deirdra December 2, 2020 Share December 2, 2020 The Black Lives Matter & Defund the Police slogans were chosen for their shock value to wake people up, which was needed for the reasons Sunny stated. But the multiple explanations, often contradictory, by different activists and politicians during stump speeches made it hard for potential allies to inform themselves about how the candidates were interpreting the slogans. I agree with Joy that it lost seats in the House. 2 15 Link to comment
Pearson80 December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 (edited) 2 hours ago, deirdra said: The Black Lives Matter & Defund the Police slogans were chosen for their shock value to wake people up, which was needed for the reasons Sunny stated. But the multiple explanations, often contradictory, by different activists and politicians during stump speeches made it hard for potential allies to inform themselves about how the candidates were interpreting the slogans. I agree with Joy that it lost seats in the House. Actually, those who lost because of the defund the police slogan were Democrats who had flipped traditional Republican seats 2 years ago and because both sides had a much higher turnout than usual this past election cycle. Those flipped seats flipped back to the Republicans... Also, there were other reasons why these people lost and it had nothing to do with the slogan but it would be off-topic... Edited December 3, 2020 by Pearson80 2 2 Link to comment
GHScorpiosRule December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 Good Lord! Sunny took a page from Meghan’s book and just would NOT SHUT UP today! She said her piece-something I disagreed with, but wouldn’t let Joy, Sara, or Whoopi say what they wanted, or even let them finish! Kept muttering and yapping even as Whoopi cut in, saying they had to take a break. And her examples she used as parallel weren’t even comparable. That all said, I’m still glad that Her Twatness wasn’t there because it would have been a worse train wreck. Aaaand, I still like Sunny, but today wasn’t a good look for her. 11 Link to comment
bannana December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 I actually enjoyed that discussion today, because it was a real discussion, and not just "let's go around the table and have everyone say what they say every other day". Sara got herself into trouble by trying to be so pc as to say she doesn't have the right to comment. I thought Sunny's comeback to her was apt, saying that she should be in the discussion. But I didn't like the smirk on Sunny's face when she said that. Sara was thrown, but she kept going. I have to give her credit for trying. But she is just out of her depth. I actually think Sunny made very good points, and I am guessing she was in debate club in uni. But Whoopi, Joy and Sara, as awkwardly as they stated their points, made more sense. Everything Sunny said was correct, but not pragmatic. Joy and Whoopi said it best probably, and for me to say Whoopi said something best, well that is something in itself. And here's how it got covered: 2 7 Link to comment
cinsays December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 8 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said: Good Lord! Sunny took a page from Meghan’s book and just would NOT SHUT UP today! She said her piece-something I disagreed with, but wouldn’t let Joy, Sara, or Whoopi say what they wanted, or even let them finish! Kept muttering and yapping even as Whoopi cut in, saying they had to take a break. Yes! I couldn't believe she kept doing that! She is usually so polite and waits her turn but she was just miss blabby today no matter whose turn it was to talk. Very annoying. 6 Link to comment
ifionlyknew December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 9 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said: Good Lord! Sunny took a page from Meghan’s book and just would NOT SHUT UP today! She said her piece-something I disagreed with, but wouldn’t let Joy, Sara, or Whoopi say what they wanted, or even let them finish! Kept muttering and yapping even as Whoopi cut in, saying they had to take a break. She just would not let up. She wouldn't even concede the others were making good points and they were making good points. 9 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said: And her examples she used as parallel weren’t even comparable. Abolish slavery meant exactly that. Abolish slavery. Defund the police although some people mean that literally does not mean take all funds away from police forces. 9 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said: That all said, I’m still glad that Her Twatness wasn’t there because it would have been a worse train wreck. If Meghan had been there to argue it would have proved Joy, Sara and Whoopi's argument. That some people will use the phrase and turn into something that scares people. 9 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said: , I still like Sunny, but today wasn’t a good look for her. Totally agree. Why she wants to die on this hill is beyond me. Defunding the police (or more accurately reallocating funds to agencies better equipped to deal with certain situations that police are not trained for) is something that absolutely needs to be done. The wording you use to campaign for that is less important. 6 hours ago, bannana said: I actually think Sunny made very good points, and I am guessing she was in debate club in uni. But Whoopi, Joy and Sara, as awkwardly as they stated their points, made more sense. Everything Sunny said was correct, but not pragmatic. Joy and Whoopi said it best probably, and for me to say Whoopi said something best, well that is something in itself. I think Sunny thinks people who are questioning the phrase are not passionate about the cause. And yes I was shocked that Whoopi said something that made a lot of sense and was actually very succinct. 1 hour ago, cinsays said: Yes! I couldn't believe she kept doing that! She is usually so polite and waits her turn but she was just miss blabby today no matter whose turn it was to talk. Very annoying. She came across as very smug and it was very annoying. She had her opinion and the other's had their opinions but you could tell Sunny was thinking I am right and you are wrong. 5 Link to comment
TheView December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 Mary Trump is on today 1 5 Link to comment
Haleth December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 (edited) And Ana! Kaleigh McAninny (whatever her name is) playing whataboutism doesn’t excuse their poor behavior. Are they 2nd graders? Oh boy, Meg would not have liked Mary’s comment about Trump revealing the character of the GOP. Edited December 3, 2020 by Haleth 17 Link to comment
deirdra December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 10 hours ago, bannana said: Sara got herself into trouble by trying to be so pc as to say she doesn't have the right to comment. I thought Sunny's comeback to her was apt, saying that she should be in the discussion. But I didn't like the smirk on Sunny's face when she said that. Sara was thrown, but she kept going. I have to give her credit for trying. But she is just out of her depth. Sunny tells Sara she should be in on the discussion, but then wouldn't let Sara or Joy finish a sentence and participate in the 'discussion'/lecture, which is exactly the point Sara was making. Being excluded or overtalked in a 'discussion' turns off potential allies. 7 Link to comment
ifionlyknew December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 4 minutes ago, deirdra said: Sunny tells Sara she should be in on the discussion, but then wouldn't let Sara or Joy finish a sentence and participate in the 'discussion'/lecture, which is exactly the point Sara was making. Being excluded or overtalked in a 'discussion' turns off potential allies. It seemed like Sunny was being deliberately antagonistic. Sara was being polite and saying she didn't think it was her place and Sunny was saying no it is your place but then kept shooting her down. Sunny wasn't interested in having a debate. She wanted to school people. At least that was the impression I got. 7 Link to comment
GHScorpiosRule December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 34 minutes ago, Haleth said: And Ana! Kaleigh McAninny (whatever her name is) playing whataboutism doesn’t excuse their poor behavior. Are they 2nd graders? Oh boy, Meg would not have liked Mary’s comment about Trump revealing the character of the GOP. Oh, she's back from visiting her Mama? Kaliegh is just another lying liar who lies. With a straight face. (she's so vile I don't care if I've misspelled her name) I really like Mary Trump in the interviews I've seen her in. 13 Link to comment
ifionlyknew December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 9 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said: I really like Mary Trump in the interviews I've seen her in. I read her book and it was very good. It was not a hatchet job like Meghan implied. She has a degree in clinical psychology. When she speaks about her uncle she should believed. 18 Link to comment
Axie December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 Sara is wearing a leather blouse? 1 Link to comment
Haleth December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 And sweatpants. 😄 3 1 Link to comment
BuckeyeLou December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 I got some real LOL's today: Ana showing the explosion of Christmas in her house & her bar 🙂 Joy watching Don Rickles' roasts! And then Sara standing up to show herself in the studio wearing sweatpants & wrapped up in a blanket 🙂 It just seem like they were having a lot of fun. The interview with Mary Trump was good, she has insight into how "you know who" is operating so he doesnt come across as a "Loser". 13 Link to comment
OnTime December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 10 hours ago, bannana said: Sara got herself into trouble by trying to be so pc as to say she doesn't have the right to comment. I thought Sunny's comeback to her was apt, saying that she should be in the discussion. But I didn't like the smirk on Sunny's face when she said that. Sara was thrown, but she kept going. I have to give her credit for trying. But she is just out of her depth. Sara really is out of her depth. The producers contribute to it by giving her scripted answers and she can only read/rehearse them. She twists herself all around. She can't just have a conversation off the top of her head. Sunny and Sara are on opposite sides of complex issues. 5 Link to comment
Pearson80 December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 (edited) 1 hour ago, deirdra said: Sunny tells Sara she should be in on the discussion, but then wouldn't let Sara or Joy finish a sentence and participate in the 'discussion'/lecture, which is exactly the point Sara was making. Being excluded or overtalked in a 'discussion' turns off potential allies. I don't think she was being mean to Sara but I think sometimes people who are not a part of a marginalized group have the tendency to tell us how we should behave or say because what we are saying or doing makes them uncomfortable. For example: why do you have to say Black lives matter, all lives matter.. Of course every life has value but Black Lives Matter is about everything that Black people have gone through since the slave trade and beyond. Sunny is very passionate about the issue of police brutality and it comes off aggressive and antagonistic but she is not at all.. The goal of any movement is to disrupt the status quo and not to uphold it... Edited December 3, 2020 by Pearson80 12 Link to comment
General Days December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 (edited) 22 hours ago, RealHousewife said: Agree. I wonder if Sunny will come around on this. I think if it had been BLMT, it would have been accepted a bit more, but sadly there are way too many people who do not care about the pain of others. Like Joy, I don't think BLM (without the "too") poses the same kind of problem as "defund the police." I know BLM needed explaining to apolitical people. It is worth explaining, as Joy did on the show, with the house-on-fire "Of course all houses matter, but the one that's on fire is the one that matters to the fire department right now" illustration. I found the objections to BLM more willfully obtuse than I do the ones to "defund the police," again, in part, because like Sara said, different activists mean different things (from reallocation of funds to abolition) by "defund." There are very few combinations of words that express the idea that Black lives should matter in the eyes of the law and society, and none so clearly as "Black lives matter." With "defund the police," what a lot of people can/would support amounts to less reactionary training for police, an emphasis on deescalation, crime prevention programs, and mental health services, so you call it something like "Focused Policing" and advocate for the same things, and win people over instead of turning them off. I think the clip of President Obama saying to "meet people where they are" makes the most sense. 21 hours ago, deirdra said: The Black Lives Matter & Defund the Police slogans were chosen for their shock value to wake people up, which was needed for the reasons Sunny stated. But the multiple explanations, often contradictory, by different activists and politicians during stump speeches made it hard for potential allies to inform themselves about how the candidates were interpreting the slogans. I agree with Joy that it lost seats in the House. I think you've put it perfectly, Deirdra. If I were Slogan Queen, I wouldn't change the "Black Lives Matter" slogan, but I'd rework slogans like "defund the police" (see also: "abolish ICE," and "pack the court"), because they're too easy for opponents to twist, in order to mislead persuadable people. 7 hours ago, cinsays said: Yes! I couldn't believe she kept doing that! She is usually so polite and waits her turn but she was just miss blabby today no matter whose turn it was to talk. Very annoying. People are generally exhausted, right now. In the US, I think that's probably even more true for Black people and particularly Black women. I can understand why Sunny, especially as the mother of a Black son, feels like the objections to "defund" are the same kind of b.s. the "All lives matter" and "blue lives matter" people spout. I just think Sunny is incorrect about this. Since she does see it another way, I appreciate her stance. I think it comes from an intellectually honest place (unlike the "All lives matter" people who are playing games). Sunny lives with this burden in a way that Sara can't (and that I can't). I don't think Sunny was mean, just passionate. It is always weird when Whoopi just blurts out something that is clear, concise, and wise. Edited December 3, 2020 by General Days words are things I should use better 16 Link to comment
bannana December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 Boy Whoopi was having her problems again today--I don't even know what she messed up with intro'ing that video but she was a garbled mess and then later corrrected it making it even more confusing. So Whoopi provided her opinion on Kayleigh Mac a Ninny's shaming of Dems re mask wearing. She said it was an apples and oranges comparison, that they may have made a mistake but it cannot be compared to the government and the President lying to the American people, hiding the severity of COVID etc. Then she asked Sara to comment saying something like: Ami I crazy? Sara started out saying she agreed with Whoopi and then went into a long rambling speech about how the Dems were wrong and endangering people and blah blah. The look on Whoopi's face after that was not her usual stoner or constipated look; she looked pissed! Also, later in the show Sara had to correct what she said, that yesterday wasn't more people died than on 9/11. But at the end she had a big smile on her face. Weird. I want to like Sara but I am having a hard time doing so. Link to comment
GHScorpiosRule December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 There's passionate and there's just being stubborn and obnoxious. I can always count on Anna to make me smile! I covet her Christmas stuff. 8 Link to comment
After7Only December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 1 hour ago, General Days said: People are generally exhausted, right now. In the US, I think that's probably even more true for Black people and particularly Black women. I can understand why Sunny, especially as the mother of a Black son, feels like the objections to "defund" are the same kind of b.s. the "All lives matter" and "blue lives matter" people spout. I just think Sunny is incorrect about this. Since she does see it another way, I appreciate her stand. I think it comes from an intellectually honest place (unlike the "All lives matter" people who are playing games). Sunny lives with this burden in a way that Sara can't (and that I can't). I don't think Sunny was mean, just passionate. I agree so much with this statement. Sunny feels very passionate on this issue. But she sticks to the facts, and doesn't get emotional when others push back. She just hits their argument with more facts. Whether I agree with her or not, I understand and can empathize with why she feels the way she does. I've liked Ana since way back in her republican pundit days for the same reason. Even though I didn't necessarily agree with her on many topics, I generally respected her arguments . We've gotten away from that unfortunately. Now disagreeing with someone can often be seen as a personal attack. 12 Link to comment
Badbea99 December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 Ana makes the show SO much better. She is the antithesis of the other one. Ana has natural co-hosting abilities. She plays well with others and is a quick thinker whether the topic is serious or silly. 17 Link to comment
AryasMum December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 5 hours ago, Haleth said: And Ana! Kaleigh McAninny (whatever her name is) playing whataboutism doesn’t excuse their poor behavior. Are they 2nd graders? Oh boy, Meg would not have liked Mary’s comment about Trump revealing the character of the GOP. What did Whoopi say about Kayleigh’s husband? I thought it was something about her husband showing up yesterday without a mask. For a second I thought she was referring to the set of The View. 4 hours ago, Axie said: Sara is wearing a leather blouse? Why not, Whoopi was wearing a stained painter’s smock. 3 hours ago, Pearson80 said: I don't think she was being mean to Sara but I think sometimes people who are not a part of a marginalized group have the tendency to tell us how we should behave or say because what we are saying or doing makes them uncomfortable. For example: why do you have to say Black lives matter, all lives matter.. Of course every life has value but Black Lives Matter is about everything that Black people have gone through since the slave trade and beyond. Sunny is very passionate about the issue of police brutality and it comes off aggressive and antagonistic but she is not at all.. The goal of any movement is to disrupt the status quo and not to uphold it... Thank you for explaining it, and I agree. Link to comment
ifionlyknew December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said: There's passionate and there's just being stubborn and obnoxious. Agreed. 1 hour ago, After7Only said: Even though I didn't necessarily agree with her on many topics, I generally respected her arguments . We've gotten away from that unfortunately. Now disagreeing with someone can often be seen as a personal attack. 4 minutes ago, Badbea99 said: Ana makes the show SO much better. She is the antithesis of the other one. Ana has natural co-hosting abilities. She plays well with others and is a quick thinker whether the topic is serious or silly. When she who shall not be named returns the tone of the show is going to go back to the way it was. It's been pleasant to watch it without her and we are going to lose that. 14 Link to comment
LetsStartTalking December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 23 hours ago, deirdra said: The Black Lives Matter & Defund the Police slogans were chosen for their shock value to wake people up, which was needed for the reasons Sunny stated. Unfortunately, as been discussed on the show, it woke the wrong people up and they ran with it - distorting all meaning and every word. 4 Link to comment
bannana December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 2 hours ago, AryasMum said: Why not, Whoopi was wearing a stained painter’s smock. I was convinced it was stained too! 3 Link to comment
Haleth December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 I thought so too at first but I think that was a pattern. 1 Link to comment
LakeGal December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 I really enjoyed all of them laughing and having fun today. There was a happiness that is not there when Megan is around. 12 Link to comment
Blissfool December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 4 hours ago, AryasMum said: What did Whoopi say about Kayleigh’s husband? I thought it was something about her husband showing up yesterday without a mask. For a second I thought she was referring to the set of The View. Not your fault. That's how she worded it. I actually thought back to yesterday's show to refresh my memory on who'd been on, realized he wasn't on, and cursed Whoopi for another ill-worded sentence. Speaking of yesterday's show, Sara didn’t say that she didn't think it was her place to speak on the BLM movement. She said she had been TOLD it was not her place because of "the hue of my skin." I wonder who told her that. 3 5 Link to comment
sugarbaker design December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 12 hours ago, Blissfool said: She said she had been TOLD it was not her place because of "the hue of my skin." I wonder who told her that. So Sara just blindly does what people tell her to do? She has no agency or volition? She really is an airhead. 3 Link to comment
OnTime December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 (edited) On 12/3/2020 at 2:21 PM, bannana said: So Whoopi provided her opinion on Kayleigh Mac a Ninny's shaming of Dems re mask wearing. She said it was an apples and oranges comparison, that they may have made a mistake but it cannot be compared to the government and the President lying to the American people, hiding the severity of COVID etc. Then she asked Sara to comment saying something like: Ami I crazy? Sara started out saying she agreed with Whoopi and then went into a long rambling speech about how the Dems were wrong and endangering people and blah blah. The look on Whoopi's face after that was not her usual stoner or constipated look; she looked pissed! Also, later in the show Sara had to correct what she said, that yesterday wasn't more people died than on 9/11. But at the end she had a big smile on her face. Weird. I want to like Sara but I am having a hard time doing so. Sara's long rambling speech was on her teleprompter so she had no idea really what she was saying, she only knew to read it. I think she is so focused on getting her prepared answers correct and over with, she can't participate in a real discussion. I put her in the Rosie Perez co-host category, not a bad person but completely wrong for The View. Sara is the weakest link on this show. Edited December 5, 2020 by OnTime 2 Link to comment
LetsStartTalking December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 (edited) Something was said yesterday about not knowing someone's background, and Sunny quipped 'Just like John Bolton didn't know my legal background'. She then did her sarcastic pout. Not true - Bolton never said he didn't know she had a legal background, just the opposite. He questioned her legal understanding of a topic they were discussing last week when he was a guest. One lawyer questioning another on their legal understanding is par for the course, especially when they are on opposite sides of an argument. He never questioned her legal background or asked if she was a lawyer - he knew, and questioned her understanding (and he won). That's still stinging her like a bee up her ass. Get over it Sunny! I liked when the camera did a close up on Sara, and she babbled on and on and on and on (this was the discussion of some Dems breaking COVID rules). The camera then does a full-shot of the hosts, and Joy had a puzzled look on her face (with a smirk) and shook her head, as if to say 'What the hell is she saying ?' Meanwhile, Whoopi had the glazed look over her eyes as though she tuned out when Sara began talking. For the record, I miss MeAgain and her 'spilling the tea', 'reading tea leaves', 'moving the needle one way or the other', 'her wheelhouse', 'being the only republican in the USA', etc. Edited December 4, 2020 by LetsStartTalking Link to comment
Haleth December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 Yeah, Sara went on and on with a nonsensical equivalence about being shamed for alcohol in the background of her pics. That was not the same as hypocritical politicians being shamed for breaking covid rules that can endanger people. Whoopi was shaming Kaleigh’s husband for not wearing a mask at the White House party. 1 4 Link to comment
ifionlyknew December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 12 minutes ago, Haleth said: Yeah, Sara went on and on with a nonsensical equivalence about being shamed for alcohol in the background of her pics. That was not the same as hypocritical politicians being shamed for breaking covid rules that can endanger people. I didn't think she was was equating the two. She said she had been on the receiving end of being shamed on social media and therefore wouldn't be shaming anyone for things they have done. I can go either way on Sara. She seems like a genuinely nice person but yeah she is in over head with serious discussions. In real life she is probably the co host I would most like to hang with. 25 minutes ago, LetsStartTalking said: Something was said yesterday about not knowing someone's background, and Sunny quipped 'Just like John Bolton didn't know my legal background'. She then did her sarcastic pout. I heard her say it too. I've always liked Sunny more than I have disliked her but lately I'm not liking her too much. She is developing an attitude and it seems her co hosts are noticing it too. 3 Link to comment
GHScorpiosRule December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 24 minutes ago, LetsStartTalking said: Something was said yesterday about not knowing someone's background, and Sunny quipped 'Just like John Bolton didn't know my legal background'. They were talking about Steve Mnuchin not knowing that Rep. Katie Porter was a lawyer, when she was questioning him, and he was being dismissive. Whoopi was asking shouldn't he have known that she was a lawyer? Didn't his lawyers inform him? Because when she asked if he was a lawyer, he said he had lawyers around him who helped him; and they talked about her reclaiming her time because of his assholishness. 27 minutes ago, LetsStartTalking said: Not true - Bolton never said he didn't know she had a legal background, just the opposite. He questioned her legal understanding of a topic they were discussing last week when he was a guest. One lawyer questioning another on their legal understanding is par for the course, especially when they are on opposite sides of an argument. He never questioned her legal background or asked if she was a lawyer - he knew, and questioned her understanding (and he won). That's still stinging her like a bee up her ass. Get over it Sunny! That's not what I saw. When Bolton asked Sunny if she knew what the Emoluments Clause was, she responded she was aware, but that there wasn't enough time for her to tell him what she knew, as they had to move on and she had another question. That is not Bolton "winning". 12 Link to comment
Haleth December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 (edited) Bolton’s dismissive tone seemed to suggest he forgot Sunny was a Fed prosecutor. It seemed pretty sexist. The only problem with Biden asking for 100 days of masking is that those who will already are, and those that don’t never will. Sara looks kind of orange. Edited December 4, 2020 by Haleth 12 Link to comment
GoldenGirl90 December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 I had no idea that Sunny is a restaurant owner. Has she talked about it on the show before? 3 Link to comment
AryasMum December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 I remember someone around here asked if Gretta was pregnant. At the time I wondered about her cancer treatment, and if it was over to allow a pregnancy. But I just googled and Gretta is 50! So probably not. 1 Link to comment
cinsays December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said: That's not what I saw. When Bolton asked Sunny if she knew what the Emoluments Clause was, she responded she was aware, but that there wasn't enough time for her to tell him what she knew, as they had to move on and she had another question. That is not Bolton "winning". Yes, that is how I saw it too. I don't think Bolton came off very good in this discussion. 8 Link to comment
ForumLou December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 19 hours ago, ifionlyknew said: When she who shall not be named returns the tone of the show is going to go back to the way it was. It's been pleasant to watch it without her and we are going to lose that. I wonder if TPTB will put 2+2 together when the ratings plummet upon said return. Doubt it. Misc thoughts: As long as they remote in, I'm sure she'll be back eventually. Its just too easy. Now when they are back in studio, that might be a lil harder to leave the wee one, and we might have a chance. I'm curious if the order of remarks will still be Sara first when she's back. I wonder if she'll talk incessantly about said wee one, after the initial catch up when returning. Hopefully not. Probably not. I can see the all business returning. Remember the SnowMeister and Mr Freeze in one of my favorite Christmas cartoons. If mr Freeze can have a melted heart, maybe theres hope lol 3 Link to comment
OnTime December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 2 hours ago, ifionlyknew said: I can go either way on Sara. She seems like a genuinely nice person but yeah she is in over head with serious discussions. In real life she is probably the co host I would most like to hang with. Oh gosh, Ana is the co host that would be the most fun! 11 Link to comment
Axie December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 I think the current panel is the best they’ve had in a while. 17 Link to comment
carrps December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 1 hour ago, ForumLou said: Remember the SnowMeister and Mr Freeze in one of my favorite Christmas cartoons. If mr Freeze can have a melted heart, maybe theres hope lol I thought it was the SnowMiser. 1 Link to comment
GHScorpiosRule December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 When was the last time the entire panel was smiling, laughing, and joking? Yeah, I can't recall, either. This was so refreshing! And I felt the huge ass smile on my face, seeing the huge ass smile on Joy's face throughout the show today. She's so very good at moderating. Kept things running smoothly. But my station, cut off the first minute of the airplane discussion and support animals, so when it returned from break, Sunny was talking about a peacock. So I don't know what story started this conversation. 2 hours ago, GoldenGirl90 said: I had no idea that Sunny is a restaurant owner. Has she talked about it on the show before? This is the first time I've heard her say it. I was going to say, I remember her on Chopped, and losing. You'd think she would have mentioned it on that show, but she didn't. Unless she decided to get one after losing. Just give me this kind of show. I don't need "sparks!" or unintelligible cross-talking, fighting, hostility, or unprofessionalism. You can still disagree and not be a hivemind. I really loved the clip of when Joy was Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? from, *gulp!* 20 years ago! And she poked fun at herself. What would have been icing on the cake for me would have been a: from Joy. I think I heard a "I don't care" from her. So NOT the same thing! David Chang's bebe was ADORBS!!!!!! 13 Link to comment
bannana December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 24 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said: When was the last time the entire panel was smiling, laughing, and joking? Yeah, I can't recall, either. This was so refreshing! Yeah, it was a completely different show. Not as painful to watch! 5 Link to comment
RealHousewife December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 2 hours ago, ForumLou said: I wonder if TPTB will put 2+2 together when the ratings plummet upon said return. Doubt it. Misc thoughts: As long as they remote in, I'm sure she'll be back eventually. Its just too easy. Now when they are back in studio, that might be a lil harder to leave the wee one, and we might have a chance. I'm curious if the order of remarks will still be Sara first when she's back. I wonder if she'll talk incessantly about said wee one, after the initial catch up when returning. Hopefully not. Probably not. I can see the all business returning. Remember the SnowMeister and Mr Freeze in one of my favorite Christmas cartoons. If mr Freeze can have a melted heart, maybe theres hope lol Does anyone actually know someone who became a softer, gentler person after becoming a parent? Everyone always says this, especially about men who have daughters. It rarely occurs in my experience. Abrasive, insensitive assholes are usually abrasive, insensitive assholes who are just more stressed out once they have additional responsibility. I have no doubt Meghan loves her daughter. I just don't see that love making her different. 1 10 Link to comment
Axie December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 4 minutes ago, RealHousewife said: Does anyone actually know someone who became a softer, gentler person after becoming a parent? Everyone always says this, especially about men who have daughters. It rarely occurs in my experience. Abrasive, insensitive assholes are usually abrasive, insensitive assholes who are just more stressed out once they have additional responsibility. I have no doubt Meghan loves her daughter. I just don't see that love making her different. I agree. Plus, Megs became even more of an ahole after she got married so I doubt motherhood has changed her. Especially since she rarely mentioned pregnancy, for awhile said she didn’t know if she wanted kids, has made zero zoom appearances since giving birth, etc. 7 Link to comment
bannana December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 Article re Ana's comments re the grift. Article re the ratings (doesn't mention that MeAgain is absent while the ratings are the highest ever) Article re Sara's comments re Dem hypocrisy. 3 2 Link to comment
sugarbaker design December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 7 minutes ago, RealHousewife said: Everyone always says this, especially about men who have daughters. I've only heard this theory in regards to men. Never heard it applied to women. Meghan has been an obnoxious, spoiled, entitled, loud-mouthed ignoramus for a long time. Motherhood is not going to change that, it's going to exacerbate it. Now she has to defend her little Liberty from the socialist, Marxist, infanticidal, gun-stealing, over-taxing Democratic party. 10 Link to comment
LetsStartTalking December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 4 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said: They were talking about Steve Mnuchin not knowing that Rep. Katie Porter was a lawyer, when she was questioning him, and he was being dismissive. Whoopi was asking shouldn't he have known that she was a lawyer? Didn't his lawyers inform him? Because when she asked if he was a lawyer, he said he had lawyers around him who helped him; and they talked about her reclaiming her time because of his assholishness. That's not what I saw. When Bolton asked Sunny if she knew what the Emoluments Clause was, she responded she was aware, but that there wasn't enough time for her to tell him what she knew, as they had to move on and she had another question. That is not Bolton "winning". Yes! Thanks for reminding me about Mnuchin and Porter. As for Bolton, he asked her understanding of the EC. Since she was the one conducting the interview, she could have very well extended the time on telling him how she understood it. She cowered, and jumped to the next question. No reason why she couldn't explain her understanding the way he did - the ball was in her court. She was caught off guard by his question, and probably didn't study up on the EC. As I said earlier, this continues to sting her. 2 Link to comment
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