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Raising Asia - General Discussion

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After the abby lee competition show and dance moms, where asia outshone just about everyone, this series comes as no surprise whatsoever. The powers that be at lifetime would have to be complete morons not to offer this kid a show. Although I find it interesting that the focus will apparently be on Asia's music career, rather than dance.

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Asia's mom is into whatever she can push the child to do to garner attention, IMO.  They have flitted through several different interests already so switching from dance to something else isn't a shock. 


No, I don't care for the family, but thought that perhaps without Abby around they might not be as bad. 

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Could NOT stand this kid on AUDC, couldn't stand her on Dance Mom's and I after watching tonight's show . l still can't stand the kid. I know that many people think that she's precocious and cute, I think she's just a little snot.

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"He still doesn't get how busy I am. Pop stars do not go to the park. Their playground is the red carpet."


ooh boy!  


I don't get the manager, why is he managing Asia?  He seems to want to keep her as a cute little 8 year old but her mom and ANthony the Chorographer want her to be edgy and more adult-like.


Why the manager, I thought the mother was the manager.  Her manager looked stoned and/or way off.

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I have mixed feelings on Asia. On the one hand I like that she isn't a coddled whiner like Maddie on DM, but on the other I think she's trying to be way too grown for her age.

Her dad seems nice but I felt bad for Bluray. It's pretty clear who Mom's favorite is.

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I could only take this in small pieces so I was back and forth during the episode.  Asia seems like a pretty bright girl and she certainly is something to watch perform.  I like that she doesn't seem too phased by her Mother's awfulness and kind of sees through it (but at the same time, it's sad that such a little girl even needs to be like that).  The talking heads were sooooo scripted and almost impossible to swallow.  They're probably a pretty good indicator of Asia's "acting" skills which means she better be sticking to dance.   


Speaking of, is the general opinion that she is even a dancer?  Isn't what she does more of a gymnastics hybrid?  Can anyone tell if she has any true technique at all or is it all just stunts?  I remember on Dance Moms when Maddie was asked to releve' she couldn't at all.  Basic!  Always makes me turn a side eye at this form of "dance".


The Manager/old wash-up from Fame!  Ha!  Seems like they dragged him off a park bench to come do this.


Poor, poor little bluray.  That is some seriously sad stuff to watch.  Glad the Dad seems to be stepping in at the very least.

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Ugh. I lasted through half of the show. In fairness to me, I was just waiting for the dryer to finish drying something before I went to bed and I needed something to watch while I waited. 


My thoughts:

  • Asia has wonky teeth... as do most 9 year olds. They'd be better off saving up for braces than hiring backup dancers, IMHO. 
  • Was the mom suggesting that the kids were not to eat egg yolks? Or do the kids just not like egg yolks? Because since the mom was a former fitness competitor, I assume she was trying to limit the girls' fat intake -- which is incredibly unhealthy and deprives them of vitamins. From the scene where the mom didn't want the film crew to show a room that wasn't perfect, I get the impression that she has serious control issues that could spill over into food issues.
  • Aren't kids supposed to still be learning dance technique at that age?????? I mean, unless the dance is just a stepping stone to a career as a child actress/reality star.
  • Do the parents actually work? Or are they depending on income from managing their kid? Because we all know how well that worked out for Lindsay Lohan.


ETA: Finally, if you go XXX at 9 years old just for a music showcase, where do you go from there? Is next year's routine simulated murder? The routine and costume were both too adult for a kid. Mom has impaired judgment. She's a kid. She has her whole life to do edgy stuff. Let her be a kid and do kid-themed things.

Edited by PityFree
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OK...the mom mentioned like 30 hours/week or more of regular stuff...when is the kid doing schoolwork? I know homeschooling is more time-efficient, but in my state, there's still 180 days a year required and you have to cover the same core subjects.

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I'm only a few minutes into this and it looks like it's completely a vanity project.  Very, very few eight year olds need to be talking about a career.  I don't think Asia is that special and unless she has some talent other than sass and booty shaking that many other eight year olds don't have, she's going to be a flash in the pan and done by ten. 


I don't think any eight year old needs to be scheduled like that with almost all extra-curricular activities and the mother is short changing Bella Blu in a major way.  I think all they are doing is feeding mama's narcissism and Asia's ego.  I don't think either one need any more feeding either. 


The project is probably doomed from the beginning.  It did not make the top 100 cable shows for the evening. 

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With tensions already high in the Ray household, Asia is scheduled to perform at the Reality TV Awards, but Kristie tries to put an end to the appearance when she isn't happy with the stage and Shawn stands up to Asia's manager.

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Kristie feels overwhelmed when Shawn goes out of town just as Asia's training goes into high gear and is originally pleased when a special visitor arrives to help her out, but unsolicited advice and an attempted intervention are unappreciated.

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This show sucked... I tried to watch it and just couldn't... I haven't liked Asia or her mom since dance moms... I don't see what is sooo great about her and why does she and her family think the rules don't apply to them? I will not be watching this show, and I have to say that Abby's studio rescue was a lot better, but I don't see this lasting as long as that did...

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There was something so incredibly wrong about the scene where Anthony told the male dancers to take of their shirts so an 8 year old could inspect their abs. And then Asia tapping those abs with her whip. Obviously contrived and just wrong.


It was sad to me that these parents know they're doing wrong by their children, by putting so much emphasis on Asia and so little on Bella, by the mother spending so little time with Bella, by all four of them spending so little time together, but even knowing that, they still aren't doing anything about it.

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Ugh--thought I'd give this show a try although I have never watched Dance Moms or any of the other dance shows.  Couldn't even make it through the first hour.  The only person in this entire Homage to Asia who has any redeeming qualities is the dad and he has little if any say in the matter of raising this child.  She'll either end up an entitled, bratty 

almost-was or an entitled, bitter pre-teen who will do anything to defy her mom.  

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"Popstars" don't drink out of sippy cups.


Bluray is so much more attractive.


Dad Ray made my gaydar ping.


Otherwise - Asia still so disrespectful. 


She still reminds of a little person Prince impersonator in drag.


I know she's 8 or 9 but I feel like if you're going to exploit your kid - she's fair game.

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I don't see Asia as bratty or disrespectful because I think it's all part of her "act" in carrying a show with her name as the title.

If you really want to see bratty AND disrespectful, just watch Milania on NJ Housewives. Now that's truly organic brattiness!

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Bluray is so much more attractive.


ITA, to me Asia doesn't have the entire package to be "the next Beyonce".  I too don't see anything special or spectacular about what she does.

Edited by appledumpling
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I have to assume that Asia's mom wasn't always like this. Otherwise, it really seems to be true that men love bitches. Who freaks out over the trophies like that? Calm down, woman! We saw the whole damn room on the TV show later anyway!

Bella seems really sweet and likable. While it's sad that her mom doesn't seem to spend a lot of time with her, maybe she's better off.

The parents are going to be in over their heads when Asia's teenage hormones kick in. You think she argues with her mom, now...

Inappropriate dance for an 8-year old, but honestly I'm unfazed having watched Dance Moms.

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I wonder how long until their bubble is burst.  Asia's aunt seems to be one of the few people who is dealing in reality. 


Does anyone remember Eden Wood?  Her mother was doing the stage mom for the next great incarnation also.  They've already dropped from sight. 

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I agree with the poster above. There is nothing unique or spectacular about Asia. She's an 8 year old girl whose mother finds attention for her by encouraging her to dress like a slut and parade around the stage with a whip. Was there even much dance content in that "Lion Tamer" number? If you want me to take note, show me an 8 year old, trained dancer in a leotard, no makeup or false eyelashes, expressing herself through well-learned technique and creativity. This family kind of makes my skin crawl.

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I don't see Asia as bratty or disrespectful because I think it's all part of her "act" in carrying a show with her name as the title.

If you really want to see bratty AND disrespectful, just watch Milania on NJ Housewives. Now that's truly organic brattiness!

OMG - this is the exact thing I came here to post!


Milania's older sister got the stage-mom treatment too and didn't that turn out great.

Edited by Gumby
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I'm a fan of Asia, but this show is terrible.  Unlike some, I feel for this child and for her baby sister.  Asia can't sign a contract, and can't use any discernment to see that the producers of this show saw the desperation, vanity and ambition in her mother and found that they would make for some great reality TV viewing.  As for Asia, the divatude comes across poorly.  It's as though her mother and father have forgotten that in any performer of any age, there is a "brand" being sold.  What  exactly is supposed to be Asia's brand?  I can easily see this show getting cancelled before it makes its full run.


Her music EP was released on Tuesday.  So, where was the build up for that?  I guess the show was supposed to be the promo. That vanity label "Neon Pink Records" did her music, and its promotion of her effort appears to one solitary tweet sent out the day the episode aired.  Pink is not listed as her label when you look at it on Amazon.  Only Asia's mother's name appears.   This label has also done Eden Wood's music and some with her manager Billy.


I don't get any creepy vibes from Billy.  Ironically, he appears to be to be trying to have her come across as a kid.  


This show serves as a great cautionary tale, but the stage parents like Kristy and even Kristy herself may truly view the show as a chance to make a career for Asia.  It just seems like Kristy got played.  Fine if it was just her, but her children are have also been set up for ridicule.  Shame.   

Edited by sgomes
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Kristy is definitely on a ride with the network and living on delusions that she can create the next Beyoncé out of Asia.  The production company saw her and knew they had another fish to play on the line. 

Edited by Absolom
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I've watched Asia dance since she was 4yrs old. The girl does have that special "it" factor. She commands the stage with charisma. Unfortunately, it's not being used in a way that her to be age appropriate.  I was also at World of Dance in L.A. where she was showcased. Her performance did not garner applause from the  parents and dancers in my section. It was shocking, provocative, and too mature. It was uncomfortable to watch. We all thought it was over the top. Her team has really done her a disservice by pushing this image with the hyper-sexulaized choreography. 

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Mompanga I agree with you, I really like Asia. I was pretty happy to see her 'escape' (if that's the right word) from her former studio. But I can't believe some of the dances they have had her doing. Interesting to know how it was received when you saw her. 


In this case I think individually things might've been okay - the costume, the whip, the male dancers, etc. - one of the above might have been acceptable, but all together it was just too much. I also felt like there wasn't much actual dancing, which was sad because I know the girl can dance. I normally enjoy watching her but I was uncomfortable watching that performance because it felt like borderline kiddie porn. Hopefully the rest of the series is better. I do like Asia, even after seeing the show, and I am interested to see where she goes.

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I love Asia and I'm excited for this show. Her talent and stage presence cannot be denied, I just wish she had a different mother, choreographer, and manager (I have a feeling that the manager was more worried about Asia's marketability with her being so sexualized rather than caring for Asia's well-being). I can watch this girl dance all day. Check her out on YouTube if you haven't seen her dance lyrical. Strong hiphop and lyrical technique for an 8 year old! 


And I understand Asia's persona. "Cute", "sweet", "innocent", and "adorable" are not exactly desirable attributes in some POC cultures. Cute and adorable would have gotten your ass kicked in my neighborhood and other kids would talk shit about you for being soft. You get respect through aggression (thus the birth of krumping) and feeling yourself with an aggrandizing attitude (like the hiphop style Asia does). If you're not part of a POC culture, it's difficult for you to understand, but I'm sure that everyone at World of Dance understood the divatude. The whips and naked men are far too much and would have gotten a stank look from me if I were at WoD, but the attitude is right with me.


It's funny how, when white dancers do it, it's called being "sassy" and it's acceptable, but girls of color doing the divatude that originated from their cultures is derogatorily called "attitude". Asia was called all kinds of names long before the whips and naked men dance. I've been around the dance world for quite a while and no one has ever called Kaycee Rice out for being oversexualized or having attitude (and she's popping harder and pulling more faces than Asia), nor has anyone ever said that Kaycee lacks technique or talent. Nor has anyone picked on any of the DM kid's physical features or called any of them a midget trained monkey (done on TWOP) like the treatment Asia has received. I'm sure the only reason Nia escaped this treatment is because she has been brought up by Holly to assimilate into White standards of girlhood of being "sweet" and "innocent".

Edited by WimminWinning
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Edited to add: Also, in terms of criticism of overly sexualized moves only being reserved for children who aren't white, the "Single Ladies" dance featuring predominately white (going on what I could see from the video; I don't know what their race/ethnicities are exactly) child dancers got a *ton* of criticism a few years ago:



As for Kaycee, she didn't go on a television show and in a sense, "expose" herself.

Asia and Kristie don't seem to have a problem with the sexualization aspect.


I don't know why I watch this show - I guess for the same reason people rubberneck.

I think Asia lacks musicality, can't learn choreo quickly, and can't execute any other dance genres except the "aggressive" stuff.

Her lyrical is just so ... not graceful.

Trinity from AUDC has the same body type, but Trinity, IMO killed her lyrical pieces.



I don't have an appreciation for "aggressive" hip hop.  It lacks synchrony.


The hip hop crew from my DD's studio, just had a comp video go viral.

Google "The Company Vibe"


That type of hip hop exhibits real dancing talent. IMO.

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White standards of girlhood of being "sweet" and "innocent".



What are Black standards of girlhood?  Giving attitude?  Being anything but "sweet" and innocent"?  I don't know what culture your talking about but I was not raised liked that and neither were any of my friends and trust and believe our parents were not trying to assimilate us into "White standards of girlhood" they were trying to raise self-respecting, decent young ladies which has nothing to do with race.


Also I grew up around predominately POC and saw no evidence of girls being raised this way or this being part of a culture.

Edited by appledumpling
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As for Kaycee, she didn't go on a television show and in a sense, "expose" herself

Asia and Kristie don't seem to have a problem with the sexualization aspect.

I don't know why I watch this show - I guess for the same reason people rubberneck.

I think Asia lacks musicality, can't learn choreo quickly, and can't execute any other dance genres except the "aggressive" stuff.

Her lyrical is just so ... not graceful.

Trinity from AUDC has the same body type, but Trinity, IMO killed her lyrical pieces.


I don't have an appreciation for "aggressive" hip hop. It lacks synchrony.

The hip hop crew from my DD's studio, just had a comp video go viral.

Google "The Company Vibe"

That type of hip hop exhibits real dancing talent. IMO.

I watched it. It was more like hip-pop. I have a pretty low tolerance for that kind of dancing, at least when it's billed as hip hop. It lacks authenticity and soul. It's just hitting steps at the right time. There's no THERE there. No actual feel for the rhythm.

I wish studios would just call it pop. There's nothing wrong with that.

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Caught the show tonight and heard the father sort of threatening the manager, Billy.  Shawn (father) said no one was gonna mess with his livelihood. So I guess both parents plan on living off Asia and her earnings as they exploit her for the next few years.  And she is coming off as a entitled brat.

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Ratings again did not make the top 100 cable shows and no one has talked about the two new episodes so I don't think I'll bother entering the next two.


I'm not surprised there is so little commentary.  That episode may have been the worst one ever allowed to run on my TV. 

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Kristie is a nag with her over the top yelling and picking apart every scene. I don't think Asia needs to be pushed that hard because she actually WANTS to succeed. So shut up, Kristie!

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My conclusion-Asia is probably the most "grown up" person on the show-or maybe Bella is! Otherwise, it's a big bunch of nothing. Asia strikes me as a kid playing a role and manipulating adults who think they're in control.

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Asia ramps up her acting, singing and dancing training, but her choreographer questions her manager's qualifications, especially after he hears the new song he wrote for her; Kristie tries to spend more time with Bella, who feels left out.


I decided to put up one more week since it's still showing on the schedule. 

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It really seems like Kirstie ought to hire a tutor for school, then step back and let Asia's team of coaches handle it. Asia has a manager/vocal/acting coach and multiple dance teachers and choreographers. Be her mom, be Bella's mom, and stop trying to micromanage the kid.

More than almost any of the reality TV kids, It does seem like Asia wants this, and age 8, if she didn't, there'd be pushback. Her mom doesn't seem to realize it.

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I find this show uncomfortable to watch because it seems like we're privy to the breakdown of this family. The father is trying hard to assert himself with his controlling, high-strung wife who seems to be living vicariously through her (obviously) favorite daughter. The youngest child is neglected by her sister and her mother in favor of her sister. Even the mother's sister is telling her to dial it back and focus on the family. This is not entertaining.

Edited by tvallthetime
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With the "Rewind" show it  looks like the family is doing damage control.  If I had to guess, I would say Kristi was forced to do this cleanup because the ratings are so low and because there has been an overwhelming negative response to this show on Asia's Facebook page.  I'd say an 70% to 80% negative comments. I don't see where Asia's father is really helping the situation, and that staged demand to see his daughter's contract was better acted by the agent than by her father.  I will be surprised if Lifetime orders new episodes. 


Asia has managed to land a small role in what looks like a straight to DVD project, one where it looks like Amber Rose has the lead, and Asia plays the character as a girl.  The other lead is Eva from ANTM. 



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