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I'm not thrilled with the "you are the strongest person I know" comments, as recently said by Stacey to Darcy or Darcey saying, "I'm a strong woman." Why? What have you overcome? What have you had to deal with other than failed relationships? I know a number of women who have gone through hell and back and I wonder how they are able to survive. They are an inspiration as to their strength. Not some superficial relationship which never really fully got off the ground.

Edited by Breedom
Edited for clarification
  • Love 14
18 hours ago, Mothra said:

I've had no response from TLC concerning my suggestion to make this drekfest into a sort of Full House, so I'm going to try again.

OK.  Stacey ditches Florian (who I admit has become a little adorable in a repellent kind of way) and now we move into Patty Duke Show mode.  Here they are, these aging twins who only want the love they deserve (and answers), and what better way to test the sincerity of their tuber-munching boyfriends than to pose as one another on dates?  It seems to me that this show is squandering its greatest and most obvious asset:  THEY'RE TWINS, BASIL!!!

What good are twins but to impersonate each other and fool people?  These are Strong Women and can easily carry off such a charade, but their skills are being wasted, week after week.

And that child with the hippie name going into pageants?  Sweetie, that ship sailed twenty years ago.  Darcy, don't humiliate your daughter any more than you already have.

Maybe these two women of a certain age need to find US sugar daddies and learn to play golf.  There's more money in that career than they'll ever see from TLC.

Once more, @Mothra, you have killed me. I am slain. Your entire post is GOLD. 

Thing is, Darcey and Stacey are both so insecure that they'd never trust the other with "her man". Can you imagine the tears and recriminations that would ensue? "Did you kiss him? Did you enjoy it? HOW COULD YOU KISS MY MAN?" Followed by tears, wine gulping, and flouncing. 


18 hours ago, charmed1 said:

They don’t want those guys. They want young “hot” guys that look like the guys who used to stand outside my college library dressed in all black Armani Exchange smoking cigarettes. 

Bingo. They don't want a pot bellied, polo shirt wearing, bald headed, golf playing guy! And truth be told, they're edging into "too old for a trophy wife" territory in any case. The best they can do now is dangle a green card in front of some hungry, wolfish young dude with a strong stomach. 

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45 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

They don't want a pot bellied, polo shirt wearing, bald headed, golf playing guy!


The sad thing is...as someone who was on the dating scene 2 years ago as a newly divorced 40 year old, my experience is that those guys? They want an under 30 hot thing to parade around. I am not joking.....obviously there are good, age appropriate single men out there (I found one!), but I found a lot of older, not so great looking men who thought they were god's gift to the world. Many were looking for a young thing because now they finally decided they wanted to start a family and had labeled divorced women as "bitter." It's brutal out there, so I do feel a bit of sympathy for the Silva twins.......

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20 hours ago, charmed1 said:

They don’t want those guys. They want young “hot” guys that look like the guys who used to stand outside my college library dressed in all black Armani Exchange smoking cigarettes. 

Well, yes and no.

I'm a good bit older than these broads, and the Jean-Paul Belmondo mode was still a *little* attractive to girls my age, but what we wanted was Marcello Mastrioanni for the long haul.  So it's hard for me to relate--we were still in the "daddy substitute" phase, I guess--and it seems I still am.

I think their chief goal is to stay on TV, followed very closely by making money while getting to travel and have more plastic surgery on TLC's nickel.  I'm not sure about TLC's paying for the plastic surgery, but the girls are at least getting a big discount because of their association with the TV show.  But "love" and even "answers" aren't really what they're after.

I swore I'd never watch this show (with good reason, it turns out) yet here I am.  It saddens me to see these women work so hard to "enhance" themselves in pursuit of the young men you describe--and you're right; that's the type they go for, so sad--when they still have a chance to retire somewhat gracefully from this pile of shit.  Darcey won't give up, though; I suppose her daughter, who is now a main character, will begin harvesting the TLC dollars on her own, and it's all just too bad.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

They don't want a pot bellied, polo shirt wearing, bald headed, golf playing guy! And truth be told, they're edging into "too old for a trophy wife" territory in any case. The best they can do now is dangle a green card in front of some hungry, wolfish young dude with a strong stomach. 

Oh my god.  "Trophy wives."  Sweet Jesus on a pogo stick.

No, you guys are right that they don't want Tubby McBigbux IF they continue on TV.  But if they were to leave TV, that's where they ought to set their sights:  secure, big money, country club--where they *will* be the Cincinnati equivalent of trophy wife.  Or maybe I insult Cincy--the *Podunk* version of Hot Stuff.  They aren't going to be able to keep this up much longer, you know--there's only so much silicon can do when it competes with Age and Gravity.  I only hope they have a good financial manager who's created a plan for a secure dotage.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

my experience is that those guys? They want an under 30 hot thing to parade around.

Exactly, which is why I said they're really getting too old to be trophy wives. They are clearly chasing their lost youth and think they'll be able to hold age at bay. But they won't. And when they're 60 they'll be grotesque caricatures. Well, more grotesque than they are now. And the boy toys will be younger, grubbier, sleazier, and more unattractive by the year. 

  • Love 6
40 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

They are clearly chasing their lost youth and think they'll be able to hold age at bay.

Agree 100%. They are delusional and I guess that is why they have my sympathy---they are at the age where they are too old to be a trophy wife, unless they look for someone MUCH older. They think chasing a young, hot "stud" is the ticket.....it may work for some, but in general, say when Florian is 46 and Stacey is 66 and all the silicon is drooping and she looks like a melted candle, I am guessing he will jet off for younger, or age appropriate pastures who possibly can give him children. People sadly fixate on the flash and the material aspects. It is a complaint I actually have of my current BF---he fixates on how much money people earn, as if that makes people better "quality" people. The fact that he earns more than my ex for example, makes him a better guy. No---it is a multitude of OTHER things about him that make him a better man. I have pointed this out numerous times and it drives me nuts....but habits die hard I guess. Hopefully Darcey wakes up and realizes there are guys in their 50s/60s who would adore her, are in decent physical shape, and don't have to stash money in a sock while charging up her cards. 

  • Love 7
41 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

when Florian is 46 and Stacey is 66 and all the silicon is drooping and she looks like a melted candle, I am guessing he will jet off for younger, or age appropriate pastures who possibly can give him children.

I agree 100%. Florian's not in it for the long haul. He's not going to be hanging around changing Stacey's Depends in 30 years. If he lasts five years I will be very, VERY surprised. 

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, Mothra said:

Well, yes and no.

I'm a good bit older than these broads, and the Jean-Paul Belmondo mode was still a *little* attractive to girls my age, but what we wanted was Marcello Mastrioanni for the long haul.  So it's hard for me to relate--we were still in the "daddy substitute" phase, I guess--and it seems I still am.


Being familiar with the two of them, I would take Marcello anytime. When I was in my early to late teens, my guys were Oliver Reed and Alan Bates, both of whom were much older than me. 

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Speaking of terrible faces, has anyone seen pics of Heather Locklear lately? Her face is so PLUMPED UP with fillers, plumped up isn't the right description. Her face is inflated and stretched and looks terrible and painful. Have I posted about this before? I can't remember, but reminds me of what looks to be fillers in the twins faces - all mishapen and ugly.

Heather is no spring chicken but this is a lot more than aging or weight gain. The bloated face is horrible.  She is in a new Lifetime movie, I'll have to check it out. But here is a pic from Heather's Lifetime movie:



Edited by hookedontv
Added link to NY Post article
On 9/24/2021 at 12:06 AM, magemaud said:

Does Darcey realize she looks naked in this bodysuit? (That’s a rhetorical question, of course she does) 


Ok!  I give up!  What the 'ell am I looking at here??  Is this an AARP optical illusion game?  (Now that I "get" the nude body suit look, WHY do I keep thinking that her feet look like they're on backwards??  Maybe that was part of the exciting new Turkish surgical surprise!)

  • LOL 13
On 9/24/2021 at 1:03 PM, Pepper Mostly said:

Exactly, which is why I said they're really getting too old to be trophy wives. They are clearly chasing their lost youth and think they'll be able to hold age at bay. But they won't. And when they're 60 they'll be grotesque caricatures. Well, more grotesque than they are now. And the boy toys will be younger, grubbier, sleazier, and more unattractive by the year. 

Can you imagine them in their 60's? Omg. I know they are adults but I wish their parents would intervene and tell them they are going too far with everything. The young foreigners, the surgeries, etc. I wonder what their ex husbands think of all this. And for the record, I do think daddy is still bankrolling them. Georgie said it in one of their arguments and I believe it. 

I also think they are still hurt by their teenage years when they were made fun of , called trolls, and had no friends because they were considered ugly and weird. They will never get over that unless they seek therapy. 

  • Love 8
37 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I also think they are still hurt by their teenage years when they were made fun of , called trolls, and had no friends because they were considered ugly and weird. They will never get over that unless they seek therapy. 

I don't think they want to get over anything. They are so enmeshed. They've had a weird Mary Kate and Ashley thing going on for decades at this point. They think they have the greatest relationship in the world! They're strong! They're empowered! 

And I think they are exaggerating their trials as teens. And my god, they were teens more than 30 years ago. Everyone in the world has faced teasing. Someone in 6th grade probably said "troll doll" once and they've never forgotten it. They probably never ever tried to make friends with anyone else, just stuck together like glue. No wonder people thought they were weird. 

They exaggerate everything. Georgi's been turned into some kind of abusive monster. He's no prize but he does not come across as a creepy, controlling abuser. Just your garden variety fuckboy. 

  • Love 14
28 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

They exaggerate everything. Georgi's been turned into some kind of abusive monster. He's no prize but he does not come across as a creepy, controlling abuser. Just your garden variety fuckboy. 

Lol,  perfect description of Georgi. I can't help it, I still like the guy. Oh, and  yeah,  Octavia, you were fucking divorced! If I were Georgi I would have made enough copies to shove in ALL of their faces. Which, by the way, he never received a single apology for that lie. 

  • Love 10

Surprised there aren't more posts about the finale....

I didn't think their noses looked all that different. And I was dying with laughter at Florian's reaction to the "big reveal" at the airport. I could almost imagine the thought bubble over his head as he looked at them, "Oh my God...I can't see any difference. Did they actually do surgery? OK, what to say, what to say... ok, ok, 'I like, I like, your noses look.....snatched!'" 😁

I was shocked that it didn't end with Darcey giving Georgi another shot. I truly hope they are over and done....while I don't think he is some abusive monster, he is a user and it was pretty clear in this episode he really didn't give a shit about her or the relationship. He was looking for a free ride. I think production got that as well and I felt like they lingered on his tacky LV jewelry and accessories....I doubt a man who was living in a basement room in the Virginia burbs and had his car repo'd was rocking designer anything before finding Darcey. I am sure he will get another sugar momma soon due to his "fame" from this mess. I mean, Jesus, if Sequim Mike can find a woman, Georgi won't be single long. 


I thought the scene with G and his ex wife was interesting....would love to know how that all went down. She really did seem SO over him. She also came a across a bit more....trashy. More Darcey like (so maybe trashy isn't the word)---the nails, the top, etc, than she did when she met her last time. 

  • Love 8
46 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Lol,  perfect description of Georgi. I can't help it, I still like the guy. Oh, and  yeah,  Octavia, you were fucking divorced! If I were Georgi I would have made enough copies to shove in ALL of their faces. Which, by the way, he never received a single apology for that lie. 

Right? Darcey and Stacey, sneaking around like they're in a French farce, meeting exes, setting traps, trying to catch Georgi in a lie. Meanwhile, he had his divorce decree filed away, found it easily and produced it on demand. All that idiot Darcey had to do was ask. And when he did, was there an apology? "I'm sorry I doubted you. I should have asked you up front instead of sneaking around like Lucy Ricardo trying to hide a new dress from Ricky". NOOOOOO. She just jumped to the next thing she wanted to be mad about. She is never going to have a successful relationship because she does not want a partner, she wants a servile, ass kissing toady. 

  • Love 22

Did anyone else notice that Georgi's former wife, Octavia, was wearing a "barely there" summer top when they were sitting in the park while Georgi and everyone else who passed by were wearing winter jackets?  In a scene following shortly after that, it was so cold that a person's breath was visible.  Rather obvious she chose a garment to "show off her sexiness for the camera."

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, Annifran said:

Rather obvious she chose a garment to "show off her sexiness for the camera."

I have to wonder if it wasn't in response to seeing how Darcey dresses? I mean, Octavia has the body to pull off a tummy baring top and jeans. Darcey does not, but still wears it---I have to say, I admire her confidence, lol. 

I didn't notice that about the breath and how bundled up G was in that scene---props to her for not shivering. I would have been, with chattering teeth in my scene. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Annifran said:

Did anyone else notice that Georgi's former wife, Octavia, was wearing a "barely there" summer top when they were sitting in the park while Georgi and everyone else who passed by were wearing winter jackets?  In a scene following shortly after that, it was so cold that a person's breath was visible.  Rather obvious she chose a garment to "show off her sexiness for the camera."

The last episode was surreal… their faces were completely destroyed by the doctor’s attempt to make them look exactly alike. Each of them had lost their unique features and they looked like two stupid dolls from some old woman’s collection. The only way they could think they looked attractive, if they were suffering from dysmorphophobia  and needed professional help.

it is very sad to see that her daughters are following her steps - I guess to be a part of this circus is very tempting.

George is going to do well after his TV appearance … Octavia made a very bad impression the second time around

Edited by Maximadc
  • Love 11

I had my Aha! moment with D&S when they did that montage of all the guys saying mean things to Darcey.  

Tom asks if she's put on weight.

Georgi says Stacey's face looks a little better, as Darcey still has "wrinkles".  Etc.

Jesse's stepfather tells Jesse that he's way above Darcey, right in front of Darcey.

Seeing all the negative comments made to her, all at once, made it clear to me, that Darcey is trying to fix her insecurity, not just relating to the childhood trauma of being called troll dolls and eating lunch only with her sister, but a more important, and possibly larger, insecurity:

Darcey has always felt insecure around Stacey.  Stacey's always had more of a confidence, an assuredness, and we've seen Stacey give Darcey little jabs over the years, where Darcey gets defensive.  Darcey doesn't jab back, she just backs down, cries, and gets defensive.

My guess would be that Darcey has always felt not just as a troll doll, but as the less attractive of the twins.  Hence, her insane desire to fly across the world and surgically become truly identical.

The one thing Darcey could control over Stacey is her weight, so she's kept that down.  But her actual facial features are simply not as attractive as Stacey's.  Darcey has too much of her dad's facial features, giving her a more masculine appearance.  Hence the enormous eyelashes, and everything else that goes along with her OTT appearance, even more OTT than Stacey.

My mom's joke with how she met my dad was that he was on a date with "the uglier of two twins".  While it's funny to hear my mom tell it, I suspect Darcey has always felt that way.

Edited by Starlight925
  • Love 9
On 9/27/2021 at 4:35 PM, TzuShih said:

Ok!  I give up!  What the 'ell am I looking at here??  Is this an AARP optical illusion game?  (Now that I "get" the nude body suit look, WHY do I keep thinking that her feet look like they're on backwards?? 

Now that you said that, I can't see anything else.  I try forcing my brain to make them go the right direction, and it just won't

  • LOL 3
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3 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Now that you said that, I can't see anything else.  I try forcing my brain to make them go the right direction, and it just won't

Statisticaloutlier, I am SOOO relieved that a fellow Primetimer sees what I see!  😁  You have saved me the pain of scheduling my first dementia/cognitive test!! ("‘Person, woman, man, camera, TV, naked body, backward feet.")   

P.S.  Thanks magemaud for posting that most hilarious optical illusion. Oh the humanity!  (As an a identical twin who shares such closeness with my own sister, I find it too sad to actually watch this show.  Though I can't help but occasionally read these forums. As the male disasters pile up in their lives, I can only hope that as they mature, their twinship grows stronger.  🤗🤗 

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Starlight925 said:

The one thing Darcey could control over Stacey is her weight, so she's kept that down.  But her actual facial features are simply not as attractive as Stacey's.  

Darcey's eyes are slightly closer set than Stacey's, which sometimes makes her look cross-eyed when she makes her annoyed scrunch face. Stacey's eyes are slightly hooded and look sexier, probably due to less aggressive procedures in the past.  Darcey was THRILLED when the doc said she had 3 litres of fat removed compared to Stacey's 4.5 litres.  Ha ha, Darcey, you are no longer the thinner one!

Now that the doc has made them as identical as possible, perhaps Florian will have a hard time telling them apart and hit on Darcey by mistake.  Chaos will ensue.

Edited by deirdra
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17 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

.I doubt a man who was living in a basement room in the Virginia burbs and had his car repo'd was rocking designer anything before finding Darcey.

None of their designer stuff is real, they do not have that kind of cash in a sock or anywhere.

Darcey should be glad that Georgi had $1400 in a sock, someone in that household should have some cash...we have never seen the twins do a day's work, have we even seen them sit at a computer?  They just spent a month in Turkey for some frivolous cosmetic surgery, did not mention a job or question how much anything cost, if they were not getting paid from this show none of that could have happened.  I don't think Papa Silva would foot the bill for their antics in Turkey.  When the TLC dollars dry up they will give up their apartments return the family home and not even look for a job.


  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

None of their designer stuff is real, they do not have that kind of cash in a sock or anywhere.

Darcey should be glad that Georgi had $1400 in a sock, someone in that household should have some cash...we have never seen the twins do a day's work, have we even seen them sit at a computer?  They just spent a month in Turkey for some frivolous cosmetic surgery, did not mention a job or question how much anything cost, if they were not getting paid from this show none of that could have happened.  I don't think Papa Silva would foot the bill for their antics in Turkey.  When the TLC dollars dry up they will give up their apartments return the family home and not even look for a job.


They certainly couldn’t get any customer-facing jobs with those scary facial disfigurements.  Imagine the nightmares that they would inflict on children of tender age. 

  • LOL 5
3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

e have never seen the twins do a day's work, have we even seen them sit at a computer? 

Oh don't forget their business----House of Eleven (eye roll). I suspect Darcey gets some alimony and child support. Either last season or during her antics with Tom, someone posted a link to a video of her first husband's wedding to his new bride. It was a very, very elaborate fancy looking affair at a resort in Mexico. It was cheesy and cringey (the video) and the man is fugly----but he has the $$. Stacey may still get some support for her sons, but the wedding to Flo would have nixed the alimony. I actually can imagine Stacey holding down some sort of job.....she seems the slightly more emotionally stable of the two. 

  • Love 3

I see no difference at all between the twins emotionally.  Stacey had her own little full on meltdown when she saw that whole video of Florian being a bad boy with that other chick. He's behaving now so she looks sane. Soon as he steps out of line again we will see Darcey 2.0 again. 

As far as looks, I don't see what some others see. I can not tell them apart. One is not a single bit more attractive than the other. I don't think Darcey considers Stacey the better looking twin. I do think she's a bit jealous of the fact that Stacey has been holding on to one loser for 6 yrs. while she can't keep one for 6 months. 

1 hour ago, Stuckathome said:

someone posted a link to a video of her first husband's wedding to his new bride. It was a very, very elaborate fancy looking affair at a resort in Mexico. It was cheesy and cringey (the video) and the man is fugly----but he has the $$.

Maybe the wife's family paid for the wedding. Isn't that the custom?

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18 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I don't think they want to get over anything. They are so enmeshed. They've had a weird Mary Kate and Ashley thing going on for decades at this point. They think they have the greatest relationship in the world! They're strong! They're empowered! 

And there you are, you dumbasses at TLC--yet another suggestion of something to do with these Troll Dolls!  And it's already half-way done for you:  Anybody ever hear of House of 11?

Both sets of TWINS BASIL began their careers with important though not starring roles on a lower-tier tv series with a specialized market, shows that were sneered at by the upper bourgeoisie and anyone with a genuine sense of humor (i.e. anyone who could see the irony of Dave Coulier and Alanis Morrisette).  The roles in both instances represented a sort of innocent yet grotesque comic relief and both the Tanner Baby and the Silva Twins had/have their own frustrated and obsessed fans.  And you can't tell me this isn't the face of a Troll Baby.


More to follow.  Just got back from the opthalmologist and can't see straight.

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On 9/29/2021 at 6:36 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

None of their designer stuff is real, they do not have that kind of cash in a sock or anywhere.

Darcey should be glad that Georgi had $1400 in a sock, someone in that household should have some cash...we have never seen the twins do a day's work, have we even seen them sit at a computer?  They just spent a month in Turkey for some frivolous cosmetic surgery, did not mention a job or question how much anything cost, if they were not getting paid from this show none of that could have happened.  I don't think Papa Silva would foot the bill for their antics in Turkey.  When the TLC dollars dry up they will give up their apartments return the family home and not even look for a job.

It isn't only about the TLC money. With the exposure from TLC they have now Cameo, Only Fans, speaking engagements or conventions (Meet the Silva twins from 90 Day!) and *gulp* book deal heavily written by a shadow writer. 

Not sure about Stacey but I still feel that Darcy is a functioning alcoholic. 

  • Love 3
29 minutes ago, greekmom said:

It isn't only about the TLC money. With the exposure from TLC they have now Cameo, Only Fans, speaking engagements or conventions (Meet the Silva twins from 90 Day!) and *gulp* book deal heavily written by a shadow writer. 

Not sure about Stacey but I still feel that Darcy is a functioning alcoholic. 

Functioning? Barely.

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8 hours ago, Gobi said:

Functioning? Barely.


9 hours ago, greekmom said:

It isn't only about the TLC money. With the exposure from TLC they have now Cameo, Only Fans, speaking engagements or conventions (Meet the Silva twins from 90 Day!) and *gulp* book deal heavily written by a shadow writer. 

Not sure about Stacey but I still feel that Darcy is a functioning alcoholic. 

So Jesse was right again! 

Edited by Maximadc
  • Love 5
On 9/17/2021 at 10:19 AM, magemaud said:

Even though they've hired a pageant coach, I think Aspen is in for a rude awakening when she competes against girls who have been in pageants since they were babies and have won titles like "Ultimate Supreme Little Miss Universal Royalty" 

BINGO!  I experienced this firsthand myself back in the 80s when I was married to my previous husband.  We had just watched the Mrs. America pageant on TV, never before knowing that married women could now enter pageants just for them, and my husband started egging me on to enter the competition for the upcoming year.  He thought the world of me because I was a professional model who was also attending law school, and he always used to tell me that I was the perfect combination of looks and brains.

Little did either of us know what a professional business pageants are and that you don't just enter a pageant at the age that I was (which at the time that I did enter the pageant I was 21 years old) without having had previous pageant experience and training.

The 80s was NOT the information age, nor were there any pageant programs on TV so as to learn about how one goes about getting into pageants.  I naively decided to give doing so a try, and looked upon it as an opportunity to do something different and interesting for the first time, and to hopefully meet new people and make new friends.  And yes, back then I would probably have bought the Brooklyn Bridge if you offered it to me, I was that naive, LOL.

Anyway, my husband got his law firm to sponsor me for the pageant by purchasing a ton of ad space in the program.  He then sent me to a professional photographer to take the photos of me that would appear alongside their ads.  One of the sales ladies at a very exclusive, high end boutique that I used to frequent was also a designer who we hired to design and make two evening gowns for me and a very elaborate cocktail dress, as well as two swimsuits.

The pageant was held on Miami Beach, Florida, at the same hotel that we stayed at, which was the world famous Fontainebleau Hotel.  Each pageant contestant had to room with another lady.  I lucked out being paired up with a lovely roommate who at the time was a hostess on the Home Shopping Network. 

Pursuant to my first meeting with all of the other contestants, fear and nerves began to kick in after I started realizing that this was serious to them, whereas to me this was a lark "just for the experience of it" that I'd embarked on.  Not at any point ever had I thought that I'd win, place, show or even get an honorable mention, LOL.  I just wanted to try it out. 

Out of all of the contestants there were maybe 10 or less of us who had never before been in any pageant whatsoever.  The remainder of the ladies were all pageant pros, and the woman who actually won the event had been the first runner up the year before, so that's how I found out that many of these women tried and tried and tried over and over and over again in these pageants.  As my best friend's brother said, who was in the audience with my mom, my in-laws, my husband's aunt, my hair stylist, and a group of five friends, one of whom was my best friend, the winner definitely had breast implants.  The reason I bring that up is because breast implants were not as de rigueur back then as they are nowadays.  I could not understand how he knew that and could see that from the audience, but let's just say her brother was quite the ladies man who got around and had more than the average man's share of experience knowing what breast implants looked and felt like firsthand (nowadays I now also know how to recognize them, LOL). 

Not that there's anything wrong with having them.  The point being made when referencing that she did have them is that the average attractive lady was not going to cut it.  There's a certain look you need to have, and I just didn't have that look.  I never knew how to do my makeup in the glam manner, which is what the winner also had - perfect, glam makeup.  Mine was just normal, average makeup.  I was also painfully shy and I thought this might be a good opportunity for me to try to come out of my shell.  Well let's just say that a beauty pageant is NOT the place to try to not be shy, because not only were the majority of the pageant pros NOT friendly like my roommate was, but I totally bombed the cocktail reception that was held on the first evening of the weekend event.  That was when we were supposed to mix and mingle with the judges and let them have a glimpse of our personalities and how we comport ourselves. 

Since I was a complete novice who entered this thing without any training or practice, I went in blind and completely froze up and flubbed it big time.  Lesson learned.

So the grandfather is definitely correct in requiring Aniko to take it seriously and get training in order for him to finance her.  That being said, Aniko totally does NOT have the look or poise that these pageant pros do have.  Aniko's just an average attractive teenager who will be far outranked in the looks and glamour department unless they also hire a professional makeup and hair person for her as well.  Good for her though in wanting to try something for the first time.  I just hope it doesn't detrimentally scar her, because with her lovely personality she will be out of her league and swimming with sharks.


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On 9/18/2021 at 8:27 AM, MrBuhBye said:



This is actually scarily horrifying.  Clearly, based on their reactions to themselves after the most recent episode showing the results of their Turkey procedures, these two do NOT see themselves the same way that the rest of the normal world views them.  So they probably are not horrified when looking at the bottom two photos.

I just can't fathom how Florian or Georgi can ever get it up in the presence of these two ogres.

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12 minutes ago, Xebug67 said:

This is actually scarily horrifying.  Clearly, based on their reactions to themselves after the most recent episode showing the results of their Turkey procedures, these two do NOT see themselves the same way that the rest of the normal world views them.  So they probably are not horrified when looking at the bottom two photos.

I just can't fathom how Florian or Georgi can ever get it up in the presence of these two ogres.

The top pic reminds me of the Dreamboat Annie album cover.  Not twins, but two lovely sisters.

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On 9/27/2021 at 5:35 PM, TzuShih said:

(Now that I "get" the nude body suit look, WHY do I keep thinking that her feet look like they're on backwards??

Oh god, now I can't UNSEE that! 

I was surprised when Darcey claimed that this would be the first time she had anything done to her face. I guess lip fillers and Botox don't count as work? 

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Since somebody brought up Darcey's ex-husband, I thought you might want to check out the Catskills motel he owns with his family: http://www.thetwilightlodge.com/index_a.php

and he's also listed as the manager of a Bob's Discount Furniture store! Oh, and he sells real estate...

edited to add: I read his net worth is $ 500K, which I don't find particularly impressive nowadays

Edited by magemaud
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18 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Since somebody brought up Darcey's ex-husband, I thought you might want to check out the Catskills motel he owns with his family: http://www.thetwilightlodge.com/index_a.php

and he's also listed as the manager of a Bob's Discount Furniture store! Oh, and he sells real estate...

edited to add: I read his net worth is $ 500K, which I don't find particularly impressive nowadays

So are the daughters shuttled back and forth to the Catskills?  They should have an episode where Darcey takes her date to the motel and the ex delivers the room service.  Hilarity ensues.   I think Stacey was married to a soccer player.

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On 9/22/2021 at 6:33 AM, Pepper Mostly said:

And you know what? One day Darcey is going to encounter a real manipulative, gaslighting creep who will take advantage of her, empty her bank account, run up credit cards, steal from her, isolate her, cause her all kinds of damage. And she will stick by him through thick and thin because he'll give her piggyback rides on the beach and cover the bed with rose petals and kiss her fingertips and tell her she and she alone can warm the cold places in his lonely heart. Seriously, if Georgi was any good at being a manipulative gaslighter he'd have a lot more than $1400 in a sock. He'd be kissing her ass every minute of the day and telling her how wonderful she is, and she'd be showering him with gifts and handing over her Amex card. 

You mean like Florian does with Stacey?  😈

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