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"The View": Week of 9/21/2020


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1 hour ago, deirdra said:

I wonder if that means the Announcer voice on The View, that sounds just like Sara, IS Sara.

I haven't paid attention to the announcer this season but previous seasons it has been Virginia Hamilton. If I remember correctly, last year she was out for a little bit because she fell dancing and cracked her skull.


Edited by falltime
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1 hour ago, MeThinkMeNot said:

Edit: I almost wish Meghan was in today (wait wait, hear me out before you look at this part in disgust). I almost wish Meghan was here today, so she could be asked about the lack of justice that black people get in this country, how racist the justice is for black people in this country and whether or not 'rioting' really matters when cops can get away with murdering black people? I want someone to ask this of her and I want to see her try to justify putting blame on protesters.

That is probably why she wasn't there today. 

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52 minutes ago, falltime said:

I haven't paid attention to the announcer this season but previous seasons it has been Virginia Hamilton. If I remember correctly, last year she was out for a little bit because she fell dancing and cracked her skull.


Oh no was she that unlucky gal who fell from the pole from 20ft up and basically had to her face rewired.  Mouth was wired shut, i believe she broke her nose, black eyes.  I kid, but she did a nuuuuuumber on herself.  Hopefully yours was much less severe.  Oy i see it wasn't. I just read it.  A cracked skull! Ugh that's awful.  Are you almost healed?  Have you had any new issues now good or bad?  Like can you now speak Russian when before you couldn't.  Or play classical music on the piano?  Again, i kid.  Im sorry about that.  I truly hope that you're healing well without complications.

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1 hour ago, Bronzedog said:

That was a very depressing hour.

It was.  I went from rage to sadness. Ben Crump had me in tears when he kept saying its not right.  That's one attribute of my star sign Libra that hits me 100+%. And that is fairness.  Injustice. That kind of thing.  And this sitch just ripped my gut open.  It was so so so sad and i just wept.  Here this poor girl, pillar of her community, serving her community as an EMT, and is killed.  Wasnt she also studying nursing?  I thought she was.   How much good can a kid do, and STILL be mowed down in her own livingroom.  By the POLICE.  It enrages me and the only way to get that out so here i go cry a lil bit. Ill talk about all  the  legalities that werent justified.  Thats going to be anothed long email theres so many.  I heard the word assassinated. And that's the brutal truth 

Edited by ForumLou
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Just an observation:  did anyone notice that Chris Rock’s right lower lip seemed to droop?  I don’t recall seeing much of him for a while and I am a fan.  Wonder if he had a Bells palsey episode or a minor neuro problem.  I need to catch up with Fargo, looks interesting.

And I agree with Bronze Dog, it was a pretty depressing show but I have been depressed for quite a while.   But no Missy!  Yay❣️

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35 minutes ago, Lifesabeach said:

Just an observation:  did anyone notice that Chris Rock’s right lower lip seemed to droop?  I don’t recall seeing much of him for a while and I am a fan.  Wonder if he had a Bells palsey episode or a minor neuro problem.  I need to catch up with Fargo, looks interesting.

And I agree with Bronze Dog, it was a pretty depressing show but I have been depressed for quite a while.   But no Missy!  Yay❣️

I loved the Fargo movie, and knew I'd love a show but then by the time I'd heard it was on, they were like 2mseasons in.  I hate to jump in the middle, so haven't yet.  This question may change that. Question:  is Fargo like Amer Horror Story in that each season is am totally new story with new cast etc?  If so i may just start watching.

To tie to the show, yes i was thrilled with the hosts that were there today.  I was curious why Sunny wasn't on for Rock's segment.  Maybe making some calls. I was glad they spent most of the time on Breonna's case. Ben Crump is on TMZ now.


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22 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Sara was there first. She left not long after McCain started though, because I don't think she wanted to deal with the kind of heated arguing McCain brought to the show if she didn't have to and GMA Day was an opportunity to get away. So McCain probably thinks she can run Sara off again, but the difference is Sara probably needs this job now. When Sara started reappearing on the show last season, you could tell she'd steeled herself to deal with anything McCain threw at her. I'm glad she's holding her own and that Whoopi is giving her her chance to speak despite McCain's bezhavior.

Speaking of that, I thought McCain must've been talked to because she acted totally different today from the past week and a half. She actually let Sara speak without going psychotic afterwards.

I truly think Sara sees MM as a fourth child and that helps her cope

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16 minutes ago, ForumLou said:

I loved the Fargo movie, and knew I'd love a show but then by the time I'd heard it was on, they were like 2mseasons in.  I hate to jump in the middle, so haven't yet.  This question may change that. Question:  is Fargo like Amer Horror Story in that each season is am totally new story with new cast etc?  If so i may just start watching.



Yes, each season is a totally new story, so you can feel free to jump in when this one starts.

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3 hours ago, After7Only said:

MM's response to those type of questions may very well be why she's not on air today.   It's not the first time MM has been conveniently absent or strategically left out of an interview when it come to racially sensitive topics.  

MTE. Meghan likes to defend herself, her party, and Christian moms. You can't say a word about them without her going off. Victims of racism, excessive force, even deadly force, you'll be lucky if she throws you a bone. She's the type who will defend a police officer who shot someone unarmed before she'll defend Colin K. The sad thing is, you know she holds back because The View is liberal and there are two hosts of color. I'd be scared to hear what she has to say when there are no cameras rolling. 

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1 minute ago, RealHousewife said:

The sad thing is, you know she holds back because The View is liberal and there are two hosts of color. I'd be scared to hear what she has to say when there are no cameras rolling. 

As I've posted before apple doesn't fall far from the tree.  Meghan makes a big deal about being a defender for LGTBQ but what about people of color?  As you said she might throw a bone to that but it is so far down the list of things she cares about.

At her core Meghan is a privileged white woman.  That is through the lens that she views the world.  She makes no attempt to understand or even empathize with anyone that doesn't come from her world.  When she talks about the middle of the country she doesn't care about those people. They are just voters who she knows she needs to give lip service to because some of them are part of her tribe.

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33 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

As I've posted before apple doesn't fall far from the tree.  Meghan makes a big deal about being a defender for LGTBQ but what about people of color?  As you said she might throw a bone to that but it is so far down the list of things she cares about.

At her core Meghan is a privileged white woman.  That is through the lens that she views the world.  She makes no attempt to understand or even empathize with anyone that doesn't come from her world.  When she talks about the middle of the country she doesn't care about those people. They are just voters who she knows she needs to give lip service to because some of them are part of her tribe.

I wonder if she has more gay friends than black friends so she is more of an ally to them? IDK. I've definitely noticed her pattern though.

Agree with you there too. And do these middle of the country people really think a a famous heiress is going to understand and care about them more than women who came from humble beginnings?

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Re today's show, Whoopi needs to stop saying "right" and "uh huh" cause it just messes people up. Also, it is usually her cue to end the segment, so when she randomly says it, I think the hosts and guests are not sure what is happening. When Joy was supposed to be asking her questions, Chris and Whoopi were talking, he was inviting her Chappelle's place in Ohio where she could smoke weed and do mushrooms. Instead of just chuckling she turned it into a back and forth, and so they kept talking over Joy. And at one point she yelled at Joy to stop talking so she could go to break!

Earlier this week when Chelsea was on and MeAgain asked her about raising her kids with famous political parents, Meg essentially was expressing concern about how to protect her kid from the attacks she gets. I wonder if it crossed the incredibly oblivious MeAgain's mind that her father attacked Clinton by attacking Chelsea's appearance, when she was a teenager!

I cringed a bit when Joy said that what Chris was diagnosed with was not as bad as Aspergers, as in, that's a relief. I have a nephew with Aspergers and he was bullied as a child. No need to attach more stigma to it by implying it's bad. I know that she has a good heart and wouldn't mean it that way, but sometimes these things just come out of her mouth.

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I'm glad Meg wasn't there today. Anything she said would have just pissed us off more.

What's really horrible about Breonna Taylor is that it took MONTHS for them to even move on the case. And still after all that NOTHING. That AG is a POS, having the nerve to lecture all the activists and celebrities that dared to be upset and get involved "without knowing all the facts". If it weren't for the national outrage, would the case even have gotten as far as it did? Thought so.

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Talk about another depressing show!  2 in one week is 2 too many.

It started off well enough with Meghan missing today due to 'suspension' for her behavior this week.  Miss Whoopie gave her the suspension papers yesterday, and she can't return until Whoopi has a talk with her Mother. Let's hope that doesn't happen until December.

Sara looks like she went into Meghan's locker while she's out, and raided her cosmetics. Someone needs to teach these two 'less is more' when it comes to makeup, glitter and gloss.  And then she opened her mouth, along with the other students as the class ran amok again. Conversations everywhere, pregnant pauses, and more of a mash-up.

If ever there was a day this show should have been pre-empted, this was definitely the day.


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8 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

I have been crying since yesterday and it just reinforces what we Black people have always known: our lives don't matter..  That attorney general in Kentucky disgusts me even more, how can you say that Breonna's murder was justified.. In his announcement, he felt the need to say that he is a Black man somehow that would soften  the blow. You may be skinfolk but you are not kinfolk..

YOUR LIFE MATTERS TO ME! So many times in my 60 years of living in this world, I have been ashamed to be a white person!! I grew up in small town Saskatchewan, Canada, where the population was mostly white, but there was a very large population of Native Indians who lived there and many of them were my classmates. So many were discriminated against, just for their skin color, and it has always made me very mad. I never even saw a black person until I was 22 years old, while on a holiday in a large city. I never saw the difference in people just because their skin was a different color than mine, and I raised my daughters to be the same way. Many times I have been ashamed to be a white woman, and I think I will always feel that way. It just hurts my heart so much, makes me so sad. Pearson80, I am so sorry that you feel that black lives don't matter, that your life doesn't matter because you are a black woman. I can hear your pain and am very sorry for what your people have to suffer through. Even though I don't know you, you are my sister and you matter very much to me:) I am probably not getting out the right words to match the feelings in my heart, because this issue makes me very emotional, but I hope my words make some sort of sense to you.

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1 hour ago, mittsigirl said:

YOUR LIFE MATTERS TO ME! So many times in my 60 years of living in this world, I have been ashamed to be a white person!! I grew up in small town Saskatchewan, Canada, where the population was mostly white, but there was a very large population of Native Indians who lived there and many of them were my classmates. So many were discriminated against, just for their skin color, and it has always made me very mad. I never even saw a black person until I was 22 years old, while on a holiday in a large city. I never saw the difference in people just because their skin was a different color than mine, and I raised my daughters to be the same way. Many times I have been ashamed to be a white woman, and I think I will always feel that way. It just hurts my heart so much, makes me so sad. Pearson80, I am so sorry that you feel that black lives don't matter, that your life doesn't matter because you are a black woman. I can hear your pain and am very sorry for what your people have to suffer through. Even though I don't know you, you are my sister and you matter very much to me:) I am probably not getting out the right words to match the feelings in my heart, because this issue makes me very emotional, but I hope my words make some sort of sense to you.

I also get nervous about not expressing myself perfectly on such a sensitive issue, at least with people who don't know me. You sound like a sweet, kind person, and you have nothing to be ashamed about. We need more people like you in this world. There are too many who don't like their children to have friends of different colors or freak out if their daughter brings home a black boy. I've also always noticed discrimination and was disgusted by it. I always had friends of different colors, date men of all colors, and there's diversity in my own family. However, people look at me and see a white chick. They think they can say anything around me. I get SO tired of it. I dealt with this quite a bit when I worked in the office. As much as I miss people, sometimes I think it's a blessing I don't have to see some of my coworkers. I'm scared if I hear one racist thing I will snap. I am not a PC person nor a particularly confrontational person. But I detest racism. It's a shame how many people I have to explain basic things to-why it's different for nonblack people to use the n word, what white privilege means, racial gaslighting, that a lot of the stats people bust out against the BLM movement are bogus, and so on. I also hear a lot of victim blaming. And when I bring up someone like Elijah McClain, a tiny young man who was as pure as the driven snow, even that's dismissed. 

@Pearson80, your life matters to me too. I am so sorry to everyone hurting right now. It is a shame our country is where it's at in 2020. While there is still a heartbreaking amount of racism and people who just don't get it, you are not alone. I pray the protests result in change. Is there anywhere on the forum we can talk about ways to be an ally without getting in trouble for going OT? 

Edited by RealHousewife
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8 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

I also get nervous about not expressing myself perfectly on such a sensitive issue, at least with people who don't know me. You sound like a sweet, kind person, and you have nothing to be ashamed about. We need more people like you in this world. There are too many who don't like their children to have friends of different colors or freak out if their daughter brings home a black boy. I've also always noticed discrimination and was disgusted by it. I always had friends of different colors, date men of all colors, and there's diversity in my own family. However, people look at me and see a white chick. They think they can say anything around me. I get SO tired of it. I dealt with this quite a bit when I worked in the office. As much as I miss people, sometimes I think it's a blessing I don't have to see some of my coworkers. I'm scared if I hear one racist thing I will snap. I am not a PC person nor a particularly confrontational person. But I detest racism. It's a shame how many people I have to explain basic things to-why it's different for nonblack people to use the n word, what white privilege means, racial gaslighting, that a lot of the stats people bust out against the BLM movement are bogus, and so on. I also hear a lot of victim blaming. And when I bring up someone like Elijah McClain, a tiny young man who was as pure as the driven snow, even that's dismissed. 

@Pearson80, your life matters to me too. I am so sorry to everyone hurting right now. It is a shame our country is where it's at in 2020. While there is still a heartbreaking amount of racism and people who just don't get it, you are not alone. I pray the protests result in change. Is there anywhere on the forum we can talk about ways to be an ally without getting in trouble for going OT? 

Thanks for your kind words, you said it way better than I ever could have, but still mean the same thing. I am so happy that there are people like us who know that skin color doesn't matter, it's the person who matters! I have had a Native boyfriend back in my hometown, which raised many eyebrows, but I could have cared less, because he was a HUMAN BEING, a person just like me, not a skin color. Thanks for your reply to my rant:)

  • Love 7


4 hours ago, Haleth said:

I had to turn it off half way through. Way too much talking over each other followed by awkward pauses and then more talking over each other. It was too annoying. 

It was AWFUL today. I wish they would watch a recording of the show to see how bad they sound.

I think that a producer is in their ear saying who's turn it is to talk. Then Whoopi takes that as a cue to moderate, but she's so slow and the person who's turn it is to talk is already talking and it becomes a total clusterfvck!

And Joy needs to stop trying to add things as they occur to her. She's done talking and then....oh, one more thing!

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4 hours ago, mittsigirl said:

Thanks for your kind words, you said it way better than I ever could have, but still mean the same thing. I am so happy that there are people like us who know that skin color doesn't matter, it's the person who matters! I have had a Native boyfriend back in my hometown, which raised many eyebrows, but I could have cared less, because he was a HUMAN BEING, a person just like me, not a skin color. Thanks for your reply to my rant:)

Oh you said it great honey. 🙂 I loved your post and can tell you are a special person. We need more kind hearts like yours in this world. 

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23 hours ago, LetsStartTalking said:

If you go back to the articles this summer on Sara's return, one in-depth article mentioned that Sara has a general contract with ABC, unlike the other co-hosts. Meaning, Sara can be moved around from show to show, at ABC's discretion - and Sara has no say. She had told one reporter that she never wanted to leave 'The View' a few years ago, but ABC yanked her from the show and put her in 'GMA 3' - even though it wasn't her choice to go. (And before that, she worked for GMA, until ABC pulled her from there and put her on 'The View' - again, not her choice).

The other co-hosts have a specified contract with ABC, and they were hired solely for 'The View'. So ABC can't yank one of them from the show and put them in 'GMA' or 'GMA 3' or any other talk show they develop, unless they consent to that. (I don't know if this applies to Ana, though). 

If I'm not mistaken Paula Farris was / is also under the same type of contract as Sara - and they can bounce her around wherever she is needed.

Thank you for the correction. I was just going by what I remember from those New York Post articles with "inside" information. Haven't seen one of those in a while!

22 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

I get Sara's point about being "unsportsmanlike" to boo, but Trump had zero right to be there after not only disregarding RBG's wish but also having the nerve to lie about her last words being written by someone else. So boo away and vote, like Ana said. 

Yeah, he heard it. You can see the smoke coming from his ears.

Why would anyone be surprised the Libs were booing. They try to portray a picture that they are so much classier than Trump but it is obvious that is far from the truth. I'm sure Trump expected it, nobody wants or likes to be booed but this man has the thickest skin in the country due to the daily beatings he takes. But Sara put it best, if you are raised appropriately, you would not behave that way just out of respect RBG. This was about her, not about Trump so save your bad and inappropriate behavior for another time. Like, Sara said, use you voice to vote. She is just such a lovely person, I can't commend her enough.

What did Olivia Troye have to say? Nothing other than Trump said he didn't want to shake hands with disgusting people. Joy wondered what his fan base thinks of that? I'm part of that fan base and it does not disturb me at all. I dislike touching people hands and shaking hands as well. You just never know where those hands have been. And if she was so disturbed by his response to Covid, why did she stay silent until now? This all started back in Feb-March. Why did she wait until now to stay something? She is no different than Mr Bob Woodward.

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20 hours ago, carrps said:

Why? It wasn't a civil suit. It was a criminal prosecution...or should have been.

Normally in a settlement like that the settlement is in lieu of a civil suit.  It doesn't affect any criminal proceedings. So they wouldn't be able to pursue any civil actions against the city--don't know if they would have included the officers personally but I suppose it could also prevent civil suits against the officers as well as the city.

1 hour ago, Spartan Girl said:

I get Sara's point about being "unsportsmanlike" to boo, but Trump had zero right to be there after not only disregarding RBG's wish but also having the nerve to lie about her last words being written by someone else. So boo away and vote, like Ana said. 

Sara,  please read the following and don't oppose booing Trump.

Booing is an act of showing displeasure for someone or something.


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7 minutes ago, After7Only said:

She also did a good job of explaining why she is speaking now.  As an employee she couldn’t publicly say these things.  The administration has shown how the treat whistleblowers.  She waited until she could legally And safely do so.   Her timing does not negate the message.   

I understand why Meghan wasn't there. She would have discounted what the guest said as sour grapes.

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Yes, what @After7Only said!

Plus Troye described how he wasted the valuable time of the scientists, doctors and staff by blathering on and on about whatever random topic was in his pea brain. She noted that he wasted as much as an hour of all of these people's time who were trying to solve problems occurring due to an international crisis.

She is pretty brave to speak out because she will be lambasted by his followers.

Edited by bannana
I was being rude, inadvertently
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6 minutes ago, bannana said:

She is pretty brave to speak

7 minutes ago, bannana said:

Yes, what @After7Only said!

Plus Troye described how he wasted the valuable time of the scientists, doctors and staff by blathering on and on about whatever random topic was in his pea brain. She noted that he wasted as much as an hour of all of these people's time who were trying to solve problems occurring due to an international crisis.

She is pretty brave to speak out because she will be lambasted by his crazy followers.

out because she will be lambasted by his crazy followers.

I don't think Troye was that brave to speak out. I am one of his crazy followers and I didn't find her to have much to say. It was really just a waste of air time but each to his own beliefs.

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57 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

At some point people get tired of taking the high road. Especially when other people are constantly taking the low road.  Sara needs to realize this.

Exactly! Another example where Sara comes off as a flake.

We are not talking about telling five year old soccer players not to boo the other team.

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22 minutes ago, bannana said:

Yes, what @After7Only said!

Plus Troye described how he wasted the valuable time of the scientists, doctors and staff by blathering on and on about whatever random topic was in his pea brain. She noted that he wasted as much as an hour of all of these people's time who were trying to solve problems occurring due to an international crisis.

She is pretty brave to speak out because she will be lambasted by his crazy followers.

She was like a featured background player, not ready for primetime.  She should just play back, backing up what Fauci et al are saying.  Maybe diagram the charts.  Stuff like that.

18 minutes ago, mxmummy said:

I don't think Troye was that brave to speak out. I am one of his crazy followers and I didn't find her to have much to say. It was really just a waste of air time but each to his own beliefs.

I apologize @mxmummy, I didn't mean they were all crazy but that the crazy ones would go after her personally. I have edited my original post, it was poorly worded and inadvertently rude. 

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1 hour ago, OnTime said:

Exactly! Another example where Sara comes off as a flake.

We are not talking about telling five year old soccer players not to boo the other team.

I would expect five year olds to boo. I wouldn't support it, but I wouldn't be surprised given the age.

I don't expect adults to boo, especially at an event where RBG lies in state.


Sunny: "I'm all about decorum."

Yes, Sunny, lemme show you a video of you spinning in your chair loudly say "Woooooow...Wooooow....Woooooow" last week.

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26 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

I would expect five year olds to boo. I wouldn't support it, but I wouldn't be surprised given the age.

I don't expect adults to boo, especially at an event where RBG lies in state.


Sunny: "I'm all about decorum."

Yes, Sunny, lemme show you a video of you spinning in your chair loudly say "Woooooow...Wooooow....Woooooow" last week.

People are very tired.

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