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MAFS Social Media, Spoilers & Speculation

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Sounds to me like she just wants to get herself some and he knows it but isn't going there. Don't blame him. IMO its better to be this way then sleep with the girl like she wants and look like even more of a jerk to those that think he is already. I'm telling you all that there is a lot we are not seeing that is going on between them to end up in moments he is turned off. They are going to give us a few of the waterfall type moments of them kissing and hugging but then a lot of the bad stuff without what really lead to it. Its typical MAFS. And this season, so far, he gets the jerk edit and her the pity me edit. SMH

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6 hours ago, Evil Queen said:

Sounds to me like she just wants to get herself some and he knows it but isn't going there. Don't blame him. IMO its better to be this way then sleep with the girl like she wants and look like even more of a jerk to those that think he is already. I'm telling you all that there is a lot we are not seeing that is going on between them to end up in moments he is turned off. They are going to give us a few of the waterfall type moments of them kissing and hugging but then a lot of the bad stuff without what really lead to it. Its typical MAFS. And this season, so far, he gets the jerk edit and her the pity me edit. SMH

In unfiltered Jephte admitted that he was not attracted to her.  He was hoping for a tall IG model.  Hewas not into her at all during the honeymoon and was very reluctant to open up to her at all.

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38 minutes ago, cardigirl said:

In the past, when did the participants start using Instagram, Twitter, etc?  I was thinking they started posting as soon as it was revealed who they were matched with.  This season, I cannot find anyone on Instagram. Maybe the season was such a disaster, no one wants to encourage fans to watch? 

I haven't been following the participants' SM but someone on another forum said that Jephte's Instagram is set on private. Probably smart since he would be getting so much hate from people. 

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On ‎1‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 1:47 AM, qtpye said:

In unfiltered Jephte admitted that he was not attracted to her.  He was hoping for a tall IG model.  Hewas not into her at all during the honeymoon and was very reluctant to open up to her at all.

I didn't see Unfiltered, but I had the feeling that Jephte had a very specific idea of who he'd be matched with, and that Shawneice just did not match that expectation.  Neither my husband nor I understand why Jephte would sign on for this "radical social experiment."  While I know that we're not seeing everything (gotcha, Queen!) I still think that he is all wrong for this, and that Shawneice's "missteps" (masturbation talk, lap dance, "well, I'm your wife now!" etc.) slammed the door shut on any "opening up" he might have done with her.  Early on in this thread, someone posted something from Shawneice's SM - she said something to the effect of, "Well, we've been married for two months now, so those who didn't think we'd make it can kiss my ass" (I'm paraphrasing), so maybe something changes?  I honestly cannot imagine these two ever making it as husband and wife - he just seems so closed off to her.

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More of the same for Shawniece.

Jephte is not interested in furthering the relationship past friendship.

Their contract and producers need footage so we get to see Jephte reject Shawniece time after time after time....

6 more episodes of Groundhog Day for this couple...and the suffering audience.

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How stupid. Seriously his views on women in those tweets are horrible. But for his own career why did he think it was smart to post that about kids?  Why did MAFS think oh this guy is ready for marriage? It was only a yr after some of those that he started the process for the show. Then as a  25 yr old who does social media why would you keep those up and not look through them and delete them? Just sloppiness all around.

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On 2/11/2018 at 12:13 PM, gonecrackers said:

Jephte's 'sensitive side' showing again.

This show is obviously consistent in showing their 'sensitive side'.


7 hours ago, Jassie99 said:

How stupid. Seriously his views on women in those tweets are horrible. But for his own career why did he think it was smart to post that about kids?  Why did MAFS think oh this guy is ready for marriage? It was only a yr after some of those that he started the process for the show. Then as a  25 yr old who does social media why would you keep those up and not look through them and delete them? Just sloppiness all around.

It also proves that his reluctance to show any affection for his wife is not due to "protecting the dignity of his profession", but more because he is not attracted to her in the least bit.  He would be on her like white on rice if she looked like Beyonce, teaching be damned.

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On February 11, 2018 at 11:06 AM, crazychicken said:

This just popped up on twitter seems Jephte wasn't so worried about offending his class parents a few years ago


If anything, that post made me hate "Pamela," she's probably one of those parents who wants to date their kids, who thinks their child is an angel, even if they got caught bullying another child.

I don't like Jepthe because he's disrespecting his wife, but I don't blame him one bit for what he said about his students on Twitter.  The day is coming when no one will want to teach, for fear of everything; parents defend their kids no matter what these days.  

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I believe he teaches second graders and if little kids annoy you so much, you should find another job. It’s one thing to vent to a co-worker and another to complain about 6 year olds on social media. 

I don’t know anything about the woman who posted but I don’t think she wants to date her 6 year old because she expects a teacher to act professional. I am a teacher and would never post negative things about my students. 

Edited by Madding crowd
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This just confirms everything I thought about Jephte but wasn't really sure of until now.  I hate to say this but who are they hiring for teachers anymore?  Even if they think things like that it's a very different thing to post it publicly, especially knowing you're on TV and have the TV public following you.  I admit I'm old and have no kids so I really have no clue what the story is, but it looks like my suspicions about why education in the US has gone downhill are true.  No offense to any really decent professional teachers out there, and my condolences to you and the kids that you have to put up with idiots like this.....

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, Yeah No said:

This just confirms everything I thought about Jephte but wasn't really sure of until now.  I hate to say this but who are they hiring for teachers anymore?  Even if they think things like that it's a very different thing to post it publicly, especially knowing you're on TV and have the TV public following you.  I admit I'm old and have no kids so I really have no clue what the story is, but it looks like my suspicions about why education in the US has gone downhill are true.  No offense to any really decent professional teachers out there, and my condolences to you and the kids that you have to put up with idiots like this.....

In all honesty there aren't many men, let alone minority men, who go into teaching.  As a result, those that do are highly sought out.  It surprises me because with the low pay people who go into education tend to do it because of their passion for teaching children.  And even when the going gets tough, they would never bash their kids the way Jephte did on social media.

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9 hours ago, Shelly1234 said:

In all honesty there aren't many men, let alone minority men, who go into teaching.  As a result, those that do are highly sought out.  It surprises me because with the low pay people who go into education tend to do it because of their passion for teaching children.  And even when the going gets tough, they would never bash their kids the way Jephte did on social media.

That's actually exactly what I was thinking.

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Watch Jon squirm......one sis and 2 gal pals of Molly put him on the spot....


Shawniece has got it going on...with or without Jephte.

Watch the Unfiltered show tonight...which one of the brides/grooms will be in the hot seat with JO and one so called expert to explain their behavior on the show so far...

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On 2/18/2018 at 7:27 PM, Madding crowd said:

I don’t know anything about the woman who posted but I don’t think she wants to date her 6 year old because she expects a teacher to act professional. I am a teacher and would never post negative things about my students. 

When I said "some parents act like they want to date their students," I mean that there was a time when parents and teachers were on the same side.  Today, parents act like they are against the teachers.  This has caused a lot of kids to act like spoiled brats, hence Jepthe's frustration.  It seems like today, if a teacher expresses that a child isn't a total angel, parents want to sue.

That said, Jepthe probably shouldn't have been on social media talking about his students.  Many jobs have rules about what employees can post on social media, so things like this don't happen.

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While it is true that there are parents who tend to blame teachers for their kid's poor marks or behaviors (and this can depend on where the school is located), I don't think that really has to do with this, we have no idea why Jephte decided to vent on social media and it seems like this guy doesn't have the passion for children or for teaching them that is necessary in this type of job. Apparently kids just "annoy" him whether they like him or not. Not to make any comparison, but the movie "Bad Teacher" came to mind. The main character was a teacher who didn't care for her job and only chose teaching for the meager benefits it offered. Her rival was a super-animated teacher who put her whole heart into teaching her classroom to the point of being annoying. Working with young kids takes a lot of energy and animation and Jephte for some reason strikes me as low-energy and quiet, at least the way he is on the show. I work with children in a school-based environment and I have unfortunately seen quite a few lazy teachers, which is sad, since they are so influential to a young child. I also see many great, awesome teachers who care about their students and try to send them on the path to success. It really depends. 

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On 2/19/2018 at 2:34 AM, Yeah No said:

This just confirms everything I thought about Jephte but wasn't really sure of until now.  I hate to say this but who are they hiring for teachers anymore?  Even if they think things like that it's a very different thing to post it publicly, especially knowing you're on TV and have the TV public following you.  I admit I'm old and have no kids so I really have no clue what the story is, but it looks like my suspicions about why education in the US has gone downhill are true.  No offense to any really decent professional teachers out there, and my condolences to you and the kids that you have to put up with idiots like this.....

I am going to say this as someone with 3 kids, gave a lot of time in the class volunteering and worked a noon duty job at one point as well at the school. THIS IS NOT WHY EDUCATION HAS GONE DOWNHILL!!! If one doesn't have kids in school or have any idea what is going on in schools how can this be why one assumes such a thing. The facts are to many parents do NOT parent their kids. As Neurochick said there are those that think their kids are angles and do no wrong. I can tell you those are the parents that kiss up to a principal, teacher and are usually running the PTO/A. This has been my experience over the many years of my kids in school. You have parents "friending" with the teachers on SM as their kids are in the teacher's class and will have other kids at some point in those classes. They hang out with them as well outside of school. Now this isn't the case with all but I saw it with the lazy teachers and a couple others. Thankfully there weren't many of those kind. Yet those kids are the ones that got away with being bullies in the school. Treating noon duty like crap as well and doing what they pleased. Rules are in place but yet one word to tell one of these "angels" to pick up their trash or they are missing some recess and you have Mommy calling her buddy principal to say how their kid never did a thing or make something up to try to get you in trouble. Trust me I dealt with this bs and so did some others. Teachers make plenty of comments that are FAR worse then what he said there. You also have not only kids that are bullies but teachers and principals that can be as well just as bad if not worse. Been there and done that before. I have seen some HORRIBLE classes over the years as well. I give him the benefit of the doubt on it because unless you have EVER stepped foot in a class that is full of some of the most misbehaved brats you have no idea how trying that can be on all. He didn't name names either which would have been an issue then. Yet there was one teacher who told me she wished they allowed the paddle in her Kinder class. She had nothing but out of control kids and we all saw it. That was when I worked the one job. I know there has been worse posted by some teachers on SM as well. So getting butt hurt on just those comments and judging for it is crazy IMO. The lady that was digging around like that has some issues IMO to go looking for things on people on a low rent "reality show". 

Oh btw, if only you all could see the kind of crap said by our oh so wonderful school district school board members online. We have at least 2 VERY insane people on that board that need to be kicked off it and not allowed near kids. The stuff they do and say is just unreal for people in that position. *steps off soapbox and goes back to the shadows*

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I am surprised he still has a job after posting those things, u know how "careful" everybody has to be these days.  But I wonder.... did he get in some trouble for posting that stuff, and was warned very sternly abou tdoing or saying anything on the show that might make him lose his job/  Thus the statement at the reception when his new wife talked about masturbation and he says "I'm a teacher." That always annoyed me about him. 

If I had kids in public schools right now, I would be in constant trouble. LOL

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Nick from season 4 had his twins 2 months premature in December--Layla Rae and Logan Joseph. Good luck to the new parents and best to the twins, but I hope we never hear about them again in People magazine. Please don't give them a TV show like Jamie & Doug. I think it's super trashy to divorce someone and then have kids with another woman in the same year. 



Edited by Gobears
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I don’t do twitter, but I read that Jon said Molly got food poisoning from the dinner he cooked for her.  I don’t think the pillow talk took place that same night, the editing is all over the place as we have said every season. It seems like something happened on the honeymoon, because she shut down during that. 

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14 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

I am Guessing...SAM!  Lord love a duck.

I just have to say help any kid that one EVER may have. No child deserves to grow up in the kind of crap house that NPD create. She can play it up on SM she is some changed person but she showed her true self when the show was on and she acted out on SM towards people like she did. There is no helping NPD types. They just get worse as they get older. 

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On 3/9/2018 at 12:28 PM, crazychicken said:

It is weird that they are announcing it as MAFS baby number 2 considering Sam got divorced, if they were counting unsuccessful couples both Vaughn and Nick have had babies so it would be baby 5.

Exactly and that would mean that Jamie's baby wasn't the first either since Vaughn was a daddy already. Its not a MAFS baby at all but just a former crazy from MAFS. All I have to say is good luck to the daddy and baby in dealing with Sam and that crazy. 

On 3/9/2018 at 1:22 PM, ChristmasJones said:

a guy in the UK talks about his experience being on MAFS - some interesting behind the scenes info


Thanks for that. I've read some other good ones on their experiences as well from a few UK women and Aussie women. It gave great insight IMO to have full of it this whole show is. One of the Aussie ones had talked about the retaking of scenes and how exhausting that was. I am glad that some speak up and are honest on their experience with this show. I know he said something about having to put out more money then the show put in for them BUT I think that is one of the things different with some of them. More so here. I don't think they get a lot but they get something and I will bet they get a little extra if they keep the act up past the decision day and at the 6 months. It can help them lure new suckers in that way if they can say look these couples are doing great even though past ones didn't. As well as the contracts here seem to keep them more tight lipped on what their experiences were like unlike the other countries. Yet in the end it seems no matter what the MAFS franchise doesn't give a crap about the people they put on the show. They "experts" are all frauds to make a tv name for themselves. The matching is a joke. I learned from one of the UK ladies that spoke out that they don't care if they match one with someone that had issues (temper, etc). Which we have seen that hear as well. An Aussie lady said the guy she got matched with, didn't even care about anything else but making connections and sucking up to the crew from day one and pushing himself for tv fame. *rollseyes* After reading some of the things I read, I saw more of the ways they played games with these people. Most edits were easy to see through before but it really brought to light a lot of the bs behind he scenes we don't see by MAFS. While some will admit they were found on dating sites or SM, I think its the only way they find them at this point and the only way to find some that haven't seen the show before....easier to suck them into the crapfest. Again thanks for that link. Its good to see a man's view on it as well since the ones I have seen were women. 

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2 hours ago, Evil Queen said:
On 3/9/2018 at 3:28 PM, crazychicken said:

It is weird that they are announcing it as MAFS baby number 2 considering Sam got divorced, if they were counting unsuccessful couples both Vaughn and Nick have had babies so it would be baby 5.

Exactly and that would mean that Jamie's baby wasn't the first either since Vaughn was a daddy already. Its not a MAFS baby at all but just a former crazy from MAFS. All I have to say is good luck to the daddy and baby in dealing with Sam and that crazy. 

Seems like the men from the show having children don't count.

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On February 20, 2018 at 9:25 PM, Evil Queen said:

I am going to say this as someone with 3 kids, gave a lot of time in the class volunteering and worked a noon duty job at one point as well at the school. THIS IS NOT WHY EDUCATION HAS GONE DOWNHILL!!! If one doesn't have kids in school or have any idea what is going on in schools how can this be why one assumes such a thing. The facts are to many parents do NOT parent their kids. As Neurochick said there are those that think their kids are angles and do no wrong. I can tell you those are the parents that kiss up to a principal, teacher and are usually running the PTO/A. This has been my experience over the many years of my kids in school. You have parents "friending" with the teachers on SM as their kids are in the teacher's class and will have other kids at some point in those classes. They hang out with them as well outside of school. Now this isn't the case with all but I saw it with the lazy teachers and a couple others. Thankfully there weren't many of those kind. Yet those kids are the ones that got away with being bullies in the school. Treating noon duty like crap as well and doing what they pleased. Rules are in place but yet one word to tell one of these "angels" to pick up their trash or they are missing some recess and you have Mommy calling her buddy principal to say how their kid never did a thing or make something up to try to get you in trouble. Trust me I dealt with this bs and so did some others. Teachers make plenty of comments that are FAR worse then what he said there. You also have not only kids that are bullies but teachers and principals that can be as well just as bad if not worse. Been there and done that before. I have seen some HORRIBLE classes over the years as well. I give him the benefit of the doubt on it because unless you have EVER stepped foot in a class that is full of some of the most misbehaved brats you have no idea how trying that can be on all. He didn't name names either which would have been an issue then. Yet there was one teacher who told me she wished they allowed the paddle in her Kinder class. She had nothing but out of control kids and we all saw it. That was when I worked the one job. I know there has been worse posted by some teachers on SM as well. So getting butt hurt on just those comments and judging for it is crazy IMO. The lady that was digging around like that has some issues IMO to go looking for things on people on a low rent "reality show". 

Oh btw, if only you all could see the kind of crap said by our oh so wonderful school district school board members online. We have at least 2 VERY insane people on that board that need to be kicked off it and not allowed near kids. The stuff they do and say is just unreal for people in that position. *steps off soapbox and goes back to the shadows*

I have worked in the school system for many years.  From what I have seen, the kids run the parents, the parents run the principal, and the principals run the district.  Kids have the power ultimately, and it's not good anymore.  There is less and less respect than years ago.

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