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S07.E04: Central City Strong


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The Flash must deal with Abra Kadabra's (guest star David Dastmalchian) sudden return to Central City. The villain is back with a vengeance and a score to settle. Meanwhile, Allegra deals with a tricky situation and Caitlin suspects something is off with Frost. Iris is forced to look at a dark moment in her past.

Jeff Byrd directed the episode with story by Kristen Kim and teleplay by Joshua V. Gilbert & Jeff Hersh.

Airdate: 3/23/2021


A definite step up from last week.

One thing I've always liked about The Flash is that it did a pretty decent job of covering their civilian lives so seeing them do normal things was fun. 

Iris's story w/the group at the end fell a little flat since yes, she experienced the Mirror-verse the longest, I'm just rarely a fan of putting main characters as "head" of things or the most important. 

After what seems like YEARS, Caitlin and Frost are seperated! Talk about a miracle. While the two should've fully merged into a new Caitlin forever ago, they gave her two full on personalities and it has been awkward this entire time. 

We even got a Laurel mention! Even though I hate that little device that makes absolutely ZERO sense.

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Iris: "Poor Felipe.  He was trying to be better!"

Guy who Abra Kadabra literally murdered a few commercial breaks ago: "Wish he got to that decision way sooner, lady!"


I mean, I get it what they were trying to go for there, but it really was hilarious that had it not been for the sudden Rampage (?) appearance, Abra was basically going to get away with murder in Team Flash's eyes.  The morality on this show can be so weird some times.  Especially when you add in how the characters/show can be so judgmental towards how Oliver use to handle things.  But I'm guessing this was mainly because they wanted to give Abra Kadabra a permanent send-off since David Dastmalchian has gotten himself a fancy gig on an actual D.C. film now (the Suicide Squad reboot, where he is playing the awesomely named "Polka-Dot Man"), and they wanted it to mean something more than just a random death.  It was fun seeing the character again at least, but all of it was the perfect definition of whelming.

I'm glad they are at least addressing that the whole mirror stuff would effect the city going forward, and especially both Iris and Barry, with the former needing to accept that she is dealing with some trauma over her ordeal, and the latter feeling guilt over not realizing sooner that he was dealing with an evil clone for months. 

Allegra gets a quick promotion, but I was wondering where Kamilla was, since you'd think she'd be involved with the paper again.  At least give Cisco a throwaway line about her being on sabbatical or something.

Tom Cavanagh was not listed in the credits or the opening clips, so I guess he is really gone for now.  But I still wouldn't be surprised if this is just temporary.

Really don't understand why they had Cisco give up his powers, when he's basically just doing the same thing with these gauntlets now.

Caitlin and Killer Frost finally split up: literally!


Rampage is going to have to get much better to stack up with the other CGI-heavy baddies like King Shark or Gorilla Grodd. 

Never figured out why the show never took advantage of those type of characters, unless it's a budget thing.

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25 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

Allegra gets a quick promotion, but I was wondering where Kamilla was, since you'd think she'd be involved with the paper again.  At least give Cisco a throwaway line about her being on sabbatical or something.

Is Iris's Central City Citizen THAT successful that quick that she's able to pay livable wages to people? Only two but still...

27 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

Really don't understand why they had Cisco give up his powers, when he's basically just doing the same thing with these gauntlets now.

Agreed! It is annoying me that Cisco is back in the physical fights and using a machine that replicates his powers after he cried about being a Meta and not being able to live a normal life because he had to fight the good fight and be all "great powers come great responsibilities" 

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Decent episode that explores the fallout of Mirrorverse for the average Central Citizen, as opposed to STAR Labs and the poor bastards Barry drove to become villains. Abra Kadabra returns to annoy and endanger (including anyone playing a drinking game that centers on him boasting about hailing from the 64th Century), Barry manages to talk him down (basically, Paragon of Love without actually saying it) . . . and then Kadabra gets killed by a large CGI woman. Okay, then.

Chunk and Cisco mentioned Machete. You think Cisco made a connection to that guy and Breacher? Nah. And, once again, I think they would have creamed themselves if they heard about Jenn Pierce over on Black Lightning. For now, we have to settle for Caitlin and Frost somehow separating. Before Ralph got sent to the cornfield, I had this cute scene in mind where he changes into Caitlin to cover for her while she's in Frost mode. Nothing too weird . . . long hair, lab coat, voice, and the hope nobody looks too close.

Barry is going to be obsessed with the future? Kinda wishing there was more interaction among the Arrowverse shows. The Legends could've looked into that and figured things out in about 44 minutes.

  • Love 1

Definitely a better episode than last week. A good Iris and a good WestAllen episode. Really sweet scenes with Barry & Iris, with him spoiling her. I'll take it after that Mirrorverse arc. Would have liked to see Barry comforting Iris some; but I'm hoping that's coming later. I did like that they had Iris dealing with and expressing her feelings of trauma apart from Barry, but next I want to see Barry & Iris handle it together.

So it's only been a week since Eva's attack on the city? I think a month time-jump would have made more sense. A little more distance between that arc and this new one is better to me.

Grant really is noticeably bigger. I wonder if they had to change his stunt double?

So the scene with villain getting talked down was much, much better than last week with Eva. I like that The Flash can get through to his villains, but I wouldn't have minded more punching. I also was wondering if they were really going to let Abra Cadabra just walk away with a handshake, ... but then he's dead.

Yeah, random she-hulk was random; and kind of didn't fit the rest of the episode. But I guess she's here because Grodd and King Shark are buddies with the Flash now.

Cisco and Chester are turning out to be a fun pair, but they still don't really need two science bros. when one will do; which is probably why Mecha-Vibe (UGH) is out there in the field. Cisco giving up his powers to be "normal" continues to be dumb. Speaking of...

It was always dumb when they had Caitlin and Killer Frost be two people sharing a body, but I wonder if splitting them up now creates more problems than it solves? Anyway, can't wait to see how they don't explain this next week. And they mentioned that Frost is still wanted - nobody took care of that in the last 5 years?

Why was Allegra at STAR Labs at all? I thought the show needed to cut down group scenes. Anyway, I know Iris just wanted some feedback, but Allegra acting like her editor didn't work for me. I think that conversation would have worked better with either Cecile or Joe. I know they're not going to hire more actors, but if the show could just mention that CC Citizen has other employees that are offscreen it would help it not feel like a two-woman operation.

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Barry: "Felipe was trying to heal, just like the rest of us"

Iris: "He died a hero"

[Half an earlier in the show] "Hero" Felipe brutally murders a man using cards burying into him.

Me: "OK then"

So Barry talks Abra Kadabra down from murdering an entire city using...

[Celine Dion starts singing] Sometimes I am frightened but I'm ready to learn about the power of love...

Oh well, at least he got taken out using a monster brought to life using 90s CGI.

Edited by themadman
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I'm glad we're done with the Mirrorverse story, and we get to see Central City starting to rebuild.  I also liked Abra Kadabra's return; he's a pretty good villain.  It did seem weird that he "died a hero" just 2 minutes after he almost murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent people but, hey, the Paragon of Love, and all that!  I do like that Barry is back to seeing the good in people as his default setting rather than the cynical, dour hero he's been in recent seasons.

Why does Barry continually run up to the villain of the week, stop, and start bragging about how easy they were to catch?  We ALL know at this point that the villain is going to attack (successfully) and knock Flash and the team senseless.  Wait until after they're in custody to make your quips, Barry!

That monster at the end was the worst CGI I've seen in any form of media in at least 20 years.  That was embarrassing.

Why is Joe always sidelined these days?  He was in an early scene and again at the end, and that was it.  Joe's always been the center of this show for me.  He grounds all the crazy goings-on with his much more realistic character (maybe its all those years of "Law & Order" coming through).  Having him sit out most episodes pushes the show into "silly territory" for me and it's becoming much more of a comic book show rather than a drama series that just happens to have superheroes in it.

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21 minutes ago, Gregg247 said:

Why is Joe always sidelined these days?  He was in an early scene and again at the end, and that was it.  J

I think two things are at play here. First, Jesse L. Martin had hurt his back a couple of seasons back? Or was that last season? And so he wasn't on the show for a good number of episodes. Than there's the pandemic, and as good as he looks, he ain't no spring chicken any more.

Oh! I forgot to add: Candice got a haircut! I'm loving her short 'do'!

I thought for sure that Iris would have confessed to Barry that she was struggling with the trauma of having been locked in the mirrorverse for three months, when he asked her if she was okay. Especially with her quick agreement to go to Monaco. Come on, now, show! For Barry to just accept that? Yeah, yeah, yeah....Barry guilty for having been fooled by Mirror Iris, trying to make it up to her, blah, blah, blah...

But they're still sparkly together, and I won't lie: I loved Iris's "Babe?" when she came home and Barry quickly zoomed up the candle light dinner.

Don't get me started with the bullshit of Caitlin and Killer Frost being split into two bodies. They're the SAME PERSON. Caitlin and Killer Frost weren't two different people who had, somehow been merged into one, like what'shisface that was her husband. That was her husband and Victor Garber's professor==TWO people. It's ridiculous.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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Cisco checking Killer Frost for dark matter made no sense because KF is not a dark matter meta. We spent all of season 5 with Cicada killing metas only to have them emphasize that KF was immune because she was born with meta DNA and didn't have any dark matter in her. The lack of continuity in the writing room continues.

KF has been in front of the entire police force, along with Barry and Cisco, without getting arrested; she's also been at Jitters without being arrested. Only now can she be arrested?! 

Splitting KF and Cait might be from their stupid use of Velocity X in 7x2; all synthetic speedforce drugs have had negative side effects on the user. Hopefully, the writers will use VX as the cause, especially since cold and speed should not be able to coexist. 

Also, I suspect 


that the upcoming arrest of KF will be used to deal with police brutality (oy!) and the writers might want to make KF pay for her crimes while leaving Cait as "innocent". That's despite Cait being guilty as sin for her assaults in 3x7 and in season 4 for human trafficking. 


Edited by adora721
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58 minutes ago, adora721 said:

Cisco checking Killer Frost for dark matter made no sense because KF is not a dark matter meta. We spent all of season 5 with Cicada killing metas only to have them emphasize that KF was immune because she was born with meta DNA and didn't have any dark matter in her. The lack of continuity in the writing room continues.

In the new universe Spectre and the Paragons built, Frost is a dark matter meta  😉

You know they are going to use Crisis to excuse away their continuity issues.

  • Love 3

This was very much an improvement on last week, and I am so relieved to have the mirror universe behind us. Now as Central rebuilds, the show can rebuild and finally start a new season without a mirror person in sight. Of course I will always be happy to get an episode that has lots of Iris and WestAllen content, especially after having them separated for so long. I also liked them focusing a bit more on how the city at large reacts to these huge events and that they are still dealing with the fall out from Crisis. 

I am so glad that they are focusing on Iris and her clear trauma over what happened to her, she and Barry have been through a LOT with this mirror world story. Iris dealing with all of the awful things that she went through being held prisoner in the mirror world and Barry feels horribly guilty for not realizing sooner that Iris was an imposter who spent three months gaslighting him, so I am glad that they actually talking about this instead of just ignoring their issues and focusing on everyone else like when Barry was getting ready to die before Crisis. Their talk they had about how Barry was going overboard trying to do things for her to "make it up" to her was really nice, although I really wanted Iris to talk to him at the end of the episode about how she has been feeling, but maybe she thinks that will make him feel even worse? At least she did talk about it with her support group, a very specific support group, the type that must show up frequently in comic book worlds. 

Nice seeing Abra again, he is always a fun bad guy and I like that they followed up more with how much Crisis changed things, even erasing people from reality who haven't been born yet. However...look I love that Barry is always down to give second chances and give big speeches to get bad guys to turn to good, and its great to see it now after he was going darker for awhile now. That is a way less cheesy way to use his "Paladin of Love" title than the silly way he and Iris reignited the speed force, he sees the best in people and has a great capacity for empathy. However, the guy literally murdered some poor civilian a day ago and was about to blow up a city out of bitterness, maybe lets not give him the hero edit quite yet. Team Flash really can just forgive everyone, although I am not sure that the murdered guys family would be so cool with that. "Oh, she shook your hand and didn't blow up the city like he wanted to at first? Oh well that's alright then, murder schmerder!" 

Of course its not surprising that Team Flash is quick to forgive, considering Killer Frost has yet to see any justice for her many crimes. So she was "innocent" huh? She was forgiven for what she did, but she did still do the things. And now she and Caitlin are split into two people, because some drama is always happened with the Cait/Frost combo. One of them took enough screen time, but now two? Don't we already have enough characters?

Of course Iris promoted Allegra to reporter, she's her only writer. I know that they cant hire more actors or even have too many extras right now, but they could at least make references to Iris having other reporters working for her to make it seem like this isn't just a three women show. Then Iris wont have to get feedback from her intern. 

Chester and Cisco are becoming a pretty fun duo, but I am still so frustrated by the uselessness of Cisco losing his powers if he was just going to keep going out to fight villains anyway, just now using stupid power armor. So he went from having a cool and useful power to being some bargain basement Iron Man because he wanted a "normal life". You know, fighting supervillains with power gloves, very normal. Was the original point so that his powers couldn't be used during Crisis? Well Crisis is over, just give them back now and have Cisco admit that he was an idiot for ever taking that dumb cure in the first place. It was stupid then and had just gotten stupider considering he just does the exact same things now but lamer. 

The Iris and Barry scenes were the highlight of the episode, they were so sweet together. I especially loved her confused "babe?" when she got home and saw his fancy dinner he put together in a second, and then their talk about how guilty Barry feels. I also liked her speech at the end, and Barry's mentioning Oliver again and how much he misses him. The show is really dancing around talking about how Barry slept with Sirie when he thought she was Iris and how deeply creepy that is, and they almost seemed to be going there, but then pulled back. Rape by fraud isn't something that we should just be awkwardly avoiding mentioning just because its uncomfortable. 

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On 3/23/2021 at 9:19 PM, thuganomics85 said:

Really don't understand why they had Cisco give up his powers, when he's basically just doing the same thing with these gauntlets now.

I really wish they had simply had Cisco have issues with his powers or they suddenly going out of whack or just SOMETHING to justify why he'd even want to get rid of his powers. Cisco's powers did nothing but benefit him, they weren't difficult to control or anything else that could possibly give Cisco any reason to want them gone. He got rid of them because he wanted a "normal" life, as though "normal" means anything in this universe, but if he wanted that he could've easily just not used them. It's not like Cisco actually used his powers for much even when he did have them.

As for the mech suit replicating his powers, if they're going to do that they should just have him get his powers back somehow and be done with it instead of having him wear this suit that just simulated the powers he's already got. At least give him like flame projectors and lighting blasts or whatever if you're going to go that route, something different from what he was.

13 hours ago, Gregg247 said:

Why does Barry continually run up to the villain of the week, stop, and start bragging about how easy they were to catch?  We ALL know at this point that the villain is going to attack (successfully) and knock Flash and the team senseless.  Wait until after they're in custody to make your quips, Barry!

I've said it before and I'll say it again, if Barry used his powers remotely intelligently and at the level he should be capable of by now, nobody short of another Speedster would be able to literally last a second against The Flash. Funny enough, they actually DID have Flash do what he should always do and just superspeed slap dampening cuffs on Abra right off the bat as Flash hit the scene, THEN have Barry stand there and quip. Though of course they ended up being useless but points for that at least.

13 hours ago, Gregg247 said:

Why is Joe always sidelined these days?  He was in an early scene and again at the end, and that was it.  Joe's always been the center of this show for me.  He grounds all the crazy goings-on with his much more realistic character (maybe its all those years of "Law & Order" coming through).  Having him sit out most episodes pushes the show into "silly territory" for me and it's becoming much more of a comic book show rather than a drama series that just happens to have superheroes in it.

I'm not surprised they're doing this. Joe is bog standard human, no superpowers, no genius level intellect, nothing of actual importance whatsoever that he's got. There is not really anything Joe can actually DO in any given episode since nearly everything Team Flash ever faces each week is way way out of his league. Except maybe give pep talks to Barry but Iris has that much covered already. Might as well sideline him, he's useless and I don't think the writers are good enough to be able to find something useful for Joe to do.

10 hours ago, adora721 said:

Cisco checking Killer Frost for dark matter made no sense because KF is not a dark matter meta. We spent all of season 5 with Cicada killing metas only to have them emphasize that KF was immune because she was born with meta DNA and didn't have any dark matter in her. The lack of continuity in the writing room continues.

KF has been in front of the entire police force, along with Barry and Cisco, without getting arrested; she's also been at Jitters without being arrested. Only now can she be arrested?! 

The writers have never given a crap about continuity when it comes to Killer Frost and Caitlyn in any way whatsoever.

On that note, you would think ARGUS would've had the warrant dropped by now.

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On 3/23/2021 at 10:41 PM, Lantern7 said:

Chunk and Cisco mentioned Machete.

To be clear, they mentioned the Machete order for watching Star Wars movies (which I endorse) in which you skip episode I and drop II and III in as a flashback after the end of Empire.

Looks like they found a way to double Danielle Panabaker's screen time.

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When Cisco quit his powers he said something about wanting to be known for his brains (as well as being normal). Now he's got the mecha equivalent of his powers. So he's fine with superheroing now? I guess it was just being a meta that he was biased against? It doesn't send a good message.

And as for the girlfriend, (whom I dislike because she talked Cisco into giving up his powers) this is the one episode that she should have been in since she was like the second or third person that the mirror monarch took. She should have been in that survivors' group. 

  • Like 1
8 hours ago, immortalfrieza said:

I'm not surprised they're doing this. Joe is bog standard human, no superpowers, no genius level intellect, nothing of actual importance whatsoever that he's got. There is not really anything Joe can actually DO in any given episode since nearly everything Team Flash ever faces each week is way way out of his league. Except maybe give pep talks to Barry but Iris has that much covered already. Might as well sideline him, he's useless and I don't think the writers are good enough to be able to find something useful for Joe to do

It's a real shame too, because they could use Joe in other ways and this show just can never find any good reason for any non-superhero person to be involved in an episode. Which is why this show has a serious human issue and how to utilize the non-superpowered heroes. 

As for this episode, it was...alright but there was a LOT I was questioning throughout. Now, I understand COVID screwed up a lot of their plans, especially when it comes to intimacy scenes or even fight scenes, but I gotta admit to be getting a little sick of the whole Power of Love mantra they've been pushing hardcore. Maybe because the writing isn't subtle or maybe it's just a tad too cheesy for my cold heart, but they need to tone it down by a lot.

I really liked Iris/Barry's scenes in this episode. I like that Iris got to talk about her own trauma, something I've always wanted for this show to refer to more. Not even just her trauma, but Barry's trauma too. Trauma is not covered as well as it could be on this show, so at least we got a little bit of it here.

I know I have to handwave the Caitlin/Frost stuff and I guess we have to just chalk this change of dark matter up to Crisis but...I gotta admit, this may be the most interested I've been in Caitlin's story since season 2. They should have separated Caitlin/Frost SEASONS ago when they first declared that they were two separate people, and I'd rather them be separate than have Caitlin/Frost swap in and out for each other at inconvenient times. This makes it less annoying and I admit that I've kind of missed Caitlin as her own character. Her story has completely revolved around Frost for so long that it'll be good to see her finally take control of herself back. 

Abra Kadabra...what did they do with him? They literally made him try to destroy Central City (just another Tuesday!), redeem him through the power of a pep talk, and killed him all in one episode. RIP Felipe, they probably should have left you offscreen. 

The new CGI villain is laughable. I couldn't stop laughing when it appeared. The CGI is just SO bad. 

As I suspected, Chester doesn't have much purpose on the team besides being Cisco's replacement. Instead of dedicating time for Barry/Cisco to bond and hang out, they have Cisco/Chester as the new best friends...but it doesn't work for me. Chester's usefulness is stepping in when Cisco is missing from episodes, because the two have way too many shared skills and not enough differences for me to see why Chester is hanging around Star Labs while Cisco is present. And also, Cisco losing his powers, only to create a suit to use powers is just the worst plotline on this show. They've proven that there was 0 reason for him to lose his powers if he was still going to use some sort of powers/tech stuff out on the field that's similar to his original powers.

Allegra could be used in a much more useful capacity. I liked her role with Iris in this episode.

Overall, a pretty meh episode. 

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On 3/23/2021 at 9:19 PM, thuganomics85 said:

Allegra gets a quick promotion, but I was wondering where Kamilla was, since you'd think she'd be involved with the paper again.  At least give Cisco a throwaway line about her being on sabbatical or something.


I'm honestly surprised she was still an intern all this while. I hope Iris was actually paying her,...



Really don't understand why they had Cisco give up his powers, when he's basically just doing the same thing with these gauntlets now.

Exactly! It's reaching the realm of parody now with this Mecha-Vibe business 🤢

I've heard some people think it was because Cisco's powers were too convenient, but they're literally still teleporting around everywhere with Nash's gizmo anyway.

If it was an attempt to write off Carlos, then they need to undo it now that he's sticking around. Putting aside that, I really liked Cisco and Chester geeking out together. More of that please, show!



Caitlin and Killer Frost finally split up: literally!

I was just thinking we hadn't seen Caitlin around much; the writers room had seemingly run out of ideas for her. I hope we can see some more stuff with her this season, especially her relationship with KF.


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10 hours ago, Whodunnit said:

When Cisco quit his powers he said something about wanting to be known for his brains (as well as being normal). Now he's got the mecha equivalent of his powers. So he's fine with superheroing now? I guess it was just being a meta that he was biased against? It doesn't send a good message.

And as for the girlfriend, (whom I dislike because she talked Cisco into giving up his powers) this is the one episode that she should have been in since she was like the second or third person that the mirror monarch took. She should have been in that survivors' group. 

Kamilla did not talk Cisco into giving up his powers. She was actually okay with his powers. All Kamilla did was tell Cisco to do what he thinks is right. It was Cisco's decision to give up his powers. 

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 What is Frost's warrant for?   She said ARGUS knows she's innocent of it.  What about the stuff she's not innocent of?  I mean murder is totally ok in Central City if you feel bad about it later (or just feel a little blue about anything, even a menu change at Jitters) but what has she been falsely accused of?

 The first 10 were awful.  I've heard more natural delivery in after school specials.  

 Interesting they mentioned Laurel and Mia.  The Arrow spinoff wasn't picked up was it?   And why does Cisco know who he invented the MMR for if he hasn't invented it yet? 

 Why were all these people watching their mirror duplicates live their lives?   Weren't they just on there a few hours?   The duplicates went straight to kidnapping other people and causing havoc--they didn't stop off Applebee's with their non-mirror spouse.   Cecile must be pretty tough.  She was abducted and watched her duplicate almost lure in her husband but you don't see her at a group meeting eating stale doughnuts and crying about it. 


  • LOL 1
On 3/30/2021 at 6:18 PM, Maverick said:

What is Frost's warrant for?   She said ARGUS knows she's innocent of it.  What about the stuff she's not innocent of?  I mean murder is totally ok in Central City if you feel bad about it later (or just feel a little blue about anything, even a menu change at Jitters) but what has she been falsely accused of?

I suspect it has to do with her working for Amunet Black. It's unlikely the police know about her working with Savitar or her being an accessory to HR Wells' murder. Only team Flash knows about the terrible things she did while working with Savitar; I'm unsure if they know she helped murder HR though. KF/Cait never confessed to her part in HR's murder.

I still wonder if Julian Alpert deleted all the evidence of her crimes in 3x7; some of it was caught on CCPD cameras though until she froze them over. 

It's also possible that 


Mark Stevens, Chillbane, might have planted evidence to frame KF for things he actually did.  This might be her get out of prison card if Chillbane's crimes make the investigator believe that KF is "innocent". 😡


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