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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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1 hour ago, Nashville said:

While I’m fairly certain Hanukkah aggravates the everlovin’ shit outta Cody on a personal level, I’m also pretty sure Cody considers Tyler the greater strategic threat by far - thus Cody prioritizing Tyler’s eviction before Xmas’s.

I guess I just don’t see how anyone could consider Tyler that much of a threat these days— or should I say, more of a threat than Christmas. He seems physically diminished, and his brain has been half somewhere else for weeks now. An eviction feels more like a mercy killing at this point.

1 hour ago, Nashville said:

S15 is a moderately comprehensive primer on social politics in current-day America.  I wouldn’t recommend going down that rabbit hole; if you do decide to travel that route, though, keep a small trash can handy - something watertight, but easily rinseable.

I saw that one, and I agree, it was rage inducing. I think it’s notable that no one from that season returned for this one.

4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

8 has Jen, who is a top 5 character imo and someone really worth rooting for, but you have to put up with Dick and Daniele and some of the most egregious rigging of all time so I'm not sure it's worth it. 9 is full of completely odious people but I won't lie I did enjoy it lol. 13 is good but, like with 8, really egregious and rage inducing rigging. 21 is a no all around.

So basically, you’re saying I should just quit while I’m ahead? 😉

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Cameras 3 and 4 show Christmas hastily getting ready, doing something with her hair. Oh here she comes, sitting next to the host, Boring. And she is only the co-host, according to him.

Sorry, it's Memphis in the Morning!

Christmas is rehearsing her co-hosting duties with an eye out for the Julie gig. Now the disclaimers on Boring's and Christmas' beliefs. This show is about fake news.

Boring: New Zealand is now exporting hermit crabs. This is a new breed. They're like tortoises in size. They are being exported. In polynesian culture and history they are gods. Christmas asks if they are being exported as pets. She asks if Australia is down under, is New Zealand down under and to the side? Memphis says it's to the north east of NZ, part of the polynesian islands. Then STARS! I guess they have to lock down on those hermit crabs.

9 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

I guess I just don’t see how anyone could consider Tyler that much of a threat these days— or should I say, more of a threat than Christmas. He seems physically diminished, and his brain has been half somewhere else for weeks now. An eviction feels more like a mercy killing at this point.

Except he just won the HOH AND Veto during the triple eviction. 

If he's not winning it's either Cody or Memphis.  I refuse to say that Christmas is the comp beast she thinks she is. 

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Show is back! Tyler has joined the audience.

So Boring says that for the next presidential debate they are going to do a mall walk race around the Mall of America! And the one who wins is going to be the debate winner. The books in Vegas are open, and they are betting Trump won't get past Nordstrom's and Biden will make it to The Finish Line. Boring says no walkers, no scooters but there will be oxygen every 100 yards. Christmas asks if that won't be considered doping. There is betting on whether Trump will be wearing a red Make America Great Again bandanna or a blue one. The audience says Red!! Tyler says what will you get if you vote at home? Boring says Nothing! Christmas adds a reminder to vote!

Boring says Elon Musk's tunnel train from California to New York is in trouble. It got stuck. There are 32 goats on the train and they are stuck under Wyoming or Kansas. Christmas says she has a tip around goats - you can use them to eat your grass and brush in the back yard.

Boring says no questions from the audience. Christmas reminds him to do weather.

Kaysar is in Chatsworth, CA on the side of a hill. Boring says Kaysar says it is very hot in the valley - no goats there - no wildfires there. Now Kaysar is running! He's screaming! He's saying, Lion! Save me!

To all of us Memphis (Boring) maniacs: to legit to quit!!

Nicole and Tyler are complaining there were no prizes for the audience.

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28 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

I guess I just don’t see how anyone could consider Tyler that much of a threat these days— or should I say, more of a threat than Christmas. He seems physically diminished, and his brain has been half somewhere else for weeks now. An eviction feels more like a mercy killing at this point.

You mean, the “physically diminished” Tyler who won both an HoH and a PoV in the triple eviction?  😉

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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

So basically, you’re saying I should just quit while I’m ahead? 😉

I believe Jen is worth watching! She carried that season, for me. 
I really can’t stand ED (and to a lesser degree Dani), but I would watch for Jen.  
Crying Amber is on that season. There were few really hilarious moments with her. I LOVED the boards that season. 

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Well, in the meantime Enzo made an appearance in the kitchen. Boring watched Christmas do yoga for a while and he laughed at her! Now they are in the kitchen getting something to eat. Cody exited his throne room and deigned to appear to the others downstairs, practicing his fake English accent. 

Boring says he has Flintstone feet. Cody says "the spirit of David lives on through his glasses." Tyler says, "in the refrigerator." Christmas announces that she gave a talk at Google headquarters! in order to go to the gift shop she had to have a staff member with her. STARS!!!! This mention of Google may be considered an endorsement by CBS and unpaid advertising!

Haven't seen Nicole for a while.

Edited by Lamb18

Tyler pulled out a cutting board - I think it was in a slot under the counter - and it is all white with fuzzy mold. Cody and Boring are horrified! So is Tyler. He is sponging off the mold right now and I think he's going to use bleach on the board, too. The others were asking where Nicole was. She is up in the HOH room, working on her days plus talking out loud about strategy. Cody, Enzo and Christmas have joined her in the HOH. Nicole says she has the runs. Enzo says "Oh shit!"  Cody says "and that's my bathroom."

3 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

So basically, you’re saying I should just quit while I’m ahead? 😉

Pretty much. Keep in mind though, I barely pay attention to the episodes so my opinions are really more feeds based. Sometimes they manage to produce some good eps even in not-so-good seasons. And BB13 has the absolute best DE ep ever. 

2 hours ago, KnoxGirl said:

I believe Jen is worth watching! She carried that season, for me. 
I really can’t stand ED (and to a lesser degree Dani), but I would watch for Jen.  
Crying Amber is on that season. There were few really hilarious moments with her. I LOVED the boards that season. 

Yea, this. You know what, watch BB8 and BB13, @30Helens

1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

[Nicole's] first season I don't think she was in the house long enough where she could be by herself and talk to the cameras. 

Nicole was the 8th person voted out in BB16 and then promptly returned and was evicted again 10th, so she made it pretty far.

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5 hours ago, Nashville said:

8 has Jen, who is a top 5 character imo and someone really worth rooting for

THIS was the season that convinced me that I needed to read the live feed thread on TWoP.  I could glean from the broadcast episode threads that Jen was popular among the feedsters, but the broadcast shows editing portrayed her as kind of stuck-up and dumb, so what little of Evil Dick's harassment was actually shown didn't look as bad.  Then I further gleaned that ED's harassment and treatment of Jen was far, far, far worse than what was shown on the broadcast shows.  That was the season where I learned about how very manipulated the broadcast shows were, and how the hamsters really behaved in the house was sometimes the polar opposite of how they were portrayed on TV.  It blew my mind. 

And I've been a live feed hanger-on (bottom feedster?) ever since.

Though it sounds like for this season, the feeds are as boring as the broadcast shows are, so there's little difference.

I know the old TWoP show recaps are available at brilliantbutcancelled.com, but I don't see that the forums were collected there.  Are the old TWoP forums archived anywhere?  It might be interesting--certainly more interesting than this season--to watch the old broadcast shows and read the old live feed forums to compare and contrast.

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Tyler's next, then Christmas. If Christmas wins the next HOH then Nicole would go barring her winning veto.

Cool, in my mind, Tyler's already a done deal, so after him, Christmas, and so on right down the scheduled lineup of evictions. 

At this point, I kind of want to see Memphis in the F2 and lose again. Or Cody, ideally. Though they are least playing an active game. I have no clue how Nicole would appeal to the jury if she made it that far. (Does she really "appeal" to anyone? Rimshot). Enzo for the longshot win, I guess.

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I really hope Christmas does win the next HOH. I just wanna see Cody nominated, even though he would be completely safe lol. I also hope Christmas wins the whole game tbh. It's what this season deserves. 

I can't root for Cody or Memphis to win because, well, obviously because they suck but everyone does so there are no good outcomes lol. Anyway, if Cody or Memphis win then Derrick or Dan's ego gets more inflated and that does not need to happen.

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3 hours ago, Nashville said:

You mean, the “physically diminished” Tyler who won both an HoH and a PoV in the triple eviction?  😉

Haha...yeah, I’m dumb. I actually forgot about that. But for some reason, Tyler has seemed like a nonentity to me for most of the season, or at least since his self-eviction talk. I sometimes forget he’s even there. So... I don’t know. I guess he’s a threat, but he doesn’t seem like one. Maybe that’s his secret power.

50 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Yea, this. You know what, watch BB8 and BB13, @30Helens


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52 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

I know the old TWoP show recaps are available at brilliantbutcancelled.com, but I don't see that the forums were collected there.  Are the old TWoP forums archived anywhere?  It might be interesting--certainly more interesting than this season--to watch the old broadcast shows and read the old live feed forums to compare and contrast.

I’m happy enough here at Primetimer, but I definitely miss those great Twop show recaps!

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I don’t want Cody to win the money. I need him to earn his money the hard way. Which for him will be living (and, getting paid) off Instagram like Angela & Tyler do. I see Brett and Winston are always plugging stuff and I’m assuming getting paid. Although, I think Brett does way more of it. He’s a real hustler. I’m always amazed when people do their reality show stint and quit their real jobs and live as an influencer. It appears to help if you are youngish, good looking and have some type of following. I pretty much just look at the pretty pictures but never get off my ass to actually do the work. I just go to Pottery Barn. LOL!!!!  

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4 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

THIS was the season that convinced me that I needed to read the live feed thread on TWoP.  I could glean from the broadcast episode threads that Jen was popular among the feedsters, but the broadcast shows editing portrayed her as kind of stuck-up and dumb, so what little of Evil Dick's harassment was actually shown didn't look as bad.  Then I further gleaned that ED's harassment and treatment of Jen was far, far, far worse than what was shown on the broadcast shows.  That was the season where I learned about how very manipulated the broadcast shows were, and how the hamsters really behaved in the house was sometimes the polar opposite of how they were portrayed on TV.  It blew my mind. 

And I've been a live feed hanger-on (bottom feedster?) ever since.

Though it sounds like for this season, the feeds are as boring as the broadcast shows are, so there's little difference.

I know the old TWoP show recaps are available at brilliantbutcancelled.com, but I don't see that the forums were collected there.  Are the old TWoP forums archived anywhere?  It might be interesting--certainly more interesting than this season--to watch the old broadcast shows and read the old live feed forums to compare and contrast.

Same here.  I read the live feeds thread on TWoP off and on from season four.  I would dip in and out mostly to see who was nominated.  However, I really started paying attention during season eight.

I will be skipping Thursday night's show because Supernatural is far more interesting than this crap. 

Edited by BK1978
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I guess I’m the last one still (kinda, sorta) watching feeds at night, so for anyone still interested <...crickets...> here’s what they’re up to tonight:

Everyone is in the HoH room, drinking. They’re talking about TV appearances and wondering if they will get to be on other shows. Memphis says they were featured on The Craig Ferguson Show in S10 and everyone is impressed. Then he tries to tell them about this late night talk show that used to show BB clips all the time, like it was some big honor. He doesn’t remember the show, but from his description I can tell it’s Talk Soup, and I don’t think he understands that show existed to make fun of shows like this.

Most think Janelle will win AFP. Nicole thinks it will be Enzo or Da’vonne. Nicole says Day is likeable and witty. Xmas says she didn’t show that in the house! 

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Memphis tells them about the time he did mushrooms. He spent the night laughing at a dog. 

Enzo talks some more about his foot stalker. She prefers the soles. He likes to give her a tease in his Instagram stories by cutting a hole in his sock and letting his toe poke out.  He says she’s been stalking him for 10 years. They all agree his feet are disgusting. Enzo says if they were teeth, they’d have plaque.  Camera zooms in on his feet and he accommodates by taking his shoe off. I don’t know, it looks pretty normal to me. He starts to put his shoe back on, then decides to give the stalker a gift and holds his sole up to the camera. Xmas yells, “She’s having a footgasm!” 

By the way, Xmas says she has a five star rating on Footopedia. I don’t want to look that up.

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1 minute ago, 30 Helens said:

Enzo talks some more about his foot stalker. She prefers the soles. He likes to give her a tease in his Instagram stories by cutting a hole in his sock and letting his toe poke out.  He says she’s been stalking him for 10 years. They all agree his feet are disgusting. Enzo says if they were teeth, they’d have plaque.  Camera zooms in on his feet and he accommodates by taking his shoe off. I don’t know, it looks pretty normal to me. He starts to put his shoe back on, then decides to give the stalker a gift and holds his sole up to the camera. Xmas yells, “She’s having a footgasm!” 

By the way, Xmas says she has a five star rating on Footopedia. I don’t want to look that up.

This entire thing is my nightmare.

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Honestly, it's usually around this time that the feeds get super damned dull anyway because a) the boot order is pretty set in stone minus one potential ripple in the pond that has a 20% chance of occurring so there isn't much game left to talk about, b) they've already exhausted 95% of potential game talk between the HGs and the 5% left is dependent on that 20% in the first bullet point, and c) they're just as sick of each other as we're sick of them. F6 is a touch early for it to happen - it's usually around F4/F5 - but it's not unheard of for it to start seeping in at F6 when the season is dominated by a large alliance. 

The only times to really tune into the feeds unless you're a masochist which let's be real, a lot of feed viewers fall into that category, is after comps, meetings, or if Twitter/Reddit/Jokers announces that Taco Tuesday is muy caliente again. 

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Xmas says she has about 700,000 followers. Her goal is to hit 1 million this year. Enzo doesn’t know how many followers he has. Tyler guesses it’s about 150,000. (I just checked. It’s 53.) 

The party is starting to break up because it’s 10:00 and they can go to sleep now.  When did they all turn into geezers?

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Enzo and Cody are left and they are discussing whether they’re making the right choice by keeping Xmas. They know that’s what Memphis wants. They know Memphis and Xmas have a final two. Cody says Memphis is coming after him, but not yet. He’ll get Nicole out first. But if they evict Xmas, that will make Memphis feel some type of way and he’ll switch his priorities. Cody thinks both Xmas and Tyler would put him on the block next. So he’s counting on Enzo or Nicole to win HoH, and he thinks they have a better chance against Xmas.

Nicole returns and joins the discussion. She agrees that Xmas is weaker at comps because she sat them out in her season due to her broken foot, so she hasn’t practiced. Enzo is hoping for a slip-n-slide because he’s good at that. 


They think Kevin, Ian and Davonne will all vote for Memphis if he makes F2.

28 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

The only times to really tune into the feeds unless you're a masochist which let's be real, a lot of feed viewers fall into that category, is after comps, meetings, or if Twitter/Reddit/Jokers announces that Taco Tuesday is muy caliente again. 

Maybe I am a masochist, but this has become a familiar background track to my nightly housekeeping and other chores, so I keep tuning in. It’s also my first time with feeds and I’m paying for it, so I feel compelled to experience it to the bitter end. Except when they get stars-happy. I’d rather listen to my dog snore than that obnoxious stars music. 

1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

What, falling on his ass? I really don't want to know if Enzo practices Crisco based activities in his free time and that must be what he's basing this off of because they didn't play the slip and slide comp in BB12. 

LOL. I think he’s making a presumption based on his long legs.

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7 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

  Are the old TWoP forums archived anywhere?

I still have this bookmarked, who knew, lol:


S15 was the current season at the time of this archive and its live feed thread is in General Gabbery, but sadly I don't think any of the older season live feed threads are there. I vaguely remember some great TWOP purge, maybe that had something to do with them not being copied over. I don't really know what I'm talking about, lol. 

The site is pretty messy and a pain to navigate, the topics are in order of most recent post so you may have to do a lot of scrolling to find the season and episodes you want. S8 topics start around page 12 of Past Seasons.

Edited by kassandra8286
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So I watched a little tonight too. Enzo is pumped, pacing back and forth. Some serious yo - bro going on in the HOH with Cody. Earlier in the week it was clear that Enzo hadn't picked a side and was planning on throwing the next HOH. Tonight, he's acting like this f5 is the biggest HOH in the history of BB and he's gonna win it - yo. So either Cody manipulated that or Enzo is lying.

In this yo-bro session - Cody was also pretty adamant that he is taking Enzo to F2 over Nicole. I kind of believe him. Earlier in the week I thought Cody's real F2 was definitely Nicole but now I'm not so sure.

Enzo is also saying he's going to be a good little soldier boy and he will put up Memphis and Xmas next week. So essentially he's willing to keep Nicole (who will definitely take Cody) and throw out another F2 option. He loses Tyler and Memphis, pisses off Xmas in one week. If Cody doesn't come through - he's toast. 

Last but not least, Tyler talked to the live feeders before going to bed. He's grateful for the BB house even when he complains. He's grateful for all the opportunities he's had and for meeting Angela in the house. He said that he's pretty sure he's going this week and just wanted to say thank you to everyone. He apologized that he's boring (LOL) and explained that he's pumped about the game in the DR - but that in real life he's just kind of quiet. He understands that's not exciting and he's sorry about that. He talked to Angela. He was saying all of this while Nicole/Cody/Enzo talked about him upstairs. The irony of those two conversations happening at the same time was strangely moving.

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There was a time, I think during Pressure Cooker in season 6, when TWoP kept crashing. Glark posted later it was because of everyone constantly hitting refresh in the live feed thread, seeing if any new posts had been made. Those were the days. 
It’s too bad the feeds this season are so mind numbing and boring.  Thanks to all you feedsters who soldier on, throwing yourself on the grenade dud that is “all stars”. 

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8 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I don’t want Cody to win the money. I need him to earn his money the hard way. Which for him will be living (and, getting paid) off Instagram like Angela & Tyler do. I see Brett and Winston are always plugging stuff and I’m assuming getting paid. Although, I think Brett does way more of it. He’s a real hustler. I’m always amazed when people do their reality show stint and quit their real jobs and live as an influencer. It appears to help if you are youngish, good looking and have some type of following. I pretty much just look at the pretty pictures but never get off my ass to actually do the work. I just go to Pottery Barn. LOL!!!!  

Winston was on Kaitlyn’s podcast a few months ago and said he had a real job (pharmaceutical sales, I think?) but was let go, and this was pre covid, so I’m guessing it’s been hard to find work. Influencer money is good money. I can’t blame anyone for doing it. They make a lot more than they would with a traditional 9 to 5. The only real issue is what they will do someday when Instagram ads are no longer a thing or their popularity is eclipsed by other, newer influencers. I often wonder how it’s possible that this many people are making this much money off Instagram. How is the pool not more diluted? 

In hindsight, Tyler should have taken the shot at Cody last week. He wouldn’t have had anything to lose, and there was at least a small chance Memphis or Enzo would have had a moment of clarity, realized the potential and voted Cody out. That was actually one of Kevin’s finer moments in BB11, in my opinion—even though he was technically in Jessie’s alliance, he knew as soon as Jeff put Jessie on the block in the Cootie Taw that Jessie had to go. He prioritized getting the likely winner out of the house over getting the cool, popular jock to like him. Now that I think about it, flexing aside, Jessie and Cody’s games are not dissimilar, and if not for Jeff’s secret production interference power, Jessie likely would have had a pretty easy win. Why oh why was there no return of the Cootie Taw this season?


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10 hours ago, Iguana said:

There was a time, I think during Pressure Cooker in season 6, when TWoP kept crashing. Glark posted later it was because of everyone constantly hitting refresh in the live feed thread, seeing if any new posts had been made. Those were the days. 

I remember those days wells!

I think my first season of feeds was Rachel and Brittany's first season (so enzo's too?) but before that, I would spend like half my day at work reading up on the feeds from the night before. I would even have to read that much after I got the feeds. It was glorious. 

  • Love 6

Good afternoon! Static, TN (Memphis) is up and again is wearing his purple hoodie, hood up! (What happened to his black one?) National Chocolate Covered Pretzel Day is also in the kitchen and made coffee for both. BB Chat is saying that Static is faking his foot injury. Not sure what they're basing that on.

Cams 1 and 2 are focused on sleepers. Enzo is under an orange ribbed blanket with a sock or something over head and eyes, just his nose peeking out.  Now if he had a foot sticking out from under the covers his personal foot fetishist would be delighted!  I believe Tyler is in the other bed under a red pillow and a mauve, blue and white swirly duvet. There is a black sweatshirt hanging over his bed plus a red bandanna. (Static's black hoodie??)

Static takes in a few flying ants during his face-splitting yawn.

By the way, Static (the town) straddles the Kentucky/Tennessee border but more of it is in Tennessee.

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Enzo asks if he can have a cow as a pet and not have to milk it. Yes, Enzo you can. You can get a dairy cow and not breed it, then there won't be a milking issue, or you can get a beef cow who doesn't need to be milked. Or else you can get a steer - they will never need to be milked!. He asks if a cow would come running up to him, happy to see him. Yes, you can if you feed it apples - well, that works for me. They come running and line up along the fence. Then I go down the line giving each one a half-apple. Some like to cheat - they'll be at one end and get their apple, then they run down to the other end to get another one. Some are shy and stand back so I throw an apple to them.

Enzo says a cow looks like a lazy bull. Well. . . I've seen a cow in a fight with a steer. She was so mad at him, I think he was pestering her daughter. So she went head to head with him and took him down! He wasn't a very big guy.

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