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S07.E11: Over The Edge

Quilt Fairy
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With only three survivalists left, the million-dollar challenge comes to an end. The participants face off against below zero temperatures, injury and their own mental demons as they fight to make it to day 100 and win the million-dollar prize.

Air date: August 20, 2020

SPECIAL NOTE:  This season finale is 3 hours long and starts 2 hours earlier than regular episodes.  (At least, that's the case in the Eastern and Central time zones; I cannot confirm time changes for the Mountain and Pacific time zones. ) 

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A blah ending to a blah season.

I’ll come back and watch again if they have some drama. Like, 2 or 3 three at the end all wanting to tap out at the same time. Production scrambling to figure out what to do. A shootout? Fishout?” 🙂

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What a great season. Absolutely great. Lots of contestants with tons of skill. The last set of days is always a bit anticlimactic because there is so little happening. They were all losing it a bit out there.

thrilled that the cast competent people this season.

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59 minutes ago, ProfCrash said:

What a great season. Absolutely great. Lots of contestants with tons of skill. The last set of days is always a bit anticlimactic because there is so little happening. They were all losing it a bit out there.

thrilled that the cast competent people this season.

Totally agree.  Any of the final three would have been worthy winners although I wasn't sorry to see Kielyn go because of all her crying.  I felt sorry for Callie because she had a great attitude and mad skills but that frostbite looked nasty and she needed to be pulled.  I'm happy for Roland.  He had the skills and determination and earned his win.

I think the most impressive thing I've seen made since the first show is Kielyn's snowshoes.   Those things were works of art.  

I still don't understand how they get some of the footage.  There were two shots of Roland on the ice walking toward shore and away from the camera.  It seems to me that the camera would have had to be much farther out to get the footage of him, from a distance, walking away.  It doesn't make sense to me that he would have set a camera up, walked away and then walked back and retrieved it while a blizzard was setting in.  Maybe I'm missing something but I can't think what.

I wish they'd dispense with the "surprise" at the end when a relative supposedly sneaks up on them.  Surely someone who has been alone in the wilderness for a long time would hear a helicopter approaching and Roland was even expecting to be picked up.  The helicopter had to land fairly close to his camp because his sister certainly wasn't made to walk a couple miles in sub-zero conditions.  I'd much rather they spent the time on their return to civilization.  I'd like to know what the first thing they did was after getting cleaned up and going through medical.  Were they allowed to order a steak or whatever they were craving or did they have to start with something easier to digest after the ordeal? - that kind of thing.

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I just turned off the episode after Calli was pulled. I didn’t want to see anymore. ☹️
I don’t know if I’ll be watching anymore potential seasons. Nobody I want wins anymore, and this season the animal killing really got to me. I had to mute a lot and look away from the screen. Roland’s killing of that porcupine really got to me. The poor thing was happily eating rosehips when it was bludgeoned to death. I started crying (I had already had a bad day). 

Edited by LittleIggy
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Congratulations Roland.

I think I finally felt the Roland love with the death metal song.

The two ladies were outstanding. Callie is of the most happy upbeat people I have ever come across. Sorry, to see her pulled but glad to see she is healthy.

Interesting that Roland and Callie were 1 and 2 considering they are polar (ha ha) opposites in the personality department.

I love this show, but always feel a little let down when the season ends...I don't know why.

How many people though Cajun Sparkle was going to be the name of a strain of weed?

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I like this season, yes the last few days can be boring , by then it is just a waiting game.


I wonder how Roland kept his feet warm? Did he have seal skin socks or something?

The scene of Roland wandering on the ice was cinematic but totally ridiculous.  So he set up his camera in totally unsafe conditions to show him self wandering around talking about how dangerous it is to wander around in unsafe conditions? I wonder if the production crew hinted to him to set it up and talk about his mother so he would have some kind of story arc, because at the beginning he didn't give a rats ass about anything like that, he just wanted to win.

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I was absolutely shocked when Kielyn tapped out.  I had expected her and Roland to battle it out to the end.  I would have only given Callie a 5% chance of winning, but wow she was impressive.  Even Roland was complaining about the conditions, but Callie was actually enjoying being there and didn't want to go home.  Too bad she got pulled.

I know some people didn't like Roland, but he was a worthy winner, and he actually appeared to have experienced some character growth out there.

12 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Roland’s killing of that porcupine really got to me. The poor thing was happily eating rosehips when it was bludgeoned to death.

If you think about it, it's probably one of the more humane ways to dispatch animals.  The first blow probably knocked it unconscious.  Probably better than being pierced by an arrow.  But I agree, I dislike seeing the animal kills, and even stealing food from the squirrels.


6 hours ago, Blackie said:

The scene of Roland wandering on the ice was cinematic but totally ridiculous.  So he set up his camera in totally unsafe conditions to show him self wandering around talking about how dangerous it is to wander around in unsafe conditions?

I was wondering if that was actually footage from another day, or another angle, or earlier in the day, that the editors slotted into that position because it fit the narrative.  

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Congratulations Roland! I had the feeling that musk ox would last till the bitter end and it did, as we saw him share some marrow with his sister. Good for you to see yourself as a not perfect son to your parents and admit it to yourself while you had all that time to think. I hope it helps in your future relationships with  other people. It was a win well deserved.

Callie was scary skinny by the time the medical team forced her to tap out. Her face was so devoid of fat, I wonder what the rest of her body was like. I also wondered why she didn't take some extra furs or something out with her when ice fishing to wrap around her feet while she was just sitting on the ice. That might have given her a little extra time to fish before having to return to camp for a toe warming session.

Keilyn I was surprised to see leave when she did. I guess we will never know what happens to the mind when out there alone in the cold so close to the finish line. 

All in all they all did wonderfully and it was a great season, except for the graphic animal killing and rendering.

Congratulations to all of you!

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While it's hard to watch someone tap so close to the finish line, Kielyn's mental state was declining and I think she made the right choice. I've lived up north in Canada before (not that far north, but where it indeed hits -50C or so) and I do not share Callie's enthusiasm for that climate. 😉 But her positive attitude was great, and I was sad to see her go. I was interested to see what would happen if two people made it to 100 days.

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Wow, that was intense. Great season. 

Frost bitten toes. Embedded quills. Eating stomach contents and hooves. Bludgeoning unsuspecting animals. Diseased porcupine liver. Filthy hands and feet. Men eating like cavemen. Blood and guts. Walking on thin ice. Fatty meat in musk ox head fur pouches. Burning off porcupine skin in a fire. This episode approached horror show territory for me, in terms of how often I could barely look at the screen. By the end, I said to Mr. Melina that unless Roland was forced to resort to cannibalism (hard when you're alone) I couldn't imagine how much grosser it could get. (But no doubt it could.) 

This isn't a criticism, it's the reality of what it takes to survive a winter in the North alone, but for me, it's about as graphic as I can handle. And I never got used to the animal killing even as I sat and ate my chicken wings. 

At the end, Roland said some surprisingly poetic and philosophical things. Meanwhile, I have nothing but admiration for Callie and Kielyn. With a decent amount of food, they would have all sailed to 100 days. 

But then what? Keep going till just one was left? I'm curious. 


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I also wondered why she didn't take some extra furs or something out with her when ice fishing to wrap around her feet while she was just sitting on the ice. That might have given her a little extra time to fish before having to return to camp for a toe warming session.

I've seen pictures of people ice fishing who have small fires on the ice nearby.  I kept wondering why she didn't haul several batches of spruce boughs out there and have them ready to light one at a time when her toe got cold so she could fish longer.

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1 minute ago, eyelash said:

kept wondering why she didn't haul several batches of spruce boughs out there and have them ready to light one at a time when her toe got cold so she could fish longer.

Here people who ice fish have little huts. I know that's too much for them but I thought even a simple windbreak would have been really good. 

Also, why didn't they melt snow rather trudge to a frozen lake? 

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I am not surprised Kielyn tapped. I did, some how or other, miss it when it happened. I had to go back and rewatch that part. I think it was a combination of her mental state but also that it was taking too long to get fish. She seemed to understand that ice fishing was going to be harder and harder and not willing to risk the possible frost bite and other possible dangers. She tapped earlier then she needed to because she was strategic enough to understand her situation and her chances of winning. I have no problem with that. She lasted a hell of a lot longer then most of the folks out there and probably longer then most of the past contestants had they been on this show.

Callie was amazing. She had a great attitude and seemed to be enjoying herself. She was balancing the risks and rewards for all of her decisions and actions out there. Even when they pulled her you could see that it hurt but that she could understand the logic. She mentioned in her medical checks that her socks were falling apart, which is probably how she got frostbite in the first place.

As for the hunting, I can live without hearing the squeals and seeing the bludgeoning but I also understand why they show it. It is very much a part of what people have to do in these scenarios and to not show it hides what it actually takes to survive out there. This is the first season where we have actually seen successful hunting by anyone, never mind by so many people. I thought that Roland's porcupine kill was far more humane then the musk ox kill but both were done because of need and not a desire for a trophy. I can respect that. I don't know that I needed them to show the dragging of the porcupine and the blood trail...


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8 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Here people who ice fish have little huts. I know that's too much for them but I thought even a simple windbreak would have been really good. 

Also, why didn't they melt snow rather trudge to a frozen lake? 

Melting snow and bringing it to a boil takes a lot of time and probably a good amount of wood. Also, the amount of snow you have to gather is far more then you would think. You have to bring it to a boil because you don't know what animals have been in the snow or what might have been dropped that could be dangerous.

Kielyn had a bunch of spruce boughs out there, I don't get why she didn't drag a bunch out there every time she went so she could build up a pile to use as insulation and covering or a wind barrier. I have no idea why Callie didn't bring any out there with her. I suspect for Callie it has more to do with limited time in a winter environment, she mentioned that normally when it gets could she takes off for warmer climates. That might have something to do with her poor choice of socks and not being careful enough about warming herself up.

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10 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Also, why didn't they melt snow rather trudge to a frozen lake? 

My understanding is that if you have a gallon of snow, you can melt it to make 1/2 gallon of water.  Maybe part of the problem would be that their large pot was usually full of some type of soup.  But I agree, why endanger yourself by trudging across snow to a frozen lake, chopping a hole in the ice, and ending up with what appeared to be not a huge amount of water (the largest container we saw at the lake was Callie's boot)?  It seems that you could heat up enough snow to make that much water without too much effort.  And since it got to where it was snowing every day, there was a never-ending supply of clean snow.

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8 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

My understanding is that if you have a gallon of snow, you can melt it to make 1/2 gallon of water.  Maybe part of the problem would be that their large pot was usually full of some type of soup.  But I agree, why endanger yourself by trudging across snow to a frozen lake, chopping a hole in the ice, and ending up with what appeared to be not a huge amount of water (the largest container we saw at the lake was Callie's boot)?  It seems that you could heat up enough snow to make that much water without too much effort.  And since it got to where it was snowing every day, there was a never-ending supply of clean snow.

You don't know that the snow is clean. It covers up animal tracks and possible droppings. It falls through the trees and ends up with bugs or tree debris. None of that can be deemed "safe". You have to melt the snow and then boil it. Boiling water over the fires that they have was taking 15 minutes or so when it wasn't crazy cold, at least that is what several contestants said on the show. Melting snow in shelters where it was cold enough for ice to form on a fire pit is going to take a long, long time. Then bringing it to a boil. It is something you could do in the middle of a huge snow storm when you have no other option, otherwise, it is faster to go to the lake, chop the hole, pull out cold but not frozen water, and then boil it.

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Damn. Tears for Callie. If they do another all stars, she better be there. 

Roland is legend. It was not always comfortable viewing, but he is the only one I have seen on this show that I believe could actually live out there year round. I don't mind Roland's dark nature. He is a lone wolf who believes life is one long tragedy, while Callie believes in the connection and beauty of everything. I can understand both. 

I would totally watch Roland and Callie on an episode of Naked and Afraid! : D 

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Did Callie stay long enough to pass Fowler's record?  He went 87 days, I think.

If Roland's big emotional breakthrough was realizing how important his mother was, when he literally skipped her funeral to prepare for the show, it seems like too little too late.

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Great finale very good season. A half hour could have been left on the editing floor and it would have been a bit more punchy. I'm happy for Roland, he is a consummate professional survivalist and lets not forget he's also 48. I'm happier for Callie and Kielyn because this was a life altering experience for them. The money would have done more for either of them too but the experience is for a life time, for Roland it was another grueling day in the office. Roland will forget that place...they never will. If anything the money will make Roland more a recluse. I can imagine him buying property in the mountains with some lakes building a cabin and living off the grid never to be heard from again...

I hope the woman get offers to model survivor gear and make a truck load of money!


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5 hours ago, eyelash said:

I've seen pictures of people ice fishing who have small fires on the ice nearby.  I kept wondering why she didn't haul several batches of spruce boughs out there and have them ready to light one at a time when her toe got cold so she could fish longer.

I said the same to Mr. Max.  Why not have a small fire ready to go when she got cold?  Also, Kielyn covered her fishing hole with the boughs.  I wondered why neither of the others did?  Callie, I can understand because she wasn't used to the cold, but I think Roland should have thought of that rather than chopping a new hole every time he needed water.

2 hours ago, meep.meep said:

Did Callie stay long enough to pass Fowler's record?  He went 87 days, I think.

If Roland's big emotional breakthrough was realizing how important his mother was, when he literally skipped her funeral to prepare for the show, it seems like too little too late.

Callie stayed 89 days, so she beat Fowler's record.  And I thought the same thing about Roland.  So important now, but you couldn't take a day for her funeral?


I knew Roland was going to win it, but it was good to see it down to 2 women and him.  And again, the woman had to be medically tapped.  Makes me wonder if there's a conspiracy here?  😉

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3 hours ago, meep.meep said:

If Roland's big emotional breakthrough was realizing how important his mother was, when he literally skipped her funeral to prepare for the show, it seems like too little too late.

I don't think I'd say that.  Funerals are for the living, not the dead.  We all deal with grief differently, sounds like maybe he was in a denial stage at the time.  Funerals force you to face things.  The real tragic part is that he wasn't around to comfort his father and sister.


1 hour ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

Roland will forget that place...they never will. If anything the money will make Roland more a recluse. I can imagine him buying property in the mountains with some lakes building a cabin and living off the grid never to be heard from again...

Roland forget Rock House, Danger Rock, and Calendar Tree?  You think so?  You're probably right about what he'll do with the money though.  There's nothing really wrong with that, but it sounds a bit lonely.

The show was a little draggy, I agree, but the suspense kept mounting, at least for me.

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I loved this season! I knew Roland would win but it was definitely interesting to see those final moments.

Callie had a great energy and enthusiasm. Kielyn probably should have tapped out sooner but she did made it over ¾ of the way through at least.

That environment is so harsh . It’s hard to imagine spending a day in -30+ degree cold, let alone two weeks, and with the wind chill at that. The lake really does look like the surface of the moon.

Edited by overtherainbow
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For some reason today I was thinking of Sam, winner of the second chances season a couple of years ago (in Patagonia I think?). If I remember correctly he didn't bring a hunting bow and arrow or fishing gear, only snares. IIRC his snares were useless but he killed a few mice in deadfalls. His strategy was to start off the season fat, expend as little energy as possible, and starve longer than anyone else. He, basically, outlasted the other contestants because he could starve himself longer. He had used pretty much the same strategy in the first season but wasn't able to starve long enough to beat (I forgot his name, Paul?). I'm not suggesting it's not a viable strategy and it was certainly successful for him eventually BUT it wasn't interesting to watch or impressive or particularly admirable.

To connect this to the topic at hand, I contrast that season with this season where Roland would probably have just bonked Sam on the head and eaten him on day 10.

I have no idea why I typed all that except I always kinda super disliked Sam and I'm feeling extra cranky today.

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5 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

This is the first season where we have actually seen successful hunting by anyone, never mind by so many people.

Exactly.  Remember those seasons on Vancouver Island when people were living on slugs and mice?  In one sense, this season is what the show was always intended to be. 

6 hours ago, eyelash said:

I've seen pictures of people ice fishing who have small fires on the ice nearby.  I kept wondering why she didn't haul several batches of spruce boughs out there and have them ready to light one at a time when her toe got cold so she could fish longer.

Callie mentioned that she had never been ice fishing before.  While even I know you go out and chop a hole in the ice, beyond that I'd be clueless. 

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2 hours ago, rmontro said:

I don't think I'd say that.  Funerals are for the living, not the dead.  We all deal with grief differently, sounds like maybe he was in a denial stage at the time.  Funerals force you to face things.  The real tragic part is that he wasn't around to comfort his father and sister.


Roland forget Rock House, Danger Rock, and Calendar Tree?  You think so?  You're probably right about what he'll do with the money though.  There's nothing really wrong with that, but it sounds a bit lonely.

The show was a little draggy, I agree, but the suspense kept mounting, at least for me.

Maybe at some point he'll remember the good times...but those last 10 days were hell. The only reason he was happy Christmas day is because the following day was D day. He was amazingly cool on departure day just waiting to hear something so he could get the hell out of dodge. I recall two days like that in my life...when I got out of boot camp and when I left a job I loathed after 10 years.

Just did some figuring...

24 hours to a day x100 = 2400

1,000,000 / 2400 = $416.00 per hour

I don't believe he could have survived the winter he looked down on food supplies and unable to get more.


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6 hours ago, meep.meep said:

Did Callie stay long enough to pass Fowler's record?  He went 87 days, I think.

If Roland's big emotional breakthrough was realizing how important his mother was, when he literally skipped her funeral to prepare for the show, it seems like too little too late.

But this too was very important to him and he did too also honour her memory and I felt like he really came full circle in regard to his relationship and love for her, it was a pretty vulnerable touching tribute from a lone wilderness man.  I would say he couldn’t do both and this was his way.

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3 hours ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

Maybe at some point he'll remember the good times...but those last 10 days were hell. The only reason he was happy Christmas day is because the following day was D day. He was amazingly cool on departure day just waiting to hear something so he could get the hell out of dodge. I recall two days like that in my life...when I got out of boot camp and when I left a job I loathed after 10 years.

Just did some figuring...

24 hours to a day x100 = 2400

1,000,000 / 2400 = $416.00 per hour

I don't believe he could have survived the winter he looked down on food supplies and unable to get more.


He did still have some food and he obviously could have gone longer although January would have been even colder. He certainly didn’t look as emaciated as Callie did on her final day.....I was so shocked when I saw her.

Pretty good wages for a few months work!

I liked the final three and really enjoyed this season.

Edited by endure
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14 hours ago, meep.meep said:

Did Callie stay long enough to pass Fowler's record?  He went 87 days, I think.

I'm not sure about that, but Carleigh Fairchild made it 86 days in Patagonia before medical pulled her - something I'm still bitter about.  Both she and Fowler were showing signs of malnutrition, and IIRC, her weight was just under the number where they pull you out, but not by much.   Many of us felt that it should've been a shared win.  I digress.

As far as the animal killing this season, I'm okay with them eating the animals, but I don't like to see the gory details.  Kudos to all 3 of them for surviving in that harsh environment.  It was a much better season than some previous ones.  

I'm glad that Roland came to terms with his Mom's death.  My favorite moment with that was when he could hear her singing a hymn at church and then he proceeded to hum the same song.  "And his heart grew 3 sizes that day!" - The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. 

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17 hours ago, endure said:

But this too was very important to him and he did too also honour her memory and I felt like he really came full circle in regard to his relationship and love for her, it was a pretty vulnerable touching tribute from a lone wilderness man.  I would say he couldn’t do both and this was his way.

I was going to say pretty much this.  I think Roland had his own personal funeral for his mom out there all by himself.  I can only imagine how 100 days in the wilderness can bring you in touch with what's really important to you.  In spite of the fact that Roland said he does this type of thing all the time, it seems like he was transformed by this experience, which was probably like no other he'd had before.  Even hard ol' Roland was moved to wax poetic about how he's realized that he should spend more time with family.  I actually think he was being genuine about that.  

21 hours ago, madmax said:

I knew Roland was going to win it, but it was good to see it down to 2 women and him.  And again, the woman had to be medically tapped.  Makes me wonder if there's a conspiracy here?  😉

I know how you feel, I feel like the women on this show can't catch a break.  If not for the frostbite I'm pretty sure Callie would have made it to the end.  I did notice that Roland's boots looked far bigger and were probably better insulated, so perhaps not having better footwear was her fatal mistake.  Even though I know that Roland's win was fair, and I'm happy for him, I still don't like what happened to Callie.  I've been let down a few times on this show, like with Carleigh TWICE.  It's maddening!

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1 hour ago, Yeah No said:

If not for the frostbite I'm pretty sure Callie would have made it to the end. 

If not for the frostbite, Callie might still be out there.  She was enjoying it so much.

I'm not sure about her food supply though.  She and Kieyln were facing the same problem, it was too cold to stay out on the lake long enough to ice fish effectively.  The rabbits seem to have dwindled down to practically nothing, but this show hasn't always shown us the entire food situation, so it's hard to say.  

I'm glad she didn't have any ill effects from eating that porcupine.  I still get skeevish thinking about that liver, ick.  That aside, it makes me curious about what porcupine tastes like.  

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1 hour ago, Yeah No said:

If not for the frostbite I'm pretty sure Callie would have made it to the end.

I agree.  Thing is though, when medical told her she had to be pulled, she didn't appear to be devastated.  Maybe she was somewhat relieved that they made the decision for her.  She knew that she was walking a fine line with the frostbite, so getting pulled wasn't totally unexpected.  She could've easily not have told them about her toe when they came for one of the earlier checkups, but it seemed serious enough that she knew they needed to know about it.  Medical then had an obligation to make sure she was seen about and pulled if necessary. I would not risk any of my limbs for any amount of money.  

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51 minutes ago, rmontro said:
2 hours ago, Yeah No said:

If not for the frostbite I'm pretty sure Callie would have made it to the end. 

If not for the frostbite, Callie might still be out there.  She was enjoying it so much.


I don't know about that, she was pretty darn skinny, I wonder if they were about to pull her for her weight but pulling for frostbite was just something new. I wish when they were in the helicopter we could at least see them eating a cookie!

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On 8/22/2020 at 7:12 PM, ChitChat said:

I would not risk any of my limbs for any amount of money. 

For a million dollars I could probably give up a toe. It might make good fish bait if I could handle amputating it myself.  Sometimes my toes are a pain anyway.😄

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7 hours ago, Eataton said:

For a million dollars I could probably give up a toe. It might make good fish bait if I could handle amputating it myself.  Sometimes my toes are a pain anyway.😄

Okay, maybe you're being kind of "tongue in cheek" about it.  Big toes are kind of important for balance, though.  If Callie had lost a toe out there, walking on snow and ice would have been even more difficult. 

As to whether you could handle amputating it, Have you seen the movie "127 Hours"?  True story.

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15 hours ago, AZChristian said:

As to whether you could handle amputating it, Have you seen the movie "127 Hours"?  True story.

It was a joke. As for that movie, that is a nightmare! I don't ever want to find out if I'm capable of that. In extreme situations like that I guess your only choices are an extreme solution or death.

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On 8/20/2020 at 11:20 PM, mlp said:

Totally agree.  Any of the final three would have been worthy winners although I wasn't sorry to see Kielyn go because of all her crying.  I felt sorry for Callie because she had a great attitude and mad skills but that frostbite looked nasty and she needed to be pulled.  I'm happy for Roland.  He had the skills and determination and earned his win.

I think the most impressive thing I've seen made since the first show is Kielyn's snowshoes.   Those things were works of art.  

I still don't understand how they get some of the footage.  There were two shots of Roland on the ice walking toward shore and away from the camera.  It seems to me that the camera would have had to be much farther out to get the footage of him, from a distance, walking away.  It doesn't make sense to me that he would have set a camera up, walked away and then walked back and retrieved it while a blizzard was setting in.  Maybe I'm missing something but I can't think what.

I wish they'd dispense with the "surprise" at the end when a relative supposedly sneaks up on them.  Surely someone who has been alone in the wilderness for a long time would hear a helicopter approaching and Roland was even expecting to be picked up.  The helicopter had to land fairly close to his camp because his sister certainly wasn't made to walk a couple miles in sub-zero conditions.  I'd much rather they spent the time on their return to civilization.  I'd like to know what the first thing they did was after getting cleaned up and going through medical.  Were they allowed to order a steak or whatever they were craving or did they have to start with something easier to digest after the ordeal? - that kind of thing.

there's a youtube video about it. They bring them hot soup, bananas, chocolate, almonds, and dont let them eat much at first. Just cause you hear a boat or a chopper does not mean you've won. It might mean others made it to 100 days.  or on previous seasons, it can mean that they are doing the med-check and battery/video exchange.

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On 8/22/2020 at 5:24 PM, Yeah No said:

I was going to say pretty much this.  I think Roland had his own personal funeral for his mom out there all by himself.  I can only imagine how 100 days in the wilderness can bring you in touch with what's really important to you.  In spite of the fact that Roland said he does this type of thing all the time, it seems like he was transformed by this experience, which was probably like no other he'd had before.  Even hard ol' Roland was moved to wax poetic about how he's realized that he should spend more time with family.  I actually think he was being genuine about that.  

I know how you feel, I feel like the women on this show can't catch a break.  If not for the frostbite I'm pretty sure Callie would have made it to the end.  I did notice that Roland's boots looked far bigger and were probably better insulated, so perhaps not having better footwear was her fatal mistake.  Even though I know that Roland's win was fair, and I'm happy for him, I still don't like what happened to Callie.  I've been let down a few times on this show, like with Carleigh TWICE.  It's maddening!

they dont know what to take and do. If they'd not waste a week or more on a shelter, and immediately made lots of 3" mesh netting out of the rope hammock, unraveling it, then unraveling the rope into smaller strands, making baited net weirs for waterfowl, they could grab up to 50k calories before the fowl all migrate. Then local vegetation can be woven into the 3" mesh, converting it to net-weirs for fish. You can make a pontoon outrigger-raft in a day and 500 sq ft of 1.5" mesh seine in 5-6 days. So in a week, they can be harvesting 30 or more lbs of fish in a day. Make some perforated tarp bait-bags, put fishheads and guts in them, attach them to wooden floats, all attached to a long line strung out into the lake and "chum" fish in to  your baited few feet of shoreline, where you encircle the feeding fish with the seine., using the raft to pay out the net as you addle around the baited area, Tie each end of the seine to  a big stake and start hauling in the net to the shore, first one end, then the other. Do this 3x per day. At night, set the seine as a giant baited net weir.

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This show needs to do something about its formula because I knew from the start Roland was going to win. The eventual winner, to the best of my recollection, is always featured in the first episode. The first episode this season had Roland, Keilyn, Joe and Keith. Once Keith tapped out I knew it had to be Roland because I didn't see either Joe or Keilyn winning this thing (although Keilyn certainly made it further than I thought). On top of that, Roland was the only one to also appear in the second episode. And at that point there wasn't anything all that compelling going on with him. 

He was a deserved winner but predictable. If they had just waited to introduce him in the second episode they would have kept me guessing. Or maybe they should introduce all ten in the first episode. Anything to throw us off. 

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On 10/11/2020 at 10:43 AM, iMonrey said:

This show needs to do something about its formula because I knew from the start Roland was going to win. The eventual winner, to the best of my recollection, is always featured in the first episode. The first episode this season had Roland, Keilyn, Joe and Keith. Once Keith tapped out I knew it had to be Roland because I didn't see either Joe or Keilyn winning this thing (although Keilyn certainly made it further than I thought). On top of that, Roland was the only one to also appear in the second episode. And at that point there wasn't anything all that compelling going on with him. 

He was a deserved winner but predictable. If they had just waited to introduce him in the second episode they would have kept me guessing. Or maybe they should introduce all ten in the first episode. Anything to throw us off. 

means nothing. He wasted so much time and energy on his stupid "shelter" that he could barely draw his bow.  VERY few people will even see an animal. They should be setting traps for big game and mainly be using lots of netting, made from the 2 person rope hammock.

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