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S08.E07: Sex, Lies and Sandwiches

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10 minutes ago, Brodicea said:

Did Glen and Babs really spoil Whitney to the extent that she needs a full time sandwich maker? I can't believe that. This show has enabled her to live a life of self-importance and denial over her true condition that is extremely detrimental to her in the long run. And she doesn't even pretend to act like she isn't the queen bee. They must all be so sick of her.

I have so many questions.  Why can't Twit make her own sandwiches? How many sandwiches does she eat a day? Was Buddy chained to the kitchen constantly making  new sandwiches every hour on the hour? 

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44 minutes ago, SevenCostanza said:

Why can't Twit make her own sandwiches?

Because she is a fat, lazy entitled COW. No, I take that back. Cows are gentle beasts and are useful,  since they provide the milk for my cheese!!

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4 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I'm still not convinced that Lenny is being played by the same actor. 


3 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

Neither am I. They don't look or really sound that much alike. The show would have been better off not doing the flashback and reminding us of what Lenny actually looked like before Lenny 2.0 showed up.

I was actually checking out things like "nose shape and size" when they did the flashback to Bearded Lennie - the nose matches with the bald-faced guy 😄 

2 hours ago, SevenCostanza said:

I have so many questions.  Why can't Twit make her own sandwiches? How many sandwiches does she eat a day? Was Buddy chained to the kitchen constantly making  new sandwiches every hour on the hour? 

What I found hilarious alongside the "fewer sandwiches" was how she griped that he didn't "invite her" on their walks - then when she's telling the others she mentions that Buddy always goes out for "runs and walks" but he's only done two with the girlfriend!  I think we can tell by Buddy's new girlish figure that he walks/runs regularly - I wonder how many times he "invited her" before he realized it was a waste of breath?  Quarantining for months was long; it must feel longer when you don't have a job or anything to do - but the one thing you could do was go for a walk!  Especially when you had a new dog!  But apparently Buddy does it all the time and she can't be bothered.  Puts me back in the camp of "dog is a prop for this season".  Come to think of it - we've always had to see her packing up the cats to Babs if she's going away, but no mention of the dog for this lake weekend!  I call Prop Dog.

2 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I kinda feel the same way I did about Kim Kardashian and her island birthday party. Most likely they were all fine. (And since none of them seemed to get COVID then we can assume it was okay). I still find it a little socially irresponsible, though, to film such a thing during a pandemic. They don't film 24/7, if they really wanted to just get together then they could've chosen to do this off camera. Not only did they have to worry about each other, but there was a production crew to consider as well. Even though we weren't officially on lockdown, things were still bad. We were still being advised to socially distance and not to travel. Apparently even Heather felt uncomfortable. 

I'm pretty sure that they are doing this at TLC's behest, not the other way around 🙂   There's only so much you can film if everyone is quarantined, especially when your "star" refuses to go for walks, play with her new dog or participate in her on-line business.

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6 hours ago, princelina said:

What I found hilarious alongside the "fewer sandwiches" was how she griped that he didn't "invite her" on their walks - then when she's telling the others she mentions that Buddy always goes out for "runs and walks" but he's only done two with the girlfriend! 

What I found strange was how she equated the time when Buddy was starting to see his GF to the decrease her her sandwich quota. That she immediately drew the line with the love/attention that Buddy was paying her with the amount of food she was getting. Not too surprising when you consider how much weight she gained during her self-imposed isolation.


8 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I do take this a bit personally.

As did I. I work in healthcare in NYC, so I had a front row seat to just what this pandemic was doing. And then when my mother was diagnosed with metastatic cancer, it became even more intense because I now had a family member that was particularly vulnerable (besides the fact that both my parents are elderly and already in a high risk group). We had Whitney holding her mother hostage for weeks because she was so terrified of her mother getting sick, but now she feels secure enough to rush out for a vacay with her friends.

I get that people are feeling quarantine fatigue. The only times I've really left my house for more than an hour or two is to go to my office twice a week and I had to cancel all of my travel plans (though admittedly, that was due to my mother's health as much as covid). But when we've got health experts begging people to not travel unless absolutely necessary, so seeing Whitney frolicking like a hippo in a mudhole with the rest of her idiot friends just really rubbed me the wrong way.

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7 hours ago, princelina said:

I'm pretty sure that they are doing this at TLC's behest, not the other way around 🙂   There's only so much you can film if everyone is quarantined, especially when your "star" refuses to go for walks, play with her new dog or participate in her on-line business.

I know that TLC ultimately was behind this idiotic foray, but that doesn't change how totally irresponsible it was. Especially when we consider when this was filmed and cases were spiking all over the country. I'm not expecting a network like this to show good sense, but it really was a terrible lapse of judgement both on TLC's and Whitney's parts.

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26 minutes ago, Hana Chan said:

That she immediately drew the line with the love/attention that Buddy was paying her with the amount of food she was getting.

And there is the crux of her problem.  In her mind, food=love. 

I get it. BTDT. It's hard work to break that association and realize that food is fuel, not love.

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8 hours ago, princelina said:

 There's only so much you can film if everyone is quarantined, especially when your "star" refuses to go for walks, play with her new dog or participate in her on-line business.

But she's only following doctor's orders! She's not supposed to exert herself at all, lest her anxiety-caused panic attacks return! [sarcastifont off]

I am feeling oddly sorry for Ryan, who built up NoBSActive to a very successful operation by doing easily 90% of the work involved, and is apparently about to have it pulled out from under him, because he behaved (imo) like a business partner and not like a middle school girl who rushes to tell her best friend who is dating her brother that her brother went to a party without her and left with another girl!!!!!


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So are we going to call Buddy's GF 'Bwhitney'? She's 30-ish, has brown shoulder length hair and glasses, and she's fat (although half Twit's size). I was actually expecting Twit to comment on the similarity when she was making all those faces, but I suspect her self-image doesn't match what the rest of the world sees.

She selects those swim suits because they highlight her worst (body) flaws, right? Why else would she wear 2 piece suits? That first one (orange/pink) made it look like her stomach was busting out, Hulk-style. 

When she was waddling down the hill holding on to Buddy for dear life, I was reminded of 1) the Rollo, guy, yelling 'I seem to be rolling out of control' and 2) the Giant Breast in Woody Allen's great movie 'Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex But Were Afraid To Ask', wobbling across a field crushing all in it's path.

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This is all BS, Lennie 2.0 just happens to show up at her house ? Out of the I don''t know millions of houses in Charlotte? Now here we go again that Buddy is jealous of Whitney and Lenny, um yeah because he gets paid to be. She must really think she is senshus. I was also floored by the about of butter he was using in the pan, and what was with the holes in the bread, did he try to make toads in the hole and screwed it up ?

` Buddy is your care giver, samwich maker and chub rubber..that is it. I loved how he told her about the gf while driving and filming, he probably knows better that she would scream and holler at him for not following the Whitney guidelines of the show. I found it gross that she wants to skinny dip in front of friends, during the day in a public lake-what a twat.

I often wonder where she would be if this show had not happened

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12 hours ago, SevenCostanza said:

I have so many questions.  Why can't Twit make her own sandwiches? How many sandwiches does she eat a day? Was Buddy chained to the kitchen constantly making  new sandwiches every hour on the hour? 

And why did Lenny poke holes in her toast?

At first, I thought he was going to make eggs in a basket or whatever it's called, but the scrambled eggs were served separately.  I thought maybe i was seeing things, but, nope, when she picked up a piece of the toast, the hole was still there.

Little things like this drive me bonkers.  

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11 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Whitney seems to play fast and loose with the mask stuff, too. Ryan and her brother can't come in or even talk outside, but she'll sit a foot away from a maskless guy she hasn't seen in years. No idea where Lenny may have been, he supposedly just "showed up", but he can sleep in her bed- even though she KNEW she was going to be around the barnacles the next day. 

Sorry, didn't want to go off on a COVID tangent, but since it was a big part of this episode...I felt them with the whole thing about wanting to see and be around people. The getaway looked fun. They seemed to enjoy themselves. I understand about wanting to feel normal. I think we all do. 

And she in turn lumbered around in that cabin where she plopped her ass at the table without a mask after exposing herself just hours before to whatever Lenny may have had.  

It really was a total disregard for any of the others' health and safety.  Ashley has a young one at home.  She should have played it smart like Heather and taken a pass on this outing.  

Whitney, as always, is an inconsiderate, self-absorbed, hypocritical asshole.

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26 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

This is all BS, Lennie 2.0 just happens to show up at her house ? Out of the I don''t know millions of houses in Charlotte? Now here we go again that Buddy is jealous of Whitney and Lenny, um yeah because he gets paid to be. She must really think she is senshus. I was also floored by the about of butter he was using in the pan, and what was with the holes in the bread, did he try to make toads in the hole and screwed it up ?

` Buddy is your care giver, samwich maker and chub rubber..that is it. I loved how he told her about the gf while driving and filming, he probably knows better that she would scream and holler at him for not following the Whitney guidelines of the show. I found it gross that she wants to skinny dip in front of friends, during the day in a public lake-what a twat.

I often wonder where she would be if this show had not happened

@Mahamid Frauded Me, I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who noticed that 😂

46 minutes ago, sempervivum said:

When she was waddling down the hill holding on to Buddy for dear life, I was reminded of 1) the Rollo, guy, yelling 'I seem to be rolling out of control' and 2) the Giant Breast in Woody Allen's great movie 'Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex But Were Afraid To Ask', wobbling across a field crushing all in it's path.

Or "Whitzilla" 😄 

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14 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I like the way Lenny just happened to show up during filming. And mic'ed. 

Well, Mamadrama, he just HAPPENED to be in the area.  🤣🤣🤣

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Whitney is so self absorbed that she never noticed that Buddy was AWOL for long enough to have developed a relationship? (reallly,Buddy, you’ve known her a WEEK?) . She, by the way, allowed an old boyfriend into her BED after renewing the contract with Buddy so I doubt she has any room to complain.  In fact, she was loving Buddy’s remarks and perceive$ jealousy. I think Buddy was preparing Whit for the announcement by doing that. He knows how she loves being perceived as the object of everyone’s desires.

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51 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:


` Buddy is your care giver, samwich maker and chub rubber..that is it. I loved how he told her about the gf while driving and filming, he probably knows better that she would scream and holler at him for not following the Whitney guidelines of the show. I found it gross that she wants to skinny dip in front of friends, during the day in a public lake-what a twat.

I often wonder where she would be if this show had not happened

Let’s not forget that the minute filming wrapped for the season Buddy hi-tailed it back to Greensboro not living with Twit. So he’s her PAID care giver, samwich maker, and chub rubber... that’s it. Not even doing is as a friend. 

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3 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

I know that TLC ultimately was behind this idiotic foray, but that doesn't change how totally irresponsible it was. Especially when we consider when this was filmed and cases were spiking all over the country. I'm not expecting a network like this to show good sense, but it really was a terrible lapse of judgement both on TLC's and Whitney's parts.

Agreed! Even if TLC was encouraging this bad idea, they clearly couldn’t force the barnacles to do it since Heather didn’t go. I thought it was a little ridiculous of the others to be acting so superior to Ryan for posting pictures at bars. It looked like were all meeting up for a vacation at a point that cases were rising sharply enough that their governor slowed down the plans to reopen. I’m sure that line about delaying Phase 3 was probably just there to set up Whitney to express disappointment at the gyms staying closed. But to me it just highlighted how irresponsible they were being, to have that discussion on the way to meet up with friends.

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11 hours ago, princelina said:


I'm pretty sure that they are doing this at TLC's behest, not the other way around 🙂   There's only so much you can film if everyone is quarantined, especially when your "star" refuses to go for walks, play with her new dog or participate in her on-line business.

I'm pretty sure most everything they do is at TLC's behest. That was part of my problem with it. "We needed to get out of the house and see each other" was really "if we don't get together and film some shit then they're going to cancel our show." It was still their choice to travel and film. It was still irresponsible. Reality "stars" don't get a pass or hold any other type of immunity. 

Edited by mamadrama
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I usually write a frustrated diatribe here, but I got nothing this week.  I’ll leave it at this:

This bitch has zero self-esteem.  An ex-boyfriend of mine who showed up on my doorstep out of the blue after four years without even a change of clothes, expecting to sleep in my bed would still be digging my foot out of his ass. 

Edited by Suzy Rhapsody
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1 hour ago, Kid said:

Well, Mamadrama, he just HAPPENED to be in the area.  🤣🤣🤣

Lol. In a town he doesn't live in, working a job we didn't know he had. Honestly, it's crazy bullshit like this that keeps me tuning in. 

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46 minutes ago, nutella fitzgerald said:

I thought it was a little ridiculous of the others to be acting so superior to Ryan for posting pictures at bars. 

It looked like the group was looking for any reason to crap all over Ryan. I get that friends take sides after a breakup and I would expect the barnacles to be on Team Whitney 4EVAH! But Ryan isn't just a mutual friend to Whitney and Chase. He's Whitney's business partner, and the primary reason that NoBS is more than just a self-promotional vehicle for Whitney. The writing is on the wall that Ryan is going to be shoved out of the picture, but it's not reflecting well on Whitney. Ryan has made it clear that he's not going to take sides and can be a professional. It's Whitney who's whining that she just can't handle being around him because he's still friends with Chase. He's acting like a businessman and she's acting like a high school freshman after her first real break up. It's kind of pathetic.

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It's rich of Whitney to look down on Ryan's friendship with Chase and consider it an insult that Ryan doesn't side with her and snitch on his best friend's every move, all the time, when I remember how Whitney lectured Chase about her long friendship with Buddy and how Buddy would always come before him.

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4 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

I know that TLC ultimately was behind this idiotic foray, but that doesn't change how totally irresponsible it was. Especially when we consider when this was filmed and cases were spiking all over the country. I'm not expecting a network like this to show good sense, but it really was a terrible lapse of judgement both on TLC's and Whitney's parts.

Except that  cases were not spiking in NC in June,  July, and August,  which is probably when this was filmed. They were actually  relatively low, and didn't  start to  spike until November. 

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36 minutes ago, Texasmom1970 said:

Skinny dipping, did not need those mental images. Whit keep your clothes on.

Personally I would not want to swim in a lake fully dressed; definitely not in my birthday suit. Too much I cant see in the water.

I'm with you! Too much risk of brain-eating amoebas in fresh water.  I'll  stick to a pool.

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16 hours ago, DanaMB said:

Also, notice when Whitney gets off the jet ski she rolled over to her stomach? That’s the only way she can stand up; needs her hands to leverage herself up. Notice everyone sitting on the dock and she continues to stand? She can’t get down that low and definitely couldn’t get herself up. Take it from a fat girl. And that shit is not fabulous. 

I was waiting to see how she got out of the lake but they didn't show it.  I would have paid money to see that!  Not a chance she could pull herself up on a ladder.

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I'm really wondering why Buddy has to make Whitney's breakfast everyday. I find it hard to believe he's doing it out of love.  Either she's disabled or he's her employee.  From the sandwich comment I'm assuming he makes all her other meals as well.  

I noticed she was taking her medication with breakfast.  She's got some kind of medical problem going on that she's not talking about on the show.  My husband was passing by during the scene of her standing on the dock  and he said "She looks very unhealthy".   She does.  I think it's getting harder for her to hide it.  Admitting her weight is doing her body harm would mean she has to face the truth and do something about it so she pretends all is well.   She's definitely doing much less movement this season and you can't blame all that on corona.  She could dance and workout in her townhouse, not to mention walking that poor sad dog. 

Why wasn't Buddy's new girlfriend (that he's only known a week) not wearing a mask when she walked in?  I thought that was kind of rude.

The whole scene with Lenny and Buddy pretending to be jealous was stupid.   Good thing Lenny was wearing a mic when he just happened to drop by unexpectedly.    Twitney's jealousy at Buddy's girlfriend news was real however,  she looked like she was trying not to cry.  After all they do have a legal and binding contract written on a pizza box. 

Oh and of course Twit got naked in the lake, not doubt she was peeing up a storm too.  I really wish we had seen her lumbering up the ladder.  Did she put her bathing suit back on in the water or was the 2 piece on stand by?


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17 hours ago, princelina said:

I'm pretty sure that they are doing this at TLC's behest, not the other way around 🙂   There's only so much you can film if everyone is quarantined, especially when your "star" refuses to go for walks, play with her new dog or participate in her on-line business.

They're rerunning lots of shows, so cancel Whit and replay Ruby.

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6 hours ago, the-grey-lady said:

"OMG, we went on a WALK and we exchanged PHONE NUMBERS and we TALK ALL THE TIME and SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND NOW! For a WHOLE WEEK! We're practically MARRIED!"

Really, when the eff are these people going to grow up? 

I died when they were going on and on about Buddy disappearing from the house and finally telling Twit he had a girlfriend, then watching Twit and her nasty jealousy only to find out all this was over one week of dating! 

Poor Ryan. You know TLC told him to call and act like he wanted to go to the lake house to hang with all his haters. You know in reality he would never want to do that. Ever. He must have been contractually obligated to show up or risk not getting paid. 

Since when did Tal become an asshole? 

Heather didn't show up at the lake. Smart girl!! She has kids to take care of and home school. 

I don't like Twit's TH wig this season and her face looks very full. How may covid pounds has she gained? Better lay off those sammies! 

Edited by bichonblitz
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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

I don't like Twit's TH wig this season and her face looks very full. How may covid pounds has she gained? 

Not possible, since, you know, she's studying on-line to become a personal trainer, ya'll!

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8 hours ago, Jenny8 said:

It's rich of Whitney to look down on Ryan's friendship with Chase and consider it an insult that Ryan doesn't side with her and snitch on his best friend's every move, all the time, when I remember how Whitney lectured Chase about her long friendship with Buddy and how Buddy would always come before him.

Right before she dumped Buddy to stay with Chase 😄 


15 minutes ago, LuvMyShows said:

Not possible, since, you know, she's studying on-line to become a personal trainer, ya'll!

Has that been mentioned at all this year?  Or has it gone the way of her lesbianism and converting to Judaism?

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I don’t understand this trip. If the numbers weren’t  bad in NC then why was she holding Babs captive for months? Whitney’s high risk her damn self. Whitney is a trash bucket for a variety of reasons already discussed. Every time I feel one iota of pity or kindness towards her she does some mind-boggling narcissistic.  She’s an idiot, her friends are idiots, and her family are idiots.  Chase and Ryan are better than I am because I’d have a hard time keeping my mouth shut about the stupidity I saw even with a NDA.  It’s a good thing I’m not on this show there’s a good chance I would have gone bankrupt for breech of contract. Anytime you get this group together, their collective IQ drops about 75 points.

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1 minute ago, Irate Panda said:

I don’t understand this trip. If the numbers weren’t  bad in NC then why was she holding Babs captive for months? Whitney’s high risk her damn self. Whitney is a trash bucket for a variety of reasons already discussed. Every time I feel one iota of pity or kindness towards her she does some mind-boggling narcissistic.  She’s an idiot, her friends are idiots, and her family are idiots.  Chase and Ryan are better than I am because I’d have a hard time keeping my mouth shut about the stupidity I saw even with a NDA.  It’s a good thing I’m not on this show there’s a good chance I would have gone bankrupt for breech of contract. Anytime you get this group together, their collective IQ drops about 75 points.

If it were me I'd have done put one of my friends on Reddit and had them share "theories" about the relationship between my buddy Casey and his fake girlfriend, Jitney Shore...

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20 hours ago, Texasmom1970 said:

Skinny dipping, did not need those mental images. Whit keep your clothes on.

Personally I would not want to swim in a lake fully dressed; definitely not in my birthday suit. Too much I cant see in the water.

Mini Persnickety said she would never skinny dip in a lake like Whitney did for fear of something crawling up inside of her.  

I told her no self-respecting parasite would even consider crawling up into Whitney's lady parts.  😳

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10 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

I don’t understand this trip. If the numbers weren’t  bad in NC then why was she holding Babs captive for months? Whitney’s high risk her damn self. Whitney is a trash bucket for a variety of reasons already discussed. Every time I feel one iota of pity or kindness towards her she does some mind-boggling narcissistic.  She’s an idiot, her friends are idiots, and her family are idiots.  Chase and Ryan are better than I am because I’d have a hard time keeping my mouth shut about the stupidity I saw even with a NDA.  It’s a good thing I’m not on this show there’s a good chance I would have gone bankrupt for breech of contract. Anytime you get this group together, their collective IQ drops about 75 points.

Babs was with her in late March and  April. Although  numbers were  *relatively* low at that time,  there wasn't a lot known about how quickly the virus could spread. I think the  NC governor essentially shut down the state in mid-March, so Babs was with Twit as Glenn continued to work.  

By June,  July and August,  as numbers stayed relatively low, stuff gradually started to reopen.  But the cases are spiking pretty much everywhere now so he may follow the lead of other governors and reimpose lockdown. 

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Not enough screen time for Todd...his snark made watching this episode worthwhile.

Her ridiculous clothing choices...I get it that we are supposed to not body shame but mercy...she sure makes it difficult.

The vibe I got from this episode was the stark reality of how desperate her barnacles are for the paycheck/famewhore bonus of continuing to participate in this shitshow.  In the beginning there was BGDC...then there was the noBS BS, but nowadays she doesn’t spend one second of screen time on either.  It’s turned into the Whitney Thore soap opera and the entire pull is supposed to be our interest in hers and her barnacles lives.


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This episode in particular annoyed the shit out of me and I credit Mt Whitney with 100% of the blame because it’s her show and I loathe her. There they are, frolicking in the lake, not very far from where I live, ignoring the pleas of every rational government official to limit non-essential public socializing, and Mt Whitney decides to frolic sans swimsuit!  In daylight!  There’s nothing she won’t do for that paycheck. It’s nauseating enough seeing her in a 2 piece suit but she has to go the extra exhibitionist’s mile to be naked?  She looked like a disoriented whale that got separated from its pod. I fucking despise her!!

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@mamadrama because it is about Whit all of the time. She used COVID as an excuse to shut Ryan out. She was angry and bitter over the Chase situation and Ryan was not willing to kiss her ass. When it comes to Lennie and her yes ‘men’ then anything goes. The rules only apply to her when she deems it necessary ...in cases where there are people she dislikes and wishes to shame. I haven’t seen the full episode but I wouldn’t be shocked if she allowed Lennie to crawl into bed with her right after turning Ryan away for not following the rules. Hypocrite. On a personal note my friends were very healthy until they contracted COVID (frontline workers) .... it drives me nuts when folks don’t follow the guidelines. I had to turn this off after watching Tal and his delusional ranting, he turned out to be quite the ass.

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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On 12/22/2020 at 11:04 PM, DanaMB said:

Also, notice when Whitney gets off the jet ski she rolled over to her stomach? That’s the only way she can stand up; needs her hands to leverage herself up. Notice everyone sitting on the dock and she continues to stand? She can’t get down that low and definitely couldn’t get herself up. Take it from a fat girl. And that shit is not fabulous. 

Did you HEAR that damn dock? Dang. Every time she moved it was groaning in agony.

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3 hours ago, Bookworm 1979 said:

That's an insult to whales. They're beautiful and majestic creatures, and Whitney is none of those things.  😄

They also are graceful and move beautifully in the water. Her dancing is none of those things.  Whale callings are also very soothing...unlike Whits caterwauling.

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4 hours ago, nytonc said:

This episode in particular annoyed the shit out of me and I credit Mt Whitney with 100% of the blame because it’s her show and I loathe her. There they are, frolicking in the lake, not very far from where I live, ignoring the pleas of every rational government official to limit non-essential public socializing, and Mt Whitney decides to frolic sans swimsuit!  In daylight!  There’s nothing she won’t do for that paycheck. It’s nauseating enough seeing her in a 2 piece suit but she has to go the extra exhibitionist’s mile to be naked?  She looked like a disoriented whale that got separated from its pod. I fucking despise her!!

I'd bet my right arm that she would have been paid without getting naked - I think that was all her 😄 

1 hour ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I haven’t seen the full episode but I wouldn’t be shocked if she allowed Lennie to crawl into bed with her right after turning Ryan away for not following the rules. Hypocrite. 

Haha obviously you didn't need to see it - that's exactly what she did 😄 

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