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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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12 minutes ago, PhoneCop said:

Dream scenario: With Janelle out, Kaysar becomes less of a threat and the house prioritizes voting out David for being a loose end,

You may get your wish with this part. Christmas and Cody were just talking about how a Kaysar eviction could be deferred for the short term, and how neither trust David due to his sketchy behavior and the whole incident with Tyler/Da’vonne.  Christmas is also prioritizing the elimination of duos. She mentioned Bailey, to split up her and Day, and I couldn’t quite hear the second name she threw out but I think it may have been Nicole, due to context. Fingers crossed.

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The funny thing is that even in a scenario as extreme as the one I drew up, I don't think Janelle would have the numbers or means to make it to the end, short of comp-beasting it every week. However: For me, it'd be less about Janelle winning—which she plainly doesn't need or care about anyway—and more about getting Nicole to self-destruct, ideally with Dani and Cody's games as collateral damage*. Remove those three from the equation (and Kevin and David) and I could probably live with anybody else as a winner. Well, maybe not Christmas, but I could write that off as yet another 2020 expense.

*Which pains me slightly to say, because I loved Dani 2.0 so much for going against the grain, but since 3.0 is clearly just 1.0 with a kid: girl, bye.

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32 minutes ago, PhoneCop said:


The funny thing is that even in a scenario as extreme as the one I drew up, I don't think Janelle would have the numbers or means to make it to the end, short of comp-beasting it every week. 

Oh, I agree. As much as I love her, I don’t think she has a chance under any circumstances. I just want her to stick around as long as possible for entertainment value, and to terrorize Nicole. Once Janelle and Kaysar are gone, there will be little point in watching feeds. If I keep having to switch away from rooms that contain Nicole, Dani, David and/or Kevin, the buttons on my remote are gonna break.

Janelle’s last chance may have just died in a late night meeting between Cody. Enzo, Day and Bayleigh. They debated the pros and cons between Janelle and Kaysar, and decided keeping Kaysar Is the safer bet.

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5 hours ago, Callaphera said:

11 people voting, 6 to stay.


I think Dani is worried that her game resume is going to look pretty empty if she doesn't have her hand in every single move in the house and I think she's trying to set up Da'Vonne and Bayleigh as their next targets after Kaysar. I don't think the pity vote comes into it. Dani wants to be able to say to the jury at F2 that she not only convinced everyone to get Janelle out, she also took out Da'Vonne and Bayleigh with the seeds she planted. 

If i was her id want credit for bigger moves than taking out Day and Baleigh like say taking out Cody but then he's Untouchable per AG the Horrid POS Showrunner 

20 minutes ago, mertensia said:

And whose fault is it for not putting Ian on the block?

he couldn't. Christmas saved him after winning the Saftey suite 

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7 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Nicole learned a new word today! (facetious) Let’s just hope the next word she learns is “expulsion”.

OMG, as I was typing, Ian also taught her the meaning of “incredulous”. Did this girl even graduate from grade school?

I suppose they don't use those words much unless there's a lesson on facetious bedpans  and incredulous catheters.

Now expulsion might be included in the enema chapter.

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24 minutes ago, Michichick said:

I can’t remember when they choose the new Have Nots. Is it after Thursday? Since Janelle is going home tonight, she won’t be there to pick her Have Not replacement, right? Bummer, I wanted her to be able to pick Dani or return the Have Not favor to Nicole.

I think they pick them on Wednesdays, although from above posts they didn't do that yesterday. 

2 hours ago, Michichick said:

I can’t remember when they choose the new Have Nots. Is it after Thursday? Since Janelle is going home tonight, she won’t be there to pick her Have Not replacement, right? Bummer, I wanted her to be able to pick Dani or return the Have Not favor to Nicole.

Late Thursday or early Friday, after the HoH comp.

8 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

Nicole has forgotten what Victor looks like. Dani/Cody point out there are pictures of him everywhere. Nicole says he doesn't look like that anymore.

I bet she remembers what Hayden looks like, & what Corey looks like. 😉

This morning, I had a weird thought bubble. Wasn't Corey obsessed with the holiday Christmas? Am I remembering that correctly? Maybe subconsciously, that's why Frazzled is drawn to Christmas, residual lovin' from her 2nd showmance. 

Dani really isn't 1 to knock Frazzled for her showmances, though. Dani showmanced Nick (while she had a boyfriend at home) on her first season, then wound up marrying Dom after her second season. Frazzled had Hayden in her first, Corey in her second, & wound up engaged to Victor, whom she met on the show, but can't remember what he looks like. I remember you, Vic, you're definitely no Kaysar, but you're pretty easy on the eyes.  

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9 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

No, it’s pragmatic. I would think Ian would understand that, at least.

Ian hates Janelle simply because Ratcole does and he wants Ratcole to fuck him some day.

8 hours ago, Nashville said:

Hmmm... trying to recall the specifics behind a “using production as a strategy” callout.  I know it applies when citing a production activity that is or will be established fact, but is it a rule violation if the “production strategy” being cited by the HG does not, in actuality, exist - if the HG making the reference is lying, or is mistaken?

That may explain the lack of Production callouts on the occasions Janelle references a Battle Back....

I think they actually probably are calling her out and we just don't see it. They almost always go to stars when she starts with it lol. And after she told Kaysar about it yesterday, she whispered it in Bay's ear, which made me think she likely got called out.

6 hours ago, PhoneCop said:

*Which pains me slightly to say, because I loved Dani 2.0 so much for going against the grain, but since 3.0 is clearly just 1.0 with a kid: girl, bye.

This is perfect.

2 hours ago, Michichick said:

I can’t remember when they choose the new Have Nots. Is it after Thursday? Since Janelle is going home tonight, she won’t be there to pick her Have Not replacement, right? Bummer, I wanted her to be able to pick Dani or return the Have Not favor to Nicole.


2 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

I think they pick them on Wednesdays, although from above posts they didn't do that yesterday. 

Last week they picked it sometime after the HOH comp but before the 5 minute feed leak after the ep, which would have been about an hour and a half after the Thursday ep was filmed.

20 minutes ago, nkotb said:

I remember you, Vic, you're definitely no Kaysar, but you're pretty easy on the eyes.  

Not anymore lol.

  • LOL 1
9 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

Nicole has forgotten what Victor looks like. Dani/Cody point out there are pictures of him everywhere. Nicole says he doesn't look like that anymore.

Given Nicole's need to be constantly reassured and cuddled and sweet talked to, I am surprised that Victor was ok with her going on BB again. I'd think his biggest fear would be that she forgets what he looks like.

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Since BB and this season are both so predictable, any idea what the HOH comp will be? Would love to see anyone win that *might* spare Kaysar on the block.

I normally love endurance comps, but that just seems to favor Cody or Dani. Maybe Bay or Xmas. And I will have to check out for the week if Dani wins.

Memphis not feeling well. And I don't care for the guy, but I can relate to his morning mood. Ha. Though I guess he's kind of like this all the time.

Edited by CrazyDog
  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Michichick said:

I can’t remember when they choose the new Have Nots. Is it after Thursday? Since Janelle is going home tonight, she won’t be there to pick her Have Not replacement, right? Bummer, I wanted her to be able to pick Dani or return the Have Not favor to Nicole.

Last week it was right when feeds should have come back on after the episode . Feeds were down for awhile and some leaks showed Nicole complaining that Janelle yelled at her for making her a have-not.  I am SUPER sad we won't be able to see Janelle give it right back to Nicole. 

2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Ok but these two uglies making fun of the hottest man ever cast on this show is really funny.

Ughhhh ENZO!!! And I liked you!!!!  There is nothing wrong with Kaysar's dad-bod.  I think he's actually slimmed down a bit from being on slop.  I hope Tyler gets a dad-bod. 

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I wonder what’s happening now to make feeds go to kittens...

I caught a few minutes earlier when Jaysar, Memphis and Xmas were talking about TV shows they like. Janelle loves How I Met Your Mother (but not the ending) and You. Xmas loves true crime. Memphis likes Stranger Things and the Ted Bundy movie with Zak Efron. Kaysar doesn’t watch TV, or at least didn’t seem to recognize what anyone else was talking about.

2 hours ago, ilovebeaarthur said:

Joke's on them. I'd take old Kaysar, new Kaysar, fat Kaysar, skinny Kaysar, etc. 

Kaysar's not even my type, generally, and I'd take him over them.

Also, Tyler, one of the reasons I like you is because you seem relatively mature for your age in terms of how you carry yourself. Please don't do that early 20's thing where you act as though you're never going to get older and face the repercussions of that.

Also also, your legs are skinny.

  • Love 8

This is the bitchiest thing I've said all hour, but while Vic looks SO much better with all of the yummy hair, even without it, he's still way, way, way outta Nicole's league, superficially. She just looks like a limp dishrag, add in her personality, & she really embodies that look. #JanelleousyIsAnUglyLook 

I wish that there was a way that they could let the houseguests know how unpopular most of them are. Maybe clue them in their popularity rankings? Can you imagine Nicole crying that she's not America's sweetheart like she thinks she is?? Dani might even be distraught enough to hangry-eat something besides ice from distilled vegan mountain spring water.

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So I’m watching the puppies and I just want you all to know we adopted a dog yesterday. Totally un related I know. 

And on a related note -  Shut up Nicole.  Or was it Nicole Sucks?  What did we always say?

Edited by Pixiebomb
I think it was “Fuck You Nicole”. Right? Is anyone else remembering this?
  • Love 18
17 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

I wonder what’s happening now to make feeds go to kittens...

Every Thursday morning they get locked down in the HOH so Production can do stuff in the house to prepare for the live show. 

10 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

Also, Tyler, one of the reasons I like you is because you seem relatively mature for your age in terms of how you carry yourself. Please don't do that early 20's thing where you act as though you're never going to get older and face the repercussions of that.

Tyler just parrots whoever he is with. I don’t think he actually has a personality lol.

7 minutes ago, Pixiebomb said:

So I’m watching the puppies and I just want you all to know we adopted a dog yesterday. 

Post a pic!

Current alliance chart:


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16 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Tyler just parrots whoever he is with. I don’t think he actually has a personality lol.

I know you hate him, but I don't think that's *entirely* fair haha. I think he does that more now, specifically with Angela, but otherwise I can see himself in there at least some of the time.

Though I will say, I think we saw more of his personality last time. He's a touch more affected now, which is disappointing.

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4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I think they actually probably are calling her out and we just don't see it. They almost always go to stars when she starts with it lol. And after she told Kaysar about it yesterday, she whispered it in Bay's ear, which made me think she likely got called out.

Reckon maybe that accounts for the inordinately high number - and occasionally inexplicable timing - of STARS on the feeds this season?  That the production guy with his finger on the button keeps cutting to STARS before issuing the warnings over the House speakers?

Edited by Nashville
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2 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Reckon maybe that accounts for the inordinately high number of STARS on the feeds this season - that the production guy with his finger on the button keeps cutting to STARS before issuing the warnings over the House speakers?

I think it does... we don't seem to hear them get yelled at very much now. And it's probably a real voice that says "hey we told you to quit talking about that!" 

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2 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Christmas said after her caesarean it looked like her vagina had elephantiasis.

And this season’s award for Most Conspicuous Overshare goes to... National Banana Lovers Day!


56 minutes ago, Pixiebomb said:

And on a related note -  Shut up Nicole.  Or was it Nicole Sucks?  What did we always say?


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