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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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26 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Franzel doesn't like Rachel Reilly so now I have another reason to not like Franzel.


I'm sure this stems from The Amazing Race where Nicole was her whiny rat self and dimed Rachel and Elissa out for something they said trying to strategize. Rachel and Elissa didn't exactly look the best when called out afterwards but there was zero reason for Nicole to be such a snake (a snicole, if you will - TM Big Meesh) outside of she's Nicole.

And she was whiny and lazy on the Race, just as you'd expect. I was terrified Victor was going to carry them to a victory.

I really cannot stand her.

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Enzo was praising Brenchel (eh, I can do without BRENNAAAAAN!) and how hard Rachel plays. Janelle agreed with him that if Rachel wasn't pregnant, she would definitely be on this season and Rachel called Janelle (because she's a fan of hers) immediately to ask if she got the call for All Stars 2. Janelle also says that this is the last time she's going to play Big Brother - she's 40 and she's here for fun but it's definitely the last time. 

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Memphis, Enzo and Janelle were talking.  They were commenting on how everyone is being nice and getting along right now. 

Memphis said something like "Enjoy it while it lasts," and then talked about how there was a screaming match every few days during his season of BB long ago.  Enzo talked about Rachel stirring things up in his season.


I couldn't help but chuckle because it's so true -- right now, everything is peaceful.  Everyone is being pleasant and cordial, only whispering occasionally here and there.  Cody saying that Dani is "sneaky" is probably the worst I have heard so far.

But we all know how quickly the vibe in the house will change, and then the crazy comes out.   I truly wonder who is going to clash and start snapping at each other first.  It's hard to tell with this group.

36 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, Kevin got the call for All Stars at the end of April, so he's definitely not an alternate. I love that.

I think he was an alternate then. He was just a higher ranking alternate than I thought. It sounds like he and Christmas were first alternates, then Memphis and Enzo were second alternates and David was a last second alternate.

Just now, Brian Cronin said:

I think he was an alternate then. He was just a higher ranking alternate than I thought. It sounds like he and Christmas were first alternates, then Memphis and Enzo were second alternates and David was a last second alternate.

Memphis wasn't last minute? He said he got the call 3 weeks ago.

4 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:

But we all know how quickly the vibe in the house will change, and then the crazy comes out.   I truly wonder who is going to clash and start snapping at each other first.  It's hard to tell with this group.

Hell, tons of people I know who are self quarantining (myself included) are going a bit crazy and we're not even on a show that includes back stabbing and lying. Of course, none of us are doing it for prize money.

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1 minute ago, choclatechip45 said:

Memphis wasn't last minute? He said he got the call 3 weeks ago.

If they were in sequester for two weeks... one week's notice is really more like what he got. For someone with businesses and a kid, that probably feels like no time.

What I wonder is why we heard about Kevin the same time as Memphis. I guess that's when they got word he was actually needed?

Remember back in the day when we used code words for the feeds? Like when we would warn others about Liz and Austin going for a ride on the Fingerbang Express in the HoH room or Andy appearing anywhere on the feeds which was really everywhere, all the time? I feel like we need those warnings again but for Christmas Abbott: The Broken Foot Story (coming to Lifetime in 2020) and any time Tyler starts talking about plant based Angela anything. 

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2 minutes ago, grandmabegum said:

If BB allowed luxury items the way Survivor used to you know he'd bring that book and carry it with him at all times.

Tyler could have claimed it was his religious text. I always said that I would tell them I was a Pastafarian, to see if they would let me bring in an Italian cookbook. 

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Keesha and Janelle are talking in the key bedroom about how they figure it'll be some combination of them, Kaysar, and maybe Memphis as the first noms of the season because they're the older players. Janelle and Keesha are now talking about playing in the comp for the Safety Suite later today (!!!) because of how they don't feel safe. 

1 minute ago, Dmarie019 said:

Janelle definitely gets Botox. She hasn’t aged. 

did anyone else catch when bayleigh said Canada was racist? 

I think Cody asked Tyler if he was treated like a celebrity when he went to Canada. Bayleigh interupted and said her and Swaggy were never invited because Canada was racist. 

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Man, I thought there were enough people I liked and that I could root for, but I just haven't had enough time to miss them. On the other hand, I love having some of these old-school players on the feeds again. Absence makes the heart grows fonder and all. But it looks like I better enjoy them while it lasts because it doesn't seem like it will be for long. 

And, seriously, Tyler, shut up about the cookbook. 

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2 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Bayleigh interupted and said her and Swaggy were never invited because Canada was racist. 

I mean, she's not wrong (look into the history of the residential schools in Canada and how horribly we treated and still continue to treat First Nations people). But I don't think Bayleigh and Swaggy weren't extended an engraved invitation from Trudeau to visit Canada because we don't like their kind, y'know?

Edited by Callaphera
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Just now, Callaphera said:

I mean, she's not wrong (look into the history of the residential schools in Canada and how horribly we treated and still continue to treat First Nations people). But I don't think Bayleigh and Swaggy weren't extended an engraved invitation from Trudeau to visit Canada because we don't like their kind. 

They never mentioned it but I assume it has to do with BB Canada? 

Just now, choclatechip45 said:

They never mentioned it but I assume it has to do with BB Canada? 

I don't watch BBCAN (I know. I applied a few times but don't watch) but from what I've heard, it has better representation than BBUS. 


Just now, Dmarie019 said:

Animals on screen. Must mean something is happening? 

Safety Suite comp or something to do with it, probably. 

3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I don't watch BBCAN (I know. I applied a few times but don't watch) but from what I've heard, it has better representation than BBUS. 


Safety Suite comp or something to do with it, probably. 

Interesting. I don’t watch, but can’t imagine why Canada would be inviting Cody or Tyler for anything. Speaking of applying I applied for Big brother 17 and went to one of those casting calls, I met Cody the feeds don’t do him justice. He was so much hotter in person. He was also super nice which surprised me as well. 

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3 minutes ago, mooses said:

I know they think their "attached at the hip" thing is cute, but it comes off as incredibly annoying. And not in a jealous-of-your-perfection kind of way, but in an are-you-even-your-own-person kind of way.

yeah its super annoying. they're also one of those influencer couples that has to have every photograph look alike -- a sort of sun-kissed glow. come on, life isn't one long sunkissed vegan paradise.

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I will admit that there is something hilarious about Kaysar's unearned confidence as a BB player biting him in the ass yet again.

I honestly don't know why anyone thinks of Kaysar as a threat. He is famous for making one of the greatest blunders in Big Brother history. That's not someone you should be scared of.


Now it looks like Tyler and David are making some sort of alliance.  How is this not going to bite Tyler in the ass making deals with everyone?

It didn't last time.

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3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

It sounds like everyone gets a Safety Pass lanyard and you can choose to play in the Safety Comp. If you win, you get a plus one. If you lose, you get a punishment.

Oh, you get to pick someone else to be safe with you if you win? For the love of the BB Gods, Grodner you better rig this comp for Janelle so she can save Kaysar and Cody and co. have to come up with a new plan lol.

3 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

What are they eating and drinking now that they were not eating or drinking in their previous seasons?

Well, they're almost all vegan/vegetarian or on some kind of 'healthy' diet. It's actually super annoying lol. But I'm sure in like less than 2 weeks they'll just start eating junk. I know Janelle will lol.

53 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

I'm beginning to think the reason I liked Dani so much her second season is because I absolutely LOATHED Jeff/Jordan and Brendan/Rachel (Can't stand Rachel, she is the epitome of my BEC).   I've forgotten how much her voice grates.  

I always knew that was pretty much it but yea, she has already more than proven it. She's more BB8 Dani than BB13 Dani already. But then again, I already pretty much hate all of them so!

8 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I honestly don't know why anyone thinks of Kaysar as a threat. He is famous for making one of the greatest blunders in Big Brother history. That's not someone you should be scared of.

I think some of it is still that people think he's so popular. Sure, he got like 80% of the vote to get back in but he was against Michael and Eric so it means pretty much nothing lol. Also, that was 15 years ago so at least half the people watching BB now probably don't even know who he is. 

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

As for the Porsche/Dani thing, I mean I personally think it could go either way. Do I think Porsche could have hit on Dom, of course, but Dani definitely strikes me as someone who would think any woman near Dom was hitting on him so.

Dani obviously has some real trust/abandonment issues after both her mother and father peaced out on her as a kid. Could see her being super-possessive of Dominic. 

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36 minutes ago, mooses said:

I know they think their "attached at the hip" thing is cute, but it comes off as incredibly annoying. And not in a jealous-of-your-perfection kind of way, but in an are-you-even-your-own-person kind of way.

They also both seem incredibly aware that their value comes from being a couple—all of their financial success, from their jewelry company, sponsorships, cookbook selling etc is driven by this rabid Tangela fanbase they have. And there’s just something off-putting about people who are clearly showing off how in love they are because they’ve found a way to monetize that love. Not saying they don’t love each other deeply (or as deeply as two such non deep people can), but it never strikes me as authentic because they’re so AWARE of it, if that makes sense. And I am a total sucker for reality tv couples. So the fact that I can’t bring myself to like Tangela, or Swayleigh, or Nic/Vic (and I really tried with Nic/Vic) really says something. 

Tyler is actually going to talk me OUT of buying this cookbook. I was honestly going to, because I thought I could stand to do more plant based cooking, but the more he mentions it, the more annoyed I get. 

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3 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

They also both seem incredibly aware that their value comes from being a couple—all of their financial success, from their jewelry company, sponsorships, cookbook selling etc is driven by this rabid Tangela fanbase they have. And there’s just something off-putting about people who are clearly showing off how in love they are because they’ve found a way to monetize that love. Not saying they don’t love each other deeply (or as deeply as two such non deep people can), but it never strikes me as authentic because they’re so AWARE of it, if that makes sense. And I am a total sucker for reality tv couples. So the fact that I can’t bring myself to like Tangela, or Swayleigh, or Nic/Vic (and I really tried with Nic/Vic) really says something. 

Tyler is actually going to talk me OUT of buying this cookbook. I was honestly going to, because I thought I could stand to do more plant based cooking, but the more he mentions it, the more annoyed I get. 

True. But I also think that it's very "in" among influencers nowadays to brand their coupledom the way Tangela has. It's incredibly weird when I see people who barely have 500 followers acting like big-time influencers and hiring professional photographers to follow their perfect life but ... it's just in right now.

One thing I admired about Haleigh was that when she was with Fessy she didn't just stop her life to attend reality tv gatherings with him. She went back to school, applied to grad school, and planned for life beyond reality tv. Of course they broke up.

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Kaysar is a major threat to the mental giant gents.  They all fully realize, Ian included, that he is sharp AND he is about something in his life.  Substantial.  Add in the obvious power coupling with Janelle and he is a natural target.

I would nom Janelle and Kaysar and Nicole F. would be my veto nom.  Beyond the elimination of an important player, the rest of the house would have no problem at all.  They would be pleased.

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