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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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10 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

She said today it was strategic move to trash them to the house. 

Nicole Anthony also said that she thinks, as an educator, that showing Jackson love will help him not be racist or something. So, um, she sucks. She (or Eric: The 17th HG The Co-Host if he's still running her Twitter) is also blocking absolutely anyone who points out that Jackson has proven time and time again exactly the type of person he is. So, like, one of the few likable people from BB21 turned out to not be likable after all. Thank God for Kemi and HOLA, JULIE! Jessica. I hope BB21 goes the way of BB15 and the season that came between BB8 and BB10 and is mainly ignored unless we need an example of vileness. 

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4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Nicole Anthony also said that she thinks, as an educator, that showing Jackson love will help him not be racist or something. So, um, she sucks. She (or Eric: The 17th HG The Co-Host if he's still running her Twitter) is also blocking absolutely anyone who points out that Jackson has proven time and time again exactly the type of person he is. So, like, one of the few likable people from BB21 turned out to not be likable after all. Thank God for Kemi and HOLA, JULIE! Jessica. I hope BB21 goes the way of BB15 and the season that came between BB8 and BB10 and is mainly ignored unless we need an example of vileness. 

Eric thinks Janelle will forgive her so they'll be friends after this, I think she will eventually forgive Nicole like she did with Britney. It won't be right away. 

55 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

I like Dan and I would say that he is my favorite winner but Dr. Will might have a case for being the GOAT as well.  I mean the fact that he played the game he did and still won is amazing.

I think Dan is more strategic than Will, which isn't a knock on Will's game at all. I also agree with Taran, who said in the BB2 Blockumentary that Will's first game benefited from not having the veto. Also, as close as Will came to the end in BB7 (which, let's not even discuss the Boogie of it all), he didn't make the end twice like Dan did. 

As an aside, I love at the end of BB14, when everyone's supposed to be celebrating Ian, you can hear Julie say to Dan that he was the best of all time. Julie knows where it's at haha

32 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

She said today it was strategic move to trash them to the house. 

I don't believe her for one second.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
i type too fast for my own good
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Honestly, I think the fact that BB2 didn't have the veto makes Will's game impressive to me. I'll have to do a rewatch and listen to the Blockumentay to see if it changes my mind. I think the fact on All-Stars Will still didn't  win a competition and got to the final four is impressive. Besides Janelle and that's because she brings good tv it annoys me to no end when people's strategy is to comp out until the end. It's why Ian's strategy annoys me so much this year.

Best Player to never win will always be Danielle Reyes they changed the rules because of her!

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1 minute ago, choclatechip45 said:

Honestly, I think the fact that BB2 didn't have the veto makes Will's game impressive to me. I'll have to do a rewatch and listen to the Blockumentay to see if it changes my mind. I think the fact on All-Stars Will still didn't  win a competition and got to the final four is impressive. Besides Janelle and that's because she brings good tv it annoys me to no end when people's strategy is to comp out until the end. It's why Ian's strategy annoys me so much this year.

Best Player to never win will always be Danielle Reyes they changed the rules because of her!

That is why some of the later Survivor winners don't hold as much weight to me as say Richard or Tina.  I mean Yul is beyond a shadow of a doubt my favorite winner but he had the god Idol and basically blackmailed himself to the end.

Odd question to ask but what is up with Ian?  Is he even there?  Nobody ever talks about him.  Also, do David or Ian ever interact with each other?

4 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Honestly, I think the fact that BB2 didn't have the veto makes Will's game impressive to me. I'll have to do a rewatch and listen to the Blockumentay to see if it changes my mind. I think the fact on All-Stars Will still didn't  win a competition and got to the final four is impressive. Besides Janelle and that's because she brings good tv it annoys me to no end when people's strategy is to comp out until the end. It's why Ian's strategy annoys me so much this year.

Best Player to never win will always be Danielle Reyes they changed the rules because of her!

You should totally listen to the Blockumentary, just in general. They're both really in depth and interesting. It's what really exposed me to Taran and he's someone whose opinions I enjoy listening to, even if I don't necessarily agree with him (I do a majority of the time, though).

Plus, the one for BB2 is something like 19 hours, so definitely worth the money. I'd say the same for the BB3 one as well, though it costs a little more. It's even longer, though.

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9 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

That is why some of the later Survivor winners don't hold as much weight to me as say Richard or Tina.  I mean Yul is beyond a shadow of a doubt my favorite winner but he had the god Idol and basically blackmailed himself to the end.

Odd question to ask but what is up with Ian?  Is he even there?  Nobody ever talks about him.  Also, do David or Ian ever interact with each other?

I agree about Survivor. I rooted for Ozzie that season I was a teenager who thought he was hot. I loved that Yul came back this season and I'm sure if I rewatched Cook Islands I would be on the Yul train. The best two females winners in Big Brother will always be Jun and Maggie because they did it first (strategically) (yes I know Lisa won before both of them) . I don't think Jordan played a great game, but being yourself and not being a target for 2 seasons is somewhat impressive even if it is an insult to her lol.  Ian is being baby sat by Nicole F he follows her everywhere in the house.  The other day she was asking people to make food for him like he was 5 years old. I think people are starting to talk about him he's basically screwed if Memphis wins HOH. That's funny you ask because today they were on the hammock together. I did not listen because both annoy me. 


9 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

You should totally listen to the Blockumentary, just in general. They're both really in depth and interesting. It's what really exposed me to Taran and he's someone whose opinions I enjoy listening to, even if I don't necessarily agree with him (I do a majority of the time, though).

Plus, the one for BB2 is something like 19 hours, so definitely worth the money. I'd say the same for the BB3 one as well, though it costs a little more. It's even longer, though.

I really like Taran. He's pretty fair and seems to have similar BB opinions as me. I listened to some of the season 4 one because I think it's an underrated season and Jun plays maybe one of the best female games we've seen. I am definitley going to check it out. I know Rob is on the BB2 and BB3. From past interviews Will is his favorite reality person of all time and is the reason he applied and was almost on BB3. 

Edited by choclatechip45
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6 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

I really like Taran. He's pretty fair and seems to have similar BB opinions as me. I listened to some of the season 4 one because I think it's an underrated season and Jun plays maybe one of the best female games we've seen. I am definitley going to check it out. I know Rob is on the BB2 and BB3. From past interviews Will is his favorite reality person of all time and is the reason he applied and was almost on BB3. 

I'm nearly finished with the BB4 one - it was nice of them to make it free because we've been quarantined. The other host, Mary, I hadn't listened to before, but once I got a feel for her, I was good. I know Rob didn't want to do any more of these, so I'm glad they're carrying on with Taran and someone else. I also re-watched BB4 not that long ago, so it was relatively fresh in my mind, which helped.

Both Rob and Taran are very complimentary to Will's game in BB2 but Taran went into the audiobook on the side of Dan being the best, and Rob thinking it was Will, though admitting he hadn't seen the season in a really long time. I won't tell you where his opinion ended up by the end, so it's not ruined for you when you listen.

3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

LOL the idea of Victor as the little spoon is amusing to me.

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3 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I'm nearly finished with the BB4 one - it was nice of them to make it free because we've been quarantined. The other host, Mary, I hadn't listened to before, but once I got a feel for her, I was good. I know Rob didn't want to do any more of these, so I'm glad they're carrying on with Taran and someone else. I also re-watched BB4 not that long ago, so it was relatively fresh in my mind, which helped.

Both Rob and Taran are very complimentary to Will's game in BB2 but Taran went into the audiobook on the side of Dan being the best, and Rob thinking it was Will, though admitting he hadn't seen the season in a really long time. I won't tell you where his opinion ended up by the end, so it's not ruined for you when you listen.

LOL the idea of Victor as the little spoon is amusing to me.

I might have to listen to it now. I know Taran is a huge Dan fan.

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Just now, Alice Mudgarden said:

LOL the idea of Victor as the little spoon is amusing to me.

He definitely gives Little Spoon energy. This is why Victor and Franzel will never work long-term (yes, I'm already calling that unless they go the "we don't believe in divorce, just seething hatred in which we raise our children" route): neither of them is willing to sacrifice to be the big spoon so eventually the whole cutlery drawer is going to resent each other. 

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5 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

I think Kaysar doesn't like playing Big Brother. As in the actual playing. I think he enjoys the experience of hanging out with people he wouldn't normally hang out with. 

I disagree. I think Kaysar really enjoys the strategy part of playing, as far as calculating the odds and planning the moves like a game of chess. Where he falls short is incorporating the egos and insecurities of the other players.  He wants to play a rational game that doesn’t depend on emotion, and that game doesn’t exist, so he gets frustrated. That said, I do agree that he enjoys other people, is truly empathetic, and wants to build genuine bonds. But that seems to exist separately from his gameplay. If he could find a way to combine the two without compromising his values, he could really excel at this game.

2 hours ago, zorak said:

Dani just asked Cody who the next 3 should be out.  After Janelle he said Kaysar, Da'vonne, and probably Kevin.  Then the feed switched.

2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

So now Production is trying to hide the fact that they wanna get rid of all the POC lol.

I want to get rid of Kevin and David too, and it has nothing to do with them being POC. It has to do with them being POS. 

Leave Kaysar and Da’vonne alone, though. 

43 minutes ago, alihart41 said:

I hope NicolA is watching this entire conversation.

She did apologize on her twitter feed. I couldn’t get it to paste properly, but she said “I love them to the moon and back! I didn’t deserve them. I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to able see it clearly in there.”

She did not deserve them. And they did not deserve her. Apologies do not suffice.

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Nicole A. does realize that, though we may not see everything, we do see quite a bit. I'm pretty sure she spoke alone about her Janelle/Kaysar hatred, and her teenage tantrum was done for a party of no one. And, if she really wants to act like she's some strategic genius, maybe she should have clued them in so they'd stop acting like they were close allies?

I know she won't be the first HG to hang on to their revisionist history out of the House, but since she wants to cash in on that Big Brother fame, she'd get a lot more respect if she laughed at how stupid she was. 

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1 minute ago, Nashville said:

I’ll qualify that a mite: Vic&Nic will last every bit as long as the monetization potential of their BB careers.

I dunno, Victor is working towards a legit career (well...). I think this might actually be his bid for freedom. I can't wait because in 20 years, Lifetime will be making movies about people escaping relationships with online influencers like they do now about women escaping polygamists. Victor could be the original inspiration - I am all for gender equality in bad television movies. Why is it always the woman in peril putting her life back together? 

Throw in Dom being able to eat chicken without Dani's nagging influence (side note: I know a handful of things I can't tolerate when I'm migraining and I just learned a new one today - Dani's voice) and suddenly the Ones Left Behind sound more entertaining than the crew we're gonna be left with in the house. 


(This post took a turn I didn't expect when I started it.)

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7 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Which means Twitter probably has a hate boner for her because how dare she not be tied to the feeds like they are. 

For the record, Big Brother shared a copy of her letter (and the pictures of Tyler's HoH basket) on their social medias. Letter is under a spoiler because of size:

  Hide contents


It's, um, something. Very Instagram Influencer language. 

For the record, Tyler's HoH album was some band called Surfaces. It's also something.

"I could write an entire book," but instead I barely fill one page, and I repeat several things several times! (I miss you, I love you, everything is fine!)

And yeah, if this is their "difficult times," I pity them for the day when real life hits.

2 hours ago, Maverick said:

 He sounds like an idiot because he is, at least about this game.  The mind boggles that Day is still trying to work with him  after that conversation that prompted her to write him off as a worthless ally.  

I don't think David is an idiot; but I do think he is scared shitless. He's scared that anything he says or does will be held against him & be the reason he gets put up again (and honestly, he's probably not wrong). So instead, he tries to give nothing away, even when asked specific questions, which just makes him sound idiotic or clueless. 

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I can't stand to watch that Nicole A clip so I'm just going by what all is said here...but she's really going to try selling the whole "it was just strategy" angle? 

Her stock dropped so fast. It's why reality show contestants should sometimes have term limits, lol. A second appearance rarely goes well. Notable exceptions being Jaysar and a few others.  

I'll chime in on Nic and Vic (ugh) not lasting long-term. I still can't get past the initial cringe of his on-air proposal. So awkward.

Not much else happening right now, it seems. Turned on the feeds for 30 seconds to see Kaysar slam some bagels or something on the counter. Killing ants? And Memphis eating away while looking like he'd rather be anywhere else.

ETA: Bay and Day just talking about Camp Comeback and Jackson? Feed cuts. So that happens a lot, it sounds like.

Edited by CrazyDog
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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

Ian telling a story about how the other kids would throw rocks at him while he was running laps in gym class.  Dani thinks he must have been doing something to antagonize the other kids. That tells me all I need to know about her.

That woman is so heinous. Her vile attitude just permeates from within and uglies up her outsides. She's starting to look like the Joker to me. 

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8 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Nicole Anthony also said that she thinks, as an educator, that showing Jackson love will help him not be racist or something.

Well, that seems to have worked really well so far. 

9 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

She said today it was strategic move to trash them to the house. 

So...she was telling everyone she wanted to go home to the point that we thought she might actually self evict, but her strategy was to trash two people who were NOT on the block? Makes perfect sense. Honestly though, I feel bad for her. She got in way over her head. This is one of the problems with changing your entire life trajectory after meeting with some initial popularity from a reality show. She came into the house with pressure to uphold her image and her brand, she miscalculated badly, and now it affects not only her personal life and self esteem but potentially her career. 

I feel like these people don’t learn. Three of the last four seasons, houseguests have decided that what America really wants to see is them gloating while making fun of and even bullying the “bad people.” Every single season, they’ve been wrong about who “the bad people” are in the eyes of viewers and the gloaters have had a harsh return to reality when they emerge. Shouldn’t they know by now to just not trash anyone? Especially returning players! How do people make this same mistake season after season?

7 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I dunno, Victor is working towards a legit career (well...). I think this might actually be his bid for freedom. I can't wait because in 20 years, Lifetime will be making movies about people escaping relationships with online influencers like they do now about women escaping polygamists. Victor could be the original inspiration - I am all for gender equality in bad television movies. Why is it always the woman in peril putting her life back together? 

Vic is the one who has relentlessly pursued this at every turn, though. He kept up his attempts to date her for a year until she gave in, then moved himself to Ubly a few months later to live in her parents’ basement with her. He proposed when they had been dating for a year and would then get annoyed with her when she would forget to refer to him as her fiancée rather than her boyfriend. He has stated numerous times that he wanted to get married quickly but that he was indulging her need for a big wedding, and also that he would want to have kids without necessarily being married first but that her values doesn’t align with that. I give him a lot of credit for putting in what seems like really hard work to get the job he has now, but it also seems like another way to establish himself in her life and her town—he could be an influencer anywhere, but now he’s specifically a Michigan state trooper. For whatever reason, he’s genuinely obsessed with having her, and I don’t see him allowing her to get out of it now that he has what he wants. I guess it’ll be a different story if he gets tired of HER, but—it’s sort of hard to believe that’s going to happen, given the level of obsession.

7 hours ago, CrazyDog said:

I'll chime in on Nic and Vic (ugh) not lasting long-term. I still can't get past the initial cringe of his on-air proposal. So awkward.

That proposal was so cringeworthy and such a bad choice on his part, something I’m sure he still doesn’t realize. She was clearly uncomfortable and self conscious, and the fact that he unexpectedly cut his hair and shaved right before meant that she literally didn’t even recognize the guy proposing marriage to her. And then she described the ring as “so cute,” IIRC, which is maybe not exactly what most women are looking for in an engagement ring. She seemed like she wanted to be anywhere else the entire time. That’s why, as annoying as Nicole is, I still think it’s her who’s under his thumb and not the other way around. I think he’s very clear about what he wants and very pushy about it, whereas she is more wishy washy and whiny. 

Edited by Jillibean
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6 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Ian telling a story about how the other kids would throw rocks at him while he was running laps in gym class.  Dani thinks he must have been doing something to antagonize the other kids. That tells me all I need to know about her.

That's just so gross and doesn't speak well on Dani's behalf at all. Blaming the victim is never ever a good thing and I just....I cannot believe this season has completely turned my opinion of Dani from loving her to loathing her. She is proving herself to be Dick's daughter (I never saw Dani's first season, to be fair; only her second). 

  • Love 13
9 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

She did apologize on her twitter feed. I couldn’t get it to paste properly, but she said “I love them to the moon and back! I didn’t deserve them. I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to able see it clearly in there.”

She did not deserve them. And they did not deserve her. Apologies do not suffice.

Why should Nicole A. have happily leapt aboard the already-sunken Janelle/Kaysar ship? Just because J/K are generally polite people? (Although let’s not forget BB6, where Janelle referred to the other houseguests as “r*tards” and Kaysar was prepared to physically assault Ivette.)

Strategic realignments are part of the game, even when they aren’t in service of your favorite players. 

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10 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:
10 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

She said today it was strategic move to trash them to the house. 

I don't believe her for one second.

Strategic move as in “I desperately want the ‘cool kids‘ to like me (and vote to keep me) so I will buy into and feed their character assassination of the people who are actually kindest to me.” 
Also I believe some of that may have honestly been subconscious on her part. She believed the shit she was saying about Jaysar, even if deep down she had her doubts, which she felt bad about ignoring when Julie asked her about her behavior.

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13 minutes ago, JediDVguy said:

Why should Nicole A. have happily leapt aboard the already-sunken Janelle/Kaysar ship? Just because J/K are generally polite people? (Although let’s not forget BB6, where Janelle referred to the other houseguests as “r*tards” and Kaysar was prepared to physically assault Ivette.)

Strategic realignments are part of the game, even when they aren’t in service of your favorite players. 

But it wasn't strategy. That's what we're taking issue with. She was trashing them when she was by herself and just talking to the feeds. She legitimately believed that they were against her for no good reason and then began trashing them because of it. And now that she's out of the house and getting backlash about it, she's pulling this "it was strategy!" excuse out of thin air. 

Note that while Tyler gets made fun of a lot, no one is mad at him for actively nominating Jayser, because in his case, it legitimately IS strategic. He pretty much HAD to nominate them for his game. NOT nominating them likely would have hurt him. 

  • Love 15
8 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

Kevin just told Janelle that he gets Ronnie vibes from Kaysar

harry potter idiot GIF

6 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Ian telling a story about how the other kids would throw rocks at him while he was running laps in gym class.  Dani thinks he must have been doing something to antagonize the other kids. That tells me all I need to know about her.

Wow, Dani is just something else. I can't wait until she gets out (soon hopefully lol) and sees how much she ruined her reputation lol.

1 hour ago, Jillibean said:

That’s why, as annoying as Nicole is, I still think it’s her who’s under his thumb and not the other way around. I think he’s very clear about what he wants and very pushy about it, whereas she is more wishy washy and whiny. 

From the way Nicole tells it (and I believe it's true), Victor is very creepy. So many red flags in how he pursued her. And I truly do not believe she loves him as a person. However, I do think she loves that he's obsessed with her and I think she loves that she gets to act like a cute little girl and let him take care of her. They both suck lol.

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I've given this a lot of thought, & I have a solution to our national "Jaysar On the Block" dilemma. What they need to do is have "America" vote 1 of the evicted houseguests back in. Maybe announce it this week, & the houseguest goes back next Thursday. There will need to be something that will keep Kaysar safe this week so he stays in the house. Obviously, it'll be Janelle voted back in, they don't even need to count votes, & it doesn't matter that Keesha & NicoleA weren't sequestered. Even let Janelle not be sequestered, that'd prove interesting for a return. 

Once she's back in, since it's all-stars, announce a twist, where she's safe for 3 weeks. An added bonus, is that she gets to choose 1 other person to join her in 3 weeks of safety. Hmmmmm, who will Jedi Janey choose? 3 weeks of Jaysar safety, & bonus, by that point, the 295 different alliances will be forced to turn on each other & start eating themselves, which would be loads of entertainment, when our Team Jaysar is safe. 

I'm not much for producer-interference, but I will legit bolt when Jaysar is gone. If you want ratings, keep the people we like in. I'm not here to watch Franzel cry, or Dani be a bitch, or Cody be dumb, or Enzo not clean up after himself in the bathroom. I'm here for Janelle & Kaysar, all day, every day. 

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10 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

But it wasn't strategy. That's what we're taking issue with. She was trashing them when she was by herself and just talking to the feeds. She legitimately believed that they were against her for no good reason and then began trashing them because of it. And now that she's out of the house and getting backlash about it, she's pulling this "it was strategy!" excuse out of thin air. 

Even if her perceptions were totally baseless, I find it distressing that all of the houseguests are apparently forbidden from disliking Janelle and/or Kaysar. Lol. Nicole getting raked over the coals by Julie (who has celebrated true scum like Dick, Gina Marie, and Paul) was a complete farce.

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15 minutes ago, JediDVguy said:

Even if her perceptions were totally baseless, I find it distressing that all of the houseguests are apparently forbidden from disliking Janelle and/or Kaysar. Lol. Nicole getting raked over the coals by Julie (who has celebrated true scum like Dick, Gina Marie, and Paul) was a complete farce.

Oh, agreed that Julie treating Nicole like trash was SUPER messed up. 

  • Love 3

Kaysar's up now! He's asking David how he's voting. (I missed David getting up.) David said he is voting for whoever leaves the least amount of messes in the kitchen. Kaysar says that is a close call. David thinks if he votes Janelle, then Kaysar would come after him anyway. Kaysar says don't you remember our talk the other day? David says Kaysar has pretty low credit. Kaysar laughs.

2 minutes ago, KootieTaw said:

Maybe that's how he lets his family know he's thinking of them? 😂

Maybe his ex-wife.

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35 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Call me a marshmallow, but I'm one who almost always accepts a genuine expression of remorse, and to me, Nicole's apologies seem genuine. She messed up her game but I still like her. 

I don’t think it is genuine though. She wanted to be with the cool kids and wasn’t and tried everything. Her motivation seems to be to make sure people don’t hate her so she loves Janelle and Kaysar and is so sorry and it was all strategic. Instead her perception and insight is awful and she acts like a mean brat when she is nominated because it’s not fair. I don’t think she is that sorry. She doesn’t want any backlash. That’s why she wouldn’t even take a stand against Jackson and Holly. She wants praise for that and it is the dumbest move strategically and personally/morally. I think she is sorry she played such a bad game. I don’t find genuine remorse in her “love them to the moon and back” for Janelle and Kaysar. She is covering her ass. 

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4 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Kaysar's up now! He's asking David how he's voting. (I missed David getting up.) David said he is voting for whoever leaves the least amount of messes in the kitchen. Kaysar says that is a close call. David thinks if he votes Janelle, then Kaysar would come after him anyway. Kaysar says don't you remember our talk the other day? David says Kaysar has pretty low credit. Kaysar laughs.

David suuuuuuuucks.

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