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MAFS Social Media, Spoilers & Speculation

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This is the Spoiler thread. Why are people being less than spoilery, or suggesting they ought to use spoiler "boxes"??

Not everyone is on Twitter, or FB, or Instagram, or anything other than here and the TV. So mere allusions and references can be frustrating.


Anyway, I think both Neil and David would be better-looking if they reversed their hirsuteness, to wit: Shave the face; grow the top (and sides) more and ditch the creepy gel on the up-combed front, which just emphasizes a receding hairline.


As for David in particular, IMO he's got Prince William Syndrome: Hot about five years ago, not so much now!


Ashley and Friends of Ashley can say what they want, but nothing could "explain away" at least two spontaneous flinches and more that Ashley did when David touched her. That's not "editing."


Sam is simply Being Sam on Twitter: uncouth; brash; insulting; "tough." 


And "experts" need to have some sense of pride and class, and not go on Twitter with defensive and/or sarcastic language to anonymous commenters.



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Yesterday, David posted a recent picture on his Twitter account. He had lost so much weight. Someone asked him abt the weight loss and he said


@Ksmith122608 Yea I tore my ACL and was sidelined for a bit. MAFS was the heaviest I was cause couldn't work out. 100% healthy now.

I wonder if she would have found him more attractive if she had met him now. Moreover he doesn't have the beards anymore.


Poor David.  It has to suck to go on national t.v., when you look your absolute worst.  That being said, he really did not look that bad.  I hope he has given up on his marriage, because I am sure there are plenty of women in Atlanta who would love to date him.

It looks like he's a fun dude with a nice network of friends, he was probably single for a week at the most. Still wearing the ring though, I guess it's in the contract. EDIT - or is he? Maybe that's his middle finger. Which would be funny, like a giant FU to the whole show.

Also, love the sorority girl pose on the brunette up front.

Edited by Jack Sampson
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Yesterday, David posted a recent picture on his Twitter account. He had lost so much weight. Someone asked him abt the weight loss and he said


@Ksmith122608 Yea I tore my ACL and was sidelined for a bit. MAFS was the heaviest I was cause couldn't work out. 100% healthy now.

I wonder if she would have found him more attractive if she had met him now. Moreover he doesn't have the beards anymore.




Haha I know the guy in the dead center and the guy behind him!

He really seems like a fun guy with a close circle of lively friends.  There is no way I see killjoy Ashley fitting in with that group.


Hah, after seeing that photo I was going to post exactly that!  I like his friends, they look like fun.  Ashley would be like a wet blanket with them.  He looks great even with the doofus expression, LOL.

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Last night, the maf guys went to Meehan public house while the girls (Sam and Ashley) went to Buckhead saloon. These places are 2 minutes apart. I definitely think everyone is on good terms unlike last year.



Sam posted the ladies picture..

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Last night, the maf guys went to Meehan public house while the girls (Sam and Ashley) went to Buckhead saloon. These places are 2 minutes apart. I definitely think everyone is on good terms unlike last year.



Sam posted the ladies picture..

He looks way better than when he was on the show. Since Ashley is into fitness, maybe she helped. ;)

Last night, the maf guys went to Meehan public house while the girls (Sam and Ashley) went to Buckhead saloon. These places are 2 minutes apart. I definitely think everyone is on good terms unlike last year.



Sam posted the ladies picture..

Kudos to David for losing the beard and some of the weight.  Neil looks about the same - he had the best bod of all the men.

Wow...David looks so much better....fit and no beard. His beard did him no favors - he looks handsome now

The pic of the 3 guys together (standing) Neil looks odd as usual but picture of the 3 in a booth he actually looks the best, smiling, relaxed, holding his lips in a pucker



I had seen the pic of Trey with a beard and it also did not flatter him - he looks cute clean shaven IMHO


Is there a picture of Sam and Ashley? and...where oh where is Vanessa?

Edited by still hoping
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Wow...David looks so much better....fit and no beard. His beard did him no favors - he looks handsome now

The pic of the 3 guys together (standing) Neil looks odd as usual but picture of the 3 in a booth he actually looks the best, smiling, relaxed, holding his lips in a pucker


I had seen the pic of Trey with a beard and it also did not flatter him - he looks cute clean shaven IMHO

Is there a picture of Sam and Ashley? and...where oh where is Vanessa?

Girls and guys night out! ❤️ #MarriedAtFirstSight ##MAFS https://t.co/4qdPRX2mYV

And that's only because Sam likes the publicity that comes with it.


I feel sorry for Vanessa. Tres will come to regret this one day. She's a class act, beautiful, smart and self-supporting.

Lets say all three couples are offered a First Year show. Which of the three would you want to see? No fair saying "none" haha!

Sam and Neil, only for the car crash. But then again, I don't wish this on anybody. Sam is an abusive [insert insult of your choice], I feel uncomfortable watching her. I'd feel really sorry for Neil and I'm glad I'm not one of her employees. She probably makes life like living hell for them. What an unpleasant person she is.

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Re social media...what makes everyone think Vanessa and Trey are not together?


Thanks for the pic of the 2 gals out on the town...but where was Vanessa? IMHO she might be the most vulnerable person to have participated on this show

so I am still hoping that she and Trey are together - maybe not preggo LOL...but together and "working" on their relationship?  What am I missing?

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Re social media...what makes everyone think Vanessa and Trey are not together?

Thanks for the pic of the 2 gals out on the town...but where was Vanessa? IMHO she might be the most vulnerable person to have participated on this show

so I am still hoping that she and Trey are together - maybe not preggo LOL...but together and "working" on their relationship? What am I missing?

Vanessa favorites some breakup related/ guys aren't shit related tweets sometimes. I don't know if that means anything, but it is weird.

If Vanessa and Tres are not together and Sam and Neil are, the curse of consummation is going to be even higher on the show.  I think besides Courtney and Jason, all couples that have consummated their marriage before the decision have broken up.  As I recall, Jamie and Doug did not consummate, until after the decision.


Of course you have Sean and Davina (who never consummated, but broke up anyway), but Sean was never in it for the marriage.  Of course if the rumors of them not getting paid all that much are true, then I really have no idea why the hell Sean went on this show.


To clarify, I do not consummation makes a difference in the strength of the bonds, but it is an interesting statistic if true.

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I'm not sure if this has been posted before, or if it true (but hey it comes from a "production insider" so it has to be true, right?) but supposedly the participants are paid $5000 per show.  I didn't think that sounded like much (the "nothing stipend" I've read about in other articles) until I did the math.  Over the 15 episodes of season two that came to $75000.  Only 13 episodes announced for season 3 ($65000) but that doesn't count the "six months later" episode they most certainly will do.  Add to that the $$ people might pick up doing other things, like Jamie's announcing and whatnot and this could be a lucrative gig.

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Lets say all three couples are offered a First Year show. Which of the three would you want to see? No fair saying "none" haha!


The only couple I'd care to watch would be Vanessa and Tres.  I think they are adorable together, and hope they make it.  Trouble is that happy is boring, so that probably wouldn't do too well ratings wise.


Watching the others is just painful.  

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A first year show would be interesting.  The trouble was that since the second season imploded, they had to do "another season of the first year show" with the first season couples.  There is no reason to follow any of these people after the first year.


They were so desperate they even gave a story line to Jason's best friend, Neph.


After the first year show... the couples should be left alone and those that were sincere will make it.

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It's Tuesday, so y'all know what that means - more interviews! This is a pretty good one with Neil.



And here is one with Vanessa. There's only a few questions regarding MAFS on the third page of the interview.



And here's a post from Jamie. VERY INTERESTING first sentence!  I enjoyed her article more than I thought I would. Current photos of her with some of the participants (and David still looks SO much better than he did during filming). 


I'm also copying/pasting the first paragraph of what she posted, because I've heard that her website doesn't always load. Link: http://jamieotis.com/2016/02/married-at-first-sight-breaking-news/


"No, it’s not that Vanessa Nelson and Tres Russell are preggers. (Although there is much speculation about this topic right now.) The big news is that I was in Hotlanta last week chatting it up with every single person from season 3 of Married At First Sight. FYI is going to air our chats immediately after each episode so yall have the chance to hear from the cast themselves exactly how they felt and what they were thinking while they filmed each episode. And let me just tell you now, I found out things that are so surprising and shocking my mouth hit the floor. Other things I heard filled my heart with joy and happiness – but of course it wasn’t hunkey dorey for all of them – there was some dreaded sadness revealed, too. No doubt I was on the edge of my seat hearing from these couples. You guys have got to watch this! Set your DVR’s to record “Married At First Sight: Unfiltered” every Tuesday night!"  

Edited by BonnieLass


“I agree with her recount of the ‘fight’ we had about moving into/out of her place,” he shares about an argument on the January 19 episode. “What’s fascinating about that fight isn’t the context or immediate response, but more so the way we were both able to see our faults and come together to move forward.”

Am I interpreting this part of Neil's interview correctly?  Is he blaming himself and his "poor communication skills" for the fight where Sam threw him out of her condo?  If so, Neil, don't do that!

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