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2020 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp


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4 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

Love this post.  You summed up all my thoughts on so many topics just beautifully. 

Thanks! I hope you're doing well and staying healthy. I can understand a Vet like Meredith or Lily being cut when they barely made the team last year; I was prepared for that. But, Brennan and Hannah? And Kat is sleeping with a player and is kept? That's a hard no...

  • Love 7

Alora just posted the same pix as her boyfriend posted earlier.  

They say time flys when you’re having fun...but I guess even more so when you’re in love.💖
I don’t know how it has already been 1 year since our first date, but I sure am lucky to have had you by my side through it all. The giggles and hard core gut laughs, scaring me even when you’re standing right in front of me(🤪🤦🏻‍♀️) forcing me out of my comfort zones and doing backflips into the pool, teaching me all the fun little games to play(I guess including BLUTO 🙃 @sandybusken ) being my shoulder to cry on when the world just seems so heavy. You make it all better just by being you. You always make me sparkle
I love you @seananglin
Let’s enjoy many more years together

  • Love 5

Okay results from hubby.

VK a 6.  Hannah a 5.  Then he saw Rachel and gave her an 8.  I asked him what he looked at and he said "calves" first.  And then looked to see if the boobs were real.  He thinks it is ridiculous for girls to get implants.  

He also liked Bridgett.  Edited to add:   he liked Heather also.

Gosh that was fun!

Edited by parrotfeathers
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2 hours ago, TB12 said:

Not shooting the messenger here thanks for posting it, but weight gain seriously? Have we not seen videos of her on her IG she looked amazing but I guess the only one who deserves the respect to lose any extra weight if Victoria. If they use weight gain for the reason I better see a double chin & a honey boo boo belly!

Well she did post that video of her dancing amazingly while wearing a loose flowy tunic thing.  Everybody knows there's only one dcc that's allowed to wear something like that; the others are always trying to hide weight gain.

Edited by heckkitty
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1 hour ago, SmpIsimon said:

Those are good points.  But Erica's lawsuit got a LOT of attention, so those news outlets seem willing to run with it.  I think she could put together a pretty good lawsuit though that would probably get them to settle (they did in Erica's case).  I mean they fired her for a health condition and yet we have television footage of past contestants being kept around to allow them time to heal.  Even if she didn't win, the publicity would be devastating.  

Very, very true -- and it would be well-deserved. If only someone could do it for her so she could just move on with grace... I feel for her.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, vivianspoetry said:

I wonder if they will still dance if fans can't attend.  The teams that are prohibiting fans is growing, and the number of fans teams are allowing is going down.  The Ravens announced that they are reducing the number from 14,000 to 7,500.  It doesn't look like things are going to improve between now and opening week, so I'd expect a similar trend.  

I listen to a lot of sports radio, and Jerry Jones has been holding firm about having "some" fans at AT&T stadium.  Of course the mayor or governor could override that.  I agree that the trends are not going in the right direction to have a packed (or even half packed) stadium.

  • Love 4
48 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

Huh...took a few weeks off to move and log back into this...

I can't say I'm surprised that Kelli is treating these girls are puppets instead of people, but I can't ignore the Vets that continue to stand by her side. If you disagreed with these choices and continue to stay, then you are as much part of the problem as Kelli. 

I won't be watching this season of MTT or frankly, any season for as long as this show is aired. What used to bring me joy now just makes me want to watch it burn. 

Oh, and Bridget is my spirit animal and will forever be my all-time favorite DCC in history. Her honesty is refreshing and I'm glad she left when she did. 

100% this.....Thank you

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, TB12 said:

Not shooting the messenger here thanks for posting it, but weight gain seriously? Have we not seen videos of her on her IG she looked amazing but I guess the only one who deserves the respect to lose any extra weight if Victoria. If they use weight gain for the reason I better see a double chin & a honey boo boo belly!

"Weight Gain??" Hannah was released, "allegedly," for "weight gain?" From the same Kelli who called Brittney Schram into her office for weight gain a few seasons ago? Brittney Schram, who was too thin? The same Kelli who hired the idiotic dietitian who famously said, "soda's give you cellulite?" IF Hannah did gain weight, she would have taken it off ASAP. But training camp, this year, was what 3 weeks? Four? Not enough time Kelli, unless you want to finally admit you push starvation diets on these women to keep them dangerously thin. Proves, yet again, insiders were right, Hannah was released for TV show drama. 


Edited by Laurawithcats
  • Love 9
7 hours ago, UK-Fan said:

Erm silly question. What happened with that? I can't remmeber what happened when Hannah bumpped into Kelli post DCC days. But then again Kelli is nothing but a fake person, just like VK and TK in my eyes

The story of this is definitely somewhere on this site... the edited version was that about a year after Kelli cut Hanna for weight , they were at the same place (I believe it was a Dallas restaurant).  Hanna was gracious enough to approach Kelli and say hello and Kelli acted as if she had no idea who she was ! 
Meanwhile, Kelli cut her on national TV , spent a full dance year as her director , and Hanna was a show group member ! 
Kelli is just a bitch - there , I said it ! That felt good !!

  • Love 22
1 minute ago, njcate said:

The story of this is definitely somewhere on this site... the edited version was that about a year after Kelli cut Hanna for weight , they were at the same place (I believe it was a Dallas restaurant).  Hanna was gracious enough to approach Kelli and say hello and Kelli acted as if she had no idea who she was ! 
Meanwhile, Kelli cut her on national TV , spent a full dance year as her director , and Hanna was a show group member ! 
Kelli is just a bitch - there , I said it ! That felt good !!

A blind man can see that Kelli’s a C#%T. I’d never want to be coached by her 

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On 8/16/2020 at 4:13 PM, LonghornLove said:

Here’s my ideal triangle! This is fun. 


This is a great triangle!!   Love Gina as point ~more than well-deserved !!   The only thing I would change would be Hannah with Ashlee.  Hannah is tall and can still have a great sightline, directly behind Gina, she won't be hidden.   and I personally think that Ashlee deserves far more recognition.  

  • Love 7
On 8/17/2020 at 11:25 AM, rl27rl said:

Can someone do a mock triangle of what it would look like for Kelli's eyes?  You know with Veruca first?😆😆

I can't do one because I'm NOT technologically savvy that way..........but VK will be 10 -15 yards ahead of the rest of the triangle........

and then there's the rest of DCC. 

  • LOL 3

I was thinking along the same lines a lot of you were regarding going to the media on Brennan's behalf, but it could backfire BIG time.  Kelli works for a powerful company with deep pockets and good lawyers so anything negative said against them could be a legal nightmare depending on if they wanted to pursue it.  Better to make it blow up on social media where it's harder for Kelli, Charlotte, and the Dallas Cowboys organization to ignore as social media can reach a lot more people and they have to do a LOT more damage control. 

I seriously doubt they would reach out to Hannah and Brennan to come back at this point, now or at any point in the future.  I remember one scene where, after a rookie candidate was cut and had left the office, Kelli asked Judy something along the lines of "Can we change our minds?" and Judy said "No."  Brennan's post read to me as a classy FU to the organization because she gave them everything and they dropped her as soon as she was of no use to them.  Hannah is likely to focus exclusively on school and both will likely just ignore any offer from the organization because what's to stop the DCC from dropping them again as soon as the outrage from this dies down?

Kelli is a toxic manager.  We've known this for quite a while.  Frankly, if I had done more than remotely entertain the thought of auditioning, something like this, above and beyond the other rumors and serious personnel issues would have made me turn tail and run.  Well, that, the work hours, the idea that a part time job dancing half-naked in front of drunk men for seriously low pay is supposed to be a bigger time commitment then a full time job with benefits, and the constant pressure that this is supposed to be the most important dream one has ever had would make me easily pass on having anything to do with at least the cheerleaders.  As for the Dallas Cowboys organization itself, I haven't heard as much. 

Edited by EricaShadows
  • Love 22
1 hour ago, itsweird said:

I just asked my husband.  He rated Hannah a 7 and Victoria a 9.  Oooof.  Who did I marry?  😣

I just had to ask my hubby. Without giving any details of who each one was (he knows them by name but not sight from hearing me vent, lol): Hannah: 8, liked the red hair, Rachel W., thought she was pretty close to a 10, VK : first comment was "She looks kinda fake", Gave her a 7.

Note: After 22 years, I might as well keep him.

I added my message of support to Brennan's IG. Can you imagine, if we are this upset, how hurt her parents must be for her? 

  • Love 12
6 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

I was thinking along the same lines a lot of you were regarding going to the media on Brennan's behalf, but it could backfire BIG time.  Kelli works for a powerful company with deep pockets and good lawyers so anything negative said against them could be a legal nightmare depending on if they wanted to pursue it.  Better to make it blow up on social media where it's harder for Kelli, Charlotte, and the Dallas Cowboys organization to ignore as social media can reach a lot more people and they have to do a LOT more damage control. 

I seriously doubt they would reach out to Hannah and Brennan to come back at this point, now or at any point in the future.  I remember one scene where, after a rookie candidate was cut and had left the office, Kelli asked Judy something along the lines of "Can we change our minds?" and Judy said "No."  Brennan's post read to me as a classy FU to the organization because she gave them everything and they dropped her as soon as she was of no use to them.  Hannah is likely to focus exclusively on school and both will likely just ignore any offer from the organization because what's to stop the DCC from dropping them again as soon as the outrage from this dies down?

Kelli is a toxic manager.  We've known this for quite a while.  Frankly, if I had done more than remotely entertain the thought of auditioning, something like this, above and beyond the other rumors and serious personnel issues would have made me turn tail and run.  Well, that, the work hours, the idea that a part time job dancing half-naked in front of drunk men for seriously low pay is supposed to be a bigger time commitment then a full time job with benefits, and the constant pressure that this is supposed to be the most important dream one has ever had would make me easily pass on having anything to do with at least the cheerleaders.  As for the Dallas Cowboys organization itself, I haven't heard as much. 

I think at the end of the day, we all have a voice, and it is used when we watch the show.  Our tuning in is a vote to keep it going or not.  Something we will all have to consider and decide.

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, DCCFanatic82 said:

Which post(s) on which platform(s) are the best place(s) to help blow up their social accounts? 

Facebook and Instagram seem to have the most views. Twitter doesn't seem to have as much foot traffic for DCC. Most of their posts have such few responses.  

Edited by ElenaFR
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Kat showed her true colors when she posted the "I'm a Texan now" hick (some say it was supposed to be a little girl) photo & her reply to those that questioned it was something about only God tells her what to do & He was good with it (don't remember the exact quote). If Kelli didn't know about her extra-curricular activities then, this should have been an eye opener that Kat is gonna do what Kat wants to do -- and is therefore a risk.

Edited by hannahbanana
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4 hours ago, ElenaFR said:

This is why I think it is important to post tidbits of the real reason for her cut in the DCC social media pages.  Don't let Brennan become another edited story line for a reality show. 

It's all over social media already, this is s PR disaster for them as so many people have commented how they cant believe she was cut after surviving covid

  • Love 12
7 minutes ago, hannahbanana said:

Kat showed her true colors when she posted the "I'm a Texan now" hick (some say it was supposed to be a little girl) photo & her reply to those that questioned it was something about only God tells her what to do & He was good with it (don't remember the exact quote). If Kelli didn't know about her extra-curricular activities then, this should have been an eye opener that Kat is gonna do what Kat wants to do -- and is therefore a risk.

The beginning of I don't have use for Kat feeling.  Now she broke a  MAJOR rule and she should go...............She was never one of the best dancers in fact IMO she was better than Meredith (cause Meredith struggled with memory) but not better than Lily.  I loved Kat in prelims last year, thought she lost ground in semi's and finals that was one of the worse solos I've ever seen.  

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, Jesiklyn said:

It's all over social media already, this is s PR disaster for them as so many people have commented how they cant believe she was cut after surviving covid

They'll try to spin it so that they look good -- already having been infected twice their "doctors" advised them 1) her own health was at risk trying to do too much too soon, or (2) having been infected twice, she coud get infected again & spread it to the others -- either way, they had to oh so regretfully make the great sacrifice of losing one of their most beloved DCC to protect her against herself (from trying to do too much) and/or protect the other girls from a potential infection risk.

If they can't pull off one of those (or something similar), they'll come up with a completely non-covid reason for the cut.

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1 minute ago, hannahbanana said:

They'll try to spin it so that they look good -- already having been infected twice their "doctors" advised them 1) her own health was at risk trying to do too much too soon, or (2) having been infected twice, she coud get infected again & spread it to the others -- either way, they had to oh so regretfully make the great sacrifice of losing one of their most beloved DCC to protect her against herself (from trying to do too much) and/or protect the other girls from a potential infection risk.

If they can't pull off one of those (or something similar), they'll come up with a completely non-covid reason for the cut.

I imagine the scene where she is cut will have obviously manipulated editing (like the scene where VK is in the office with Jinelle and gets called out for lying) and there'll be some voice over of Kelli telling us some BS that tries to explain why the poor thing (in a year when the girls aren't even performing on the field) couldn't be given some time to heal.  Not that I'll be watching.  Scum.

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The silence is killing me...  I so want to know who made the team.  The vet cuts were heartbreaking, and I will miss Brennan, Hannah, Lilly and Meredith.  But, I am anxious for the new girls and see who did or didn’t make the cut... I am really hoping the team is more diverse and I really want to know if Claire W, Darian, Elli, Armani, Jada, and  Shannan have made the team and who is on show group.

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