students, people coming up from the desert for heat relief, large Native American population, tourists.  It's also known for its high-tech and science development centers such as the Lowell Observatory, the United States Geological Survey's Flagstaff campus, and the United States Naval Observatory Flagstaff Station. 15th largest city in Arizona.

I wonder what he was thinking (I know oxymoron) regarding his assimilating into a new, smaller town. City vs Small Town living are night and day. Did Las Vegas have a parade in his honor when they rolled in? Meri's neighbors bold rejection totally blind sighted them, popping the ego balloon. Back to living on the downlow like in Utah. 

From the article: "Meanwhile, one might think that the family could make friends if they attend the local Mormon church. After all, there are members of the Apostolic United Brethren in the area. But according to “Leslie Seaman, the church’s stake president of the Flagstaff Arizona East Stake, he ‘never met Kody or his family.” Notably, Leslie insists their church doesn’t ‘support polygamy.”

Looks like the faith avenue isn't going to work out for them either.

Maybe people are not embracing the Brown's from what they have seen portrayed on the show, especially Kody.  Would you invite them over for a barbecue?

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On 1/20/2021 at 9:55 AM, suomi said:

It warms my cold heart to know that Old Shark Eyes is overlooked and irrelevant. Does he shuffle around the house in worn out slippers, hair undone, eye boogers galore, reacting with monosyllables to Robyn's chirps? Does she rue the day she laid eyes on him? LMAO

He sits on the floor, playing with Solomon's toys with his lower lip sticking out and tells anyone who dares speak to him to "Piss Off"

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52 minutes ago, Sofa Sloth said:


Hi @laurakaye I think you’re spot on! Can we even tell this isn’t his actual hair?😆 (photo credit @HighlandWarriorGrl great discovery! )

🎶🎹 Well Hello Sofa, Hello Sofa...seems you've been away so long...🎵

We all welcome you back and hope your new business is going well.  Very brave of you to start a new venture at this time, but as the old saying goes, do the opposite of what everyone else is doing and your odds of success are greatest.

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30 minutes ago, Sofa Sloth said:

Ohhh ohhh I have plenty! 🙋‍♀️

Kody starts his day off slicking his hair in a dodgy-car salesman ponytail, before dusting off his suit from the taco-twins wedding and rehearsing his impassioned  ‘persecuted polygamist’ speech in Robyn’s bathroom. Necessary practice for season eleventeen, where he relocates the family back to Utah yet again, and attempts to run for office. 

He then artfully dodges any bothersome cries of “play with us dadddyy” from king Sol and little Areola, palming them quickly off to an older child, and begins to pen more signs in case they are needed for use in any further ‘persecuted plyg protests’, (back-up plan only if the running-for-office storyline fails but TLC needs more persecuted plyg content to keep them on air). 

He then soothes away tears from Robyn’s square chin while she sobs about how God needs to provide them with a swimming pool or bigger prairie poop pond, or something? meh who knows? 

Kody’s not really listening as it’s the 20th time she’s cried today and he is very busy in his head, working on further sophisticated paper presentations for convincing the wives on another move back to Utah. Because obviously without the theatrical dramatic presentation, it just wouldn’t happen.  
He finishes the busy day by ferrying a panicked attacked Aurora, hmm or is it Breanna? to her room. Meh, Kody doesn’t know which child it is. He is annoyed at having to do this today, as the cameras aren’t even here to witness it. He coaches Aurora/Breanna to break down only on camera next time and makes mental note to check how that child of Christine’s with the back problem is doing...Truabel? Gwenelki? Well whatever her name is, she better be ready to disclose intimate details of her condition and surgery for the moolah in the upcoming season. 
Kody finally takes a few well earned seats around Robyn’s mansion for the remaining precious 7 hours of daylight and racks his tiny brain, contemplating how unjust and persecuted his life has been because he’s a polygamist and thinks of illegal pyramid schemes that can help him earn grift lots of money. Take a rest Kody, you deserve it! 

OMG LMAO sooooo true! I would pay to see that on TV!! Sofa You have so been missed!! 

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6 hours ago, Sandy W said:

🎶🎹 Well Hello Sofa, Hello Sofa...seems you've been away so long...🎵

We all welcome you back and hope your new business is going well.  Very brave of you to start a new venture at this time, but as the old saying goes, do the opposite of what everyone else is doing and your odds of success are greatest.


4 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

We've missed you, @Sofa Sloth!  Good to 'see you' and your photoshop photos!  


34 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

OMG LMAO sooooo true! I would pay to see that on TV!! Sofa You have so been missed!! 

Aw thanks ladies! Missed you all too; excited to be back snarking now I have a bit of free time again and going back reading everything I missed 😘 

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Just wanted to point out, I rewatched the gemstone move-to-Flagstaff episodes.  Kody really shined in these episodes with his big speech and accompanying poster boards about saving money, then proceeds to move the family to an extremely high COL area, so that they’re drowningk in debt. His crazed explanation of his pipe dream entry and immediate exit from Utah politics to change the world, Mona’s prediction the Vegas homes will sell like hot cakes, Angels singing!, prairie dog plague, judging neighbors, this is probably my favorite mini-group of episodes.  Special mention to Kody’s straggly hair and darting eyes during the group meeting with white boards.  Dude looked like he had been awake for 112 years, that was some kooky shit.

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24 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

 His crazed explanation of his pipe dream entry and immediate exit from Utah politics to change the world

That was a thread left dangling in mid-air.  I assumed because by that time, polygamy had been declared de-criminalized, he thought he could gain public support from fellow polygamists and ride the wave to glory.  It may have been side-tracked because Utah didn't have suitable programs for Dayton...but the whole concept was just dropped without explanation.

Too bad, because it would have provided endless snark material to see Kody on the campaign trail, putting on his pious, sincere face and the bobblehead chorus nodding in agreement to every word he uttered.

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I watched this episode, heard the conversations and comments, but reading them really shows what poor communicators these two are. Hard to believe they've been together so long, communicating like this, so I choose to believe it is by design, deliberate.

Like this from Kody re Meri's lot: "Last spring, the family "got into a squabble," according to Kody "because it turned out that there was a bunch of confusion." He explained to cameras: "I got in trouble for being the one that manipulated everybody into places and I did not do that. That made me look like an ass---- and an idiot." Granted Meri is playing games, but Kody confirms there was confusion, he didn't manipulate, and he looked like an ass and idiot.

Huh? How can you be an ass and an idiot if you didn't do anything.

Or his comments re Meri: "My relationship with Meri is at best just distant and amicable,"  told  "You know, I could buck up ... be tough about it, but I'm not interested in it." "For all my marriage with Meri, I've felt like she unloads her emotions into a burden that I am supposed to carry. I'm not carrying this burden. 'Cause there's no reason that I should." "I haven't put relationship effort into that relationship specifically because I have three other relationships that are rewarding and wholesome and with children that need me, need to see me." 

The last statement really is gold. Isn't that what the plyg lifestyle is? Children that need me, need to see me? His relationships with his children have been sorely lacking in episodes, minimal depth and interest during interactions, and at best, seem obligatory or staged for the camera.

 Back to the lot issue. Meri: "I get what he was doing. He was trying to give me what he thought that I wanted. But I never said I wanted it."  "Moving forward, she still remained uncertain about what she wanted. "I love the trees. I don't know that I want to have a house in the trees,"

Yikes. Lots of words, no meaning. I get Kody's frustration and disinterest with Meri, but, how hard would it have been to say, "Make a choice, or I will for you" instead of just assigning one to her, resulting in more of her sulking and games.

Tough to watch, these two.




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6 minutes ago, itsadryheat said:


Or his comments re Meri: "My relationship with Meri is at best just distant and amicable,"  told  "You know, I could buck up ... be tough about it, but I'm not interested in it." "For all my marriage with Meri, I've felt like she unloads her emotions into a burden that I am supposed to carry. I'm not carrying this burden. 'Cause there's no reason that I should." "I haven't put relationship effort into that relationship specifically because I have three other relationships that are rewarding and wholesome and with children that need me, need to see me." 

Kody is a jackwagon (that's his favorite insult on twitter).

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44 minutes ago, itsadryheat said:


I watched this episode, heard the conversations and comments, but reading them really shows what poor communicators these two are. Hard to believe they've been together so long, communicating like this, so I choose to believe it is by design, deliberate.

Like this from Kody re Meri's lot: "Last spring, the family "got into a squabble," according to Kody "because it turned out that there was a bunch of confusion." He explained to cameras: "I got in trouble for being the one that manipulated everybody into places and I did not do that. That made me look like an ass---- and an idiot." Granted Meri is playing games, but Kody confirms there was confusion, he didn't manipulate, and he looked like an ass and idiot.

Huh? How can you be an ass and an idiot if you didn't do anything.

Or his comments re Meri: "My relationship with Meri is at best just distant and amicable,"  told  "You know, I could buck up ... be tough about it, but I'm not interested in it." "For all my marriage with Meri, I've felt like she unloads her emotions into a burden that I am supposed to carry. I'm not carrying this burden. 'Cause there's no reason that I should." "I haven't put relationship effort into that relationship specifically because I have three other relationships that are rewarding and wholesome and with children that need me, need to see me." 

Kody Brown: Part-Time Father & Full-Time Asshat.  He explains it himself.

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4 hours ago, itsadryheat said:

Yikes. Lots of words, no meaning. I get Kody's frustration and disinterest with Meri, but, how hard would it have been to say, "Make a choice, or I will for you" instead of just assigning one to her, resulting in more of her sulking and games.

Because none of it matters.  It's just words for a TV episode.  

They've done nothing toward building on the prairie dog plague land.  They don't need to decide who is where unless and until they are actually ready to put in utilities and put houses there.  At the rate they're moving they never will so it's all just pie in sky yammering to make an episode.

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25 minutes ago, Absolom said:

They've done nothing toward building on the prairie dog plague land.  They don't need to decide who is where unless and until they are actually ready to put in utilities and put houses there. 

They will never build there.  It's all just hot air.  I bet they are hanging on by their fingertips just to pay the taxes to give them something to yammer about on the otherwise empty episodes.  Those pieces of land will never see a Brown in residence;  they will sell as soon as they are cut loose by TLC.

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5 hours ago, Cetacean said:

They will never build there.  It's all just hot air.  I bet they are hanging on by their fingertips just to pay the taxes to give them something to yammer about on the otherwise empty episodes.  Those pieces of land will never see a Brown in residence;  they will sell as soon as they are cut loose by TLC.

It occurs to me that Kody could find a partner with deep pockets and expertise to develop that land, with Kody retaining a percentage of any profit. If he did that, TLC could then spin it as "the Browns are building" and keep the partnership aspect under wraps. This is the only way they'd build there, and they'd be building to sell. No way is Robyn leaving that mansionette until the bank comes a-callin.

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The house that Kody and Robyn bought for $890,000 is listed by zillow as being worth $1,064,000 now.  That's probably a decent estimate of what they could sell it for.  Christine's house was bought for $520,000 and is probably worth $740,000 now.  The Coyote Pass lots would sell for maybe $50,000 each over what he paid for them.  They aren't doing terrible if you look at their real estate holdings on paper.  They just don't have the available cash to do more.

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Buying & selling as often as they do, despite having two trained real-a-tors in the fambly, much of their profits are consumed by closing and moving costs.  Especially when they do stupid stuff like renting multiple U-hauls for over a month.

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27 minutes ago, deirdra said:

despite having two trained real-a-tors in the fambly

Ha! Funny! We saw/heard J and C attempt to get a license. We also saw another realtor in Las Vegas suggesting repairs to Christine's house and also a realtor in Flagstaff. Again, who knows what's real. Seriously doubt Janelle did anything in Flagstaff as her license would have been in Nevada and I think Christine decided she didn't want to work on weekends. Gotta love these go getters!!

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41 minutes ago, itsadryheat said:

Ha! Funny! We saw/heard J and C attempt to get a license. We also saw another realtor in Las Vegas suggesting repairs to Christine's house and also a realtor in Flagstaff. Again, who knows what's real. Seriously doubt Janelle did anything in Flagstaff as her license would have been in Nevada and I think Christine decided she didn't want to work on weekends. Gotta love these go getters!!

Someone on Primetimer or one of their friends actually went to an Open House where Janelle sat on her ass the whole time and barely paid attention to people who came. Certainly not a go-getter, showing off features and ready & willing to answer questions about the house.  Janelle had sold only one house before they put the cul-de-sac houses on the market.  And I think she co-listed that one house with someone at her realty office who must have done most of the work, since Janelle is too lazy to put dishes in the dishwasher.

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So I’m watching the episode where Kody’s dad passes away and they go visit Meri’s ex-employers to reveal they’re polygamists, although the employers already knew, but Kody says, “So should we discuss the PINK elephant in the room?”  Man, this pink elephant really gets around, especially for people that say they don’t drink.



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10 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

So I’m watching the episode where Kody’s dad passes away and they go visit Meri’s ex-employers to reveal they’re polygamists, although the employers already knew, but Kody says, “So should we discuss the PINK elephant in the room?”  Man, this pink elephant really gets around, especially for people that say they don’t drink.



It's why they have such trouble finding houses....they're always looking for houses that have pink elephants in a room.

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10 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

So I’m watching the episode where Kody’s dad passes away and they go visit Meri’s ex-employers to reveal they’re polygamists, although the employers already knew, but Kody says, “So should we discuss the PINK elephant in the room?”  Man, this pink elephant really gets around, especially for people that say they don’t drink.

Ha!!! I just saw the same episode a day or two ago and posted about Kody and his pink elephant, although I put it in another thread, but I didn't have the cute little GIF you had. 

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3 hours ago, Twopper said:

Ha!!! I just saw the same episode a day or two ago and posted about Kody and his pink elephant, although I put it in another thread, but I didn't have the cute little GIF you had. 

Sorry, I didn’t see your post. I only watch the show at this point so I can see the recurring themes people have pointed out.  On a side note, Kody screams AGAIN about not being able to retire during the Meri needs money for the B&B episode LOL.  Dude, you decided to have 18 kids are we suppose to feel bad you’ll be almost 80 when Aerosol can finishes school? After, Kody denied Meri the loan/investment,  I also liked the little dig Meri threw at Robyn that basically her prized-business,MSWC, was shit lol. Is there a thread for just old episodes commentary?

Edited by Irate Panda
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6 minutes ago, NoWhammies said:

Retire from what, exactly?

From being a narcissistic, misogynistic asshole with zero business sense and a bad 'do?  I don't think that's possible, it's in his DNA.

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1 hour ago, Irate Panda said:

Sorry, I didn’t see your post. I only watch the show at this point so I can see the recurring themes people have pointed out.  On a side note, Kody screams AGAIN about not being able to retire during the Meri needs money for the B&B episode LOL.  Dude, you decided to have 18 kids are we suppose to feel bad you’ll be almost 80 when Aerosol can finishes school? After, Kody denied Meri the loan/investment,  I also liked the little dig Meri threw at Robyn that basically her prized-business,MSWC, was shit lol. Is there a thread for just old episodes commentary?

Still laughing at "Aerosol can!"

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11 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Great journalism: "Aspyn has twelve half-siblings from his dad’s marriages."  Aspyn is female and has 14 half-siblings (& 3 step-siblings) from her dad’s marriages. Both Sol & Areolabella were born before Aspyn married Mitch.

With all those kids and mahfourwives, Kootie still wonders why he has no money.  Idiot.  A&M are smart to wait.

Edited by deirdra
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On 4/1/2021 at 11:29 AM, deirdra said:

With all those kids and mahfourwives, Kootie still wonders why he has no money.

He doesn't seem to be all that great in math.  In the episode where he takes the middle girls to the beach, he lists the five that are going: Gwen, Ysabel, Breana, Auroro and Savanah.  But throughout his talking heads he keeps referring to the group as the "five of us" instead of the "six of us." I guess he is forgetting poor Savanah.

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Found an interesting comment after a Letter to the Editor, Polygamy a choice?, written by one of Christine's cousins. 

"Rebecca Kimbel April 1, 2020 At 5:23 pm

DNA testing should be required with every welfare check. Fathers..ALL fathers, single or married, should be held responsible for THEIR breeding rights. NOT THE TAX PAYERS, When those fathers assets are held in the name of a church that endorses polygamy, THAT CHURCH should be held financially responsible for the Costs of Polygamy, not the tax payers. Responsibility SHOULD BE on those who crated it. Freedom of choice is NOT a choice when somebody else has to foot the bill.
Kody Brown’s wife Christine is my cousin. She AND her sister wives ALL admit that it is hurtful knowing he is having sex with another wife. Kody declares bankruptcy every five years in the name of a different wife. Kody’s wives have been indoctrinated to believe they will loose their eternal salvation if they don’t live polygamy.IT IS NOT GOD WHO CREATED DUAL STANDARDS.Kody’s wives are about as happy as Kody would be if he had to share his only wife with a BROTHER HUSBAND."


Looks like Robyn's on deck for the next bankruptcy after the show gets cancelled.

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