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Remembering Alex Trebek


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There's an article in "Ottawa Road Trips" featuring Alex and his philanthropy. I thought it was such an exquisite tribute to him on Nov. 9th when they played the J! theme song via bells from the Peace Tower at the Parliament buildings.

If you want to hear the (faint) bells, scroll down to the last video. Maybe grab a kleenex first.


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Did you know Alex's favorite animal was the musk ox? Point Defiance Zoo named their new baby after him.


Speaking of Alex Trebek and his favorite animal, meet Trebek, a baby musk ox born at the Point Defiance Zoo in Washington. Like his namesake, he's got a charming face and a penchant for mischief. Unlike the human Trebek, though, the baby musk ox won't care whether you answer in the form of a question.


Plus some more of his favorite charitable things

(Courtesy of CNN's "Good Stuff" email newsletter).

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The 10 pm SNL tonight included an Celebrity Jeopardy sketch (the one with “s”words/swords) and then showed Alex with “Alex” and “Sean Connery”.  

And then showed “what is Alex Trebek” and “who is the greatest game show host of all time” (or something similar). 

Edited by M. Darcy
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14 minutes ago, PBnJay said:

The end of The Simpsons took me by surprise. So many shows are doing tributes, it says so much about how loved Alex was.

Exactly. I'm trusting he's pain-free now because the rest of us (I'm assuming everyone is feeling similar grief) are certainly feeling the loss of him. I like to think that we're all now carrying the pain he was in... and I know in time, it will lessen into a twinge. Maybe someday, I'll be able to feel pure gratitude for knowing him, enjoying him, and appreciating him, without the sadness of missing him.

I also trust he's aware of all the accolades, tributes and kind words that are being said about him. (When my Dad passed, I was acutely aware of his presence for a few weeks... he actually played tricks on me. Someday, I'll write a book about it. Freaked me out in about the same intensity as it absolutely thrilled me.)

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I love how they dedicate each show to Alex. The tribute chokes me up. Still.

The first time I can read it, without having teary eyes, will be a sign I'm on the mend.

I'd reserved Alex's book at my local library and was way down the list. I figured I'd get it before Christmas... and the fact that my book was delivered the same day he passed makes it really hard. I'm an avid reader as are many here - I've never had a book stare at me the way this one does. Every time I pick it up, I start to read... and then start to weep.

I may have to ask Santa for my own copy.

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The 10 pm SNL tonight included an Celebrity Jeopardy sketch (the one with “s”words/swords) and then showed Alex with “Alex” and “Sean Connery”.  

And then showed “what is Alex Trebek” and “who is the greatest game show host of all time” (or something similar). 


That got to me, I sniveled like a baby. I think that was the first Celebrity Jeopardy; Sean Connery didn't have his animosity towards Trebek yet 


I think I might have to tune into Groundhog Day,

There's also a Seinfeld (there's ALWAYS a Seinfeld) episode with a Jeopardy reference...George gave up sex and instantly got smart. calling out the answers while watching in Jerry's apartment (while also solving a Rubik's cube) and Jerry asked him if it was a repeat. Of course, George ultimately decided having sex was better than being smart 🙂 


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Doesn't Bezos have enough money that he could let us read the WaPo for free?

Yes he does...if anyone wants to attribute a COVID conspiracy theory to Jeff Bezos instead of Bill Gates, I'd listen. Bezos has benefited immensely. 

But, no he won't miss a chance to extract a few more bucks. Maybe he could include it with Amazon Prime?  

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41 minutes ago, Driad said:

Alex's last episode will be December 25, a Friday. If your station tends to preempt Jeopardy on Fridays for football talk, it may be worth asking them to air Jeopardy that day. I did and my station said yes.

Unfortunately, my J! station is ABC (and airs at 3:30pm)---usually bumped for Xmas Basketball. Unless they don't have it this year (fingers crossed).

56 minutes ago, illdoc said:

Unfortunately, my J! station is ABC (and airs at 3:30pm)---usually bumped for Xmas Basketball.

Might be worth asking anyway, especially if your station runs more than one channel. Mine has another that mostly airs sitcom reruns, and I asked them to air Jeopardy there if they preempt it from the main channel.

18 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Has anyone noticed that the show is playing clips of Alex in the opening "This is Jeopardy" segment? There is a different one every day. It's worth tuning in a minute or two early to catch it.

I think this has been happening all season, though I only noticed it after he passed. I went on Youtube to search for the show's opening/intro and found a video posted earlier in the season that had some old Alex footage in it. I'm sorry I don't have a link.

Here are some symptoms of and risks for pancreatic cancer. I looked them up after Alex mentioned World Pancreatic Cancer Day. http://wpcd.worldpancreaticcancercoalition.org/world-pancreatic-cancer-day/risks-symptoms/

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15 hours ago, Browncoat said:

I think it has, too, as part of the new opening.  I also believe that there is a different one each day, but they're repeated.  So the Tuesday one is always on Tuesday, for example.  I haven't really paid that much attention, though.

I like your theory and will have to start paying more attention!

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On 11/21/2020 at 12:42 PM, saber5055 said:

Same here. I just remember Thursday was Alex in a Spartan outfit, complete with helmet and sword. Friday was just Alex in regular host clothing.

I think Monday had early-days Alex. Gonna have to make sure I pay more attention for the next couple weeks.

Edit: I wrote that and then totally missed the opening. 🙄

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14 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

My AOL friend from years ago, Donz5 (Don Giller) has created a compilation of AT on Letterman.


Thank you, Prevailing Wind! That was so much fun to watch.

Every time Alex mentions hosting To Reach For The Top (Canada in the 60's), I wait for him to mention my name... I guess I didn't make as much of an impression on him as he did on me... LOL

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You're welcome. I met Donz in the AOL forum for Letterman in the early 90s. He's got EVERY show taped & catalogued. You can ask him "How many times was Fishburne on Letterman" and he'll tell you, as long as he remembers Fishburne spells his name LaUrence.  LOL.  I never knew what he does in real life for work, but he's definitely the archivist to go to for anything Dave related.

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3 hours ago, saber5055 said:

A cartoon tribute to Alex.

You beat me to it, Saber! I came here to post this... 'cause it's so perfect. Alex touched so many, in all walks of life, all over the world.

I just wrapped one of the grandkid's presents - it's a 300 piece world map puzzle, done in kid-friendly style. I figure it's up to this Nana to promote a love of geography (my way of paying tribute to Alex) so they don't grow up to be like some our not-geography-loving posters here. Not naming names. LOL

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Only because I'm practicing getting used to "googling" stuff... I decided to look up the jigsaw puzzle I bought. Voila! (In Canuck, it's "walla!")

This link shows the puzzle box, the book inside (cool info) and the puzzle pieces. If any of you want to promote Alex's love of geography and have little ones to treat, I recommend it. Quality product for a small price. (Back of the box says Cdn $17.95 but I happen to know they're $9.99 at Costco.) It also says not recommended for under 36 months. I cannot see a 3 yr old doing this puzzle alone... they'd definitely need adult snoopervision (my word).

I put it together - so I could take it apart in 24 sections and wrap each one up for advent calendar purposes. I love making kids happy!


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Paper maps for me too. I love looking at maps and love those atlas books with maps of all the countries. I like to visualize where I am going. People who drive by a GPS voice telling them to "turn here" end up stranded in the middle of snow-closed roads, Death Valley, and places they shouldn't be. Dumbasses with dead brain cells. Once I followed friends to a dog show in downtown Chicago. They got off the expressway and turned right, at the direction of their GPS, while I was behind honking and flashing my lights at them to stop, the show building was right there ... to the LEFT.

I'm checking out that puzzle as a gift to ... ME! Thanks @Bliss.

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