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Kim and Kanye renewed their vows in 2019. Not only did she promise to remain with him in sickness and in health, till death do they part once, but she then made those promises again, not long before she filed for divorce. And I believe in divorce, she wasn’t obligated to stay in a marriage in which she was unhappy. That said, I can imagine a bit of how Kanye felt. In one  relationship I had a few years ago, the guy suddenly (it seemed to me) ended up when he met another woman he was enamored with. He was quite active on FB and started posting about how wonderful this woman was, etc. Well, that sucked, obviously. I made a few passive aggressive comments and he told me to stop it. I did, but he also knew he was hurting me by making all of those posts and cut down on them. Caring, empathic people usually choose to avoid hurting others if at all possible. When you know your extremely jealous and unhinged ex is going to lose it because you’re posting pictures of you and your new partner in bed for the world to see, you should also know that they’re going to react in a negative way. Be respectful of the feelings of someone you recently promised to spend a lifetime with and had 4 kids with. Have all the fun and sex you want, but it can be done without deliberately provoking the ex. 

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14 minutes ago, Zella said:

But why isn't Kanye equally responsible for not provoking his ex? I really don't understand why that is all on Kim. He's the one dating women who look like her clone, orchestrating ridiculous magazine shoots for their first dates, threatening to murder Pete, and posting screenshots of messages wherein she begs him to stop doing that to her. Why is she responsible for not hurt his feelings when he so clearly has no problem hurting hers? Why is she the bad guy for not respecting him when he so clearly doesn't respect her?

Kanye is a toxic asshole who is going to toxic asshole regardless of anyone else's behavior, and I find it really insidious to claim that that was on her and that she just needs to knuckle under his manipulative control freak ways to prevent him from having a temper tantrum. People are responsible for their own actions, regardless of whether someone else is provoking them or not. 

The difference is, I don’t think Kim gave a fuck about who Kanye was dating. She wouldn’t have been hurt by seeing pictures of him with a new girlfriend. She wasn’t/isn’t obligated to “knuckle under” to please him, but why choose to continue hurting someone deeply? Especially the father of your kids. All I’m talking about is not flaunting her new BF online, and certainly not posting pictures of herself and the new guy IN BED together. 

Edited by Cinnabon
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1 hour ago, Kel Varnsen said:

To me it works both ways. Like if someone is a 50 year old dating a 19 year old I wonder what they are doing. But I also wonder what the 19 year old is doing since they would also under normal circumstances have the ability to choose who they date.

A 19 year old is usually facing that transitional period between when they're under the care of their parents to having to figure out how to support themselves and what they'll be.  The attraction to someone older is a feeling that the older adult has their lives figured out, is often established, and can offer the person they're dating nice things.

At that age, it's flattering to have someone older than you call you smart, mature beyond your years, and of course age is just a number because you connect on so many levels.

And to keep up that illusion, you kind of go along with what the older partner wants to do or thinks because they have more experience and know more than you do. There's the fear of challenging them and feeling stupid.*

*And a lot of times, the older partner asserts that "I know better" angle. 

It's why age differences when the younger partner is 30 usually don't make me care all that much.  It's also why I side eye people out there, usually men, whose girlfriends are always the same age.  They hit their upper 20s?  They're gone and the next one is early 20s again and again and again.

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1 hour ago, Cinnabon said:

Kim and Kanye renewed their vows in 2019. Not only did she promise to remain with him in sickness and in health, till death do they part once, but she then made those promises again, not long before she filed for divorce. And I believe in divorce, she wasn’t obligated to stay in a marriage in which she was unhappy. That said, I can imagine a bit of how Kanye felt. In one  relationship I had a few years ago, the guy suddenly (it seemed to me) ended up when he met another woman he was enamored with. He was quite active on FB and started posting about how wonderful this woman was, etc. Well, that sucked, obviously. I made a few passive aggressive comments and he told me to stop it. I did, but he also knew he was hurting me by making all of those posts and cut down on them. 

Was that based on their actual vows or what was traditionally in vows. Not everyone uses the traditional vows anymore. Even if they did say those words 2019 Kanye was very different than the 2021 Kanye the Kim decided to leave. I don’t follow them at all so I could be wrong but understanding is the Kanye was actually really stable around the time they renewed their vows but them went off his medication and began to spiral. I can imagine how Kim felt thinking they had found some stability and were both monitored to get relationship when her husband stops doing what was necessary for his mental health and pulls away. 

1 hour ago, Cinnabon said:

Caring, empathic people usually choose to avoid hurting others if at all possible.

This cuts both ways. Caring, empathic husbands and fathers don’t do the things Kanye has done. 

1 hour ago, Cinnabon said:

When you know your extremely jealous and unhinged ex is going to lose it because you’re posting pictures of you and your new partner in bed for the world to see, you should also know that they’re going to react in a negative way.

I don’t agree with most of Kim’s choices but she’s not responsible for Kanye’s actions. 

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A view of the video taken after Anne Heche hit the first building, then racing down the street and hitting the home.   Home is now condemned.   The man who lives in the home was in the back yard at the time, and a woman who lives there was two feet from the path the car took from the front to the back wall of the home.     

One of the neighbors said that they had to use a crane to get the car out of the house, I suspect it was more like a big winch and cable.  I just hope there is sufficient insurance to pay for the house, but nothing can truly replace what was lost.   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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49 minutes ago, Dani said:

Was that based on their actual vows or what was traditionally in vows. Not everyone uses the traditional vows anymore. Even if they did say those words 2019 Kanye was very different than the 2021 Kanye the Kim decided to leave. I don’t follow them at all so I could be wrong but understanding is the Kanye was actually really stable around the time they renewed their vows but them went off his medication and began to spiral. I can imagine how Kim felt thinking they had found some stability and were both monitored to get relationship when her husband stops doing what was necessary for his mental health and pulls away. 

This cuts both ways. Caring, empathic husbands and fathers don’t do the things Kanye has done. 

Nope. I don’t agree with most of Kim’s choices but she’s not responsible for Kanye’s actions. 

Are you familiar with severe bipolar illness? The manic phases can be unimaginable - many end up hospitalized as they become aggressive and often psychotic. They aren’t living in the same reality healthy people are. Having a background in mental health, I see his actions through this lens. Healthy people sometimes have to do the right thing because manic, sick people can’t always see reality. Now is he a narcissistic asshole when he’s not manic/psychotic? Many times, yes. I don’t know what vows they took (although since these are the Kartrashian famewhores we’re talking about, I’m sure at least one of the ceremonies is out there to review), but as her husband, I’m sure Kanye believed they would help one another through any health problems. Again - I think Kim has every right to date anyone she wants, now and then, but she could have taken his feelings into account. It would have been very simple and would’ve have taken anything away from her new relationship. Maybe as his wife, she should have tried to 51/50 him because he was so manic. 

ETA - I think I do remember reading what Kim said to him during their vow renewal. I’ll look.

Found it! 

"I just want to plan something special and take charge of this," she said during a confessional. "So I thought let's just do something fun and sweet in our backyard and just make more of a memory. Five years and infinity to go."

Kim went on to reveal that the pair were writing their own vows this second time around after keeping things "traditional" at their wedding.

"Kanye always talks about how, at our wedding, we had really traditional vows," Kim explained. "Then, I'm sure he thought we should write our own vows. But, at that time in front of all those people, I didn't even think I could get it together to say original vows."

And while the ceremony was kept off-camera, Kim did reveal the first line of her vows: "You are my husband. You are my best friend. My biggest believer, and my one true love."

9 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Prayers for Anne Heche and all those involved.  I’m not sure what happened. What a terrible accident. 🙏

This story made me smile.  Willie Aimes from Eight Is Enough finds love with a longtime fan.  That’s such a sweet story.  I wish them the best.  


Too bad he’s a dick. 🤣

Edited by Cinnabon
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1 hour ago, Cinnabon said:

The difference is, I don’t think Kim gave a fuck about who Kanye was dating. She wouldn’t have been hurt by seeing pictures of him with a new girlfriend. She wasn’t/isn’t obligated to “knuckle under” to please him, but why choose to continue hurting someone deeply? Especially the father of your kids. All I’m talking about is not flaunting her new BF online, and certainly not posting pictures of herself and the new guy IN BED together. 

While I agree that her posting is probably antagonizing Kanye, it is his responsibility to manage that, not hers. She shouldn't have to change what she does because it might upset Kanye. She lives her entire life online. It's not like this is the first time she's ever publicly broadcast her sexual relationship. She's doing what she's always done and she shouldn't have to change that because it might upset a man she isn't even with anymore. 

Now, I personally don't get posting everything about yourself online, so I can't stand her and would be quite happy if she did just vanish off the radar, but I will 100% support her right to be a fame whore over having to change her behaviour so as not to upset a man. 

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20 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Re:  Anne Heche

At first I thought it looked like a Crown Royal bottle, but it appears they don't have red lids, so idk, could be anything I guess.


Tried to post the photo, but my pc is all f*cked up and the photo files are corrupted or something. 

This TMZ link also shows a video of the burning house, and hells yes, I'll say it's been red tagged.

Judging by what can be seen of the bottle in the photos, people are saying it's Fireball


12 hours ago, SVNBob said:

Yet he apparently had her kids' names tattooed on himself, along with something like "my girl is a lawyer" (before she actually got confirmed as one...) and he got branded with... something.  So it sounds like it had been more serious on his side.

It's always more serious on Pete's side, he's goes from "I just met someone" to "I'll love you forever & will get your name tattooed all over me" in about 2 days. He has issues.

2 hours ago, Cinnabon said:

It wasn’t just Kim’s dating that he took issue with, I don’t think. It was the making it hugely public. All the pictures and video of them triggered him, and what parent wouldn’t be upset that his kids’ not-yet-divorced mom is dating someone new who has tattooed the names of his kids on him very early in the relationship? IMO, knowing that Kanye was unhinged and seriously mentally ill, Kim should have kept her new relationship out of the public eye as much as possible. She did have every right to date, but she knew how Kanye would likely react and continued to provoke him. She should’ve acted like the sane adult in the situation because she knew Kanye’s illness would cause him to freak out. She had every right to date and have fun, but she had the option to be a bit more discreet about it. 🤷‍♀️It was just cruel to me. 

1 hour ago, Zella said:

But why isn't Kanye equally responsible for not provoking his ex? I really don't understand why that is all on Kim. He's the one dating women who look like her clone, orchestrating ridiculous magazine shoots for their first dates, threatening to murder Pete, and posting screenshots of messages wherein she begs him to stop doing that to her. Why is she responsible for not hurt his feelings when he so clearly has no problem hurting hers? Why is she the bad guy for not respecting him when he so clearly doesn't respect her?

Kanye is a toxic asshole who is going to toxic asshole regardless of anyone else's behavior, and I find it really insidious to claim that that was on her and that she just needs to knuckle under his manipulative control freak ways to prevent him from having a temper tantrum. People are responsible for their own actions, regardless of whether someone else is provoking them or not. 

Kanye uses mental illness as an excuse for his totally unacceptable behavior.  Nobody has to be careful of what they do or say so that they don't "set him off", Kanye has to man up & take his damn medication so that he can function in normal society without attacking people. It's all on HIM, nobody else is responsible for the way he behaves. I think D.L. Hughley said it best D.L. Hughley says Kanye West is ‘conveniently’ mentally ill


“He’s not so mentally ill that he’ll talk about any other group of people,” Hughley continued. “He talks about people that he knows he can get away with, and then he’s not so ill that he’s trying to be a disruptor in the political form. He’s not so ill that he takes $5 million in PPP payments, so he seems to be conveniently ill when it serves his purpose.”

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He’s a selfish asshole, but a person in the throes of mania can’t see things clearly, nor will they ever voluntarily decide to start taking their meds. He probably should have been hospitalized for a few days.

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3 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I never thought I'd want to defend a Kardashian, but here it is:  Kim is a divorced woman and is free to date whomever she wants.  Doesn't matter if it's a fun or serious relationship, it's her life and no one else's business except her kids.  I don't think it would've mattered who she dated because Kanye would have acted like the loon he is anyway.   

I was a single mother when my son was Kim's kid's age.  I dated but didn't bring the men around my kid till I was serious with one of them. It would have been difficult for Kim to see Pete without her kids knowing.  However Kim had said she was unitially  just looking to see if Pete was DTF.  I always got the impression Pete wanted it to be a relationship.  He also recently said he wanted kids.  That is usually an issue that comes up between people who already have kids and someone who does not.

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6 minutes ago, GaT said:

Kanye uses mental illness as an excuse for his totally unacceptable behavior. 

Yeah, I don't think he's an ass because he has a mental illness, I think he's an ass who just so happens to have a mental illness. I wish he'd get the help he needs but I don't ever see it happening until it is forced on him (which probably won't happen unless he goes too far). 

While his mental illness does complicate things, I also don't think that his ex-wife should still have to tiptoe around him and should be able to live her shallow life as publicly as she needs to. 

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then combed through the entire ranks of actors with Latin roots in Hollywood to find someone who has a similar facial structure

lol, lies. You're telling me no working actor looked more like Fidel Castro than James Franco? 


The attraction to someone older is a feeling that the older adult has their lives figured out, is often established, and can offer the person they're dating nice things.

When it's more overtly a sugar baby situation or anything along those lines, I think there's a sense of thinking they can handle it. They're self-aware so they're not being taken advantage of. You can't be used if you're getting something out of it. But the power imbalance and the threat of abuse or danger are so high. You can't just choose to be empowered in an exploitative dynamic. 

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33 minutes ago, Cinnabon said:

He’s a selfish asshole, but a person in the throes of mania can’t see things clearly, nor will they ever voluntarily decide to start taking their meds. He probably should have been hospitalized for a few days.

He was

13 minutes ago, aradia22 said:

You're telling me no working actor looked more like Fidel Castro than James Franco? 

I don't think the question is why was James Franco hired for this role, I think the real question is why is James Franco hired for any role?

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8 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

The pets and she escaped, but little else.

Yeah, she told a Rolling Stone reporter, “I’m OK, my dogs are OK, and my turtle is OK, but everything else is gone, and I’m a fucking wreck."  Neighbors who tried to get Heche out of the car, but couldn't because the smoke was too intense, said the resident was in shock and initially didn't understand what had happened.  I'm sure I'd be the same way! 

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Britney's kids are deliberately staying away from her.


Kevin Federline is spilling the alleged tea about his kids' relationship with their mom, Britney Spears -- saying their boys don't want to see her right now ... for myriad reasons....

For starters, Kevin says their sons are deliberately choosing to avoid Britney right now. He doesn't give a clear-cut reason or explanation in DM's post -- but there are hints that they might wanna keep their distance over a number of things, including Brit's behavior of late.

He says, "The boys have decided they are not seeing her right now. It's been a few months since they've seen her. They made the decision not to go to her wedding," going on to add that they were happy for her and that they still wish their mother the best....Kevin also had this to say ... while the boys would visit Britney amid her conservatorship, they saw things that made him (and presumably them as well) fairly uncomfortable, but he declines to go into detail with DM.

In light of that, though, as well as her recent lashing out on social media ... he says Sean and Jayden have reached their decision -- and that choice, for now, is to stay away.

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5 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

Britney's kids are deliberately staying away from her.

While I'm sure it must hurt her that they don't want to see her right now. I know a kid, a young teen, who doesn't like visiting his father (parents divorced) but is forced to, and he comes home miserable after every visit. 

I think the biggest signifier of if Brittney has matured will be whether she respects their choice or tries to guilt them into seeing her. I hope, for all their sakes, she keeps her distance and lets them come to her when/if they are ready. 

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40 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Did the Daily Mail pay K-Fed for this interview or did he decide to run his mouth in an attempt to stay relevant?

Kevin doesn't work and probably needs the money because their sons are nearing 18 and that gravy train is about to dry up.

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21 hours ago, Cinnabon said:

Kim and Kanye renewed their vows in 2019. Not only did she promise to remain with him in sickness and in health, till death do they part once, but she then made those promises again, not long before she filed for divorce.

Now everyone should know by now that when a celebrity couple renews their vows that marriage is already on skids and the vow renewal is the last ditch effort to save the relationship 😂 ie Seal/Heidi, J-Lo/Marc, Demi/Ashton, Mariah/Nick to name a few. 

I always question when celebrities do vow renewals. I can see if they’ve been married 30/40/50 years and on said anniversary of that milestone they renew their vows. But renewing and you haven’t even been married a decade is suspect to me. Makes me think something has happened to destabilize the marriage and the vow renewal is an attempt to course correct.  

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2 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Did the Daily Mail pay K-Fed for this interview or did he decide to run his mouth in an attempt to stay relevant?

1 hour ago, Popples said:

Kevin doesn't work and probably needs the money because their sons are nearing 18 and that gravy train is about to dry up.

This. First off, the Daily Mail can be questionable in their reporting even when they manage to get an interview, oftentimes telling half truths and reporting straight up lies. That said, though what is being reported may have some truths, that Britney’s kids are staying away from her, I question the timing if this. He’s been mum about her for over 13 years and now he starts to talk. I’m betting he got paid for this interview and we should expect to hear more from him as the kids get older and eventually age out of the $20k+ a month child support payments he’s getting. I don’t think Kevin has worked in over a decade. Not sure what his wife does p, if anything. So he’ll likely be doing more paid interviews and probably will be writing a book within the next couple of years.  

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Britney seems to be alienated from most of her family. (Mother, father, sister, children,…..) Sadly, it appears  her behavior has caused a lot of dysfunction, though, it’s likely her condition has contributed to it, if the article is true.  

Kevin seems to have been a dependable and steady parent over the years.  And child support is appropriate for the children’s care.   I believe their youngest child is 15.  So, child support would be appropriate for that child until he’s 18 and graduates from high school.  If a parent doesn’t work outside the home, what they would make if they did, is often imputed to them when calculating the amount.  Stay at home moms are often praised for their devotion to their kids.  I think dads don’t get that as much. But, imo, what’s important is how the boys see and relate to their parents.  If the article is true, the boys are not okay with their mom’s antics.  If she’s sensitive to that, perhaps, she’ll try to see it from their viewpoint, although, I’m not sure she possesses the ability to use discretion. 


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My personal hunch was that Britney was so infantilized by the conservatorship that right now she's trying to cram all the adolescent/teen/20s rebellion all at once, BUT she's 40 years old. And her actual teenage sons don't appreciate mom acting out this much. It'll work itself out the way these things do. I suspect at some point Britney will get this rebellion out of her system and want to do normal 40 year old mom things, but that's not where she is right now.

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12 hours ago, Popples said:

Kevin doesn't work and probably needs the money because their sons are nearing 18 and that gravy train is about to dry up.

I read Sam's IG post about this and I gotta say........... I respect and believe everything he says.  Just speculation but if KF really didn't work for 15 years -- GODDDD DAMMNNNNNNN.  And is KF's wife also unemployed and living off of Britney's means too?  Yeesh, I am not interested in listening to them speak for those kids.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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48 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I read Sam's IG post about this and I gotta say........... I respect and believe everything he says.  Just speculation but if KF really didn't work for 15 years -- GODDDD DAMMNNNNNNN.  And is KF's wife also unemployed and living off of Britney's means too?  Yeesh, I am not interested in listening to them speak for those kids.

Kevin not working is no different than other divorced spouses whose exes are mega wealthy. See - most divorced professional athletes’ exes. They’re usually women but this is exactly the same thing. If I got divorced and my wealthy ex paid millions of dollars per year in child support (as ordered by the court), I would probably choose to stay home to raise the kids, too. I suspect most would. 

Edited by Cinnabon
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Does Kevin Federline also get spousal support or just child support?

If it is just child support and it was just him with his two kids with Brit, that is one thing.  But he also has a whole wife and two other kids.  How does being unemployed work with supporting his wife and two other minor children? Does Brit's child support support them too?  I understand that it can pay for the house, cars, and food because her kids need those things.  But what about medical costs  for the wife and other kids?  What about the other kids school clothes and supplies?  What about his wife's clothes, jewelry etc. 

Or maybe that is why he decided to open his yap about his children's mother to a tabloid.  He needs money and it was a quick buck.  What gets me is that in the interview he extends all sorts of grace to Jamie Spears, a man who they have a restraining order against because he got 'physical' with their 13 y.o son.  Sure, sound conciliatory to a man who possibly beat on your kid and keep the door open for that relationship, but draw the line at your ex taking a topless photo? 

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17 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

Does Kevin Federline also get spousal support or just child support?

If it is just child support and it was just him with his two kids with Brit, that is one thing.  But he also has a whole wife and two other kids.  How does being unemployed work with supporting his wife and two other minor children? Does Brit's child support support them too?  I understand that it can pay for the house, cars, and food because her kids need those things.  But what about medical costs  for the wife and other kids?  What about the other kids school clothes and supplies?  What about his wife's clothes, jewelry etc. 

Or maybe that is why he decided to open his yap about his children's mother to a tabloid.  He needs money and it was a quick buck.  What gets me is that in the interview he extends all sorts of grace to Jamie Spears, a man who they have a restraining order against because he got 'physical' with their 13 y.o son.  Sure, sound conciliatory to a man who possibly beat on your kid and keep the door open for that relationship, but draw the line at your ex taking a topless photo? 

K-Fed has six kids. Two with Britney. Two with his wife, and two with his ex-girlfriend Shar Jackson. Shar’s kids just became adults. One is 18. The other is 20. The kids he has with his current wife are still minors. 

All that said, excellent points. If he hasn’t been working for 15 years has he just been supporting all these kids off of Britney’s money? And to answer your question, my understanding is he’s only getting child support. And in fact managed to get it increased a couple of years ago to $40k a month. So that’s nearly half a million a year he’s making off Britney. Moreover, from what I understand he’s been living in a house, all these years, that’s owned by Britney’s estate. If true, this guy don’t even have his own house. Combined,  her sons are only 3 years out from adulthood. So this gravy train will be drying up very soon. Unless he can somehow work some legal maneuver to extend the ride. 

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40 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

Does Kevin Federline also get spousal support or just child support?

Just child support but, according to google, he also got just over $1 million in the divorce. 

I have really mixed feelings about how much he gets in child support. On one hand it feels wrong that Britney should support his entire family. But on the other hand it also feels wrong if she only paid a very small percentage of what she has just because her sons could be supported with less. If she is making $10 million a year (which is significantly lower than estimates) and is paying a half million a year in child support that only 5% of her income. 

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My brain just can't wrap itself over these numbers. I don't understand why Britney has to support Federline's kids by other mothers in the manner she supports her own kids. Too bad, so sad your mama didn't have the $$ Britney did. It is up to Federline to spread the money over all his kids, not Britney's responsibility.

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Sounds like he supports Jaime because the conservatorship benefitted him too. Which is really shitty to imply that you support your son’s ( and ex-wives’) abuser because it benefitted you financially.

I really hope that Britney kicks his ass out of that house the day after her youngest son’s birthday. I am so sorry she seemed to have nothing but grifters around her.  Also, I have a mentally ill mom and we don’t have a relationship, but I’d be pissed as hell if my dad put my personal business out on display for the world to see, especially as a teen. Did he even consult the boys before he ran his mouth? Gosh, K-Fed just seems like a total asshole.

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2 hours ago, Cinnabon said:

Kevin not working is no different than other divorced spouses whose exes are mega wealthy. See - most divorced professional athletes’ exes. They’re usually women but this is exactly the same thing. If I got divorced and my wealthy ex paid millions of dollars per year in child support (as ordered by the court), I would probably choose to stay home to raise the kids, too. I suspect most would. 

?  And if I were in that position, I would simply keep my mouth shut publicly about what my children may or may not feel about their other parent.

3 minutes ago, Vermicious Knid said:

Sam has also hitched himself to the Britney gravy train, so anything he says is massive hypocrisy. And he says she's never posted a nude selfie except for her butt which we all know is a lie.

It's not really a gravy train when he's proved himself to be 1) loyal 2) to stand up for her 3) to respect her publicly at all times.   He's a contributing partner! She's probably extremely happy with him so I would not equate that with the KF gravy train.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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As long as the kids are ok with what Kevin said in the interview, I don't care.  There has been public speculation since the end of the conservatorship about the boys and if they are around and there was a lot of fuss about them not being at the wedding.  I'm sure that has spilled over into their awareness.  They themselves aren't (and should not be) making statements about it and a simple "yeah, they love their mom, but they aren't visiting right now because stuff is going on" isn't some tabloid headline to stir shit.  

Does it draw a bit of attention, yes, but it does let the air out of the story a bit and turn "Is Britney neglecting her children?", "Britney cries in devastation as Kevin bars her access to her sons!!" etc. into a much more normal "teenagers not interested in hanging out with their immature mother".

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16 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Britney seems to be alienated from most of her family. (Mother, father, sister, children,…..)

Could that be because they all benefitted from the conservatorship and now those chickens are coming home to roost?

7 hours ago, Cinnabon said:

Kevin not working is no different than other divorced spouses whose exes are mega wealthy

THANK YOU.    So the kids had a stay at home parent who was there to run them around for their activities, was home when they got home from school, and helped them with their homework.   Yeah he's terrible for not working all these years.  This is like dads babysitting their own kids.   If Mom stays home for the kids and doesn't work its great, but if dad does it, he's a bum just using Mom as a gravy train.    Also, we don't KNOW if he was working or not.   He's kept a mostly low profile.   

As for Sam.   What does he do?   Unless he has a job, is he living off the Britney gravy train now?   The only difference would be Britney herself deciding how much to pay.

I can honestly see the kids not wanting to see their mom.   We don't know how much contact they had over the years.   And since the conservatorship ended, and even as it was ending, the circus is back in town.   They might not want to be caught up in it.

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55 minutes ago, merylinkid said:

THANK YOU.    So the kids had a stay at home parent who was there to run them around for their activities, was home when they got home from school, and helped them with their homework.   Yeah he's terrible for not working all these years.  This is like dads babysitting their own kids.   If Mom stays home for the kids and doesn't work its great, but if dad does it, he's a bum just using Mom as a gravy train.    Also, we don't KNOW if he was working or not.   He's kept a mostly low profile.   

I want to say that it came out when he sued to increase child support that he was having difficulty finding work.  That was the whole reason he went to court to get more money on top of everything Britney was already paying for.  It came out that Britney was already paying for health insurance and school tuition for her boys.  Kevin was and still is an aging backup dancer who failed to pivot to a more steady income.  If he has since found a steady job that provides for all of his kids, he has kept mum on this topic.  

I personally do not see some kind of double standard at play when we rag on Kevin.  Those of us critical of Kevin, see a man who fathered more children than he could ever support as a backup dancer.  We aren't saying he's a bum for stepping up and taking care of his sons with Britney when she could not and prioritizing his children over work.  I also cannot see Kevin being a good dad when he is willing to talk to a tabloid about Britney and their sons.  A good dad would not dignify an answer.  He would ignore any and all attempts at a comment and if push comes to shove his response would be "no comment."  

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8 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

My brain just can't wrap itself over these numbers. I don't understand why Britney has to support Federline's kids by other mothers in the manner she supports her own kids. Too bad, so sad your mama didn't have the $$ Britney did. It is up to Federline to spread the money over all his kids, not Britney's responsibility.

Unfair yes, but sadly a very common reality when dealing with divorces when one spouse is very wealthy. I believe the rationale is that the children must be able to have the same standard of living while with the not-as rich parent as when they're with the rich parent.

So yes, that often means very high child support for the not-as rich parent and yeah, when said parent is unemployed and has a whole slew of other children, they can make the case that their needs are a lot higher. 

I remember some years back, Dayanara Torres (Marc Antony's ex - well one of them), tried to sue to increase the child support/spousal support she was getting from him because she argued that it wasn't fair her children were not living as lavishly as his children with J Lo. 

Yeah let's just say she won NO support and fans with that move because one, Marc was already paying her a more than reasonable amount for his kids, as Marc Anthony is loaded and very much takes care of his children. But many pointed out that what Dayanara was ignoring is that in the case of Marc's children with J Lo, both of the parents were individually wealthy.

So it wasn't fair for her to try and squeeze Marc because J Lo, extra as she always is, was giving her kids an extravagant life that let's face it, she could afford on her own, without Marc. 

Back to the Britney situation. I'm really Team No One here. Personally, I don't believe that Britney is 100 percent mentally well. Now as I've said, it's more than likely that the years of abuse via the conservatorship by her father and all the leeches in her life that used her as a gravy train, exacerbated that illness. And so I do empathize with her on that level. However, it's why I can absolutely believe that the relationship between her and her sons maybe isn't the best right now. Because having a parent with mental illness cannot be easy. 

That said, I'm not about to give Kevin Federline his "flowers" for daddy of the year. Yes, he was the "stable" parent but easy enough to do when he has been financially spoon fed for years, right up to he and his  current wife BOTH barely working from what I've read over the years. It's also my understanding that back when he and Britney were still together, she even bought his ex Shar Jackson, mother of his first two children, a house, so those children would be well-taken care of. Because after Moesha, Shar Jackson has barely done much career wise herself. 

This man was a mediocre dancer who lucked out by getting involved with a not too bright global popstar (no shade again, but long before the spiral that became her life, Britney never gave me, "brightest bulb in the toolshed" vibes) and has milked that gravy train ever since including up to, getting support even after remarrying and having other kids. He tried to defend himself some years ago when he did take the conservatorship to court for more money, claiming he wasn't getting work as a dancer.

Of course many pointed out that these were the years where he'd ballooned and was damn near 300 hundred pounds. So hard to believe he was actively pursuing a dancing career when he lets his body go as he did. And I for one do think this interview was some pre-emptive move to try and secure some nest egg since yeah those boys are approaching 18. 

So like I said - Team No One. I don't trust the Sam guy, not least because again, Britney hasn't exactly proven she has the most sound judgment when it comes to the men in her life, I definitely think Britney likely needs years of therapy just to undo all the emotional turmoil she's been through in the last decade plus and Kevin Federline needs to finally stop leeching off a woman he was briefly married to years ago and get an actual job. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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10 hours ago, Dani said:

Just child support but, according to google, he also got just over $1 million in the divorce. 

I have really mixed feelings about how much he gets in child support. On one hand it feels wrong that Britney should support his entire family. But on the other hand it also feels wrong if she only paid a very small percentage of what she has just because her sons could be supported with less. If she is making $10 million a year (which is significantly lower than estimates) and is paying a half million a year in child support that only 5% of her income. 

Good observations - it’s all about percentages, not total amounts. 5% is  very reasonable, imo. In these cases, judges attempt to give the kids the same standard of living that they would have with the non-custodial parent. So they are to be afforded a similar lifestyle to that they would have if living with Britney.

9 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Sounds like he supports Jaime because the conservatorship benefitted him too. Which is really shitty to imply that you support your son’s ( and ex-wives’) abuser because it benefitted you financially.

I really hope that Britney kicks his ass out of that house the day after her youngest son’s birthday. I am so sorry she seemed to have nothing but grifters around her.  Also, I have a mentally ill mom and we don’t have a relationship, but I’d be pissed as hell if my dad put my personal business out on display for the world to see, especially as a teen. Did he even consult the boys before he ran his mouth? Gosh, K-Fed just seems like a total asshole.

I would hope that when her kids turn 18 that she starts giving them $$$ directly (if she chooses to do so) instead of paying Kevin.

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9 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

Sam has also hitched himself to the Britney gravy train, so anything he says is massive hypocrisy. And he says she's never posted a nude selfie except for her butt which we all know is a lie.

He shouldn’t have commented on that at all, as none of her selfies, nude or otherwise, are relevant here.

3 hours ago, merylinkid said:

THANK YOU.    So the kids had a stay at home parent who was there to run them around for their activities, was home when they got home from school, and helped them with their homework.   Yeah he's terrible for not working all these years.  This is like dads babysitting their own kids.   If Mom stays home for the kids and doesn't work its great, but if dad does it, he's a bum just using Mom as a gravy train.   

Yes, it’s sad how prevalent double standards can still be in 2022.  

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39 minutes ago, Cinnabon said:

I would hope that when her kids turn 18 that she starts giving them $$$ directly (if she chooses to do so) instead of paying Kevin.

That’s what I would do. And since Britney apparently owns their house, I’d also be all, “Ok, everybody out. My boys can stay but the rest of you go find your own place.”

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Yeah, my issue isn't that as the primary care taker of the children that he should not get the financial support he needs to take care of this kids in the manner they are accustomed.

My issue is that he is 100% ok with using that money to support his other family while simultaneously bad mouthing her about it.  It isn't like she ran out on him and cheated on him -- she had a mental breakdown and was under the total control of someone else. 

Also, honestly, it is a self respect thing.  I guess greed doesn't care, but if I were his wife, I just couldn't get comfortable with neither myself nor my husband having no job and his only skill is that of 'back up dancer' and my only skill is 'ex volley player' knowing that my kids livelihood is dependent on the money his ex wife gives him for her kids.  They don't even own the house they live in.. all that could go poof in two years.  And if he keeps flapping his yap I hope it really does go poof.  But how do live on someone else' largesse like that with no plan for the future?  Especially when you still have two younger children that need providing for after the money train falls off the track?

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10 minutes ago, kariyaki said:

That’s what I would do. And since Britney apparently owns their house, I’d also be all, “Ok, everybody out. My boys can stay but the rest of you go find your own place.”

I don’t think that she actually owns his house. If she did it would be public record and no entertainment sites list it as hers. In their previous custody hearings he was renting. She did recently by a house close to where he lives. 

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8 minutes ago, Dani said:

I don’t think that she actually owns his house. If she did it would be public record and no entertainment sites list it as hers. In their previous custody hearings he was renting. She did recently by a house close to where he lives. 

Similar then. Britney would no longer be required to foot his rent bill once the kids are 18. They’re definitely going to have to learn to downsize.

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And lest we forget, Britney has made it clear that a new baby GIRL with her new husband is a top priority for her.  

That's a weird dynamic when you're a teen boy and it's your mom.   And new hubby has only been around for 3 years.  That's easy time when you're able to live far beyond your previous means.  What did this Sam dude do before becoming a professional Britney wrangler?  Oh yeah, a model.  And being 12 years younger than Britney is definitely NOT an indicator he wanted a sugar mama.  Nope, that NEVER happens.  

Edited by SnapHappy
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On 8/6/2022 at 1:23 PM, Mabinogia said:

There is this really weird thing with media/fandom/fame where it seems like we (the general celeb watching public) don't seem to accept that celebs can casually date. I don't mean this as some kind of reproval, just an observation I find interesting.

Good point.

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