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90 Day: The Single Life

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Debbie is straight up trash. No wonder Colt is such a piece of donkey shit. They all deserve each other. 

And now we know grossColt's big secret. 


He & Vanessa got married. They won't last the year.


Edited by FrancescaFiore
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Liz is clearly a deeply psychologically damaged person. Predators like BigToe Ed have an innate sense of who to target as their victims. Rose was vulnerable because she was young, naive & poor. Liz was vulnerable because she's twice divorced at 28 & obviously doesn't make good decisions. I wouldn't be surprised if Ed hangs out outside of rehab facilities waiting for lost souls to prey upon. He's truly a defective, awful little goblin.

Luis is just a toxic dick. Molly deserved better. I really like Kelly & hope they can work it out. 

Why is Colt so fucking vocal on this Tell All, as if he has any semblance of moral high ground? Colt is ugly from his putrid insides to his corpulent exterior. 

Edited by FrancescaFiore
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I have to unfortunately agree with Debbie, Jess is married, why does she still care? move the fuck on.  

 Jess Husband looks like he has some bodies hidden somewhere. Guy is creepy as hell.

They wasted so much time on jess and and brit. 

Ed talking about cheating, when he cheated on his wife that led to his divorce 25 years ago is a big  LOL 

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Okay I am ready to tell all about the tell nothing.

Honestly, I skipped a lot of the first hour.  Brittany left because there was no one to do her hair.  Molly called her out:  "You are in NYC and you flew home to Houston?"  Brittany had her boobs out in full display, but "Y'all caught me off guard, I am getting ready to go to the store!"  Yeah, right.  I fast forwarded to 8:19 as Brittney bores me.

Jess and her hubby showed up and Jess had on THE MOST unflattering dress from 1987 she could muster.  Jess and Debbie bickering over Colt was too much, again with the fast forward.

Robbie showed up and actually had a sense of humor.  Imagine that!  Fernanda's roomie Noel showed up and yes, they are sleeping together.  Jonathan and his fiance are having a baby.  Who cares.

Colt dropped his big shocker:


They eloped to Reno

He was very verbal and clearly auditioning for Pillow Talk.  Please go away, Colt and Vanessa.

Nothing more on Danielle.  We do know she had a tubal.

Luis and Molly were divorced in May 2018.  Why is he back?  He shows up, says nothing, reveals nothing and is jerky and rude.  Molly's spray tan started to melt when it was revealed that she still follows Luis on Instagram.  Kelly:  "You follow him??"  Molly tried to peddle like a duck but she was embarrassed.  

way too much time on Colt, Debbie and Jess.  No one cares.  

Ed and Liz.  Oh Liz....run away NOW.  Yes he loves therapy and good for him on that.  But you are calling out Colt for cheating but you cheated on your wife, right?  He did make a commitment to not drink with Liz as they both feel they drink too much, then argue.

I liked Terrance - was that his name?  What a sweetheart but what an unfortunate necklace choice he sports.

5 hours ago, FrancescaFiore said:

Why is Colt so fucking vocal on this Tell All, as if he has any semblance of moral high ground? Colt is ugly from his putrid insides to his corpulent exterior. 

I thought the same thing.  He sits and yells at everyone and when he was going to stand up to hug someone his girth was huge.  Mother Debbie, to Jess and her hubby:  "Let's call peace.  No more, let's call peace between the two of us."  Then, looking at Jess' hubby she says:  "Not you, YOU ARE A DIRTY RAT."  Whaaaaat?  Yeah, no, call my spouse a dirty rat and you can shove your peace talk.

I then watched Pillow Talk on the Tell All and they divided it between the "best of" both tell all's if there is such a thing.  It was hard to get through, honestly.  All the yelling and screaming and judging was hard enough once, even Tim, Veronica and the gang didn't help, sadly.  The only person who came off looking good was Danielle!

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Colt yelling hang up the phone on Brittney made me like him more.

The fact he made them all shut up revealing they're married another win for Colt.

Not standing up for Debbie and hugging it out with those douchebags made me not like him again.

Jess and her husband are douchebags.  Debbie is Debbie but show some class and refrain from telling a 70 year old woman on national television to STFU.  Not a good look and Debbie is right, WTF do they care anymore what Colt is doing if they're happily married. It's been a year or two now too at that.

Molly, Molly, Molly... I like her more these days but it was disgusting when she moved Luis in with her two young girls back when she was with him.  So irresponsible and the fact she is still following  Luis on Instagram is twisted and gives him the upper hand thinking she still longs for his freaky dick, which it appears that she doesn. Something is not right with her.  I think Cop Kelly needs to move on and get a woman who can give him bio kids.  He will have more pickings now that he's been on the show.

Liz is starting to resemble Ed with the bloated neck, double chin and swollen face and the fact the ending suggested they went back to the hotel together to have sex is disgusting and I can no longer find any excuse for her.  She's a sick puppy.

Brittney is just annoying and should never be allowed on the show.  What fanbase does Brittney have that the producers spend so much time on her when her story line is practically non existent since she spends all of it ghosting people and faking relationships with guys. She is not in this for a fiance but just followers for her Only Fans.

The fact that Vanessa and Coltee didn't stand up for Debbie when Jessica and her husband were yelling at Debbie and calling her a bitch and telling her to STFU  and then proceeded to allow Jess and the ex to hug them says alot about all of them.  There's no way anyone in my family should be hugging it out with anyone who's dissed me nor would I forgive anyone who went after my family.

The Single Life Pillow Talk cast is the best- although David and Anne are annoying and contribute the least, Robert has surprising great takes.

Edited by LEILANI2
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Whenever Ed was tuning up to work out some tears, I desperately wanted someone on stage to pass him a tissue laced with ether to knock out his odious ass.

And speaking of Ed and Liz, let me make sure I heard this correctly.

Liz says Ed threw her out of his house SEVEN times.  SEVEN.

Where the actual fuck is her CHILD when all of this shit happens?  

Is this poor child being dragged in and out of Ed's house like a suitcase, having her little life uprooted so fucked up Liz can stay involved with Ed?

If that's the case, fuck her and her spineless bullshit.  Any sympathy I might have had for her (which was pretty much zero - being burned is one thing but being burned and cast aside SEVEN FUCKING TIMES just makes her a blithering idiot) is out the window if she's dragging that poor child through this shit with her.

Ugh.  These people.  And these piss poor excuses for parents.  😡

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10 hours ago, LEILANI2 said:


Liz is starting to resemble Ed with the bloated neck, double chin and swollen face and the fact the ending suggested they went back to the hotel together to have sex is disgusting and I can no longer find any excuse for her.  She's a sick puppy.


Ha, I thought the same thing.  

I think she's like a lot of people -- do anything for reality TV show fame including fucking a frog.

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2 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

Liz says Ed threw her out of his house SEVEN times.  SEVEN.

Seven times in how many months?  And he made a list of things he likes about her and things that frustrate him, per his therapist, and his postives list had three things, one being her daughter, and TWENTY things that annoy him.  TWENTY.  He fully said this on televison, with her right there.  


2 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

Where the actual fuck is her CHILD when all of this shit happens? 

I found her on IG and sounds like she shares custody with the child's dad in Oklahoma  Maybe she was there at the time.  I certainly hope so!

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21 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Seven times in how many months?  And he made a list of things he likes about her and things that frustrate him, per his therapist, and his postives list had three things, one being her daughter, and TWENTY things that annoy him.  TWENTY.  He fully said this on televison, with her right there.  


I found her on IG and sounds like she shares custody with the child's dad in Oklahoma  Maybe she was there at the time.  I certainly hope so!

And the excessive drinking she described with both herself and Ed.  

That poor child if she's being subjected to their apparently explosive drunken arguments and the continual upheaval of being hauled from pillar to post.  

I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion she's as reprehensible as Ed in her own way and perhaps they deserve one another...but that child definitely doesn't deserve to live through this bullshit.  

And here she is on national TV, practically begging him for another chance despite his list of three things he likes about her (actually only two if one deducts her child from the list. 

I'm going to be "that bitch" and go here:

With Ed's proclivity to be attracted to such young women (especially Rose who looked almost prepubescent), I wouldn't be comfortable with him "liking" me for my young female child.  



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Liz at the Yell-All: Literally everything Ed did was wrong, from rushing the relationship, to the photos of my daughter & I that he put up, to throwing me out every time we argued & then going to Vegas to cavort with skanky fans. And I miss it so much & can't wait to get me some more.

Edited by FrancescaFiore
No edits, just wanted y'all to know "yell all" wasn't a typo!
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1 hour ago, Persnickety1 said:

I'm going to be "that bitch" and go here:

With Ed's proclivity to be attracted to such young women (especially Rose who looked almost prepubescent), I wouldn't be comfortable with him "liking" me for my young female child.  

You just wrote what I was thinking.  I wonder if bio dad has something to say about his daughter being exposed to all this?

I think Ed is weirder and creepier than we see.  Fernanda called him out at the Tell All, saying he said to say to "my cute friend" or something like that, and he admitted it.  Colt and Ed (and many other men) who say they are okay and happy with their female mate but will always have be on the lookout for someone younger and hotter.

45 minutes ago, FrancescaFiore said:

Liz at the Yell-All: Literally everything Ed did was wrong, from rushing the relationship, to the photos of my daughter & I that he put up, to throwing me out every time we argued & then going to Vegas to cavort with skanky fans. And I miss it so much & can't wait to get me some more.

Except for Luis:  Why was he there?  Just the way he talks gives me stalker vibes.  Molly, UNFOLLOW HIM.  Why are you?????

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38 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

You just wrote what I was thinking.  I wonder if bio dad has something to say about his daughter being exposed to all this?

I think Ed is weirder and creepier than we see.  Fernanda called him out at the Tell All, saying he said to say to "my cute friend" or something like that, and he admitted it.  Colt and Ed (and many other men) who say they are okay and happy with their female mate but will always have be on the lookout for someone younger and hotter.

Except for Luis:  Why was he there?  Just the way he talks gives me stalker vibes.  Molly, UNFOLLOW HIM.  Why are you?????

I know TLC loves them a good ambush, but, yeah...WTF was Luis there?  

That being said, I side-eyed Molly for pretending that she didn't even realize she was still following Luis on Instagram.  Sure, one can scroll by posts one does not wish to read, but that begs the question why she didn't block him immediately when one of his IG posts came rolling down her feed?  Or, perhaps even more interestingly, she said she thought he had blocked her on IG at one point.  I think Molly had morbid curiosity about his shenanigans and was indeed reading all of his posts, probably thinking she would fly under the radar.  She did handle it well, though, and didn't give Shaun much ammo to work with about the situation.  

I agree with you.  I've always thought Luis was totally sketchy and smarmy.  Even the tone of voice with which he speaks creeps me the fuck out.  

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7 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

I know TLC loves them a good ambush, but, yeah...WTF was Luis there?  

That being said, I side-eyed Molly for pretending that she didn't even realize she was still following Luis on Instagram.  Sure, one can scroll by posts one does not wish to read, but that begs the question why she didn't block him immediately when one of his IG posts came rolling down her feed?  Or, perhaps even more interestingly, she said she thought he had blocked her on IG at one point.  I think Molly had morbid curiosity about his shenanigans and was indeed reading all of his posts, probably thinking she would fly under the radar.  She did handle it well, though, and didn't give Shaun much ammo to work with about the situation.  

I agree with you.  I've always thought Luis was totally sketchy and smarmy.  Even the tone of voice with which he speaks creeps me the fuck out.  

Molly, block him now, unfollow him unfriend him, whatever.  You do not need that energy in your life.  Once, my younger son borrowed my car to go have dinner with his dad.  (My ex hubby) and when he came back he said, "Yeah well due to another car in the driveway, he was parked in, so I drove."  I was like, HE WAS IN MY CAR???  That creeped me out, lol.  I needed to burn incense to make it clean.  It was like having pigeon in my car or something!!!  So follow on ANY social media platform?  Hard pass my friend.

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53 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Except for Luis:  Why was he there? 

 I feel like the producers invited Luis specifically to create drama because there wasn't enough drama around Molly's story line. It's entirely possible that Molly wanted to keep tabs on Luis so that when he did get married to someone else, she was off the hook as his visa sponsor.

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1 hour ago, FrancescaFiore said:

 I feel like the producers invited Luis specifically to create drama because there wasn't enough drama around Molly's story line. It's entirely possible that Molly wanted to keep tabs on Luis so that when he did get married to someone else, she was off the hook as his visa sponsor.

I can see her trying to keep tabs on him but if so, she should do it by just checking his social media, not actually following him. That's weird and even more weird that he didn't block her.

And it was really odd when he asked the question about who paid for it and she said she did proving no point whatsoever.  He must be on drugs or something. The fact she had sex and was in love with that creep says alot about her. I wouldn't be surprised if this is a turnoff for Kelly and gives him an out.

Edited by LEILANI2
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I must be the exception because I am mesmerized by Jess' husband. He puts me in a trance the way he talks it's like he's wide eyed staring into a blacklight rainbow den with a lava lamp after imbibing on just a hair too many mushrooms. I find him compelling- is he zoned our or all in? He is zoned out WHILE he is all in! It's entertaining. He is reading Mother Debbie for filth in the same tone of voice as the "double rainbow all the waaaay" guy on You Tube. Double rainbow all the way!  I could listen to him all day with his sweet sweet musical voice whilst 90 Day character. It's fresh. I dig it. 

Jess' dress was display for sure- I do like her confidence and attitude! 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
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Brittney is really troubled, something way way off about her. I think she just a sugar baby with some trauma, maybe sexual trauma the way she leads with her sexuality, acts way younger than she is and for sure has cosmetic braces to look young only. It's fetishy and weird.  I FLOVED it when she got called out by the cast. Why the F could she not communicate that she was having these hair problems and was flying home? Hmm? She didn't have answer for that. 

I like Kelly.  

How did it end w/Danielle and Robert? He ignored her for 10 mo but wants to go out again? I feel like he has a motive for being on TV. IDK what it is but I wanna know more.

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Finished both halves of the Tell All last night. A few thoughts:

Shaun was awful. Her questions were OK, but she completely lost control of the proceedings at several points, which a good host should never do. The participants may like her, but they don't respect her and it shows.

Jess' dress was...something. I liked it, but only because I like bigger girls and it left nothing to the imagination. Mrs. RaiderDuck was appalled that someone would actually go out in public wearing that, let alone appear on national TV. I believe her quote was "I wouldn't even take the garbage out wearing that."

Jess's husband is a standard-order hippie trendster douchebag. As I've mentioned before, they're a dime a dozen in my former hometown of Eugene.

Molly was dressed well, but yellow is NOT the color for her. It makes her skin look jaundiced. Meanwhile, she's still prevaricating on The Great Child Debate with Kelly. If she doesn't want to raise another child (which is 100% her decision), she needs to straight-out tell Kelly. As it is, she's giving him mixed signals about whether her physical inability to have children is the only reason she's not having his. You can't blame Kelly for being a little confused as to whether they're going to raise a child or not. She obviously doesn't want to but is afraid of losing him if she does come out and say it. PRO TIP: Hedging your bets only delays the inevitable.

Nothing was added to the show by either Muhammad or Luis' presence.

Brittany was her usual trainwreck self. I loved Molly pointing out that the greater NYC area has literally 1,000 places to get your hair done. More to the point: WHAT HAIR? Brittany obviously wears a wig and has done so since her first 90 Day appearance. And her boob job was ridiculous. Her new girls don't remotely fit her frame and are obviously fake. Terrance seems like a nice guy (witness his apologizing to the cast for Brittany's crap, followed by the cast basically saying "Hey, it's not your fault"), but why would you pursue a relationship with someone who repeatedly ghosts and blocks you? He could do so much better.

Speaking of the women, either the show's makeup department is terrible, or someone changed the lighting and didn't tell them. Most of the women (except Shaun and Fernanda) were visibly sweaty and greasy-looking. Even Liz's hair was really clumping by the end.

Ed and Liz: Hoo boy, where to start? Ed's being his usual predator self, resorting to crocodile tears when he doesn't get his way or someone calls him on his BS. Liz, who dressed very well, is obviously lonely and values his friendship/daddy figure, but as the Mrs. pointed out, she's good-looking and could walk into any NYC (or San Diego) bar catering to late twenty/early thirtysomethings and go home with a guy. She could do soooo much better than Ed, both in terms of looks and personality.

Ed and Debbie are both loathsome trolls, but it was fun watching her call Ed on his BS. Yes, Colt's way too attached to mommy, but at least HIS mommy doesn't see him naked in the shower and help him do his hair.

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On 3/6/2021 at 1:46 AM, mamadrama said:

To be fair, Mo didn't announce to the world that Danielle's parts reeked-she did that on her own. What he said was that she had an issue and needed to see a doctor. That issue could've been a variety of things. Danielle's the one who piped up and announced that he thought she smelled bad.

I mean, he's still a wanker and she's still a nutcase so it's not like it really matters in the end. They both screwed each other over. 

For whatever reasons people want to hate on Mo, he's nowhere near the despicability level of Danielle and her extensive criminal record.  This article shows that record:  https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/danielle-90-day-fiance-criminal-record-140989/

From their season all the way up to the present I've never had anything against Mo.  As Mamadrama said, he didn't go into the specifics of her stinky parts.  She did.  Yet everyone in the cast for their season and later seasons all rally around her and against Mo for having mentioned her "medical issue", which he only did in very vague terms.  Who in their right mind would call themselves out and say that they had stinky parts?  Oh, right, Danielle, because she's never in her right mind.

I still believe that despite everything between them, he did care for her on a friendship level and he probably would have stuck it out with her (likely not forever, but longer than he had done in their seasons) had she not brought so many additional troubles to the table (losing her job, utility/phones turn offs, etc.), as well as Mo becoming aware of her criminal record.

Danielle was always the aggressive and unbalanced one in that relationship, and I can never ever muster up any sympathy for her.  Aside from her being disgusting to look at (and I know that's a very superficial comment which I would never make if she was a good person, because goodness far outweighs ugliness), she's got a disgusting personality to match.  She's dumber than a box of rocks, and needier than a crack whore for Mo's (or at this juncture, any man's) attention. 

Her facial tics, pushing up of her eyeglasses (just like Coltie), scrunching up of her mouth and face - these all bring out the ragey me for no rational reason other than she's got such a hateable face.

To her credit, she finally looked somewhat presentable on the Single Life Tell All episodes.  Her hair looked healthy and stylish.  Oddly, she was not given very much air time on that Tell Nothing, so I didn't get the opportunity to see if she's still uglifying her face even more with all her tics and expressions.

All in all, even if Mo did not have honorable intentions regarding Danielle, I believe that he presented well on their seasons.  He never did anything awful that I can recall.  It was always Danielle going off on or about him.  I'm so puzzled by all the hate directed at him.

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54 minutes ago, Xebug67 said:

All in all, even if Mo did not have honorable intentions regarding Danielle, I believe that he presented well on their seasons.  He never did anything awful that I can recall.  It was always Danielle going off on or about him.  I'm so puzzled by all the hate directed at him.

I agree.  He has a job, a very in demand one right now, he is working, he is not on a porn site.  I want people to run the clip again of HER saying "He says I have a smell" because it would straighten her out a bit.  Having said that, she does not annoy me much these days.  She DOES need to get with Stitch Fix or Gwynnie Bee to get help with looking better.  She is the poster child for frumpy.  And loose the three "friends."  Me thinks when Danielle is done being on TLC they will be too busy to take her calls.

55 minutes ago, Xebug67 said:

Mo didn't announce to the world that Danielle's parts reeked-she did that on her own. What he said was that she had an issue and needed to see a doctor. That issue could've been a variety of things. Danielle's the one who piped up and announced that he thought she smelled bad.

Then Danielle SHARES this on dates!!!!  SHUT YOUR DORITO HOLE, Danielle!

I really don't blame Mo for saying I am not going to appear on this show., ever again.  Why would he?  To be blamed for saying something that SHE said?  To apologize.......AGAIN?  HE came here in 2014, they were divorced in 2017, let it go, Danielle!

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Well, you know this whole thing is gonna be one big WTF moment when Danielle and Mo are the voices of reason...

Ed's a creepy, manipulative fucker and it was unsettling. Also...


He ghosted Liz the next day and she hasn't heard from since.

Luis is creepy AF. Like, he may be a legit psychopath. I think he's a little scary. Also, if you want to cyberstalk your ex then do what the rest of us do-create a sock puppet or just check in on them from time to time. You never follow under your own name. Amateurs. 

I don't know what was worse, showing Ed's sweaty, post-masturbation face or zooming in on the specimen sample. Either way I'm seriously considering suing Discovery for my pain and suffering. 

Liz needs therapy. Like, a lot of it.

While I DO think Coltee is an asshole, I also think he's a troll. A manipulative one, but a troll nevertheless. 

Jess' husband...is he high? Like, always? 

Honestly, Jess and Debbie hugging it out may have been one of the realest moments on the show. It's like they locked eyes and simultaneously wondered why TF they were giving the producers that much ammo. 

Fern is one of those women who I feel like I'm meant to think is pretty but something just feels a little off. I liked her on this, though. Glad she kicked Robbie to the curb. Liz, take notes. 

What TF was going on with Brittany? While I truly believe she's a diva and wouldn't put it past her to throw a fit over her hair and room, something felt off. It felt like there was something, a big something, that wasn't being said. The elephant in the room was bigger than her tarantula eyelashes. I actually thought that she'd never left Houston at all, but the PA seemed to think that she'd been in her room at 2am so...I like Terrance. I bet all kinds of people were sliding into his DMs after that. 

Kelly and Molly have such little conflict that even their fake conflict was boring. He's no looker but I think he's okay. 

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On 5/24/2021 at 12:20 PM, Persnickety1 said:

With Ed's proclivity to be attracted to such young women (especially Rose who looked almost prepubescent), I wouldn't be comfortable with him "liking" me for my young female child.  

Amen to that!!!!

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41 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

Well, you know this whole thing is gonna be one big WTF moment when Danielle and Mo are the voices of reason...

Ed's a creepy, manipulative fucker and it was unsettling. Also...

  Reveal spoiler

He ghosted Liz the next day and she hasn't heard from since.

Luis is creepy AF. Like, he may be a legit psychopath. I think he's a little scary. Also, if you want to cyberstalk your ex then do what the rest of us do-create a sock puppet or just check in on them from time to time. You never follow under your own name. Amateurs. 

I don't know what was worse, showing Ed's sweaty, post-masturbation face or zooming in on the specimen sample. Either way I'm seriously considering suing Discovery for my pain and suffering. 

Liz needs therapy. Like, a lot of it.

While I DO think Coltee is an asshole, I also think he's a troll. A manipulative one, but a troll nevertheless. 

Jess' husband...is he high? Like, always? 

Honestly, Jess and Debbie hugging it out may have been one of the realest moments on the show. It's like they locked eyes and simultaneously wondered why TF they were giving the producers that much ammo. 

Fern is one of those women who I feel like I'm meant to think is pretty but something just feels a little off. I liked her on this, though. Glad she kicked Robbie to the curb. Liz, take notes. 

What TF was going on with Brittany? While I truly believe she's a diva and wouldn't put it past her to throw a fit over her hair and room, something felt off. It felt like there was something, a big something, that wasn't being said. The elephant in the room was bigger than her tarantula eyelashes. I actually thought that she'd never left Houston at all, but the PA seemed to think that she'd been in her room at 2am so...I like Terrance. I bet all kinds of people were sliding into his DMs after that. 

Kelly and Molly have such little conflict that even their fake conflict was boring. He's no looker but I think he's okay. 

I so agree with you abut Fernanda.  It's like she has huge features on a small face.  

Agree that Colt is a troll.  He was made for reality TV.

Also, I find myself loving Debbie!  Especially hearing the word "Fuck" come out of her mouth!

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32 minutes ago, Boo Boo said:

I so agree with you abut Fernanda.  It's like she has huge features on a small face.  

Agree that Colt is a troll.  He was made for reality TV.

Also, I find myself loving Debbie!  Especially hearing the word "Fuck" come out of her mouth!

And the loud "SON OF A BITCH" when she found out Jess was coming out.  😂

(And I also loved it when she said she knew Jess was there - even though production apparently tried to hide it - because she could hear all through the halls.  😂)

I'd love to sit next to her for a couple of drinks whilst playing one-armed bandits at the casinos.  

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On 5/16/2021 at 11:56 PM, mamadrama said:

Fuck Ed. Someone do an intervention for Liz. 

And send her to Big Ed Anonymous!!! 🤣🤣

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17 hours ago, Kid said:

And send her to Big Ed Anonymous!!! 🤣🤣

He has been a douche to so many ladies I am sure there are enough to fill a room!

Is that it for Single Life?  If there is another season, please NO TIFFANY if she leaves Felon Man.

No more Brittany (I would watch Terrence) NO MORE ED, EVER,  no more Colt (thank God he is married) and Danielle......sigh........go away.  I don't want to hear Molly yammer on about kids or no kids anymore as well.

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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Fraudedmedia posted a clip on their Instagram of a fight between Ed and Liz, and it’s super tough to listen to. I don’t know how she stayed with him! I think there’s some discussion of it in the couples thread. I really hope TLC doesn’t keep hiring him.

i also keep going back to his intro where he said he dates younger women because he’s immature, but also that he’s not attracted to women his age “unless it’s someone like JLO.”  

Going back to someone’s post above about future seasons of The Single Life- who would you like to have on there if you could choose? I’d like to see Yamir to see how he’s doing post-Chelsea. I also think Mike and Natalie might be done, so it might be interesting to watch them date other people who are more compatible mates. And I know she’s still married, but if she finally breaks up with Asuelu, I’d really like to see Kalani on there! 

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someone like ed needs leverage, that's the only way he can get a girl.  he is physically disgusting, and has a horrible personality.

he seems to be a mid 50's renter, so no home $$ to speak of, has declared bankruptcy twice I recall.  I doubt he has any savings or retirement, probably horrible credit.  So basically all he has is 90 day money, and the prospect of being on tv. pretty pathetic for a dude his age.

most women over 25-30 have some dignity, and are looking for someone who has done well for themselves, or has a future they can build together.  so ed has to troll the young mothers with low paying jobs, maybe from their vantage point he has something to offer.

San Diego is great... but very expensive living and lots of good looking people....he is a clown and an embarrassment.


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16 hours ago, Mar78 said:

Fraudedmedia posted a clip on their Instagram of a fight between Ed and Liz, and it’s super tough to listen to. I don’t know how she stayed with him! I think there’s some discussion of it in the couples thread. I really hope TLC doesn’t keep hiring him.

I listened to the whole thing and it was rough.  Every other word from him was f*cking" or "f*ck", he was belligerent,, rude, INTERRUPTING HER ALL THE TIME, hostile, cruel, mean.....I can stop now.  She was crying, pleading with him to let her finish.  He would say okay then interrupt her AGAIN......finally she hung up on him.

I thought the same thing.  Why hire this abusive troll?  You are spot on that he needs leverage.  What is it with these people obsessed with someone younger and hotter?  DO they not have a mirror?  I have heard of love goggles but Ed must have Malbec Goggles.  On himself!

Hey Ed - you have a daughter.  How would it fly if a guy spoke to HER that way?  Knowing Ed and what a shitty person he is, he would say she probably deserved it and double down on his behavior.


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On 5/26/2021 at 2:19 PM, Xebug67 said:

For whatever reasons people want to hate on Mo, he's nowhere near the despicability level of Danielle and her extensive criminal record.  This article shows that record:  https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/danielle-90-day-fiance-criminal-record-140989/

From their season all the way up to the present I've never had anything against Mo.  As Mamadrama said, he didn't go into the specifics of her stinky parts.  She did.  Yet everyone in the cast for their season and later seasons all rally around her and against Mo for having mentioned her "medical issue", which he only did in very vague terms.  Who in their right mind would call themselves out and say that they had stinky parts?  Oh, right, Danielle, because she's never in her right mind.

I still believe that despite everything between them, he did care for her on a friendship level and he probably would have stuck it out with her (likely not forever, but longer than he had done in their seasons) had she not brought so many additional troubles to the table (losing her job, utility/phones turn offs, etc.), as well as Mo becoming aware of her criminal record.

Danielle was always the aggressive and unbalanced one in that relationship, and I can never ever muster up any sympathy for her.  Aside from her being disgusting to look at (and I know that's a very superficial comment which I would never make if she was a good person, because goodness far outweighs ugliness), she's got a disgusting personality to match.  She's dumber than a box of rocks, and needier than a crack whore for Mo's (or at this juncture, any man's) attention. 

Her facial tics, pushing up of her eyeglasses (just like Coltie), scrunching up of her mouth and face - these all bring out the ragey me for no rational reason other than she's got such a hateable face.

To her credit, she finally looked somewhat presentable on the Single Life Tell All episodes.  Her hair looked healthy and stylish.  Oddly, she was not given very much air time on that Tell Nothing, so I didn't get the opportunity to see if she's still uglifying her face even more with all her tics and expressions.

All in all, even if Mo did not have honorable intentions regarding Danielle, I believe that he presented well on their seasons.  He never did anything awful that I can recall.  It was always Danielle going off on or about him.  I'm so puzzled by all the hate directed at him.

I have never minded Mo, but he was part of the turning point for 90 days. They opened  the trash gates 

Edited by Angry Moldovan
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On 5/17/2021 at 5:11 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:


I can never look at Ed without seeing a fire hydrant in clothes.  If Ed were a good, decent person I would never publicly say something so harsh about someone's physical condition that they cannot control, but Ed being who he is deserves any and all insults about his personality, looks, lifestyle, whatever.

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On 5/23/2021 at 1:37 PM, Hellohappylife said:

I have to unfortunately agree with Debbie, Jess is married, why does she still care? move the fuck on.  

 Jess Husband looks like he has some bodies hidden somewhere. Guy is creepy as hell.

They wasted so much time on jess and and brit. 

Ed talking about cheating, when he cheated on his wife that led to his divorce 25 years ago is a big  LOL 

Jess always looked full-figured in past episodes, but I had never realized just how enormously fat she actually is.  That monstrosity of a dress she was sort of wearing at the Tell All did her no favors at all (I say "sort of wearing" because most of it was riding up her front and rear, so there was very little dress remaining to actually be considered as "worn"). She was actually waddling around on the Tell All stage.  She could not walk gracefully if her life depended on it.  I just don't see anything attractive about her at all.  Tiffany from Tiffany and Ronald is overweight but with a beautiful face.  Molly is overweight, but has a pretty face.  Kalani is overweight but gorgeous.  Jess is as far from pretty or gorgeous.  She's a million miles away from even being slightly attractive.

Also, the insane number of her tattoos is a further turn-off.  As much as I adore cats, even her cat tattoo(s) are too much.

This is someone who would definitely benefit from a makeover.  She needs someone who can help her dress better, do her makeup better, replace those ridiculously huge eyeglasses with either more streamlined glasses or contacts, and help her hold together her obscenely, ginormous boobs instead of having them flopping all over the place.

I'm amazed that she was able to find someone so quickly after her time with Colt that married her as quickly as he did.  I know she didn't find him on her own (Larissa hooked them up).  But there's nothing physically attractive about her OR personality-wise or intellect-wise either.  And even though Colt was the huge a-hole to her that he was, she's not a very good or articulate speaker.  HTF did she land an au pair job in the first place?  I'd be afraid to have someone like her around my children.

Then again that so-called "musician" who married her, the one who looks like a tree-hugging, granola eating modern day hippie doesn't look to be much of a bargain either.  He can't sing if his life depended on it, hence my calling him a "so-called musician."

It really doesn't make any sense why she's still obsessed with Coltee.  She wanted to live in America after getting a green card.  She and that Brian hippie husband of hers sure moved fast in that direction and seemingly got her what she wants, though how they orchestrated that as quickly as they did boggles my mind, since her work visa was supposedly going to expire very shortly during her Colt season.

I concur that they wasted way too much time on her, as well as Miss No Show.

Just WTF there are no consequences for these no show and/or walk-off participants I can't fathom.  They should be foregoing their full pay for their season if they pull any of these shenanigans.  Additionally, if they spoil a season by virtue of tipping off secrets through their social media, they should not be paid for their seasons as well.  Without any consequences, all of these Z-listers will go further rogue in the future because they see that they can get away with all the BS that they do.


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On 5/26/2021 at 2:25 PM, Boo Boo said:

I so agree with you abut Fernanda.  It's like she has huge features on a small face.  

Agree that Colt is a troll.  He was made for reality TV.

Also, I find myself loving Debbie!  Especially hearing the word "Fuck" come out of her mouth!

I too loved how Debbie stood up to granola boy.  He really needed to take it down several notches when speaking to her.  I mean, to begin with, he's as far removed from being a cast member as is possible to be.  He's nothing more than a friend of a friend of a friend - which translates into husband of an ex-girlfriend of a cast member, Coltee.

I do think it was wrong of Coltee not to stand up for his mother during those bitter verbal exchanges, however.  Debbie's always so quick to defend him.

And while I don't begrudge Jess any happiness, I do find it super-suspicious how she so quickly hooked up maritally with granola boy, just in the nick of time to save her with regards to the expiration of her working visa.  How did she manage to pull that off, I wonder?  Any foreigners out there looking to cash in on a K1 visa, take lessons from Jess as to how she did it, and in zero to 60 timing as well.

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On 5/27/2021 at 4:21 PM, Mar78 said:

Fraudedmedia posted a clip on their Instagram of a fight between Ed and Liz, and it’s super tough to listen to. I don’t know how she stayed with him! I think there’s some discussion of it in the couples thread. I really hope TLC doesn’t keep hiring him.

i also keep going back to his intro where he said he dates younger women because he’s immature, but also that he’s not attracted to women his age “unless it’s someone like JLO.”  

Going back to someone’s post above about future seasons of The Single Life- who would you like to have on there if you could choose? I’d like to see Yamir to see how he’s doing post-Chelsea. I also think Mike and Natalie might be done, so it might be interesting to watch them date other people who are more compatible mates. And I know she’s still married, but if she finally breaks up with Asuelu, I’d really like to see Kalani on there! 

OMG  The last time I heard abusive talk at that horrific level and intensity was in a former abusive relationship of mine, and listening to Ed berate, browbeat, badger and belittle Liz in the nastily profane manner in which he did so made me relive my own former abuse and I just now cried, for my former self as well as for Liz. 

I wish I could hug her and help her to get away and stay away from him.

I wish someone would make the powers that be over at TLC listen to this verbal and emotional abuser, and that they would refuse to ever air anything to do with Ed again on anything TLC.

I wonder if his daughter is the way that she is (verbally abusive as well) because that's what she grew up with whenever she was around her father.

I'm just so appalled that such a piece of s**t as Ed was able to break this poor young lady down the way he has.  While listening to this venomous denigration of this young lady, I could hear and feel her self-worth just breaking up into itty-bitty pieces.  He totally enjoyed the power and control he seems to have acquired over her.

As awful as Ed was on his season with Rose, I never back then thought that he was acting out of malice towards her.  More so, he came across (to me anyway) as careless with his negative and insulting comments, as opposed to intentionally vicious.

Now I'm hearing a whole other side of this nasty piece of work.  If TLC continues to give this douche nozzle any further platform, then they will be complicit in whomever in the future Ed takes it upon himself to abuse and destroy.

I so wish there was a way for this telephone recording to get more widespread play and airtime so that others will see what an awful human being he is, and not feel sorry for him ever again.  He's a piece of s**t despite his deformity, not because of it.

I also can't fathom how Liz has seemingly fallen so deeply for Ed, and what has happened to her in her life to bring her to the point of having to feel like she needed to obtain Ed's permission to do whatever it was she wanted to do (in this case, I guess help out an employee who needed a ride home).

Where does this little troll get off beating this young lady up for wanting to do a good deed for someone.

I wish someone would beat him up within an inch of his life.

It's very easy now to see that he really was a douche with regards to his willingness to ditch his daughter at every opportunity when it came time to choosing one of his younger women over her.

Like father like daughter.  They're both crapola people, which is so odd because Mother Ed seems to be so sweet, but then again we haven't seen all that much of her, so who knows.

Clearly Ed has no capacity for true empathy or love.  He's a dating piranha as well as pariah.  God help any other young unsuspecting women he encounters while he's out there scrounging around for women.

I just feel so sick to my stomach after having listened to that abusive exchange, and hope that someone could be there for Liz to help her through her feelings after having had to be on the receiving end of that from that bastard.

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On 5/24/2021 at 11:53 AM, Mrs. Hanson said:

And he made a list of things he likes about her and things that frustrate him, per his therapist, and his postives list had three things, one being her daughter

This gives me SERIOUS child predator vibes. 

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On 5/29/2021 at 5:51 PM, Xebug67 said:

OMG  The last time I heard abusive talk at that horrific level and intensity was in a former abusive relationship of mine, and listening to Ed berate, browbeat, badger and belittle Liz in the nastily profane manner in which he did so made me relive my own former abuse and I just now cried, for my former self as well as for Liz. 

I wish I could hug her and help her to get away and stay away from him.

I wish someone would make the powers that be over at TLC listen to this verbal and emotional abuser, and that they would refuse to ever air anything to do with Ed again on anything TLC.

I wonder if his daughter is the way that she is (verbally abusive as well) because that's what she grew up with whenever she was around her father.

I'm just so appalled that such a piece of s**t as Ed was able to break this poor young lady down the way he has.  While listening to this venomous denigration of this young lady, I could hear and feel her self-worth just breaking up into itty-bitty pieces.  He totally enjoyed the power and control he seems to have acquired over her.

As awful as Ed was on his season with Rose, I never back then thought that he was acting out of malice towards her.  More so, he came across (to me anyway) as careless with his negative and insulting comments, as opposed to intentionally vicious.

Now I'm hearing a whole other side of this nasty piece of work.  If TLC continues to give this douche nozzle any further platform, then they will be complicit in whomever in the future Ed takes it upon himself to abuse and destroy.

I so wish there was a way for this telephone recording to get more widespread play and airtime so that others will see what an awful human being he is, and not feel sorry for him ever again.  He's a piece of s**t despite his deformity, not because of it.

I also can't fathom how Liz has seemingly fallen so deeply for Ed, and what has happened to her in her life to bring her to the point of having to feel like she needed to obtain Ed's permission to do whatever it was she wanted to do (in this case, I guess help out an employee who needed a ride home).

Where does this little troll get off beating this young lady up for wanting to do a good deed for someone.

I wish someone would beat him up within an inch of his life.

It's very easy now to see that he really was a douche with regards to his willingness to ditch his daughter at every opportunity when it came time to choosing one of his younger women over her.

Like father like daughter.  They're both crapola people, which is so odd because Mother Ed seems to be so sweet, but then again we haven't seen all that much of her, so who knows.

Clearly Ed has no capacity for true empathy or love.  He's a dating piranha as well as pariah.  God help any other young unsuspecting women he encounters while he's out there scrounging around for women.

I just feel so sick to my stomach after having listened to that abusive exchange, and hope that someone could be there for Liz to help her through her feelings after having had to be on the receiving end of that from that bastard.


Also, that abusive recording aside, I am just working through the episodes of this show. Right from the get go with Liz, he was awful!!!!  Remember the episode where he was interrogating her about the coworker that he saw her having a beer with? And he knew every encounter she had with him.  First, it’s almost like he was stalking her and second, he was not even in a relationship with her.  He doesn’t want a relationship he just wants to get laid on a regular basis.   He keeps saying he doesn’t want to get hurt again and all he does is inflict hurt on everyone around him.

Why on earth did she get in a relationship with that man? He’s disgusting and he gaslights. The only thing good about him is Teddy.

Edited by Kid
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On 5/26/2021 at 10:40 AM, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

Jess' dress was...something. I liked it, but only because I like bigger girls and it left nothing to the imagination. Mrs. RaiderDuck was appalled that someone would actually go out in public wearing that.

I agree totally with the Mrs!! 

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17 hours ago, Kid said:


That also that abusive recording aside, I am just working through the episodes of this show. Right from the get go with Liz, he was awful!!!!  Remember the episode where he was interrogating her about the coworker that he saw her having a beer with? And he knew every encounter she had with him.  First, it’s almost like he was stalking her and second, he was not even in a relationship with her.  He doesn’t want a relationship he just wants to get laid on a regular basis.   He keeps saying he doesn’t want to get hurt again and all he does is inflict hurt on everyone around him.

Why on earth did she get in a relationship with that man? He’s disgusting and he gaslights. The only thing good about him is Teddy.

I found that really stalkerish and creepy, too.  

I couldn't help but wonder how many times he had gone into the restaurant just to spy on her or, even worse, how many times he sat in the parking lot so he could watch her from outside and stalk her every move.  

On another note, I honestly hope she does not have primary custody of her daughter.  I cannot even imagine dragging an innocent child through this dumpster fire not just once but a multitude of times at this point.  

Liz is a grown-assed woman.  If she finds something worthwhile in that mess known as Ed to keep going back for more, that's on her, but a child certainly doesn't deserve any of this bullshit.  

I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out she went back for more even after that leaked phone call.  

She needs to walk away from Ed and get her ass into intensive therapy.  

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5 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

I found that really stalkerish and creepy, too.  

I couldn't help but wonder how many times he had gone into the restaurant just to spy on her or, even worse, how many times he sat in the parking lot so he could watch her from outside and stalk her every move.  

On another note, I honestly hope she does not have primary custody of her daughter.  I cannot even imagine dragging an innocent child through this dumpster fire not just once but a multitude of times at this point.  

Liz is a grown-assed woman.  If she finds something worthwhile in that mess known as Ed to keep going back for more, that's on her, but a child certainly doesn't deserve any of this bullshit.  

I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out she went back for more even after that leaked phone call.  

She needs to walk away from Ed and get her ass into intensive therapy.  

So very well said!!!   I made plenty of mistakes but I had no kids to drag through the muck!!

I hope all is well at Casa Persnickety!  

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39 minutes ago, Kid said:

So very well said!!!   I made plenty of mistakes but I had no kids to drag through the muck!!

I hope all is well at Casa Persnickety!  

Aw, thanks @Kid.

All is well here at Casa Persnickety.  I'm working my way through the recipes from 90 Day Fiance Foody Call, so we have new tasty treats to fuel our 90DF snark 😂  Now if only Kenny and Armando do a segment of 90DF Foody call and I can get some of Armando's recipes, I'll be ecstatic.  

Hope all is well with you, too!  <3  

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7 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

I found that really stalkerish and creepy, too.  

I couldn't help but wonder how many times he had gone into the restaurant just to spy on her or, even worse, how many times he sat in the parking lot so he could watch her from outside and stalk her every move.  

On another note, I honestly hope she does not have primary custody of her daughter.  I cannot even imagine dragging an innocent child through this dumpster fire not just once but a multitude of times at this point.  

Liz is a grown-assed woman.  If she finds something worthwhile in that mess known as Ed to keep going back for more, that's on her, but a child certainly doesn't deserve any of this bullshit.  

I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out she went back for more even after that leaked phone call.  

She needs to walk away from Ed and get her ass into intensive therapy.  

I wonder if her ex in Oklahoma  has primary custody.  You can't  do one week on one week off between California and OK.  Makes sense if she has a .ot of evening shifts in the restaurant. 

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Psychology  is Seattle does a segment on the leaked phone call.  Dr. Honda has some choice comments for Ed.  It is very worth listening to, and a commentor on YouTube said she asked permission  to give a coworker a ride home to El Cajon, cause we all need to ask permission, right?  I am writing a physical letter to TLC requesting they cut ties with him.   The phone call was horrible.  You can feel the frustration and tears in Liz's voice.  He was beyond nasty.

There seemed to be some confusion as at first it seemed like she was offering a coworker "a home" meaning Ed's home but it appears he kept saying "offering a home.....a ride home" frequently.  But Dr. Honda was like, okay, he has three sides:  the goofy funny don't you all love how wacky I am side, the geez no one loves me side and THIS HORRIBLE AND ABUSIVE SIDE.

I shudder to think of all the times he sat in the restaurant. looking at her, watching her and counting the times she spoke to a male.  Or sat in the parking lot, waiting for her.  He does not want a girlfriend, he was to have someone to have sex with on the regular and control, demean and abuse.

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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17 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I shudder to think of all the times he sat in the restaurant. looking at her, watching her and counting the times she spoke to a male.  Or sat in the parking lot, waiting for her.  He does not want a girlfriend, he was to have someone to have sex with on the regular and control, demean and abuse.

If that man ever touched me, my skin with crawl off my body and down the street.

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10 minutes ago, Kid said:

If that man ever touched me, my skin with crawl off my body and down the street.

Same here.

And it's not about his physical appearance.  

It's all about his comportment.  


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13 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

Same here.

And it's not about his physical appearance.  

It's all about his comportment.  


He is a swirling vortex of NEED and there is noting more unattractive than neediness.  He is manipulative.  He is cagey.  He is controlling and he uses a victim persona as a weapon.  He is nasty.  Glimpses of that was always there - they came through like flashes.

Did you notice Teddy when Liz was there? The dog was glued to her.  Dogs are excellent judges of character - even Teddy wants out.

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8 minutes ago, Kid said:

He is a swirling vortex of NEED and there is noting more unattractive than neediness.  He is manipulative.  He is cagey.  He is controlling and he uses a victim persona as a weapon.  He is nasty.  Glimpses of that was always there - they came through like flashes.

Did you notice Teddy when Liz was there? The dog was glued to her.  Dogs are excellent judges of character - even Teddy wants out.

Yep - he is a master manipulator.  With his neck/health issues he learned QUICKLY and EARLY to play the victim card.  I imagine Rose blocked him ASAP.  Remember the Tell All with those two?  He insisted he hold up his phone to "prove" she was reaching out to him.  I am sure he was cocked and ready to yell at her over mistreating him when he demeaned her, scolded her, drilled her and LIED to her about having another kid.  He is so so gross.  

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5 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Yep - he is a master manipulator.  With his neck/health issues he learned QUICKLY and EARLY to play the victim card.  I imagine Rose blocked him ASAP.  Remember the Tell All with those two?  He insisted he hold up his phone to "prove" she was reaching out to him.  I am sure he was cocked and ready to yell at her over mistreating him when he demeaned her, scolded her, drilled her and LIED to her about having another kid.  He is so so gross.  

Rose will always have my respect because when she could have escaped abject poverty, she still walked away from that prick Ed.  

I loved the way she gave him 3 chances and then walked.  

And kept walking.  No TLC bullshit about her changing her mind at the last minute.  

Kudos to Rose.  I wish her and her son the very best.  


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I find Fernanda to be a whiney baby that thinks she is way hotter than she is, cries way too much, and is obsessed with being obsessed over by a man. Robbie was a dead ringer for her ex-- the sweaty coke-head, adderal fueled anger and apathy, and being very average looking though compensating through grooming and haicuts. I thought Robbie looked strung out, just like the ex did (which begs the question-- does Fernanda imbibe too?) 

She will get better guys and better drugs in Miami.

Justine is funny and seems to be love crazy-- she jumps from guy to guy in seconds.

Colt and Vanessa-- they are both gross and sad. They have dated for a week and they need counseling for sex cuz Colt wants it too much? How stupid.

Molly, IMO, is sweet. I think, with her child having special needs, she might not want to push the hair stuff. She may have a sensitive scalp and she may be fine with how she looks. Kelly wanting a 45-year old woman to have a baby is SO DUMB. This has to be a scripted. No guy meets a woman for the second time then hounds her to have her tubes untied and have a baby. He's lived to be however old without a baby-- he can tough it out or up his game with a younger woman (good luck on that).

Ed-- oh dear. I really think Liz just likes being taken out. She's always eating and drinking (and when full/ drunk leaves for her real party).


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