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S06.E20: The Last Leg

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That's exactly what I mean. To the rest of us, Aviva was unimaginably awful to most of her cast mates. B.ut, to Sonja, Aviva kissed up to her and had no problem with Sonja and Harry. 

Add that to Sonja having no one besides her interns and the cast to film with, besides the rest of the women. Aviva never brought up Sonja's financial problems directly. Aviva was just there to "listen" to Sonja and that seems to be all that Sonja really wants.Plus, Sonja wanted to use Harry as a part of her story line, and Aviva was the one who could and did keep all of Harry's secrets. 

Aviva and Sonja were the perfect delusional train wreck. Having the two of them rally together was the thing of two opportunistic women teaming up on a reality show, the likes of which we haven't seen since Ramona and Sonja became Ramonja!


Yes, the Harry-as-storyline-connection!  


I guess the leg tossing incidents are great for ratings, but geez, I'd much rather have last year's "white trash" moment.  Aviva's meltdown there didn't feel manufactured to me like this year's does.

Aviva is just being a good soldier by making up an excuse that can lead to controversy and fits with her "character." Taking the Tamara route of being an even bigger bitch than she is in real life if that is possible. I bet she was guided to that by production. They do that kind of stuff all the time.


OK, I'm sure this stuff goes on with production, in spite of Andy Cohen's bullshit denials or constantly being so damn coy.  It is difficult to surmise what she was guided into doing this season & what (if anything) she came up on her own.  Why the fuck did she turn so hard on Carole this season?  That's puzzling.  And did she come up with the leg throwing on her own or was it a producer creation?  She just doesn't seem very sharp or bright to me -- at all, so my bet is the leg tossing  & the Bookgate crap were producer suggestions she went along with.  I can believe she's a horribly nasty bitch in real life, but maybe not in the over-the-top really awful way she is on the show.  


So has Veevs amped up her natural bitchiness to the max -- at producers' urging?  Sounds right to me.  Well then, if she's willing to follow the dubious directions of the producers, who are anxious for her to cause drama -- and she'll seemingly do anything, no matter how personally humiliating -- she's actually a pretty good employee to them, right?  The prob for her really lies in her being just so fucking unlikable.  And maybe she went too far in her nastiness & bitchery that it made her just so awful (rather than fun or entertaining) to watch.


Anyone catch First Look for the reunion?  I'd say it's not looking good for Veevs.  She's sitting far, far, far away from Andy.  He has little patience for her, seems to be almost sneering at her & is sorta joining in with Kristen getting on Veevs' case bout cursing in front of children, of which Veevs refuses to admit she did anything wrong.  Oy, me thinks Aviva is toast.


I'm getting the feeling they're gonna be going round & round & round in tons of circles at the reunion.  Will we be able to stay in for 3 parts?  Idk . . .


It is easy for us to say that she can do this or that. I think it is possible she has some physical limitations. Maybe that kind of physical activity would be physically painful. There is big difference between standing in a spa pool and fly fishing in strong current. As I recall Heather was swept off of her feet. I don't know the limits of her physical capacity. I am willing to give people the benefit of the doubt.


This is an important point.  What I don't understand is why NONE of them ever brought this up at all.  It's a valid reason for Aviva to be intimidated to go on either trip cuz she may have been worried about not being able to participate in activities.  And maybe her possible concerns could have been addressed & put to rest -- but it should have been brought up -- by at least one of them.  The fact that none of them did shows enormous insensitivity to me.  It's particularly surprising coming from Heather, whose son faces difficult challenges.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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 And maybe her possible concerns could have been addressed & put to rest -- but it should have been brought up -- by at least one of them.  The fact that none of them did shows enormous insensitivity to me.  It's particularly surprising coming from Heather, whose son faces difficult challenges.

There were not shown adressing them, they could have but it ended on the floor for not fitting with the storyline Bravo wanted. 

And even if the women never adressed that point, that was not why Aviva told them she wouldn't come. They discussed the BS excuse she gave them. Why would they adress something she refused to admit : her real physical limitations ? If this was the real reason of her absence of course but I doubt it. 


She didn't want to come, she didn't come. That's it. Whatever her reasons were, she just didn't want to come.

She adds to that a crazy excuse to be talked about, making sure she's still part of the trip in the editing room without her being here. Kind of a stroke of genius if you think about it. She really does understand the mechanisms of the show.

Edited by Pollock
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She really does understand the mechanisms of the show.



I don't believe that for a second & never will.  She hasn't shown herself to be clever in the least.  Now, is she willing to follow producers' directions, without caring whether she humiliates herself to the most ridiculous degree?  Now that I could buy.  Fame whore?  Absotootly.  But is she clever?  Nah, I haven't seen much evidence of it.

She didn't want to come, she didn't come. That's it. Whatever her reasons were, she just didn't want to come.


I don't disagree.  Just saying the others might have been a tiny bit more understanding.  Actually, I suspect it was just her own whim.  She said on the show she went to the Hamptons & had a better time than she woulda had in Montana.  This had to really piss off the producers.  Not a smart thing for her to admit to.  She's actually made a shit-ton of really stupid moves -- similar to this one.  If they do boot her off the show she has nobody to blame but herself.


Dude, I knew Luanne didn't sleep with Harry last week. That editing was way too haphazard.

I have a friend who lost a leg. He deals with a lot of pain. He doesn't talk about it or want your pity. But if he over does it he has a lot of pain. I don't know his pain. I am not a doctor and I don' t play one on TV like Carole.

So I am willing to cut Aviva some slack about not going to Outward Bound. After all this was just about the stupidest trip ever in any of the franchises. Right there with the bus sleepover in the parking lot on NJ and the around the world that Brandi took on Gerard Butler.

I sort of get the other Housewives being annoyed that Aviva always invents a life threatening illness when she wants to get out of stuff, but I'm also kind of with you on the "one legged lady didn't want to go to a dude ranch. Let it go" front. One of the strangest quirks of the personality type of a Real Housewife is the way they are all obsessed with everyone displaying this bare bones, balls to the walls honesty about every fucking little thing in life. We saw it on NJ when everyone was pissed at Teresa for not talking about her legal problems ALL THE TIME! Sometimes little white lies make the world go round. Get over it. I haven't demanded my friends share every damn thought they have since Jr High. That was also about the time that I accepted many people tell themselves little lies to get through the day. Annoying, but not really any skin off my back. Of course I also imagine my ability to get over shit and take every thing in my friends' lives personally would keep me from getting cast... Edited by FozzyBear
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I don't believe that for a second & never will.  She hasn't shown herself to be clever in the least.  Now, is she willing to follow producers' directions, without caring whether she humiliates herself to the most ridiculous degree?  Now that I could buy.  Fame whore?  Absotootly.  But is she clever?  Nah, I haven't seen much evidence of it.


I didn't want to say or imply she was clever but that she understood how to be front and center in the final edit despite not being physically there and she is really really good on that aspect. Sorry, I was not clear.


Never for a second would I call clever a woman presenting herself as a psycho lying shrew just to make sure she's seen or talked about on the show or she has her picture on blogs and tabloids !

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Why the fuck did she turn so hard on Carole this season?

Good question.  My only answer/opinion/response is to ask you to watch the lunch with Carole and the pedicure with Heather again. I don't like Aviva because of her outburst in St. Bart's.  I was absolutely in Carole's camp the first time I saw the book gate epi.  By the 3rd or 4th episode I was starting to give Carole and Heather the side eye.  Caught the bookgate episode in re-run, this time colored a little LESS with Aviva is the root of all evil angle. I sincerely thought Carole was to blame for some of it. I know I'm not going to change anybody's mind, nor is it my business to do so.  But if they get another season and the pendulum swings in that direction and I believe it will, the signs of Carole being part and parcel to the original problem that propelled this entire, LOOOONG ass season, will be there.  Then, with Heather taking Carole's word and stirring up the other players based on Carole's word about bookgate,  it was a clusterfuck of confusion, imo.


Had Heather gone to the pedicure with an open mind I'd respect her so much more.  But watch as she goads Aviva, Aviva gets crazy and.....we're off to the races. What happens next is what we have to endure for the entire season.  Ugh.


And just for good measure I'll throw in that, no, I don't think Aviva is blameless.  I just don't think she should have been the whole reason for the season.

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Aviva just left me wondering if Johnny Cochran went to Vassar... Her "schoolmarm" ruler-banging speeches throughout her run on RHONY always seemed kind of like aggressive cross-examinations to me. Someone yelling "your honor I object!" would have fit right in.

Then this final scene was definitely Aviva presenting a court case. She had all her evidence and then tossing the leg was her "If the glove doesn't fit!" Graaaand Gesture.

So just like Lu is still a nurse in a drunken accident pinch, perhaps Aviva is a lawyer deep down inside, or at the very least fancies herself a dramatic tv lawyer.

She makes me think of those annoying billboards for female lawyers "Ever argue with a woman?"

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I just really hate it when people make fun of other cultures. Just because you are not familiar with a rite or ritual does not mean it is not a perfectly valid means of self expression.


As you might know Aviva is Scottish and she was just indulging in the venerable Scottish game of "Tossing the Femur."


Now they use artificial legs. Sort of like aluminum bats. Lets have a little respect for cultural diversity.


Thank you.

  • Love 9



    She really does understand the mechanisms of the show




I don't believe that for a second & never will.  She hasn't shown herself to be clever in the least.  Now, is she willing to follow producers' directions, without caring whether she humiliates herself to the most ridiculous degree?  Now that I could buy.  Fame whore?  Absotootly.  But is she clever?  Nah, I haven't seen much evidence of it.


I think Aviva's 'cleverness' is after the fact.  To me it seems Aviva spends a lot of time retconning her behavior to fit whatever new narrative she has decided she wants.

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Had a chance to watch the final episode, and the whole Aviva business feels like a complete and total set-up.  Why ELSE would she be there with her folded up x-ray and the whole prosthetic leg throwing??

We've seen that leg lying on the floor throughout the ENTIRE season.  Just a TAD too convenient.  I'm glad the season is over.  Talk about B-O-R-I-N-G..... zzzzzz.  But the reunion looks interesting.  Not 3 episodes interesting but it might be good for a laugh or four.

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And just for good measure I'll throw in that, no, I don't think Aviva is blameless.  I just don't think she should have been the whole reason for the season.


My theory is -- of all of them, Aviva might be the most willing to take the producers' direction.  And it was the producers' intention all along to make Aviva the evil center of this season.  Carole revealed in an interview from February, linked a few pages back, when she asked them furiously how they could film someone telling absolute lies about her, she said they smiled at her & replied this isn't a news show, it's about entertainment, not truth.  


Her supposedly good pal Andy Cohen set her up.  He didn't give a fuck whether he might ruin her reputation or kill the sales of her book.  He set her up to get a reaction outta her.  Which happened.  Carole fell for the bait.  OK, her rep wasn't ruined & the book did meh & that probably had nothing to with Bookgate, but it sure was a shitty thing to do to a "friend", right?  I don't feel sorry for Carole one bit.  She signed up for this crap & she's getting paid to take whatever shit they fling at her -- even if it's a leg.


I'm not bothered by Heather's defense of Carole -- even if it does (maybe) go too far at times.  Just makes their friendship seem like it is real.  Seems nice to me.

Btw, WTF is it with this show & people throwing things at other people?  The way she threw her x-rays at Heather was really fucked up.

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Thanks for sharing your experience.  I would hope a prosthetic leg is made so it is easy to take off.  But can it be taken off in a second or 2 & without looking down at it?  Cuz that's what it looked like Aviva did.  Alex McCord's theory on what really went down is making more sense to me. She said everyone saw Aviva coming into the restaurant with a ginormous bag & she was sitting at the table, refusing to get up once she sat down & had the table cloth covering her bottom half.

You're welcome, ScoobieDoobs. As others have answered, yes, it's extremely easy to take off. :)

With regards to the bad puns regarding amputation, I think it's up to the individual, but I have absolutely no problem with friends & co-workers making horrible puns at my stump's expense; however, people I'm not close with would be a different story. It's very much a YMMV situation. This comes from someone who has a selection of 6 different smart-ass t-shirts addressing the situation.

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Couple of random questions/observations-


Has anyone else noticed the way Lu pronounces Sonja's name --  S-own-YA?  Um, WTF?


Does Kristen call Dickhead "Claire"?  Thought I heard her calling him this -- in this ep & a few eps ago in response to when he was yelling at her on the phone.  OK, she's calling him a ladies' name . . . er, why?


I looked at the leg & was puzzled by it.  Maybe I didn't get enough of a close up view of it, but I didn't see anything that would attach to her leg.  Maybe I just don't understand how these things work, but this confused me.  Was also surprised to see that it looked hollow.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs

Couple of random questions/observations-


Has anyone else noticed the way Lu pronounces Sonja's name --  S-own-YA?  Um, WTF?


Does Kristen call Dickhead "Claire"?  Thought I heard her calling him this -- in this ep & a few eps ago in response to when he was yelling at her on the phone.  OK, she's calling him a ladies' name . . . er, why?

Yeah, she's been saying it that way since Sonja came on the show. She also pronounced Jacques' name like "Jack" while others said "Jah-k"


"Player." But I like Claire better...


I looked at the leg & was puzzled by it.  Maybe I didn't get enough of a close up view of it, but I didn't see anything that would attach to her leg.  Maybe I just don't understand how these things work, but this confused me.  Was also surprised to see that it looked hollow.

It's a compression fit, A's stump fits down into a sleeve-like cavity and that downward pressure helps keep it on.

It's a compression fit, A's stump fits down into a sleeve-like cavity and that downward pressure helps keep it on.

So must she continue the downward push when sitting? Are they easy to take off, and when she pulls on it to take it off is there a popping sound someone can hear? 

I googled compression prosthetics but didn't find much explained. 


Just saying the others might have been a tiny bit more understanding.  Actually, I suspect it was just her own whim.  She said on the show she went to the Hamptons & had a better time than she woulda had in Montana.


I'm not clear on the timing (mostly because I don't care enough to be clear about it) but it could be that she went to the Hamptons to deal with Mario's boinking the tramp of the week. If that's the case I'm actually on Ramona's side in this--if it were my husband, I'd say 'screw it' to filming a faux vaca with the girls as well.

This episode showed just how much of the drama is manufactured.  Aviva had prepared her remarks and was waiting for am opening.  She didn't receive any direct feedback that justified the leg throw, but she did it anyway.  The women kept getting herded back to the table so production could capture this momentous occasion.  Ratings went up and the scene is being discussed, so it's a win for Bravo.  


The problem is we can see how the sausage is made and it is more and more full of rat feces.  There were too many instances this season where people were thrown together to talk about issues that should have died on the vine.  The glass throw heard around the world, bookgate, Aviva not going to Montana, etc. did not deserve the amount of time spent on them.  Show it, then bring it up, then bring it up again, then show every possible grouping of women discussing it, then reassemble in different groupings and discuss it again.  Once we figured out who is most riled up, make sure they get forced together to have a confrontation.   More discussions in different groupings.  Wash, rinse, repeat.  Aviva tries to win the best drama bringer prize for Montana/Asthma to the point of throwing x-rays and then a leg.  (Perhaps we can order a banner and some well wishers for her award ceremony).  But all of the women are doing whatever they can to stay relevant and ensure they get another contract, some more effectively than others. 


In the end, all I could think was, that's not a very attractive shoe.  Looks like something I owned in the 70s.  

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Aviva just left me wondering if Johnny Cochran went to Vassar... Her "schoolmarm" ruler-banging speeches throughout her run on RHONY always seemed kind of like aggressive cross-examinations to me. Someone yelling "your honor I object!" would have fit right in.

Speaking of schoolmarm, mr. islandgal says Aviva reminds him of Miss Beadle (teacher from Little House on the Prairie). I was like "you sure you don't mean Miss Eliza Jane Wilder?" He was like, "nope, she reminds me of Miss Beadle." I took personal offense because Miss Beadle, with her lemon verbana smelling self, was far more fabulous and fashionable than Aviva could ever hope to be.


I don't know if the shock has worn off or what but the leg throw has turned into a big old meh for me. Aviva totally planned it but at this point so what (shoulder shrug). All these women come to the season finale party knowing they have to bring it because that is what is expected. Two seasons back perimenopausal Ramona tried to convince an audience that she might be pregnant. She probably just mixed up her results for Mario's mistress. The fact that Aviva planned it is no big whoop to me and is a bit hypocritical from women who have a season s/l and filming schedule which they discuss and plan out with production. This is no defense of Aviva but GMAFB ladies!

Edited by islandgal140

Well, we decided that's our mother raised us right, because as I watched the show with my three sisters, all four of us whispered in awe, "ooooh! Shoe on the table!!!" Then my youngest sister said, "and, at LaCirque!" It, literally, blew our mind! We never even mentioned it was attached to a LEG! Lol

Maybe someday one of us can be a Countess, too.

I wonder how much these ladies get paid, because I can't imagine a dollar amount that would make me behave like a total fool, just because some producer told me to. I know they sign contracts and stuff, but to lose all semblance of humanity, couth, and civility? I can't imagine Bravo can FORCE you to do that.

Edited by Scottish Girl
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I just really hate it when people make fun of other cultures. Just because you are not familiar with a rite or ritual does not mean it is not a perfectly valid means of self expression.


As you might know Aviva is Scottish and she was just indulging in the venerable Scottish game of "Tossing the Femur."


Now they use artificial legs. Sort of like aluminum bats. Lets have a little respect for cultural diversity.


Thank you.

Trooper York, I hereby advise you that I created an account on previously.tv specifically to tell you how this, and other of your wisecracks, have got me laughing so hard I come perilously close to landing on the floor.


Thank you.


I am glad to have an account because heaven knows, I enjoy discussing these trainwreck shows and few ... none ... of my IRL friends share that with me.


Was it Carole or Heather who blogged that Aviva had planned the leg-throwing story arc?  ITA and shake my head at how it's backfiring on her, the poor li'l overachiever (7 languages! 15 college degrees! 3 children and "how many husbands ago?").


I can't help liking Miss Andy because he's a Cardinals fan and so am I.  But goodness me, he had to see sometime early on that not every RH franchise would prosper with the table-tossing, weave-pulling SOP!  Didn't he? 


Final word for my inaugural post:  wine glasses, wine from glasses, pill bottles, xrays in envelopes, artificial legs and bright colored packages tied up with string, these housewives all throw like girls!!!!!!!  LOL....oh, me.  You see, Trooper York, I am no challenge to you, comedy-wise!

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Work has been kicking my ass lately so I'm all behind on my second favorite group of shrieking ladies and have only just seen episodes 19 and 20.


I expect to see trainwreck personalities on RH shows and I regularly feel the cringe factor throughout the seasons on each franchise that I watch, but with Sonja this season I feel like everytime she's onscreen I want to put my hands over my face and peek through my fingers as I watch because it's so damn embarrassing. Millou's memorial service was hard enough to watch but this, I just wanted someone to send her a signal that she was making a complete fool of herself and that it's starting to get to a point where it's worse than sad. 


I've always been inclined to feel pity when it comes to Sonja and her level of desperation, but this season I feel like she's completely worn out and used up any points she ever gained with me because she is just ridiculously unaware of how delusional, self-absorbed, rude, and transparent she is. I will also be seriously pissed if she ends up getting a spin off about her life with her interns. That just feels wrong to me. Maybe I'll be able to elaborate about why in a further post.


Luann has cracked me up this season. They have to bring her back full time, right? 


I still like Carole but man, she came across as high maintenance during her party and while Heather handled it well, I felt like Carole was giving her a little unnecessary attitude so I didn't particularly care for that. I enjoyed the theme of the party.


I know it's been said a lot but Aviva is truly horrible. I'm astonished that I can watch a scene where she's making sure that a woman who was a victim of the Boston Marathon attack gets a top of the line prosthetic leg for free and still think that she's a phoney, attention-seeking bitch who is hell bent on showing the world what an amazing, brave, clever...zestful, etc. person she is. She is just so ready to pat herself on the back, I can hardly stand it. Get rid of her, Bravo, please. The only housewife I'm more over than Aviva is Brandi from BH. Fuck me, they might even be tied. Ugh. Why do I feel like this means they're both probably staying?

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I agree, I don't see what needs "fixing". It's like the difference between saying 'you're mean' and 'you're ugly'. One is a behavior that you choose, the other is not.

FTR, I don't think Aviva has mental health issues other than she is an attention seeking famewhore who wants to be known for #leggate as a vain attempt to keep her spot on the show.

Both suck to hear snarked on to me, especially if there is really a diagnosed mental health issue (these days you see someone on reality tv & automatically think "Okay, what's wrong with them?" anyway) but if there isn't, they got on the train, so. Why not also looks as well though? I think it can incite anger in those who may share some of the same perceived flaws (anyone here have a perfect nose? Holla...) as others mock, it is a... dehumanizing feeling, we're all imperfect people on here. A lot of us are women and even if we like our looks, are starting to age, and maybe feeling the heavy burden our sickened society places on women to retain our youth, by no more violent measure than cultures that bind feet or lengthen neck, at the worst one should at least TRY to stick a bunch of needles in their face, while the men all age--are all taught to be seen aging, like fine wine. I think it's a deeply personal thing for everyone.

Eta: and that's not to say its not nice to let loose and vent sometimes, things should be able to be said, I just personally try not to... I don't have the right word, needlessly? I don't know. I've myself called George and Joyce (atl) some pretty nasty things though.

Edited by Souvlaki
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