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If you haven't seen the show Unreal then please check it out.


I've been meaning to quote this, I'm behind on episodes but I've seen it. It's interesting, and on some entertainment site, Jamie Otis is saying its not too far off from what she saw during her Bachelor experience (though she did do two of them, I think, I don't watch that though, which begs the queston "why two?" even more.)

  • Love 1

Jaclyn Methuen @Stan Cochran- The bottom line is Ryan did NOT want to be with me. It's that simple- he went home most nights and couldn't wait to be done with filming to go back to his comfort zone- aka the basement. My personality absolutely overwhelmed him. I was willing to split my time and even considered moving to LI! He let MONTHS go by without ever reaching out to me. I'm not "bitter" sticking together with my friends who also went through an extremely intense and heart-breaking situation. We're empowered! We're staying strong, positive, and moving on with our lives with our heads held high! Thank you to all of your love and support and who see the TRUTH.


Hope she tells more!

  • Love 9

Yeah, yeah, Jaclyn we all saw it. I'm starting to wonder what her damage is for even being attracted to such a wet noodle. Why expend so much effort trying to make it work with him, really? He never reciprocated or put himself out, from the honeymoon on. He didn't push for sex and only grudgingly went along when she made the move -- huge red flag, Jaclyn!


Who knows how open he really was with her about his lack of interest -- in being with her and in having sex with her -- when they were together, but at least seeing all his confessionals and the extent of his whining must have made it easier for her to pack up whatever residual fondness she had for him.


She must be a hell of a sales rep, what with the upbeat persistence and all.

  • Love 5

So tonight I saw Episode 1 of UNReal and now I know what you are talking about. The viewers were supposed to love Sean and Basement , hate Mr Restraining Order, and, Javlyn and Basement were supposed to stay together, and the 'Spurts were supposed to look like very knowledgeable insightful geniuses.

Too bad the 'Spurts came off looking like the most incompetent collection of clowns.

  • Love 5

Yeah, yeah, Jaclyn we all saw it. I'm starting to wonder what her damage is for even being attracted to such a wet noodle. Why expend so much effort trying to make it work with him, really? He never reciprocated or put himself out, from the honeymoon on. He didn't push for sex and only grudgingly went along when she made the move -- huge red flag, Jaclyn!


Who knows how open he really was with her about his lack of interest -- in being with her and in having sex with her -- when they were together, but at least seeing all his confessionals and the extent of his whining must have made it easier for her to pack up whatever residual fondness she had for him.


She must be a hell of a sales rep, what with the upbeat persistence and all.

I think that Jacyln was desperate to 'love' someone. She hadn't had a relationship in a few years and wanted one so much that she even tried to push herself into loving someone like Ryan. If they had met under totally different circumstances, at a party or at work or anywhere else, those two would have never given each other a second glance. Whatever reasons Ryan had for entering into this venture is way beyond me. He's comfortable living where he lives and his life with his niece and mother. Taking someone like Ryan outside of their comfort zone is like pulling a fish out of water. They'll always struggle to return to their safety zone as he did.

Doug Hehner ‏@DougHehner: #MarriedAtFirstSight @Ms_Castro Tried 2 joke abt the # of S2 ?s NEVER ment 2 B offnsve - I undrstnd why- I was wrong am very sorry! @FYI


Jaclyn Methuen @JaclynMethuen: @DougHehner @Ms_Castro @FYI Wow you took the TIME to draw a doodle making fun of a very SERIOUS issue but it wasn't offensive?! Very STUPID


Logan Levkoff, Ph.D. ‏@LoganLevkoff: Time to put to rest the casting rumors of #MarriedAtFirstSight http://www.people.com/article/married-at-first-sight-producer-explains-casting-process


Davina's reply: https://twitter.com/davinakullar/status/611710592286650368


(Jaclyn's mother's reply) Sharon Methuen ‏@shar4302: @LoganLevkoff @AETV #MarriedAtFirstSight @JaclynMethuen if final casting is done in 4-6 wks, why were we given 4 days notice??


Chris ‏@cpierro@davinakullar remembr when Sean promised to pay for an annulment because he knew he lied about the whole shit as he said. Then nothing #MAFS


Davina Kullar ‏@davinakullar: @cpierro Of course I do...I still have all the text messages.  I would tweet him and ask him if he remembers...but, he's gone from Twitter.


Jamie N. Otis ‏@jamienotis: S2 drama amplified not by producers but participants involved. Producers document the reactions #MarriedAtFirstSight 


Davina Kullar @davinakullar: @jamienotis @Ms_Castro @JaclynMethuen @KortKneee_Rae Thanks, Jamie.  #WWJJDD ?  Not this.




  • Love 2

It was his way of joking that he was sick of answering questions regarding season 2 which was fine it was that he formed it in the way of a protection order which seemed to be mocking the seriousness of the fact Jess felt threatened enough to take out the order.



Thanks. :>)  Not a big deal.  His attempt at humor failed.  It happens.  

  • Love 2

Random thoughts:


I like and respect Davina.  She stood up to them.  Kudos.  We saw her softer side, it is just too bad that we could not have seen more, but under the circumstances I  understand why.  


RyanD is a punk who is all bluster.  He has no intentions of killing anyone.  Maybe he learned that this approach has some consequences and will tone it down.  Narcs will not take the drug rumor lightly, they will watch him. 


Jaclyn is a sweet, upbeat woman.  I like her, too. 


This is all going to blow over and A&E is loving every minute while it lasts.  Their ratings will be good for season 3.  I will be interested to see if there are any changes.


Season 3: since they are actually doing this! 


Setting up a new apartment is a bad idea unless they are going to fully furnish it, kitchen, TV and high speed internet included.  No one is going to stay there!  They will return home every chance they get.  


Since this is just a money making effort and not a real experiment this won't happen.   

  • Love 6

I think that Jacyln was desperate to 'love' someone. She hadn't had a relationship in a few years and wanted one so much that she even tried to push herself into loving someone like Ryan. If they had met under totally different circumstances, at a party or at work or anywhere else, those two would have never given each other a second glance.


Also, she thought they were "matched for a reason"  by all these "experts" putting in tons of time.


She didn't know he was found because the production people said "hey, wait we only have two guys." Where can we get a third  as fast as we got the first two?

  • Love 5

I think Davina is hilarious.     She tweets and posts a lot of pretty funny stuff.   And if someone supports her or a blogger

agrees she got royally screwed, she retweets it.  She gets to do that. She has been attacked for about 7 weeks now, including the lovely reunion show.     She is getting hate tweets, threatening racist comments.  When they stop attacking, I'm sure she will stop talking about this.



If she actually went to Jerk College and took a course in Jerkiness and got an A+, Davina will never be as big a jerk as Sean.

Edited by rulesoftravel
  • Love 15

Is it bad that I am glad that the S2 women are speaking out?  I mean, they got a REALLY raw deal.  I'd be pissed too!!

Random thoughts:


I like and respect Davina.  She stood up to them.  Kudos.  We saw her softer side, it is just too bad that we could not have seen more, but under the circumstances I  understand why.  


RyanD is a punk who is all bluster.  He has no intentions of killing anyone.  Maybe he learned that this approach has some consequences and will tone it down.  Narcs will not take the drug rumor lightly, they will watch him. 


Jaclyn is a sweet, upbeat woman.  I like her, too. 


This is all going to blow over and A&E is loving every minute while it lasts.  Their ratings will be good for season 3.  I will be interested to see if there are any changes.


Season 3: since they are actually doing this! 


Setting up a new apartment is a bad idea unless they are going to fully furnish it, kitchen, TV and high speed internet included.  No one is going to stay there!  They will return home every chance they get.  


Since this is just a money making effort and not a real experiment this won't happen.   


Wings.. you and I are on the same page in this.  I really like Davina as well.  I don't think that she is the monster here.  I think she's tired of being pushed around and so she's pushing back.  

  • Love 7

I don't think I'd like Davina in real life.  She seems to be one of those people who'd rather be right than happy.  I also think she needs to get off social media, she doesn't need to tell us for the 39487858949 time that they screwed her over, I get it, Sean was a jerk, I hope Davina doesn't turn into one.

^this a thousand times over, but I think it may be too late.

  • Love 3

Anything specific? 


Honestly I feel like they made Ryan D look like the villain and so does this friend I have. He tried his best and it was edited to make it seem like he blew up. Most of the time he kind of just went with the flow "ok jess" "whatever you want to do jess". 


I don't understand this part to be honest. I know you're only going on what your friend told you, but it wasn't "edited to make it seem like he blew up" we actually saw him blow up...multiple times. That's not editing. We saw him blow up on the show and the reunion and on now on SM. 


Just my opinion, but Ryan did a pretty good job of making himself look like the villain. They may have taken advantage of that, but his actions that we personally saw weren't fabricated.

  • Love 8

I think my issue now with Davina is that, and I do know that she got totally screwed, is that she's so ME ME ME.  And I'm getting this vibe that's, "how dare they not find a husband for ME, the great Davina!"  I hope I'm wrong and she chills out after a while.  I mean Jaclyn and Jessica got scrwed too, but they don't seem to be as nasty and negative in their Twitters.  


I do think Davina is a princess, however Sean was a frog extraordinaire.  I guess my point is, just because I don't like Davina now, doesn't mean that I think she deserved to get screwed, but really, all of the women got screwed because they all got paired with man-children.

  • Love 4

Davina tweeted this to Jessica and Jaclyn: 

Davina Kullar
@ang_yow @Ms_Castro @JaclynMethuen



I really think she's funny.  She is making light of this and the Satan comment.    And she and Jessica and Jaclyn are all very much on the same page.

Edited by rulesoftravel
  • Love 4

They said on Twitter that someone called Davina a bitch but misspelled it as birch. So that is their joke!

Jamie is on Facebook saying it was not the show or experts fault of failed marriages. " people have to put the work in a marriage"

Is it just me or is Jamie getting on your nerves too? Another photo of her in the back seat of a car heading on her busy day after making coffee for her husband. BLAH!!

This is her tweet. She must have a driver


Edited by Lion18
  • Love 6

I do think Davina is a princess, however Sean was a frog extraordinaire.  I guess my point is, just because I don't like Davina now, doesn't mean that I think she deserved to get screwed, but really, all of the women got screwed because they all got paired with man-children.


Amen!  All of the women got screwed.  Jaclyn is my favorite contestant this year and seems the most genuine overall.


I don't know Davina IRL and I also pick up the princess vibe but I guess I am happy that she's being true to self.  I think it would be worse if she was trying to act like she's "salt of the earth", when in reality she's more of an Upper East Side Blair Waldorf.  If that makes sense.  So many posers out there.  I think it's a relief to see someone be real.  Which, is probably why I like Jaclyn so much.  She is truly salt of the earth.


Anyway, I appreciate all of your thoughts, Neurochick!  I've found myself nodding along to many of your comments this season!  You are incredibly insightful.  Even though I do really like Davina, I don't think you're wrong.

I think it would be worse if she was trying to act like she's "salt of the earth", when in reality she's more of an Upper East Side Blair Waldorf.  If that makes sense.  So many posers out there.  I think it's a relief to see someone be real.  Which, is probably why I like Jaclyn so much.  She is truly salt of the earth.



I don't think she lives on Park Avenue on the UES, I think she mentioned it was Second Avenue, which really isn't all that, so she can drop the Blair Waldorf act.  

  • Love 1

Jaclyn is as pissed at people on twitter as Davina is...especially the ones who say it's her own damn fault: 

jacmeth@supermanduhh I take responsibility for who I am and my own actions. What you saw was 12 minutes every week that they wanted you to see. Real life is MUCH more complicated and dynamic. I understand your advice but this is just a TV show to you. It's very easy to tell me what I should be doing. This article explains a lot more than what you saw and gives a glimpse of how hard and painful this was. Yes I signed up for it, but I was under the impression the time and care they took for Season 1 would be the same I would get, and I didn't. I'm not walking away bitter but I think it's fair that, as a viewer, you know the truth. P.S women supporting women is NOT about bashing men. It's about being empowered and sticking together.





I think she mentioned it was Second Avenue, which really isn't all that, so she can drop the Blair Waldorf act.

What Blair Waldorf act?  Serious question.

Edited by rulesoftravel
  • Love 1

So I don't know if I should put this here, or in the future seasons topic. So mods feel free to move it wherever is appropriate.

So via The Ashley I learned that both Cortney and Jamie announced Married at First Sight: The First YearS; documenting Season 1's couples second year of marriage.

Now  it makes sense why Jamie was so vehemently defending the "experts" and "process" on SM the past few days. When I first saw it, I was annoyed because she seems like a genuine person. So I told myself that maybe since Season 1 was genuine and done properly and produced her marriage, maybe all the talk of the BS and fakery in S2 upset her because it was like people were undermining her experience.
But, NO. I was being too kind. She's just backing her boss, no matter how much she has to lie, to get another paycheck.

  • Love 8

I'm doing a comparison in my head and trying to decide what is really the worst.   Is it Sean attempting to drive a certain narrative about himself and only a slight appearance of being invested, or is it RyanR who gave an appearance of  invested and interested and drew Jaclyn into having feelings while he had none.  

  • Love 6

I'm doing a comparison in my head and trying to decide what is really the worst.   Is it Sean attempting to drive a certain narrative about himself and only a slight appearance of being invested, or is it RyanR who gave an appearance of  invested and interested and drew Jaclyn into having feelings while he had none.  

 Ryan R what he did is wrong on so many levels.  

  • Love 4

These women better SPILL the tea. I know they are itching to let everyone and their momma know the whole truth.


I think they are dying to, but may be limited in what they can say due to contractual obligations.


But man, I really can't stand Logan Levkoff. She has zero credibility with me and her defensive tweets are an embarrassment. I think the lady doth protest to much. I also find it laughable how Jamie references that People article as "research!" Lady, they quoted the producer. They didn't independently verify anything that was said.

  • Love 7

Does anyone know if Dr C has showed up again on the Baby boards... I admit I am feeling too lazy to scroll through pages and pages over there......

Just to say goodbye and throw shade about people being negative Logan did the same. I suspect the have been told to shut their pieholes in case Jess does go forward with a lawsuit as some of his posts were damaging.

  • Love 1

Next season's cast have it made. You know the show will do anything to have couples stay together. I wonder how much $ they will use to bribe them to stay together if things start looking dicey

I wouldn't call having it made when I think about the dreadful mates they'll have.


Cause, no matter the disputes about who is to blame and which spouse was the worst, everyone seems to agree that at least one person in each couple was awful.  :D

  • Love 4

I don't think I'd like Davina in real life.  She seems to be one of those people who'd rather be right than happy.  I also think she needs to get off social media, she doesn't need to tell us for the 39487858949 time that they screwed her over, I get it, Sean was a jerk, I hope Davina doesn't turn into one.

Bingo. Davina joined Twitter when the season started. She seems to think it's a contest where she has to best her critics. That will never happen, because she's not going to change any minds and she's starting to piss off people who were indifferent. The guys are smarter because they pulled their asses off social media.


MAFS marries people who don't know each other. There's a high chance of failure, especially if you watch S1 and think there's a 67% chance of a successful marriage. Doug and Jason were wannabe performers and they were able to work out an arrangement with their wives. I think Jaclyn and Davina had high expectations and blame the show for being single. If Ryan threatened Jess, he should work it out in court, not on the internet.


Davina Kullar joined twitter Feb 2011.   It had nothing to do with the show-easily verified: 



Davina KullarVerified account
I'm on a quest for love, laughter, and adventure, while calling NYC home! I have an unquenchable curiousity about this amazing world and the people in it❤️✈️

Manhattan, NY
Joined February 2011



And on her own personal fb account since 2008.


Edited by rulesoftravel
  • Love 2

One thing I found interesting about Davina & Sean through the course of the show - in the early interview part of the process Davina came across as very self-confident, almost arrogant, and with kind of a hard edge. Then, interestingly, at the wedding & reception, when she actually met Sean and they had instant sparks, she turned into this giggly, mushy, "I've found my prince" girl. I was quite surprised, and thought, wow, with the right man, she actually has a softer side, and she seems like she could be a caring partner, and a warm person. Sean came across at first as masterful and confident, a "take-charge" personality, and Davina seemed very drawn to that. Then it seemed to all fall apart on the honeymoon - Sean turned out to be this wimpy crybaby full of anxiety issues, and Davina immediately withdrew and put up walls, and went back to her hard-edge persona. 


 I think it could have worked out, if Sean had only been who he initially presented himself as. I really think that type of personality - someone secure and self-confident would have been a very good match for Davina. And as I posted a while back in the Davina & Sean thread, she has some issues of her own, but I think she was genuine about wanting a relationship and Sean never was. 

  • Love 4

The Australian version is at these sites there are only 6 episodes so Monday is the final



The above two sites I suggest installing adblocker before using so you avoid a lot of the download this pop ups

The official site mentioned above can be used with hola unblocker from hola.org

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