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S25.E05: Week 5

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8 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

Why is every episode two hours?

Part of the original pitch was that TB would become a replacement show on the schedule for Monday Night Football which typically runs 8 pm - 11 pm on the East Coast.  Although 2 hours can be lengthy they still have an extra hour to fill with...something else.  Occasionally TB (or Bachelor In Paradise) runs 3 hours (!).

Repetition, teaser, flashback, and every other sort of time-filling gimmick are definitely employed to pad out the time window.  Of course, the primary objective is to sell advertising so format, coherent narrative etc. take a backseat to such tactics.  Anyone watching without a DVR does so at the risk of his/her own sanity.

(Rest of post quoted the old fashioned way)

>>When contestants are talking about having been there for weeks, are they actually there for weeks, or is it reality TV weeks, where the whole season is just a couple weeks?

According to Popsugar.com, Arie's season taped for nine weeks.  Since they typically move between locations and since those locations are often free lodging in exchange for promotion, they spend a week or less at each site especially given that cabin fever would set in regardless of scenery or activities and to keep audience interest by changing venues.  Bear in mind that the field is always being trimmed down so most participants' time commitment is shorter (although they all must tack on the pre-production stuff like interviews, screen/lighting tests as well as ATFR).  Given the jarring, often haphazard edits and 'time compression' visible onscreen, the timing of the rose ceremonies is largely up to the producers.  You can see the exasperation when cocktail parties or rose ceremonies are delayed or denied due to some fatuous claim of emotional anguish of the part of the Bachelor.  This show is and always has been one long exercise in Skinnerian, even Pavlovian, conditioning featuring rewards and reinforcement to the point where the women convince themselves they want to 'win' even if they don't really want to end up with the Bachelor as a life partner.

>>Why is it that the eliminations are not at the end of episodes? It makes me OCDish and annoyed.

They used to be and occasionally still are.  You may see frequent remarks on these pages about 'mid-episode rose ceremonies' which seem to be generally regarded as an unwelcome innovation.  The producers' aim, of course, is to condition the audience just as much as the contestants so shifting the carrot and stick around are apparently meant to keep the audience keen and ratings healthy throughout by preventing them from watching the first segment and the last segment only.  Unfortunately, this also means a cliffhanger-that-really-isn't is concocted for episodes that don't conclude with a rose ceremony.

>>Has anyone ever been like "No, I'm not accepting your rose?"

Yes, it's happened, including in overseas versions of 'the franchise.'  More often than not, however, there is a sidebar conversation prior to the ceremony in which a Bachelorette declares she's leaving voluntarily - after which Harrison informs the rest who feign shock and secretly celebrate the improvement of their chances.

>>Are you basically guaranteed a rose when you go on a one-on-one date?

Definitely not.  There have been plenty of instances where chemistry failed to develop or the date's antics were so off-putting that the rose was withheld.

>>It strikes me that the original pool of bachelorettes and certainly this culled down version is heavy on women of color, and a lot of the white women seem like they could probably feign being mixed. Only MJ and Kit I think of the current surviving contestants could not pull off being mixed IMO. Is that normal? Matt's preferences? Producer interference?

Every season is different.  Obviously this year much has been made of Matt's racial background.  No doubt he's had input and it only makes sense for the producers always try to cast the most appealing field in order to maximize the chances of a positive outcome.  But as with many things intended to be frothy, fun and diversionary in the culture, even reality shows have been dragged down into the usual political sewer where everything must be fraught with symbolism, weighed and apportioned to ensure 'representation' etc.  The producers have been stung by past criticism of casting and this is a somewhat obvious response.

>>How much is producer interference a thing?

It's a HUGE thing, as nearly every alumnus/alumna will attest.  As with trashy talk shows, the producers engage in a process known as 'talking up' where they may ask a participant an incessant number of questions in order to get them agitated and spoiling for a fight or a tantrum and then set them loose on each other hoping for blood.

The manipulation is often so pervasive that the participants don't realize it's going on constantly but once they leave the show get very angry and resentful about it.

Victoria, for example, has been such a repellent figure that the only person listening to her in shots is a black-clad production type.  Infrequently you will see or hear producers off-camera or fully in-shot trying to talk participants 'off a ledge' when they threaten to go home.  It's a rather cynical but necessary exercise in preventing cast attrition.

Many of the so-called spontaneous encounters are completely engineered eg Bachelor sneaks out at night to visit his favorite.  A sensible person would ask 'Why doesn't the Bachelor do this every night if he so chooses?'  The only possible answers are a) he's not allowed and b) it's with the permission of the boss.

On a more mundane level, if someone fluffs a line or misses a mark, then 'reality' will involve a second or third attempt.  Occasionally you will see these outtakes at the end of an episode or an entire gag reel will be viewed on ATFR.

The talking-head interviews are a giveaway.  Nobody narrates in present-perfect-tense declarative sentences with noun/verb/object that way unless they are being asked questions and told to respond in such fashion.  It's such a convention of reality TV now that most tend not to notice it.

>>Like I can't believe that Matt kept QV around because of her looks or personality. Like is it crazy to think that he literally was forced to keep her on till about now?

Producer 'plants' are like the theory of the atom before powerful microscopes were invented.  We've always suspected they exist and there's plenty of circumstantial evidence to suggest same but we don't have definitive proof.  The usual hypothesis is that the Bachelor quickly picks out 3 or 4 favorites.  That's just human nature despite being on show with a rather distorted view of human nature ie one person can date 32 other persons simultaneously.  To keep the suspense going the Bachelor agrees to retain the plant and/or a participant who emerges as a lightning rod for controversy.  Bachelors who were hailed as popular choices often turn out to be boring drips or worse over the course of a full season - the only alternative to fill the hours is to provoke and film house drama.

>>Is bringing additional women a usual thing with this show?

As time has progressed it seems so.  The Bachelor, The Bachelorette and Bachelor In Paradise have typically and intentionally had overlap to foster audience loyalty.  Last year's plucky-but-tragic runner-up may be cast in the lead role to seek redemption etc.  Back to the 'producer effect,' they are always gauging the participants' real interests and aren't above bringing in a old flame, a provocateur or a Hail Mary attempt to get the desired outcome.  Much has been made of Matt being a Bachelor neophyte - never watched the show etc. so it's a different setup this year.

>>Are we supposed to know who the woman in the previews is from a previous season or something? 

Typically yes but not all of us watch every season - rest assured there will be plenty of archival footage and exposition if the intruder is in fact a previous participant.

Edited by Rainsong
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22 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

I've had that thought as well. That Victoria is someone who uses her "I'm the queen" to hide her insecurity issues. Narcissism develops as a response to low self esteem. I suspect she had a producer egging her on, and that's who she was talking to offscreen two separate times. 

I sort of liked her at the end when she commented on Door Matt’s constipated face he was pulling after she bitched him out. She was either acting, or she’s completely socially awkward and was encouraged by production. 

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16 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

No Kidding!  I hate shopping, hate trying on clothes that never look as good on me as I picture, and hate having someone else wait while I try on clothes.    For me, it would make for a terrible date.  Same with the "photoshoot"  dates where they try on wedding dresses, or western costumes, or anything similar.  trying on clothes and getting your picture taken is NOT a date!  

I hate shopping unless it’s for tools and home improvement stuffs.,

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On 2/1/2021 at 8:17 PM, Thumper said:

Whaaaaat?  There is someone from Edina, MN on the show???  (My state.). Already forgot her name.  🤪

It's Michelle - his one on one last week.

On 2/1/2021 at 8:19 PM, saber5055 said:

Matt calling himself a "farm" guy is BS. You clean stalls bedded with wood chips/sawdust with a fork, not a corn shovel. Milking goats is easy but the guy holding the goat was making it difficult. I would have shone on that date, have had horses  forever, worked at a training barn cleaning stalls, had a herd of dairy goats I milked twice a day for years, had 80 chickens and sold eggs. Any bach who couldn't keep up with me and my farm chores would be gone baby, GONE.

I don't have all your experience, but I've pitched mucked up straw from the ewes' area in the barn. Sometimes they like to give birth in the same spot. Plus I've cleaned out lambing jugs. Plus you don't chase the hens that are running around for their eggs, you go to their nesting boxes and look for hidden eggs in a corner buried under straw. One time, when there were little kids in the barn, we had them look for eggs. After the kids were gone we put the eggs back in the nests. One hen returned to her nest and was so excited to see an egg there!! She was clucking like anything.

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On 2/1/2021 at 9:59 PM, Mu Shu said:

I’m a little confused about Chris Harrison. Did he get a nose job to add a hook? 

I've noticed that hook for several years but it's getting more pronounced with age.

Actually I think Kit would make a cute bachelorette. Plus she's so young she can get over any disappointment fairly quickly. She'd have the poor little rich girl for her story.

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On 2/2/2021 at 12:48 AM, chocolatine said:
On 2/1/2021 at 7:53 PM, Thumper said:

That red dress was my least favorite.  But it looks like she got more than one.  Loved the shoes.

Yet ... a part of me does not like this Cinderella thing.  Dress to please your man.  Or am I reading too much into it — realize the show is paying, but still.

At least they stopped calling it the Pretty Woman date. There's only so many times I can yell "Pretty Woman was a prostitute!!!" at the TV.

Maybe they didn't feel it would be appropriate following the "ho" reprimand.

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On 2/1/2021 at 9:54 PM, Katie111 said:

I agree, Kit just looks SO young.  She doesn’t even look 21.  I think I read she is a senior at NYU.  She would be an easy pick if he’s not really into anyone else.  They live in the same city and she could get him lots of attention if that’s what he’s looking for.  Then he could easily break it off, just by saying she was too young and not ready for marriage.   Wonder how her mom feels about her being on this show.  Esp with an unemployed bachelor as the lead.   I do think she’s cute and sweet.   Her hair is not great though, esp for a millionaire.  

I think she’s on this show to build her own brand, not to find a husband.  

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I finally got around to watching the episode though I read this before. Dying at those HR moments everyone mentioned. This is such an odd season. 

Most of my comments are fashion related this week. 

Has MJ worn that blazer outfit before? I don’t recall but rather than the “big hoops, big hair” energy she was trying to give, I was getting 100% Heather. Honestly, if you’re about to try to convince some guy (and America) that you’re not a mean girl, maybe don’t dress like you’re in Heathers. Seriously. I was waiting for a scrunchie to appear any moment. And for her to tell Jessenia “what’s your damage?!”

I just watched some video seminar about how you can tell people are lying and MJ was showing so many indicators. So interesting.

And then Victoria. She’s awful, delusional and I find her bra choices very perplexing. If you want to have your bra show, then own it. Wear a black bra or a more decorative something, make it intentional. She was trying to cover up the obvious basic bra straps with her hair?! But the back showed. And then she gave up about halfway through the night trying to cover up the front. Ugh. Slip dresses are tough I get it but gurl. Bye! 

Rachel in the blue gown had a huge bruise on her arm (likely from the boxing date). Bruises happen but it’s just another reason to nix these fighting dates. 

Edited by Refresh
Nix not mix
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56 minutes ago, Jazzhands said:
On 2/1/2021 at 10:59 PM, Rainsong said:

CH arrives wearing his tracksuit from the Pat Boone collection. 

This sentence just gave me the laugh I needed today — thank you! 

It was my choice for Best Line Of This Episode Thread so thanks for saying this and reminding me I was going to say the same. Rainsong is the best for recapping. His/her posts are better than actually watching this show. Or should I say LITERALLY better than LITERALLY watching ... ?

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14 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Do you have a source for that? I googled "bachelor Matt roommate" and found this article; it says that Matt was disrespectful to his roommate and allowed all kinds of people to crash at the apartment without asking her, but there's nothing about filming women during sex without their consent.

Matt’s female roommate asked him to stop giving their apartment keys to his guy friends because she doesn’t feel safe.  Matt said he doesn’t care.  

Cut to Matt being all concerned that the Bachelor “girls” have a “safe space” and aren’t being traumatized by being called an escort or being relegated to the JV team. 

There’s nothing appealing about this guy at all.  The standards for being The Bachelor have gotten lower and lower every year   


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23 minutes ago, Refresh said:

Rachel in the blue gown had a huge bruise on her arm (likely from the boxing date). Bruises happen but it’s just another reason to nix these fighting dates.

Chris Harrison as EXECUTIVE PRODUCER has brought a lot of questionable/unhealthy/dangerous practices to this franchise.  The poor contestants probably sign a NonDisclosure Agreement as well as a "I won't sue you, Chris," clause.  I liked Chris only when he was hosting some HGTV-type program...can't even recall the name.  He's smarmier every decade.

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6 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Actually I think Kit would make a cute bachelorette. Plus she's so young she can get over any disappointment fairly quickly. She'd have the poor little rich girl for her story.

And she'd be in it (mainly) for professional reasons.  She'll never be another Cynthia Rowley, but mom is guiding her sucess as much as she can.

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On 2/1/2021 at 7:40 PM, Crashcourse said:

I don't understand the editing on these shows.  For example, Victoria was fretting about Katie getting a rose before her, so when was she filmed?

I read an article once that basically said the rose ceremonies are actually pretty long.  The bachelor(ette) gives out 3-4 roses at a time and in between is conferring with production.   So I imagine in those breaks they are also filming contestant interviews. 

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Can I tell you how much I dislike Abigail?  I don't like the way her face looks when she smiles.  I don't like the way her face looks when she cries.  I don't like the sound of her voice (which I realize is a result of her deafness).

And I did not like her bs on the group date:  To the camera:  "I feel my relationship with Matt is slipping away."  To Matt: "Boo-hoo, my husband is going to leave me if my children are born deaf."  Boo-hoo, smooch-smooch.

On the first evening, Abigail told Matt about her and her sister's congenital deafness, the cochlear implants, etc.  So, Matt already knew about that, and had also, that first night, given her tons of assurances that her deafness and the potential for deaf children was not a problem for him. The sob-story about being afraid her husband would leave her was just extra.  A ploy to get a rose -- which she did! -- for being "vunerable."

So, kudos to her, I guess?  But I am adding her to the list of beyotches.

Edited by Just Carol
For clarity
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42 minutes ago, After7Only said:

I read an article once that basically said the rose ceremonies are actually pretty long.  The bachelor(ette) gives out 3-4 roses at a time and in between is conferring with production.   So I imagine in those breaks they are also filming contestant interviews. 

They don’t always show the roses in order, either...whatever maximizes drama.  

And to the person asking earlier, the Bachelor normally films over 45 days, making a week around 3 days.   

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On 2/1/2021 at 9:40 PM, Adeejay said:

I am so glad that MJ is getting called on her BS.  "I lead by example."  Really?!  I am glad Jessenia stood her ground.  

I wonder if "Lead by example" is a catchphrase they use at the salon.

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48 minutes ago, Just Carol said:

Can I tell you how much I dislike Abigail?  I don't like the way her face looks when she smiles.  I don't like the way her face looks when she cries.  I don't like the sound of her voice (which I realize is a result of her deafness).

And I did not like her bs on the group date:  To the camera:  "I feel my relationship with Matt is slipping away."  To Matt: "Boo-hoo, my husband is going to leave me if my children are born deaf."  Boo-hoo, smooch-smooch.

So, kudos to her, I guess?  But I am adding her to the list of beyotches.

Everyone is free to react anyway they want to any contestant. I feel differently about Abigail. My late cousin was deafened at age 2 due to the measles. That forced her (1950s and 60s) into a school for the deaf where she met and much later married a man born congenitally deaf. Their son was born deaf. Congenital deafness is a hereditary trait and Abigail was right to tell that to Matt upfront. As to Abigail's voice---my cousin and family all had much more guttural enunciation, as before cochlear implants it was much more difficult to attune speech according to what you could hear. As a teacher I've had many deaf students who were moved into classes with non-handicapped kids, along with their sign-language interpreter. Their clarity of enunciation varied greatly. 

Furthermore, to my understanding, there is a divide in the deaf community as to the use of cochlear implants. As an outsider I see it as a wonderful miraculous device, but to some in the deaf community it's considered to be a a betrayal of the community. If Abigail's father left the family due to their implants, there clearly was a lot of anguish involved in that. I admire her for choosing to move forward with her life, even to go on this stupid show. She may have no idea that she's so far away from being a front-runner, since Matt has given her some encouraging signs. Plus, I've rarely seen anyone who looks attractive when they cry, but obviously you are entitled to your opinion. 

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20 minutes ago, Arkay said:

Everyone is free to react anyway they want to any contestant. I feel differently about Abigail. My late cousin was deafened at age 2 due to the measles. That forced her (1950s and 60s) into a school for the deaf where she met and much later married a man born congenitally deaf. Their son was born deaf. Congenital deafness is a hereditary trait and Abigail was right to tell that to Matt upfront. As to Abigail's voice---my cousin and family all had much more guttural enunciation, as before cochlear implants it was much more difficult to attune speech according to what you could hear. As a teacher I've had many deaf students who were moved into classes with non-handicapped kids, along with their sign-language interpreter. Their clarity of enunciation varied greatly. 

Furthermore, to my understanding, there is a divide in the deaf community as to the use of cochlear implants. As an outsider I see it as a wonderful miraculous device, but to some in the deaf community it's considered to be a a betrayal of the community. If Abigail's father left the family due to their implants, there clearly was a lot of anguish involved in that. I admire her for choosing to move forward with her life, even to go on this stupid show. She may have no idea that she's so far away from being a front-runner, since Matt has given her some encouraging signs. Plus, I've rarely seen anyone who looks attractive when they cry, but obviously you are entitled to your opinion. 

I hope you did not take from my post that I have any beef or negativity toward the deaf community.  I understand many of the struggles, as well as the conflicts between proponents of ASL vs speech/total communication.  I volunteered at the Pennsylvania School for the Deaf in high school.

Very sorry about your cousin.

On the first evening, Abigail told Matt about her and her sister's congenital deafness, the cochlear implants, etc.  So, Matt already knew about that, and had also, that first night, given her tons of assurances that her deafness and the potential for deaf children was not a problem for him. The sob-story about being afraid her husband would leave her was just extra. 


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3 minutes ago, Just Carol said:

I hope you did not take from my post that I have any beef or negativity toward the deaf community.  I understand many of the struggles, as well as the conflicts between proponents of ASL vs speech/total communication.  I volunteered at the Pennsylvania School for the Deaf in high school.

Very sorry about your cousin.

On the first evening, Abigail told Matt about her and her sister's congenital deafness, the cochlear implants, etc.  So, Matt already knew about that, and had also, that first night, given her tons of assurances that her deafness and the potential for deaf children was not a problem for him. The sob-story about being afraid her husband would leave her was just extra. 


what was unclear to me about Abigail's story was that it sounded like her father left because they got implants--so are we to take that to mean he left because he was proudly Deaf/anti-implant?  At first I thought she was saying to Matt that her father left because she and her sister were deaf, so she was scared he would leave?  which was it?

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7 minutes ago, Alexander Pope said:

what was unclear to me about Abigail's story was that it sounded like her father left because they got implants--so are we to take that to mean he left because he was proudly Deaf/anti-implant?  At first I thought she was saying to Matt that her father left because she and her sister were deaf, so she was scared he would leave?  which was it?

I agree with you, it was a jumble. Her father left for some reason, so she is afraid her husband will leave for some other reason. It was basically a ploy to get the rose -- which she did! -- for being " vunerble."

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2 hours ago, Just Carol said:

I hope you did not take from my post that I have any beef or negativity toward the deaf community.  I understand many of the struggles, as well as the conflicts between proponents of ASL vs speech/total communication.  I volunteered at the Pennsylvania School for the Deaf in high school.

Very sorry about your cousin.

On the first evening, Abigail told Matt about her and her sister's congenital deafness, the cochlear implants, etc.  So, Matt already knew about that, and had also, that first night, given her tons of assurances that her deafness and the potential for deaf children was not a problem for him. The sob-story about being afraid her husband would leave her was just extra. 


Hi @Just Carol thank you for your response. I didn't take it as negativity toward the deaf community but I think I was reacting to the part about the sound of her voice. She can't help that, of course, and I think her voice is almost as clear as that of a hearing person. As a volunteer you've done more than I have ever done for them, other than teaching those who have been in my classroom (wearing a microphone and so on). Maybe you are right and she was being extra about a husband leaving her for that reason. In my opinion she thought she was being candid and upfront. Who knows what Matt remembers from one girl to the next?

To me, the implication that her father left when she and her sister got cochlear implants suggests that he is deaf, and stridently opposed to what some see as forsaking deafness, due to convenience or shame. How he could do that is beyond me. I'm sure that factors into her fear of Matt eventually bolting. If she could see what we see as viewers, she'd know that she isn't in his top tier of women, but she is assuaged by his occasional assurances and roses. 

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9 minutes ago, Arkay said:

Hi @Just Carol thank you for your response. I didn't take it as negativity toward the deaf community but I think I was reacting to the part about the sound of her voice. She can't help that, of course, and I think her voice is almost as clear as that of a hearing person. As a volunteer you've done more than I have ever done for them, other than teaching those who have been in my classroom (wearing a microphone and so on). Maybe you are right and she was being extra about a husband leaving her for that reason. In my opinion she thought she was being candid and upfront. Who knows what Matt remembers from one girl to the next?

To me, the implication that her father left when she and her sister got cochlear implants suggests that he is deaf, and stridently opposed to what some see as forsaking deafness, due to convenience or shame. How he could do that is beyond me. I'm sure that factors into her fear of Matt eventually bolting. If she could see what we see as viewers, she'd know that she isn't in his top tier of women, but she is assuaged by his occasional assurances and roses. 

Thanks, @arkay.  Please understand that I feel bad about Abigail's broken family.

That said, I do think it was a ploy -- particularly at this stage -- that she was crying (to Matt) about being afraid that Matt would bail on her for having deaf kids when (a) he already told her that he would not, and (b) this is the part of the "process" where you fall in "love," not worry about whether a guy you barely know will ditch the imaginary marriage.  And for this, she gets a rose??  Abigail is either as cuckoo or as conniving as any of them.  YMMV.

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11 hours ago, Arkay said:

Abigail's father left the family due to their implants, there clearly was a lot of anguish involved in that.

I was shocked at that.  The whole issue is so heavy.  I know some people who would feel it was wrong to have biological children knowing they carry a serious congenital issue and others who would be outraged at any such suggestion that they didn't have the same right to have children as anyone else.  It's sort of jarring to have something like this pop up on such a shallow show.  Abigail is in an awkward position between wanting to be upfront about her desire to have children and seeming to be jumping the gun with Matt.  Matt is in the awkward position of seeming insensitive if he doesn't give her special attention.  I like Matt less and less as time goes on so I sure can't picture him as the one for Abigail, but now she's had an opportunity to tell her situation to thousands of men, maybe the right one will contact her after the show.

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I'll say it out loud:  I did it!  I didn't watch this week and I didn't miss it!  And after reading an article this morning about how harmful Victoria was to the other contestants and how the franchise should sever all ties with her, it feels like turning my back on the promotion of bullying.  The article (which I wish I could find again) implied that, because Victoria was given a voice on GMA, the franchise may be grooming her for BIP and more drama.  I'll try the Bachelorette because of the location, and I hope to be able to watch BIP, but if all these awful examples of over-the-top, harmful behavior don't stop, I'm truly done.  Enough.  There's enough of that in everyday life; I don't find it enjoyable entertainment.

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2 hours ago, Recyclorette said:

I'll say it out loud:  I did it!  I didn't watch this week and I didn't miss it!  And after reading an article this morning about how harmful Victoria was to the other contestants and how the franchise should sever all ties with her, it feels like turning my back on the promotion of bullying.  The article (which I wish I could find again) implied that, because Victoria was given a voice on GMA, the franchise may be grooming her for BIP and more drama.  I'll try the Bachelorette because of the location, and I hope to be able to watch BIP, but if all these awful examples of over-the-top, harmful behavior don't stop, I'm truly done.  Enough.  There's enough of that in everyday life; I don't find it enjoyable entertainment.

If you mean Canada, that’s off the table.  Restrictions on incoming people, in addition to 14 day quarantine include a Covid test at the airport and mandatory 3 day quarantine at an airport hotel for 3 days until the results are back...cost $2000 pp.   

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11 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

If you mean Canada, that’s off the table.  Restrictions on incoming people, in addition to 14 day quarantine include a Covid test at the airport and mandatory 3 day quarantine at an airport hotel for 3 days until the results are back...cost $2000 pp.   

Yes, I meant the gorgeous Canadian Rockies.  So that's a no go?  That may have been my only enticement, unless the franchise picks a mature woman like Katie for bachelorette.  Although her dildo broke the ice on night one with the other women, I wasn't too sure about the move.  She has really redeemed herself, though, and it's been so refreshing!  Thanks for the heads up about Canada!

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Speaking of Abigail, did anyone notice how ugly the decor was in the room when Matt gave her the rose? Too many clashing patterns and colors. Coupled with all the ugly dresses and eyelashes just too much for my weary eyes.

I've watched every season since the beginning and Matt is the dullest yet and his group of harpies leaves something to be desired.  I'm over the premise, it is tired and formulaic. Watching him slurp on so many women is becoming offensive. Even hate watching isn't much fun anymore. Le sigh.


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On 2/3/2021 at 3:39 PM, Back Atcha said:

I liked Chris only when he was hosting some HGTV-type program...can't even recall the name.  

I loved that show...it was called Designer's Challenge, and it was on HGTV back before it became basically the House Hunters/Chip and Joanna/Property Brothers channel.  I miss those shows...Room by Room, Designed to Sell, Curb Appeal (I had a crush on Rick Spence and even went to see him when he came to a home show in my area), Design on a Dime. [sigh]

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5 hours ago, sauce62 said:

Watching him slurp on so many women is becoming offensive.

SLURP!  The perfect ICK-word!   Poor guy; he's probably a great guy, just NFTV...Not for TV !!!

I'm embarrassed that Chris Harrison has provided so many lame scripts for Matt...with the women, for GMA, with Jimmy Kimmel.  Here's a perfect example of someone who sold his soul...and for what?  If it's a "fiancee`," how long will THAT last? Harrison is carried away with himself; it's time to retire.

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18 hours ago, sauce62 said:

Too many clashing patterns and colors.

Perhaps they used the same decorator who does the Big Brother house. The loud, clashing decorating, scattered over with a thick layer of Houseguests' clothes, cereal bowls, and hair brushes, was more than I could stand to look at.  

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In defense of Abigail's voice, I was born partially deaf and took speech therapy until my early teens to speak properly.   My voice is similar in speed to Abigail's: it can sound slowed down and falter at times but otherwise pass as normal and nice to hear to most people.  I completely understand her vulnerability around men accepting her hearing disability.  I've dated men who are very kind and understanding of my partial deafness, but I've also gone on first (and no more) dates with men who yell words angrily if I can't hear them the first time.  I commend the Bachelor franchise for casting two disabled women now: Sarah Herron and Abigail.  I think that every cast member is required to tell a difficult story to the lead in these shows, so Abigail is just playing the game like everyone else.  I definitely understand how her repeatedly mentioning her disability is seen as a ploy for him to like her more, and I wish she could use the limited time she has with him to lighten things up or talk about shared interests as he has already welcomed her and her disability with open arms.  

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1 hour ago, Hip-to-be-Square said:

In defense of Abigail's voice, I was born partially deaf and took speech therapy until my early teens to speak properly.   My voice is similar in speed to Abigail's: it can sound slowed down and falter at times but otherwise pass as normal and nice to hear to most people.  I completely understand her vulnerability around men accepting her hearing disability.  I've dated men who are very kind and understanding of my partial deafness, but I've also gone on first (and no more) dates with men who yell words angrily if I can't hear them the first time.  I commend the Bachelor franchise for casting two disabled women now: Sarah Herron and Abigail.  I think that every cast member is required to tell a difficult story to the lead in these shows, so Abigail is just playing the game like everyone else.  I definitely understand how her repeatedly mentioning her disability is seen as a ploy for him to like her more, and I wish she could use the limited time she has with him to lighten things up or talk about shared interests as he has already welcomed her and her disability with open arms.  

Thank you for sharing this.

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12 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I’m haven’t heard any thing that would have even cued me in that she had ever been deaf, but I don’t have any experience with it so it may not be obvious to me. 

She has a cochlear implant which, as I understand it, allows her to hear.  

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On 2/4/2021 at 7:34 PM, sauce62 said:

I've watched every season since the beginning and Matt is the dullest yet and his group of harpies...


Totally misread this as "his group of HERPES." Which, well....with all the talk of hoes and escorts and Pretty Woman dates...


On 2/1/2021 at 8:17 PM, Thumper said:

Whaaaaat?  There is someone from Edina, MN on the show???  (My state.). Already forgot her name.  🤪

Plus, Anna of the "I need to sue my cruel and incompetent prosthodontist club" is originally from Owatonna. But then she moved to Chicago for that big city dream, except apparently Chicago isn't so big. At least, not big enough for a solid pool of escorts that can remain anonymous.


My interpretation of Matt's description of Rachel: 

"She's never the first to approach...she hangs back..." = "I had no clue she was even there until she was selected for the date."

"She's not the loudest." = "Haven't heard a thing she's said, but she's sure pretty to a farm boy like me, and you don't have to talk in the fantasy suites if you don't want to...hubba hubba.."

A wholehearted second and third to the comments about egging women on to lit-er-ally fight for a man. That's just twisted. And not in a fun twisty kinda way. 

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On 2/1/2021 at 8:31 PM, Thumper said:

Wow, she is delusional.  (Victoria)

Does everyone’s broadcast have this female narrator? It’s like she is giving stage directions. (“He looks down at the ground.” Etc) Is this new?

I'm a week late on this but I find that this happens when my cable box resets and its settings are configured to narrate everything, like the "opposite" of closed captions, on ABC. Something similar would happen when certain sitcoms would default to Spanish language dialogue.  

Edited by quetzal
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