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Your Honor - General Discussion


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They probably aren't that uncommon among Uber drivers, in case they get into an accident or have some problem with a customer.

Not too expensive.

The one thing they skipped over is Michael finding out Trevor was using the Camry for Uber and how he found him, claiming his phone wasn't working.

Neither Uber nor Lyft lets you see where the drivers are.  You have to select a destination and then tap confirm, meaning you're committed to paying for the ride.  You don't get to select which driver or even see their names, at least not before you confirm.

I think Uber lets the driver choose whether to do the pick up and then connects you with that driver.

So no way would Michael be able to track Trevor dropping off someone and then him just jumping on like that.

Jimmy and Frank did some detective work to track down the gas station and now Michael tracks down Trevor, first fooling Detective Nancy into searching the license plate and then somehow finding Trevor in real time?

OK, well it moved the story along, though the blackmail plot didn't last.  I guess they had to come up with 10-episodes (or however many episodes there are) worth of content.

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19 hours ago, aghst said:

The one thing they skipped over is Michael finding out Trevor was using the Camry for Uber and how he found him, claiming his phone wasn't working.

Neither Uber nor Lyft lets you see where the drivers are.  You have to select a destination and then tap confirm, meaning you're committed to paying for the ride.  You don't get to select which driver or even see their names, at least not before you confirm.

I think Uber lets the driver choose whether to do the pick up and then connects you with that driver.

Ex Uber driver here. The scene where Michael just jumped into the car and asked the driver to drive him was rather impossible, unless Trevor wanted Uber to cut him off. Uber drivers were not allowed to take fare outside of the system. Michael needed go to the system and request a car and Trevor would have to accept. If Michael's phone did not work, tough luck.

And you are right. There is no way Michael could track Trevor using the app. Otherwise ride-share drivers would be in jeopardy from stalkers. However, just to nitpick you, entering destination is optional. Passenger can just tell the driver. The app will calculate the distance and the time..

Edited by TV Anonymous
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23 hours ago, TV Anonymous said:

Ex Uber driver here. The scene where Michael just jumped into the car and asked the driver to drive him was rather impossible, unless Trevor wanted Uber to cut him off. Uber drivers were not allowed to take fare outside of the system. Michael needed go to the system and request a car and Trevor would have to accept. If Michael's phone did not work, tough luck.

And you are right. There is no way Michael could track Trevor using the app. Otherwise ride-share drivers would be in jeopardy from stalkers. However, just to nitpick you, entering destination is optional. Passenger can just tell the driver. The app will calculate the distance and the time..

While I don't know HOW Michael found Trevor, Michael did say to Trevor, my phone is dead and I can't order a car - there's $50 in it for you.  So Trevor just didn't answer a call for another fare until his off the books passenger was out of the car.  

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Part 7:


Jimmy has Michael get rid of the body of Trevor while he drives like a madman trying to prevent Carlo from getting arrested.  They must have spent a pretty penny to have that scene of Jimmy weaving through traffic at full speed but for what?  Didn't really add to the story like a cop chasing the bad guys.

Jimmy later tells Fia that his love for his children is unconditional so he was willing to risk killing bystanders to drive like that.  Of course if Carlo fucking answered his calls, Jimmy wouldn't need to act so crazy.  If his kids are everything to him, why does Carlo ignore his calls?

Jimmy isn't able to prevent Carlo from being arrested so he calls Frank, the henchman with the deep Scottish accent in New Orleans of all places.  Michael was ready to cut Frank, in a fight for his life, but it turns out they need a crooked judge after all.

Carlo is acting like he has no fear of consequences.  The cops have DNA evidence but Detective Nancy is trying to get him to confess.  But her boss is the cop that Jimmy has on the payroll, so maybe that's why Carlo thinks he can skate.

Michael does manage to get the arraignment for Carlo, because his boss tells him that he needs to show that he's tough on crime.  Michael tries to do his part but Jimmy curses at him in open court.  Like what is Michael suppose to do, look like he'll let Jimmy walk all over him?  Michael threatens Jimmy in the most gentle way with contempt if he does it again.

Maura Tierney shows up with a smirk on her face as the prosecutor who's going to put Carlo away.  Nice salt and pepper hair coloring.

Michael goes home to burn the bloody clothes and Trevor's stuff like his wallet.  But a piece of Trevor falls off his clothes and he tells Adam it's some offal that the butcher gives him for Django.  Funny, never seen Michael grill a lot of meat.  So they feed the dog the piece of meat.  This is the second time the dog gets involved with a piece of evidence that Michael is trying to cover up.

Bad news for Michael, he doesn't get Carlo's trial as he told Jimmy he would, to avoid being shot in the head.  So he takes his boss lady for drinks.  Then later, she's pulled over by shady NOLA cops -- maybe redundant -- and she gives them attitude, accusing them of pulling her over because she's black.  So she's arrested and brought in because she had been drinking.  And what do you know, Jimmy's corrupt cop is right there as they bring her into the station.

So Michael set up his boss, in order to get another shot at getting Carlo's case in his court room.  Another bystander goes down in his elaborate cover up.

Carlo gets arrested with $150k of Desire's drug money.  Jimmy and Frank walk into Desire's headquarters, all surrounded by gang members and tells the boss lady that tough luck for Desire, the money and drugs are gone.

Michael gets a big surprise party when he returns home with Lee and they're having a good time.  Then Django comes out with incriminating evidence again.  First time it was the bloody rag he stole while Michael was wiping down the Volvo.  This time, the dog throws up pieces of Trevor.

Now it looks like there will be some court scenes, with Maura Tierney involved, since Carlo's case is key to Michael not being killed and keeping up the cover up.


Edited by aghst
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Adam is the most annoying, unlikeable character ever. I cannot believe he would attract any female, let alone his hot teacher and a mob daughter.

What was that thing Adam gave the dog to eat, that the judge said was from the butcher? I must have missed something. (I have to stop being on my iPad when I watch TV.)  Was it part of Trevor (from the Spolier) and were we supposed to know that?

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So, should I keep watching mostly rich white people agonizing over doing the wrong thing, but doing the wrong, self-serving, power- and privilege-preserving thing every time? Actually, I can't. Last night's episode was enough. There's maybe one character I hope lives through this mess, and I can check recaps to see if they do.  

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Am I correct in thinking Michael set Judge LeBlanc up? Isn't she the one who got Carlo's case? 

Michael invites her out to drink, saying how he and his wife came there on their birthday and would drink from the top shelf (or however he phrased it). I got the impression he and his wife would get drunk or at the very least drink to the point where they were over the legal limit to drive. We saw Michael order another for both of them so I can believe Judge LeBlanc was over the legal limit.

I'm not convinced she was stopped because she's black. I think its possible Baxter's guy on the force had a hand in LeBlanc getting stopped. I didn't like the scene at all and thought it was very heavy handed. 

I know Michael is making things up as he goes but I wonder if we will see him realize that if he gets Carlo off, Baxter has no more need for him and will kill him anyway.


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5 hours ago, Tara said:

What was that thing Adam gave the dog to eat, that the judge said was from the butcher? I must have missed something. (I have to stop being on my iPad when I watch TV.)  Was it part of Trevor (from the Spolier) and were we supposed to know that?

I think it was ::gulp:: some of the brain matter from Trevor. Poor dog, they are not going a good job of keeping him well fed. 

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5 hours ago, Tara said:

Adam is the most annoying, unlikeable character ever. I cannot believe he would attract any female, let alone his hot teacher and a mob daughter.

What was that thing Adam gave the dog to eat, that the judge said was from the butcher? I must have missed something. (I have to stop being on my iPad when I watch TV.)  Was it part of Trevor (from the Spolier) and were we supposed to know that?


3 minutes ago, Sharper2002 said:

I think it was ::gulp:: some of the brain matter from Trevor. Poor dog, they are not going a good job of keeping him well fed. 

Yeah they fed the dog because Michael was hiding the whole business with Trevor from Adam.

Not just the blackmail but the murder, the disposal of the body.

So the coverup was originally to protect Adam but now Michael has extended the coverup to keep information FROM Adam.

He's just digging a deeper and deeper hole.

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36 minutes ago, GodsBeloved said:

Am I correct in thinking Michael set Judge LeBlanc up? Isn't she the one who got Carlo's case? 

Michael invites her out to drink, saying how he and his wife came there on their birthday and would drink from the top shelf (or however he phrased it). I got the impression he and his wife would get drunk or at the very least drink to the point where they were over the legal limit to drive. We saw Michael order another for both of them so I can believe Judge LeBlanc was over the legal limit.

I'm not convinced she was stopped because she's black. I think its possible Baxter's guy on the force had a hand in LeBlanc getting stopped. I didn't like the scene at all and thought it was very heavy handed. 

I know Michael is making things up as he goes but I wonder if we will see him realize that if he gets Carlo off, Baxter has no more need for him and will kill him anyway.


My interpretation was exactly this.

35 minutes ago, Sharper2002 said:

I think it was ::gulp:: some of the brain matter from Trevor. Poor dog, they are not going a good job of keeping him well fed. 

Django's now a man-eater.  Once they get a taste for Human, they never go back to Purina.  Seriously though, I'm not sure that was such a dramatic cliff hanger scene to end on.  It wouldn't be that difficult to grab something and wipe up the mess, even if there were guests. No one's going to be inspecting canine vomit for evidence.

Random thoughts:

I'm no more tech savvy than I need to be, but would Michael's phone still be working after being soaked in a clothes shower? It literally had water streaming off of it when he looked at the screen, then he put it back in his water-logged pocket. 

Trevor got to take a ride on his boat after all.  I was amused that Jimmy's guy wouldn't help Michael out with the body disposal effort any more than absolutely necessary; it wasn't his problem.

Adam continues to irritate me, cross examining Michael on the "offal".  I guess it was to build up the suspense for the big closing scene.


Edited by Lone Wolf
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2 hours ago, Sharper2002 said:

I think it was ::gulp:: some of the brain matter from Trevor. Poor dog, they are not going a good job of keeping him well fed. 

I don't think they had to worry that anybody was going to think that lump of flesh was anything suspicious. It looked like nothing. No one is going to inspect what the dog just puked up.

I'm rooting for the bad guy here. Baxter was great in the scene where he was telling Michael off. I definitely feel worse for Baxter than I do for Michael and/or Adam.

Are the docks in New Orleans usually so quiet that you can just drag a dead body around? Weird of the mob boss to just assume this is the case.

I'm going to assume the chunk of brain that followed Michael home is a Pulp Fiction reference. Otherwise how do you manage to wash yourself off with a hose and miss it?

I really need Legal Eagle to take a crack at this show. I am not a lawyer, nor did I sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night but I am pretty sure it is never a good idea to answer a judge's question with "fuck you!" and then double down on it when asked to clarify. I get it, it was to show that Maura Tierney's character is sassy and also to show that what Carlo said (and by extension what everyone else has said) will indeed be used against him in court but I feel like tossing a f-bomb at the judge gets you thrown out of court before you would get a chance to explain why you just flipped the judge off.

The way Carlo's friend was behaving in the car I thought he was going to OD on the fentanyl, leaving Carlo stuck with drugs, drug money and a dead body. Instead he's out there on his own somewhere and I guess Desire and the Baxter crew will be looking for him. I liked Big Mo's line about "I guess we're not in a problem-solving mood today."

Kind of bold of Michael and Baxter to assume that the judge they set up would be all "fuck the police" when she got pulled over. We've seen enough corrupt cops on this show to establish that there was a definite risk of them letting her go just like they did when they caught Michael pissing off the bridge. Also convenient timing for Michael and Lee to be driving by at the exact moment when she was pulled over and super convenient that they were right in the middle of that awkward conversation so he could drop an "I love you" on her at just the right moment (so she presumably wouldn't hop out of the car to go hassle the cops right then and there).

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7 hours ago, Lone Wolf said:

I'm no more tech savvy than I need to be, but would Michael's phone still be working after being soaked in a clothes shower? It literally had water streaming off of it when he looked at the screen, then he put it back in his water-logged pocket.

Yeah, it was an iPhone. It’d be fine. It was only in his pocket when he sprayed himself with the hose, it’s not like it was submerged at the bottom of a pool for 30 mins.

And yes, the cops that pulled over the judge didn’t do it because she was Black, they did it because they’re on Baxter’s payroll and Michael told Baxter to have them stop her. That’s why he took her out drinking.

The chunk of brain was stuck inside his upturned pant cuff.

Edited by Cotypubby
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This show is going off the deep end. Insitead of getting better, it sort of is becoming too much and ridiculous. 

Fia tells her father her new bf's name is Adam and Michael says his son is Adam and Jimmy does not connect any dots? 

Michael just keeps going deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole and there is no way he can be the judge in the case where the defendant killed the man (Kofi) who they think stole Michael's car. The judge cannot be in any way connected to the case. 

And last week, Michael actually bought that boat for Trevor and did not think the purchase of it would backfire? 

And now to top it off, Showtime pulls a fast one and there will be no new episode on January 24th. Maybe they think the antiicipation for a new episode will improve ratings? What is the theory behind making viewers wait? 

it is sort of like Woody Allen's line "the food here is terrible and they serve such small portions." That's my review for this show. 



Edited by LoveLeigh
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20 hours ago, LakeGal said:

This show does not really have anyone to cheer for.  I don't like any of them.  OK I worry about the dog.  

Adam really is annoying.  I am waiting for the result when the two dads find out their children are hanging out together.  

I'm so over Michael's facial expressions (over acting 101!).

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I'm not sure when I first saw Hope Davis in something. Maybe The Newsroom. She always seems to play a villain. I'm not sure if there's something inherently unlikable about her, or if she's just very good at playing a villain. She has a face that's eminently punchable. I really wanted the SWAT team to just pump her full of lead when she wouldn't stand down.

Didn't Michael buy that boat for Trevor and put it in his name? Isn't that going to make it awfully easy for people to connect the two?


Adam is the most annoying, unlikeable character ever.

Actually I'm amazed at how peripheral Adam is in this story. I don't think the character is well defined enough to illicit a strong reaction to him one way or another. 

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9 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

what was that "f you" scene in the court room all about?  In my little corner of the world - that stunt lands you in prison.  If we weren't in a pandemic, I would not be watching this show anymore.  Its really bad - and I too am rooting for Baxter at this point.  

In addition to being a device to jolt the viewer, she was quoting what Carlo said when they arrested him.  IIRC, Michael either asked whether they were seeking bail or if he was a flight risk and instead of answering with an explanation, she chose to quote Carlo to make her point.

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Good grief!  In one day, Michael goes to the dock to give someone a boat; gets that someone killed; drags his body out to the boat without being noticed, presumably trailing blood on the dock that no one notices; pulls a boxcutter from his sleeve — did we see him pick that up, or did Gus leave it on another set for him to find? (BreakingBad ref for unbelievers); cleans all the blood from the lab, oops, I mean the boat; gets everything off the dead body; motors out to some isolated part of the river and dumps the body; heads back to the dock, cleans himself up with a shower, and heads home to dispose of evidence; changes and heads to court; handles an arraignment; gets his boss drunk; and arrives in time at his surprise party.  Time is so fluid on TV!!

The person he got drunk is his boss and also the one who is taking over the case? And he set her up to be arrested? I didn’t see that connection. I thought someone from the mob-connected police set her up.  And Django threw up part of Trevor? Way to put a damper on your surprise party!  

I can not deal with the stupidity of Adam pursuing the sister of the boy he killed!!!! Whoever came up with that ludicrous plot should be suspended from the writers guild!

Now off to see what bizarre new idea This Is Us will dump on us.  If only there were a show on now that I could respect.



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On 1/29/2021 at 11:24 AM, HC87 said:

Is it not airing again this week? The Super Bowl is being played a week from this Sunday.

I'm not sure about the Super Bowl, I was basing that off of an article that noted the weird timing for the week off. But yes, the new episode of Your Honor is online now. I'll spoiler code my comments until later in the day.

First and foremost good to see that on one of Michael's morning runs he found his balls! Actually, it's more likely the dog found them.

One would think that the first thing a judge would understand is the value of when and when not to talk. He's talking to Nancy, the only honest cop in New Orleans. She knows something fishy is going on but for now she's just thinking out loud. So what does he say to her? Evidence, evidence, EVIDENCE. You know, like the kind my dog keeps bringing you to tell you that I'm clearly involved in this?

So none of the lawyers involved in this take issue with Judge Desiato being the victim of the car theft that landed Kofi Jones in jail? "Yeah, it was my car that started this whole mess but don't worry, I'm impartial." I'm sure that happens in real court all the time.

Defense counsel could have cross examined the testimony about Kofi's wounds. Like just because Kofi lost the fight does not mean he couldn't have started it (and this was his initial argument in his opening). There is nothing to say that jail fights have to be fair. Maybe Kofi threw a punch, Carlo dodged or deflected it and then Carlo proceeded to bash Kofi's head against the wall. As brutal as it is, that is what can happen when you attack someone in jail. (For what it's worth my sympathies are with Kofi but I am surprised Carlo's lawyer didn't even try to argue that Kofi should have known the risks of picking a fight that he was by no means guaranteed to win).

Adam should go to NYU because he's never getting into Pimp School, taking his new girlfriend to a place his old girlfriend hangs out at. Shameful display!

I feel bad for Lee because as smart as she is she hasn't quite put things together yet. At some point she should realize that Kofi's little brother is not a fountain of sports trivia knowledge and as such should have no way of knowing that particular bit of trivia he repeats about the baseball player who signed the ball. He only knows that fact because Michael told him and Lee was standing right there when he did it.

The pandemic has made its way to this episode but after Michael has made his speech about battening down the hatches his son still just comes wandering in to the courtroom like he owns the place. I will grant that the personal connection plus early lockdown procedures being flaky is certainly a reasonable explanation but it still bugged me.

Edited by dwmarch
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Part 8:

Michael convinces the other judge whom he set up to go quietly and take a deal but it means he gets the Carlo Baxter case.  She really wanted to send Carlo to death row so she doesn't take it well but Michael pretends to be her friend.

Maura Tierney's character is Fiona McKee or Ms. McKee in the court room.  She's got incriminating pictures and weaves a good, graphic story about how Carlo killed Kofi.  When Michael prevents her from showing pictures of Kofi's crushed head, she instead decides to describe the action, acting out how Carlo bashed Kofi's skull repeatedly into the wall.

Fiona does this all with a smirk.

Jimmy is pissed, accosts Michael at the restaurant where they're celebrating Adam's acceptance into NYU.  Michael tells Jimmy "I got this," how he will get the jury to do what he wants.  But he's secretly panicking.

Franny tells Adam that she's quitting his school so that she could get a job near NYU and he will be 18 then so they can be together!  Hot teacher is also a stalker, thinks they can be a real couple.  BTW, how does Franny bang Adam in his own bed and Michael doesn't notice her coming and going from his home?  He knows she rides a little scooter so he waits to ask her to convince Adam to go to NYU?  And how many high schools need a teacher to teach film photography in 2020?

Adam not only wants to stay in New Orleans to be with Fia, he seems to want to be caught.  First he lies to Franny, whom he told the truth about the accident.  Then he shows up in trial again, even though Michael said nobody other than family of the defendant would be allowed in the court room.  Then he's all lovey-dovey with Fia, holding hands, which Franny sees.  He also takes a couple of big hits of the inhaler right in front of Fia.  Eventually Jimmy and Fia are going to put the pieces together.

Michael decides to get rid of a juror who is obviously leaning towards voting guilty on Carlo.  Not clear how he does it though.  Apparently she was doing some searches on her phone regarding the case and since Michael told them not to watch or read coverage of the case, he has an excuse to get rid of her.  He noticed which phone she has and got into it somehow?  Well we saw how he hacked and figured out where the burner phone was bought, the one that poor Trevor used to blackmail him.  So of course Michael is going to be able to break into a modern phone which has passcodes, fingerprint and facial recognition sensors.

Even if Michael does get Carlo off free, he's going to be owned by Jimmy, like the cops.  Better than a bullet in the head I suppose.


Edited by aghst
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So this show entered pandemic times. But the scenes must have been filmed out of sequence. In the courtroom, masks are seen and worn by a juror. And on the street, we see nobody masked and schools are open and there is indoor dining and no social distancing. 

How is Michael even allowed to be the judge in a case he is closely connected to? It was his car that ran over Rocco. 

I admire these actors who were so committed to the show that they returned during a pandemic to finish filming. It is also apparent the scenes were filmed out of sequence. Not just because of the lack of consistent pandemic protocol but because Eugene looks so much older now. He went from being a child to a pre teen (at least to me). 

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That goofy kid is walking around New Orleans without a care in the world while his father is on the verge of a heart attack 24/7.  Hate that kid.  And of course he saunters into the courtroom for no apparent reason.  Now Baxter will see the kid with his daughter, probably see his inhaler and put it all together.  

They should have left the following day to some exotic location.  Baxter is not big time.  

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When is Baxter going to realize that continually finding and confronting Michael in public is the stupidest, most idiotic behavior ever?  And that whole “you have a deadline” is also ridiculous.

Now unlikeable, loser Adam has the hot teacher madly in love with him and the mob daughter totally smitten. I think they chose the wrong actor to play this part.  Nothing about him suggests he could get girls to be so blind.  Sorry, Hunter Doohan.

And yes, Baxter will have no reason not to slowly torture Michael to death after the trial. I guess Michael is just buying time.  But obviously, Baxter will find out about Adam. And Fia. That will be interesting.

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This episode has finally put me in the I can't stand Michael camp. Stabbing his judge friend in the back (did I hear correctly that she could be charged with a felony?!) while playing the race card (they stopped her because she's black and got lucky). Ugh! Then add onto that his antics to get Carlos off for murdering Kofi. Then strong arming the juror to get her thrown off the jury.

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6 hours ago, Tara said:

Now unlikeable, loser Adam has the hot teacher madly in love with him and the mob daughter totally smitten. I think they chose the wrong actor to play this part.  Nothing about him suggests he could get girls to be so blind.  Sorry, Hunter Doohan.


I think they cast him because he is so handsome and looks so protected and privileged. He actually looks like he grew up with the best of everything. However, I also believe the part was miscast but maybe not. I have to see how the actor handles the unraveling of it all. 

You have to wonder what Michael's end game is.

He wanted to cover up Adam's role in the accident.  Well technically, nobody else knows besides Adam and Franny.  But Jimmy believes it was Michael himself who ran over Rocco so his family is still in extreme danger now.

Does he think Jimmy will just kill him but leave Adam alone?  Even if that were the case, he's not ready to sacrifice himself to protect Adam.

He avoided being killed right at the dock by promising to get Carlo off.  But afterwards, is he going to be safe?

He can't exactly go to the cops now.  That would keep Adam and himself in danger, not to mention him offering to fix the trial.  Plus Jimmy has corrupt cops in the NOPD and probably other corrupt officials.

Is he going to have to go all Walter White on Fring and those Mexican cartel gangsters and kill Jimmy and Frank?  And probably Carlo and Gina too.  Maybe Cusack, the corrupt cop.

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15 hours ago, LoveLeigh said:

So this show entered pandemic times. But the scenes must have been filmed out of sequence. In the courtroom, masks are seen and worn by a juror. And on the street, we see nobody masked and schools are open and there is indoor dining and no social distancing. 


I noticed that as well, and at least one time when Michael said something that was clearly a voice over that had to do with COVID or safety protocols. I thought, "Huh, they dropped that in after the fact."  I think it was during a pan shot of the jury.

I don't think Michael gained anything by not letting Helen Solloway, er, the prosecuting attorney, show the pictures of Kofi to the jury.  Slamming her hand against the wall and the detailed description of how he died, e.g., concrete particles embedded in his skull, was probably more effective since it forced the jurors to use their imaginations. 

I still like this show, but I'm not going to miss it when it ends.  I'm getting tired of Jimmy and his Manson Lamps™ (© Tony Soprano), and I've been over Adam and his drama for a while now.  Did he really think he could blow off his teacher by lying about NYU and she'd never find out about it? Or that he and Frannie are going to live happily ever after?  Kid's not grounded in reality.

Edited by Lone Wolf
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1 hour ago, aghst said:

Does he think Jimmy will just kill him but leave Adam alone?  Even if that were the case, he's not ready to sacrifice himself to protect Adam.

I think Michael is still afraid for Adam considering the Baxters killed Kofi's entire family despite the fact that he was in jail for killing Rocco.

1 hour ago, aghst said:

He avoided being killed right at the dock by promising to get Carlo off.  But afterwards, is he going to be safe?

I wondered this the moment Michael made the deal to get Carlos off. Yes Michael was in a tight spot and said whatever he thought he needed to say but my guess is he knows that he and Adam won't be safe either way it goes.

Edited by GodsBeloved
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Nothing in this show makes sense.

What was up with the COVID changes, with 1 juror wearing a mask, but nobody else?

How can the son of a judge just willy nilly attend the proceedings, especially when nobody else is allowed in, really? 

How did the search show up on the phone? 

For Baxter to be this mob boss extraordinaire, he's super sloppy in what he does. 


I guess the whole thing is somewhat geared towards "you could never corrupt a judge, this is what happens if you did" but come on, now, it's so far from plausible at this point, it's insane. 

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3 hours ago, LoveLeigh said:

I think they cast him because he is so handsome and looks so protected and privileged. He actually looks like he grew up with the best of everything. However, I also believe the part was miscast but maybe not. I have to see how the actor handles the unraveling of it all. 

I don’t see that at all.  He’s very awkward looking and doesn’t carry himself like the TV stereotype of a rich kid.  Plus I don’t think his parents are portrayed as the type who would value wealth over character.  With that they failed miserably.  

He had no problem lying to a woman he claimed to love a short while ago.  Didn’t bother to tell his teacher that he’s moved on. He’s taken up with the sister of the teen he killed not thinking of the pain this will cause later.  

I think they wanted to portray him as a sensitive artist but it’s not working. 

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6 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I'm comical what a stupid gangster he is.  

He sure is. Definitely not in Tony Soprano's zip-code.

5 hours ago, Lone Wolf said:

I don't think Michael gained anything by not letting Helen Solloway, er, the prosecuting attorney, show the pictures of Kofi to the jury.  Slamming her hand against the wall and the detailed description of how he died, e.g., concrete particles embedded in his skull, was probably more effective since it forced the jurors to use their imaginations.

I had the same thoughts. Her banging on the bench was riveting and much more effective than showing the pictures. Michael screwed up with this decision. 

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4 hours ago, Tara said:

Handsome? And he “looks” protected and privileged?  Maybe that was the intention, but he is failing miserably to pull any of that off.

Yes I think he looks like a typical protected privileged private school kid right out of Dalton or Avenues. And he is very handsome; he looks like a magazine model. He may not be a good actor though and that might be the reason for the fail. 

Edited by LoveLeigh
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